Kali Linux NetHunter Android install in 5 minutes (rootless)

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- In this video, I'm gonna show you how to get Kali NetHunter installed and running on an Android phone. The process is actually not that difficult. This is not a rooted phone. This is a rootless installation. I could use John to do a password crack. I could do wireless attacks. In this video, I'm just gonna show you the installation, and do a basic end map of scan. In subsequent videos. I'll show you, as an example, how to do Wi-Fi hacking and use some of the applications directly from your phone. Let's get started. (upbeat techno music) Let's see how long it takes me to get Kali up and running on this Android phone. First step is to go to GitHub, termux/termux-app releases. I'll put a presentation, below, that has all of these steps so that you can follow along. Basically, all you need to do is download this software. So we're gonna download the apk. Once it's downloaded, click Open, and then install the application. Okay, application is installed, so I can select Open. Okay, so there you go. Termux is installed. This is, essentially, Linux. So what I can do now is type "apt update" to update references. And then, I'm gonna do "apt upgrade" to upgrade the software. Specify "yes" to continue the installation. If you prompt it at any point, just say, "Yes," to install the software. So I'm gonna say, "Yes." I'm gonna say, "Yes," once again. And I wanna say, "Yes," to keep the current version. Okay, I'm gonna do an "apt update" again, just to update references. Make sure that they're all good. And then I'm going to install wget, so "apt install wget." Say, "Yes," to install it. Now, I'm gonna use "wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZ, or Z, if you prefer, Wr. Once again, I've put a PDF below which shows you all of these steps, so that you can follow that if you prefer. So I'm gonna press Enter to download the software. I'm gonna change permission so that I can execute the software. It's installed, nethunter-termux. Press Enter, and then install the software. All you need to do, now, is wait for the installation to complete. It may take a long time for the software to install. Go and grab a coffee, go and do something else while it installs. You'll eventually receive a prompt: "Delete downloaded rootfs file." We're gonna say, "No." And there you go. Kali NetHunter is installed on this phone. What we can do now is either use NetHunter to start the NetHunter CLI. We could also use the shortcut nh, and then I could use a command such as "nmap kali.org." And we can see which ports are open. Port 22, so ssh. 80 and 443. I'll exit out of NetHunter. And what I'm gonna do now is set the KeX password. So "nethunter kex password." I'll specify a password. I'm not gonna set a view-only password. And what I'll do is start KeX, So NetHunter KeX, you'll get these errors, but that's okay. Now, what I'll do is I'm gonna go to the NetHunter website, which is store.nethunter.com/en/, and I'm gonna scroll down and I'm gonna download the store app. I'm gonna open the file and I'm gonna install it. Select Open. And rather than looking at the various options here, I'm going to search for NetHunter KeX, and I'm gonna download that. Now, in this example, I've previously downloaded NetHunter on this phone and then removed it, and I'm installing it again. You may get some additional prompts. As an example, you may have to select the Package Installer. So I'm gonna click Install. I'm told that, for my security, the phone is not allowed to install unknown apps. I'm gonna go to Settings. I'm going to allow the app to be installed. Click Install. Now, if necessary, search for KeX, and then select the NetHunter KeX from the applications. I'm gonna allow the app to access files and photos on my phone. And then, what I'm gonna do is specify the VNC password that I created. And then, I'm going to connect. And there you go. I've got Kali running on this phone. I'll change my input mode to direct, swipe pan. As you can see, I can access applications in Kali on my phone. I could "ping google.com," as an example. You can see the ping succeeds, and then I could do a basic nmap scan. Once again, of Kali.org. You can see that Port 22 is open. Port 80 and Port 443. I'll show you in separate videos, as an example, how to use a phone to attack Wi-Fi network. So use Kali or Termux on a phone. Now, please note that, at the time of this recording, you can get this to run on Android 12, but you may have issues where processes are killed. In my example, I'm using an older version of Android. This is Android 11. Hopefully, on Android 13, as an example, this will be solved. Have a look at the PDF, which I've linked below, which has a link to the Github page explaining that issue in more detail. And also, shows you step-by-step how to get Kali up and running on an Android phone. This is just a standard Android phone. It's not been rooted, so I can access my other applications directly on this phone. As an example, I could open up Chrome, and use other applications on the phone at the same time as having Kali running on this phone. If you enjoyed this video, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. Please like this video, and click on the bell to get notifications. I'm David Bombal, and I wanna wish you all the very best. (upbeat techno music)
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 2,863,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kali linux, nethunter, kali linux nethunter, kali linux nethunter android wifi hack, kali linux nethunter android, kali linux net installer, install kali linux on android, kali linux on android, nethunter rootless, kali linux android, how to install nethunter, nethunter on non root, kali linux install, how to install nethunter without root, hwo to install nethunter, nethunter install android, kali nethunter rootless, nethunter kali linux android, kali linux on android mobile
Id: KxOGyuGq0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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