Kansai International Airport: the world's first airport built on the sea | Flights of Fancy 1

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we asked the Japanese to go on-site and they said there's no site there's no place to go so we said well we still want to go there they were very surprised they took us on the boat they move and we spend half a day there in the middle of nowhere just watching for what she the water so I think that probably 80% of the inspiration that building came from that day we spent in the middle of nowhere floating on a little boat not because we were we are so inspired but because you need sometimes some silence and you have to grab on things you have to listen to the little voices that are an architect journey begins with a search for for the creation of an idea a design the German architect Frei Otto once said I'm looking for the secret code of nature nature is a reference providing structure and sending impulses to unify the elements above all the design of a modern Airport requires two things the pursuit of harmony and a clear balance between nature and technology I think what is Magic about Airport is that you are changing the speed and you are you go from moving on land in there to fly is also a moment of suspension I fly half of my time you'll take off and you get far away from what you're doing and then you come back and so you become a better charge of what you're doing I mean traveling is that kind of magic it's travelling by train is magic trolley by cars magic tone by planes even more magic because you get in a different floor different speed different ground the beauty of cloud the beauty of you bird views is a drink if you have to tell a story about an airport the story must be about flying must be about lightness the sense of lightness in life so the idea that this report mainland will be like an immense lighter landing on the artificial island it was double magic because of the object itself they've got to be so light and because of the of the land that was not land it was an island reclaimed by the sea [Music] oh I will [Applause] in renzo pianos world an airplane is like a boat sailing into a bay after a long cruise the traveller arrives on the island and forgets he is in an artificial world with Kansai International Airport a totally innovative idea in airport design was to be immortalized the superlative construction a new terminal opened in September 1994 it lies five kilometers from the coast of Osaka and is the longest building in the world the airport an entity reflecting nature designed like the movement of waves on the sea on the tide going in and out orientated on wind currents in his design Renzo Piano discovered forms and structures which recall the fleetingness and transience of air travel similar to the great railway stations of the 19th century he has shaped the beginning of the 21st century with a new aggressive spirit piano has freed the airport from the heavy burden of the past transparency open airy spaces levels flooded with light and traveler friendly functionality form the essence of the terminal [Music] let's Krissy Tommy Neri to our boy Daria not in the terminal was designed by the Italian Renzo Piano just look at the range of colours bees don't smell Japanese they emanate perfume from the Mediterranean whether you see the terminal from outside or from the air it looks like a massive bird which is spread it's 1700 meters of wingspan to rest on an inhabited island it is in the truest sense of the word an artwork it is in Japanese design made by a Japanese designer it's a first-class piece of art get another [Music] the airport is an organism which travelers enter into to become part of a choreography of movement materials light and shadow the light creates ever-changing scenarios and leave space for Association the airport is a warm oasis of travel and the airport is cool science-fiction scenery architecture is constantly changing improving and adjusting that's what airports are about hard and soft forms form the network of Steel winding around the core and the ever repeating curves continuing through the entire building a wave is breaking over the island [Music] at the beginning of the design phase Renzo Piano described himself as feeding shipwrecked being lost and apparently endless space led him to search for references outside the merely physical context and the collective consciousness of memory and culture a building can only become a piece of art if it's able to transcend the mere facility to satisfy human needs the airport becomes a stage pulsating with a constant transition between speed and standstill [Music] the starting point for the building of Kansai Airport was the noise pollution caused at Itami Airport there are a lot of housing areas close to the old airport the noise became a massive social problem which eventually ended in legal disputes in order to solve the problem it was decided to build the new airport five kilometers from the mainland it was a radical measure which the airport manager had to take at the time and it was also extremely expensive now we have to manage the airport with a mountainous debt of 1 trillion yen that's around 6.5 billion euros [Music] 115,000 flights arriving apart from the airport each year almost 17 million passengers Beyonder their way through the 42 gates the administration realized over 30 years ago that a second Japanese airport would be needed to raise the region of Kansai with its capital city of Osaka out of the shadow of the imperial city of Tokyo in 1988 it was decided to Commission the Italian architect Renzo Piano it then took another six years before Japan could open its second door to the world and it had to grow by five square kilometers the funny story and they were very proud about this project because they got to change all the these cool books in Japan because the the surface of Japan went up by a few acres not very few quite right a lot I mean this island added to Japan a square metre so starting from a party or cultural consideration to the most practical one like organizing 5,000 people we got on the island 10,000 people at war which of we are actually working on the air Kansai KOCO know me that there are two customer to reclaim the land for Kansai Airport 180 million cubic meters of Earth were transported here for the first island and more than 260 million cubic meters for the second one all together 400 million cubic meters of land was reclaimed never been such a major construction project in the world before building the Panama Canal required around 200 million cubic meters we needed twice as much the soil was transported from three different places around Osaka bed even mountains were scavenged and tossed into the sea [Music] without the help of the three townships he wouldn't have been able to transport the earth which had to be brought here by ship I should have been even thinking about floating surface floating Airport that didn't work for a number of reasons including the fact that if you make floating Airport in that kind of water the describe shallow [Music] and warm you don't really know what happened in that darkness in the next 200 years so everybody was very scared about that about because fight because challenging nature is fine but but you have to be careful you have to be careful about what you do so finally the idea was really to reclaim by using rock so this is a typical mentality of Japanese [Music] airports an entity of closed spaces and as portal to the world an intersection place of departure and getting away from at all escaping for a long time now architecture has not only been about functionality it is also being original and telling a unique story one which fits both the place and the people who use it [Music] even though the architectural concept is obvious travellers need to be provided for in other ways a place to relax in a stylish lounge with the largest library of mangas in Japan [Music] in 2001 the airport was awarded the monument of the millennium prize not only because of its clear and consolidated form the inner wave absorbs the sound and mutes the acoustics one feels once more in an unreal space in which sound appears to float quietly the architects journey leads him through cultural worlds typical and untypical impulses waiting visibly and invisibly to be integrated into the grand idea even for piano the work in Japan meant diving into the depths of tradition which only became clear when he had completely submerged himself you have to go sushi bar we have to go to the Kabuki or you just were have to walk the ground in Nara or in Kyoto even in Tokyo or Osaka and you have to understand what is a culture there even the sense of color in the sense of graphics even the sense of signs not physically it's almost like especially night when you go next morning you don't even recognize really love because it's completely change so you have to grab all those things that are not there but they are still part of the culture architecture is about still but I don't think is still really from the fall from the shape to Daniel and by making something too little too literal turns over simplified now I think what happens that the other kind of resemblance only because traditionally all those thing but we are using curve shape because they were good and they are good because they they created better geometry resistant to earthquake more light and more efficient and reason why we got that curve but transverse and longitudinal because actually on the two kilometer of the strap of the reconstruction there is a long curve that pulls down like that it's the same the same rate is also because we need them to find the shape that was good structurally good we were not inspired by those curve but by the cause the reason why those building remained like that and we went back to the source and the source is that in Japan if you are not careful things come down I'm open want a group or like yo quiz day just one year after the first island had been completed we had the massive earthquake in Kobe the earthquake was felt strongly at Kansai Airport but there was no major damage the airport proved itself and was used as a support base for Kobe's emergency aid we distributed the necessary relief supplies from here by ship and plane four years ago we experienced a huge typhoon the waves broke over the bank protection and water flooded over the island to keep the water at bay the banks have now been strengthened with large rocks there's still a major worry about tsunamis in Japan so the floodgates have been raised to resist anyways the airport has been racing to avoid becoming a modern Atlantis strong currents and waves have been relentlessly eroding the island shortly after the opening the international press were announcing the demise of the floating mega arrived the kinda going down nothing wrong nothing special but it's part of this time so this mythology of the building of the building of the conservo disappear one day in the water is part of the imaginary I think the total amount of settlement of the name the total was about five meter spread a lot and now of course the settlement is much less every year become less leftist and any will disappear by twenty years but all this is scientifically controllable but of course in the imagination people in the world people challenging the sea makes a very nice the idea that your challenge nature but you don't win until you lose and and this is part of the game [Music] No [Music] on his journey the architect realizes that he can only create a space which when finished develops its own dynamics apart from the four [Applause] [Music] at the opening of the airport reality and architectural vision became one including the culture which piano had been trying to fathom out for years beforehand and ultimately integrated it into his desire the reality a hotel for four-legged friends and a gigantic complex of prize-winning restaurants the airport as a public space [Music] [Music] Vinicio know how to get d'ascanio punch now like it was an estate a law on the 2nd of august 2007 the second island was open but so far only the runways Kansai is one of the largest metropolitan regions in Japan it has an enormous potential due to the many economic sectors there it's the first Airport with two runways in Japan and because we have an airport which can work 24 hours a day we are able to take full advantage I intend to expand ki a into a prominent international freight airport and create a gateway which connects Asia and the rest of the world with consequence TMS demo an open garage move on so that therefore also got to the percent to celebrate in some way the pride and the technical capacity of Japanese funny study when we grow in the ground I got to ask a question to the villain I said what is the final day and I said well bait is bad one I don't remember that for today and they watch me and they said what time so I gave the date because the client told me and I got in the ritual of breaking ground I got to say the date date was 1st of April that year and they asked me what time I told him I told that midday like that I didn't ask anybody I said midday I thought it was good and it was me [Music] the architects journey ends just like any other traveler with a final fleeting glance at the shape and away [Music]
Channel: wocomoCULTURE
Views: 744,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinery, Osaka, PLAY_EN, SND Films, Culture, works, flight, Flights of Fancy, Documentary, plane, architecture, PLAY_FF, cultural, construction, Airport, travel, Kansai, Renzo Piano, flying, architectural star, air, building, transport, Italian arquitecture, airport, means of transport, japan airport, sea airport, floating airport, kansai airport terminal 2, airport documentary, island airport, kansai airport, Airport Has Its Own Island
Id: q6dn6Sq2e5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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