50 Cent Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS (Must Watch)

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how much you feel like you're prepared for something it never happens on your time like when you think you're ready it always happens when it's supposed to happen because the period that you feel ready and people are not acknowledging the material the way you feel like they should because it's good it's the time that you actually develop skin thick enough to survive when it does work look there's going to be people unhappy with the success that you have regardless you know without knowing who you are individually look and just judge you and say i don't like that he had that diamond goat on his neck why did he put that dead you got to be a certain kind of person because he liked diamond and then they could just assume that you anything they would like to register negative they can just register at negative some people they have the uh the traitor like say the person is across the street they look at you they don't like you across the street some people feel the need to go across the street to say why i'm a good person i don't give a i genuinely don't give by all those people forget about me across the street because they don't care about me is it okay for me not to care about people that don't care about me i mean like the simple things like if you look and you go it would be entertaining for them to see me in crisis so if you saw that and you go why would you care about a person who would like you to see under the worst circumstances you could be i feel like you can wheel yourself into a good space things that are meant to happen will if you believe in yourself enough you can help yourself learn you can inspire yourself in different ways where you can actually discipline yourself you know to the point that you can become good enough like from 97 like when i started writing it was full time like every day i was writing music because i had no choice if i was going to stop hustling then how was i going to provide or create continue the lifestyle that i created for my son's mom my son and myself i was ready in 97 and i didn't have a major record company market to promote my project until 2003 you know so for that time period i had to run on my own energy you know i had to convince myself that i'm going to make it you know regardless of how people felt at that time and but what it does is it makes you feel like what made me feel like there's going to be points that people are going to mistake my confidence for arrogance because i've had to they don't understand the process i went through whether it's your actual blood relatives or people that you develop relationships over time that created value there's points where some of them develop a sense of entitlement and it can't be met but what they feel like they're entitled to you can't really do that for them they get blinded by what you've done and consistently say look what you have versus acknowledging what you've already done or just what you've done for them personally they'll look at it and still be like but you have to get into that thought process with but you have so much based on your accomplishments you know you just fall into new rooms with new people and accomplish so much that they'll minimize your accomplishments you'll look and go okay i need to go to work a lot of billionaires that are out there that aren't as notable you know when you figure out how they did it you go like that so are they willing to share with you yeah you got to moussan smooth 2013. and i pull up at the light in the hoopty i'm in a dodge 93 dodge caravan i didn't wash it and i'm telling you roll the window down and you look over and you don't roll your window down he won't roll this window down take the same scenario you put that guy and that bentley at the light and the guy pulls up next to him and the ferrari says hey oh the window now he'll roll the window down because it was a choice but he feels like you may have something to say of value to me just on presentation you know um like i said this to younger actual you know guys out there to kind of fit the description like if i was going somewhere and it wasn't i have to be conscious of it i can't do the three piece when i'm there as 50 cent because then the audience will look at you like their parents instead of the actual artist that they appreciate you know but if you actually want to make the window roll down you have to fit the description make those relationships to talk business more curtis than 50 cent when you see you go up i'd like to see you come down it's the artist community that does this it's the new your fellow artist that does this to you because they look and they go if you go up and you stay up then i'm gonna have my shot this is why they go oh no that first time oh first i was fired you don't notice everybody's first album is fine why did he say that they said to every artist they'll go illmatic they'll go reasonable doubt they'll go get rich and die trying big ready to die all these albums the first hour [Music] they'll pick that one and say that one was a classic no matter what they do afterwards they won't compare that material to that album i try not to let things that affect me that i can't change right you know you can't change publicly how people receive your points you see the harshest things ever you think the timing will just be you just being an emotional state where you can't really you're not tough at the moment sensitive because you're not paying attention and you see some [ __ ] publicly the person said about you did you go and it really bothered you that the person just said that no matter who you are you know and i just don't allow that to create a new vulnerability for me i allowed it to not matter you know you make investments in different things sometimes they win sometimes they don't more losses than wins but when you do win you win so big it makes up for everything you know and that that's been the journey the experience and then when i i shift to do things in a different way like people look now and say they're feeling momentum of thing of me and television now right but i started this ten years ago i lost my you don't see my losses like it happens you know periodically i don't usually see people excited leaving the tables in vegas if they didn't put chips on the table the most ruthless people or did you run into are going to be people that are just focused and not necessarily taking your life into consideration while they're taking theirs it's like the district attorney's office that she wants the conviction so she can move up her career can be good should be 100 years and you look you go why why so much like why you had to do that and it was like what you did it in her mind is her doing her job and her moving up to the next level and she just knock you over you just become collateral damage there's more ruthless people in the business world in the street you know like they just have subtleties to their tactics how they do things it's not confrontational it's just you know but they're doing it right in front of you you know how they're structuring the actual deal things that they're doing it's like taking just taking the money for you look robbery at least it will give give you the courtesy of showing you to god so you can have those anxieties and feel those feelings that you will feel when you're being robbed they'll do it on a piece of paper where you feel nothing and just rob you right there you see what i'm saying so it's the same tactics with a different approach and a lot of them the people that do this comfortably i can't use the contract the the thing that they're not conditioned for is direct conflict and that the circumstances i grew under absolutely have to be prepared for it like the fighters they look good after they have eight weeks of training and they focus their mind for eight weeks straight you got eight seconds in the street you've got eight seconds to adjust and do what you gotta do but once you get but to entertain this before promotions right so if the person doesn't love me i'd like for them to hate me so i could mean enough to them right that would just mean that i meant enough for them to have feelings for me because if you don't like me then i don't matter i wouldn't even exist to you if you don't hate me at least let me get that energy out of you it's okay as long as you care enough about it to have feelings because that's what it is to entertain i think the things you go to make who you are i don't regret those things i don't regret him because i don't think i'd be who i am today if i wasn't exposed to those situations if you ask me would i those are unfortunate situations that i've had to experience if i had a choice i would have definitely went in a different direction but under those circumstances when when you're in an environment where you meet aggression with aggression or you're deemed weak and weak becomes the prey you gotta kind of back people off for you at different points and when you're willing to go as far as further than the other guy you always prevail you always end up on top it's like the kid in the schoolyard that doesn't want to fight always moving for the black eye because as soon as the other kid identifies he doesn't want to fight he hits him [Music]
Channel: Winning Mentality
Views: 1,554,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life advice, 50 cent, motivational video, motivational speech, motivational videos for success in life, motivational video speech
Id: nvsEM4KUen8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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