Kamison | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

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There are truths that we keep hidden because we don't want to revisit them, but sometimes the continued concealment of these truths slowly destroys the present and even our future, like our story tonight. [somber music playing] [sobs, sniffles] [Dino] Tessa? [cries, sniffles] Are you Tessa, the youngest one? I'm your big brother, Dino. M-Mother is gone. Tessa, she's in heaven now. She's happy there. Don't you want her to be happy? [sobs] I do. That's good then. Don't cry. Mom would be sad to see you crying. [Selya] I brewed the coffee inside. I'll boil it first, then I'll just get it, okay? Dino? Dino, I'm your sister, Selya. Selya? Oh... Dino. [Selya] Dino, these are our siblings. You know, Dino, when Mother was alive, she always said she really wanted to see you, so we immediately sent a telegram to Auntie Fe to inform you. So that, at least before she's laid to rest, you can see Mother. [Tessa] Uh... Brother, are you mad at Mother? She doesn't really want to have you adopted. She just wanted a better life for you. I know that, little sister. After this is over, maybe I won't come back to Davao. There's a job waiting for me in the lumberyard in Ponte Vedra. Now that Mother is gone, I'm thinking maybe I can take Tessa with me. Since I'm alone, there's no one else with me at home. So, I won't be alone. Just make sure you take care of our little sister, and nothing bad will happen to her. I promise, Dong. I'll take care of Tessa. I'll be responsible for her. [Charo] <i>"Dear Charo,</i> <i>the sadness over</i> <i>our mother's death was lessened</i> <i>by the return</i> <i>of my brother Dino.</i> <i>In a short period of time,</i> <i>I quickly became close to him</i> <i>because he's kind,</i> <i>and I feel like,</i> <i>just like my other brothers,</i> <i>he'll protect</i> <i>and take care of me.</i> [soft music playing] -Oh! Ouch! -Oh, why, what happened? Hey, get up, get up, get up. Oh, look at yourself, you're not careful. Look... Look at your knees. [clicks tongue] -Oh, this kid. -[grunts] -[exhales] -[heavy breathing] -What is this? -Oh, it's mine. Let me take care of it. Come over here. -Ma'am, can look at this? -Go ahead, sir. There. Come here, try this on. -Mm. -[customer] Here's my payment. -Thank you. -It fits you... Brother, please. -I don't need that. -[clicks tongue] No, it's fine. [Dino] Ma'am... I'll get that one, okay? And three of these. There. -Brother, thank you. -[Dino] You're welcome. Here... This will suit you for sure. Here you go. Oh... there you go. Looks good. -It suits you perfectly. -Thank you. [Dino] Uh, how much for everything? -[morose music playing] -[crickets chirping] [Tessa sniffles] Hey, there's a beautiful girl. -A beautiful girl. -Go to her. Uh... young lady, what's your name? [man 1] You're so beautiful. Hey! Hey! Is there a problem? Huh? No, foreman. Just introducing ourselves. She is my sister. I don't want you hanging around here. Go ahead, you go first! I'll come later. [men] Okay, foreman. Tessa... I don't want you bringing anyone into the house. You're alone here. And don't wander too far when you go out. Yes. I'm leaving now. -[Tessa] Uh, brother.... -Yes? -Take care. -[Dino] Okay. [mellow music playing] [Charo] <i>I repaid my brother</i> <i>for taking care of me.</i> <i>I fixed his house,</i> <i>and I served him</i> <i>as much as I could.</i> <i>I was content and happy</i> <i>even though we were</i> <i>in the midst of the jungle.</i> [crickets chirping] Brother? [tense music playing] Um... It seems like you've had a lot to drink. Uh, I did drink quite a bit. [coughs] [Dino grunts] Come on, let's eat. [inhales] Here. [Dino coughs, inhales] [tense music playing] Bro? Massage my head please. It's a bit... -[Tessa sniffles] -...painful. Come on. What? Massage my head. It... it hurts. Here. [deep breathing] [eerie music playing] Here, here, there, there. Bro... [gasps] -What's wrong? -[cries] Brother... -Don't resist. -[cries] -Don't resist! -Bro... Brother, it hurts. -[shrieks] Brother! -[grunts] Come here! Stay there! [cries] Brother, please don't. Brother... Brother, please don’t! Have mercy on me! [cries, shrieks] -Brother... -Don't complain. Don't complain. Brother, have mercy. Brother! [cries] [Charo] <i>"I tried to escape,</i> <i>not just once but twice,</i> <i>but he always found me.</i> <i>He always hurt me,</i> <i>repeatedly</i> <i>until I couldn't fight back."</i> -Where are you going? Huh? -Brother! -Come here! Come here! -Let go of me! You think you can escape from me? -Brother, that's enough. -Huh? [Tessa sniffles] [crickets chirping] [whimpers, sobs] Come here! Drop that. -[grunts] -[cries, sniffles] Brother! [Charo] <i>"Several years passed,</i> <i>and I became my brother's wife."</i> [crickets chirping] [wretching] [coughs, gasps] Are you pregnant? [morose music playing] [Charo] <i>"Dino took me</i> <i>to his rented house in Davao.</i> <i>He told everyone</i> <i>I was his sister</i> <i>who got pregnant</i> <i>and was left by her boyfriend."</i> [landlady] Hey, Tessa! Come out! [Charo] <i>"He made it seem like</i> <i>he took me away</i> <i>to save the family</i> <i>from embarrassment.</i> <i>Since then,</i> <i>I heard nothing from him.</i> <i>He didn't even</i> <i>send money to the landlord.</i> -[sighs] -It's a boy. [baby crying] [morose music playing] [cries] Sister, I have nowhere else to go. [sighs] Where is the father of that child? He left us. What about Dino? Where is he? Uh... [breathes heavily] We parted ways with Di... with Dino when... when I eloped with my boyfriend to Davao. [Selya sighs] Then when I got pregnant, he just left me. What's wrong with you, Tessa? You had everything sorted out with Dino and you just threw it all away. [Selya sighs] Do you even know how difficult it is to raise a child? Sister, I'll work. I won't be a burden. Or I'll just look for someone who can adopt this child. Oh, my God, Tessa, you can't correct your mistake by making another one. Fine. I'll let you stay in my house, but... you have to stand by the child. Tessa, don't involve the child if you're angry with the father. [Charo] <i>"I know my son is innocent,</i> <i>but every time I see him,</i> <i>I remember Dino.</i> <i>All the bad memories</i> <i>come back to me."</i> [baby crying] Take a break from crying. I have a lot to do. [baby crying continuously] Um, aren't you going to carry him? He looks like he needs milk. All right, take care of him first. I'll handle the field. I don't need your help. You're struggling, why don't you want help? You have to trust the person you're asking for help. It's hard to trust anyone. Yes, it's hard. But it's harder to be alone. I know because I lost my wife. And, don't you want to have more friends? Not just for you but for your child too. To have more people to care for him, protect him, and love him. [Charo]<i> "Timo was the first man</i> <i>I trusted</i> <i>after what happened to me.</i> <i>He married me,</i> <i>and we had two daughters.</i> <i>I kept what I went through</i> <i>a secret from him,</i> <i>afraid that</i> <i>he wouldn't accept me,</i> <i>and thinking</i> <i>I could bury it all in oblivion.</i> [Tessa] Kids. Girls, come here. Mama! Here, I have gifts for you. A new toy for the youngest one. -Thank you, Mama. -And for you, Rina, here. Thank you. -[Tessa] New school supplies. -[grunts] They are beautiful, I chose them. -Pa. -Rodel. -Just put it on the side. -All right. Open it. -And you, open yours. -Ma. It's so cute. A rabbit. [giggles] Let's go inside. Look at this. Ma, where's mine? Your bag is still okay, right? We don't need to buy a new one. Besides, you're getting old, you shouldn't be asking for gifts. -Let me see. -Never mind, Rodel I'm going to town, I'll buy something for you too. -Come here first, help me. -It's beautiful, right? Here. [Tessa] It suits you well. [Eva] Your favorite color is blue, right? [Rina] Let me see. It's beautiful, isn't it? -[Selya] Tessa. -[girls giggling] -Sister. -Oh, my. -Auntie! -Oh, my beautiful nieces. God bless you. God bless you. Oh, you're so beautiful. Timo, Tessa, our community wants Rina to be the muse. [Timo] Well, of course. My children are really beautiful. [chuckles] What do you think, Rina? Do you want to? -Yes! -There you go! Sister, uh, tell them we won’t allow her. -Huh? -Rina, go inside. -Tessa? -[Tessa] Bring this. Come on, go inside. Tessa, why don't you want to? Why not, Tessa? What a waste, your children are beautiful. Besides, they can be with their cousins. They rarely see each other. Let them gather together for once. Sister, I'm sorry, but we won’t allow them. I won't allow my children to participate in meaningless activities. Tessa... I'll go inside. [morose music playing] [exhales deeply] [exhales, clicks tongue] It's okay, huh? [mysterious music playing] Ma, why? Uh... um, go fetch some water. The water jar is empty. Go on. Go on. All right. Mama, can't I really be the muse? I already told you can’t! Do you want people to see you and approach you there? [Tessa] You don't know the people there. You don't know what they can do to you. [morose music playing] [grunts] Hey, it's Rodel. Fetching water again. [boy 1] Maybe what my mom said is true. He's just adopted! - He's adopted? -[boy 1] Yes, he's adopted. Look at him. He's always the one tasked with work by his mother! -[boy 2] No wonder. -[boy 1] Let's go. [boys laughing] [Dino] Are you already attending school? Rina? [Dino] How about you? How old are you? -[Rina] I'm twelve. -[Dino] Twelve? -How about you? -[Eva] Six. [Dino] Six. Are you already studying? Huh? [Eva and Rina] Yes. [dramatic music playing] [tense music playing] [breathing heavily] Hey, come here! Go inside. Hurry! Tessa... Tessa! -Hurry! Get inside! Run! -Tessa. Go in! -Ma... -Come here. -Who's the man outside? -What's happening? Shh! Be quiet. Come here! Who are you? Uh, I'm Dino, Tessa's brother. Uh, I'm Timo, Tessa's husband. -[Dino] Oh. -Uh, come in. Wait. Uh... Ask your wife first if she's willing to let me come in? -Timo? -[Timo] Tessa. Timo! [breathes heavily] Shh! Send him away. -H-he’s your brother... -Don't let him in. Send him away now! But he's your brother, Tessa, you can do that to him? He committed a big mistake against me. Uh... I'm not yet ready to forgive him. Timo... Timo, please. Send him away. Don't let him in. Send him away now! [breathes heavily] Uh... what... What did she say? Uh, how is she? She said she can't face you yet. Is that so? How about... How's her eldest son doing? How is he? [Timo] He's doing fine. He's a young man now. Please, give him my regards. Okay, I'll go ahead. [sighs] [morose music playing] Hey, take it easy. Aren't you tired from working in the fields all day? There's no one to watch the kids. Rodel is there. What if Dino comes back? Why? What will he do to the kids? [Rodel] Why are you listening to him? Huh? -Children? -[girls crying] -Mama! -Why... Why are you crying? What's happening here? It's because of brother. What did you do to your sisters, huh? -Ma... -What did you do? Ma, I didn't mean to slap her. I just repeated what the other kids said, that he's adopted. I didn't say it, but he blamed me. You keep saying it over and over, -you're siding with them. -Rodel. Enough. Rodel, you're not adopted. You're my child. And even if you're not the biological child of your Papa Timo, he loves you. Who is my real father then? Don't look for him because he's been gone for a long time, and I won't bring him back into our lives because he's a monster. [dramatic music playing] Tessa, that's enough. [crickets chirping] Brother, are you still angry? I'm not angry with you. [inhales] I just got caught up in anger earlier. I'm sorry. I'm sorry too, brother. Brother, because we're okay now, does that mean you can take Eva and me fishing tomorrow? Sure. Come here, sit down. Thanks, bro. Let's not fight anymore, okay? [scoffs] Of course. Promise. I'll take care of you and protect you. [Rodel] Okay? You're in trouble with me if you don't catch a big fish. We need to catch a big one to make Mama and Papa happy. -Yes. -No! You can't go fishing. [Tessa] Rina, come here! Come here, stand beside me! And you, go inside. Help your Papa there. Hurry! [somber music playing] Mama, We'll come with brother. Please? [Tessa] No, sweetie, it's dangerous there. -Come on. -Rodel will be with us. No, you’re not allowed to. And one more thing... Listen to me carefully, okay? I don't want to see you hugging or leaning on your brother. Tell that to Eva. Why, Mama? Just listen to me! What I want is for you to only hug me and your father. But, Ma, Rodel is our brother. Are you going to oppose everything I say? Do you want to get a spanking? And why is your skirt so short? I don't want to see you wearing that. Do you understand? -Do you understand? -Yes. Go inside. [somber music playing] Look, we caught a lot! Come here! Give those to me. Huh? Mm. -You two, huh? -[girls crying] You're so stubborn. I told you not to join the fishing. Tessa, come on, what are you doing? -Why won't you listen to me? -Ma... -Tessa. -Ma... Ma, enough. Just hit me instead. I'm the one who insisted. You, Rodel, are so stubborn. What? Are you proud now? Are you defying me? Ma, why don't you want them to be with me? I won't neglect them. Why do you forbid them from hugging me? Ma, I won't do anything wrong. Why do you need to keep my siblings away from me? Because I'm protecting them. From who? From me? Ma... even though they're not my full siblings, I love them. And you. I love all of you. [sniffles] Why don't you love me? Do you love me, Ma? [somber music playing] [sniffles, cries] Brother! [Timo] The child just wants... The child just wants to hear that you love him. Why can't you say it to him? [cries] You don't understand. Explain it to me. [Charo] <i>"I want to explain to them</i> <i>that I didn't want them</i> <i>to experience</i> <i>what happened to me,</i> <i>but I was scared</i> <i>of being rejected by my family,</i> <i>so I chose to remain silent.</i> <i>Because of this,</i> <i>Rodel distanced himself from us,</i> <i>and one day</i> <i>he asked to live on his own."</i> [girls crying] You don't need to do this, son. We are your family, you should be here. I've made my decision. And I think... it's for the best for all of us. Ma, stop our brother. I feel sorry for him, he doesn't have anyone with him. Take this. Add to your expenses. [emotional music playing] Brother! Brother! -Stay here. Stay... I wish you weren't our mother! [dramatic music continues] [Charo] <i>"With Rodel leaving,</i> <i>I became relieved</i> <i>for my daughters,</i> <i>but because of that,</i> <i>their hearts hardened</i> <i>towards me.</i> <i>Rina and Eva</i> <i>finished their studies,</i> <i>got married quickly</i> <i>and lived elsewhere."</i> Uh, Tessa, what's wrong? Why are you staring into space? Huh? What is it? I was just thinking... Timo, doesn't Rina or Eva write? Mm... Don't worry, I'll write to them. I'll tell them to visit us, okay? You know how busy they are with their jobs. And, mm, each has their own family now. Right? [clicks tongue] Mm? I have an idea. Huh? Let's take a stroll in the town tomorrow. Oh, come on, a stroll? We'll just get tired from that stroll. -We're already old. -What are you saying? Instead of sulking here. -[sighs] -Huh? Huh? Mm, look at your face. All wrinkled. Mm? Says the one without wrinkles on the face. [both laughs] Better rest early tonight so that we'll have the energy to stroll tomorrow, huh? -Okay, I'll prepare our bed. -All right. Where are we going anyway? Oh, I know. Let's visit Rina and Eva, so we can see our grandchildren. It's been so long since we saw them. Come on, our bed is ready. Timo, let's go. Timo? Come on, it's taking you so long. Timo? Timo? Timo? Timo? Timo? Timo? Timo! Timo! Timo! Timo! [both crying] If your father hadn't died, you wouldn't be coming here. Uh, Rina, Eva, have some coffee first. You came from far away. Thank you, Auntie Selya. [sniffles] [Selya] Here. [Rina] Thank you. Rodel? [emotional music playing] [Rina] Brother? [Charo] <i>"In the end,</i> <i>Rina let me stay at her house</i> <i>with her husband and children.</i> Mm, feels good! [kisses] Mm, all right. -Neneng? -[Neneng] Ma'am? Neneng, please prepare the food at the table, -and let's eat, okay? -[Neneng] Okay, ma'am. -Hello, my babies. Ha-ha! -[kids] Daddy! [kisses] Did you tire out your grandmother again? Oh, no. No, they didn't. I'm really having fun with those two. Bless me. Is what your grandmother said true? Is that true? Kids, go inside the room, come on. I'll call you when it's time to eat. -Okay, Mommy. -Go ahead. Let's go inside so we could eat. Come on. Uh, Rina? Yes? Can you get me a towel for my back? -Neneng... -Yes, ma'am? Get a towel. -Put it in the living room. -Okay, ma'am. Is that the right way to treat a parent? Just telling others to do it? Why didn't you do it yourself? Ma, this is my house, and no one will tell me what to do and what not to do. You're ungrateful! Is that how you repay me for everything your father and I did for you? I'm thankful that you put me through school, but what did it cost me? You confined us, strangled us with rules only you understood. And most of all, you separated us siblings, and you abandoned Rodel. What kind of mother is that? [emotional music playing] [door slams] [sighs] [Neneng] Grandma? Grandma? Mm, ma'am, you have a visitor. All right, Neng, you can leave us now. Okay, ma'am. Rodel! Rodel, son. Did you come to visit? I know the truth now. I know your secret. [Dino] <i>Rodel,</i> <i>I want to ask for forgiveness</i> <i>because I didn't have</i> <i>the courage</i> <i>to admit that I am your father.</i> <i>Forgive me if you are the result</i> <i>of a relationship</i> <i>that no one accepts,</i> <i>but even though it was wrong,</i> <i>I loved your mother</i> <i>even though</i> <i>she chose another man over me...</i> This is not true. -He's lying! -You are the liar! We, siblings, are already adults! [voice breaking] Papa Timo, he died without knowing the truth! You are immoral. Very immoral! You had a relationship with your own brother! You are a wicked mother and a wicked person! [Rina] Brother? Rodel, what happened? Ask our perfect mother and her big lies! What happened? Even though my brother has distanced himself, you still managed to hurt him. [Rina breathes heavily] You're really something, Ma. [Charo] <i>"I wanted to talk to Rodel,</i> <i>but after what happened</i> <i>he distanced himself</i> <i>and worked in Manila."</i> You know, someone introduced himself to me earlier. He's Mama's sibling, he said. He said he's Uncle Dino. Uncle Dino? What did he say? Well... You know, I feel sorry for him because he's very weak and has a lot of complications due to his diabetes. What's worse, he said his family left him when he got sick. Since he's here, I thought of inviting Eva to visit him. Never, ever go to Dino. [scoffs] Ma, there's nothing you can do if I want to visit him. If you have issues about it, count us out. Since then, you've distanced us from our relatives, from other people, even from our own brother. Enough, Ma. Rina... Rina, for goodness sake, do not visit him! Ma, he's your brother. His condition is already serious. Can't you bear with him? [somber music playing] [Charo] <i>"They kept going</i> <i>back and forth to visit Dino.</i> <i>My mind was in turmoil.</i> <i>What if Dino reveals</i> <i>what happened to us?</i> <i>What if they can't accept me?"</i> He’s gone. [Rina] Uncle Dino passed away. [Eva] You don't have any reaction, Ma? Aren't you going to cry? Ma, he's your brother. Well... you did manage to keep Rodel away from us. You deprived him of a family. So, it's not surprising that you'd do that to your own sibling. I'm doing it for your own good. For our own good? Distancing us from our brother? [voice breaking] Can you hear yourself, Ma? [emotional music playing] Come in. -Oh, ma'am... -Oh. -He's looking for you. -Good afternoon. What do you need? I am a companion of Rodel at the church in Manila. Really? [guy] Rodel got stabbed, and until now, we don't know who the suspect is. I apologize, but he's already been buried before we figured out how to contact you. Here's the address of his burial site. I extend my condolences. I'll go ahead. [cries] [cries] Why are you crying? Why are you crying? You didn't love him! You pushed him away! You weren't a good mother to him, why are you crying, you have no right to cry! -[cries] -You have no right! Stop your crying! Don't cry! [Rina's husband] Rina! -You have no right! -That's enough. You have no right to cry! Dear... Dear... Dear, you don't understand. You don't understand. I did everything I did because I needed to. It's painful, I know. It's wrong, it's hard! But I'm doing all of this because I want to protect you. D-dear, believe me. I did it because I love you. I love all of you. I love you all so much. -Believe me. Believe me. [cries] -Love? Love? You don't understand what you're saying! [somber music playing] You separated me from my brother. He did nothing wrong to you. He didn't do anything bad, but you made him feel alone! That he had no family who loved him! Because of you, my brother died without a family! Are you happy, Ma, huh? Are you happy now? Huh? Grandma? Neneng. Hey, what's going on? She doesn't want to eat or go out. I'm worried. [sighs] Grandma? Grandma? Grandma, let's eat. [clicks tongue] [Neneng] You haven't eaten in days, right? Come, let's eat. Neneng, leave us. Leave us, come on. Come on, go out. [Rina] Eat. Eat because I don't have money to pay the doctor if you get sick. You're already a burden to this house, and you're adding to it. Here, eat. Eat, I said. Open your mouth. Eat, open your mouth! Eat! -Eat that. There. -[groans] Keep eating, huh? Mm. Open your mouth. Open your mouth, I said! Open your mouth. Open it! -Eat this too. -[Rina's husband] Rina! Open your mouth! What are you doing? Huh? Remember, she's still your mother! [emotional music playing] [Rina's husband] Rina! [Tessa crying] Don't! Don't! Grandma? Grandma? -Grandma... -I've cooked already. I've taken a bath. -Grandma... -[screams] The demon is coming. He's coming! The demon is coming. The demon is coming. [screams, cries] -Grandma? -Don't, Dino. Don't. Don't. You're a demon. You're a demon. Dino... Dino, don't. Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't, Dino. Don't! [cries] Don't. Her actions are different now, ma'am. She talks to herself and suddenly starts crying. [clicks tongue] Let her be. She's probably just acting. [breathes heavily] Dino... Di... Don't. Don't. Grandma? Grandma? Ma'am, it's Grandma. -Grandma! -Ma? Ma! -Ma! -Grandma! -Call my husband. -Grandma... Call for help, quickly! Ma! Ma! Ma... Where's the ambulance? Call them now! [Rina's husband] Let's call an ambulance. Come on, come on, come on! [cries] What's your problem? Don't! I don't want. I don't want. I don't want to. -What's your name? -I don't want to. There he is again, he's whispering. -I don't want to... -Ma... Ma, answer the doctor's question. She's asking what's your name? [breathes heavily] Tessa. Do you know where we are right now? Hospital? Hospital. -[Tessa cries] -What did you do all day? W-watered the plants. Cleaned the house. Cooked dinner. Waited for Dino. [doctor] Uh, who's Dino? My older brother. My older brother. Oh! I don't want to! He's whispering again. Telling me to take off my clothes. I don't want to. I said I don’t want to. What does he do if you don't undress? He says he'll kill me. He says he'll kill us. Help me, he says he'll kill us. So... So when he tells me to undress... I undress. I take off all my clothes. He used me... Then I gave birth to Rodel. Rodel... Rodel... Rodel, my son. Rodel, my son. Forgive me, Rodel. Forgive me. [cries] Forgive me. -Ma? -[gasps] Oh! Don't! Don't, Dino, don't! Don't. Don't. Ma, Dino is no longer here. He's here. He's here. He talked to us. He talked to my children, so we're hiding from him. [Tessa breathes heavily] I need to protect my children. I need to hide them. I'll hide them from him. I'll hide them. [Tessa cries, breathe heavily] Do you love your children, Ma? Yes. I love them very much. I love them so much. [sniffles] So, I won't allow Dino to do to my children what he did to me. I won't let him molest my children. -[sobs] -I will kill that monster. I'll kill him if he does that to my children. I'll kill him! Ma... [emotional music playing] Forgive me, Ma. [sniffles, sobs] Forgive me for what I said and did to you. I didn't... I didn't know. I didn't understand. [cries] Forgive me, Ma. [emotional music continues] You look so beautiful, Ma. AFTER FOUR MONTHS I'm glad your health has improved before this day came. Oh! You know, my dear? I wouldn't have recovered so quickly if you hadn't taken care of me. [emotional music playing] It's too late when I realized that... I should have told you the truth before. I shouldn't have kept it from you. All of you were affected by what Dino did, especially your brother, Rodel. I wish I had been braver. Ma... It wasn't easy for you back then. I understand now. And maybe we can't undo what happened, but... but all Eva and I can do is... is to show you and make you feel how grateful we are for everything you've done for us. I love you all so much, dear. We love you dearly, too, Ma. [Charo] <i>"Finally, my fear disappeared,</i> <i>which had blinded me</i> <i>for a long time.</i> <i>There's no reason to live</i> <i>in the nightmare of my past.</i> <i>I have many regrets,</i> <i>but I know that whatever</i> <i>mistakes I made back then</i> <i>can be redeemed</i> <i>through the deep love I have</i> <i>for my children</i> <i>and grandchildren.</i> <i>This is where it ends.</i> <i>With utmost respect, Tessa."</i> <i>Not all truths are easy to face.</i> But if we live in fear, we give power to those who have wronged us. Let's not hesitate to turn to those who love us, because they are the source of our strength and courage to truly liberate ourselves. This is Charo Santos. Good evening, <i>Kapamilya.</i> "NIGHTGOWN"
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Views: 434,428
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Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, November 12 2022, 20221112online, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, drama family, family drama, true story drama, MMK Full episodes, format:fullepisode, type:digital, vertical:drama, series:MaalaalaMoKaya, person:bootsansonroa, YT0psMariel, MMK full ep, MMK Free, MMK full, MMK kamison, MMK old episode
Id: eu6gQWqytGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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