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Burcu: It's great. Özgür: Okay, look. Burcu: Okay. Özgür: Okie dokie. Özgür: It's solid. Burcu: It's raining pretty fast. Özgür: Yes. Burcu: It's full of smoke in here. Özgür: Open that side window. Burcu: I'll do that. Burcu: Ooh, I'm closing this side. Özgür: Yeah, open the other side. Özgür: Aren't you hungry? Burcu: I'm hungry. Özgür: I'm hungry too. Burcu: I'll cook on the stove when it's ready. Özgür: Okay. Burcu: It's full of smoke in here again. Özgür: Did the smoke go out? Burcu: Yes, all clear. Özgür: It's not working right now. Burcu: Let me tell you something, it might be the chimney. Özgür: It's not, honey. Burcu: What a relief. Burcu: I'll spread it on the pan. Özgür: Are you going to make pizza? Burcu: It's like a healthy pizza. Özgür: I think you should let it fry a little more. Özgür: I take it back. Burcu: Oh, it's ready. Özgür: Is it ready? Burcu: Uh-huh. Burcu: It's like a pastry. Özgür: It's really good. Özgür: It should have cooked a little longer. Burcu: The chimney's all crooked, look. Özgür: I'll take care of it, let me eat my dinner first. Özgür: Is that too close? Burcu: Close to where? Özgür: Here. Burcu: Yes. Özgür: I'll leave this here, I'm going up to the ceiling. Burcu: Wow, wow, wow... Özgür: Did the chimney come out from inside? Burcu: Yeah, it's pretty bad. Özgür: Okay, hold on. Burcu: Hold on a moment. Burcu: I put it back. Özgür: You put it back? Burcu: Yes. Özgür: Okay. Burcu: But the clamp here is loose. Özgür: What? Burcu: The clamp here is loose. Burcu: It's crooked. Özgür: Yeah. Özgür: Is it good now? Burcu: Now it's straight. Özgür: Okay. Özgür: Can you hold it like this? Burcu: Are you going to tie it? Özgür: Uh-huh. Özgür: Because it bends otherwise. Burcu: Okay. Özgür: Okay, leave it to me now. Özgür: I'll cut the whole net off, leave the other side. Burcu: Exactly. Özgür: I'm cutting it off completely. Burcu: Go ahead. Özgür: Now it's great. Özgür: I thought it was cold, but it's not. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: It's great now. Burcu: The chimney didn't work because it wasn't straight. Özgür: Now it's working like a charm. Burcu: Yes. Özgür: We'll hang it here. Özgür: Like this. Burcu: Yes. Burcu: Here. Burcu: Whoa, that's very good. Burcu: Let's watch this, we'll get warmer. Burcu: It's a beautiful image. Burcu: You dropped the phone. Özgür: I said there is a wolf howling. Özgür: Look. Burcu: Oh, I got electrocuted. Özgür: Uh. Özgür: That hurts. Özgür: Should I add the tomato? Burcu: Hold on, let's add the tomato. Özgür: The bread is ready. Burcu: Let's start. Özgür: Okay. Burcu: Here. Burcu: Let's go for a walk. Burcu: I'll do the dishes when I get back. Özgür: Me? Burcu: No, me. Burcu: The weather is beautiful. Özgür: It's perfect. Özgür: I'm going to walk barefoot for a while. Özgür: I recommend it to you. Özgür: I'll put it here. Özgür: Then I'll wash my feet over there. Özgür: Oh, it feels great. Özgür: I gave myself a very nice reflexology. Burcu: The whole lake is full of moss. Özgür: Yes. It's normal because it's shallow. Burcu: How are you feeling? Özgür: You can't even imagine. It's very relaxing. Özgür: It puts pressure on the points under the feet. Burcu: It's massaging your feet. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: Oh, it's ice cold. Perfect. Özgür: It's nice. Özgür: Oh, what a relief. Burcu: It's like you can see the other side through the bathroom window. Burcu: Oh, it's all flooded in.
Channel: Atik Ailesi
Views: 2,535,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atik ailesi, atik, kamp, camp, camping, kamp videoları, camping videos, özgür atik, burcu atik, atik ailesi kimdir, kamp ekipmanları, camping equipment, karavan, caravan, karavan kampı, caravan camping, camper caravan, truck caravan, maniac, atik ailesi karavan, atik ailesi caravan
Id: FkKaY2iBtHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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