JVC LS300 the more affordable Cinema Camera GY LS300

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today an impressive and affordable super 35 cinema camera that costs half as much and takes almost any lens you already have no matter what brand in the world of somewhat affordable full featured Cinema cameras you've got stuff like this this is the Sony fs5 it's a super 35 sensor if you're into full frame there's the fx6 if you're a Canon person there's the c 300 500 I'm talking about ones you can still get brand new uh Cinema cameras but there's one that most people have not heard of which is a lot more affordable and has just as many features and that is this one here this is the JBC LS 300 it's a full-blown cinema camera with the same features everything that the other ones have but it's a lot less expensive this is less than half the price this thing brand new costs $2,000 and before you say that's a lot of money the fs5 is $4,800 that's more than twice the price of this one the fx6 is $66,000 the latest Canon c500 forget it now before you say well what about the fx3 and the fx30 those are not full featured Cinema cameras those are paired down minimalized ones they don't have all the buttons and dials and all the things that these things have so this thing is quite the now this is the interesting thing about this one here this is the one that makes this thing so interesting it has a super 35 sensor just like the fs5 and the Canon C Series But the lens mount on the front is micro 43 now you're going to go huh I thought you said it's a super 35 sensor yes it is there is a lot more lens choices that are affordable because JBC keeps the consumer in mind it wants to make it affordable for people micro 43s lenses are really good look how small they are look how tiny these lenses are they're much more compact much more lightweight much more affordable and they're really good quality I'm going to show you some samples of this thing uh in a minute here you probably already have Micro forther lenses and look how small and lightweight they are so look at this let's take a 25 1.4 let's put that on here look at that it's kind of kind of uh funny to see this tiny lens on this big body the reason these Cinema cameras have these big bodies isn't just because they need to put a lot of buttons all over it but because it also lets the thing run all day without overheating you can literally run this thing for 10 hours and it won't overheat now by the way this also comes with a handle with the XLR inputs and all that's for those of you who are obsessed with handles and xlrs and manly looking stuff yes this this has that too uh I just left it in the Box because I don't I'm not one to I'm the exact opposite of everyone else everybody tries to make themselves look impressive like a big Hollywood production with the big monitors and the power packs and the mat boxes and the handles and the xlrs and all that I'd strip all that stuff off I just want the camera body in the lens and make this thing as small as possible I like small I like lightweight and this thing is is is uh is pretty lightweight now micr for thirds does have more professional lenses they have big ones like this this is a 40 to 150 uh and you can put that on there if you want I don't like big heavy lenses but uh here's what it looks like when you put this big 40 to 150 on there at f2.8 this is what it looks like of course next up the lens that a lot of people think is is a great micro 43 lens is the 42.5 so let's put that on there so here's what it looks like when you have a 42.5 on there it looks pretty good now here's where it gets interesting okay here's the lens this this lens is over $1,000 okay this is one of the more expensive micr fors lenses but I'm going to show you this watch what happens when you get this lens which is a 45 mm almost the same as this but look at this this is a Olympus 45 1.2 and L looks hilarious this tiny little lens on this big giant body but check this out here's a shot taken with a little tiny 45 1.8 this little tiny consumer lens so let's look at these side by side here's the big 42.5 that I showed you a moment ago and here's the little tiny 45 1.8 again here's the big 42.5 and here's the little 45 1.8 there's hardly any difference and look at how tiny this lens is you don't need big giant honking lenses micro 43s makes really good lenses and they're small and affordable so let's take this 25 here here's a little 25 here's some shots taken with the 25 it looks good you I mean it's what can I say I mean they all look good it looks really good let's take the Olympus 17 1.2 set it at 2 and 1 12 I'm going to make all of these around F2 so there's kind of fair fair comparison here this is the 17 that's a really good lens nice wide lens that looks really good here's a really good looking lens this is an Olympus 75 1.8 nice and shiny and silver here's what the shot looks like that's the cool thing about micro 43s lenses they're they're not they're nowhere near as big and heavy as apsc super 35 or fullframe lenses so that's what that looks like and now for something really funny this little tiny pancake lens here this is a 142.5 look how tiny this is it's it's like a lens cap almost so I'm going to put this thing on here look at how you can't even tell there's a lens on the camera now look at the shot look at the how cool this looks this lens is so small you can't even tell it's on the camera but look at the look you can get so that's the cool thing about this camera is you don't have to buy expensive lenses to go with a cinema camera a lot of you already have Micro 43 lenses it has a swivel viewfinder now the downsides to this is the viewfinder and the LCD screen are not that great they're not they don't give you a good representation of the quality of what you're getting so yeah you can put a screen on top with an HDMI if you want but that's one of the downsides to this some people have an issue with the cheap plastic construction of this uh JBC tries to make their cameras as affordable as possible and that's one of the places they uh they make that more affordable is they they have I like cheap plastic I don't know what it is I don't like heavy duty rugged uh metal stuff I like plastic stuff I don't know why I just love cheap plastic stuff I I don't know why but the the camera itself is really good I mean this is a professional quality camera uh it does 422 it's 4K it can do 120 frames per second but not 4K uh it's got a lot of really SDI out HDMI all that stuff it's got all all the good stuff this thing's been sitting on my shelf for years collecting dust I've always wanted to make a video about it I just never got around to it cuz it's just enough hours in the day and there's so much going on I've always wanted to make a video about this and I finally did uh but I never use it so just like my my Canon cameras they just sit around and I never use them I'm I'm a Sony guy so it's a shame to just have it sit there and not be used cuz it is such a really good camera I could sell it on eBay but you know me I want to share the joy photography there's a lot of people out there that cannot afford something even though this is half the price of the other cameras uh comparable to this a lot of people can't afford $2,000 so I am going to give this away uh it's a I don't I I didn't want to let it go because I've been hanging on to it because I just love it so much I hardly ever use it just a few times where I have used it in some videos but I haven't really used it that much and not enough to warrant keeping it uh it is a good camera so I'm going to share the joy and can enter the giveaway at marcus. giveaway ent.com that's marcus. giveaway.com and I'll pick the winner within the next week or so um you know make somebody happy please only enter if you really know how to use stuff like this and you you could use it don't get it to sell it on eBay or something like that I mean come on be don't do the Bad Karma thing cuz it'll come back to you you know I I this is something for somebody that could really use this and appreciate it and I hope somebody really will appreciate this cuz this is a good camera so Marcus piix giveaway.com and uh anyway so yeah photography is fun and it should be shared so I will see you in the next video Until then have a good week hey w
Channel: MarkusPix
Views: 250,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jvc ls300, jvc gy-ls300, video camera, jvc 4k, ls300 review, 4k camera, super 35mm, jvc ls300 review, super 35mm sensor, video production, jvc gy-ls300 review, variable scale mapping, jvc 4k camera, jvc 4k camcorder, sony fx6 cinematic, sony fx6 review, sony fs5 mark ii, sony fs5 footage, sony fs5 cinematic, sony fs5 ii, sony fs5 review, canon c300 mark iii, canon c300 mark ii, canon c300 mark i, canon c300 footage, best s35 cinema camera, affordable cinema camera
Id: 7CWMigXXhaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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