Justin Herbert + Kellen Moore = Explosive Offense

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if you're a quarterback Josh where do you want to throw this ball I don't know maybe anywhere over here like it's wide open Dak recognizes it he's like no way you guys just gave me this throw [Music] we always say aggressively take what they give us like if they give us these shots they give us something vertical we got these skill players that we feel really really good about just take them just go for it you know and if not take the completion take the check down Austin's gonna catch a check down and get you another first down and then we'll call another one and so I think the mentality of that has been the way we've been kind of training at this entire off season and certainly we I think we got the guys to be able to execute those things welcome to scheme I'm Josh Norris that is Colt McCoy and you just heard from Kellen Moore previewing what the Chargers new offense might look like Colt the six words that stood out to me aggressively take what they give us what does that mean to you aggressively take what they give us I tell you what I've heard that a bunch uh from coaches throughout my career but I will say that Justin Herbert does an outstanding job of that if it's not there just check it down right Justin does that over and over and over it shows up the more tape you watch the more complete easy completions he gets to Austin Eckler or the tight end and the flat um aggressively take what they give you is great for an offensive coordinator because it's like I'd love to call down the field shots I'd love to call heavy play pass but I can't afford a sack and play second 15. I can't before doing completion and go from second ten to Third and ten right you gotta You Gotta Give me something and the the more completions you get me the more times I'm going to call these shots down a field and I think that's exactly what Kellen Moore was trying to say Chargers fans are super excited to have Kelly Moore's offensive coordinator and I'll say this call in preparation for this episode watch I don't know anywhere from three to seven Chargers games from last year and it got a bit frustrating at times and I'm just gonna list a few stats buckle your seatbelt um Justin Herbert's averaged at the Target last year was fourth lowest when kept clean in the pocket it was third lowest when Under Pressure Lois when not blitzed and then 22nd in the league win blitzed so it felt like to me that no matter the situation the team was simply not being aggressive in terms of attacking down the field so again going back to that first word that Kellen Moore used I think there was a reason he put that in there am I just playing armchair quarterback by listing all those stats because I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than just saying hey throw down the field a bit more often yeah I don't think you're playing armchair quarterback I think you're truly watching the tape and evaluating and saying what you see I think there's a lot of factors that go into it right number one he lost his left tackle early in the season he lost his starting center who's phenomenal at first several games of the year and I think that they're like him playing fast and getting check Downs get or getting to his check Downs quickly the o-line played a factor in all that yeah maybe some of the play calls you know we'd like to be a little more creative or push the ball down the field well we can't when there's the pockets collapsing all the time I think just when you look at the entirety of the Season you got to factor in some of the issues that they dealt with from an injury standpoint and then totally you know bringing Kellen into the mix like they're gonna be a a Firepower of an offense I don't want to make it sound like this offense wasn't successful last year it was top half the league but it almost felt like the offense was not built to maximize on Justin Herbert's talents and maybe talents that he has that no other quarterback no offense cult have across the league um so let's be a forward-thinking show here let's peel open Kellen Moore's Playbook and highlight some of the explosive and just flat out cool plays he drew up last season all right here we go we got second and 15. here's Kellen Moore he decides to go empty against the Bucks and one of the things he does which I really like is he puts Tony Pollard out here and what this does it allows you to see is it man or Zone it gives you a good tell right now we got the corner for the bucks out over the top so automatically dagnosed okay I got his own coverage I have split safety I have two safeties here so we're running all go we're running versions of all go with Tony Paul as a checkdown what he's going to do is he's going to hold this guy with his eyes and he's playing the high low on this side he's going to high low Devin white if cd-lam can bend it in here and Devin white takes Tony Pollard he'll hit him for you know an explosive play that we call now if Devin white decides to carry CD lamb and try to dub him with the safety now who's going to guard Tony Pollard right here so it's a great it's a very safe call it's second and 15 and kellen's thinking hey Doc just get me into third and manageable if you have to throw a check down throw the check down if we get an explosive play great if they happen to play single high now we're taking shots on seams so I love the play call I love the design I love the information that it gives Dak before he gets the ball in his hands so now Dak when you watch this plays he's going to hold his eyes on this backside safety right here and then he's going to play the high low Devin white carries but keeps his eyes in the backfield and that allows Dak to trust CD land across his safeties face to stay flat and he delivers a strike for a first down in a second long situation and and that's just the creativity of Kellen Moore and the expertise of Dak being able to say okay I know this play has a lot of options I recognize what the coverage is is based on formation I hold my eyes the right way and I throw a strike to CD lamb for an explosive play yeah and Colt that's why I wanted to talk about this play in the context of this conversation because you go back to that first word aggressive and it's not you know a simple check down out of the backfield to Austin Eckler to maybe get you into third and eight right it's hey we're going to split Tony Pollard out wide which by the way he did on 15 of his snaps last year under Kellen Moore all snackler was only at 8.8 on in the Chargers last season but then it's also a downfield pattern that he's the checkdown but then it gives you once again that aggressive downfield element to not Bank on Third and seven conversions and you pick up 20 yards on a second and 15 and then set you up for a touchdown drive here too we talk about aggressively take what they give you like you're only throwing this Bender in here versus a shell coverage when you know he's going to cross face and when you know that the linebacker's eyes are in the backfield right that's happens let's call it two out of ten times the rest of time you're throwing a check down and you're still being aggressive because you're given one of your best players Tony Pollard the ball in space End Zone coverage and he's going to get you into third and manageable so just a very well executed play I see Justin Herbert being able to do this very well if you go big people and you put eight people in the box so what does eight people in the Box get you it gets you single high now let's work anything we want on the outsides we got one-on-one coverage here we got one-on-one coverage here we're gonna have great protection we have one of our offensive linemen in the backfield we have a great blocking tied in and Zeke is a great protector in play action pass like we'll get what we want here so here they go big big people put a lineman in the backfield Tampa Bay says you know what we're going big we're putting eight in the Box you get single high they go heavy play action pass doc says okay I know what I got them take Rhythm Rhythm drop and now I have an explosive play running come back he's wide open I don't even throw a great ball here he's under no pressure he knows it's single high those that come back verse off coverage another first down the second and ten so again cult to me what stands out with the aggression part is hey we can get down to Third and three we can get down to a third manageable a conversion territory but no this is we're going to take what they give us get down the field create an explosive play of not just picking up 10 yards or picking up 34 yards look you see deck okay we're gonna line up he's got Zeke in the pistol we're in a 1x3 formation with the tight in here so what you get when you move when you put the tide in here is you it also allows you to see coverage right so now you have a uh one of the safeties right here man-to-man coverage right okay this is a big alert we got CD lamb right here in the slot Zach's Dak knows it's man coverage he says Hey alert alert check check he bumps Zeke up to here and now they run this awesome play design we're gonna play past Zeke we're gonna get out of the move or get on the Move we're going to secure the edge on this pocket and we're gonna throw CD on a double move and saying and trusting like he's our best player he's going to cross the safeties face and I've got all this space over here because this guy is tied down on the tight end to put the ball CD can run this route flat he can set it high his job is to beat the safety now let's secure the edge so now they've got this guy gonna do a little chip block he's going to chip here kind of get out of the way late check down on the move and we get the edge secured and look at the flow like all of the linebacker flow in that direction what you don't normally see here is your sinner snapping the ball and then coming out here to be dak's personal protector so the linebacker is going to block down it's just an added layer of we're selling Zone we're selling Zone we're selling Zone we've run this a bunch now let's build a play pass off of it CD's job is to just beat the safety right now he's got him turned around he can go anywhere he wants and Dak is just sees all this grass to just lay a nice ball up let his best receiver go get it he gets out of the pocket throws a strike Big Time play in the fourth quarter game changing play all set up on a creative play call that allows you to see coverage pre-snap and get to the best play you got in the Playbook she motioned your slot receiver across and now what you recognize here is nobody travels right nobody travels with him now you know it's some version of his own and your antenna's got to be up that if the nickel doesn't travel to set the formation he could Blitz right the antennas go up so let's let's watch this and now you're just running a little high low concept here a Crosser and a shallow Crosser and you're really high low on the hook player you're trusting that this receiver is going to carry the corner out now you got this whole side of the field to work on Third and ten if the protection holds up now Dak does a tremendous job stepping up in the pocket and finding the lane the hook player attracts here there is nobody out here and this play happens because Dax steps up avoids all the pressure and finds him but what I want to talk about is great play design on Third and ten you know they lose a guy by blitzing the nickel and now there's a big void he makes a guy Miss all of a sudden on the third and ten you get an explosive play for 30 or 35 yards and now you're on the Move now you're going to get points can we highlight the big boys up front with his in zone view too because this is one of those instances called where backup offensive lineman injuries at Center don't really get this that often when going back and watching Chargers 2022 but as you said the top Cowboys 2022 in for years now you've had much better pass protection that allows you to be more aggressive in these instances and allows you to Lanes to climb the pocket yeah exactly these guys up front you can see them communicating they're doing a great job he's talking here he's saying okay the nickel didn't travel I know we have two Defenders on this side but I bet somebody's coming here let's keep the protection front side now the back does a great job keeping his eyes weak scanning to Strong they sort this all out and you got a hat for a hat that steps up and you know it's an explosive play that a lot of people have to do things right but what Kellen does is he gives deck all kinds of recognition to see what's going on right let's line up in a one by three with our tied in here okay earlier we saw the the clip where that safety was down he knew it was man coverage okay let's get to our best play here I can't really tell I think it's Zone coverage right let's motion the slot Defender over nobody moves it's for sure Zone coverage now and now he knows I've got here and I've got the shallow there's this huge debate on football Twitter of Motion versus no motion because like all of the EPA rates are higher when teams motion and blah blah blah and just like where you stand on it because then like Aaron Rodgers comes out and says like oh I hate it I don't want emotion at all um I was just going to ask where you stand I think you know Aaron has a point right I want things to look the same and I'll find my answer versus the coverage once I get the ball in my hands right he's played for 20 years so he knows what he likes right right I think for a guy like Kellen it's like I'll formation or all motion just to give just to give you some help like I like yeah I like it because it helps me it helps me unders like I love motioning from you know a stack formation to a static you know to a three by one set or motioning to a stack because then the DBS have to communicate they have to talk and say like how are we sorting this out right and by film study or things you can you can determine like well they normally Play Man or they're going to play in and out or they're going to play some version of zone or what like you can sometimes manipulate the defense based on shifts and motions which are helpful talk us through this one I'm not sure what the down distance is we're going to motion CD right it looks like single high we don't know if you stay in a three by one I would imagine that he's the three-week player based on the mic pushed all the way across the ball right there's a void here he becomes the flat player all right now we motion over we're going to stay single high and now if I'm the quarterback I just got to hold him right he didn't really move I think it's single High CD lamps on a fly motion little play action to freeze the linebackers and the post safety stays on this hash like if you're a quarterback Josh where do you want to throw this ball I don't know maybe anywhere over here like it's wide open right Dak recognizes it he's like no way you guys just gave me this throw and so on one of the most critical Downs in football third down high red zone not is it third and manageable this is third and nine this isn't an easy conversion by any stretch for any team for any coordinator defenses love to have you in this position because there's a lot of things they can do they can pressure they can play coverage like as long as they win this down they're holding into three points so again just another creative play design here Kellen has made it simple for him it's all go to the weak side of the field and on Third and nine attack throws a dime for a touchdown and changes the entire game early in the game Colt I have no idea what the view like is back there but at what point as a quarterback do you know that you have this one in the bag based on the coverage and seeing that backside safety I think right about now right his his eyes are already there he's recognized like holy cow like I got one on one regardless like I'm probably gonna throw it to CD lamb versus the safety regardless right it's one-on-one let's let him make the play but CD recognizes it and kind of shaves it off almost like a skinny post and Dak throws a strike for a touchdown we went from cover three in the last one and I asked that question because this is either cover one cover three single high look let's put it that way and the Chargers D or the Charger's offense face cover three at one of the highest rates in the NFL and it felt like to me Colt so often we got these short patterns we either got stick or quick game something of the sort rather than the aggressive stuff that we just saw with Kellen Moore and that was one of my frustrations when when watching this but you might be of the opinion that this isn't that bad of a play call yeah I mean listen we all know the Chargers face a lot of injuries up front I don't think this is a terrible play call here a lot of teams run this play it's basically you know what you would call like an across the board read a pure progression read um in the in the quick game family so it's like hey as a quarterback you know get a completion win I call quit game right it doesn't really matter there is a progression but whatever you feel you might get heat it up you might feel a soft spot in the zone and get to number three you know quickly whatever and I think essentially what or what Justin Herbert does here is he gets emotion right and now Buddha Baker does a great job of playing over the top to take that guy away and Cal or and Justin and his drop back probably sees like a flash of color right something where that takes away read number one and so as he as he progresses you know he gets off of that quickly and sees a lot of space over here and just dumps it off to his back and quite honestly it's not a terrible play it results in a one-yard gain you know he probably could have taken him or him if he wanted but at the end of the day it's quick game he got a completion and what could have been you know a seven or eight yard gain you know turns into a one-yard gain and it's not the end of the world I love Justin Herbert but it did stand out to me that he did go from one to two to three check down quickly and I think what you just outlined where hey there were two guys open but even when you were circling those he was already going down to his back coming out of the flat I did want to talk about one other Herbert play that we did get another example of stick Colt that turned out to be one of his most ridiculous plays of the season we've got a fourth and 12 like literally fourth quarter how many plays in the playbook for fourth and 12th gold yeah not not many plays right not many plays what we're what we've got here is the Chargers are running a version of like sticks like you teach everybody to get plus two from the sticks and Justin Herbert let's find the best matchup based off coverage and worst case scenario which is what you get right here is man coverage but what you want to do versus man is you want your receivers to like run and retrace and maybe you know you can fire a ball in there for a first down but it's Fourth and 12th maybe the clock's running down we saw this a lot from the Chargers last year a lot of teams do this where you're just trying to get something past the sticks to get a completion and keep the chains moving obviously a critical situation here and a little bit of a coverage breakdown here by the Raiders you know unless they're choosing to double team this guy which looks like that that might be the case I think Herbert's probably thinking pre-snap like I've got some version of two man right so they're gonna run this you know we call it change you're going to run it right at the chains um don't the Raiders don't get much of a pass rush and listen this is where this guy right here is phenomenal like he's one of the best young guys in the game at creating plays when things aren't there um we've showed you clips of him you know get into his check Downs quickly it's something that young guys don't do a bunch it's really an art and he's really good at it but this right here is pretty amazing right he sees this guy's dead no retrace this guy's doubled don't love that throw don't love this throw in fact the DB's like underneath my coverage my running back is matched like I gotta go make a play it's Fourth and 12th like there's somebody I gotta give somebody a chance to make a play right he extends the play I mean there's nobody in that area that he's running to and now this turns into scramble drill every team works on this as soon as the quarterback flushes out you know you're going to get somebody here you're going to get somebody running here somebody going deep and this guy Dilly coming across the field and now let's just find our best matchup that we feel like can convert on this down and make a play finds his 101 throws a dime on the money High outside shoulder I mean that's like an impossible throw from the where she's standing he's standing at the four I mean that's a 45-yard throw on a rope like throwing through a tire hanging off a tree yeah let's watch it from the back in here see what he's seeing he's like I'd ideally like him to break out here but the DB does a nice job of his Leverage number two he's doubled he even checks backside he's doubled I got grass and I throw a rope I mean look at that throw like that's absurd that's silly it might have been a 50-yard throw on a rope an impossible touchdown on Fourth and 12th that literally changes the game but that's what you get with number 10. Colt will close the chapter on stick with this is back the Cowboys playoff game against the Bucks we saw everything sit sit sit write the sticks instead Kelly Moore has his own wrinkle too and what is it love this play right here right we're gonna start out in a version of one by three again right maybe get a tell for the quarterback maybe not looks like it's going to be single high but again stick nod is really you're working to stick nods versus single high if you get some version of shell coverage you're just gonna throw the check down usually it's like a little shallow coming across the uh the the middle of the field and if you do get a one-on-one match up you're going to get cd-lam here running a double move stop and go on the corner but as CD motions it looks like it stays Zone coverage it does now what we're gonna get here is we're gonna get stick nod and we're gonna get a stick nod with your shallow route coming underneath as your check down okay he's running the double move we're probably not thinking CD lamb here unless we get man coverage somebody motions with him all that like we're off of him so now for deck again Kellen designs these he sets these up one by three motion into a two by two with your best player let's see the matchups okay Dax saying okay I gave the indicator I gave my leg I'm playing on the road it's the wild card game it's loud but all I know is I have a single high safety I'm gonna work here on this stick nod to this stick nod whichever side this safety leans to I'm gonna play away from and throw a strike if those get taken away I'm going to take my drop and throw the shallow right very safe play again we talk about being aggressive playing aggressive this is playing aggressive this is saying okay I've got stick nods on a single high safety if they take them away if they glove them that's fine I have a built-in shallow for you as your check down right just take what they give you so as we watch this play after the motion stay single high single high safeties here great pocket by the Cowboys offensive line Dak holds his eyes on the safety obviously great execution by the Cowboys great execution by Dak phenomenal play phenomenal rep holding the safety with your eyes but guys this is coaching guys this is this is Kellen saying okay CD your ball is if you motion across and you get man coverage all bets are off we're throwing you the ball 50 50. but hey CD when you motion across here if you don't get man coverage you gotta run full speed you got to sell it and you gotta go because the one person that could take this ball away is this corner right here falling off if we get a lazy route CD's a phenomenal player but a rep like this makes him even a better player for his team across the league because you're seeing this he technically opens up the stick nod and again just all around all around well executed Dak goes a strike the corners out of it and it's a touchdown in a game-changing play long time viewers of scheme will know that's called the Love of the Game route right Colt there you go Love of the Game route no doubt Love of the Game and I know you said that this was right outside the Red Zone but man one more stat for you you're gonna get a lot of these this season cold Dallas finished first in Red Zone touchdown rate this past season the charges were 18th now who knows how sticky that is but man from what we've seen not just in second and ten situations third and fifteen second and six scenarios at the 23 or the seven yard line whatever it is it seems like Kellen has an idea of an outcome that he wants to get to and then allows his quarterback to have a bunch of checks and answers based on what's Happening throughout each with again the end goal scoring touchdowns here in this area of the field yeah and I think honestly it ties back into what we heard Kellen say about his offseason with Justin Herbert is like I want you to aggressively take what they give you and I'll put a lot on your plate if you can handle it but aggressively taking what they give you is just recognizing coverage simplifying the game understanding your reads like the more Justin does that which he's done for the last three years at an extremely high level the more explosive the more aggressive play calls he's going to get and you know they could be potentially extremely good and then closing that with and then we'll call another one and Colt uh you and I were doing a bunch of videos together we'll make another one this season can't wait to do it with you for all of you that have not subscribed to the channel yet be sure to do so hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell so you know every single week when some new cult McCoy content is coming at you we'll see you all next time here on ski foreign
Channel: Underdog Fantasy Football
Views: 34,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: los angeles chargers, justin herbert, kellen moore, los angeles, football highlights, nfl news, chargers highlights, la chargers, los angeles chargers news, underdog fantasy, justin herbert highlights, justin herbert hot ones, best plays of the 2022 nfl season, chargers training camp, fantasy football, 2023 fantasy football, fantasy football 2023, fantasy football strategy, fantasy football draft strategy, colt mccoy, austin ekeler, quentin johnston
Id: 0-bMP84Wvxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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