Karen Grabs Me & Spins Me Around After Insisting I Must Be Working Here. GETS PUNCHED

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hey everyone welcome back to Crown Corner the channel where we dive into the wild world of entitled people and their unbelievable stories hope you enjoy it and without further Ado let's go for those of you who aren't familiar with my stories I 31f have a Manchild entitled brother 26m who lives in the house I co-own with my mom my mom has told him he has until May 30 first to move out I've been anxiously waiting for him to leave doing my best to bide my time but I finally reached the end of my rope and for something that I'm not sure is the straw or the log that broke the camels back last night while I was in bed entitled bro informed me he would be taking my dog spot for 3 Days on some fishing trip I told him there's no way he could do that he said he wasn't asking he was telling me he said he's my dog too and that he is entitled to take him whenever he pleases here's the thing though 9 years ago entitled brother the demanded a dog I begged my mom not to he had one previously but he neglected it and my mom ended up rehoming it for which he never let her hear the end of but of course she caved and the same problem persisted entitled bro never cared for spot I ended up taking over his care paid for his vet bills fed him took him to get groomed Etc things came to a head when we had to move in with family members and they said we were not allowed to bring a dog entitled bro didn't do anything to find spot a new home it was my problem I found him a foster home where I visited him every day after my college classes ended and was able to get him back 2 years later when we finally had a place to live again additionally when I moved out of my house for a year spot went with me spot sleeps with me every night and has my name on all of his records he's now 10 and has arthritis he takes meds for his hips and his stomach and needs frequent bathroom breaks oh and he hates the water so when little bro said he wasn't asking me he was telling me I knew that spot would be miserable and possibly in pain that whole trip he hadn't asked or even mentioned taking spot before so he is due for a refill on his pills tomorrow had I known I would have gotten the refill sooner I tried telling him spot needs a lot of care and he said yeah so just give me everything he needs and I was so irritated you wait until the night before to tell me this then he said something that made my blood run cold I could have just taken and let you panic but I was being nice telling you ahead of time that did it I don't know why but every alarm bell went off in my head I grabbed my purse put on my slippers and told spot to get in the car I drove to my fiance's house and slept here last night I was going to move into fiance house this summer but now I'm asking myself why the hell I'm waiting everyone on Reddit keeps asking me why I stay home and right now I can't remember any of the reasons I had before I'm done done my mom is staying out of it right now and I'm glad because I genuinely don't care what she has to say I know she doesn't want me to go but I just can't take entitled Bros little power trips he can do whatever he wants to the house punching holes in the walls kicking the appliances calling the house a dump but I draw the line at him taking my dog without my permission that's my baby and I'm not going to just stand by while he does whatever he wants with my pet when I explicitly told him no something that he barely hears TS I occasionally have asked bro to let spot out for bathroom breaks since he doesn't work until the afternoon and his response is always he's too busy to do that he has given me no reason to trust him to care for my dog for even a few hours let alone 3 days on a fishing trip so to start with I'll just talk about what happened when her eldest daughter contacted me I was relaxing and bed at home after pulling an all nighter this was back when I was swamped with Commissions in 2022 and before I became an art director when I heard my phone buzz it was a message asking if I was me and I asked who was texting me this was basically exchange D it's me B Karen's daughter me oh the oldest one how are you de I'm all right I had to go through mom's iPad to find your number I wanted to let you know she passed away I was surprised to say the least and asked be what happened this crap is a bit strange but this is the end of an entire titled parent story and I felt like it's something that people really need to hear so I hope this doesn't get taken down if it does I fully understand but we can also see this as another person acting like an entitled parent to the previous entitled parent if that helps because there is a controlling person in the story as well background Karen had joined a woke Buddha based cult now first off I want to make something very clear the actual Buddhist faith I have absolutely no problem with they're teaching have historical importance and I love some of their ideal this cult however was not at all like the actual teachings they Pride themselves on the cult was run by a person named oi not sure on the spelling but I'm using their true name it's not actually her real name but the name she believed some sort of cosmic entity chose for her because people need to be wary of this person and stay clear of them and she was definitely a character she acted like she meant well but would subtly alienate Karen from other people and ol at her mentally constantly feeding Karen lies like she needed to devote herself completely to the teachings listen to montress constantly only listen to her and no one else's advice eat a specific way do shrooms you get the picture even convincing that Karen's true name is Ayan for some reason which even Karen questioned whether or not it was her true name but ocg would swear up and down that it was and she couldn't change it Karen would also push this Cults ideals onto her children as well as emotionally neglect them because of ocg would tell her to do other things instead of look after her kids can you hear the alarm Bells yet indoctrination 101 is it play here and what's worse is that for all I know this osy person is still doing this to unsuspecting people people who want to feel loved and be a part of a community those kinds continuing on I had a falling out with Karen sometime in 2021 see my story on the exploding glass baking pan and when I tried to admit fault for hitting someone else's car and her trying to lie to police for those stories and at the end of that year I moved States a little over a year later was when her daughter contacted me and the conversation continues me she passed away how when d a few weeks ago D went on to describe the whole thing to me in detail warning the rest of this story we'll be talking about a very serious subject such as set aside skip if you are sensitive to this topic all right so the story is as follows Karen shortly after I had moved away lost her custody of her two youngest children to their father her oldest daughter be had a different father so the two of them moved to another state and right next to ocg's Residence in her own little Community Karen was in an incredibly depressive state after losing her custody over the young ones and was being emotionally distant from be to the point when Karen left the house and stayed at a friend's place for several days leaving be home alone at 14 years old e would ask to go see her mother and check up on her but oi would deliberately tell her that her mother needs time away from her and is not mentally well enough to come back and see her daughter bearing Bee from going to her needs time away bull crap I said but when Karen didn't come back home for a little over a week the neighbors started getting worried about be and they along with OC contacted be's father who lived in Texas to whom they sent be to go live with this is where it all went downhill shortly afterwards Karen came home to find her daughter gone and being told that Bee's father has her with him in Texas now this is just conjecture but I believe she spiraled thinking that all her babies were taken from her and she would never see them again oi and her neighbors found her on the floor of her home a few days later after they didn't see her at all for some time having overdosed on sleep medication these kinds of things leave an awful taste in my mouth this ocg could have cared less about these to his welfare pulling Karen into her weird idealistic anti-government ways and making her ignore her own children and not getting the mental help she actually needed sorry this is a sad story but for what it's worth that woman did not deserve what happened to her her indoctrination into the cult messed with her mind and she already was thinking that the world and God was out to get her I can only hope her children are doing all right at the end of all this because after talking with be that day I haven't heard from her since and it's been a few years she did tell me that her father and stepmother were treating her wonderfully and she is happy living with them so there is that at least short backstory I'm suffering from social anxiety and the key element to this story is I hate when strangers touch me I get really uncomfortable freaked out by it that and the fact that I did take a couple self-defense classes a couple years ago not too much but enough to know how to strike a punch so this story happens in the local go to discount store the dress code is a blue polo with the store's logo and a big yellow font on the back and a small logo on the front it really should not be hard to spot when someone is an employee I was wearing a classic white shirt at the time not remotely any a hue of blue and no bright yellow name tag on anyway I was casually browsing the store putting stuff in a card I was carrying with me at some point I decide that I don't really want this random item so naturally I go to put it back because I'm a decent human being that doesn't leave stuff Lane randomly in comes angry witch AB from here on I'll be me AB proceeds to First snap her fingers and say something along the lines of hey you come over here like so many others on this post I ignore her thinking she isn't talking to me because why would she I'm obviously not an employee turns out AB didn't like this at one point I walk away from her toward the registers to pay for my goods as I'm walking away AB proceeds to walk up behind me grab me by the shoulder yell something the like of how dare you blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I am a self-entitled witch yada yada yada you should not ignore me squee squee and spin me around as I mentioned I'm a no touchy touchy guy and I'm not saying what I did is necessarily okay but I acted on pure Instinct from what I learned in self-defense mids spin around I yell as back off as loud as I can a good tactic to use if you're being assaulted or harassed as it works as a deterrent factor for the asant because you're not an easy target and it also draws people's attention thus giving you Witnesses and proceeded to give a mixture of a shove and a punch the result of the punch was a bee falling flat on her ass and proceeded to yell even more obscure things me what the actual heck are you doing lady AB what the f did you just punch a paying customer I demand to talk to your manager right now me what I don't work here what the ab you filthy liar you just assaulted me I'll have you fired and arrested luckily a manager was actually in the same aisle as we wear and why she didn't ask him as Beyond me he's wearing the name tag and I guess he heard the shouting CU he came rushing over manager what's going on here AB your shitty employee just ignored me and proceeded to assault me completely unprovoked I demand that you fire him and call the police me lady I told you I don't work here you assaulted me of course I'm going to defend myself manager this man doesn't work here uh B A he was putting things back on the shelves manager he still doesn't work here never has either as far as I know uh B I still demand that you call the police now this is where the malicious compliance comes in the manager gave me a knowing look and a smile turns out the store has CCTV cameras pointing just down this aisle manager I'd be happy to call the police for you I'm sure they'll be here soon me look man I really just want to buy my stuff and go home AB you're not going anywhere you assaulted me you're lucky I'm going to the police instead of beating the crap out of you buture wow who would have imagined long story short the manager called the police and two nice gentlemen in uniforms were with us within 10 minutes asking what happened AB proceeds to give the story about how I completely ignored her because she had a question and that I then proceeded to hit her and kick her and kick her with the f I shoved her out of the way and I tell my story where she keeps screaming about how I'm a filthy liar and she's a poor victim because she's a woman in all other sorts of crap the manager tells us he can quickly pull up the footage from the CTV and the police were more more than eager to see it about 5 minutes later we're all standing in the back looking at the footage officer well lady it does look like you assaulted him and he simply defended himself I don't spot him either punching or kicking you this results in arguing that would most likely be flagged for excessive foul language and is just one giant mess of a discussion between her and the officers I guess it can be summarize that she had a re moment and it ends with her lunging at one of the officers looks like she was going to SL him or something and she was taken back to the station with them apparently attempting to assault an officer isn't very popular with said officer I have no clue what happened to her but I was free to go and got a free coupon for approx $35 for the store which was more than the total I was buying for so I was quite happy with that I saw the manager a couple times in the store afterward apparently the crazy woman has been banned from the store but he hasn't heard anything new either it was all one big cluster of what the heck is going on enjoying the stories yet if you do please subscribe like and comment I think this is a pro Revenge if not tell me and I will post it elsewhere also this will be a long one I'm very verbose and it spills over into text too a long time ago I worked for a fast food place that has a very noticeable golden bright yellow usually symbol the people involved me a 17 19yearold male living in a medium-sized town in the UK I'm now old relatively damn how does that happened also a giant toker at the time had dreadlocks and smoked almost every day Queen a hostile but shockingly beautiful and thoroughly nasty human woman aox 1923 is during all this nonsense fman a second assistant manager who I got on really well with from day one he took no crap from bullshitters had zero tolerance for Queen his usual greeting was something like hey Queen who are you going to pick on today and if he saw her bullying someone he would just walk in between her and the victim and bend down to stare in her face she would walk off and pretend nothing had happened more than once he stated if BK were a man she would have been beaten senseless by him by now he hated violence but she was really awful also he was a bit of a unit as in 250 lb of muscle in a gym Obsession long before it was cool also a fairly big smoker we used to get high after work a lot with some of the other employees awesome manager my store's first assistant manager who was a wonderful women who helped me as a human a lot in a huge number of ways protecting me from Queen would only part of it senior area manager who I will call Sam since all the actual Sams I have know have all been good dudes too also a great protector from bees of BK monster the new store manager in the proximate cause of her own and BK's downfall also a trollfacer oozed hate and bitterness so time to tell the tale of how it panned out I'd been there a year or so before Queen was promoted to manager until then she was obnoxious but powerless but somehow after marrying the store manager she got a promotion jumping the next two steps up at that to Second assistant manager surprising eh I had been wared by the bigman when I was first hired to never be alone with her as she had a number of young men fired for groping her by her store manager bethon husband even when the video showed that there was no close contact let alone groping in some of those cases I was super careful in this regard Queen started playing games with theoda against me and a few others she hated I think she hated me because I got along with most people and she always hated sociable and non- people her favorites got the best shifts and the people she hated had our hours cut and shifted about without warning she would pencil and changes a few minutes before a shift started I caught her doing it but her store manager husband didn't want to deal with it and then send home the one who turned up for their now giv away shift with a warning she would then call up and scream at the one who was off but now suddenly on shift were not arriving when they had no idea the shift was changed it's sort of Genius really getting two workers Queen hated in one blow she did try this crap on me but I just called a awesome manager and she checked the computer records and sorted it out she also let Queen know she was going to be checking the rotay daily and approving all changes so Queen had to find a new tactic I was a pretty hard worker it made the time pass quicker for me and was friends with the awesome manager and the big men who protected me from Queen's bull crap almost all of the time and would fix things when crap happened while awesome Ander was off work I also cultivated a good relationship with with our Sam and he ended up setting a special store Rescue Team to sort out failing franchise usually stores in the area placing me in charge of it as the top trainer of the group Queen was maybe 7 months into being a manager at this point this made me more or less Untouchable as long as I kept my nose clean and so Queen went mental she started on my friends bullying and abusing them in work and trying to get them all written up they told me and I told awesome manager she slapped Queen down again metaphorically of course the bigman made some complaints about her treatment of the other staff she calmed down a little until her husband got promoted to a different store some distance away later Sam admitted this was an attempt to calm the drama at our store but how wrong it all went our new store manager was a monster but good at hiding it to begin with after a few weeks aome manager noticed that only young women were getting accepted after interviews and pointed this out to me and the bigman and asked us to keep out eyes and ears out for anything dodgy going on it wasn't long until it became clear what was happening I had made pretty good friend with one of the new hires I admit it I was interested and she was hot I will call her shine site she was a lovely but very sheltered young lady from a nearby Village living in a house share in the town we worked in she went out with the girls a group centered on Monster queen and a couple of monster bitch's friends on a Friday and the next day in work was really distracted we finished at the same time so I offered shine Su a lift that is I gave her a ride home in my car for our American friends and she said yes since we liveed pretty close together in the car I asked if she had a fun night just asking to fill the time I wasn't digging at this point and she replied in a very non-committal way I remembered her saying she had a great time to Queen earlier during our shift so I asked her if she was okay she burst into tears and told me that she'd been the back of a taxi with monster and one of the friends Queen was up front and Mom and the friend had been groping Shinu really hard she showed me some bruises on her sides and thighs later she said she had more on her boobs and telling her she had to go back to their house and experience real SE I was livid but I tried to be outwardly calm I told her that they should be punished and i would support her and I knew that Sam awesome manager and the bigman would all have her back I recommended we go to the police but she was afraid she would lose her job I knew she wouldn't but couldn't convince her quickly and I didn't want to traumatize her further so I just said whatever she chose I would support and to call me if she is ever in a similar situation and I will come get her she hugged me for ages crying and we went and had a cup of tea in her house her flatmate knew something was up and I encouraged Shinu to tell her too she did and I left after making the more tea I had to do something but I couldn't directly involve Shin site and although I knew Sam awesome Mangin the bigman would believe me I had no direct evidence of an assault so what to do well the first thing was to check Where I Stood legally and it turns out the UK had a one- party consent recording jurisdiction as long as I am in place with no reasonable expectation of privacy I don't have to inform anyone I am recording audio or video at least according to the lawyer I asked who was a friend of my stepfather work counted as no expectation of privacy so I was good to record everything of course back then the smallest video cameras were the size of a small shoe box and really expensive and I was a burger chucker so cash was tight smoking a lot of weed didn't help there either but you could get some reasonably cheap audio recording stuff that with an okay microphone could be hidden in my shirt so I started a log of Queen and monster bitch's Antics in the store it was nearly eight months of recordings in total before the fan was struck by faces while they didn't direct much at me anymore I was able to capture multi-e rants from both of those awful harpies on almost every shift for about 6 months in one recording I got Queen ranting at a cooworker for about 20 mens and then me for another 30 mens or so after I redirected her towards me they would call workers almost always men but any woman who had turned them down got some crap thrown their way too stupid useless and worthless Etc with lots of fun adult words mixed in they also got into the habit of threatening everyone they dislike with firing I also got a lot of audio from young women about how creepy and sexually inappropriate monster Queen and their little gang of lesbian managers most of them were or had dated men so I guess but horrible humans regardless of their orientations were to the women who worked for us I got several direct statements about female co-workers being abused and told to keep quiet by the abuse gang members on various girls nights out and a few of them referred to bad things happening at monster bitch's house when they were too drunk to remember everything basically we had a blackmail and rape gang operating in our midst the final attack on me came when I was called into work by awesome manager and hold I was being investigated for smoking weed on shift while I did smoke a lot of weed at the time I never went to work High food you get fired for eating without permission and the munchies don't mix and anyway that day in particular the accusation was dated was one where I hadn't had any for a couple of days or been able to sort any out for a couple of days or been able to sort any out for a smoke after work either so I was totally truthful when I was asked about it by awesome manager and she said that because of the bullying she was escalating this to Sam so she suspended me on full pay pending an investigation the next day Sam called me and asked me to come for a formal interview as a first part of the information finding process he also said the bigman was on shift and would be happy to be my witness so I went down and sat in the crew room waiting for Sam with the bigman Sam stuck his head around the door and said deny everything to do with weed and wink he stepped out again and then opened the door with a serious face and asked myself and the big men to come through to the back office we went through a few questions and I answered everything truthfully pretty sure Sam thought I was smoking that day but gave no dams about weed and the interview ended with Sam reinstating me paying me for the previous day and the interview day and giving me another story to fix for 2 weeks to get me away from queen and the pack of harpies when I was back from the failing store but not working that Monday I got a call from Shinu mbn BK had told her she had to come to their girls only house party that Friday it was going to be a BBK and probably a lot of raping drunk girls by hostile lesbian the rape gang had been telling all the attractive girls to go to the party or think about finding a new job if you can't be a team player MB bu and another horror worked at our store the other three worked at a nearby store and that was the straw that broke the proverbial camels back I had those awful witches I had organized the audio files into groups by person and topic I had over 10 hours of in insults and abuse recorded and I had nearly another 10 hours of Staff telling me how they had been abused by BQ in the and their pack of rapists I called Sam and told him I had to speak to him that day he agreed and we met at a competitor's door I think they have a kingdom of burger Chuckers at lunchtime where I sat him down in front of my awful at the time super Cutting Edge laptop and had him listen to bits of the rape allegations first he started shaking with rage after about 30 seconds stopped it and told me to go to the police I then started on the abusing Rance messages and he listened to bits of a bunch of them and asked for copies of those files I had already burned them to seed so I handed them over and went at the police station I asked for a woman police officer and had her listen to abuse allegations she took a CD copy of those and told me to be quiet while they investigated I said fine but that this Friday the rape gang would have a number of under 18s at an alcohol fueled rape party she asked for and got the address in details I pass on the names of all the women who I knew for sure had been attacked in the past too since the police wanted to contact them to confirm things the police here never give out witness information so I was safe from retaliation the next Thursday I was on a late shift so I arrived around 1515 and when I got there the store was shut but the staff were inside I got LED in and told what had happened monster and Queen had been on day shifts and were apparently non-stop talking about how great their girl only party would be how any girl who had a boyfriend would dump him after spending the night with them and how any women who didn't attend were basically traitors to womankind after about 6 hours of this and around 14 06 police officers come into the store and arrest monster and Queen on suspicion of sexual assault blackmail extortion and assault they were both removed in handcuffs and Sam was there just after the police to shut them out of the computers and officially suspend them when I arrived they were just getting set to reopen so we got back to work later I got more info on the case my best friend's older brother was in the police force locally and he kept us updated M's rape house was raided the police found lots of videos of what was clearly assaults on drunk and non-consenting women they got lots of text message evidence for planning sexual assaults and talking about how to control young female employees to get them to have sex with the rapist they also had lots of threatening messages to victims to be quieter face Revenge loss of job Etc all their victims were under 20 with must being 16 18 but the deepest screw up for them came from this evidence and I had no idea when I got this all In Motion monster had picked up a young woman from a club a few months earlier this young lady was up for lesbian sex with nbk and another friend while foron filmed it but the young lady was 15 and just looked over 18 with makeup Etc so the rape gang had produced child porn in adverse certainly MB BK and all the other managers who were involved were fired after the arrest charges they were all charged with a number of things but the courts back then were even more lenient to female sexual offenders than they are now so none of them saw prison but they were all banned from working with children or in an environment where children will be present and the ones who were married in a relationship were all divorced broken up inside a year because of the UK laws at the time they were also not named publicly I know Queen never really recovered or grew past this I see her now and again if I visit my mother and she is still beautiful but so clearly broken it's almost sad shins was my girlfriend for a year or so a few years later we parted on good terms as she was off to study overseas awesome manager went on to be a store manager and then a pro dominatrix which wasn't a real surprise to me she was just a fun lady the big men went on to run and ITT in a large Company still a top bloke and I ended up in a field I love being paid actual money to more or less mess about all day and that is doing my job Once Upon a Time in the my peaceful town there was a young woman named Lily Thompson at the tender age of 25 I had found my place in this cozy little town working as a librarian and relishing the Tranquility it offered but little did I know that an encounter with an entitled parent would soon disrupt my Serene existence it All Began on a sunny Saturday afternoon I was strolling through the town park enjoying the gentle breeze on my face when out of the blue a high-pitched shreek pierced the air I turned around to see a commotion near the playground curiosity getting the better of me I hurried over to investigate as I approached I spotted a red-faced woman with a belligerent expression she was berading a young boy named Timmy who couldn't have been more than 6 years old the woman later revealed to be Karen A fitting name for her mind was undoubtedly the epitome of an entitled parent Timmy you better get up and let my precious angel have turn on the swing how dare you hog it for so long Karen bellowed her voice dripping with indignation but I've only been here for a few minutes ma'am Timmy replied his voice trembling unwilling to let such an injustice unfold before my eyes I decided to intervene excuse me ma'am but I believe Timmy has every right to enjoy his turn on the swing it's only f Karen whipped around her eyes narrowing at me and who do you think you are young lady interfering in matters that don't concern you I smirked bracing myself for the battle of wits that was about to ensue Well ma'am since you're curious I happen to be a concerned citizen who believes in fairness it's a rare trait I know Karen's face rened further a mix of anger and embarrassment how dare you speak to me like that I demand respect I I couldn't resist a sarcastic remark respect is earned not demanded dear Karen as expected Karen's entitlement got the better of her with a fiery glare she lunged towards me her fist aimed at my face but little did she know I had been taking self-defense classes for years preparing for such audacious encounter using her momentum against her I swiftly Sid stepped her attack causing Karen to lose her balance and stumble forward the onlookers gasp surprised by Karen's failed attempt to physically attack me in that moment the villain of our story revealed her true colors losing her temper and any remaining shreds of dignity with a mixture of rage and humiliation Karen screeched you will pay for this you insolent brat I couldn't help but chuckle relishing in the irony of her words oh dear Karen it seems you're the one who needs a lesson in manners amid the chaos a kind-hearted bystander had called the police who arrived just in time to diffuse the situation the officers listened to both sides of the story and swiftly determined that Karen's aggressive behavior was unwarranted as the police escorted Karen away she continued to hurl insults and threats her face Twisted in Fury meanwhile Timmy was finally able to enjoy his well-deserved turn on the swing a small victory against the forces of entitlement back in my college days several friends and I went to Lake Havasu Arizona for spring break those of you who have been probably hung around the London Bridge Resort at some point next to the hotel area there is a a walking path that follows a canal which leads under the old London Bridge and then to Lake Havasu itself this canal allows people to park their boats within walking distance to the resort one night three of my friends and I went for a stroll along this path during our walk we heard us some shouting which went along the lines of Beach cool be cool we're leaving man to be cool my group hung back for a bit after a sec a group of guys came up we asked them what was going on and they said there was two guys in a boat they were flashing people in the face with a spotlight talking crap and pissing them off then pulling out a pistol when they were about to get their butts kicked we were referred to the guys in the boat as do bags from here out so my group decided that we weren't going to stand for this and came up with a plan we continued down the pathway to dchb boat and played dump we asked them what those guys were so scared of being the smug self-satisfied little douches they were said those guys wanted to pick a fight with us so I pulled my gat on them and it was actually an old 38 revolver at that point I knew this was going to be easy you see one of the members of our group was a girl a pretty girl a pretty girl wearing a bikini and cut off jean shorts she laid on the dumb bimbo card and in no time had them eating out of her hand she said I've never seen a gun before is it heavy do you have any more those dip craps handed her their gun to hold and said no that's the only one she then handed to our buddy Jay who is a 6'4 280lb wall of meat Jay threw that gun close to 250 ft away into the canal which made a very satisfying thk when it hit water both do bags were completely speechless it took them close to 20 seconds just to process what had happened finally one of them spoke and was all with the F why did you do that you better go get it we just laughed and I said no we won't think about next time you're flashing people with that Spotlight after a few moments of incoherent shouting one of them tried to get into Jay's face for some stupid reason he didn't even make it out of his boat and Jay shoved him back into his seat hard enough that it broke neither one of the Dutch bags were very big our girl buddy could have took them other buddy Jace told them to go park somewhere else for the night because if we saw them again we would kick their butts for real so they pulled off off and when they were out and away from us they started talking crap again but we just kept laughing at them after they were gone we finished our walk went back to the hotel and started partying again it was a great night so if any of you make it out that way again get your snorkel app there's an old rusted piece of crap pistol at the bottom of canal by the London Bridge Resort thanks for joining us if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more captivating stories share your own experiences opinions in the comments below and let's keep the conversation going until next time stay tuned for more epic Tales
Channel: K-Korner
Views: 6,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, podcast, entitledpeople, entitledparents, entitled parents, prorevenge, revenge, funny story, funny video, neighborstories, neighbor, hoa stories, hoa story, homeowner association, justnohoa, karen, smug karen, aita, amitheasshole, amithejerk, best of reddit, bestof, reddit podcast
Id: nSEDnE6Fovg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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