ลองใช้ Kafka เชื่อมกับ LINE Messaging API (มารู้จักกับ Kafka กัน)
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Channel: mikelopster
Views: 5,763
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Keywords: Kafka, Apache Kafka, LINE, LINE Messaging API, Integration, Messaging System, Stream Processing, Real-time Data, Technology, Kafka Tutorial, Message Broker, Kafka Basics, Distributed Systems, LINE API, Kafka Workshop, Event Streaming, Kafka Producer, Kafka Consumer, mikelobster, สอน Kafka, ทำระบบหลังบ้าน, Kafka Streams, Event-Driven Architecture, Real-time Messaging, API Integration, Kafka Cluster, Fault Tolerance, Backend Development, Message Platform, LINE SDK
Id: E6nXiaoS4CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 5sec (3365 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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