Justin Cooper: I Was Unworthy but I Wasn't Unwanted and That Is Why I Worship - Preacher's Delight

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buthe chapter number four I'm gonna read verse number one we'll read a few verses and be a little different kind of a message than last night I don't really have an outline but I pray God will use it verse number one Ruth chapter four the Bible said then went Boaz up to the gate and set him down there and behold the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by unto whom he said hosts such a one turn aside sit down here and he turned aside and sat down he took ten men of the elders of the city that's all those old men that go to McDonald's every morning and lie over Egg McMuffins you know and he said set you down here and they sat down and he said unto the kinsman naomi that has come again out of the country of Moab setteth a parcel of land which was our brother Elam Alex and I thought to advertise these saying buy it before the inhabitants and before the elders of my people if thou wilt redeem it redeem it but if thou wilt not redeem it then tell me that I mean no for there's none to redeem it beside thee and I am after thee in this man watch his response and he said I will redeem it Boaz goes to this near kinsman and said you remember he lemon Lake he said I knew that's the saddest story died in the world he said well eliminate left a piece of ground it's a good piece of ground and that man no doubt thought it is I've seen it I could raise a farm there I could build a house there maybe shoot a deer on that every once in a while he said well if you want that property it's yours because you're the near kinsman you can take the ground and that man said alright I'll redeem it under myself I want the field I want the ground in verse number five Boaz says wait a minute there's a little caveat he said then said Boaz what date I'll bias the field of the hand of Naomi thou must buy it also of ruth the moabite is the wife of the dead to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance watch his change now this man and the kins we said I cannot redeem it from myself less time are mine own inheritance redeemed thou my right to thyself for I can not redeem it he said wait a minute wait a minute I want the field but I don't want that female that comes with it I take the ground but I don't want that girl I'd like to have the land but that lady if I get hooked up with her it's gonna ruin my testimony you can imagine what they're gonna say on Facebook if I get hooked up with she's a Moabite us up he's saying is that dirt is worth more than that girl that grounds worth more than that female is to me she's not worth it I don't want her he said if you won't even have her Boaz goes through the part of the near kinsman the Bible said he plucks off his shoe and don't you fellas wish we still did that sir the stupid diamond rings my wife right now has a closet full of engagement rings size seven but anyway high-maintenance y'all are so high me Bible preaches against jewelry anyway they get married Ruth this woman who was unworthy this first man didn't water got wet Boaz this kinsman redeemer they get married God blesses their marriage she conceives verse 13 the Bible said so boaz took ruth and she was his wife and when he went in unto her the Lord gave her conception and she bare his son this is the offspring of the union between one who is unworthy but got wed to the redeemer in verse 17 all the nosy old ladies in their church got together and the Bible said the women her neighbors gave it a name saying there's a son born of Naomi now watch this and they called his name Obed he's the father of Jesse the father of David this woman who was unworthy when she was wed to the redeemer a natural byproduct came forth fruit from that union with one who needed redeemed and one who was really the one who could do the redemption the redeemer she gave birth to a baby these old ladies looked down as that baby boy cried and said Ruth there's only one thing we can name that baby you're gonna name him Obed now that word Obed me means praise it means worship means faithfulness so I think we could say the natural outflow of one who's been hooked up to the Redeemer ought to be praise worship faithfulness people ask them all the time why do you do that why do you preach like that why you run around like that you talk so fast don't you ever get tired of going to church every night I mean all the soul-winning the Bible study the prayer you wear hi on an airplane brother shitty but anyway I mean oh the time they ask me these questions and here's what I want to preach on the wall this morning and why do I do what I do here it is I was unworthy but I wasn't unwanted and that's why I worship but a little while I pray God will help us remember what we were and what's been done in our life and help motivate supposed to do Lord I pray you please speak to my heart fresh about this truth this morning speak to the heart of every laborer here today workers no doubt weary in the work but pretty prayerfully not tired of the work I pray help us remember or we weren't born saved we weren't born in a suit in time we were sinners but thank God for redemption I pray you'd help us Lord to get a fresh motivation to go forward and do a work for you in Jesus name Amen I love the Book of Ruth in fact I believe the Book of Ruth is a life-changing book of course all the Bible is a life-changing book whenever a book I'm preaching from that's my favorite but I love the Book of Ruth I believe we can see a good picture of the gospel even if you will hear in the Book of Ruth now I'm not sure the man God used to pin the book but I know this without a doubt that God did guide the hand of the man who pinned this book now as we get into the sermon for this morning the message let me give you a few things to consider about the Book of Ruth this book is interesting number one the name of it's interesting it's named after a lady you ever notice that there's not many books in the Bible named for women but this book the Book of Ruth is named after a woman so girls here's your sermon don't want to hear any more talking the rest of the week the second thing I found significant about the Book of Ruth is it's void of great miracles by that I mean you don't find water turned into wine we don't see the Red Sea parted we don't see God shutting the mouths of lions or resurrecting the dead but let me say this I'm afraid if we're not careful we only associate the miraculous with big things but can I say everything that God's in is miraculous every breath that you breathe every time your heart beats in rhythm God is not just in the big things God is in the minut details of everyday life so though we don't see great miracles God is working throughout the Book of Ruth the third thing I noticed interesting about the book is the focus it has on a family unit God follows a family through the four chapters of The Book of Ruth that's a good reminder that our God is interested in the family in fact before God ever organized the church God ordained the family and God is still the god of the family I understand it's under attack in 2018 and they would try to make the other queers on every sitcom the hero and they make us look at normal and them normal but God is still for one man one woman for life having children and serving God as a family that's a by the way fellas it's all right to say mean as you like the same in this one won't you help me a little bit it's hot won't you give your husband a day pass and let him say me in this morning only would you would you do that for me the fourth thing have fun significant about this book is it's a story of redemption through every chapter of the Book of Ruth we see the theme of redemption there's a lady in the story in the beginning of the book she's outside of the nation of Israel by the end of the book she's part of the nation of Israel in beginning of the book she's a stranger but by the end of the book she's married to Redeemer in the beginning of the book it's amazing in the beginning of the book she's a foreigner by the end of the book she's part of the family so he finds redemption all throughout the Book of Ruth now let me tell you a little bit of the story because if I don't I've got no message at all so here we find in chapter one that a famine comes to Bethlehem Judah this is the place of God the house of bread a famine comes and by the way just because you're saved it doesn't mean you'll never have any struggles or trials in the Christian life it's not always babies laughing mother-in-law million miles away money in the bank cotton candy written from heaven sometimes things fall apart sometimes famine comes even to the people of God this famine comes in a man by the name of Elimelech decides to take his family to a place called Moab now this is a good lesson you always make a mistake when you live by emotion and not by principle when the temperature was turned up in his life he got too hasty didn't wait on the will of God made a decision on emotion and is about to wreck his family he takes his family to Moab Moab is a type of world in fact in Deuteronomy God cursed the Moabites and said they could have no entrance into the congregation of the Lord so here's this man taking his family from the will of God the place of God to the world he plans to sojourn but he stays that's exactly how it happens can I say it's a lot easier to get out of the will of God than it is to get back in to the will of God a lot of people say well I'll get right when I want to know you won't can I say once the world gets its hold on you it's a lot harder to get back than you think it is while a limo lake is there with this wife Naomi and his boys mail on in chilly on and by the way thank God my parents didn't need me either of those names but while they're there at Lynn Lake dies graveyard dead what a testimony dad died out of the will of God daddy died in the world these two boys male on and chilly on marry up with some Moabite us women you see backsliding doesn't just affect you it will affect your entire family they get yoked up with a couple girls one marries the girl by the name of Ruth I'm all about us and another by name of Oprah I mean or publicist sounds like she belongs there Orpah a Moabitess they marry them after some time these boys die as well here's this woman Naomi she's had to bury a husband in the world she's buried her boys in the world she's a broken woman a bitter woman an empty woman one day she hears news that God has visited his people again in Bethlehem Judah by the way God always blesses where God has always blessed you don't have to change you don't have to look for something new God still blesses what God has always blessed if God bless Bible preach and he blesses it now if God bless soul win and he blesses it now if God bless bust minister bless it now you don't have to change God blesses where he's always blessed she hears now there's food on the table there's food in the pantry there's food at the market and she makes the decision to go back to the will of God I'm glad if you're here this morning out of the will of God there's a welcome mat at God's house and you can come back because God doesn't orphan his offspring or disown his children and I'm glad they're not how far out you've gone you might have wandered far away from God but you can come home she begins to make your way back to Bethlehem Judah as she goes at first her daughter-in-laws cleaved her she tells them to stay but they refused again she'll turn to them and say listen you don't want to go with me I'm old I've got no children you don't want to go with me I've got no money I'm a broke bitter woman and the Bible said that Orpah kisses her mother long turns back but Ruth Cleaves and follows her mother-in-law back to Bethlehem Judah now the story transitions from a living legend his family to focusing on this woman by name of Ruth now I want to say a few things about Ruth that might sound surprising but I believe it'll make sense as we get out to the end of the message in a few hours but so let me say a few things about Ruth number 1 when we consider Ruth you have to understand Ruth is wicked you saved my brother Cooper acted you say that there's a book in the Bible named after Ruth I'm not saying she's wicked because of what she did she's wicked because of what she was the Bible said she's ruth the moabite us there's nothing she could do that could take that stain away there's nothing she can do that can erase that stigma there's nothing she can do that can change the fact she was born into the wrong nation born into the wrong family she is ruth the moabite us in the eyes of god everything about her was unrighteous in the eyes of God everything about her was wicked there's no good work she could do there's nothing she could do to change it God had already condemned her nation unclean and offscouring of society Ruth is wicked number 2 Ruth is wrecked see what do you mean she's a young lady order had to bury a husband Ruth knows learn is to sorrow Ruth know what it knows what it is to feel pain Ruth knows where it is to have life that's hard no doubt so you wrestle during the night about our future wondering how she'd make the ends meet wondering what her life would be and this woman's existence is a wrecked existence a hard existence so number 1 Ruth is wicked number 2 Ruth is wrecked number 3 let me say it like this Ruth is wanting as it come to chapter 2 of the Book of Ruth you find that Ruth and Naomi are broke I mean they're bottomed out they've got nothing at all to offer they've got no food on their table no money in the bank I mean they are totally running on empty there's a void there and they can't feel it there's no power in and of themselves to change the situation they are running on zero so much so she's got I got to go big just to make the ends meet every single day I don't know about you but I don't think that sounds like a very good life this woman is wicked in the eyes of God her life is wrecked because of her experiences she's wanting there's an emptiness on the inside that she alone cannot satisfy and then we come down to chapter 2 verse 3 and find that she's wandering you say what do you mean the Bible's hid her happy that means she just happened into a field she meets with Naomi decides to go out and glean the law of Israel is that the widows and the crippled folk could glean and the corners of the field and she goes out to try to glean was left over from the Reapers and as she goes she got no idea where she's going she's just wandering aimlessly through life she's got no direction she has no purpose she has no plan she has no vision she has no goal she doesn't know what's gonna happen to her day by day just wandering through life poor that sounds like a bad way to live boy that sounds like a bad existence man I wouldn't want to be like Ruth I mean a wicked woman a wrecked woman a wanting woman up wandering woman but when they come to chapter 2 and find out she gonna be a welcomed woman because here is she's wandering God's working she went looking for God but God was looking for her she wasn't thinking about God but God was thinking about her she's just wandering through fields there's no property my science there's no fence lines oh she's doing this wandering and can I say well she doesn't even know it God is directing her steps because she gets in the right field the Bible said she got into the field of a man by the name of Boaz now that might not mean much to us and it wouldn't have meant nothing to Ruth but that means a lot there in Bethlehem Judah Boaz is a mighty man of wealth that means he's got supply others don't have that means he's got finances others don't have that means he has power that others don't have he's a nephew of Aaron the high priest he's part of the lineage of Judah he's got rights to the throne and the priesthood this man above all that is an kinsman to a limit lack that means he can do a lot for Ruth and Naomi that means he can give them back everything they lost in the world everything Moab took away Boaz can give back all the brokenness all the emptiness all the longing he can take their situation and change it from lack to surplus from empty to full from broken to made whole he can change their life Ruth doesn't know who he is Ruth don't know who that fella is where he becomes Boaz he rides up on his horse and he sees this little girl cleaning in his field he could have kicked her out he could have shoot her away he has two servants that whose damsels this in yourself that's that more baddest damsel what they're saying is that's that wicked woman that's that wrecked woman that's that one sin woman that's that wandering woman and Boaz courtesy get her out of here but he welcomes her he looks on her with mercy he looks on her with grace and he says honey from now on you don't have to go anywhere else you're gonna glean in my field I'm gonna have them leave you some handfuls on she don't even know who he is and he's been good to her anyhow she's not worshiping him and he's loving on her anyhow oh that's grace is what that is he said I'm gonna put food on your table what my service drink you're gonna drink from now on your need will be met at my hand I've got you from here on out and she looks at Boaz is it why of i stranger found grace in my sight and all I can say is I don't know I guess Boaz just like that he's so good to her they sends her home with a knee fall barley I can see his roots being cleaning all day Naomi's back there a bite in her fingernails to the quick wondering what they're gonna eat for supper and Ruth comes he gonna fall barley in both arms hung up under her chin she can't even knock the door she takes her foot kicks it like that Naomi on the inside being the mother-in-law she was as hot Rousset open the dollars he says why you know mother long she said my shows on you know open that door and I can see as Naomi goes limbs everything right whoa whoa where in the world did you get that and Ruth said a guy gave it to me today and she comes in lays that he fall barley on the table and she said well what's his name and I can see it Bruce said let me think of his name how let me try to remember his name his name I think it was Bill never st. no bill in Bethlehem oh maybe it was maybe it was Bob but he said maybe it was a bomb know what Bobby's are maybe it was a name we said Boaz that's it Boaz and I can see no girl you got in the right field today I know you don't know I know you don't know who that is but let me tell you who that is that man can change our life that man can turn our situation around that man can take us from broken to made holes from empty to fold from life to surplus he can take us and give us back everything that we lost in the world from there on out she didn't go anywhere else she went to him I mean every bit of food on their table came from the hand of Boaz every bit of supply came from the supply of Boaz he's being good in her live that woman's wicked that woman's wrecked that woman's wanting she's wandering but she's been welcomed by Boaz in Chapter two she's in his field in Chapter three she's at his feet the harvest was ending and they make the decision know what the blessings are running out where we have to have more than just the goodness of Boaz you're going to have bow ass she said here's what we're gonna do Ruth get dolled up take a bath put on some deodorant ladies I'm for it shave your whiskers you know it's a Baptist meeting but also per for you said boas have been out in the field all day reaping he's late on the threshing floor you know it's on the Freshman floor the finished work from his labor he's laying there on the threshing floor said you're gonna go to him in the night and goosy film area and I can see his Ruth sneaks in that room here she comes and she doesn't come standing but she lays down at his feet she uncovers his toes a little bit in that night air begins to blow on his toes wakes him up a little bit he looks down his feet says wow man you know woman you know wow man and she looks up at him with those big doe eyes and in kentucky english she says do you marry me now here's what she's saying i've got nothing you got everything would you take me you've got a name above every name well i got a bad name but you take me you're a mighty man of wealth I'm broke would you take me everybody mocks me boy they love you would you take me I can't add anything to you you sure could do a lot for me would you take me and Bo as looks on this wicked wayward wreck haunting wandering woman and said I'd take you she came to him at night but she gonna leave in the light she came to him in the darkness laid down at his feet by his finished work he said you stay here I'm gonna send you home in light he didn't send her home empty-handed but he sent her home with a blessing as well he sent her home with six measures of barley I can see this now he said I'll be your near kinsman there's one year than I go home take these six measures of barley and wait on me so here's what she has to do she has to take that and go home and by faith wait on Bo ass she's sitting there at home well he said he's gonna come get me I reckon maybe he'll come again I hope he comes by faith just I gotta take him at his word I just gotta trust what he said bo has told me that he's gonna come get me to be his bride I just gotta wait I'm just gonna have to sit here and take him at his word and while she's waiting on this site he's working for on that Sun I mean while she's sitting here pining away by faith Boaz is doing his part she couldn't see it but didn't change like he's doing it anyway on the other side Boaz goes and gets all dem old men together he gets that near kinsman said you remember do you remember a limb leak they said yeah boy so satisfy it is he died in the world I'm sorry his dog died in the world that's right but he left a piece of ground that man said oh he did he said yes sir he said it's a good piece of ground I mean real fertile nice piece of ground and you're the nearest kinsman if you want it you can have it that fellow I won't it he said I've been looking to build a house I want to shoot a deer might raise a garden on that I'll take the ground and it busts at all right you can have it I got to tell you this if you take the ground there's a girl comes with it if you take that field there's a female attached to it if you take that land you got to take this lady's and who is Ruth wait a minute Ruth you mean that Moe by this girl don't you know who she is don't you know what she's done don't you know where she's from don't you know her testimony she's a wicked woman she's a wrecked woman if I wet her they're gonna talk about me she's not worth it that grounds worth more she is I don't want it you can have her in Boaz says all right I'll take her I can see his Boaz goes marching down the road to get Ruth she's been sitting there by faith waiting on Boaz hope he comes today I hope he comes today oh I hope you got him back in those days you all know this you read your Bible that they had a crier ago before the bridegroom cry Ellen behold the bridegroom cometh behold the bridegroom cutting sees Ruth sitting there by faith know since years to shout a man behold the bridegroom cometh and Boaz comes into sight and she sees his silhouette on the horizon and said that's him he didn't lie to me he meant what he said there's going to be a wedding I can see as that little church house is decked out in white they got bells ringing they're pelting each other with rise mother-in-laws our bodies slamming each other I mean there's the wedding they say sir I Do's they have their first kiss then they have the honeymoon God blesses that Union and nine months later there's a cry in the background all the old ladies are the church get together and they come in Ruth's nursery they look at that baby and they say Ruth you got a name Ruth said I'm still struggling I'm looking for one that you know we got you want I know it's gonna name that baby cause of where you're from and what you were and what Boaz did for you there's only one thing we can call that we're gonna call that maybe old bad we're gonna call him praise we're gonna call him worship we're gonna call him adoration we're gonna call him faithfulness because of what you've done what he's done in your life you've been redeemed now everywhere she goes at the marketplace at the store everywhere she goes that's a testimony to the fact she's been redeemed when they see baby worship and they see baby faithfulness and they see baby adoration everybody in towns gonna know that woman's been redeemed that woman's life has been changed that woman's made new that woman's different she got a new name she got a new nature she got a new family why all because of Redemption Redemption gave it to her Redemption gave her acceptance Redemption gave her her nation Redemption gave her justification Redemption gave her her standing Redemption brought grace to her life redemptions what caused her to praise everywhere she went baby Obed that's why she named him that he said well what's it had to do with us everything now I know most you're born saved I wasn't so just put up with me for a minute there's an in my life where I was wicked in the eyes of God not simply because of what I did but because of who I was I was born a sinner headed for hell lost and undone without God deserving to go to hell how to be there now suffering an eternal fire I was wicked because of sin like the preacher preached on I was wrecked the Bible said the way of a transgressor is hard and I tell you there's no joy in the world there's no fulfillment in the world there's no peace in the world and if here today get lost out to you you might act like you're enjoying it but you're miserable on the inside because the Bible said it's a wrecked life I was one thing I was him think drugs can feel it alcohol couldn't feel it relationships couldn't feel it a praise couldn't feel it popularity couldn't feel it there was a god sized vacuum in my life that only His grace could feel I tell you there's a day I was wicked there was a day as reg there's a day I was one thing they I was wondering I didn't know there was a God who cared about me I didn't know we had a purpose for me I knew nothing of Providence or him directing my steps I just living from the moment not for eternity but thank God I was welcomed when I didn't look for him he was looking for me when I wasn't loving him he was loving me all the good things in my life that was God testified that I a stranger found grace in his eyes every breath I breathe every time my heart beat every bit of food on my table God was being good in my life and I didn't even know who he was yet but thank God for the day I met a soul winner I made a preacher I meant someone to tell me oh you got in the right field all those good things came from the right place you've met the right man let me tell you who he is he came from Bethlehem just like Boaz he's a high priest just like Boaz he's got rise to the throne just like Boaz he's a mighty man and we'll just like Boaz but Boaz is temporal this man's eternal and I heard about Jesus and I heard about Calvary and I heard what can wash away my sin nothing but his blood I heard I can't be redeemed with corruptible things but it took the precious blood of fries and one day I decided I need more than the goodness of God I need God Himself I need more than the blessing I need to bless her and I went to Jesus and I laid down at his feet and I laid down at his finished work and I said she says would you take me I'm nothing and you're everything I've got no name your names above every name I'm poor and you own it all you're righteous and I'm unrighteous your holy and I'm unholy your eternal and I'm temporal you're perfect and I'm a sinner would you take me and Jesus looked on me with love and compassion and with mercy and grace and he said yes I'll take you yes I died for you yes I love you and we hooked up I got hitched to the Redeemer and one day he'll take me to a wedding but in the meantime that unions produce some fruit you say why do you act like that why do you preach like that don't get tired of soul-winning why you always read your Bible I don't ask you why you don't I would I wouldn't want for Christianity either looks terminal not eternal whoa hey man why do you preach like that cuz I'm not going to hell why do you shout like that I'm not going to hell don't you get tired of the standards no I've been redeemed I'm not going to hell what about all these services every day you know I like it I'm not going to hell I wasn't born a saint in st. to find spirit-filled his pitch sound in shining shoes and slicked hair in a paisley tie I was a sinner headed for hell but thank God Jesus died for me and a little bit of Obed cries out in my life every once in a while a little bit of praise and worship and adoration and thankfulness and faithfulness to God because I've been redeemed redeemed from a past redeemed in the present redeemed for the future redeemed from the law redeemed from sin redeemed from judgment redeemed from guilt redeemed from shame woo a man redeemed how I love to proclaimeth redeemed by the blood of the Lamb oh how marvelous oh how wonderful and my soul shall ever be redeemed by love divine glory glory Christ is mine you say why do you act like that but why don't you yeah if I was you I'd quit my bus route it's not like you're going to heaven yeah if I see I wouldn't be a soul winner either it's not like you're gonna go to heaven in fact if I was you I'd get real quiet don't anybody know you saved me and Church don't get too excited about this but you've got a mansion on streets of gold I know it's hard and everything your name is written in the book of life I just don't think it's worth it hello go and leave as long as God lives yeah but but but you're not going to hell been redeemed why you doing why do you run the buses why do you teach the classes why do you sweat and tear up the suits why do you preach on Wednesday night when nobody shows up why your faithful son and Sunday night why do you tithe and support missions why do you love people who hurt you because we've been redeemed why do I do what I do why do you do what you do because we ought to be going to hell but we're going to heaven this is the most Hell who ever experienced and it's pretty good right now a sailor was going across the ocean on board of a ship and he let a man get on board the boat that wasn't supposed to be on the man wasn't a sailor but the man brought his dog with him and as he went across the sea the man and his dog were standing looking over into the water and the dog jumped from his arms into the sea and the mrs. Hale man overboard the sailor came running and said where is he said there and that may say that's a dog that's not a man he said but he's my best friend my only friend you've got to save him he said I'll not go down for a dog that man who could not swim ripped off his own shirt and shoes and threw his body into the water held on to that dog and they mobbed in the sea me you know you wouldn't come down for a dog would you come down for a man and the sailor went into the sea to save the man maybe saved the dog in the process you and I are nothing but dogs lost in sin and God looked at us and said I cannot let you in in your unrighteousness in your sin you cannot enter Heaven but thank God like he said Jesus came to where we were and he did what we couldn't do and he's satisfied he paid for he took care of our debt and now I'm getting him because of Jesus so I reckon it's worth serving him until I see him face to face you said brother Cooper why you do what here it is I wasn't worthy but I wasn't unwanted that's why I worship
Channel: Immanuel Baptist Church
Views: 2,047
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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