Exiled Hero gets Monster Tamer Cheat Skill & is mistaken for Demon Lord!

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The Story begins with a boy and his maid standing together the boy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he announced that after many years of tireless searching they had finally found it the Divine job Tome is made question the boy about his immediate plans and how they would harness the powers of the special book as Noah Whitefield delves into the ancient Pages his eyes roam over a multitude of unfamiliar job titles however his quest takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a section dedicated to the highly sought-after title of hero in a moment of self-reflection no Noah confesses to himself that the true driving force behind his tireless pursuit of the Divine jobtome was the irresistible alur of becoming a hero Noah now unmasked by his full name discloses that he currently holds the esteemed rank of a level 99 hero intriguingly he Reveals His humble Origins as the third son of a poverty-stricken noble family tucked away in a secluded corner of the Empire Noah thinks back to his 15th birthday when the Divine job ceremony marked a big event he didn't really want to be a hero but he had to accept the job he didn't tell his father the truth and instead claimed to be just a regular villager his dad didn't like it and called him a good for nothing for the past 5 years Noah along with his loyal ma Rory has faced many dangerous Adventures almost getting killed several times as Noah gets absorbed in reading the Divine job Tome Rory expresses her own curiosity about its Secrets but Noah doesn't pay much attention and keeps reading out of nowhere a bright light surrounds the book and its Pages start flipping by themselves ruri floats in the air and it feels like time stops Noah Frozen and Confused here hears a strange voice saying he's the chosen monster Tamer receiving a new job suddenly everything goes back to normal but Noah's face stays blank Noah wonders what happened as everything was a blaze all of a sudden Rory asks if it's because of the Divine job to and if he got a new job Noah admits he got a new job but has forgotten its name as he has never heard of monster Tamer however upon inspecting his stats he discovers that his job is now a monster Tamer and he gains two new skills monster capture and monster training he reads their descriptions and then exits from his stats after that he stands up and R suggests that they should go back now and he agrees considering the two-e long journey that lies ahead before they start walking he offers to carry the luggage for ruri but she declines insisting that it's her responsibility they begin walking but suddenly a monster appears behind ruri Noah quickly draws his blade only to realize that it had broken on the way there he attempts to use his monster taming skills but it has no effect forcing him to resort to killing the monster which transforms into Magic particles ruri mocks him suggesting that the one who's supposed to shake is the dog Noah with a sad face admits he doesn't care anymore and acknowledges his goofiness a week later Noah thinks about his strange situation as a monster Tamer despite facing many monsters he hasn't been able to tame any he defeated them all but they just turned into magic particles R asks about the conditions for taming and if just beating the monsters is enough Noah agrees saying that's why he tries not to kill them rui wonders if it's because his level isn't High checking his stats Noah se's level hasn't gone up at all confused he wonders how other monster Tamers level up R suggest that they might use their monsters and ask about using a Golem Noah admits he doesn't understand what making use means frustrated he says there are too many things he doesn't know all of a sudden Noah Hears A noise and sees people dealing with a nearby monster he hurries over and tries casting a fireball on a Minotaur but to his surprise the spell doesn't work because the monsters have high magic resistance making his attack useless R suggests helping the group facing the Minotaur Noah thinks they should wait worried that jumping in too soon might make them miss out on getting something from the situation after watching for a bit they realize the Minotaur is stronger than they thought and Noah decides they should step in he dashes towards the Minotaur wondering if it can still move after a charge as he gets closer he notices something strange around the minotaur's neck making him curious about what it means and if a skill has been activated even though the Minotaur doesn't seem hostile Noah feels a bit awkward as he thinks about trying out his new monster taming skills Noah instructs the Minotaur to withdraw its hands and surprisingly the creature complies seizing the opportunity he urges the other three individuals to escape while he manages the situation grateful for the rescue one of the people pauses to express their gratitude and Promises to repay the debt as they flee Noah successfully calms the Minotaur Rory questions if the encounter is over and Noah confirms that he has finally tamed the monster examining the monster stats he discovers a new skill SK called subordination chain indicating that the monster was captured using the monster capturer ability reflecting on his own progress Noah realizes that his level has increased making him a level two monster Tamer he Muses that befriending monsters appears to be a pathway to leveling up but acknowledges that there is still much he doesn't comprehend intrigued he questions the success rate of the monster capture skill Rory introduces herself to the minitar leading Noah to think about a name for the creature settling on Milo Noah shares the name and R likes it calling it cute Noah is thrilled and proposes they keep going toward the exit Milo the tamed Minotaur lifts ruri and starts moving suddenly they run into more monsters Milo charges at them taking out some while Noah deals with the rest after defeating the monsters they see a trail of blood and decide to follow it thinking it might belong to an adventurer the path leads them to the people Noah had saved earlier but sadly two of them are dead Noah is shocked and puzzled wondering what could have happened the focus to a third person who is alive but barely breathing ruri rushes to help in the midst of their concern a scary monster appears Noah quickly tells Milo to smash it while Milo deals with the immediate threat a surprising Revelation unfolds the walls around them are filled with many monsters making the situation dangerous for the group suddenly Arrows fly towards them no quickly spots the projectiles and only one manages to find its Mark in the blink of an eye he hears a voice from behind a lady with a red cap charges at at him but Noah skillfully fend her off and counterattacks glancing at ruri the third person's still breathing he checks if she's all right R assures him that she is urging him to focus on the monsters Noah and Milo swiftly dispatch the creatures after eliminating the remaining monsters he employs his magic to heal ruri he observes the blade still lodged in ruri but decides to wait until she's fully recovered to avoid excessive blood loss however red hat is spotted running towards them prompting Noah to prepare for defense surprisingly instead of attacking him Red Hat targets the other monsters puzzled by her behavior Noah wonders if she might also be considered a friend now with the monsters cleared he checks red hat stats she's a level 43 Goblin with an elaborate name and the same subordination chain skill annoyed Noah remarks that it's too cool for a goblin to have such a name nonetheless he realizes that this provides insight into the requirements for making monsters their friends in response to Rory's inquiry he explains in Milo in galan's case he wasn't able to defeat them in one strike essentially the incapacitated State triggering the subordination chain skill likely requires the monsters to be on the brink of death as he elucidates this ruri starts regaining Consciousness when she wakes up she sits down puzzled about her surroundings spotting Milo she becomes frightened but Noah reassures her that he's their friend introducing herself as Mar and Lin Falls she expresses gratitude to Noah for saving her realizing that explaining everything to her might be tedious Noah opts for brevity introducing himself as Noah a monster tamer confused about the concept of monster Tamer Marin inquires about it Noah simplifies it as a job that allows him to tame and befriend any monster just like Milo and the others he assures her that they won't harm her gazing at the lifeless bodies of her friends kite and Julia Maran offers a prayer for their souls to rest in peace Noah then asks how long she knew them Maran reveals that she only knew them for a few days kite was exceptionally caring towards her especially since she was inexperienced in adventuring Julia too showed great kindness to Marin they were like family and as she speaks tears well up in her eyes Noah says that she doesn't have to worry as they will escort her to the exit because they are also heading there anyway Marian holds Noah's hands and says she's really thankful to him ruri on the other hand looks a little jealous looking at all that Noah asks what's the matter as she replies with nothing after that they start moving Marian asks Noah if he entered this dungeon with only mismade and Noah confirms that Marian asks why only the two of them entered such dangerous ruins Noah thinks he doesn't want to tell her that he wants to quit being a hero so he doesn't answer her properly and counter questions her suggesting there might be something she also doesn't want to tell them he also apologizes to her for his rudess Moren says she doesn't mind and asks Noah about his rank mentioning she's a novice d rank Noah wonders if he's being tested right now Moren says she's sure that someone as strong as Noah must have a very high rank she suggests that if he can tame a Minotaur then it could be that he's a rank or higher no Noah doesn't reveal his rank however he just replies to her with pretty much suddenly a monster appears charging at them and with his quick Reaction Time Noah kills it with his blade impressing minen as she appreciates his power while holding him watching all of this from the side ruri stares at them with a little jealousy after that they come out of the well tired in the bright sunlight Moran apologizes for making them adjust their steps to her Pace Noah says it's fine as they're not in a hurry anyway Noah says the area around here seems to be a popular sightseeing spot and He suggests to Maren that she might want to get on the carriage to get back to the nearest town Marin asks if he's not coming with her Noah tells her they prefer to follow their gut feeling when traveling so they rarely use any carriages to move around besides he also has Milo and red hat with him now he thinks but actually he just doesn't have an ID nor any official documents so he will have to let them analyze him to prove his identity and he surely doesn't want to let them know he's the hero who's been avoiding carriages up until now however he thinks he couldn't pass any Gates and they had to Camp outside since they couldn't enter towns as he wanted to let Rory sleep on a soft bed sometime soon he looks at the sad face of minin and thinks if she should go with him after all but suddenly Rory pinches Noah's back as Noah wonders why she's pinching him from the back right now menen shows her gratitude to Noah and then they say farewell to each other menen watches them go from there thinking that she would be able to return safely from such a life-threatening situation while missing kite and Julia she thinks about how one wrong step could have ended her just like them however she tells herself to stop thinking about those things on the other hand Noah and his party start walking along their path thinking that it's getting nicer now and it's their first time in this area however after that they look for a place where they could camp and Noah orders Rory to prepare their food leaving scouting to ganka ganka goes to a tree looks around and points out a place they start moving in that direction and find a waterfront with a smile on his face Noah says he will look for the ingredients and tells Ry to take a bath this time asking ganka and Milo to come with him he asks Rory what she would like to eat and she says me and then Noah races with Milo to see who could catch pre first between them as they are running they spot an ogre Noah tells Milo to leave the ogre to him Noah jumps and charges at the ogre trying to tame it without using his full power to attack he smacks the ogre and after one hit he thinks he is successfully tamed it with this he confirms that the incapacitated State mentioned in the skill indeed means being on the verge of of death after that the ogre asks Noah to give him orders Noah looks confused and Milo speaks to the ogre saying he will make sure to teach him the ropes properly as the ogre will be Milo's younger brother from now on in extreme shock Noah asks if they can speak a human language Milo says they can't speak human language even now it's just that the master has changed Noah confusingly thinks it's him as he sees his level has increased so that means he can now finally understand them after that they run back but Milo play fully pushes Noah causing him to go flying into the river where he sees Rory taking a bath feeling embarrassed Noah justifies that it was not intentional as he didn't mean to do that he runs back out of the river but ganka puts a blade to Noah's neck saying he should kill himself as she didn't expect the master to do such an embarrassing thing she keeps repeating that Noah should kill himself however Noah looks embarrassed and shocked by seeing that he can even understand ganka now on her way back to the castle Maran overheard many people discussing various quests karta the capital of the daos Empire served as the center for the judicial system and the main headquarters for the Army additionally it housed the main Church of the Mohler religion St Adriana Cathedral Upon returning to St Mohler Marin informed the sisters of her safe return and inquired about the whereabouts of her father his Holiness they informed her that he was still in prayer in the chamber and Marin requested an audience with him during that time Marin takes a bath and starts feeling refreshed grateful that she's still alive after B she goes to her father and Bows in front of him to express her gratitude for granting her the audience her father's name is ridia l Falls who is a pope he asks her to share her findings Moren apologizes to him as she explains that she was unable to finish the mission he gave her she recounts that with the adventurer she accompanied they were able to reach the ruins but both of them lost their lives fortunately a kind soul saved her ridia instructs her to send a fresh batch of adventurers emphasizing the need to obtain the Divine class tone without fail Moren explains the perilous nature of that place noting that even though they have offered a reward of 50 gold pieces only two adventurers accepted it ridia directs her to increase the reward from 50 gold pieces to 500 gold pieces and explains the importance of the Divine class to he reveals that his father's Divine class was not Pope when he was born but according to an oracle received from mher candidates must search for the Divine class toome before inheriting the Pope's position even her grandfather became one through this process this time it's her brother brother's turn to continue the long-lasting tradition of the L Falls Family Moren becomes sad questioning why she has to make sacrifices for her brother the idea of paying 500 gold coins for a seemingly normal Quest seems suspicious to her however she doesn't Voice these concerns to her father and assures him that she will do her best afterward she asks her father if he knows of any Divine class called Monster Tamer ridia wonders why she's asking that Moren explains that the person who saved her introduced himself as a monster Tamer named Noah Whitefield on the other side Noah and Milo have received punishment from their party for accidentally seeing rri naked Noah claims it was Milo who pushed him insisting it wasn't his mistake and surprisingly Milo admits to it however ganka insists that their Master must die while Noah argues that he can't die just 2 weeks after finding the Divine skill T he had been searching for for 5 years in response Rory sentences Noah to a serious eye poking and promptly pokes his eyes Noah rubs his eyes remarking that it may take forever to heal despite this Rory sits on Noah's lap and instructs him to brush her hair declaring him her servant Noah happily agrees and starts brushing her hair as he brushes her hair Rory inquires about ogre whom she hasn't seen before with them Noah analyzes ogre stats and reveals his name to be chappie which ruri likes realizing he forgot to check chappie stats Noah does so and discovers he is now at level four gaining a new skill called Monster language understanding which allows him to comprehend monster language after the hair brushing Rory tells Noah he can stop as she can finish the rest herself after completing the task she stands up and announces that she will prepare dinner instructing Noah to take a bath in the meantime after everyone finishes dinner Noah compliments the delicious food and observes Rory sleeping deciding that she needs rest as she must be tired he commands his party not to let any monsters get past them and appreciates the diverse personalities within the group Noah then goes to sleep relying on his party to keep watch the next day they wake up and decide to move forward Noah instructs them to keep an eyee out for a clear spot to camp and suggests heading to the neighboring Kingdom as they walk ganka approaches Noah expressing her desire to become a nightm and ride a tamed monster Noah agrees promising to inform her if they encounter a suitable monster for her to ride Rory questions Noah about their conversation and he informs her that ganka wants to be a knight meanwhile ganka approaches Milo who angrily questions how she could shamelessly plead with their Master they begin AR arguing with each other chappie approaches Noah expressing his desire to be useful to their Master Noah advises him to do it at his own pace Rory asks Noah if chappie is a boy and Noah replies probably Rory holds Chappy's hand and smiles prompting Noah to think that ruri truly fits the role of a monster Tamer they continue walking and come across a village which surprises Noah as they didn't expect to find one deep inside a heavily guarded Forest they proceed forward and suddenly hear an announcement in the village about monsters attack ing Noah regrets bringing his friends here but continues forward spotting an Archer on the village wall the Archer warns them to leave the village alone questioning if Noah can understand them Noah introduces himself as a monster Tamer leading the Archer to express doubt in response she throws an arrow at Noah who defends himself and asks if she's an elf the Archer explains that in their eyes both humans and monsters are enemies and since Noah and his party know about their Village they must die Noah tells the elf to stop and listen to him but she takes aim at him saying she won't Noah warns her stating that all those who didn't befriend him ended up dying which terrifies elf a little bit however she declares that she will not be swayed by his cheap threats suddenly they hear a sound and wild dogs from the forest charge at them on the other hand elf shoots arrows at the wild dogs while Noah accompanied by Millie and ganki also charges at them to kill meanwhile Noah successfully tames one of the wild dogs and informs his party that it's their new friend Noah analyzes its stats and sees that it's level 15 and its name is bow rori expresses her desire to name the doggy but she decides that its current name is not too bad Noah speculates that monsters that live in herds like goblins ogres or wild dogs already have names but monsters that usually are alone like Milo do not however the elf watches them talking and observes how they defeated the wild dogs with confusion she asks why the Wild dog is suddenly waging its tail at him Noah tells her that as he said he's a monster Tamer and asks her if she believes him now Milo and ganki happily announced that they have defeated all the monsters starting to banter with each other about kill counts ganki with 44 kills and Milo with 43 elf jumps from the wall and Bows in front of Noah she begs him to help them if he's really a monster Tamer she apologizes for blurting out her request introducing herself as Alyssa an Archer Noah introduces Rory to her and says she's her maid Alyssa expresses her gratitude for their help Alysa explains that this place is a hidden village and currently there are only children and the elderly here Noah asks wondering what would have happened she explains how a big dragon decided to make this area its domain and since then villagers keep getting attacked by monsters which ends up killing all the guards she details the dragon situation and Noah in the end thinks of the poor people attributing it to their rotten luck rather than any fault Alyssa says that they really wanted the dragon to leave them alone but now a single Knight who departed made it back she further tells them that their last comrade just passed away last night Noah asks if they can't just take the people away and abandon the village Alysa explains that they can't leave the forest because humans kidnap elves making them slaves or pets Noah considers that elves can be sold at high prices and kingdoms might only ban human trafficking not extending the prohibition to demihumans Alyssa sadly asks Noah if he can control the dragon Noah wonders if he could but Alysa tells him that until the dragon is gone the monsters will continue to attack their Village Alyssa again begs him to save their Village offering 50 gold coins as a reward enough to buy a big mansion Noah tells her not to worry about the reward and assures her that he'll handle everything he asks for the location of the dragon and then informs his party that he will go with ba while the rest stay to protect the village Rory asks if she should come but Noah insists it's safer for her to stay there after that Noah departs with bow towards the dragon's location feeling excited about the prospect of taming a dragon meanwhile in karta two srank adventurers are talking with each other holding a magic reaction people there gossip wondering if these are the two srank adventurers who are supposed to come the bald man mentions that it will be a tough fight with only two of them but the girl agrees feeling a pain in her neck she expresses eagerness to get home and shut herself in the lab again the man reminds her to take it as a vacation since it's the orders from his majesty this time the girl then contacts their friend Drake who is fighting a dragon Drake shares that he's on a quest to subjugate some werns calling her Shelly Shelly laughs and asks him what he's going to do with the money the bald man laughs as well emphasizing the importance of money Shelly instructs Drake to come quickly and he mentions his location stating that he'll see them in 5 days meanwhile Noah and ba encounter numerous monsters on their way successfully defeating all of them ba expresses affection by jumping on Noah who enjoys the refreshing feeling Noah asks ba if he's ever seen the dragon but B replies that he hasn't suddenly the air around them changes and they spot a dragon in the sky as Noah stands in front of the enormous Dragon he keenly understands the enormity of the challenge awaiting him with a firm and confident tone he instructs His companion ba to step back and leave the imminent face off to him displaying a Resolute determination to confront the Monstrous creature solo Noah carefully analyzes the dragon's imposing capabilities noting its ability to unleash destructive attacks from a significant distance coupled with a formidable bite for close-range combat the dragon aware of Noah's scrutiny issues a forboding warning emphasizing that any hopes of survival Upon returning home are nothing more than an illusion this ominous declaration heightens the tension in the air underscoring the gravity of the impending clash between Noah and The Colossal dragon Noah finds himself fascinated by the dragon surprising ability to express Thoughts with Clarity feeling a bit puzzled he wonders about the origin of this newfound communication skill especially since his ability to understand spoken language is typically limited to the monsters he has successfully tamed leading the the dragon to question if he truly is a monster Tamer the dragon's apparent Insight bewilders Noah sparking a desire to understand how the creature is discerned his unique talent the dragon then shares an intriguing story from its past recounting an encounter with a monster Tamer during this encounter the dragon gains the ability to comprehend the language of dragons this Revelation leaves Noah both surprised and amused delving further into the topic the dragon explains the inherent limitations of monster Tamers emphasizing that their control over creatures is restricted to a mere 2% chance of taming a monster with a level higher than their own in response to the dragon thinking he isn't strong enough NOA tells the dragon that as a hero he has a high base level of 99 he also mentions his current level as a monster Tamer which is five adding up to a total level of 104 thinking about what the dragon said Noah wonders how it could be true if he has faced monsters over level 80 on the 40th floor of the lucaria ruins he remembers encountering a tough Guardian Golem at level 91 which makes him question the dragon's idea of how strong Tamers can be while Noah is thinking about this the dragon kind of laughs at him saying he's a weak tamer in response the dragon starts shooting Fireballs at Noah not bothered by this Noah skillfully blocks each attack teasing the dragon by asking if that's all it can do this makes the dragon really mad so it stops shooting fire and charges directly at Noah Noah being quick and smart defends himself well thinking about the best way to beat the Angry Dragon and come out on top in in the middle of the fight Noah decides to stop the attack and suggest something surprising to the dragon he wants to be its friend the big creature not sure what Noah means keeps moving but watches the determined monster Tamer carefully Noah thinks for a bit about what to do next and then surprises the dragon by grabbing its teeth with his left hand Noah bravely tells the dragon that he's testing something and plans to keep going until the dragon gives up or gets too tired mentally not giving up Noah shares his excitement about becoming friends with the dragon and even suggesting giving it a name after a few minutes of tough wrestling the dragon now with a 25th tooth in Noah's hand and a smile on his face promises to be loyal from the bottom of his heart Noah feeling really happy decides to name the dragon papy with bow they start a journey to the Village flying on papy through the sky while flying Noah takes the chance to ask more about the monster Tamer papy mentioned the dragon says the Tamer was a not so strong lady who ran away when her tames were all gone making Noah curious about learning from her if she's still around papy surprises Noah by saying that this meeting with the dragon happened about 1,000 years ago Noah is really shocked by how long ago it was papy explains that creatures like him who have developed Minds live for a long time unlike monsters that aren't as smart while they talk about different things ba tells them there's a village below Noah tells papy to land and the dragon does it smoothly Noah and bow get off papy and their friends in the group are really happy and impressed with Noah's strength Noah asks if there's any danger and ruri says nothing has chased them Alyssa Tears In Her Eyes comes up to Noah thanking him and wanting to express her gratitude she shares a story from their Village about someone named Lil Carla a legendary figure who used monsters to beat a big enemy Army Noah gets interested and thinks maybe the monster Tamer papy mentioned has the same name while Noah thinks about this he figures out that the village story isn't just a madeup tale it's also the name of a devil in human society kind of like his class as L Carla this brings a lot of confusion for Noah who used to be a hero he remembers seeing the Demon King page in the Divine class T next to the hero page all this stress makes him start walking around trying to deal with the idea that he might be a demon king meant to be defeated papy in a comforting way tells Noah that as his master he's at the very top of the ecosystem everyone starts calling him a king but Noah strongly says he's not a demon king starting a struggle within himself wondering if he really is following that Alyssa warmly invites Noah and guides him through the Village's main gate excitedly announcing the presence of the esteemed monster Tamer noad Dono the hero who bravely saved the Village from a fierce dragon as Noah takes in the beautiful scenery he quickly decides that aside from his trusted companions Rory and ba the rest of his party should stay outside to avoid unsettling the villagers everyone agrees to the plan and Noah along with Alyssa ruri and ba enters the village upon entering a crowd of Greatful villagers approaches Noah expressing their sincere thanks Noah feeling a bit awkward wonders about the unexpected reception Alyssa understanding his confusion explains the situation comparing it to the legendary Adventures of Lil Carla as Noah walks through the village two curious kids who've heard about the famous Noah Dono come up to him with big eyes full of excitement Alyssa confirms that he is indeed the legendary Noah and the kids Express their thanks with cute smiles even giving ba a pet for being so fluffy taking advantage of the moment Alyssa asked the kids to help look after the village hinting that she might not be around much in the future intrigued Noah asks Alyssa what she means and she with a mysterious Vibe suggests talking about it privately at her home at the same time in karta Marin driven by curiosity tells a hardworking girl to check the S list for any info about Noah Whitefield even with the thorough search his name is nowhere to be found not giving up Marin looks into A- rank adventurers but that leads to another dead end feeling the pressure she tells the girl to check b-level adventurers stressing that time is more important than money right now Marin then lays out the next steps asking the girl to introduce her to s-rank adventurers she learns that two of them were recently in the capital but are now on a secret mission armed with this limited info maren thinks about the mysterious Noah someone who tamed a Minotaur but doesn't have the recognition of an a-level adventurer finally Noah with bow ruy and Alyssa by his side arrives at Alyssa's simple home expecting Noah's possible concerns Alysa apologizes in advance saying that her place might seem basic but assures them a comfy stay however she changes the Mood by bringing up her earlier idea the thought of offering herself as a slave to Noah for 50 gold coins with a friendly smile she says that as as long as her Village is safe she can proudly be an elf even in servitude Noah with a serious face firmly turns down the offer saying he doesn't want to reward Alyssa determined insists that an elf always keeps their promise Noah standing firm says that no matter the promise he can't bring himself to sell her as a slave he explains that his excitement earlier was just about facing a dragon and testing his ability to tame such a mythical creature as the night wrapped the village in a peaceful Embrace Noah drifted into dreams filled with gratitude for the new chapter un folding in his life meanwhile in the busy adventurers Hub Marin enjoyed her coffee surrounded by the Lively chatter of fellow adventurers intrigued by tantalizing rumors about renowned as rink Adventurer setting out on a dragon slang Mission she sipped her coffee Shelly and Randy legendary figures in the adventurer Community were the Talk of the Town whisper suggested the possible addition of another s-rank Adventurer to their formidable team in the midst of the Lively conversations the name Drake caught maren's attention there was talk about a mysterious Adventurer Drake who was on his way to lafa City rushing urgently in his Carriage to meet his comrade's expectations the clink of a gold coin pass his hands as the driver received instructions to speed up the journey as Maran thought about the importance of Drake's Mission the idea of a potential meeting with these powerful individuals in the demon Forest ignited excitement within her adventurous Spirit just hearing about the demon Forest brought back memories of Noah the friendly Adventurer she had encountered on her own journey in Her Imagination she pictured the thick trees in the mysterious charm of the forest envisioning a chance meeting with Noah and his friends thinking back to their farewell at the L Carla ruins minin couldn't shake the feeling that their paths might cross once more in the vast expanse of the demon forest with determination and excitement propelling her maren heads towards the demon force with a newfound energy the prospect of meeting familiar faces motivated her and each step carried the hope of encountering Noah and Rory once again unbeknownst to her as she embarked on this journey Noah was peacefully asleep oblivious to the bustling activity unfolding Beyond his Serene Dreams at the same time Randy one of the renowned esring adventurers was on route to lafa City completely unaware of maren's quest to find him and perhaps reunite with Noah in the enchanting depths of the demon Forest the next day Rory wakes up and Alyssa asks her to wake up Noah Alyssa has some exciting news to share Noah still a bit sleepy gets up and follows Alysa she takes them to a big house a little far from the village the idea of good news makes everyone decided but there's a problem the house is dirty inside and might need fixing Noah being practical waves off the worry about cleaning but admits he isn't good at fixing things Alysa steps in to help and talks about a guy named loot a skilled builder in their Village who made a lot of the structures loot with his two grandkids checks Noah to see if he's really Noah Sama the one they heard about once satisfied loot trust the creatures with Noah and his mission his grandkids happily jump in to play with them with laughter and happiness all around the place becomes Lively everyone except for papy is having fun playing together papy the big dragon tries to join in by doing tricks but the smaller creatures stay away maybe because he's really big even though papy tries hard they avoid him Noah playfully teases papy about not succeeding in joining the fun this joking around adds a funny touch to the day making it more cheerful in creating a friendly atmosphere among the new friends while talking about the floor plan with loot Noah takes the chance to ask for something specific before the Builder finishes the design Noah wants a bigger door and points to where it should go while they talk they notice ganca who's impressing the kids with her cool night skills in the middle of this the children inspired by gan's bravery give her a medal to show their thanks they put it on her Cape as a symbol of gratitude ganka happily accepts it and Promises to protect the villagers with all her dedication the kids not fully understanding her words offer another heartfelt gift a crown made of pretty flowers they place it on Noah's head to show how much they appreciate him Rory Praises Noah for looking good with the crown the kids then reveal that chappie helped make the crown making Noah thankful for his absent friend's contribution the scene becomes a sweet moment of gratitude and friendship inspired by the kids creative activities Ry expresses her wish to craft something too excitedly the children invite her to join their creative Venture suggesting a collaborative effort however this Serenity is abruptly disrupted 3 days later when they find their newly designed house engulfed in flames Noah shocked and frustrated turns to papy for an explanation papy trying to entertain the kids with his breath accidentally caused a destructive fire in response Noah fueled by anger threatens papy with five beatings for the careless mistake the turn of events adds a layer of tension to the once harmonious atmosphere emphasizing the challenges that arise even in the most idolic settings before Noah can carry out his planned punishment ruri steps in speaking up for papy she asks Noah not to unleash his anger on the well-meaning dragon promising to shield papy from any harm he might face touched by Rory's plea Noah decides to hold back and Spares papy from further punishment after this Noah Gathers Milo and ganka signaling for them to join him ba perched on Noah's shoulder expresses his loyalty declaring his commitment to stay by his master's side the children still missing their absent friend chappie speak to him in spirit expressing their desire to keep playing with him in a Gest of leadership and camaraderie Noah acknowledges the responsibility that comes with his role he designates chappie as the deputy captain and fist bumps him symbolizing a bond of trust and unity among the group as Noah and his companions leaving chappie behind get ready to ride papy Milo clings tightly to the dragon revealing an unexpected fear of heights Noah in a teasing manner pokes fun at Milo's Newfound vulnerability playfully noting the cute side that he hadn't expected to see the scene captures a blend of tension camaraderie and light-hearted banter as the group embarks on a new adventure temporarily leaving the villagers to confront unforeseen challenges while heading back to the challenge the group sees smoke rising in the sky grabbing Noah's attention worry shows on his face and he tells papy to go faster feeling a growing unease in his stomach as they come down it becomes sadly clear someone is really hurting chappie who used to be a strong Dragon but is now close to dying Noah carefully holds ruri making sure she's safe as he jumps down from papy into the solid ground below the surprising twist comes when they discover that the one who attacked chappie is none other than Drake standing together the trio of tough guys Randy Shelly and Drake forms a strong group with Shel Shield protecting them from the angry attacks in the middle of all the chaos the upset children and elves angered by what happened to chappie fight back by throwing stones and launching attacks at the three Defenders however much to shelle's surprise the kids and elves don't seem grateful at all they just helped Everyone by fighting a big monster but now the kids and elves are attacking them Drake steps up urging everyone to calm down he explains that they're here to keep everyone safe from the Bad Dragon Drake even asks where the dragon is hoping to show they're only trying to help just as they're figuring things out Noah a mysterious figure comes down from the sky making the already confusing scene even more bewildering Noah with a mysterious smile starts talking to the crowd making the situation even more complicated the children and elves now Torn Between the newcomers and their PR previous Heroes look at each other for guidance not sure who to trust Shelly Randy and Drake find themselves stuck in the middle of an unexpected power struggle dealing not only with the dragon threat but also with the complicated dynamics of the community they wanted to help Noah filled with anger tells R to stay back for safety he swears to avenge Chappy's fate and focuses more on studying the three s- rankers silently figuring out how strong they are even without using magic Shel can feel a strong energy coming from Noah making them even more surprised the trio wonders about Noah's identity confused by someone with so much power in their world feeling the situation is urgent Drake tells Randy and Shelly to do something before they can react Noah attacks strongly breaking through their protective shield with a powerful force as the shield shatters Panic sets in among the crowd and Shelly Randy and Drake find themselves in a perilous situation realizing they may be facing an adversary even more formidable than the dragon they initially came to confront at the same time in a dramatic way papy makes a grand entrance to confront the three s- rankers Shelly and Randy surprised by the dragon sudden arrival struggle with the uncertainty of dealing with such a strong opponent especially with other monsters nearby in the middle of the chaotic Clash Milo driven by intense anger over the harm done to his younger brother chappie loudly expresses his unwavering anger towards those accountable his declaration Echoes through the turbulent scene a sharp difference from the once cheerful atmosphere Noah sensitive to to the children's pain tells baow and ruri to stay near The Grieving chappie trying to offer some support the atmosphere becomes charged with a mix of tension and sorrow challenging the once clear-cut Mission with an array of unforeseen challenges the happy atmosphere turned sad and tears flow down the children's faces as they struggle with the deep sadness of losing their friend the Innocence that once made their time together cheerful Is Now overshadowed by The Heavy feelings of sadness and confusion Noah even though he was angry before now looks sad as he sees how much the kids are hurting walking with a strong purpose Noah goes towards Drake who's known as the fist King Drake charges at Noah and their emotions clash as they prepare for a big fight while maren dashes through the trees she suddenly slips at the edges and tumbles into a strange area feeling a bit Lost In the Heat of the Moment as she steadies herself a mysterious sound grabs her attention leading her to stumble upon a village hidden in the depths of the Wilderness she can't help but wonder why a village is tucked away in such a secluded spot adding a touch of intrigue to her unexpected adventure on the battlefield Drake persists in charging at Noah who effortlessly Dodges each attack maintaining a strong position in the ongoing fight Drake confused by Noah's impressive defense starts to question who the skilled opponent really is on the flip side Noah sees Drake as less skilled thinking of him as a beginner compared to his own expertise the clash between the two intensifies creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and anticipation at the same time shell isn't a big magic fight with papy showing how good she is Randy is dealing with scary monsters ganka looks at everything and decides that papy's firep powers can beat the tough enemy now shell is the main focus of her plan Shelly determined uses her ice Edge Magic against ganka but ganka is quick and Dodges the icy attack without any problem shell doesn't give up and changes her strategy surprising ganka by rushing at her with the powerful Earth Spike on another side of the battle Milo gets ready to attack Randy Randy holding his heavy iron ball gets ready to face Milo directly he uses his iron ball fighting skill and throws a lot of attacks with iron Gatling even though Milo defends well with a sword some of Randy's shots hit their target Milo stays strong challenging Randy's belief that these attacks can stop the powerful great Milo out of nowhere in the middle of the crazy battle Randy throws a big ball right at Milo this grabs gan's attention and she quickly tells Milo to watch out for the incoming danger Milo with his in hand tries to stop the big ball from hitting him to everyone's amazement Milo manages to dodge the attack leaving Randy surprised at how Milo skillfully defended himself Randy wonders if a goblin might have tipped Milo off about the Trap even though he's not sure why they would team up despite the uncertainty Randy decides to focus on exploiting the Gap in Milo's armor just as Randy is about to make his next move Shelly jumps in and throws a bomb at Milo causing a big explosion that grabs everyone's attention she then tells Randy that he owes her one for the help Randy feeling a bit annoyed says she didn't help him before so they're now even but his annoyance turns into surprise when he realizes his iron balls are gone ganka being sneaky shows him that she took them this makes Randy really mad but he stays determined Randy decides to focus on the dragon and tells shell to deal with Milo and ganka he trusts her with that task Shel responds by making an ice wall and at the same time happy breathes fire saying confidently that the ice won't last against his flames and will melt away quickly Shelly known as the rainbow Sage surprised Everyone by using a strong spell lightning the sudden explosion shocked papy and he was left in disbelief as he tried to make sense of the unexpected magic it was something he had never seen before adding more confusion to the already chaotic battle Shelly now flying in the air showed her dominance over the Battleground papy a bit surprised wondered how a human could challenge him in the air before he could voice his doubt shell with a dramatic t warned him to be quiet or face the consequences of having his mouth soon shut at the same time Noah and Drake were in a tough fist fight Noah had powerful Thunder magic but he realized that Drake was tough against magic this made their fight more challenging they kept charging at each other hitting hard and showing their physical strength Noah dealing with the challenge managed to land some punches on Drake proving his determination and fighting skills then Noah went all out against Randy throwing a powerful attack Randy got pushed back taking a beating but still standing after The Clash Randy struggled to stay conscious thinking about the mysterious Noah the intense pressure strong Aura and the Mystery around Noah made Randy wonder about the true identity of his formidable foe as Noah driven by strong feelings kept attacking he shouted to Randy asking him to get up and face the upcoming challenge Randy still dealing with being beaten up wondered where Noah's powerful abilities came from seeing how even a dragon followed Noah's orders Randy started to think about who the strong opponent really was Noah got even more frustrated yelling at Randy to stand up louder Randy confused by what was happening thought that this mysterious person might be the fear Demon Lord Noah attacks Randy causing him to fall to the ground in his injured State Randy wonders how he can possibly win against Noah menen finally reaches the cliff expressing disbelief at the sight of fist King rendered completely helpless in a fight against Noah meanwhile the other two s-rank adventurers engaged in a battle against Noah's monsters maren is perplexed as a monster behind her jumps off the cliff towards Noah followed by others from different sides she can't comprehend what is happening on the other side Shelly flies with papy taking him away from the allies and reveals to him that he fell into her trap at the same time Randy uses his sword against ganki telling her to stop moving around and calling her annoying he mentions having only a few spares left but thinks it's better than nothing firing them at ganki Milo steps in taking all the shots on himself to defend ganki suddenly both ganki and Milo launch an attack on Randy injuring his shoulder getting angrier Randy in a cold tone says that against mere monsters like ganki and Milo he used his Trump cards to make them disappear forever Milo and ganki are left wondering about his actions meanwhile Shelly and Randy notied that Drake has lost Consciousness and Noah is advancing towards them Randy becomes increasingly agitated hurling a huge iron ball toward Noah however no effortlessly destroys the iron ball with his left fist leaving Randy in disbelief that his trump card was defeated with a single hand Shelly recognizing the formidable opponent thinks about whether to escape on her own and leave Randy behind all of a sudden a bunch of huge monsters appear behind Noah making Milo really confused about what's happening Randy sees all these monsters and has no clue what to do Milo asks Noah who these creatures are and ba says she brought them here with her new skill Noah looks at ba and figures out she used a monster summoning house a skill she just learned he wonders if it's because of the big difference in their levels then he tells everyone to stay back because he's going to deal with it himself as this massive group of monsters gathers behind Noah the ground shakes a lot because there are so many of them Milo with big eyes tries to understand why Noah brought out these unexpected creatures Randy still figuring things out thinks about what he's supposed to do against this huge group of monsters meanwhile while running back to her way she wonders how Noah has prostrated so many monsters behind him and and this might be the end of the line she thinks to herself that she had never imagined the fist King could get defeated that easily she thinks of how she first met Noah Whitefield and she didn't really think too much about it as she notices what they were doing in the little Carla ruins and how he was able to climb up safely from the deepest part of the demon Lord's grave she thinks that probably she didn't get attacked back then because of Noah's enormous Mana which she poured into her when he used heal on her still lingering inside her body concluding that the Demon Lord has revived however papy angrily says to sh what are you staring blankly there for our battle is still far from over Shelly tells him that she doesn't have any time to play with him right now as she uses a Time magic and freezes papy right there and escapes from there she tells Randy to close his eyes and suddenly uses a flash as she tells Randy to hold her Randy asks about Drake and Shelly says can't he see that Drake's already dead she asks Randy if he also wants to end up like him she tells Randy this item is very expensive so he'd better pay at least the cost when they get back Randy tells her that he will give her as much as she wants later but asks her to get out of there quickly Noah runs towards them in the flash but Shelly and Randy teleport from there Noah becomes angry stating that they got away and papy asks if it's not fine Noah responds that it's not fine because of them chappie is in this condition papy asks if he's still worried about that ogre and Noah tells him to remain silent suddenly they see Drake standing Milo asks Noah if he's still alive after taking Master's attack and wonder ERS if he's Immortal Drake bows in front of Noah and asks him to forgive him for his rudeness Noah looks at him in shock and papy from behind starts laughing saying that he finally got a junior too Noah angrily tells papy to cut it out or else papy asks him why he's angry and tells Noah to take a good look at Drake Noah notices a subordination chain on Drake's neck and asks if that's weird as Drake looks like a human papy smirks and tells Noah to listen carefully he starts explaining to Noah that they call themselves mon ERS or demonic beings which means beings born of demonic energy due to their fear of the unknown he tells Noah that they also call themselves demonic beings and Noah wonders if that's not what humans are supposed to call them however papy says it's because of the demon Lord's personality which created them one by one by condensing magic particles similar to how humans have been created by God he tells Noah that the Minotaur and even Goblin are made of magic particles and he tells Noah to look at Drake Noah notices that Drake's body is overflowing with magic particles Noah asks if papy is saying that Drake was a monster who disguised himself as a human but papy corrects him saying it's the other way around Drake was a human who turned into a demonic being because of Noah's attack hearing this Noah's facial expression changes as papy further explains that humans also have it in them which they call necromancy by sending a huge amount of magic particles into opponents on the verge of death it forcefully turns them into slaves and binds them in this world this is the case that happened with Drake Noah mentions what they did to chappie and he couldn't hold back his anger papy further says that their death occurs when magic particles are completely depleted from their body but Noah's skill is able to prevent that condition from occurring hearing this he runs back to chappie and uses his heal Magic on him chappie opens his eyes and sees kids around him wondering if he's alive the kids around then start cheering with happiness as they welcome him back when the child sees chappie alive they start crying tears of happiness Noah thanks chappie for keeping his promise and chappie wonders if he really protected the village ruri always direct says it was mostly Noah who caused the destruction chappie explains how things went down Alyssa asked the humans to leave nicely but when they saw elf children a bald man wanted to know if it was a treasure spot chappie stepped in to prevent things from getting worse but the memories after that are a bit fuzzy in the middle of everything Drake shows up saying he wants to make up for what he did he tells Noah that he's becom an undead not sure if it's a good or bad thing Drake asks Noah to hit him as a way of making things right chappie thinks Drake wants Noah to give him a punch to make amends chappie goes to Drake telling him to offer a fist for a bump a sign of being together for their Master this surprises Drake making him think about reuniting with his parents who passed away chappie shares that it feels like finding his long-lost mother talking about warmth and coldness like a distant light he even compares it to ruri as Noah thinks about all this he realizes it's been a long time since he last saw them and wishes they're doing well approaching Noah with a sigh of relief Alyssa notes that things have settled down after the recent events despite Drake chatting casually with Milo she raises a worry about whether it's safe to keep Drake close Noah explains that during the recent battle Drake's hidden abilities got activated unexpectedly turning him from a human into a monster Noah emphasizes that this change wasn't planned and caught him off guard despite the changes in his appearance Drake stays surprisingly calm and asks Noah why he seems worried instead of complaining Drake is actually excited he wants to become the best in martial arts and is genuinely happy about reaching New Heights that he couldn't when he was a human even though his skin turned purple Drake says he doesn't feel much different after becoming Undead he's determined to keep training hard with the goal of eventually surpassing Noah to show their understanding and friendship Noah and Drake fist bump each other Noah tells Alyssa that Drake is okay with the transformation and is content in his current state trying to make things clear for ruri Alyssa says the transformation came with growling sounds leaving the details for later Noah adds that he wants a peaceful and harmonious life after this Milo suggests to Noah that he should not worry about small things and suddenly surprises him with an attack from behind taking advantage of the moment Milo asks Noah if his skill is activated by disabling the opponent or more directly by bringing them close to death Drake jumps in urging Noah to think about how uncommon it is for humans to survive his powerful attacks hinting that it's more of a rare event than a plann strategy with a sense of Pride papy proudly dubs them his very own Immortal Army pledging loyalty to their master and expressing their Readiness to sacrifice their lives to protect him papy dreams of a future where their ultimate goal of Conquering the world becomes a reality however Noah quickly dismisses the idea making it clear that he has no plans for World Conquest Drake asks for permission to share his thoughts and Noah encouraging informality allows him to speak Drake questions the sincerity of Noah's earlier statement about wanting a peaceful life in the village Noah confirms his desire for tranquility but Drake expresses concern about potential threats he points out that Shelly the court Mage might report the incident to the emperor and Randy discovering the presence of elves could attract unwanted attention Drake fears that this information might lead others to visit the village with the intent of kidnapping the elves Noah suggests that he can handle threats by defeating them when the time comes however Drake expresses doubt pointing out that even Noah might struggle to protect all the elves especially if an attack happens when he's not around Drake anticipates the Imperial Army being sent emphasizing the Empire's intolerance for anything that threatens its peace including the dragon papy and Noah whom it considers obedient frustrated Noah thinks about the difficulty of leaving peacefully while Drake proposes another option turning the village into Noah's own kingdom meanwhile Randy and Shelly bow before Emperor Alexis Grand do tranos Alexis questions why they returned with their tails between their legs Shelly explains that she thought not coming back alive with a report on someone who could kill Drake and stay unharmed might be a threat to the Empire's future that's why she believed retreating was their best choice Alexis appreciates their honesty and finds the excuse valid the emperor then asks prime minister Carmen Stans if they received a similar report from the church Carmen says it's true and shares that a priestess encountered a young man in the dungeon who called himself Noah Whitefield a monster Tamer the emperor asks Shelly and Randy if they know this name but they both say they don't Carman adds that the Priestess reported Noah handling monsters in the Lil Carla ruins with ease even commanding a Minotaur Shelly is surprised since the middle floors of L Carla ruins are tough even for those nearing level 50 like them she thinks Noah might be a formidable Force maybe even like a demon Lord the emperor ends the discussion letting Randy and Shelly go and acknowledging their need for some rest thankfully Randy and Shelly thank the emperor and leave the chamber talking about the unexpected turn of events Randy visibly upset talks to Shelly expressing how they not only failed to earn money but also had to endure humiliation he's fed up with it all sh warns him quietly to be careful emphasizing that they might be monitored she explains that surveillance is to control information and suggests Randy staying the empire for a while Randy's still angry and say he's not a part of the government but Shel thinks that they want to keep them around to face a Potential Threat Randy refuses to risk his life for just gold coins shell agrees worried for their safety and emphasizes the need for a plan before the emperor can issue an imperial decree he orders surveillance on Randy and Shelly the strange XS rank adventur Shadow Walker shows up and boldly suggests to the emperor that he could deal with Randy and Shell by killing them Carmen the Prime Minister gets angry and scold Shadow Walker for being rude in front of his majesty however Alexis dismisses Carmen's concern saying that Randy and Shelly still have some use and lets them off for now Alexis then calls Shadow Walker closer and Whispers something to him the XS rank Adventurer assures Alexis that it will be done and reminds the emperor not to forget his promise as Shadow Walker leaves Carmen comments on his unsettling demeanor noting that it serves him right for going insane under the influence of Darkness magic Alexis seemingly unaffected says that shadow Walker is just another Mage and mentions that all Mages share a common curse called curiosity turning to Carmen he tells him to provide more information about the Whitefield family Carmen reveals that the Whitefield family is from a small Barren lineage and works as servants in one of their margraves territories he explains that nol Noah's father has retired and the household is now managed by his eldest son Hal while the Second Son Rey serves as a member of their Knights Alexis casually comments that it seems like an ordinary family despite Carmen's thorough investigation he admits to being unable to determine Noah's true identity he acknowledges Noah's extraordinary achievements such as taking down a dragon and defeating the s-rank adventurer known as the fist King Alexis speculates that Noah is likely the Demon Lord leaving matters to Shadow Walker and another person Carmen asks if he means the hero however Alexis instructs Carmen to contact other countries and tell them that the Empire welcomes the hero satisfied Alexis leaves the rest to Carmen and announces his intention to go to bed Carmen asks what to do with the Whitefield family because people think Noah is the Demon Lord Alexis says to leave them alone as they are just poor Nobles but Carmen thinks they should be punished because they might be connected to the Demon Lord Alexis isn't sure yet the next day the Whitefield family appears in front of Alexis Noah's Brother cries and says Noah should just be a regular person not a Demon Lord he mentions Noah being away for 5 years and asks Alexis to think again Alexis asks if they're saying he made a mistake and they say no Alexis insist that all the proof shows Noah is the Demon Lord and he orders his soldiers to cut off their heads despite Noah's Brother begging for mercy the family faces serious consequences for the supposed connection to the Demon Lord on the other side Noah and his group arrive at the house a friendly girl thinks Noah a lot calling him a master and promising to be super loyal to him Noah is happy about this and decides to give her a new name saying she's now Amanda the moment he says her new name Amanda gets really excited and shows her strong dedication by giving Noah a tight hug at the same time in the dark Rory watches the whole thing feeling a bit jealous Noah tells Amanda to listen to what Drake says he's the one outside Noah takes a moment to think about his situation and feels a bit down while he's sitting and holding his head Rory comes over and playfully tells him that this was just the third forehead flick today and there are still about 100 more to go ruri also tells Noah that the monsters summoned by ba are waiting outside for orders even though Noah already has enough help for building the village he decides to get more friends in the middle of all this Drake is talking with loot checking papers to make sure everything is right at the same time papy is in charge of telling the monsters what to do with the chain Milo notices that Noah looks really tired and suggests a quicker way to do the forehead flicks all at once but Noah doesn't like this idea because he's worried it might accidentally hurt or even kill the ones getting flicked he SS to his promise not to hurt people who aren't trying to hurt him even if they're monsters he really wants more friends but there are so many adventurers around that it's hard to remember all their names but just one week before all this happens Drake and Noah are talking about important things Drake stresses how important it is for them to have autonomy and agree not to attack each other so they can have a good future he explains the situation by talking about a forest stuck between two big Powers the dracos Empire and the alans kingdom this Forest used to be a safe place for monsters but now that Noah is in charge things might change Drake thinks that the nearby Powers might see this as a problem and do something about it to avoid any trouble Drake suggests that they should be the ones to make the first move their plan includes officially telling the dracos Empire and the Alan's Kingdom that they're starting their own country and Noah is going to be the King after that they can start talking about things Noah wants to make sure he understands so he asks if when Drake says King he means Demon King everyone there likes the idea idea of Noah being the demon king and it feels like a familiar moment for him but then Alyssa steps forward and passionately says she really wants Noah to be the leader of the group The Elvin kids also join in using their Innocent Voices to ask Noah if he can be their good King Alyssa begs Noah looking at him with eyes full of Hope and a bit of urgency asking him to think about being the main leader at least until the kids grow up and take care of things themselves papy looking wise and experienced steps in calmly reminding Noah about how much the kids rely on him he says that the idea of people thinking Noah is a Demon Lord is not really a big deal and he focuses on the more important part undeterred papy keeps asking guessing that Noah must have worked really hard to reach his goals whatever they are he wonders if Noah's dreams have changed moving towards a more relaxed life and questions if Noah is ready to put in effort for this new Pursuit after a thoughtful pause Noah agrees and you can see he's thinking deeply surprisingly he then announces something unexpected to the diverse group watching with a strong and confident voice he says they're starting a new nation a safe place for Monsters and elves and he's going to be the king but not just any King he calls himself the Demon Lord the crowd is really surprised but they start cheering and being happy for Noah and the new and different country they're going to have even though Noah's decision was sudden he can't help but smile a little finding it funny that he chose such a special title for himself on the other side of the thick jungle Shadow Walker is lost in deep thought the idea that being a hero or a Demon Lord might not be a forever thing but instead given through a ceremony catches his interest he wonders if the real Demon Lord is still hiding in the shadows and the old Hero has disappeared thinking about the system's rules he considers the chance of not agreeing with both the true Demon Lord and the new hero however he quickly decides that this idea is unlikely just a passing thought in his big thinking process while everyone is happy after Noah's big announcement he starts to feel really tired Noah with a strong voice says the party is over for the day and asks everyone to leave his place closing the door firmly ruri notices how sudden it is and says Noah seems a bit harsh but Milo always sure of himself tells her that the famous Milo would be happy to help with the work Noah not bothered tells ruri they should go see Drake saying he wants to stretch his legs watching what is happening around Noah notices how Milo becomes the boss of some strong monsters and chappie is always with him he also sees ganka leading the smaller monsters like a real Captain and he Praises her for that even ba seems to be in charge of a group of animal type monsters in the middle of everything Drake appears and tells Noah that he was just about to call him Noah excited to help offers to join in but Drake says he has things under control with the rebuilding and getting ready for a possible attack he points out that their spot deep in the forest makes it hard for mounted units to get to them while they talk there's a feeling of working together and having a clear goal in the air as Noah prepares for the upcoming Journey he takes a moment to breathe deeply feeling the heaviness that comes with the idea of leaving their safe place it has been many years since he has been to the capital and the memories mixed with a bit of sadness Drake always quick to notice things mentions that Noah's current clothes might not match the look of a Demon Lord wanting to make sure Noah leaves a strong impression Drake decides to get him a new outfit carefully choosing each piece to go well with Noah's personality Noah puts on the new outfit and it seems to fit him perfectly Drake who is very careful in getting everything ready gives Noah a hood to finish the look ruri always honest and open praises the change saying Noah now has the vibe of a real demon Lord she jokingly talks about his new cool and mysterious style making Noah blush a bit he thanks them for their support feeling grateful now that everything is ready Noah goes ahead saying he is all set to start the journey to the Kingdom's Capital karta he sits on top of papy ready for the ride ahead with the mix of excitement and determination in his mind after Noah starts flying on papy towards the imperial capital karta Captain Isaac wolf of the imperial capital Defense Force expresses anger to himself while watching the nights below he reflects on being retired from the front lines to defend the capital due to his age as he contemplates this a soldier suddenly appears informing him about the dragon heading their way shocked he rushes outside to verify its truth using a monocular to spot the approaching Dragon issuing orders he instructs the soldier to prepare The Magicians and baste on the other hand Noah engages in a conversation with papy about Drake advising him against acting too hostile papy questions whether Noah really wants to move slowly on the ground expressing his own inclination to avoid such a fate Noah with a slightly embarrassed face agrees that he doesn't want that either Alysa excitedly remarks that she never expected to fly in the sky finding the experience enjoyable with the pleasant feeling of papy's wings and the overall comfort of riding on him papy attributes this Comfort to the magic wind covering his front while acknowledging the many Monster friends they have papy asserts that he is the only one capable of carrying people and flying with Elegance however he notes that Noah's level should have increased significantly suddenly remembering that he hasn't checked his stats for a while Noah analyzes them and discovers numerous new skills among them are Monster call allowing him to instantly summon a monster he's befriended monster Fusion enabling the combination of two monsters to create a stronger one and monster telepathy which allows him to communicate through thoughts without distance limits eager to test monster telepathy he decides to communicate with Drake sending a mental message he asks if Drake can hear him Drake responding with his thoughts acknowledges that Noah has finally acquired the skill they continue their conversation in this manner for a while until papy informs them that they will be arriving shortly on the other hand as the soldiers rush to announce the dragon's arrival at the castle wall Randy hears them and uses a monocular to get a closer look initially thinking that such a monster is easy to repel his perception changes when he spots Noah on top of it terrified he wonders why Noah is here suddenly an s-rank magic Spearman named cre appears and asks Randy why he's in such a hurry in an angry tone Randy tells him to get out of his way explaining that he's planning to leave the country immediately and doesn't care about the Empire calming him down GRE questions why he's so frightened by a dragon Randy clarifies that it's not about the dragon it's the person riding it he informs cre that the person riding the dragon is the one who killed Drake finding it interesting cre smirks and expresses his desire to hear more about it Noah orders papy to land to avoid escalating the situation observing numerous guards with their guards on they wonder who the man riding the dragon is Noah disembarks and starts walking towards them suddenly the captain appears and tells Noah to stop he questions Noah about why he's there and why he arrived in such a threatening manner ignoring the questions Noah is asked about the name of his country by the captain realizing he hasn't thought about it Noah uses the monster telepathy skill to ask papy for suggestions papy suggests Grand desire explaining that it means to have a very large desire Noah finds this name cool introducing himself as Noah Whitefield the king of grand desire the captain wonders if it's named after the evil dragon Grand desire and the dragon Noah brought is actually the evil dragon Grand desire Noah stares towards papy who looks away Noah explains that they came from the demon Forest set up a country and are visiting to deliver their greetings reassuring the captain that they do not bear any hostile intentions he asks Noah to wait as they will request an audience with his Imperial Majesty Noah with this party waits for several hours wondering why they are so slow Noah mentions to papy that he expected it but he's too tired of waiting papy asks The Killing one of them would make them hurry Noah tells them that they are here as Goodwill Messengers so he shouldn't do that however he asks if his concept of humans and demihumans has changed papy explains that it only applies to those in the forest and distinguishing each and every human is too difficult Alyssa asks Noah what she should do exactly about meeting the emperor Noah tells her she just has to tell the truth about the situation in the forest he reassures her that he's there to protect her if anything happens Alyssa gets happy as Rory asks about her role Noah tells her that she should wait here together with papy or keep watch over him this annoys papy as Noah asks him if he wasn't saying dangerous things just right before suddenly Noah sees some people guarding the castle wall and decides he should analyze them in case something happens later he thinks he should analyze them in case of future events suddenly he spots an s-rank the same level as Drake among the level 20 guards he couldn't get a clear view because the person was between the guards however suddenly cre appears with his speed running swiftly from there embarrassing ruri then cre also asks Alyssa for a date for fun papy gets angry and blows some fire towards GRE Noah asks him to stop as they are here as Goodwill Messengers Noah questions if cre is a soldier and mentions that this isn't how the emperor should show Hospitality cre denies being a soldier stating he's just an adventurer he confirms with Noah if he's the one who killed Drake expressing his boredom and asking Noah to play with him a little bit Noah mentions that they are here for Goodwill and he's not interested in fighting annoyed cre says he has nothing to do with the empire as if he's talking about nationalities Noah guesses if he's American and cre confirms it wondering how Noah knows Noah tells him that by his accent he can tell he's from the Commerce state of America after that cre says he will play with the ones behind Noah cre smks saying he will take Noah's Hood as he's the s-rank adventurer angry Noah charges at cre and suddenly punches him in the face knocking him out grez complains that he was still talking and Alyssa and Rory wish for Noah to do it one more time G shouts at him not to as he was just joking watching cre lying on the floor Noah wonders who he really is the Emperor notices how easily Noah has beaten that srank realizing Noah's power is a really big deal he tells Shelly to take the recorded image from that remote view analyze it and gather every detail she can find however the captain appears and says to the emperor that Noah is looking for an audience with his majesty and he thinks it's best if they listen to whatever he says Carman warns Captain Isaac to hold his tongue whereas the emperor says it's fine he forgives him but he says 9998 of their country believe in the Muller faith and following teachings the responsibility of killing the Demon Lord is also Theirs to fulfill so they could choose to ignore it and build a good relationship with the Demon Lord but what awaits them is probably a riot by the Believers the emperor says if it gets to them they will have to take Extreme Measures the emperor decides they need more time so he orders Captain Isaac to reassemble the troops and keep the troops bordering the oran's kingdom in place further he also ordered Shel in addition to analyzing the recordings to also give it to the church and secretly monitor their reaction he orders Carmen to ensure the church uses their fighting power and resources they extorted from the Believers Carmen asks how they should deal with the Demon Lord and the emperor orders Carmen to send Noah away and tell him due to the emperor's Health being unwell to come back later maren goes to the church and tells there's a message from emperor dracos that they have received information regarding the demon Lord's arrival she tells he's a monster Tamer and she can't clearly see his face but look at his back she's sure it's him from now on in exchange for this information the church is to provide them fighting Power and funds to the Empire that's what the emperor has demanded the woman calls the emperor an ungrateful bastard and orders minur that her highest priority should now be to locate the hero rather than finding the Divine class Dome she tells Marin to find the hero before the emperor does and convert him into their believer the woman then goes to the praying room praying to Muller Sama wondering why must it be now for a monster Tamer to appear the guards start murmuring after noticing how easily Noah defeated an srank there's no way they could win against him Captain Isaac appears with Carmen and orders the soldiers for silence Carmen moves forward as Noah wonders who he is Carmen informs Noah that his majesty says his body isn't feeling well and asks Noah to go back Noah moves forward in Anger asking what he means by Going Back Carmen tells in the first place his hus is a very busy man and if Noah is an emissary you'll have to make an appointment beforehand Noah tells he will be fine as long as his message gets across as he tells a country was born in the demon Forest Carmen tells Noah that it seems Noah misunderstood that and tells Noah that everything on this continent belongs to the Empire as he further speaks those who claim to be their own countries too are just Outlaws who are occupying their land and he says to Noah that he must be one of them Carmen then rudley says to Noah if he has understood he can get out of his face because the Empire doesn't care for Such trivial matters Noah gets angry as he dashes forward and asks Carmen to call someone with more Authority Carmen tells him he's the prime minister in terms of official matters and only his majesty is higher than him Noah becomes angry and punches the castle wall stating its proof that he came here after that Noah says he will leave just as they wished and tells them not to interfere from now on with each other because if they do the Empire might just disappear from the map from far away shadow Walker watches everything liking Noah's temper he captures a man who pleads for Mercy but Shadow Walker crunches him contemplating how to get the best painful expression from him after Noah leaves Shelly puts cre back into Consciousness and tells him that if he gets beaten that easily the srank will look bad Shelly explains it was a faint attack and it doesn't count GRE asks where Noah went and Shelly tells him towards the oran's kingdom cre stands up expressing a desire for revenge and confidently states he will go after Noah but faces in the wrong direction Shelly corrects his Direction irritating cre shell then pulls cre making making him even angrier and he asks what she's doing shell tells him it will make him faster and cre reluctantly agrees cre then jokingly suggests going on a date but shell immediately declines his proposal after that cre says he will make the Demon Lord remember his name and leaves on the other hand papy asks Noah where they are going next Noah tells him they're heading to the oran's kingdom Alyssa suddenly speaks up expressing surprise that Noah chose Grand desire as the name she explains it's the name of a notorious dragon that turned part of the Empire's territory into a sea of flames 1,000 years ago even today they tell children that grand desire will come and get them to scare them Noah mocks papy asking if he knows who that Dragon was Ry suddenly asks Noah to look and Alyssa with excitement says that's a huge Pond she asks Noah what it is Noah tells them it's a lake Alyssa says she grew up in the forest so she never saw anything like that papy with a disappointed face corrects Noah saying that's the sea Noah says he's always in the middle of the continent so he also has never seen it Alyssa and rri insist on getting a closer look and finally managed to convince Noah as they reach the beach Alysa and ruri run to explore different things on the beach Noah looks at them enjoying themselves as papy tells Noah something is coming Noah notices a carriage approaching and then stopping a beautiful lady in Royal dress appears addressing him by his name she introduces herself as orans Kingdom's Queen felana nrea orans and asks Noah to be pleased to make her acquaintance Drake connects with Noah using his telepathy skill and asks if she has silver hair and blue eyes Noah confirms this and Drake believes she's the real queen however Noah wonders if she might be a double agent after conversing with Drake for some time he realizes that within 3 years of her Reign she's managed to expand her territory by 20% and has implemented numerous reformations Drake advises Noah to act high and mighty like a true Demon Lord following this Noah sits with the queen in the carriage as Drake inquires about papy's whereabouts no no informs him that papy is on standby at a nearby Mountain Drake tells Noah to remember that he's following Noah's lead and encourages him to show as much greatness as he can because he's the one they're relying on at the moment as they travel in the carriage felana tells them to look through the window and points out the capital northa she mentions that she believes they are interested in the sea and Promises to give them a tour of their port later Alyssa notices how elves and humans are walking together fana explains that it's the result of her first Major law she released all non-humans from slavery and gave them citizenship she emphasizes that race doesn't dictate skills Alyssa asks Noah if that isn't amazing suggesting that someday they could achieve something similar Noah however angrily asks Alysa if she doesn't think he's doing a fine job despite this they notice a man announcing an auction felana explains that he's a former slave dealer but since he abolished slavery he Now deals with animals or at least that's how it's supposed to be the man presents the product which turns out to be a slime in a cage the crowd doesn't seem excited so we demon demonstrates its magic by throwing some seeds that instantly grow into flowers everyone including Noah and his party remains in shock the bidding starts at one gold piece rri tells Noah that she likes the Slime and asks him to rescue it Noah requests fana to stop the carriage and then he gets out meanwhile a girl bids five gold pieces and everyone thinks she's being foolish Noah arrives and asks the dealer if he can also participate the dealer confirms that anyone can participate and then Rory asks if that's okay Noah affirms it and mentions that Drake gave him some money just in case however he surprises Everyone by raising the bid to 10 gold pieces leaving everyone including the girl in shock the girl determined tells the dealer that she will go up to 11 pieces but he has only brought seven with her along with a prisy note the dealer accuses her of looking down on him and rejects her offer declaring that the little slime is now Noah's the disappointed girl leaves noticing that Noah is with the queen and realizing he must be wealthy she decides to find out more about him however Noah analyzes the Slime when he notices its name is Gummy and it's only level one gummy urges Noah to get him out realizing that Noah might not understand him Noah curious about whether the voice is really gummies goes to open the cage to his surprise he finds gummy already passed out from Fear suddenly gummy comes back to Consciousness and asks Noah to take care of him from now on introducing himself as gummy boss Rory holds gummy and expresses amazement that he could still be level one and survive until now gummy explains that he's not fond of filthy things and had been living in a spring deep inside the forest where it was safe Noah finds it peculiar especially when he notices a skill called Lost Magic that gummy possesses he begins to imagine that the skill level of gummy might be higher than the job level considering the possibility that magicians from ancient times could change the weather or control Stars lost in his own imagination Noah drifts into a world of Wonder gummy explains that he can use flower carpet to turn things into flowers cleanser and cycle into clean water and remove dust and cleaning to clean clothes Noah expresses disappointment saying he doesn't expect that however Rory picks up gummy and calls him cute after that felana asks them to hurry following that they sit in the carriage and finally reach the castle felana welcomes them again and as they sit in the room she mentions that she would have welcomed them as guests but they can't due to people in the palace she's suspicious of and enemies who have been using spies for over a 100 years just as they do Noah thinks that's why she knew his name fana says she has been informed of his deeds today at the Empire and it was a magnificent display valiana tells Noah that relationships between countries can be very complicated with Nations always at each other's throats so if he ignores other countries and proceeds without declaring their independence making a deal with them Noah guesses that's a way to declare war and felana confirms that fana suggests sending an official letter informing them of their country's creation and she offers to help with that Noah remarks that it sounds like a pain fana invites Noah to form a Alliance but Noah asks if the Declaration doesn't come first felana says they can just change the date to after the Declaration focusing on trading in military alliances she's fine with just that and with this Grand desire will only have the Empire left to worry about felana smiles and asks Noah if he doesn't think that's amazing ordering her servant to prepare the documents immediately Noah questions felana about the alliance stating they came here just to greet them fana responds that it's not bad to have things progress smoothly Noah connects with Drake for help but Drake tells him to leave it to him he will support Noah with Drake's assistance Noah responds to felana who suggest enjoying their discussion slowly over some tea Noah stops Rory from drinking but felana wonders if alcohol would be better Noah expresses distrust suggesting there might be a poison inside of it felana drinks the tea and Noah takes the opportunity to analyze fana's stats to check for any poison resistance Fel On's guard questions Noah about how many times he will humiliate them like this in Anger no mentions checking with the analyze beforehand and stopping him from using it is the guard's job he accuses the guard of ignoring his own blunder and daring to blame Noah then asks felana if that's the extent of her guard's training felana apologizes to Noah and assures him that she will properly re-educate her guards she senses a sudden change in Noah's demeanor feeling like she can see a Sinister smile meanwhile Drake in Noah's ear mentions that he's just proving his loyalty laughing about it suddenly guards with tattoos Rush towards Drake and Drake informs no Noah that there's an emergency they are under attack Noah hears crashing and falling sounds Noah hears Drake saying the Kingdom's Army and then he hears a warning to be careful of the queen and leave the situation to him felana asks Noah to forgive her soldiers for their actions but explains that for security purposes they've erected a barrier around the room with this they don't have to worry about anyone eavesdropping on them with a smile she suggests to resume their discussion Noah attempts to connect with Milo ganka chappie or ba but he couldn't reach anyone and wonders what's happening there fana asks Noah if there's something wrong Noah feels a sense of worry as he got cut and Drake had clearly told him to leave it to him so he trusts him however he worries that if he makes a mistake rri and Alysa will be in danger too he criticizes himself thinking of himself as the worst guy for doing this meanwhile Drake orders the monsters to attack enemies and Milo ganka and ba take charge against the enemies using his abilities Drake takes down multiple enemies at once with his Quake skill as Drake hold one of the enemies the enemy suddenly explodes Drake is shocked wondering if the person self-destructed without any hesitation he notices that the explosion even took out the enemy's comrades and wonders if the kingdom really has these types of Assassins working for them despite the increasing number of enemies Drake continues to eliminate them on the other hand Shadow Walker is observing everything felana asks Noah if he has any conditions to impose for the alliance Noah thinks he has no other choice but to do it he tells fana that there's something he doesn't understand felana asks what that is he thinks to himself that there are some things he needs to confirm so he tries to calm himself down he says to himself in his mind that Drake mentioned people from the kingdom supposedly attacking the village so he plans to gather more information here which could help them make a comeback Noah tells fana that when considering an alliance he couldn't think of any Merit that would make her agree to it fana smiles and says how kind of him to consider their Kingdom's Affairs she also points out that considering Grand desire's situation he doesn't lose anything from this Alliance either Noah contemplates this and finds it to be a one-sided deal which seems too good to be true felana explains that as she mentioned earlier their Kingdom and Empire have been enemies for over 100 years however Grand desire a country that possesses a dragon emerged as a strong force standing between them having a friendly relationship with such a country would undoubtedly be a significant Advantage for them Noah finally realizes the main reason why felana wants to form an alliance with them he questions her about what would happen if refuses to form an alliance with a smile felana replies that she won't do anything particularly as it's unfortunate but it's not meant to be then there's no choice she explains that in the event Grand desire is attacked by the Empire they can only sit back and watch additionally depending on the situation there's a slight chance they will become enemies Noah attempts to speak but felana interrupts suggesting that it might just be her meddling too much she advises him that for the sake of his companions it's better if he stops saying such things she smil Smiles mentioning that she's senior in managing a country and that's her advice to him Noah reflects on the situation thinking that if he only considers forming an alliance it's not a bad deal however he wonders if Drake was mistaken feeling a sense of regret and missing his mom questioning why she did not give birth to a smarter child felana looks at him thinking and then tells him that if he doesn't want it she won't force him she suggests leaving the talk for later after they build up more trust in each other however she firmly states that allying with the Empire is not something she would advise as she has received a report from her spies indicating that the Empire is currently preparing an attack on Grand desire Drake informs his party that the lower level enemies are down Milo gets angrier as he's going to kill someone but they just explode chappie advises him not to push himself but Milo insists he can still fight ganka charges at the enemies with her speed Drake snaps the neck of an enemy and Milo apologizes for not stopping the enemies at the gate Drake instructs ganka to go and help those who are injured Drake wonders if these enem are really human because they didn't even let out a sound when attacked he notices the heat of their bodies is already gone questioning if they were all dead from the beginning he wonders if it's the work of a necromancer but controlling this many at once would require a fairly high level user he questions if such a necromancer exists suddenly a person comes shouting to Drake that his granddaughter is missing Drake looks at him in shock as he explains that during the disturbance he was hiding with his grandchildren in their house but suddenly he was pulled out into some sort of Shadow as Drake hears the word Shadow he remembers an s-rank adventurer a necromancer who had his license revoked due to various magic spells on humans he realizes this person must be working for the emperor recalling that his real name was unknown but his other name was Shadow Walker he says to himself that if it's him then controlling this amount of people is a piece of cake he also realizes that he passed the wrong information to Noah and feels responsible for the situation Noah questions if the Empire is really attacking the village conflicted between believing Drake and queen felana as he's thinking felana informs him of another piece of news she asks if Noah knows how NL and Marissa Whitefield in a State of Shock Noah confirms that they are his parents and brothers fana tells him to steal his heart and listen as she reveals that 7 days ago by the will of the emperor those three from the Whitefield house were executed Noah clenches his fist and questions felana asking what kind of joke she's playing felana insists it's no joke and affirms that by the emperor's will they are executed meanwhile Drake gives orders to his team he instructs ganka to bring monsters with high maneuver ability to scout the area around the village and deal with enemies she finds he directs bow to use his nose to detect enemies but not to chase them instead signaling the presence lastly He commands Milo to extinguish fires and defend the village Milo questions why stating that he can still fight Drake explains that if the villagers are injured it counts as their loss and he needs someone reliable to protect them he Praises Milo mentioning that Noah can considers him his most reliable servant Milo accepts the orders and ganka notes that Drake knows how to handle Milo with his words ganka then orders her Squad to follow her as they head out to protect the weak Drake reflects on Noah's power realizing that wounds causing instant death can be healed instantly however he wonders about the chains around their necks and what would happen if they are broken brushing aside these thoughts he decides to focus on saving the elf using his ability life force detection Drake identifies all the enemies around him he notices an unnatural presence of two life forces far from the village who runs towards that direction on the other hand Noah asks felana the reason behind the execution of his family felana tells him that she doesn't know the reason because it was never publicly announced the servant of felana holding the barrier says to her that if this goes on it will break Noah wonders if he's the reason behind it however he asks about his elder brother Ray fana tells him she also searched for him but couldn't find anything she mentions the possibility that he was sped because of his contributions to the Empire Noah gets angrier thinking about why he's calling himself a leader when his family is dying and here he's nonchalantly playing Demon Lord his anger escalates as suddenly the barrier around them breaks Noah instantly calls papy using his skill call monster and papy teleports from the mountains to outside the castle papy wonders how he just appeared here suddenly as he was sleeping on the mountain felana asks Noah what he is planning to do Noah says to felana that without any proof he can't believe any of this he stands up and says he will see it himself right now felo wonders if he's really planning to ride the dragon to the imperial capital right now Noah confirms it and says if that's the truth he will kill the emperor fana looks at him in shock as Noah asks if she thinks he can't do it felana knows that he can definitely do it and he has more than enough power she thinks in her head that she made a huge miscalculation thinking that Noah has such a rash personality she says to Noah politely to wait in a sense of disbelief and tells Noah that even if it was cruel it was carried out under legal means Noah says it doesn't change the fact that his family was killed felana tells him that what he's trying to do is an assassination and his country's declaration won't matter anymore there's a chance the whole continent will be grand desire's enemy she mentions that if the Empire suddenly loses its Emperor Public Safety would be in shambles and a large number of refugees would come seeking Asylum Noah gets angrier stating that she's talking about the Declaration of refugees when his parents were killed he clenched his fist and contemplates whether he should just kill her Noah suddenly starts acting like a real Demon Lord and ruri speaks to him noting that the tea is getting cold Noah suddenly wonders what he was thinking as he was about to put Rory and Alyssa in danger he thinks that even if he succeeds there's no way that the Empire would admit the truth ruri asks fana if this tea is from dander rushia fana confirms it and tells ruri that she's really quite vers in Te as Noah is thinking to himself felana apologizes deeply to him for trying to rush the relationship ship and talk about alliances she tells him however that she truly wanted a friendly relationship between them and Grand desire showing her sincerity to prove it she introduces her daughter Jessica northera orance she mentions that as a token of Goodwill she will let him take her daughter to Grand desire and he can use her as he sees fit Noah with a disappointed face looks at them Shadow Walker thinks to himself that seeing Drake hasn't died yet he has to change his plan even though he planned to turn the kingdom soldiers into Undead making it seem like the kingdom attacked and killed all the villagers instigating a war between the Kingdom and The Demon Lord he considered the idea of bringing back an elf for experiments thinking it might lead to something amazing if he turns her into Undead and sends her into the kingdom he could use her to further inside a war between the Kingdom and The Village while pondering these thoughts suddenly Drake appears using his Starfall skill taking a charge at Shadow Walker however Shadow Walker manages to defend against it Drake warns him not to think that he can leave in one piece Drake realizes that shadow Walker can understand him so he guesses if he's also an undead however Shadow Walker tells him what kind of necromancer doesn't understand the words of the dead he reveals that he has the skill Undead language translator and is a level 52 Necromancer observing Drake's body he finds it a masterpiece Shadow Walker makes a deal with Drake he'll let him have a closer look at his body and in return He will release the elf Drake and response warns that it will be Shadow Walker's grave as he rushes towards him however Shadow Walker uses his skill dark magic to tie Drake and chains he gets closer to Drake looking directly into his eyes and again Praises him as an undead Masterpiece Shadow Walker suggests rewriting the spell to become Drake's new master he notices the trinket on Drake's neck and attempts to throw it away but suddenly Amanda appears using her ability and saves Drake from Shadow Walker Shadow Walker wonders if Amanda is an undead or a normal monster he thinks it looks like she came to save Drake but questions if that's intelligent Amanda asserts that she will never forgive him she activates the skill predatory snake but Shadow Walker counters by creating a fluid wall and using a skill Stone gaze successfully defending against her attack suddenly Amanda charges at him attempting to punch him with palm thrust a skill she learned from Drake Shadow Walker in response uses his skill to bind her in Chains however Amanda surprises him by using her dark magic skill to break the chains and free herself annoyed Shadow Walker remarks that monsters typically use their natural born strength with brute force or lack of coordination using either sheer power power or relying on numbers in contrast Amanda seems abnormal as she understands her skills and uses them to her Advantage despite the setback Shadow Walker warns Amanda not to think it's over he claims he will show her the difference in their experience using his Stone gaze skill on her he simultaneously employs resurface catching Amanda off guard her legs are bound by chains emerging from the ground Shadow Walker follows up with multiple bind to restrain her further he taunts her questioning what she can do even if she manages to ES Escape Drake shouting at Amanda to run away suddenly sees her using a skill to free him Amanda's eyes fill with determination as she instructs Drake to ensure he wins on the other hand felana suggests to Noah that he should use Jessica even if it means sacrificing her Noah is taken about realizing that Royals have their own challenges but sacrificing one's own daughter seems extreme to earn trust confused and not wanting to dwell on it he stands up and declares if that's the case he will take Jessica's life Noah informs felana that he received a message Mage from his comrades about the Kingdom's Army attacking the village precisely when felana set up the barrier leading to the message being cut off he demands an explanation from felana she insists it wasn't them but Noah remained skeptical to prove her innocence felana proposes sacrificing Jessica for the sake of oran's Kingdom despite this Noah decides to test fana's sincerity preparing to strike he uses his full power to simulate an attack on Jessica but at the last moment he stops and Pats her head apologizing to f for the test he claims to have finally understood her seriousness felana relieved asks if that means Noah confirms agreeing to form an alliance felana excited expresses her eagerness to have her kingdom as his Grand desire as Drake steps in front of Amanda to Shield her his jacket catches fire so he removes it confessing that he lost his composure dealing with magicians earlier now he warns Shadow Walker to pay close attention Shadow Walker readies herself challenging Drake to demonstrate his fighting style Drake charges at shadowalker ER but she skillfully defends against his assault Drake recalls that the most effective way to confront magicians is to strike from their blind spot before they can unleash their magic launching his fastest strike Drake is blocked by Shadow Walker who remarks that she's slightly faster than him she binds Drake in Chains predicting a fate similar to their previous encounter however Drake refutes her claim asserting that shadow Walker is still within his attack range he lands a powerful kick on Shadow Walker's face shattering her outfit and revealing her feminine form Drake realizes is a woman but Shadow Walker dismisses the significance of gender stating that her current body aligns well with her soul Shadow Walker continues stating that killing Drake would be a waste she invites him to return to the Empire assuring him that she will make favorable arrangements for him she emphasizes that the Empire has assembled a formidable army to defeat the Demon Lord and a village like this would be swiftly crushed she extends an invitation to Drake promising to find a way to restore him to human form Drake smirks rejecting the offer and declares his allegiance to Noah because of Noah's strength he expresses indifference to becoming a monster emphasizing his desire to face powerful opponents and emerge Victorious Drake effortlessly breaks free from the chains asserting that by staying in the village he can confront even more formidable enemies he confidently proclaims his intention to challenge and defeat them all with the ultimate goal of surpassing Noah Drake tells Shadow Walker that she will be a valuable experience on his journey in response to Shadow Walker's inquiry about his betrayal of the empire for the sake of fighting strong enemies Drake declares that if the Empire attacks you will confront them and make them regret making an enemy out of him shadow Walker says talking is useless and she decides to leave for now Drake questions if she thinks he'll just let her go suddenly many Undead monsters appear from the ground and in a quick move Shadow Walker disappears Drake is shocked realizing she used soldiers from a country destroyed A Thousand Years Ago by loc Carla on the other hand Jessica and felana sit on a sofa fana's servant tells them that guests have been taken to the room and F F tells the servant to leave Jessica asks fana for advice on what to do next fana suggests Jessica figure it out on her own and use her powers to guide the Demon Lord in a way that helps their Kingdom she tells Jessica that her class is a strategist a guard questions the idea of involving Jessica saying Noah doesn't seem smart and there's no need to include the princess felana disagrees saying Noah's danger comes from his unpredictability she claims that if Jessica were in Noah's place he would have killed her Jessica asks if fana knew she wouldn't be killed and felana smiles confirming her confidence fana reveals that Noah's attention is now on the Empire ending their 100 years of war she promises to change the continent's map within a year ensuring the Empire's defeat Jessica sees this as a chance to take control of her future despite felana being her mother she finds the things felana said unbelievable staying in the Kingdom would drag her into a political war and make her a Target to avoid such a fate she decides it's better to try and escape on the the other hand Drake connects with Noah and reports that four houses were destroyed some monsters were injured but there were no deaths he reveals that it's all the Empire is doing as one of them confessed to it Noah informs Drake that the Empire also killed his family and Reveals His alliance with the kingdom expressing his determination to crush the Empire Drake cautions against blindly trusting vixon and Promises to investigate the matter he sends a monster to scout Noah's family house for more information Noah tells Drake that he'll send all the alliance details the next morning and suggests he rests for now Noah takes a deep breath reflecting on the events of the day he wishes he had known beforehand papy interrupts questioning if Noah is going to the Empire Noah explains that according to felana they are on high alert since he appeared with the dragon earlier the Empire has been working day and night to erect an anti-dragon barrier papy suggests showing off their strength to deter humans from Waging War Noah confirms that admitting he's not good with Annoying details papy teases him calling him stupid no what expresses a desire for a companion who can handle negotiations someone who can talk to other humans papy points out that Noah has Drake but Noah clarifies that he meant someone who would communicate with humans effectively papy explains to Noah that it's impossible for him to metamorph human because he lacks the skill Noah confused asks for an explanation and papy reveals that it's a skill highlevel monsters can learn he explains that monsters reaching about level 70 could acquire this skill allowing them to transform into humans however papy admits he has never seen it and it's merely a rumor he heard such highle monsters are said to exist only in the depths of ruins papy also mentions that he hasn't leveled up in over 100 years because he spent most of that time sleeping Noah expresses admiration for the convenient skill and realizes he possesses a skill he hasn't used yet analyzing himself he discovers the skill monster Fusion enabling him to combine two monsters into a stronger one he contemplates the potential outcome of fusing monsters with different personalities despite this he decides to think about it later and playfully teases papy saying he'll be his first guinea pig papy however doesn't understand what Noah is talking about meanwhile Shadow Walker reaches the castle entering the barrier and dismissing it as useless Shelly standing there intercepts her and questions her Mission which was supposed to be killing the Demon Lord Shadow Walker admits it was a failure and announces her intention to change her plan Shelly challenges her apparent confidence after a failure and Shadow Walker attributes it to inaccurate information she reveals that Drake has betrayed them and sided with the Demon Lord shocking Shelly who believes Drake should be dead Shadow Walker indifferent states she can't kill the Demon Lord in her current situation she plans to inform the emperor about their contract and secure Advanced payment Shelly queries about the contract but Shadow Walker dismisses it as none of her business when Shelly tries to let her go she stops her citing the emperor's granted right to ask for any information including details about Shadow Walker angered Shadow Walker attempts to use magic but Shel counteracts it with her own halting shadow Walker frustrated Shadow Walker deems it a waste of time and reminds shell that the emperor promised her free reign over all the corpses in the empire in exchange for killing the Demon Lord Shelly responds angrily stating that's what she would expect from a necromancer Shadow Walker defends herself explaining that her actions are solely for collecting materials for her experiments she even suggests that Shelley might be conducting similar experiments Shelley rebuffs the comparison telling Shadow Walker not to lump her in with the likes of her Shadow Walker then moves away announcing that she has shared everything and will be leaving when Shelley inquires about her destination Shadow Walker informs her that she's heading to the church upon entering the church Shadow Walker senses an overflow of holy power something she despises she proceeds to Cordova's coffin the resting place of the fabled hero thinking that this power killed Lil Carla and might Aid her in killing the Demon Lord however to her shock she finds the coffin empty as she turns around she encounters someone the person introduces himself as the owner of the church Rukia and asks for shadow Walker's name in response she states that she doesn't know why he's there but it's fortunate that he's alone she questions the whereabouts of the hero's remains ridia becomes angrier and uses his holy Magic on Shadow Walker who's powerless to stop him suddenly rukia's son HL LOF Falls appears revealing that he brought the Knight here the church's owner decides to go stating that they have received an Oracle and they head towards their intended destination the next day Noah reads documents while sitting with felana and Jessica Drake connects with them reporting no problems and suggests that for Vixen to offer such equal terms there must be a reason despite his tired expression Noah thinks that they can't figure it out now and there's no point in overthinking he assures fana that he has no issues with the documents and Jessica despite being only 8 years old has received appropriate education fana mentions the age discrepancy and Noah decides to use his analysis skill on Jessica he discovers that she's a strategist level five prompting him to wonder how an 8-year-old achieved such a level balana explains that she's a m believer and the ceremony granting classes at 15 years old is uniform everywhere to minimize fluctuations or errors in the results at that age she continues explaining that Early Education can in some ways influence the result in class and research up to now has clarified that the ceremony at 15 years old is special and comes at a very high cost therefore their Kingdom's royalty undergos the ceremony at the age of five and their education is tailored based on the result in class Noah inquires if they could have learned their class skills earlier in life but felana responds that there are no guarantees until they turn 15 she elaborates on cases where classes have changed into unique ones citing Hiro as an example her own class King is another such instance felana explains that if one king loses their life due to illness or assassination someone with a different class immediately has their class changed to King as if the world is trying to fill the Gap regarding Jessica's class and skills felana expresses confidence boasting that despite being her mother she can guarantee them afterward felana informs Noah that when the official documents are ready she will contact him again for the signing ceremony she departs with Jessica giving her daughter a knight to think about their plans Jessica in turn explains that the best scenario is for her to marry Noah have children and if their backup plan falters she will recruit International students from their Kingdom by sending individuals with no royalty or connections as International students they aim to improve connections between both countries and gradually increase oran's population felana privately thinks that Jessica's approach aligns with her own and encourages her daughter to do her best smirking meanwhile Jessica with a smirk of her own reflects that she's not always going to be her mother's puppet and asserts her confidence in her ability to deceive people including her mother Ray sits alone in a room on the sofa pondering how things turned out this way he had informed his father about his wife's pregnancy last month but now everything is taking an unexpected turn heml along with his father tells Ray to come with them Ray bows to show respect and inquires about his family safety heml assures him that the church promises to take full responsibility but he must listen to the request when Ray asks about the request HL suggests for now going to the palace with them on the other hand Noah is also flying back to his village with Jessica before bidding them farewell felana advises Jessica to do her job properly and tells Noah to think of her daughter as a subordinate and use her as he wishes she emphasizes that grand desires development is beneficial to them as allies after that papy takes off and a servant of felana Whispers some information related to Noah's family felana acknowledges it's Troublesome but decides to leave it to her Jessica expresses her excitement about riding on the dragon and Noah is relieved to see her acting her age Jessica mentions that she rarely leaves the palace and is often on her own Noah asks Rory if for the time being she would look after Jessica as her older sister given that they are closer in Agee Rory looks at him with shock and states that she's Noah his attendant so she has no choice she repeats that she's a big sister after all and Noah wonders if she dislikes that however ruri Smiles saying she doesn't mind because she's the big sister inside the palace Carmen informs the emperor that as per his order messengers of Peace have been sent and they believe that in a few days all Frontline battles will end the emperor states that depending on the result they will assemble troops from the Southern and Eastern units during the meeting ridia along with the son and re appears ridia apologizes for interrupting and asks them to proceed with their meeting the emperor agrees addressing Rukia as Alexis but thinking of him as a bastard in his mind Rukia discusses the defense of Hydra expressing the desire to leave it to his holy Knights Carmen notes that this means the unit scent will be smaller in number ridia adds that he has two conditions and asks HL to elaborate HL states that their first condition is to let Ray become the leader of their holy Knights and the second is to transfer him from their Knight the emperor asks Carmen about Rukia and Carmen explains that he is the demon Lord's brother HL clarifies that the second condition is to abandon all the territory west of Hydra the emperor sensing the gravity of their proposal comments that if they are willing to go that far it means they have a chance to win ridia affirms this mentioning that mhler has given them an oracle as he pulls out the church's sword Carmen inquires if he's referring to the guardian and ridia confirms he adds that they will stop their March at the stronghold and have prepared a trump card believing it to be the best plan the emperor convinced orders everyone to prepare accordingly Carmen Whispers to the emperor questioning if he's truly fine with this the emperor responds that he has no choice emphasizing that it's not the time for internal conflicts in his thoughts ridia considers that Alexis is acting high and mighty but once this is over he plans to take him down papy finally lands in their Village and all of Noah's monsters suddenly appear and through enthusiastically hugging him as they sit at the table for some tea Jessica opens her eyes and Noah asks if she's awake Noah suggests she rest a bit more since she's not used to traveling suddenly Drake appears and Jessica shocked realizes he's alive Noah explains that Drake can't talk to her directly right now but she can communicate through writing Jessica asks Noah about future plans but he expresses reluctance to drag everyone into his personal Grudge however all of his monster friends insist that their Master's Grudge is their own and they vow to destroy the foolish Empire Alyssa mentions the attempt to kidnap their treasure and even though they failed they will pay dearly for their sins Milo enthusiastically shouts let's Crush as Noah looks down with disappointment Jessica Praises Noah for having good comrades and offers to advise him as a strategist she points out the vulnerability of their Village surrounded by trees with insufficient guards if the enemy starts a fire it could lead to instant defeat Jessica suggests getting closer to the demon Forest within the Empire's territory specifically laa City Drake asks if she means a bridge head mentioning that it's a city where adventurers are challenging the L Carla ruins despite having plenty of adventurers the number of station troops is low Jessica noticed fewer nights on her way back on papy's back making it the best time to attack she assures Noah that she has a plan the next day Lord lafas in a conversation with Shelly becomes angry upon realizing that no soldiers are being sent to their City he expresses frustration mentioning rumors about the Demon Lord appearing in the demon Forest Shelley explains that she can't do anything about it she's only there to inform him of The Emperor's decision if he's de satisfied he should communicate directly with the emperor Lord laus slams the table emphasizing that protecting citizens lives and property is the obligation of those in power questioning the purpose of paying high taxes Shelly informs him that residents to the west of stronghold Hydra have been ordered to evacuate regarding the evacuation method it's up to the governing Lords like him and the emperor has given them that Authority during this discussion a servant interrupts Lord lafas informing him of emergency signals rising from the smoke signal Towers observing Lil Carla ruins Lord lafas orders the contact of the adventurer's guild and instructs them to handle the situation an announcement in the guild declares that for every monster killed adventurers will receive one piece of silver excitement fills the guild as everyone rushes towards the little Carla ruins an old man named Angus remains behind stating that he's old and his back is hurting indicating that it's not something he should do the adventurers laugh discussing how Angus will on-shot the monsters with his arrows as they reach the ruins they anticipate encountering goblins ganka emerges from the bushes followed by chappie and then all of Noah's comrades appear the standing adventurers are shocked realizing the situation is absurd Noah walks alongside them and the adventurers speculate that he might be the rumored Demon Lord Jessica instructs Noah to make a speech and although he expresses reluctance he starts reading it no addresses the residents of lafa City introducing himself as Grand desire and declares that for harming their people in Village the Empire will pay he informs them that they are Marching towards the imperial capital and urges them not to resist asking them to leave the city however if they resist their lives are not guaranteed at the end of the speech Noah has to look at the sky and release a strong magical blast despite his initial disappointment Noah finally looks at the sky and releases a powerful magical blast as everyone witnessed is the magical blast he declares it as their last warning and gives them an hour to make their decision just as per Jessica's plan they take positions as she explained earlier the large monsters are in the front line blocking the view of the smaller monsters behind them the monsters behind have something even tree branches are fine to create loud noises and sheer for their way Noah asks her if it will work and Jessica tells him It's a Long Way to the capital and without suffering any casualties they can make it there without shedding any blood the adventurer standing there wondering as they can't see behind but there is a lot of rumbling sound Angus moves forward and tells them to calm down stating that they are just a bunch of adventurers not an army they only have to do what they can do he instructs the adventurers to go and Evacuate the residents immediately A girl asks if he's not escaping with them Angus replies asking if he didn't tell them to do what they can do and he is also going to do what he can do Jessica comes to Noah and tells him it was superb Noah wonders if 1 hour isn't too short Jessica explains that the reason behind this is to not give them any time to do anything unnecessary she adds that in addition to the magic blast if anyone sees that they would normally run away however she observes some figures still lying around the gate they notice someone coming towards them Jessa recognizes him as the previously longest active member of the s-rank adventurers the Iron Man named Angus fulgar they remember Drake telling them about him that he's now retired and mainly raising the Next Generation mapping Lil Carla ruins people in the city put more Faith and Hope in him than the Lord Noah thinks that he really carries a big sword Noah then tells him to stop right there and warns him that if he takes any step further they will take it as an act of aggression Angus looks at Jessica as if he recognizes her Jessica informs him that the orans kingdom has made an alliance with grand desire turning the situation into a problem between countries if they want to talk she asks them to bring out the Lord Angus explains that it would be impossible because before they arrived the Lord had said he was going directly to the Emperor to ask for reinforcements and had already left the city Jessica suggests that Angus she be the one to take over Angus responds that he doesn't know how much his life is worth but he requests sparing the lives of the people of the city he also proposes extending the time limit stating it would be more than enough Jessica thinks that they can control this man if Noah grants him Mercy she tells him not to listen and Noah acknowledges that he asks Angus if he ever waited before the execution of his parents before the raid on their Village or to return the child they kidnapped he attributes these actions to the emperor Angus tells Noah that if he has any complaints he should direct them to the emperor Noah responds that he doesn't have any sacrificial men like Angus and that's why he proposes that if Angus wants to die he should fight and die like a real martial artist he tells Angus that if he wins The Duel Noah will Retreat and never come near the city again Jessica shouts at Noah but he in a cold tone tells her that her role as a strategist ends here and instructs her to keep quiet Angus laughs loudly as he grips his sword expressing gratitude to Noah for preparing his final stage as the martial artist for his last moments Drake thinks this is why men with class Fighters are and if it's like this it's time for Plan B however he requests Noah to let him fight with Angus once Milo also says that Noah doesn't need to do anything as he will do it they both move forward but Noah uses his energy to pull them behind and says to them that he will do it that's what he said all the adventurers there look at how monsters are bowing down to Noah wondering if they're completely under his control chappie asks Milo if he's okay Milo confirms it and Drake tells them there's no need to worry it was an act of Noah and he hit them and healed them at the same time Jessica thinks to herself that right now they have at least shown to them that they have all the control over the monsters Angus hands over a sword to Noah saying he can't feel good winning against an unarmed opponent Noah takes out the sword from its cover and says he's still a descendant of a house of nobility and swordsmanship probably influences his class Angus tells him that he's drawn out the martial artist within him and Noah will have to use his every skill Noah analyzes him and sees he's a great swordsman with a level 63 he also sees some quite unique skills there Angus takes charge on Noah and Noah manages to defend as he says to Angus that using big attacks from the get-go Angus is looking down on him Angus uses swordsmanship and great sword manipulation at once on Noah but Noah uses earth splitter Anga says it's a great move but it doesn't mean anything if it doesn't hit Noah defends angus's attack using the sword and feels something different Angus tells him he's been an adventurer for half a century and in that time there is never a single time that his body has ever gotten injured that's why he is called the Iron Man he tells Noah that until his body gives up they are stuck together for their Deathmatch Noah charges at Angus who defends laughing and stating it's not enough he remarks that Noah can't take his life with that kind of attack Jessica notices the man's strength and ruri standing behind her tells Jessica not to worry surprised Jessica asks Rory if she's not supposed to be waiting in the village Rory explains that she's always with Noah Noah charges at Angus again getting pushed back Angus asks if that's all mentioning the skill he has honed three years of training has reached a point where it automatically reacts to any hostility or blood lust he adds that for Noah to win he must attack with an empty mind otherwise his attacks won't work Angus expresses his Readiness for that kind of battle but questions why Noah didn't use lightning magic earlier Jessica and Riri wonder if Noah forgot noting that he can be a little absent minded Milo reassures them that Noah doesn't need to use that ability to win afterward Angus takes multiple charges at Noah and manages to knee him sending Noah flying in the air but allowing him to balance himself Noah realizes that fighting a swordsman of this caliber is too tough as all the skills are specifically tailored for Sword Play he concludes that he can only attack with a sword and the only thing he can can do is to destroy angus's weapon Angus notices Noah's changed Aura Angus also prepares as both of them Dash towards each other but Noah using all his power attacks angus's sword and breaks it Angus doesn't stop and takes another charge putting all his power into his attack however Noah manages to defend the attack and counterattacks Angus Angus sits on the ground realizing that even his trump card couldn't work he looks at Noah and expresses his appreciation Noah reaches him and tells him that he never wanted to take his life he only wanted to make him agree to leave this place by ensuring his promise through the duel Angus stabs himself stating that this loser will also gladly help Angus loses Consciousness as all of Noah's comrades start shouting in excitement all the adventurers begin running away thinking Angus has been killed and confirming that Noah is the Demon Lord Noah's comrades Express their appreciation while Jessica reflects on it being the first time she has seen someone die in front of her eyes she realizes that this might become her daily life life however ruri reassures Jessica pointing out that Angus is sitting on the ground all healed Angus looks at himself with a smile mentioning he didn't expect he would be revived and his body feels as light as if it was in its prime he bows in front of Noah and says he will be in his care from now on Jessica wonders why Angus isn't dead and Noah explains that due to his skill Angus has been revived as a monster by accident he points out that there are numerous conditions for this to happen and it doesn't work on everything he kills Jessica remains in shock realizing that even if there are conditions that transform a human into a monster having such a person on the battlefield would make everyone avoid them she wonders if one day she will also become a monster Angus looks at Drake and recognizes him Drake explains that the plan was to have Angus lose the duel to convince the Lord and drive everyone out peacefully however now that Angus has become a monster they can't understand him suddenly papy appears and angrily asks Noah why he didn't call him Noah explains that papy was sleeping and he didn't want to disturb him papy asserts that he's the strongest there and Noah needs him Noah counters that it would be worse if papy can't move when he's needed papy insists that Noah shouldn't think of him only as a ride he also wants to fight Noah orders him to stop an adventurer runs towards Noah vowing to avenge Angus Noah gets annoyed saying it's starting to become a pain happy steps forward stating that he will handle this papy Roars at the adventurer who faints out of Fear Drake mentions that papy accidentally activated his drawer which can faint low-level targets papy gets sad expressing his desire to fight and Noah acknowledges his strength noting that his Roar can even affect low-level opponents papy gets angry wanting a chance to shine in battle Jessica expresses her gratitude to papy acknowledging that his skill enables her to carry out her responsibilities more effectively however a sense of melancholy settles within her as she realizes that she can't endure much longer due to her skill nearing its limit despite Noah's inquiry about her well-being Jessica keeps her internal struggle to herself Noah senses something peculiar within him but dismisses it attributing the feeling to Mere fatigue he privately Ponders whether someone is watching him meanwhile in the palace heml entrust Reay with a task urging him to motivate and give his best Ray steps in front of the soldiers commanding them to line up he introduces himself as the new captain of the Holy Knights appointed by the pope Ry underscores the role as the Vanguard The Shield of the Empire citizens bestowed with the honorable Duty by the emperor himself he shouts at them to not forget their training and assures them that with mohler's protection they can never lose to anyone as he imp pastures the soldiers Ray tightens his grip around his sword contemplating whether Noah will truly arrive here akin to how Lil Cara did as the Demon Lord in her magic ball shelle sees that Noah has defeated the strongest s-rank Adventurer Angus and Drake the two main forces of the Empire the church and the palace aren't exactly on good terms suddenly she hears a voice asking Shelly for help and to make a deal Milo transports the residents and informs Noah that the mission of transporting residents has been completed Drake uses his skill life force detection to check if anybody's nearby and confirms that everyone has evacuated Noah then announces that they have successfully captured lafa City Jessica doesn't look well so Rory tells Noah that it seems she has reached her limit Noah says it's already too late to return to the village and they need to let her rest somewhere in the city Angus suggests bringing her to the lord of the territory 's Mansion where there's food medicine and clean beds Noah orders chappie to carry Jessica and instructs Angus to lead the way he orders the rest of the comrades to check every part of the city however he instructs papy to come with him as he has to check the city from the sky papy gets angry asking if he's only used for transportation Noah apologizes to him and says there's not much time left until sunset so he asks him to work with him papy gives Noah a ride to the sky and asks why humans seek revenge he questions why Noah doesn't just kill the people he hates Noah asks papy if he has parents too and if he would feel the same way if they were killed papy says monsters don't perform reproductive Behavior they are just a mass of magic particles and don't have human emotions he says monsters don't eat or sleep often and their only desire is to fight Noah acknowledges papy's perspective and Promises to call him next time they fight understanding that papy still holds grudges Jessica lies on the bed reflecting on how it's only been a few days since she left the kingdom she was prepared to live in squalor and didn't expect a comfy bed so soon she realizes She fainted because she used Too Many skills and resolves to pull herself together next time she can't afford to have anyone know about her skills until she reaches a high position in this country suddenly she hears someone call her realizing it's her mother felana felana asks about Jessica's new life as the Ambassador and Jessica internally skeptical assures her mother that they've captured a part of the Empire's territory using her strategy theana smirks and insists that Jessica must congratulate Noah emphasizing that felana is the current ruler of the Kingdom Jessica apologizes and feels bad as she is scolded by her mother fana mentions a bag she gave Jessica and instructs her to go and take it because there's something inside for her Jessica opens the bag and is surprised by what she finds inside in the imperial capital karta the sisters greet shell Shelly in her sister's uniform wonders why she has to wear this kind of outfit The Voice asks if Shel has arrived and she wonders that she better do something valuable for this or she won't forgive it Shelly asks for the location and the voice tells her it's right below her asking Shelly to just dive into it Shelly dives into the ground and suddenly finds herself underground in an underground prison behind her there's a shadow and shelle wonders how the church has a place like this the shadow addressed a shadow Walker asks Shel what took her so long Shelly shows her a small potion saying she couldn't bring a corpse so this is a homunculus in an immature form enough to become her half body Shadow Walker says she will use anything at this point and asks Shel to give that to her Shelly says it's not free and asks her to give something to her first Shadow Walker says she's Bound by the kotodama contract and she couldn't refuse even if she wanted to she gives her the magic key to the laboratory and tells shell to take anything she wants from inside Shelly gives her the homunculus and tells her to cultivate it herself Shel asks Shadow Walker how she ended up here Shadow Walker tells her that Kia cut her into two pieces with his holy power while she was looking at the hero's coffin Shelly says it's completely her fault and she doesn't deserve to complain Shadow Walker tells her that's not the important part the problem is the inside of the coffin it was empty and there was no sign that he had been laid to rest there Shelly suggests that the hero might be in some other coffin but Shadow Walker tells her she checked all the coffins and there were only priests inside shell says she'll think up an excuse for his majesty and tells her to investigate the church after after her recovery Shadow Walker says she doesn't have to tell her that and she will definitely return this favor to the pope Shelly says she's Amazed by Shadow Walker's Vitality surviving even after being cut in half Shadow Walker tells her it was dangerous she couldn't get into anyone's shadow because they were all clergy men and if it weren't for this basement she would have been dead Shelly agrees noting that the basement seems to be overflowing with negative energy Shadow Walker says for now she's receiving Magic from the guy in the prison whom she helped to Escape in exchange for assisting her Shel sees the man sitting in the prison and she remains in shock on the other hand Jessica hears her mom guiding her to the location where she asks her to put the magical tool she found in the Box Jessica wonders why her mother slipped this magical tool into her bag however following her guidance she places the magical tool and tells fana that she has placed it fana smiles and tells her to step away from it suddenly it starts to shine and felana along with her servants appears there she asks Jessica to lead her to Noah Noah confirms from Angus and Drake that felana is here Drake confirms it stating it was reported by Princess Jessica Noah says even though he's not eligible to say this he wishes felana would have informed them first Drake tells him that there's apparently a sign of teleport magic being used he explains that there's a magic tool that will be spent after its onetime use and someone must place the magic tool at the desired destination however he guesses that forming it from the forest is really difficult so Drake tells Noah that he's going to check the city's surroundings to see whether there are other magic tools being set or not however Noah says he's counting on Drake but asks him about the dresses Angus and Drake are wearing Drake tells him he borrowed these clothes from the mansion and there's no right size for Angus he adds that because they didn't invite this guest it's still their first guest of honor however He suggests Noah put on the same clothing too after that Noah with Angus and Drake enters the guest room where Jessica and felana with their servants are sitting Noah apolog Oles for making them wait however felana apologizes for visiting them so suddenly Noah says sorry as they haven't settled down yet so if they can't offer her decent Hospitality he also apologizes to Jessica felana looks at who's behind Noah and recognizes them as Angus the Iron Man and Drake The Fist King she tells Noah he's surrounded by exceptional Talent Noah says it's too good to be true as they both have worked too hard these past few days and ended up with sore throats as they may not be able to talk f fana says it's fine felana sees them and thinks in her brain that she thought the country would only be full of monsters but she needs to be aware of these two as she looks at Drake smiling she thinks especially of this man as she remembers he had an audience with her in the past and gives off an impression of being a sharp-witted man Noah asks her what business she has coming here bana says it's to celebrate their great achievement and she has brought congratulatory gifts from her country Noah says she doesn't need to do that much bellana tells Noah's battle has already become the center of attention in the world and for the last few hundred years only Grand desire has successfully taken away territory from the Empire so it's to be expected that they have to celebrate this great achievement but Noah wonders what's the center of attention in the world as he didn't do anything amazing felana tells Noah that sometimes being too modest can also be seen as sarcasm Jessica sitting there asks felana to hurry up and cut to the chase as they are very busy and there must be something that felana came here to say Iana looks at Jessica and says it was true when she told her that she wanted to see her however she asks Noah if he remembers the content of their agreement PCT Noah with confusion says he thinks so bellana Smiles as she says then as the queen of the orans kingdom and an equal Ally of his country she asks Noah to Halt the invasion of the empire for the next 2 years leaving Noah in a State of Shock at the Hydra stronghold Ray sees his wife and asks her why she's here heml says he invited her because he was fulfilling her wish no knowing she must be anxious about staying alone in the Empire while pregnant there are experienced military doctors and Priests here who can take care of her in case something happens whether this place will be safe or not is all up to Ry heml tells Ry that his Eminence will be coming here soon so he should gather up the Army on the other hand Noah asks fana what she means by 2 years Drake connects with Noah and advises him to stay calm and not let fana break his composure Noah says to fana that he previously stated his objective is to take revenge for his parents and brothers fana with a smile acknowledges that she's aware of that and Noah asks them why he points out that he mentioned the alliances treaty specifically articles 2 and 4 Drake hands over the contract to Noah who reads both articles Noah thinks he doesn't have any problems with Article 4 since he doesn't have any plans to expand his land but the real issue is Article 2 where Grand desire will take the leading role in creating a new order and respect the kingdom as an equal he said says he doesn't understand why he needs to wait for 2 years fana explains that what they value the most is order she mentions that this time the Empire pulled forces from the southwest periphery and because of that they obtained their Southwest territory without difficulty she adds that the territory they took as various people with various circumstances so they need to take responsibility as their new Lord she emphasizes that they first need to secure land and bring order Noah thinks to himself that she's right but he wonders if Alana is doing this on purpose and trying to use use him he clenches his fist and asks felana if she knows the reason behind the war and she agrees to it Noah asks felana why even though she suggested the war she's now imposing a 2-year wait bana replies that she doesn't expect him to Faithfully follow it since ordering another country would be an act of arrogance she points her finger towards him and says he's the one who decided it Noah gets angry stands up and tells her that she used him and there's no point in the alliance if she's the biggest obstacle in his way to achieve his revenge bellana plays the reverse card blaming Noah for using them stating that she doesn't have time to play house with him she emphasizes that he's the head of the country and it's about time for him to act accordingly fana asserts that there were mutual efforts she distracted the strongest forces and as a result the Empire pulled their Southwestern forces all the information provided to Noah was shared by felana she points out that he didn't know the emperor's location schedule or the potential changes in the situation until they visited the orbit Kingdom she suggests that the informationless grand desire is already one or two steps behind others bellana using her communication style manages to control Noah assuring him that she will provide all the necessary information he needs about the emperor and his brother she promises to give taxes until the end of the war from the captur territory Drake thinks she wants to declare to the world that she's the one leading it fana invites them to build a powerful Army and destroy the empire together Drake silently advises Noah not to listen to her but Noah doesn't respond Drake is shocked as Noah speaks mentioning that it would cause trouble if he leads it however he realizes something is wrong understanding fana's skills as she completely hypnotized Noah for a moment using her puppetry skill Drake moves forward asking felana what she did to Noah but she doesn't understand responding that she forgot he had a sore throat Drake implores Noah to come to his senses while Angus puts his sword on Jessica's neck ordering her not to move after observing Noah's condition Noah sitting there contemplates that he needs to do what felana says on the other hand ray gets angry with haml stating that he promised it's the front line heml tells him that the safety of this place is in Ray's hands and most of their army is in the stronghold so she will be fine here as HL leaves he mentions that it's troubling to have a failure of a sibling Ray in shock asks HL if he also has a sibling HL confirms with a deep breath and says she can't even do simple tasks meanwhile Marin sits with a sad face as two guards tell her that she needs to return it's an order from his Eminence as they are to gather in the Hydra stronghold wondering about her own situation minen is informed that she must prioritize locating the hero following his instructions she assumes HL is behind this decision the guards bid her farewell saying they will be going and wish her good luck maren resolves to complete her Mission no matter what Noah seems lost in thought and Angus and Jessica look surprised in his mind Noah thinks he hears something far away but he doesn't care anymore suddenly Rory comes to Noah and tells him to drink tea and calm down Noah opens his eyes feeling better and asks Rory what he was doing because he can't remember he thinks there won't be any proof if she did something but he's happy he stopped before there could be trouble he thinks Rory saved him again Noah then tells Drake and Angus that he's okay now he says sorry to felana and Promises to handle things bana says they didn't do anything wrong and asks for forgiveness justess Jessica asks if she can share her thoughts bana says Jessica shouldn't but Noah wants to hear her out Jessica suggests treating the taxes from the captured territory as aid from the kingdom to Grand desire she thinks this Aid should be in the form of gold coins which is easier to transport than food Noah agrees and Jessica says they got a big territory but now they have another country to the South so there might be a reason for them to attack she thinks fana must have plans to deal with this she suggests a six-month break from conflicts Noah and Alana stay quiet for a bit Jessica talks more saying the kingdom has its own problems and the emperor's Army is old if there's a fight between the Crown Prince and the emperor Grand desire might join them she thinks the V Van's Kingdom needs to be ready balana thinks Jessica gave away too much information but she's impressed with Jessica's effort fana plans to talk to the Southern Country to make sure they don't interfere she leaves one of her servants as Jessica's caretaker and Drake says Noah should refuse because she might be a spy but Noah thinks it's natural for a mother to care for her daughter later at night Noah sits on the roof with Drake and ruri saying sorry for causing trouble Drake says it's his fault monsters below announce they caught fish and are getting ready for fireworks Milo wants to play and Jessica explains it involves Fire papy gets upset At The Mention Of Fire Noah on the roof laughs and says he wanted everyone humans elves and monsters to laugh together without problems he stands up saying he created a country where everyone can live together and asks Drake and rur to keep helping him they both happily agree
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 91,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: oBeK2raP978
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 57sec (8037 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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