Kamelot "Sacrimony" ft. Alissa White-Gluz and Elize Ryd REACTION & ANALYSIS by Vocal Coach

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[Music] welcome back to the charismatic voice today we're going to be looking at our patrons choice which is camelot performing sacrimoni but this is a special performance during this performance the original singer annette olsen was sick and so elise ride or ribbed not sure how to pronounce her last name it's roid and alyssa white glues took over and i'm really excited because i haven't heard either of these singers before but elise is in amaranth and alyssa is an arch enemy so i'm excited to hear these new voices and on top of that we're going to be listening it to lead singer of camelot at this time who is tommy karavik uh before i've heard camelot with roy khan who was amazing but i have heard tommy once before and a little bit in seventh wonder but i heard him on the channel in aerion and i was really blown away it was like a great great voice so this sounds to me like we're about to have three great voices come together and that's super exciting let's get to it [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah yeah tommy's voice is glorious it's really glorious oh man i think it'd be very difficult to choose between uh roy and tommy they're both just really really good i feel like it's different flavors but still ice cream you know like they're both great i immediately love uh the having both the snarl and the sound and some loft or like dome in the voice we've got some nice easy vibrato that enters but really clear diction and it sounds like lots of space uh while just having this great enunciation and um and focus on the sound uh this started very suddenly so i'm gonna go back to the beginning and listen to it one more time it was like ha ha sound [Music] is interesting look at his mic technique there he's really using the mic to help with some different kinds of sounds uh i like some of the creaking sound where you almost feel like a little bit of fry then he'll enter into the sound or just come back off of it and go into a little bit more fry very interesting very um it feels very personal essentially interesting my technique [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] wow his belt is beautiful it's so centered on the pitch and it just it has that balanced tone that i love right where it has like ah sounds like it's riding the air very nicely so it's like got some spin happening in it and you have again that feeling of like a little more dome or loft going but then this um focus in the front it's just beaut beautifully balanced let's go back i know we might listen to his voice a bunch sorry not sorry it's great [Music] so where is that distortion growling coming from is that is that him is that somebody else i don't know um but i definitely hear some some growling in there uh and he's talking about this distorted mind right so it makes sense that this would come in kind of in the background as backing vocals but i wonder if there's somebody else here that's performing it or maybe if he somehow has gone into that back one more [Music] okay his line there is going over a really really wide range but he makes it seem effortless like he doesn't make us feel like he's having to jump very far he's keeping all of those notes essentially threading through a really similar area in this forward mask though he's keeping i think around the same amount of loft on each of them as well to keep that balance and this makes it feel like they're not so far apart in reality he's having to make a lot of tiny adjustments in here some singers are more aware that some aren't uh my guess is that he is aware of it because he does it so fluidly essentially to make it feel like we don't have a huge transition when you make a huge jump up to a high note a singer often needs to start the lower notes in that same position of the high note so that there isn't a big shift that we hear when they reach that high note and this is this is happening a lot already i'm very curious how much more it happens in this song too i'm back a little more yeah that's really well prepared [Music] memories cool hello entrance of one of our singers uh i think that that's elise but i'm not entirely sure i looked at some pictures of them before and i think that she's elise it's really hard to research this without watching it just so you know um but i also have some really excellent notes so thank you to everybody that helped prepare those um uh let's go back to tommy for a moment here he's doing something that i often coach singers to do i've been coached to do it as well um it's really really helpful for essentially balancing some of the dynamics in the voice so when he comes back down to lower notes i really hear a lot more like forward almost like right around the mouth placement so like instead of going down and letting the sound sort of chunk back and almost get a little swallowed as it goes down it goes down and he's really um almost like amy like as if it were going over a hump or over a bump and uh trickling down like uh do down a spider web kind of idea if you continue to place the voice down this way as you go down until lower notes after singing something really high it helps keep the lower voice really present in the sound and i hear him very actively doing this that is that is fantastic technique i think that he's aware of doing this i'm not entirely sure sometimes these things are natural but maybe he's just thinking to keep it present but that's that is the main way that you would keep it present as you go down and pitch really cool let's see let's go back here we'll do it again [Music] it's like as he's singing you hear that he's already got that stretch up to a high note prepared this is i i want to hear him a lot more oh i know she was mixed in there it's a little bit hard to hear her though beautiful costume really beautiful costume my first impression of her voice was it had a lot of depth in the timbre it almost sounded deeper than tommy's voice at that point because of that timbre really cool let's keep going oh here's that here's the other girl [Music] alyssa oh my goodness [Music] oh okay yeah she's got some pretty cool cool harsh vocals going on there um okay alyssa i think this is lissa now i thought her entrance for singing was going to be clean vocals i'd read that she does do harsh vocals um sometimes but whoa uh she she seems like she's like a demoness wow totally unexpected i'm loving the different frequencies that she's doing these harsh vocals at so um often when we think about uh singing clean vocals we're thinking about different pitches like oh this is an a4 oh this is an a5 and all those things in between harsh vocals still have pitches they just tend to have a wider range so you don't have like a fundamental frequency as a pitch you can define but if you were to look at it um within uh like a a microscope that looks essentially at sound uh frequencies which would be a spectrogram if you looked at that you would see that the frequency of harsh vocals really can vary it covers a wider range kind of like sibilance like an s or an f those have frequencies too that cover a wider range but you would see it brighter essentially in when it's higher you would see it brighter higher on that spectrogram or brighter on the lower stuff um overall um a lot of her sound sounds like there's a really high brightness to it that's that's closer to something like siblings like an s um let's go back that was a cool entrance oh yeah oh actually let's go back a little bit more it sounds like elise has a beautiful just lilty classical on top of them i wish you could hear that morning [Music] she's [Music] the fantasy nerd in me right now is loving these costumes so much so much i wonder if they ever have people cosplay as them i feel like that might happen i love the um like the dark and the light probably some sort of good and evil mixture that's happening there um but wow and and the hair and the makeup everything down to it um i loved getting into costume when doing operas that it's just so much fun and how much fun would it be to get into costumes like this every night for your own show you get to play a character of your own making wow cool okay let's keep going [Music] yeah mad keyboard skills it looked like he was doing like an actual chromatic scale with their right finger [Music] oh man that was more than more than just chromatic scale good fingering that was that was cool uh i think i read before this in the notes is like a side note i believe that that guy is the husband of simone from epica oliver well this is his name i believe anyhow uh just a shout out that was some really really great dexterity in the fingers there and beautiful um beautiful crossing even has a nice looseness in the wrist and all the good stuff [Music] is wow um elise has a much more rich sound than i was expecting it's that deep timbre again it's got a like a certain throatiness to it sounds uh much more mezzo in timbre to me has just beautiful warmth in it already and i think she's pretty young at this point it's going to be great to hear how her voice develops but similar where she was negotiating some of those bigger jumps very well and of course all of these three have amazing stage presence i want to hear that again is is man i i love her high belt here this makes uh so much sense too when i see uh they were talking about wrong needs to write or something sing for me angel of afterlife calming me down chaos inside my nebula and make the wrong turn to write in a celestial light forgive my sacrimoni oh that's cool that makes so much sense for some of the costuming as well with this though i wonder if these are normal costumes because i've seen elise and similar a similar costume before but that makes sense to have sort of like uh the angel of death and the angel of life like good and evil in there because both could be technically in the afterlife right a wrong turn to write in celestial light oh i like that i like that uh very interesting how they're interacting on stage as well uh i've been in a situation where i have suddenly stepped into the shoes of another person that was needing cover for them when they were sick and meeting my colleagues on stage uh was very exciting sometimes you're lucky enough to have rehearsal they probably had one or a couple but men that that energy of the audience and experiencing that with somebody else on stage for the first time is a very intense and uh a very exciting experience sometimes i think you find that moment where you connect really well on stage and i'm seeing some of that happening here it's really neat to see it let's go back one more time yeah look at them look at them connecting that's awesome is [Music] i mean obviously they have lots of experience performing i'm just not sure if they performed in a setting like this before so i'm really curious what that was like for them just being tossed into it super cool um love the the different vocals and the way that they were sounding um together the way it brought different colors in there i'm gonna go back one more time look at the way that elise grounds herself she's very actively grounding herself at one point when she's about to go up for a high belt man that was perfect timing uh and holding that hand up again you guys probably know this um holding the hand up helps keep the rib cage expanded it can be really great for high notes as well so very interesting to see her do that too really great technique all the way through for getting super grounded high belt is [Music] nice ah [Music] awesome if the intention was to make me want to dig into three more singers regularly yes thank you patrons that's exactly what i want now there's so many good singers that i want to listen to all the time this is difficult uh this is this is difficult but it's a good difficulty to have i have to say uh very very impressed with that first hearing of elise from amaranth okay so note to self i know i've seen amaranth suggested before elise goes with amaranth really really great uh supported belting there heard a little bit of operatic moments as well i definitely love check her out more and very curious about alyssa as well in arch enemy we got just like a tiny snippet of those growls but i think she was doing some clean singing at the end as well yeah she had a really wide range of different use i think man all kinds of different harsh vocals i think she was using in there oh that was intense it was a very very quick show of a lot of different things she could do with harsh vocals i would love to hear more of that and of course tommy wow um i i will probably do another tommy song sometime soon on the channel let me know below which songs you recommend the most we do track your recommendations we absolutely uh will react to and analyze the songs that you recommend the most so know that you're heard and uh and recommend good stuff please like this um patrons thank you so much for this choice this was really really fun for me to hear and uh it was so much fun too i knew i liked cam a lot with roy khan and i like camelot with these three as well i think canelo is really cool we should hear more camelot too oh so many choices help me out guys tell me below in the comments which ones i need to listen to next please and also come and see me on mondays tuesdays and fridays at 8 am arizona time here for live premieres and you can find me obviously on patreon where we have a really really cool group of people just saying they're like top shelf and you can also find me at thecharismaticvoice.com if you want to take courses about music or about singing i'll see you guys somewhere soon [Music] bye
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 172,010
Rating: 4.9575167 out of 5
Keywords: kamelot reaction, alissa white-gluz, elize ryd, sacrimony reaction, Kamelot sacrimony reaction, kamelot vocal coach analysis, kamelot vocal coach reaction, kamelot sacrimony vocal coach reaction, kamelot live, sacrimony live, Kamelot sacrimony live, nightwish concert, nightwish live concert, nightwish feat kamelot, sacrimony live performance analysis, Elizabeth Zharoff, The Charismatic Voice
Id: Z4a27a-NM8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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