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Özgür: One... Özgür: Two... Burcu: You should go outside and cut it off. Burcu: There we go, the view is much better now that the mosquito nets are gone. Özgür: I'll go and get the cover. Burcu: There's smoke coming out of you and the stove. Burcu: Is there wind? Özgür: Yes. Burcu: The sun came out. Özgür: The weather is nice. Özgür: Dandelions everywhere, perfect. Burcu: That one, right? Özgür: Yes. Özgür: But they're not fully grown yet. Özgür: There's a lot over there. Burcu: It is the season for ticks, we need to be careful. Özgür: There are beautiful dandelions over there. Maybe there are some in the forest. Burcu: What is that round green thing? Burcu: Look, it's so symmetrical. Özgür: Do you know what they call it? Özgür: Mushroom line. Burcu: It's everywhere. Özgür: You see, they are called meadow mushrooms, very small. Özgür: They are slightly brownish. Burcu: Look, it's so neat. Burcu: It's like a stick man. Özgür: Yeah, that's the mushroom line. Özgür: The ones they call meadow mushrooms, it's brownish. Burcu: That's very interesting. Burcu: I've seen a lot of mushroom paths, but I've never seen such a perfectly round one. Burcu: This tent is great, but there is no canopy to sit under. Özgür: What is great? Burcu: This tent. Özgür: Yes. Burcu: What are these called? Özgür: Dandelions. Burcu: It's edible, you say. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: And it's good for you. Özgür: It's better with the root. Burcu: Plant that piece again. Özgür: Look, these are yellow daisies. See how beautiful they are? Özgür: Do you see the pollen? Özgür: Do you see this? Burcu: Yes, tinder fungus. Özgür: Yes. They're perfect for making a fire. Özgür: Let me see. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: They're perfect for making a fire. Burcu: You're just like sheep. Özgür: Never touch grass you don't know. Özgür: But I eat it because I know it. It's dandelion. Özgür: This is mountain mint. Özgür: Oh, it looks great. Burcu: Crates of coal. Özgür: If I could get it out... Özgür: What is this? Burcu: Rice. Burcu: Black rice. Özgür: What kind of rice is this? Burcu: Let's wash it. Burcu: Hot water. Burcu: Is it ready? Özgür: Almost. Burcu: If they are cooked, put them in this. Özgür: It needs to cook a little more. Burcu: You should hear the sound. Özgür: I can hear it. Burcu: Like a pressure cooker. Özgür: Salt, red pepper. Burcu: Yes. Özgür: Where are the gloves? Burcu: The gas ran out. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: Ugh, it's heavy. Burcu: Let's move it to the center. Burcu: I hope it cooks. Özgür: And some olive oil. Burcu: The weather's weird. Burcu: How's your rice? Özgür: It's very good. Burcu: Black rice is both healthy and delicious. Özgür: It's my first time. Burcu: It's my first time, too. Burcu: The rice is really good. Özgür: It's good. It's my first time eating black rice. Özgür: This is the first time I know it exists. Özgür: You should make this one from now on. Burcu: You mean black rice? Özgür: Yes. Burcu: I was thinking the same. Özgür: It tastes very good too. Burcu: It's better than basmati, isn't it? Özgür: Yes. Burcu: The birds are singing so beautifully. Özgür: Yes. Özgür: The fire is coming right at me. Özgür: It's getting cold. Burcu: There's a full moon tonight. Özgür: You could tell in the daylight. Özgür: Oh my God. Burcu: Honey. Burcu: Let's go to sleep. Burcu: We should make our beds. Özgür: It's beautiful, like a lullaby. Özgür: Five more minutes. Özgür: So, it's on me again. Burcu: Honey. Burcu: Wake up. Özgür: Let me lie down for 5 more minutes, I'll get up. Burcu: Are you going to eat this cheese? Özgür: What is it? Özgür: What cheese is it? Burcu: Processed cheese. Özgür: Sure. Özgür: Oh, dang it. Burcu: Ugh, it's so cold.
Channel: Atik Ailesi
Views: 1,147,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atik ailesi, atik family, atik, kamp, camp, camping, kamp videoları, camping videos, camping stove, çadır kampı, tent camping, şişme çadır, inflatable tent, çadır, tent, kamp çadırı, camping tent, özgür atik, burcu atik, kamp ekipmanları, camping equipment
Id: LixlaupfqL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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