Kadence Theme Tutorial - Installing Kadence & Importing Starter Templates

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what is up everyone in this video i'm going to be teaching you how to install the brand new cadence theme along with importing some starter templates so that you can get your website started off on the right foot let's get right into it so this is just a standard installation of wordpress that i have on a test site of mine right now so this is when you're just starting a website this is what your website will look like in order to get the cadence theme onto your website you'll want to go to appearance themes and in here you'll see a lot of the wordpress defaults so right now i get the 2017 i get 2019 and the 2020 themes i like to delete these because i generally don't use them and i just like having a clean board so i'm going to go in the 2017 theme here delete this 2019 i'll delete this and that will leave just the 2020 theme for now now in order to get the cadence theme installed onto your website you'll want to go to the add new button right next to themes here right now the cadence theme is not in the wordpress repository it will be coming around october 2020-ish it takes some time for the wordpress team to approve a theme and right now it's pending so it will eventually be in here and you'll be able to download it from here but for now i'll show you how you can get it so you'll want to go just to a new tab and go to start blogging 101.com slash cadence and if you go there it'll bring you directly to the cadence theme page where they'll have a they'll have a download directly for the free theme so you'll see this free download button right here just click this button it'll ask you if you want to provide your email address feel free if you want to they'll send some updates whenever they have updates otherwise you can just say no thanks i just want to download the theme zip file so i'm going to click this that will install the theme and drop it down here so you can come back here and back on the add themes page there's an upload theme button so if you click this you'll get a choose file option and you can just take this and drag it right there and it'll put that the cadence.zip file there and the install now button will light up click this and this will go and automatically install the cadence theme for you so while we're waiting for that it says theme installed successfully so that's great uh now just click this middle activate button to activate it and you'll see that the cadence theme is now active on our site that simple um now the 2020 theme i i don't need this anymore either because we have the cadence theme installed and active on our site so i'm just going to delete this this is just a personal preference of mine and now we just have the cadence theme so if you go now and visit your site you'll see that you have the cadence theme installed here and i already like the look of just the basic out of the box cadence theme it has some styling that that looks really good but it's not extremely styled you know to make it super opinionated or anything um but right off the bat i like i i like the look of the cadence theme quite a bit uh so if we go back just to your wordpress page here we're now going to uh get the theme updated because there might be updates that you need so i can see right up here i have an update so if i click here it'll tell you what version you currently have installed and it'll tell you what you should update to so i'm just going to select all and click update themes and what this will do is it'll just get you the latest uh cadence theme sometimes the download isn't the latest and greatest that they have out there so you'll want to just double check and make sure that you have that for all the latest features so it says cadence updated successfully so that's great so i have the latest there um so now if you just go right back to the appearance page it says hey thanks for choosing the cadence theme do you want to get started with a beautiful starter template yeah sounds great uh so let's go right in and all you have to do is click this install cadence starter templates button this will install the starter templates it'll automatically activate it and you'll get brought to the cadence starter template page and here are all the starter templates that they have now if you're watching this at a later date i know that they are working on several more of these right now so you may see several more in here in which case awesome but right now these are the ones that are offered and there's a great start so just go through whatever ones looks closest to the site that you are looking to build for this tutorial i'm just going to choose the sas starter template here so if you choose that you'll see that they give you a preview of the site and this is just a beautiful starter template that they have for a sas website so you can see that they have a number of different boxes these are all built with cadence blocks and what cadence blocks is is it's their free gutenberg plug-in that extends the capabilities of gutenberg to give you more blocks and features that the the core wordpress gutenberg doesn't currently give you um so you can just see that they have just beautiful images different different buttons different colors all tied to their global color palette and pricing tables and everything so you can just click around through all the pages and see what what you like but one really cool feature of cadence is they have a global color palette and that and when you define your global color palette it goes and it automatically changes different areas in your website um so i'll just show it i'll just show you here so if you like this color fine otherwise if you want to change it you can as well so i'm going to choose this and i love this color palette here it gives a nice dark theme so it has dark background light text you can see all the way throughout the site all those colors were applied and yeah i really love the look of this one there's a there's a light version of this one i mean they have they have greens they have blues any color really that you want um and if one of these color palettes doesn't work for you that's fine i actually have a a blog post on my website teaching you exactly how to use the global color palette to define your brand and everything so make sure to check that out for now i'm just gonna choose this one because i really like this one and now that i'm hidden uh once you look down here you'll see that it says required plugins cadence blocks which is not installed but don't worry once you import any of these starter templates it will automatically find any plugins that are not installed that are needed and it'll automatically install those and activate those for you so that you'll get all of the blocks and everything that the starter template has so once you have chosen the correct starter template that you want that most closely resembles the site you want to build and you have your your color scheme chosen all you have to do then is hit the import button and here uh one one important note is that this importer is is designed for new slash empty sites with no content so you'll want to be very careful if you have a current existing site you probably don't want to import a starter template just if you're trying to get the design or something like that you can always just tweak your global color palette for that but i would just use this starter template on brand new websites that's where you're going to have them the cleanest the cleanest method so you'll see here it it says starter template plugins cadence blocks you can see your selected color palette that all looks good i'm gonna click start importing and this will go and it'll check and make sure that all the required plugins are there like i said it will install cadence blocks it will import all the demo content so it'll give you all your pages all these posts which is just a nice slew of of test data to get your site started um so it's finished view your site easy enough you just have to click this button and here's my site so within a few minutes i took a completely blank site and made it look like this with their starter template which is awesome and as i said uh mentioned several times the cadence blacks is installed here so all of these blocks and everything are all laid out perfectly you can click around and just see the different the different features that they offer i mean they have pricing tables they have faqs with an accordion table which looks awesome here um you can go up there's sample blog posts that they give you now it's not going to have super great data per se you know these are just some sample posts so they're just going to throw a lot of lorem ipsum text in here to just show you what it's going to look like on your site but it's really nice because you can start to see what the site all looks like they have a contact page you know this is this is using the form block from cadence blocks where you can have uh any of your customers on your website contact you you could use this for a subscribe to your newsletter uh there's tons of options that they give here so we now have the the starter template imported onto the website and the website looks like this i'm going to go back to my wordpress page here and this is where now you can just you can build on on your site you can you can take the data and make it your own um i would maybe go into your users here and maybe add any users that might be writing posts or pages on your website probably the biggest thing you'll want to do is you'll want to go into your posts here you can see here are the four posts that they imported here obviously these aren't going to have any value for you so you could just delete these but then you could start to add your own posts and then another thing that i want to show real quick before the end here is you go into your pages and these are all the pages that i was just clicking through so if you go to home here once this loads it'll say hey welcome to the new block editor and you can see here these this is the page that we were just looking at so you can just click in here and you can start playing around with these cadence blocks and you can see that you get all these options on the right side and i mean you can start tweaking things you can change colors you can change sizes anything that you want you can you can do um i do want to just show you the global color palette quick so i'm just going to leave here go back into appearance and customize and in here under general you'll see colors and this is where your global color palette is defined just the one that you chose and one thing that's nice is you can go in here and you can change the colors to any colors that match your brand so say one of those predefined color palettes weren't for you that's fine you can just come in here and change your colors otherwise you could open up this folder and they have all the predefined um color palette in here again so you can go and you're like hey i want i want i like this blue better it just fits it fits our company better you could do that you could publish your changes and it's as simple as that so that's about it um you can see that within a few minutes uh we got the brand new cadence theme installed on your website and i showed you how to import some starter templates it's extremely simple uh to get an amazing looking website within a matter of minutes um i'm super excited for the starter templates that they're going to be coming out with in the future which i'm sure you'll see and uh yeah if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and make sure to ring that bell and i'll see you guys in the next video [Music] you
Channel: StartBlogging101 - WordPress Without Page Builders
Views: 4,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cadence tutorial, how to install cadence, how to install cadence theme, cadence theme, cadence starter templates, kadence starter templates, how to install kadence, how to import cadence starter templates, how to import kadence starter templates, cadence starter template plugin
Id: HzIJf_-ttzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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