Kamala Harris 'made a rookie error'

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look i want to go to kamala harris now she has found herself in a very difficult situation in almost every media interview she she does she's asked whether she plans to visit the border and can't answer have a look okay do you have any plans to visit the border at some point you know we are going to the border we've been to the border so this whole this whole this whole thing about the border we've been to the border we've been to the border you haven't been to the border i and i haven't been to europe and i mean i don't know i don't understand the point that you're making i'm not discounting the importance of the border oh there's no migration crisis from europe matt i mean since the administration changed there's been this incredible situation at the border what's happened well it's uh shari it's a it's a bit like we're watching australian politics 10 years ago on rewind over there in the u.s and i i thought here at least in this country we settled this whole debate 10 years ago you can see the the points that the blind administration are putting across about root causes and pull factors they're exactly the same thing that the rudd gillard government uh tried to come up with excuses for for all the boats arriving 10 years ago when when tony abbott was elected on the promise to stop the boats he stopped the boats it stopped everybody said he couldn't do it everybody said that no people are going to come here anyway even if we do be harsh and return people but it worked it worked and i don't think anybody wants to see the the kind of people smuggling trade we saw in this country 10 years ago or seemingly i'm not an expert on the mexican border there but seemingly these coyotes and drug runners using kids it's the same kind of reprehensible tactics that we saw from the people smugglers uh in the pacific uh ten years ago and and the way to stamp this out is is clear just be tough on the border uh this idea that you fly to the the the countries of origin uh have a conversation and deal with the root causes and it's all done it's just a fairy tale that's not going to fix the problem aaron what do you think about this you know the democrats attacked trump mercilessly saying there were children in cages but but now kamala harris won't even go there this is um a really really difficult spot politically for the democrats and you see kamala harris she's getting attacked on the left and she's getting attacked on the right you know the right is saying to well you know you're meant to be responsible you're personally going to have some responsibility for stopping this huge influx of immigrants you know one of the one of the biggest numbers of sort of attempted sign seekers heading to the border and decades then on on the left you've got you've got the left corner of the democrats saying well we should be welcoming these people in what are you doing vice president going to guatemala and telling people to stop coming so and you we all we all know that under the trump administration how hard line trump the trump white house was on this and how he was very secure on the right and i want him a lot of support so this is emerging as i think the first major point of weakness and and big a big domestic problem for the biden white house yeah i'd have to agree what do you think stephen well i think rookie era by the vice president she should have made an effort to get down to the border she said got some responsibilities here uh yes there definitely has been increased activity on the border uh we haven't seen any caravans uh you'll remember fox news used to follow the caravans coming up from colombia uh there's no caravan footage uh so i'm not sure it's as dramatic as fox news might in i'm talking fox news in the us might be trying to whip it up to but this is a really rookie error from her i think she's uh clearly doesn't think she would have to answer tough questions i think she should take a break from the media do a little bit of homework get down there and then she can deal with some of these questions a little more simply but yes the democrats like labor and like most of the parties across europe and i would stress the right wing and the left-wing parties in europe have been swamped by the migration immigration issues they've they've had wars to deal with turkey have played them on a break let millions come through or block them off if they've been bribed to block them off so there's there's real dangers for the democrats for biden and harris if they look like they're going to be a real soft touch on this yeah no it's definitely a problem and i can't work out why she hasn't even even for for whatever reason she doesn't want to go to the border she can't work out what to say in a media interview about it
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 454,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6258636817001, fb, msn, opinion, sharrimarkson, us, world, yt
Id: f7GrRPKdKak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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