Red Lipstick | Maalaala Mo Kaya | Full Episode

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REMINDER THE STORY YOU'RE ABOUT TO SEE IS BASED ON EVENTS NARRATED BY JONA DE GUZMAN. Every time Christmas comes, no matter where we are, it seems to bring us back to the first real thing inside our hearts, our family. It's like it has the power that revives our emotions so we can go back and make beautiful memories. Regardless if these memories may not be remembered in the future. [car engine revving] -[gasps] -[car horn honking] [Charo] "Dear Charo, this is the story of how our mom left us." But he says he's still going to send money. Any news about mom yet? None yet, Deo, but we asked the barangay for help. How many times will mom get lost under your care, Jona? Mike, what's with you? You're not helping. No. I volunteered to take care of mom. But what did you say? You'll do it, right? Because you said you're the eldest. You're the one in charge. But it seems like you're doing this on purpose. Because you think this is what everyone expects from you. That's why this keeps on happening, see? Because up until now, you still haven't forgiven mom for the wrong things she's done to this family. For the wrong things she's done to you. Isn't that right? It's the truth. [sighs] There you go! This suits you better! Just soft curls. Look at it, Nita! You look like a young woman again! [laughs] Oh, come on, Butoy, you just want a tip. -[Butoy] Hey, no! -You want something big, right? [Butoy] I prefer a share in your winnings! [laughs] But you know, you shouldn't worry. Because of my beauty, I'm sure I'll get big money from the casino. I'll get lucky! -[Butoy] Perfect! It suits you. -[Nita clicks tongue] We just need to put some final touches. -Really? -Of course! Oh, do you know, Butoy, who my lucky charm really is? -Well, who is it? -My gosh. My kids of course! Most especially Jona. Mm. She's such a good kid. And I can rely on her more than her sister, Jenny. -Honestly. -[Butoy chuckling] [Butoy] She's pretty, she takes after you. [Nita] Of course! Mom... can you stop gambling? You'll get home at dawn again. [Butoy] Ugh, oh, no. I knew it. Your kid is bringing you bad luck. Can you shut up? Dear, even though mommy gets home at dawn... I take home a lot of money! We'd have the grandest Christmas feast at Luneta tomorrow. So just leave it to mommy, okay? [lively music playing] [Nita] Ta-ran! [kids] Wow! Now, see? -Mom! -[Nita] Yes? We have so much food! There are three roasted chickens! Yes, and smell it. Mm! See, it smells so good. And you know, Mom, your glass noodles are the best. [chuckles] For sure. So eat a lot, okay? I'm sure mom hit the jackpot at the casino last night. Mom, can I eat this fruit salad right now? Oh, dear, eat that later, son! Because, see, if you eat this now, how will they know that we have the most delicious and most fancy food? -We even have some dessert! -[kids laughing] See? Who else here has desserts? Mom, this isn't a contest. If Dad was here, I'm sure he won't be happy with you spending so much. My goodness. Come on. I'm not like the other mothers, okay? What I want is for no one to have better things than you. Because I love you all so much. Understand? Oh, hold on! Let's wait for Ronald. So we can eat at the same time. Bring the plates out, hurry. -[kid 1] Yes! -[Nita] Lay them out. It's about time to eat! Hey, Bert, hurry up. Put those in the van. The kids might arrive soon. -[man 1] Get it in. -Here, here. Hurry up. Goodness. Put those in already. And this, too. Hurry. But Nita... -[Nita] What? -This isn't enough. We need the money as soon as possible. -I know. I'm working on it. -[Bert] Here, put it in. And Fred will send me money. -[Bert] So slow! -Go on, put it in! -[Bert] Hurry. -[Nita] This too. -[man 1] All right, put it in. -[Nita] Go. Go faster, please. There you go. That'll go later. Fix that. Here's more. Hurry. Come on. -Will it still fit? -[man 2] Yes. -[man 1] It will. -[Nita] Hurry! -[man 1] Okay, let's arrange it. -[Nita gasps] -What's going on? -Fred! -[Bert] Let's do this first. -Sure. -Where are you taking those? -Why are you here? I mean, since when did you arrive? -Move aside! -Oh... -Put those down! -Fred. They're mine, where are you taking these? -[man 1] They're ours now. -[Bert] Put it down. [man 1] Your wife lost the gamble and couldn't pay. She even borrowed money from me for their food last Christmas. So these are mine now. Put them in there. Come on. -[Nita] Well... -Nita, what's all this, huh? Uh, Fred... Oh, I know, Fred! You look so tired. Come on, let's go inside. -[woman] Nita, what's going on? -Come on, I'll cook for you. -Fred, you're here! -Come on in. It's so hot outside. [giggles] -[thudding] -[Nita] Oh... You should've told me you were arriving. [clattering] I could've prepared you a meal. Let's take this jacket off. Is this what you want, huh? I come home here just to see that there's nothing left of my hard work? It's too hot. I'll get the fan, okay? Oh. I forgot it was taken, too. This will do! Fred, here you go. Have some water first, okay? -Drink some water. -[water pouring] Oh, dear. Kids! -Your dad is here! Show respect. -[Jenny] Where's our stuff? -Show some respect. -Dad! Dad, when did you arrive? You know, I risk my health working so hard in Saudi Arabia to give you guys a good life. And then what? -This is what I get? -[chair clatters] Didn't I tell you to stop gambling? The only reason I... The only reason I gamble is to make the money you send bigger. So you can stay home and we can all be together. Here, have a drink. -Oh, come on, Nita! -[glass crashes] Well, we'll all be together. Now what? Will we all starve, huh? Is that what you want? For us to starve to death? -Is that what you want? -Fred... -[stomping] -Fred... [Nita] Fred, wait. Fred! [Charo] "From then on, dad has changed a lot. It's like the dad we knew has disappeared." Leave it there. Dad, I think you've drank too much. What do you care? Do you want me to smash this glass onto your face? Huh? Put the ice over there. Come here. Go... Go out for now, okay? Take the frozen fish we asked Miss Nora to keep. I'll cook you lunch before I go out to sell items. Your dad might like it, he misses eating tuna in coconut milk. All right, Mom. -Uh, Mom? -[Nita] Hmm? Mm, my college classmates have already enrolled. So when will I enroll? [Nita] Uh... [clears throat] -...Jona, my dear... -[plastic rustling] ...let your sister, Jenny, graduate first, okay? -And I talked to... -Hand me the knife. -I talked to your Auntie Belen. -[thudding] Go stay with her in Tarlac for a while, okay? And, you know, her kids are working in America now. Who knows? She might help you with that. Mom, I'm only 16. And I want to graduate. [groans] Goodness. It's easy to fake your age. Besides, wouldn't you want that? It's a shortcut. When you work hard there, you won't earn pesos. You'll get dollars! See? Why? Do you think it's easy to go abroad? If you didn't waste the money I've been sending you, then Jona could've enrolled at a college. Come on, Fred. It's in the past. Give me a chance to make it up to you. Make it up to me? How can you do that? With just these few items you're selling? [Jenny] It'll be fine. Come on. [Nita] Oh, Jenny. Where did you stay the night? Who are you with? This is Mario, my boyfriend. I just need to get my things because we're moving together. Wait, wait. What? Wait, come here, come here. Get over here. What did you just say? I'm pregnant. And I'm leaving this place. Is there a problem? There's none, right? -You're a rude kid! -[Nita] Fred! Fred! -You're so selfish! -[Jona] Dad... -After all we've done for you... -[Nita] Fred! -...this is how you repay us? -Fred, Fred, Fred! Why, what are you so proud of? Is it this jerk? -Fred, stop! -Huh? Huh? [Nita] Fred, stop! -It makes sense! -Dad! Stop! You're just like your mom! You're worthless! -I said enough! -[Jona] Dad! Dad, stop. [sobs] Fred, if you're mad at me, just punish me! [Jona sobs] Don't drag my kids into this, because I never even hurt them, not even once! -[screams] -[Nita] Aah! [items clattering, thudding] [water splashing] -Jona. Here. -[faucet squeaking] After that, wash these up, okay? And then get us some firewood, okay? Uh, Auntie? Um, can I ask you for something? I want to go home to Manila. I really miss mom. And my sister might give birth any time. Well, what money will you use to get there? That's the thing. I was hoping I can borrow some from you. [scoffs] Who do you think you are? You already have a huge debt, yet you're still adding to it? Uh, what do you mean? Ah, so your cunning mom didn't tell you that the reason you're here is so she can pay me back. So you won't do anything else here but work. [grumbling] [stammering] Jona, why are you here? Was Auntie Belen saying the truth? Um, you've had a long journey. Let me get you something to eat. Can you stop, Mom? Stop pretending that you care for us. Is your gambling loss that big... [sobs] ...that you even use your own kid to pay for it? I'm sorry, dear. -Please understand... -Oh, come on, Mom! [sobs] I've been trying to understand you for so long. But you know what? It's all clear to me now. You have no heart. Don't you wonder why none of your kids are here? Like Jenny! She got married early. And look at Dad! He's always getting drunk outside! It's all because of you. Do you understand? It's all because of you. So you're the one to blame for this family's collapse. You! -[sniffles] Ugh! -[chair clatters] [Charo] "I had nothing else in mind then except for getting away from my family. I got married early. But not long after, Jenny died of an accident. That's why I became the eldest, the one relied on to face the problems first. Jona... she always behaves that way. -She rarely even goes to sleep. -[Nita panting] I think there's truth in the rumor I heard. -[Nita] Uh... I... -What rumor? [Nita] Uh, are you hungry? I-I'll cook you something. Hold on. [Jona] Mom... [Nita] I'll just buy you some food. -No, Mom. You don't have to. -Mom, Mom. -You always go out, Mom. -[shuddering, gasping] Why are they saying you're always near the railways at Joker's place? [Nita panting] Mom, tell us the truth. -Mom... -Are you taking drugs, too? Oh, my goodness. Who told you that, huh? Which gossipmonger said that? Your mom is worse than Norma and Vilma when it comes to that kind of topic. To tell you the truth, the only reason I go there is so I can earn something. Because I don't want your dad... to get mad at me. I don't want him to pick a fight with me. I need to make it up to him. [sobs] Because I have so many shortcomings. That's why... Mm, mm. -[men] Careful, careful. -[Francis sobbing] Dad! -Ah... -[Francis] It's Dad! -[Jona] Francis, what's up? -[Francis] Dad! -[Deo, Mike] Dad? -[man] Careful. -Dad? -What happened? -What happened to Dad? -Dad! -[Francis sobs] -[Jona] Francis! -[Francis] A heart attack! -[Jona] Huh? -[Mike] Dad? Dad! -[Jona] Dad! -Dad, Dad, Dad! -[Mike] Dad! Dad, wake up! Dad! [Francis] He was already gone when someone came! -[men] Dad! -[Jona] Dad! No, Dad isn't dead! -[Jona, Deo, Mike] Dad! Dad! -[Francis] Jona! Jona! -Jona, dad is already dead! -[Jona] Dad! -[Jona sobbing] -Dad! Dad, wake up! Dad! Dad! Dad, wake up! Dad! Jona! -Dad! -Dad is dead. -[Mike] Dad, wake up! Dad, Dad! -[Jona] Dad! [sobs] [all sobbing] [Nita] Fred... Fred. Fred! Fred! Fred! F-Fred! Fred! [sobbing] Fred! Fred, you can't leave me! You can't leave me. Fred! Fred, please forgive me! Forgive me, Fred! For all my shortcomings! Forgive me. Don't leave me, Fred! Fred, don't go! Fred! [all crying] [Nita] Fred! Fred! Fred! Fred! [Nita mumbling] Marjorie. Ask your grandma to watch TV with you. All right. Grandma, do you want to watch TV? Where is Fred? Tell him to stop working. I'll cook something for him. I'll cook something for you. I'll cook something for you. Just come home. Mom, she's looking for grandpa. [Nita continues mumbling] She's talking to herself more often these days. Sometimes, she even lights up a candle here even though the lights are on. That's the effect of illegal drugs. At this age, she's still acting up. Maybe she's still sad about your dad's passing. [Jona hums] Mom... Mom, if you want to talk to someone, we're just here. You can talk to us. Sister Virgie! You really are so pretty, Virgie. Mom, I'm not Auntie Virgie. You really are pretty. You just don't know how to dress up. Why don't you put on some lipstick? I'm Jona. I'm your daughter. I'm not Auntie Virgie. Red lipstick suits you. [Jona sighs] [Charo] "We thought of letting mom spend time with Ronald's family in Isabela. But they brought her back along with devastating news." [spoon tinkling] What did the doctor say about mom? Let's just wait for the others, Jona. [Mike] Ronald. Jona. [Francis] Ronald. Ronald. Mom? Mom... Mike! -Mom... -[gasps] Mike! Oh, Mike! [laughs] -Mom... -[Nita] Deo! [laughs] Deo, Deo, my son! -Francis! Francis! [laughs] -Mom. Ah, how have you been, huh? -Huh? -[Francis] We're fine. [Mike] Ronald... what did you want to tell us? Mom's condition is getting worse. That's why... [sighs] ...we brought her to the doctor. That's it. They said she has Alzheimer's disease. They say it's a brain disease. Most of the time, it affects the elderly. They lose memories, even when it's about something they just said. And then it affects their thinking, too. As well as their speech. So it might affect her behavior, too. Will mom still recover? What... What's the cure? I already asked that, Jona. There's no cure. But we can give her pills for relaxing and sleeping. I-I feel bad for mom. We need to really look after her. Mom... Mom. -Mom. -Sister Virgie! Sister Virgie! -Virgie... -[boys crying] Virgie, don't get mad at me anymore, okay? Can I watch TV? Mom... Why can't you remember me anymore? [sobs] Um, but my brothers, you still remember them. TV. TV! Mom... Sure, Mom. Sure. Sure, TV. TV! -TV... -Sure, Mom. Sure, sure. The TV, Mom. Yes. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Sure, Mom. There's the TV, Mom. Yes, there it is. See? [sniffling] Um, hold on. Here, here. Here it is, here. -Uh... -[people on TV chattering] [sighing, sniffling] Mom? Mom, are you okay, huh? Are you doing good? Mom... Let me. Let me get that. -[laughing] -[phone ringing] [people chattering] Sir, I have pesticides and air fresheners. Would you like to buy some? Oh, it really suits me! -[woman] Wait! -Mom! [woman] Don't do that! Can you just leave? -Isn't it pretty? -You're annoying! -I'll call the cops! [shrieks] -[Jona] Wait! -Why are you putting this on? -[Nita] Wait, I'm trying it! -[Jona] Wait! -Give it here! -Is she your mom? -Yes. -She's pissing me off! -[Jona] Okay, thanks. -Give that. Give that back! -Aah! -Pay for it. Pay for it! -Virgie, look at this girl! She's so rude! She won't give me the lipstick! -Stop that. Hand it over. -Ugly! -Give me 100. -Look at it. -Give it. -It suits me, right? It suits you, Mom. -Yes. -Yes. [giggles] -Okay, Mom, I'll take it. -Unlike her. -So rude! Rude. -Hey, hey, hey. -Fattie! Fattie! -Leave! Leave now! Leave! -[man] Can I buy something? -[Jona] Sure. -Miss, just forgive my mom. -Whatever. -[Jona] Thanks. -[woman] What a nuisance! Have you given me my change? Yes, I already did. Did you see my mom? How would I know? I think your mom is a bit crazy. Mom? Mom? Mom! Mom? Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! [Charo] "Mom kept getting lost again and again. We find her in the most unexpected places." [woman] There she is! We're close, hurry up! [Mike] Mom! Mom... Mom! What happened to you, Mom? -Mom? Mom... -[woman] I'll leave now. Mom, don't get out of the house anymore. We're all worrying about you. You might get worse injuries the next time you do this. Here, Grandma. Always wear this, okay? Our address is written on it. So if you get lost, you'll easily get back here. I don't want that. [Ruben] Mom... -[Jona sighs] -[Deo] It's fine. Mom... Mom, come on, stop being stubborn. You're giving us all a hard time. Next time, Jona, just don't let Mom get out. -[chair creaks] -Can you repeat what you said? You heard it, didn't you? Next time, don't just let Mom get out of the house. Are you blaming me? Why, does someone want this to happen to mom? What do you want? Should I devote my entire day to looking after her? -What should I do? -[Ruben] Shh. -Huh? -[Deo] Enough. Stop working? What about my family? How will we eat? -Stop, Jona. -Will you provide for us? Fine then! I'll take care of mom! -For what? -[Ruben] Jo... So you can say that I'm worthless despite being the eldest? Never mind! -Stop, Jona. -Hey. Uh, Marjorie, please hurry. -Your Grandma might be hungry. -Yes, yes. Oh, no, our earnings are too low. We have many bills to pay and Christmas is coming up, too. [Marjorie] Huh? Mom! It's Grandma! Mom, what are you doing? Mom! You're so disgusting! -[Nita gasps] -Mom! -[screams] Sorry... -[Ruben] What... -Mom! -Mom! -That's enough! -Mom, Grandma is getting hurt! -Ah! Stop! -[Marjorie] Mom! -Stop it! -Mom! Cut it out! [all screaming] -Sorry, I'm sorry... -[Jona screaming] -[Nita sobbing] -Enough! Jona, what's with you? -You're too much! -[continues sobbing] You know she's sick! What's wrong with you? Why do you treat your mom like this, huh? When you get old, do you want them to treat you like this, too? [Nita wailing] I'm sorry it's dirty! -No, Mom, don't cry. -I'm sorry it's dirty! Don't cry. No. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal, okay? Get her some... Do you have it? You have it? Okay, one more... Mom. -Let me get that. -[plastic rustling] Why are you still up? Where's your dad? He's asleep. I'll prepare the food for you. [plastic rustling] Marjorie. Try to be more patient with mom, okay? What you saw yesterday was wrong. I was wrong, I didn't mean to do that to mom. Is it hard for you, Mom? Grandma has already forgotten about all your disagreements. But you still remember everything. But despite what happened yesterday, I believe you didn't mean it and you're a good daughter. [Jona sniffles] Go on, go to your Grandma. She might like eating some porridge. All right. [Jona sighs] Ma, Grandma isn't in her room. MISSING NITA S. PANGANIBAN HAS AN ALZHEIMERS DISEASE Make a lot of copies. -Okay. -All right. -Ruben? -Yes? Ruben, do you still have money? Okay, leave it to me. -Okay. -Brother? -Son? -I'm asking someone. Oh, leave the tricycle here if you go out. It's just around the corner. -Get the umbrella, it's raining. -[Ben] Okay, okay. We'll just walk. We'll just walk. -Let me. -Okay. Let's go. Use your umbrella properly. -Okay? -Okay. Well, but can you send money? We'll update you. Take care, okay? Bye. Any news about Mom? No, Deo. But we asked the barangay for help. How many times will Mom disappear while under your care? Mike, stop it. This isn't helping. No. I said I can take care of Mom. But what did you say? You'll do it, right? You said you're the eldest, so what you say, goes. But it seems like you're doing this on purpose. Because you think that's expected of you. That's why this keeps happening, right? Because until now, you haven't forgiven Mom for what she did to this family. What she did to you. Right? Isn't that the truth? That's not true. That's not true. That's the truth. -[Francis] Mike! -Wait! Isn't that the truth? Do you think we haven't heard that you're hurting Mom? You're just like Auntie Virgie. And you wonder why she calls you that? You're the closest to Mom. -Mike, enough. -No, that's the truth! You're the closest to Mom. But you're the one who's hurting her! [Ruben] Mike, stop it! Sister! Is this the time to blame each other? Shouldn't we help each other look for Mom? Sister, you better hope that nothing bad happens to Mom. -Mike. -Mike! Mike! [car honking] Mom! Mom... Hey. What is it? You had a nightmare. Oh, Lord. Please keep Mom safe, wherever she is. It's not her fault that I abandoned her. In spite of everything, she's my mother. I dedicate these nine days of Night Mass for her return. I'm begging you. Have you seen who you're looking for here? Can we put my Mom's poster here? Okay, we'll call you if something turns up. I hope you can find your mother. It's almost Christmas. [Jona] Thanks. Here's the pan de sal! They're still hot. That's a lot. Here's the our favorite chocolate when we were kids that made us fat, that's why I'm still fat today. Do you remember when we were kids and it was Christmas, Mom takes us to the flea market at Luneta. -[chuckling] -Right? She doesn't want us to eat yet because she wants everybody to see that we have a lot of food. That's why our sister got grumpy. She thought Mom spent the all the money that Dad sent. [Ruben] But she did actually spend it. -Mom is amazing. -Indeed. I went by the mall. Sister... When Mom found out you and Ben... had a hard time buying clothes for your kids, do you know what Mom did? She stole clothes from the mall to give it to you. Kids, keep eating. The noodles I got are delicious. Those are special noodles. Then later, do you know what we'll do? We'll open and you'll try on the clothes I bought for you kids. Do you like that? -Do you like that? -[kids] Yay! Very good. -Mom? -Oh, Jona, come here. Come, you should eat. I bought noodles. Go on, you don't have to cook anymore. Ask for your Mom's blessing. Go, go. Come, sit down, sit down. These are special noodles. I worked hard for those. I'm full. Hey, kids. Don't ask for money from your mama anymore. That way, she can reduce her expenses. -Okay? -Yes, Grandma. Very good, very good. Grandma, did you also buy a lipstick? Why, of course! Your grandmother needs to be beautiful! [laughing] Okay, wait... [Charo] Nine days of the Night Mass passed, but we didn't find Mom. [Ruben] Sister. I promised Mom that I will never tell you what she did. Because Mom was afraid you'd get angry at her again. So I said, "Mom, that's wrong." She stopped doing it. Mom doesn't show her love like other mothers. But you know, she loves us so much. You're right. I'm still angry at Mom. Because of all of our Mom's mistakes and shortcomings, I held a grudge. I held that grudge inside me. Because I told myself, I'm a sensible daughter. Even if she wasn't the perfect mother, I'll be different. I'll be different from Mom. But Mom didn't need a perfect daughter. Mom needed a good daughter. A daughter who loved her. Whether you believe me or not, I love our mother. I love our mother so much. I realized how much I love Mom now that she's missing. I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to Mom. I love our mother. -Sister. -Yes? Forgive me. Forgive me because I blamed you. I'm at fault, too. I wronged Mom, too. I know you're doing everything you can for Mom. You're doing it for her. Forgive me, sister. Mom has to come back. Mom has to come back. Sister, she'll come back. She's safe. We need to believe that. -She'll come back to us. -Mom is safe. [phone ringing] hello? Yes, this is Jona. [woman] Jona, it's your mother. Mom? Mom. Mom. Mom? Mom? Virgie? Virgie. You're not angry at me anymore? I'm not angry anymore, Mom. I'm not angry. Leo! Leo! -Mom. -Oh, Leo! Oh, my son. My son... Are you okay, mom? How are you? I'm good. -How are you, Mom? -How are you? Oh, my son. How are you, Leo? I missed you. Oh, my son. I'm Jona. I'm Mom's second child. I'm Josephine. Thank you for taking care of our mother. It's nothing. I saw her on the road, she almost got ran over. -[car honking] -Hey! Hey, get out of the way! Ma'am? Ma'am. Are you okay, ma'am? -What? -Are you okay? Oh, uh... Where are you going? -Oh, ma'am, ma'am... -Yes? -Yes? -Uh... I wanted to go to Tarlac to my mom and dad. But... I can't find the bus. Oh, okay, I'll go with you. -Really? You know? -Yes. -Yes. -You'll help me? -Yes, come. -Oh, my. Come with me. -Come. -Thank you. -Sure. -Thank you, thank you. She said she wanted to go home to her mom and dad in Tarlac. But she couldn't remember any information so I took her to my home. Then I went to a Home for the Aged, then I saw your flyers there. My Mom has Alzheimer's. My mommy had that, too. But she's gone now. Was it hard? They said... If you always think about your love for someone, it will be easy. But love comes with hardships and sacrifices. Yes, I had a hard time. Until the end. It hurt me so much. But the truth is, I wouldn't replace it with anything. For a long time, it was hard for me to celebrate Christmas because that was when Mommy died. But when Mommy Nita was at our place, I felt... I felt like Mommy came back to me to tell me that I shouldn't be sad anymore. I should be happy and celebrate Christmas again. You know... You're lucky because she's still with you. All right, all right. I'll leave... I'll leave your mommy to you. Thank you. Mommy Nita, I have to go. Oh, my. Ma'am, thank you so much. Thank you for taking care of me. -Oh, thank you. -I'll miss you. Thank you so much. We'll see each other again. -Yes. -Okay. -Take care. -Take care. -I will. -Thank you. -Bye, ma'am. -Bye. -[Nita] Ma'am. -Goodbye. -[Nita] Thank you. -Bye, Mommy/ Ma'am is so kind. [Jona] Mom? -Ma'am is so kind to me. -Mom. Mom. -Is Virgie still angry at me? -Mom... Mom... -Don't be angry at me anymore. -Yes. Leo is kind to me, too. She's so kind. Ma'am is so kind. Ma'am took care of me. Mom, I cooked food for you. You can eat something if you get hungry later. There. Mom, your bed is ready. Come. Time to sleep. Love you, Mom. -Go to sleep, Mom. -Thank you, Virgie. Mom... I'm Jona. Thank you, Virgie. You know... I wanted to go home to Mom and Dad in Tarlac. But I couldn't find the right bus. Because... I wanted to ask money from them so I can pass it on to my daughter Jona. I want to help support her family. Virgie... Virgie, even if Jona doesn't tell me, I know... I know she's struggling. My daughter is so kind and hard working. That's why I want to help her. It's my fault. I didn't send her to school. No... I hurt her. I wasn't a good mother to her. No... So I hope... -Before I die... -No... I hope I can make up for everything. I hope... I hope she can forgive me. My husband Fred... When he died... It was the same. He was so angry at me. I wasn't able to apologize to him. He died without forgiving me. Virgie, I don't want that to happen again. No, no... I talked to Jona, your daughter. She said she forgave you long ago. And that she loves you so much. She loves you so much. You really talked to Jona? Mom... Virgie... Virgie, I'm going home. Jona forgave me. I'm going home to her. -I'm going. -You're already home, Mom. You're already home. You're home, Mom. Mom, forgive me. Forgive me. Mom, forgive me. Jona, my dear. You recognize me, Mom? You recognize me, Mom? Mom. [Charo] She may recognize me, but sometimes she doesn't. But even so, all I cared about making amends. -Okay. -I'll do it. No, I'll do it, Marjorie. Mom. Mom, you made it rain again. Let's go, Mom. Let's get you changed. Careful, you might slip. Here. Mom keeps making it rain. Mom. Mom. This is your favorite lipstick. I'll put some on you, Mom. Here. Ahh. Okay, purse your lips, Mom. -[cheering] -Happy new year! [all] Happy new year! Mom. Mom? Mom, wake up. Let's have breakfast. Mom, I cooked a great breakfast. I want us to eat together. Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom? Mom, wake up. Mom. Mom, wake up. Don't joke around, Mom. Mom! Ruben! Help! Mom! Mom, not here! Mom! Mom, wake up. Ruben, help! Ruben! Mom... Your mom's Alzheimer's is in its advanced stage. She will forget how to talk, walk, chew and swallow food. She needs to be confined so we can observe her. Because aside from Alzheimer's, she has pneumonia. Doc, do everything you can. I'm begging you. Don't worry, ma'am. We will do everything we can. Mom... Mom, please get better. So next Christmas, we can go to Luneta. That's where we'll eat. [Charo] But after two weeks, Mom was declared brain dead. -Mom... -Give her a dosage. -Mom. -[nurse] Okay. Patient time of death, 1:45 AM. Mom... Mom, wake up... Mom, wake up... Mom, we're still going to Luneta. Mom, wake up... Mom... Mom, wake up... Mom... Here, pass the food around. But don't eat everything. We still have dessert. -Here you go. -Let's eat. -Oh, it's barbeque! -There. -This is our favorite. -Here's more. Sister, these noodles are amazing. You got Mom's recipe. -That's right. -It's delicious. Hey, I know you're trying to get on my good side. -You can take some home. -It's true. -I want to take some home, too. -Me, too. -Hey. -It's delicious. Marjorie, why the long face? It's nothing, Mom. I just miss Grandma. I wish she was her. Eat up. Marjorie, even if your grandma isn't here, she's in our hearts. The important thing is, even if your grandma is gone, our family got together thanks to her. Go on, eat. -Yes? -Merry Christmas. Wow. -Wow. -It's a gift. [Jona] My sweet daughter has a gift for me. You're the ones who should give us gifts. -You're the ones with jobs. -We don't have our bonus yet. I'll put some on you, Ma. Okay. -There. -Wow, you look like Grandma. You're so sweet. [Charo] Everyday, I bring with Mom's gift with me, and that is the gift of love. Even if we have different ways, I promised myself I will show that love to my siblings, my husband, and my children. Thank you for your time. Jona. Memories last forever. But that's not true for people who are losing their memories. So it's important to take every opportunity in the present to understand, forgive, and show love to others, most importantly, to our families. Whether it's Christmas or not, we should take to heart that family is love. This is Charo Santos, reminding you that you are the protagonist of your story. Merry Christmas, Kapamilya.
Channel: ABS-CBN Entertainment
Views: 937,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ABS-CBN, ABS-CBN Online, ABS-CBN Philippines, Philippines, Entertainment, Showbiz, December 11 2021, 2021211online, YT0psGeanno, Drama Series, Full Episode, MMK, MMK Full Episode, Maalala Mo Kaya Full Episode, True to life Story, Charo Santos-Concio, MMK Marathon, mmk full episodes, drama family, family drama, true story drama, Maalaala Mo Kaya Full Episodes, maalaala mo kaya Red Lipstick full episode, MMK Full episodes, MMK Red Lipstick, Sylvia Sanchez, Nonie Buencamino
Id: OyYjxOSwmk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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