Karen Takes Over My House While I’m GONE! Calls COPS When I Return, Insists He Owns My Property!

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hey guys welcome back I hope you're having an amazing day let's get right into the stories the first one is a pro Revenge story about six or seven months ago my neighbor got a drone I don't mind people having Hobbies but for some reason he insisted on flying like the biggest jerk possible he would hover in front of other houses and windows try to race cars going down the road and worst of all he had a habit of flying his drone in my fenced backyard buzzing over my dog diving low just over my dog's head before circling around to do it again my dog isn't small he's about 70 pounds in a malamute but the Drone terrified him and I was worried about what would happen if it hit him I asked my neighbor several times to please not fly in my yard and explain that it was scaring my dog he basically told me to get lost and laughed in my face when it still continued I called the police unfortunately there wasn't much they could do other than ask him to please not fly over my house property finally in late December it happened my dog got tired of his crap and managed to catch the Drone right as it was diving towards him he shredded the Drone the thing was just a jumbled mess of wires and plastic neighbor was pissed he stormed over to my house swearing and threatening me which I ignored a week later I got a summons to small claims court he wanted 900 for the cost of his drone and an additional 300 for supposedly denying him access to his property the Drone sat in my yard for a couple of hours before it was retrieved duck that he could have killed my dog I don't have kids or a girlfriend I just have my dog who is my best friend for the past seven years that dog has moved with me three times was there when I graduated college saw me buy my first house and my first new car I love my dog went to legal advice got some great help from them turns out him suing me was the best thing to ever happen when we got to small claims court the judge basically laughed away his claims that I had intentionally trained my dog to attack his drone but little did he know I was prepared I had dozens of photos of my yard showing it was impossible for him to accidentally fly that low to my dog videos of him harassing my dog in the past and I had saved all my medical bills from taking my dog to the vet 700 for an x-ray check another 250 dollar to sedate him during why not don't want him being uncomfortable full dental exam with tooth cleaning repair 400 then there was the cost of anti-anxiety meds and a secondary checkup wet food for a week in case his teeth were hurt and extra just for good measure in the end the a-hole ended up owing me almost two thousand dollar and now is being investigated by the FAA for not having a registered drone and violating several FAA regulations concerning drone flight to near an airport too close to other people out of sight of operator and way above the maximum altitude enjoy never being allowed to fly drone owns again idiot the next one is an entitled people story hi there my name is Alex and I recently experienced a terrible ordeal that I never thought would happen to me I live in a cozy apartment in the Heart of the City and it's a place I've called home for years one day I decided to go on a long vacation to Europe with my best friend leaving behind all of my belongings and the security of my home I felt safe leaving my apartment because I had arranged for a close friend Mark to look after my place while I was gone Mark is someone I've known since childhood so I trusted him completely to take care of my things and keep the apartment safe before leaving for my trip I made sure to write out a detailed checklist for Mark so he knew exactly what was expected of him while I was gone the list included instructions on how to water my plants what to do if there was an emergency and how to take care of my pets as the days passed and I was having the time of my life in Europe I tried to reach Mark to check in on things but to my surprise he was never available able to answer my calls or texts I assumed he was just busy with his own life so I didn't worry too much about it finally the day arrived when I was supposed to return home I was ecstatic to see my apartment again and to be back in my own space but when I arrived I found the front door was locked and I couldn't find my keys anywhere I rang the doorbell and waited but no one answered that's when I heard a faint sound of movement inside the apartment I was confused but I tried not to panic as I waited I saw police cars pull up to my building I thought it was strange but I didn't think much of it until I saw Mark come out of my apartment with a smug look on his face followed by the police they came over to me and started asking me all kinds of questions and I couldn't understand what was happening Mark had told the police that I was a squatter trying to break into his apartment and he had even gone as far as to change the locks on my front door I couldn't believe it I tried to explain to the police that I was the rightful owner of the apartment but they didn't believe me I was so angry and hurt that Mark someone I had trusted with my life would do this to me I decided to take matters into my own hands and hired a lawyer to help me get my apartment back after weeks of legal battles and going back and forth with Mark and his lawyer I finally won my case however my victory was short-lived a few weeks after getting my apartment back I noticed that some of my belongings were missing at first I thought I might have misplaced them but as I looked around the apartment more closely I realized that someone had broken in and stolen my things I was devastated I had lost some of my most valuable possessions including family heirlooms that I had inherited from my grandparents I knew that I couldn't let this go so I contacted the police and reported the theft the police investigated the crime but they were unable to find any evidence that would lead them to the thief I was frustrated and angry but I didn't give up I started doing my own investigation talking to neighbors and reviewing security footage from the building after several weeks of searching I finally found a lead one of my neighbors had seen a suspicious person hanging around the building on the day of the break-in with this information I went back to the police and they were able to track down the thief and recover some of my stolen items it was a huge relief but I still had a lot of work to do to recover everything that was taken I spent the next few months going to flea markets antique shops and pawn shops trying to find my stolen belongings it was a grueling process but I was determined to get everything back eventually I was able to track down most of my stolen items and I felt a sense of relief and closure that I had never felt before however just as I thought everything was behind me I received a call from the police they had arrested Mark for stealing my belongings it turns out that he had been the one who broke into my apartment and stole my things I couldn't believe it the person who I had trusted the most had betrayed me in the worst way possible Mark was sentenced to jail time for his crimes but it didn't bring me the closure that I thought it would I was left feeling violated and vulnerable knowing that someone I had trusted had taken advantage of me in such a terrible way it took me a long time to regain my sense of security and Trust in others as for my apartment I decided to make some changes to ensure that nothing like this would ever happen again I installed a state-of-the-art security system changed all of the locks and made sure to only trust people who I knew for certain were trustworthy it was a difficult lesson to learn but one that I would never forget the next one is a petty Revenge story I work in data analysis for financial firms in Europe I recently got a new line manager from America while I usually get along well with my American colleagues this guy is an asshat I'm not sure how he got promoted to his position as he knows nothing about the industry I often have to present to the board and he always goes through my slides beforehand and asks me question about them he then asks purposefully challenging questions about things he's only just learned from me five minutes before the meeting it's really dickish Behavior once I realized what he was doing I started being more careful about how much I shared one time I managed to plant questions that made him look stupid in front of the board following this he made me present to him beforehand and then he would take my presentation and deliver it himself to take the credit this really pissed me off so I took my Petty revenge for the next meeting I included a few slides in the PowerPoint that were not connected to the presentation I was able to quickly skip through these when I was going through it with him so he didn't pick them up however once he got to the meeting the fun began the board was very surprised to see a picture of a baby kangaroo in the middle of the projected Q3 earnings he got flustered and blundered through the next few slides he was just getting back on track but then the regional analysis appeared on the bare chest of Tom Brady the board was getting visibly annoyed at this point and they thought he was joking around it all settled down until the final slide which was the standard any questions Only The Faded picture in the background just happened to be a bikini pic of the CEO's daughter taken from her Instagram how did that get there asshat quickly made his apologies and left he came gunning for me so I had to play ignorant I don't know how that happened it was all fine when we went through it before must be a hacker luckily Sergeant craphead bought this excuse as he knows nothing about anything the board however weren't so forgiving and they immediately transferred him to a more Junior position six months later I got promoted to the role he had vacated the next one is an entitled people story okay so this isn't a recent story and it occurred during the pandemic a few things to note my next door neighbor is the wealthiest person in the neighborhood as far as we know before the pandemic he was a reasonable guy and I never had a problem with him save one party that got a little out of control but for context I will start this story before that day this neighbor who we will call Jack lives in the house next door to mine with his long-term girlfriend let's call her Stacy she's a gem of a person since before my father-in-law gave his house to my wife he would hold crazy parties at his house these parties would happen every weekend he invited us to one when we moved in and we went to be polite but it wasn't our thing so we politely declined he was still a reasonable guy and would say come on we'll have a blast but the wife and I would use our kids as an excuse and politely decline he converted the first floor of his house into a nightclub complete with an indoor swimming pool one party will always stick out to me as the day we saw a tow truck remove a car from a brick wall the driver was okay but the party itself was massive it looked like he invited the entire town the next day he asked me if I would help help him move a couch the couch was thrown into the pool I helped and we had a laugh about it as I said even with some of the wildest parties not a bad guy he at one point helped me clear out some trees that fell in the woods behind our houses it was the pandemic that caused him to go off the deep end my town was spared the worst of the pandemic the schools shut down before the orders from the state many businesses did the same Jack however did not stop his partying his parties were shut down several times until one day it looked like the entire police force showed up they arrested everyone they were all let go but the parties were over and the good fun-loving guy was gone he organized a protest with his friends and got a bunch of others who hated masks and went to the town hall it was closed and they tried the county office for some unknown reason they went after a supermarket and harassed the workers I think it was on Facebook and YouTube but I may be confusing it with other such protests why these people chose to harass grocery stores is beyond me well he ended up getting arrested again we were still on speaking terms at this point that would change when he and a buddy of his decided to race their overpriced cars through town we got into a heated argument about it and he took offense when I pointed out that the only reason he isn't in jail is that he's rich not my proudest moment more recent events include calling the police on anyone who is having work done on their house calling the police when anyone parks on the street sending lawyers to town hall to disrupt the meetings and most recently parking 10 junk cars on the street with flat tires wrapping a chain around a piece of construction equipment and putting up a very vulgar sign oh and his girlfriend usually comes over to apologize for his actions I am surprised that she hasn't broken up with him she is the one to apologize for his actions and will offer to pay for any damages they are still together from what I know but I haven't seen her in a few weeks my neighbor is the Pinnacle of the entitled ritual in my opinion the next one is an entitled parents story last week I was traveling for work it had been a long two days of meetings and I was exhausted I had just arrived at the airport for my evening cross-country flight home when I got the dreaded text from the airline saying my flight was delayed two hours due to mechanical problems I decided to pass the time by getting something to eat I found an airport restaurant and sat down to order I ordered my food and pulled my phone out of my bag to catch up on email and browse the web while waiting for my food to arrive while I was waiting a family with a mom dad a little girl about five years old and a middle school-aged boy sat at a table near me I didn't pay them much attention as I was looking at email on my phone but then I heard the little girl exclaim in a rather loud voice look mom that lady is on her phone at the table I then heard the mother reply yes she shouldn't be doing that it is rude to have a phone at the table I glanced over and the mother said to me we have a rule that no phones are allowed at the table my first reaction was to say something snarky as exhaustion was definitely getting the better of me but then I thought better of it and decided to be polite I looked at the little girl and said we have the same rule in my family but since I'm here alone I'm not being rude to anyone and by looking at my phone now at this point the sun looked like he wanted to crawl under the table from embarrassment and the dad was trying to hand the mom a menu and said it's okay let's just order I thought that would be the end of it but no the mom said obviously you have a family so you know how important it is to follow rules I would appreciate it if you would put away your phone in a tone that a parent would use on a petulant teen the little girl chimed in and said yeah you have to put your phone away my brother can't have his phone at the table so you can't either I looked at the little girl and said in his sweet a tone as I could muster well the great thing about being a grown-up is that I can do whatever I want so now I'm going to keep looking at my phone and turned back to my email the mother side loudly the teen looked even more embarrassed and the dad again tried to get the mom to just order and leave me alone the mom called the waiter over and asked to be reseeded he grudgingly moved them to a different table my food arrived and I ate in peace enjoying browsing Reddit the next one is an entitled people story I was born when my mother and father were only 17. it forced both of my parents to drop out of high school and each get a GED so they could find work right away my father especially was not happy about this because he had dreams of playing football in college and instead he had to work at a gas station he said to my face many times that I ruined his dream my mother hardly raised me at all as she had to work too they had a cranky old lady next door watch me most of the time she wasn't so bad she gave me more attention than my parents did my father eventually managed to land a better job as a manager due to his experience running the gas station it was right after that my mom got pregnant with my sister I was six when she was born I wasn't shown much love before that but once my sister came along it was made pretty obvious even to my six-year-old self that I was unwanted the only ones who seemed to care were my paternal grandparents and my babysitter they were more like my parents because they treated me the way a little kid needed to be loved we lived in a two-bedroom apartment as my sister got older it went from me sharing a bedroom with her to to me being kicked out of the room entirely I slept on the couch for two years and I barely had anything to my name other than clothes school supplies and an old Game Boy when I was 10 my parents decided they were going to move away but this move did not include me I ended up being fine with this because my grandparents had agreed to take me in my life was instantly better I got my own room again and my grandparents gifted me a brand new N64 in 1996. that Christmas I got a Game Boy Pocket too and there were a couple of other kids my age in the neighborhood I got to hang out with we rode bikes played video games shot cans with pellet guns built Forts and got dirty playing in the creek you know stuff a normal kid would enjoy I was finally happy as time went on I grew up and eventually moved out but later I moved back in to help my grandparents house as they were getting old and living off their retirement savings so some rent money for me went a long way in paying the bills my grandpa was the kind of person who wanted to build a bomb shelter during the Cold War but never got around to it he wanted to volunteer for the military in the 60s but was turned down due to a medical condition and the fact that his eyesight was not great so he focused on saving whatever he thought he needed he told me many times it was better to have something and not need it than need it and not have it our area suffered from numerous power outages in Winter due to heavy winds and storms so having gasoline and propane for heaters and generators was a must all these saving habits became my own as time went on because it was better to need this stuff rarely than not have it at all of course there was the HOA bothering us but that's its own story the problem is about five years back my grandma died suddenly and my grandpa was heartbroken he also went about a year and a half later pretty much everything they owned was willed to me their savings their house their vehicles their stuff everything the house was long paid off and Grandpa knew how to keep up with its maintenance in fact after grandma died he kind of doubled down on renovating the place he had the roof redone the house was repainted by us inside and out and we fixed a lot of little things Grandpa's neighbor George even came by to help redo the plumbing ironically the HOA was rather happy with these changes because the house didn't look run down anymore one morning I was fixing breakfast and my grandpa never came downstairs you couldn't keep the man from his bacon so I went to check on him and he wasn't moving I called cops and paramedics came only to tell me he'd passed in his sleep my parents made Grandpa's funeral a crap show they didn't bother to show up for grandmas they were too busy and at Grandpa's funeral they didn't seem to grieve at all my sister also showed up wearing a brightly colored designer dress which I wasn't happy about as it was a church clothes only function I noticed my parents repeatedly whispering to each other and glaring at me whenever I looked at them come to find out at the will reading that my parents knew that they'd been disinherited long ago for their treatment of me and they thought it extremely unfair I got everything they threatened to sue me to contest the will and I got repeated calls and messages from my father mother and sister telling me I needed to do the right thing and give my father what was supposed to be his I told them all to flake off in Far More unsavory words my parents ended up taking me to court to challenge the will but the judge ruled in my favor after seeing the will and hearing us both out so it wasn't a long drawn out legal battle the judge even looked at my parents with absolute disgust after seeing the will and hearing about their mistreatment of me and my childhood he called my father a terrible parent and that my grandparents were right to disown him my father just hung his head in silence but he made sure to stop me outside the courtroom and tell me I was always the biggest mistake of his life and that if he could go back in time he'd make sure I never exist did he should have been a football star and instead he has to wear a name tag for a nine to five I told him that mistake or not Grandma and Grandpa could see what kind of nasty person he was I didn't ask to be born and the only real love I ever got was from my grandparents and he was no father of mine anymore I got a few more threatening and harassing phone calls as well as some letters from my parents all demanding money among other things but over time they just stopped because I completely stonewalled them I never responded to the emails or letters and I stayed silent during the phone calls a few times I just left the phone sitting on the counter with them ranting until they realized I wasn't listening aside from not getting the house or money my parents seemed particularly irked they could not even get a rise out of me but I was prepared to go to war against them and they knew it so in the end they just left me alone from what I know looking at Facebook the past decade my sister tried to get into modeling got married had two kids got divorced and is currently unhappily working a job she feels is beneath her my mother currently Works retail and is also vocal about her disdain for it like my father she peaked in high school she was a cheerleader back then and even had her old uniform framed on the wall my father has pretty much had the same job for 25 years he must be good at it if he's still doing it as for me well I'm in my late 30s now and I live pretty much debt-free in a nice neighborhood I haven't really had a girlfriend since high school and I've had little motivation to ever have another relationship but loneliness gets to everyone so maybe I'll try to find someone soon not many are in the financial position I'm in at my age single paid off house two vehicles and a decent amount in the bank I guess I could aim to be a stepfather that might be more my speed overall I'm content with my life I know that without my grandparents love and support I wouldn't be where I am today they were the only ones who truly cared for me and I will always be grateful for that as for my parents I have no intention of ever speaking to them again they made their choices and they have to live with the consequences and as for me I'll continue to live my life on my terms with the lessons I learned from my grandparents guiding me along the way thank you for watching I would really appreciate it if you could like the video and subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already we'll see you again tomorrow
Channel: The Readers
Views: 81,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, podcast, entitledpeople, entitledparents, entitled parents, prorevenge, revenge, funny story, funny video, neighborstories, neighbor, hoa stories, hoa story, homeowner association, justnohoa, karen, smug karen, aita, amitheasshole, amithejerk, best of reddit, bestof, reddit podcast
Id: LUtF6uYoO2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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