5 Best Camcorders 2024 (YES Blurry backgrounds!)

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these just might be the five best camcorders you can get all right my favorite subject matter camcorders why do I like camcorders so much well I don't have to think when I use them I just open it up and it automatically starts up and I push record and it does all the thinking for me I don't have to worry about f- stops or shutter speed or ISO or is it in Focus or anything it does all that for you and then when you're done you just close the screen and it it closes the lens cap for you and it shuts off and you don't have to worry about it camcorders are the most fun easiest to use camera for video another benefit of camcorders is they can run all day without overheating because they have smaller sensors the average size is around 1 over 2.3 they also have these great zooms that Zoom really smoothly really far now I know some of you are going to say well that's all good and everything Marcus but you can't get a blurry background with a camcorder well those of you were saying that haven't seen my earlier videos where I showed that you can the secret is you zoom all the way in in in other words you're further back and then you have the background be further back too and you can get a really nice blurry background with a camcorder with a small sensor and I'm going to show you examples of these camcorders how they can give you nice blurry backgrounds all right so let's just jump right into it these three have normal size sensors which is around one over 2.3 this one is a 1- in sensor and this has a tiny little sensor the size of a DOT I know there's other ones out there but these are my favorite ones and I think you might agree with some of this too so for 2024 these are my choices for a camcorders let's start with the first one the big one with a 1-in sensor this is a Sony ax700 coming in at $1,200 and there's also a sister camera to this which is even more expensive at $2,000 is the exact same camera it's the z90v the difference is the z9v has 10 bit 422 has SDI out additional codec and stuff like that so for more Pro people that's this one here but for the people who want to save money the ax700 is pretty much the exact same camcorder at half the cost one in stack sensor just like the RX100 you turn it on and instantly locks on the face with the famous Sony ey tracking autofocus there's a full auto button right here on the back so if you don't want to think you just flick that on and push record and it's right above the switch with three ND filters to choose from 12 times optical zoom and digitally it can zoom 48 times and even then it's still very sharp it has an E8 inch mic Jack and also has an XLR handle which I don't use I hate those it has the great Sony eye autofocus and again it has a 1-in sensor so let's Zoom all the way in and back the camera all the way up and do our blurry background test it's too cold outside so I don't want to go outside so I'm just going to stand in front of a window and have the put the background outside out of focus so this is what it looks like this is the ax700 zoomed all the way optically and the stuff in the background is out of focus now some of these other camcorders actually go more out of focus in the background even though they have smaller sensors I'll get to that in a minute also keep in mind when you zoom all the way in it's not going to be as sharp as if you were standing just 2 feet in front of the camera so keep that in mind also when you're looking at this let's look at some low light footage this is in my studio here you know me I'm not going to give you some normal boring living room shot it finds the face right away locks on that and it has all these different color profiles so you can go through all these different color profiles and try different looks and things all right the second camcorder coming in at half the size is the Sony ax43 now this is not one of my favorite camcorders but I'm going to bring it up because a lot of people mention these the 33 the 43 and the 53 the reason I'm showing the 43 is because it is the most recent one to come out it came out in 2020 the ax53 came out in 2016 that's 4 years earlier and the ax33 came out in 2015 5 years earlier this only has a 1 over 2.5 in sensor it has a 20 times optical zoom and with clear image it goes 40 times and digitally it goes 250 times the lens is F2 to 3.8 the shutter goes up to 110,000 of a second it has a built-in ND now what makes this camera interesting is when you turn it on it's great isn't that great you just open the screen it automatically comes on the lens cap goes off anyway on the very front of this you'll notice the lens looks like it's floating in water that's because there's a gimbal in there this lens is just floating separately on its own on a gimbal which is a pretty hefty piece of equipment just floating around in there so this is a stabilized Gimbal and that's what makes this camera actually quite heavy this for the small size that it is this thing weighs like a brick it is heavy which is another reason why it's not one of my favorite cameras now the stabilizer does it really work that good I'll show you in a second here's the footage what it looks like when you zoom in you can get some pretty good blurry background with this thing even though this is a tiny sensors 1 over 2.5 now because it's a small sensor the footage is going to be grainier you're going to have more noise in the picture so you need a lot of light bright light will always look better than when it's in low light and notice the autofocus as soon as I step away from the middle of the picture notice how it focuses on the leaves right in the middle so the autofocus is not that great on this camera if you want to make sure you're in focus kind of stay in the middle of the picture but I'm surprised Sony usually has really good eye tracking autofocus I'm surprised this that doesn't have it for some reason but it doesn't look bad and it's pretty heavy for its size probably because of the gimbal Hardware in there so this is not my top choice but I like the small size it has the Sony's proprietary hot shoe where you can stick a microphone in there and the thing that I think is the deal breaker for everybody on this is this little thing is $1,000 it's really not that much cheaper than the ax700 which is tce the size and has a 1in sensor so I don't think this is Top Choice I just thought I'd bring it up cuz a lot of people are talking about it all right third one up this is the newest one that just came out in 2022 this is the newest camcorder you can get it's the Canon vixia g70 UHD 4K it's also $11,000 but it's light years ahead of the Sony ax43 it's 2 lb has a very clean image the image quality if you have enough light is really really nice it has a 20 times optical zoom that's 30 to 627 mm f1.8 to 2.8 so we can get a pretty good blurry background for that cinematic look it is a 1 over 2.3 in sensor so you do need good lighting to make it look good here's the normal standard profile it's pretty boring here's my custom profile that I created makes it look a lot better I mentioned this in the last video the focusing is perfect your face is always in Focus no matter what you do for a 1 over 2.3 in sensor it does really good the shutter only goes up to 1/ 1000 but it does have ND filters and it has an e inch mic Jack it does have an optional handle where you can put xlrs on there it has a 58 mm filter size you can screw stuff on the front if you don't want this thing on there this thing is pretty cool though the the lens cap look at this you can like just I love that it's just so cool like I love playing with simple stuff like that the thing that's the greatest about this is the face tracking I am amazed at the face tracking ability of this camera no matter where you are in the shot this follows you really well just as good as the ax700 Sony Canon really caught up with face tracking and this does a really good job of keeping you in focus it also takes pretty good Stills look at these These are still pictures taken with this thing now when you take it right out of the box and push record the colors are not that great that's why the video before this one was showing you how you create your own custom picture profile to make the colors look better and by the way I updated one of those settings I forgot to put one of the settings in there so check that again it was the knee saturation which keeps the highlights from oversaturating I forgot to put that in there so check that out it's in the most recent video I'll put the link down below too anyway this is great camcorder $1,000 um it it shoots 4K obviously uh and it but it's still kind of big and heavy so let's get on to my favorite camcorder of all this is my most favorite camcorder in the whole wide world the Panasonic vx981 look at this little tiny thing it only weighs 12 ounces that's not even a pound this is the smallest cheapest lightest most fun 4K camcorder that gives you the most pleasing look out of any camcorder you can get in the world this is truly the best turn on and push record camcorder there is you just flip open the screen the front opens up you push record and you're ready to go I have three of these and I have them sitting around for months sometimes and I pick it up I open a screen and it turns on opens the thing and is ready to record instantly and the battery is still good to go this is amazing I mean literally it's just ready to shoot at an instant notice even if it sits around for months I love this camera it has a 20 times optical zoom just like the g70 which goes from 30 to 630 it has a 1.8 to 3.6 lens so you get nice blurry backgrounds the shutter goes up to 1 18,000 of a second the g70 only goes up to 1/ 1,000 of a second it has a standard 49 mm filter thread on the front so you can screw ND filters on there it has a mic Jack and you don't have to open up the screen to get to the card the card is at the bottom and you don't have to take it off the stand to do that I love that face tracking and autofocus is pretty darn good with this camera it has a cleaner looking image than the g70 it's half the size it weighs half as much it costs less and it's easy and fun to use you can do manual but you don't need it just leave it in intelligent Auto Plus and it's good to go and you can still change the exposure and the color in intelligent Auto Plus so that's really goes are the two things you're going to want to change anyway it Smooths the skin and makes your face look younger that's really good I just love the look of the footage this thing makes this thing can zoom up to 1,500 times that is mindblowing how far this thing can zoom here's the low light for the vx981 still looks really really good I love the colors I love everything about this camera and look how the face is always in Focus really really nice so this is my most favorite camcorder still the vx981 by Panasonic now no camcorder video is complete without mentioning the classic little Sony cx405 this came out in January 2015 and it's still selling almost a decade later and there's a reason for that this is literally the cheapest tiniest easiest to use most fun to use camcorder there is it's only a couple hundred bucks literally you flip it open it turns on and it's ready to go there's a little switch on the side so you can open the lens cap there's no buttons on this thing whatsoever except the record button the zoom button and this little thing here on the screen which by the way flips forward see and you can even work the screen with this button while it's facing forward it has a tiny tiny sensor it's 1 over 5.8 it's only 2.3 megapixels even in low light the color of this camera is better than the low light color of the Canon g70 out of the box another benefit of having a tiny sensor is everything is always in Focus you don't have to worry about your face being out of focus you're going to get some grainy footage if you're in low light but if you're in bright light and sunlight it's actually pretty good it only weighs 6.7 o that's less than half a pound it only shoots 10860 but it does shoot xavcs this has a 30 times optical zoom that's more optical zoom than any of these other camcorders I'm showing you today and what's really most amazing about this camera order believe it or not is the audio it has amazing stereo audio 16bit 48k Dolby Digital lpcm stereo listen to this down a little bit more you can hear the waves coming in from the left and going to the right there's no mic Jack but the audio quality of this thing is just amazing the shutter goes up to 110,000 of a second and yes you can even shoot manual on this thing just cuz you're indoors doesn't mean you're going to have grainy footage if you have enough light here's an example look how clear this looks this is actually with the L cx405 but I just have a lot of light on it to make the footage look good with this camera you just need more light that's the secret to making this look good and believe it or not this thing actually has good image stabilization let's let's compare all these cameras for image stabilization they all have stabilization obviously none of them are as good as an action cam but they're pretty good look at the little cx405 up in the right corner this has better stabilization than some of these bigger more expensive cameras this little thing is amazing look at this here's a better view here's the g70 it's pretty basic that's it's all right here's the ax43 with its gimbal I don't think the gimbal really does that much but here it is and now look at the little cx405 look at this little thing this tiny little thing has better stabilization than almost any of these other camcorders that is pretty amazing so this little thing is a gem all right so these are my favorite camcorders for 2024 most of these have a one over 2.3 in sensor in my next video I'm going to show you other cameras that also have a 1 over 2 .3 in sensor I guess they call them Bridge cameras Canon Panasonic even Kodak has some and since it also has a one over 2.3 in sensor I'll throw in a Sony hx99 let's see how all these compare in the next video we're going to have some fun with one over 2.3 in uh it's just a new fascinating category of mine everybody else is going bigger and bigger and bigger with their sensors I'm going smaller and smaller and smaller and see how much we can eek out with smaller more affordable fun stuff that any consumer can get that's my channel I will see you in the next video hey w
Channel: MarkusPix
Views: 178,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best camcorder, best cameras 2024, best camcorders, best camcorders 2024, best camcorders for youtube, best camcorders for vlogging, best camcorders under 1000, best camera for youtube, video camera, best 4k camcorder, panasonic camcorder 4k, best 4k camcorder 2024, best budget 4k camcorder, best camera, 4k camcorder video test, 4k camcorder video camera, best camcorder for youtube videos, canon vixia g70, sony cx405, sony ax700, sony z90v, sony ax43, blurry background
Id: JZ-ERztAd2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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