Kafka คิวดีๆ จัดการอย่างไร? กับคุณฉัตรชัย กฤชเศรษฐสกุล | Tech Monday EP.39
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Channel: Mission To The Moon
Views: 10,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech Monday, mission to the moon, Technology, Kafka, messaging queue, การจัดการคิว, kafka, kafka tutorial, what is kafka, java, data, processing, kafka client, messaging, Marketing, Podcast, Mission to the Moon, พอดแคสต์, mission to the moon รวิศ, podcast mission to the moon, Super Productive, thai podcast, mission to the moon podcast, TMD, Event streaming, cloud solution, cycling tech, technology future, technology, future technology, new technology, inventions, future of technology, tech
Id: 4Zs8KaAiPX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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