Kafka Installation & Setup | Zookeeper Installation & Setup | Apache Kafka Tutorial in Hindi|Video 3
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Channel: Brijesh Gupta
Views: 92,415
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Keywords: kafka, Distributed, Apache Kafka, Messaging System, Apache Kafka Tutorial in Hindi, Hindi, Tutorial, What is, Playlist, Enterprise, Publish and Subscribe, Education, Technology, Beginner, Beginner Series, Third video, How to, zookeeper, hindi, detailed video, hindi video, brijesh gupta, brijesh gupta kafka, kafka and zookeeper, detail, in detail, localhost, Installation, single node, standalone, setup, kafka installation, zookeeper installation, zookeeper download, kafka download
Id: BkL5blN057M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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