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hello everyone and welcome to my channel my name is crown and today we are going to have some more stories from reddit but before we start it would be so much appreciated if you would subscribe to the channel like the video if you enjoyed it and maybe leave a comment down below these simple clicks would mean a lot to the future of this channel and really reward the effort that i put in every day and now without further ado let's go [Music] per story neighbor calls the police because my mother-in-law is barked across the road from their driveway updated to summarize my mother-in-law barked across the road from my neighbor's driveway they started losing their minds as they believed it to be their property this led to some shouting and of course a call to the boys in blue so as you can probably guess yes the driveway over lords did indeed phone the police after her threats we waited around waiting for my mother-in-law to be shipped away to the big house for committing the ultimate crime parking on a public street i know please try to hold judgement however like most close-knit streets our other neighbors came out to see what all the fuss was about and how did we get the gossip it turns out we aren't the only people she's complained about social carers for the elderly visitors for other houses council workers and even people who live on the street have all received notes since turn warnings from our delightful neighbors about our property although we were the lucky ones who finally pushed them over the edge well they finally arrived we can see their house from our window so it was prime viewing the lady of the driveway came running out of the house clutching among of what i can only guess is the tears of orphaned children they went into her house and closed the door and so we waited praying hoping that they would come across to get our side of the story well our wish was granted but let me tell you it was so much sweeter than we could have imagined after watching the officer poking his head out of the door like a meerkat trying to figure out where the car was that was blocking their driveway she gave him a hand and pointed to my mother-in-law's car parked across the street this poor fella looked more confused than a drunk with a calculator he eventually went back inside before heading over to our house and that's where the real fun began he came to our door and we greeted him with a customary hi what can we do for you officer and here is the following conversation from what i can remember good morning we received a complaint about a car from this property blocking a driveway my mother-in-law says hey there yeah we've been expecting you are you the resident here no my son and daughter-in-law are but it's my car that's been reported the silver one across the street from their house okay so i'm having trouble understanding the issue here was your car parked across their driveway nope it's been parked in the same space since i got here well your neighbor is claiming you plucked their car in their driveway and were trespassing oh we know she's been leaving notes from my cars and others in the street she's been claiming that the entire section of the road is part of her personal driveway you can ask the other neighbors what notes she asked you to move well kind of she told us and the rest of the neighbors that they would try not to hit our cars um what do you mean she's been accusing all of us parking in her driveway across the street from her house on the public road i even have a photo of where the car was bought a few hours ago i showed him the photo making sure to point out the time and date it was taken and he just shook his head he asked if there was anything else he should know before dealing with this matter we were more than happy to fill him in on how she came to my door to stamp her feet in disapproval throw in all the aggressively condescending it's illegal sweetheart she could our way he asked if we felt threatened i said no but i wasn't happy that she was yelling at me while holding my baby he said he understood and we encourage him to talk to the neighbors to get a full picture of what's going on so that's exactly what he did and oh boy it was all so much worse than i thought for them of course in our street news travels fast we're gossipy little jerks we even have our own street what's app group yeah i know it's kinda sad but we're all friends lockdown really brought us together the officer did in fact make his way down the doors and they were all more than happy to grass them in after all their griping it turned out that not only had they been harassing other people for parking near their home but they had also been witnessed exiting the car looking a little wobbly wobbly as in three sheets to the wind drunk as a fart one can only assume this is why he needs 20 plus feet to reverse into his drive his wife the lady of the driveway and pain in my life has been spreading rumors that other people were having affairs however the bs the resistance was revealed to us when the officer came back to our house when the officer asked about our trespassing on her property she told the police officer i trained my cat to do her business in her plant pots my huge fluffy and attitude fueled kitty had been having his morning poop in her begonias his name is stanford and he is renowned in our street for being a sassy little jerk sitting on top of cars sneaking into people's houses and sleeping on their beds and of course tormenting dogs i have never been prouder of him in the end the officer went back to her house and from what we can tell told her to stop being a fudd and if they were caught drunk driving again they would be arrested any more notes or coming to people's doors and they could be charged with harassment due to the volume and nature of the events essentially they were told to get a grip and the officer went off to attend to actual crimes now the neighbor parks across the street from his driveway and protest and the rest of the street accommodates by parking directly in front and behind him as in our ride by law get it right rabia i really hope my cat held eye contact while he was pooping on your plants next story my cousin stole loads of jewelry so i took his inheritance backstory 25 years ago my aunt passed away when i was a baby leaving my two cousins who were both in their early twenties alone to fend for themselves my grandparents who were very wealthy put a clause on their will the grandkids will receive half of their share of inheritance a faberum passes before the children reached the age of 30. and then the other half with my grandparents eventually passed both my cousins received a very sizable inheritance coupled with the money they got from selling my aunt's house the younger of the two paid off her college loans and was able to buy property she still lives on the same plot of land the older sibling however blew all of his money within six years he was back to living in a condo working as a police officer everyone in our small family knew he had a substance issue so he was barely making ends meet with his officer salary and buying copious amounts of drugs the next four years my cousin went to rehab three times sponsored by my grandparents he sobered up after getting his girlfriend now wife pregnant absolutely wretched woman she saw my grandparents as payday and essentially baby trapped my cousin thinking it was her ticket within seven years they had three kids so she is locked in tight she's a nurse and with three kids around they always needed a little boost guess who they would always ask you got it my grandparents being the kind spirited they are they always lend a hand my father mother sister and i got sick of it very quickly my grandmother unfortunately passed away when i was 17 leave him my grandma as the last remaining i was undoubtedly my grandfather's favorite among the grandkids which left a real sore spot in the mouth of my cousin and his wife i had two more years at home before college so i lived with my grandpa to keep him company and help take care of him my cousin and his wife hated this so much so that whenever they came to visit and i was not home they would send their three gremlins into my room to destroy it my room had double doors so it couldn't be locked and this was a start the longer i lived there the more they would miss with me my cousin even went as far as to place one of those little mechanical noise makers in the cabinet in my room the ones that blaze sounds at random intervals that makes you think you're insane thankfully my german shepherd would always hear it and after a week or so she finally found it they did this to distance me and deter me from taking care of my grandma so they could swoop in and be the heroes this continued until one of the kids found my gun by this time i was 18 and in the position of a firearm i use quotations because my grandfather has guns but cannot aim and shoot them anymore due to arthritis and nerve degeneration so when i moved in he placed all the weapons in my hands should the need of self-defense arise but should he see them out for any reason other than clean in there would be hell to raise being very well trained with guns and having a sense of pride in defending my home i took this responsibility very seriously i always keep the handgun in a locked container in my nightstand with the key on a high shelf out of reach from the gremlins one faithful day i am out getting my grandfather's food when i come home and my older cousin his wife and grandfather are stirring at a gun on the table it was my gun that i kept in the lockbox it was loaded and had a bullet chambered i always keep a magazine into the lockbox but never load it into the gun the luck box was nowhere to be seen my cousin claimed one of the children found the gun and was playing with it i was 100 certain that he either found the key or broke the lockbox open to get to it and load it as a 6 year old would not be able to reach a key i could barely grab figure out what it was to load my gun and chamber it i tried my best to explain what my cousin had said was nonsense and there i never keep my firearms loaded in the house but my cousin who is a cub scolded me on gun safety and threatened to have me arrested if i didn't leave that he hadn't arrested me yet because we're family i was asked to collect my belongings and go back to my parents my cousin had one or so he sought the next day i apologized to grandma and explained to him there was no way one of the kids could have gotten the key he agreed with me and he apologized but thought it's best if i move out until things cool down a little bit and once they do i will be welcomed back home our relationship was a little fractured due to disinformation provided by my cousin a month later my grandfather died of a heart attack at 86. i was devastated i was just beginning to get back into rhythm with him and rebuilding the trust that was somewhat shattered to this day i'm still unsure of what kind of man he saw me as due to my cousin immediately my cousin and his wife began sucking up to my dad as they had sealed bay day with grandma it was time to move on to the uncle this persisted for a month or two i wouldn't stand for it then came time for the will my grandfather's lawyer read out the will to me my father mother and sister in our home our two cousins would be braved individually on their share of the estate bear my grandparents requests then the miracle line and the will comes to fruition if anyone attempts to claim any part of the estate that is not assigned to them they forfeit any assets they are supposed to receive and will be divided equally among the remaining family members this was basically their way of saying if you try to claim more than you're given you get nothing my father is supposed to receive every piece of physical property from my grandparents as he is the only remaining child aside from two or three items he set aside for me now the revenge i hatched my plan i called my cousin and told him all my grandma's jewelry was to be donated to a charity auction grandma's collection of gems and metals was extensive to say the least so a charity event wouldn't care if a few pieces didn't make it right it was a lure of gargantuan proportions that my greedy cousin could not resist he bit right on it and headed over to my grandparents house as soon as possible determined to snatch up as much as he could a handful would send his kids to college regardless of what i said the jewelry was never going to go to him anyways so his actions were purely his own since none of it was distanced to be his coincidentally dad was on his way with a lawyer to my grandparents house to overlook everything formality stuff according to my dad's testimony my cousin had three shoe boxes worth of grandma and grandma's jewelry piled on the kitchen counter ready for loading into his car my dad and the lawyer stood in the kitchen wondering why it was all there when my cousin walked in from my grandparents bedroom with a force and a final shoebox the jig was up and he put two and two together their eyes set him up which was true but there was no penalty against me for exploiting my cousin's greed so he would screw himself over it is worth noting that between the 18 years from my aunt's death and my grandpa's this their wills had increased several times over so my cousin felt cheated and expected to receive just as much as my sister and i despite receiving half of his already and blowing it throughout this whole ordeal his younger sister my other cousin has not had a problem at all and is still weeping over my grandma's desk like the rest of us however just like that my cousin lost enough money in the course of 30 minutes that made him contemplate his sanity over greed my cousin's wife apparently filed for divorce a few weeks later we haven't heard from him in nearly 6 years as he is all but disgraced now and now we have reached the end of today's stories thank you very much and see you next time
Channel: Reddit Krown
Views: 8,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, subreddit, top posts, funny, comedy, r/, r//, rslash, askreddit, best of redit, ask reddit, reddit top posts, stories, maliciouscompliance, idontworkherelady, prorevenge, aita, reading, narration, reddit stories, entitled mother, entitled father, entitled kid, entitled parents, entitled people, entitled karen, i dont work here lady, i dont work here karen, reddit krown, malicious compliance, pro revenge, revenge, tts, karen, entitled
Id: EDah7PC6H1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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