Atlanta Grill Company Thanksgiving Turkey and Gravy

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[Music] hey guys i'm john setzler welcome back to atlantic grill company it's the first part of november so i'm gonna get a turkey video going so we can have a wonderful thanksgiving turkey and we're gonna feature the atlanta grill company brine thyme turkey brine and the limited turkey seasoning on this bird okay we're gonna get started i am two days away from cooking the first thing i'm gonna do is make my brine and i'm going to use the atlanta grill company brine thyme mixture i need two gallons of brine for my turkey so i'm starting out here with just two quarts of water i'm going to use one cup of the brine time mixture and i've got my water here to just just add a simmer and i'm gonna stir this and get that salt and sugar dissolved in there and now that that's mixed in i'm just gonna turn my heat off and i'm gonna put the lid on that and i'm gonna let it sit here for several hours and uh let that return basically to room temperature so now i've let my brine cool down to room temperature and i'm gonna dump this into my briner bucket with the rest of the water that i've had chilling and i'm going to put the lid back on that and i'm going to put that back in my refrigerator and let it continue to chill and i'm just going to let it chill overnight to where it's down to 40 degrees or below because we're not going to put the turkey in the brine till tomorrow so we'll be back okay i've taken my brine back out of the refrigerator it's completely chilled we're on day two now of this three day process or two day process i have had the brine chilling and right now it's about 8 p.m oops i didn't mean to drop that in there that hard it's about 8 p.m on tuesday evening and i'm planning to cook this guy on wednesday uh probably sometime around noon so i'm gonna put my briner bucket together here get that turkey completely submerged in that get the lid on it and get it right back into the refrigerator and you can brine these things for anywhere from one to two hours a pound so this guy would be ready to cook as early as eight a.m in the morning or i could push it out till two or three o'clock in the afternoon and have no problems so we'll be back when we're ready to light our grill okay we're ready to move on it is now cooked day i have taken my turkey out of the brine i have towel dried it with paper towels as best i can and i've set it on a half sheet and i'm going to set that half sheet in the refrigerator for a little while to let this turkey air dry just a little bit before we move on we're going to go ahead and get the grill lit i've got a fire going in the firebox of my kamado joe classic 3 and i'm not going to be using the slow roller today because i want to use a drip pan so i'm going to use my heat deflectors here in the low position and then i'm going to set my accessory rack down on the very bottom level of this and i'm trying something today that i've never tried before i am trying to not burn off all of the drippings that i get from this turkey because we're going to cook today at 400 degrees so i have set my drip pan in here and i've covered it with aluminum foil and put a hole in the center where hopefully we'll maintain some of the drippings that we get from this turkey so i'm going to set my grates in the high position then i'm just going to close the dome lid and then i'm going to set my top vent about halfway and once i have the fireboard running i want my grill to preheat to 400 degrees and i want to give it at least 20 or 30 minutes to hold there and preheat the ceramics before we actually start cooking and while my grill is preheating i'm going to make an injection i'm melting some butter and i've got a couple of cloves of garlic that i've just smashed i've got some sprigs of fresh thyme and some sprigs of fresh sage that we're just going to put in there and let that butter melt after this butter melts i'm just going to turn my burner down to its lowest setting and i'm going to toss the lid on there and we're gonna let that sit until we're ready to inject okay i've taken my turkey back out of the refrigerator i took my spider and dipped out the solids from my injection and i'm just going to take my injector and inject all of this meat at about one inch intervals until i've got all of that butter injection in this bird now that i have all my injection in that turkey i'm gonna pour on a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and just rub the skin this turkey's cold and that butter that comes back out of the hole sometimes when you're injecting solidifies and i need a little bit of oil on the surface of this bird so we can get our rub to it here or our seasoning blend and today i'm gonna be seasoning this with the atlanta grill company limited turkey blend and i'm just gonna get a real nice coat of that all over the outside of this turkey and now that i have that on there i'm gonna let that sit for just a few minutes while our grill finish is coming up to temperature and then we're ready to go okay my grill is ready and we're gonna set this turkey up here and have it ready to go and i'm just going to put that right over my drip tray i'm going to close the lid and i like to cook my turkeys until i have a temperature in the deep part of the breast at about 150 degrees so i am going to do just that and we'll be back to have a look at this guy when it's done and i'll let you know how long it took when we get there and we're about an hour and 50 minutes into this cook and this guy's ready it's a temperature probing everywhere that i want it to be i'm just a little over 150 degrees in the deep part of the breast which is where i like to be so i'm going to take this guy off the grill i'm going to put it in a baking pan i'm going to cover it up tightly with foil and i'm going to keep it warm and we're going to let it rest for a little while now that i've got that turkey off and got it resting the next thing i want to do here is have a look and see what kind of pan drippings i might have collected if any and what i've done here is right before i started i put in a little bit of chicken stock so let me lift this guy out and let's have a look at what's in there so i've taken that out and let me get the foil off i believe this has worked to some degree maybe not i think so we've got some liquid there it's really dark but that's okay we're gonna keep that because i'm gonna harvest some more liquid out of that turkey as it's resting i noticed when i put the turkey into my pan that the cavity of the bird had a good bit of liquid in it so we're gonna use that we're gonna use this and we're gonna make a pan gravy okay i decided not to use what i had collected in my drip pan but this is what i collected from the turkey itself while i was resting it and that liquid that was in the cavity so i've dumped that into a measuring cup here and i've got about a cup and i want to make about three cups of uh of gravy so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna top this off with chicken stock just to get up to the three cup mark and then i'm gonna give you a formula that you can use to make pan gravy like this from any drippings you've got and if you don't have any drippings you could do this with straight chicken stock the formula is very simple for every cup of liquid you have or every cup of gravy you want to end up with you use one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of flour so the first thing we're going to do is make a roux so the first thing i'm going to do in my saucepan is melt my butter i've got three tablespoons of butter that we're gonna get melted and once our butter is melted we're gonna whisk in our flour and i'm just gonna do that a little bit at a time until i get that all combined in here and i'm on uh probably just a little over medium somewhere between medium to medium-high and what we're going to do with this flour and butter is we're going to let this cook until that becomes fragrant until that flower starts to change color you're gonna see it go from a yellow it's gonna start to turn brown a light brown okay after just a couple of minutes here this is starting to brown a little bit you don't want to let this brown go too far you can make it darker if you like but i kind of like mine uh probably about just where we see it here so the next thing i'm going to start doing is drizzling my liquid in and as i do that this roux is going to tighten up really quickly so i just want to keep on coming with the liquid and whisk it in as we go and just keep on bringing it in keep it from getting lumpy you whisk just whisk this constantly and once we have all that liquid in we'll bring it up to a simmer and while that's coming up to a simmer i'm gonna put in just a little bit of fresh cracked black pepper i'm not going to add any salt to this just yet because you're going to want to taste this and uh salt it to taste since we're using juices from that turkey and chicken stock that already have salt in it and as this and as this comes up to a simmer you're going to want to back the heat down just a little bit don't let this go too crazy because it's going to thicken up and after about 10 minutes or so you're going to want to just turn the heat off you're going to want to watch this it's going to thicken up and when it does it's going to go fairly quickly so what i like to do after i get it thickened up is just take it off the heat and once i have it off the heat i'm just going to put the lid on that and keep it warm until we're ready to use it and after that guys had a little bit of time to rest go ahead and break it down and drizzle it with a little bit of that gravy we made and guys you've got a feast waiting on you give this a try let me know what you think have a look at my video description because i'm going to give you some extra information about the gravy there's a lot of different directions you can go with this and a lot of things you can do with it so give it a try and i hope you guys enjoy this one at thanksgiving this year until next time this is john setzler with atlanta grill [Music] company [Music] you
Channel: Atlanta Grill Company
Views: 2,014
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Atlanta Grill Comany, turkey, kamado joe, thanksgiving, smoked turkey, grilled turkey, big green egg
Id: 0jrD56Z3964
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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