Just Say No To The Reptilians and The Greys | Coffee Talk with Kevin

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how you doing this morning everybody good okay so this morning uh I need to talk to you about a couple things cuz especially with Phoenix area there's stuff going on you know that you need to know about I mean what you do know about is enough to make you want to stay in your house so but there there's such a war going on and what the people like like Carrie Lake need yeah I just me mentioned her name because I I've always liked her I pray for her but people like her there's so many people that are really really called to stand up and say something but they need the church to be praying and and um and and cutting the root of these demonic things the Demonic so the Demonic needs to be slapped around and you can't be afraid of these things that's right and how you get rid of fear is you focus on the fact that you're seated you're seated with Christ in the Heavenly Realms thank you there's no mermaid on here that's good all right they really think they're attractive but I I just don't see it you know mermaid I at least I wouldn't have to buy shoes for her you know I'm sorry just getting you laugh because this this is going to be a serious subject but in all your learning get understanding in other words Paul always focused on the spiritual to take care of the physical and Jesus always taught about how to pray with the thought that you have to bring the kingdom and the will of God on the Earth as it is in heaven so this is how you get rid of fear is you're just visiting here this is not your home and eternally you know where your home is and so it makes it a little easier for you to deal with what you have to deal with down here because essentially you're coming into your city and saying there's a new sheriff in town you're you're essentially saying listen you know things are not going to be the same anymore and um just so you know there's there's people in here right now because of Pride you're not even hearing a word I'm saying and I mean it you're good people but there's the body of Christ needs to Humble themselves because there's there's coming a time where you're going to say you know I was warned and I did nothing with it and that's what Jesus said the night before he was crucified he he looked over Jerusalem and he said you you know how I long to gather you together but you wouldn't have it you didn't discern your day of visitation that's what he said and that is the message right now that's what the five-fold is supposed to be preaching on I didn't hear any response I'm going to say it again amen the five the fivefold is supposed to be teaching and preaching and getting the body of Christ ready for the wedding supper and that's what we're our goal is but while we're down here there's people that are are positioned to speak and we need as a church to forbid so that they'll be forbidden because whatever we permit is going to be permitted do you understand that if you want to walk I mean everybody talks about these individual anointings you know and mantel and things like that but see I'm telling you you don't see that in the New Testament you see the corporate you see the body of Christ and uh I I I know what I'm saying but I don't want it to take another 10 years for you to know it's got you got to understand this now if we don't begin to uh to unify and and come together and do this together these evil spirits these entities will not be undercut they will be continue to be able to work through the Kings of Men the leaders so just like right now right now when I said that I just heard a riff on a guitar that I'm going to go home and play and when I when I heard this certain is about six or seven notes it's a riff that I'm going to keep playing and playing and playing I'm going to go I'm going to go home and I'm going write a whole song and then I'm going to play it for you somay a whole song but when I hit when that heard that that sequence of notes on electric guitar the power God hit me and the heavens just open up now I look Jason's right back there there's no guitar up here he doesn't have his guitar he's eating his breakfast right now so but he's a good soundman too you know and he can multitask but there's no guitar but how could God just do that because if you're humble God can do anything he wants with you and he can he can write a song while you're preaching and give you the guitar and all I have is a coffee wow so there's like 14 things going on and every one of them is very important and I can do all of them at the same time and so can you I just don't know why people aren't telling telling these things because I'm thinking about my first leg with Chris to Roswell we're going to Roswell to see the aliens and get some fuel and then go home so I'm thinking about all my speeds I got to do this because I'm in a fighter jet I'm I'm looking at my I'm looking here I'm looking at my text in Ephesians chapter 1 I'm thinking about Kathy's going to get my uniform right now because I just told her I'm thinking about the fact that I got all these speeds I'm going to ask Chris to come up here I'm in fact Chris is going to come up here right now come on Chris and um all these things are going on and I'm fine and I haven't even had breakfast yet so what I'm trying to tell you is is this happened when I went to heaven all my brain got rewired and I can do 14 things at one time and and that's not as an apostle or Prophet Pastor teacher evangelist that that's that's his Kevin but because I went to the other side something happened to me that corrected everything and I'm no longer an idiot I'm no longer a num scull I'm serious why why does God have to say you're going to have to start being early I mean you know when I almost lost my job as Southwest cuz you you know you you can be late once and then the second time it goes in your file the third time it's like bye-bye cuz they had 35,000 other people that would love to be on time so it had to come to that instead of just just show up a half hour early and that's how God is with us we think we're doing everything the way as best we can but is the best Supernatural the best that you can do is it Supernatural best because humility will take you across that line where you can't do it on your own but why have to go to the wall and get up a speeding ticket when you should just go to the speed limit just show up a half hour early every every every time you'll be the only one there because everyone else will be late but at least you'll be like set way above um I asked Chris where's the microphone at um I'm going to be the the name of the message this morning is just say no to the reptilians and the Grays yes and see PE people people are afraid of all these evil entities because the media is entrenched with these evil spirits that have induced fear into you from a child so you're programmed to fear and they give all these images of all these entities in movies and every and you are programmed to be afraid but these things have no power the only way that they have power is because you let them get into your leaders the church let this happen amen so I want to talk I want Chris he had on his fa8 it wasn't just guns and missiles and bombs he had also what we call jamming devices so there's what they call counter measures and he had pods on his aircraft and asked him just to share what he can't cuz can because there's a lot of things that are classified but there are systems on the airplane that will actually Jam signals and and actually hide you and uh where the enemy can't lock in on you or uh there's something I don't know if he can say it I I know stuff that he probably can't talk about but you can actually take a signal and offset it by 20 mil and the enemy thinks you're in another spot that you're not and um that's what I'm going to talk about this morning but I want you to hear it from a technical point of view on because he was in uh you know in situations where he was doing Patrols in Middle East and things like that go ahead Chris yeah sure give give him a hand thank you thank you so I'm going to relate our tactical envir tactical environment as Believers to a tactical environment in a fighter cockit and it could be a tackle environment of a patrol and a jungle bunch of folks carrying rifle too but we we exist we have to have the mindset of existing in a tactical High threat environment and so in a fighter cockpit in that high threat environment you've got tools you've got systems high-tech low Tech um that help you maintain your situational awareness of what's going on and then when things happen you have defensive systems and offensive systems Kevin's mentioning the counter measures which would be in a defensive system but if you get in a defensive situation you got a couple choices you can bug out which everybody knows what that phrase means from Top Gun one you can bug out and avoid further problems or you can turn offensive and so in an F-18 you have instrument you have a radar of course you've got a radar warning receiver which tells you when somebody else is lighting you up with their radar and not just lighting you up but if they're tracking you and they can Target you you've got infrared and Optical sensors all these different things and you have the countermeasures pods which can be active or passive extra pods you can carry for certain missions that are missionized to only take if you needed them uh and they can sense what's going on they can be passive and just kind of listen to what the enem is doing and trying to find you or they can do what Kevin's talking about they can jam they can make that enemy think you're someplace else you can kick off little decoys out of your airplane that can make a missile go and track it whether it's infrared or an electronic digital kind of a a decoy you can kick out stuff called chaff which is like it sounds like just wheat and chaff it's just little particles of tin foil basically to make the enemy Radars go after it so you have all these different tools and then if you need to go offensive you've got a gun and you've got bombs and you've got missiles and all these great things and so the situational awareness piece all these things and the training that you do before you get in the cockpit equips you to be able to act and that's what these Spirit schools are all about and all the YouTube and and Warrior notes fellowships and the school and everything else is to equip the body of Christ to maintain situational awareness and not just awareness but the ability to take immediate action offensive and defensive in any situation and so with all those tools I just talked about you think about biblical references and even just a handful can show the power that we have you think about Ephesians 6 right brush plate helmet Shield a lot of defensive stuff and then we have the sword of the spirit right here which can be defensive and offensive right a sword you can use to block you can also use it to penetrate and cut like Hebrews 4 living and active uh and we know that the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal they are right here and it gets us to the point where I also want to bring up one of the favorite things from uh from these uh weekends I spent with the team the small smooth Goliath forehead siiz Stone right that's why we have these things and the one I got in Texas Arcana was resurrection power so the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us and he is the spirit of power and so with this he gives us these to slay our Giants we have those things that are out there we've been programmed to think that are giants the Grays you name it the globalist puppets in DC they are not Giants and they can be around here they can be in Phoenix wherever you or I live but we have the weapons needed to slay them about what you wanted that was you don't need that thing well there you have it okay so the the the message the message that I have this morning from the Lord is that through humility we receive the resurrection power we don't receive anything in Pride because God resists the proud so that word word resist if you look at up it means to push back it's like when you resist an officer when you resist arrest you push back God pushes back on you you're not going to hear this in church cuz you know unless they took the offering already which is why they get the offering first because the offense is coming you know if it's a good message anyway I mean I want to be offended if I need to be offended it's better than being disciplined it's better to hear the word than then judge yourself okay so anyway um I heard I heard uh the Lord saying this word about how he is resisting some of you because of Pride and um you are caught up in a preconceived idea of who you are what what God has for you and it's all messed up and um I essentially want to take it out to the Woodshed and shoot it I do if there's any students here that are in Pride you know I can fix that in fact you could actually fix that by a prayer cuz God will answer that prayer how many in here feel like God doesn't answer their prayers because I can give you one prayer humble me Lord and I guarantee you before you leave this place you'll be humbled um God will answer that prayer right away if you if you just need to build your confidence up about answer prayer then ask God to Humble you but please uh let warn all of us cuz we're going to put orange cones around you and and police tape and you're not going to get near my near my airplane either until it's over anyway I'm telling you this because all of us um all of us need a strong word and it we of course we're injured we we we're going through a lot we've had a lot of loss a lot of disappointment things like that and yes we need we need a hug we need to be padded on the back but you got to remember that your enemy wants to kill you and and um you know if you look and you read the books and I don't want to mention these names cuz I don't want to give many credit but it's what one of the you know Mega pastors says that he he put a book out if you he said if you want to have your church grow then you you don't mention the blood you don't mention hell you take the cross down you you take everything down that's offensive and you'll build your church he gave the 10 reasons okay so if you if you write a book like that which he has then you're asked by a former president to marry Islam and Christian Christianity right and now you know who I'm talking about so he gets put on the board and he's like right there by you know so if you want to compromise and stay where you you're at then that's that's where we know where where you'll be well you always be there I won't need another longitude and latitude GPS you're just going to be right there in that quar it for the rest of your life but that's that's not what the spirit's doing the spirit's always wanting to move and he's looking for people that are humble so that they can be placed in a in a default position like you would be the last on the list but God blew through all the ones that were qualified and now you are it you become qualified because you didn't even think you deserved it and you go right to the top of the list and that's the end of my message no just kidding all of us all of us need to be in resurrection power but there's no way that the resurrection power is going to work if you think you can do it yourself amen it's only when you're weak or you made strong Paul want he gloried in his weakness because then he was made Strong by the power of God he didn't experience the power of God unless he was weak and so we're we're taught in Christian circles as well as in the world puffed up to get into a positive frame of mind and say all the right things and inside we're crying and we're lonely and we're being abused we're in terrible situations where we're being abused and and no one wants to say anything and so I'm writing a book I'm not going to give you the title because all the ministers are watching will steal it so but I'm writing a book on that all of us need to get to a place where the power of God starts to demonstrate through us and this whole SI this whole as long as I've been alive what I've seen is is people in the soul building us up and giving us words that everything is okay you're going to make it and I'm like Yellen no no tell them the truth they're a nums skull no in other words I'm I'm skull because I don't listen to the spirit sometimes but I'm getting better and I figure by the last time I day I'm here on Earth I'm going to I'm going to nail it how many ministers will say that that they're a numb skull will turn themselves in see the demons don't have any way of using me talking to me influencing me in any way if I'm humble that's right they only look for a way to build a nest they have to have a place to to to to live in my mind right they they can't inhabit my spirit they don't want to trust me they don't want to be anywhere near the holy spirit it's just that the Realms are different everything in the spirit is different shape so my spirit my spirit is big enough to fill most of this room my spirit so if the Holy Spirit comes into my spirit and it bursts that you feel these waves that's because I'm a lot bigger than you than you see which makes me feel better you think this is big you you should see but that's what you want you want your spirit to grow and become the domain so that's why some people that lived they had Dominion where they influenced whole cities because they allowed their Spirit to grow and it jams the enemy that's why I had Chris speak I call I called him and I said you know you got 3 Minutes to study you know no I didn't even give I gave him a couple minutes I said can you just share a little bit about about your your equipment CU I know it but it's really cool to have somebody that you know I I can read and study but this guy uses them you know and how the how the evil spirits in the spirit what I saw was is that if you as parents get get your that you get on the track with what the way you're supposed to do but then you get your children on track and you get them it becomes the your spirit your spirit and the Holy Spirit transfer to your children and then they become amplifiers they become speakers in your house and that's what happens in in the church then and then you your family you get your family right and then you go to church and then if you have other families come and they're like that it starts this this thing that the the Devils start crying and they they'll aim everything at your church at your fellowship your prayer meeting any they will try to divide you they'll try to make you feel more important they'll they'll they'll do all this stuff they'll get you critical just get you divided and then everybody everybody that's sitting thinks they can do better than the person that's speaking amen hen and that's what I tell I tell people I tell people wa why don't you just make your own YouTube channel and criticize yourself you can comment you can comment on yourself no no think about it I have never even thought of going to someone else's Channel and and and and slamming them Ive never I never go to a witches you know all the witches and warlocks that that make comments I would never even I don't have that much time why would I go and and and comment on a witch like they're saying you know that that Satan's their God I I you know I don't even like say no he's not I don't even I don't even go there I don't want them to even show in the algorithms that I was there I would never think of criticizing but what I do think is that if Paul I'm going to read this to you if Paul says this is the way the church should be and this is the five-fold and this is the gifts of spirit and this is where everything fits in and you look at the priorities which is first of all the preaching of the word of God and then prayer the preaching of the word in prayer will drive out Devils heal the sick raise the dead and preach the Year of Jubilee so what's left but then what we do is just like what the Jewish people did God I mean I can count Moses had 10 commandments it turned into 613 so all of a sudden we add all this stuff and I'm like well where is that in the Bible and where's the gift of criticism in the Bible so what happens is is I I know where I'm going with this you actually end up jamming your fellow Christian you end up jamming them by being critical when you speak against someone you're you're you're sending out a signal and it's they can their little their precious little heart can feel that you should be speaking life over them now I'm not talking about people that have false Doctrine which a lot of people do Paul did address that that's not being critical I don't think I think that that's being that's being what what we're we're called to do uh I I think that if Paul said that if someone's going to come up here and prophesy I think they should be willing to have a thumbs down and and be told to sit down and shut up because that's what that's what he told the Corinthian Church I mean so you wouldn't have a lot of this wild stuff this being said if every one of us had to judge it yeah you know and do a th heads you know head off with the head you know off with the head you know whatever no and that's what they did in isua Street no one no one was chosen for the speaker they just they got together and the Holy Spirit was praying and I I've read all these journals and I know where we're going at Warrior notes that's why I'm keeping it the way I am because I know I'm not letting down what I know the Excellence is the spirit wants to move but let him choose who's going to do the speaking let him do choose what who's what the order of the service if we're going to do music or not do music if we're going to do prayer or not do prayer whatever it is but if we're if someone's going to come up here and and prophesy they have to be willing to be wrong I mean cuz all of us have us have the holy spirit inside of us too and that's what Paul was saying so with the the holy spirit inside of us what is the holy spirit saying to an individual so you just don't incarcerate somebody because they they did something wrong but the love of God reaches out to people to bring correction but the correction is so everybody's on the same page and in line with the holy spirit it's not to be in line with the leader necessarily except in my case with me the Lord tells me this is what you're going to do and this is how you're going to do it which most ministers run off and just do it and they don't listen to the how and then it doesn't work but it was it was God but it was the mode was wrong and he also says don't include this person but pick this person this person and this person and this is all biblical CU this is what Jesus did he didn't take all 12 to the mountain he only took Peter James and John if you look Peter James and John did more for the body of Christ than any of the other three but if you notice it was to the degree of his operation in faith that how many people he brought with him sometimes when he was raising the dead he didn't take any of the numb skulls with him I'm I'm telling you this and they would all testify they wouldn't be mad I called him a num skull because they they know they were they there are times where Jesus cleared the whole room out that was because of unbelief there are times where Peter James and John needed to be there for what was going to come after he left does everybody understand that but he God chooses the people that are be involved and the mode not just thus say the Lord do this build a church or do this you know go to this city do this you I never move when he speaks to me when he speaks to me I don't even move I don't say a word I just go like this and I wait for the next sentence which I learned that most ministers don't most of us Christians don't is he wants to tell us the how and the who why because of unbelief there's a mode so for me it's Aviation he said take your titles off and just be Kevin and then just be Captain Kevin don't be an apostle or Prophet Pastor teacher evangelist just be Kevin Captain Kevin Aviation the people are going to come the kids are going to drag their parents the parents are going to get saved it happens it happens the kids drag their parents here and they get the parents get saved in our meetings they do it's already happened sitting in the back row don't even know what I'm talking about but the kids want to fly the simulator so we we've asked them so how do you know Warrior Nots how do you know Kevin he goes I don't know anything about it he say my kids said they wanted to fly with Captain Kevin you know so the guy answered the older call so that's the mode so it's not a fire tunnel or laying on a hands or a prophecy it's airplanes then there's Warrior chef and Warrior uh uh you know whatever we call Warrior this this the safety we have the safety we have the guns we have the you know every all that all the different modes the in the fall we're going to have room cleaning you know and dishwashing Warrior mechanics the mode but if you if you allow Satan to enter into your thought process the soul energy is very significant because that's how the witches work the witches work in the soul realm to bring curses on you to BR to push on you feelings and thoughts so that the human Spirit begins to side with that and once you think you are that you're not then you start to act like that and then you attract people to you that you don't want attracted to you and you end up marrying them you end up uh going to church with them is this too much true okay so you've been ministered to in your soul for the last several years and you called it spiritual and it was just it was just preparing you to be deceived and then the church became in enable in enabled to help you when if you were Discerning spiritually you would have been going towards the root of the problem from the beginning and would have prevented it but but we're now we're in this situation and so what you have to do is you have to say okay there's hierarchy they're not on other planets they're they're in in the earth and so you're going to know this one day if you're here I don't plan on being here but if stuff starts coming out of the the pit and they look really weird you're going to think of Elon Musk you're going to think of all kinds of stuff is going on and you're going to say oh my God they they try to tell me when stuff starts coming out of the caverns and holes in the ground you're going to realize that those things were down there the whole time wow now why isn't why isn't churches all over this Valley teaching on this stuff because this is part of the next thing so I don't want any anything to catch anybody by surprise anymore because we saw what happened we weren't prepared spiritually to discern what was really going on we could have known ahead of time and I try to warn but I thought the best thing to do is I'll just start all the programs and we'll get to homeschooling we'll get the fellowship so that people can meet in their homes because they're going to be uh prevented from meeting uh together and not going to be allowed to sing and have Christmas dinner together you know like in California so you have you have God wanting to prevent preventively use Ministries to do that but how many people really followed that so it was a solution before it happened the school online it was all digital homeschooling Warrior fellowships prayer Bible study hugs food go home you know 1 hour you don't even have to play Kumbaya just just love on people just basic people just need a Lifeline for for the week they're not getting in a church so that's what it was all for okay so the next step though is shock and awe so what happens is is they they purposely leak information and a lot of these whistleblowers are designed they're already they're they're they're on staff with these intelligence agencies to control what has leaked out control it and curve it to their to their benefit now what they want is they want to release it all at one time and then expose the threat but it's a fake threat because they didn't come from out there they came from here they've always been down here it's called hell you don't want to go there if you have a ticket there please cancel it don't don't allow yourself to be robbed of this life I need you but I need all of you I don't need your money I need you I need need you to click over and allow the spirit of God through humility to resurrect you and place you at the right hand of God because it says we're seated at the right hand of God With Jesus Christ we're already there but the church is not teaching on that wouldn't you all agree that the focus is really not the cross even though it is for salvation and everything but that like brother Hagen said in class he goes he goes have you ever run into these cross Christians all it's a cross the cross the cross there's no Resurrection there's no anything else it's just the cross he says and then they're cross with everybody they're always in a bad mood cuz Jesus is still on the cross but he's not he's seated and he made a place for us and it's not about positive thinking so for me to to have a meeting for an hour a service and have five of them a day it's the same sermon every five services in the morning and you have 20,000 people 10,000 people and then another 20,000 people and then maybe 5,000 for the last service if I'm saying the same thing and I'm saying that God loves you but I'm not in any way equipping you then all I'm doing is allowing you to live another week in a in a neutral place because you feel good and you're encouraged but you have you have no weapons because God loves everybody right he loves people in hell but love is more than what we have been told love is the word no so if the whole church says no Then it cuts off the spiritual power of the enemy in those it's intertwined with then what happens is people wake up and they don't have the ability they had yesterday and so they start to Flander and they can't make full sentences and they can't walk upstairs they can't ride a bicycle but they Mumble ice cream see your prayers are working but there the powers are in those around that the other people so Satan just uses people and then he just throws them away and that's what you're going to see happen but you have to stop it by joining you cannot take these the the higher level the the serp the serpents the serpent type genetics the the lizards The Reptilian the leadership that is in the Earth you you have to come against that by the by the whole body so for for example the the people that I know that pass all the FBI lie detector tests six times the logging crew that was up in Snowflake I mean I know some of those people when they tell their story to me I I look in their eyes and they are not lying but some of the things they've told me they don't talk about anymore and it's not in the movie it's not in the book and I'm like okay so what happened to all this well it just didn't it didn't fit in the script for the movie and I'm like no were you told not to write this I can go through a whole bunch of individuals that I know that this has happened to I I know more than they're telling Congress and I'm a flight attendant at the time so what happened one of the things is is that even what you think of you see those those the the image of the gray the gray alien thing well what really happened in a struggle with one of them the person it shows that that was a helmet that they actually look more human with reptilian skin but humanoid they're they're hybrids they mixed it in a lab come on now okay so it's not from another planet and they don't even look like you think they look so who's in charge of that so this is the things that I've never talked about before I probably never will again but you thank you thank you for coming but this is the thing that we're dealing with we're dealing with the Book of Revelation these things are going to come out of the earth they didn't come on spaceships these are inter interdimensional beings and those who who have enough sodium penthol in their system when I ask them will tell me the truth no matter what agency they work for they will tell me the truth and that is they're interdimensional they're not coming from far away they're coming from below your house and they're waiting for a certain time to come up on the earth and God's not letting them be exposed yet but what are we wrestling against well not flesh and blood right but there's different hierarchies that are listed there what are they afraid of what's interesting is is is I've done the research and I've asked these people they said for some reason these things don't bother Christians unless they're living in sin one of them that got abducted was living with their boyfriend but for the most part there's no Born Again Christians having this stuff happen but they've seen them but they they can't touch them they hate the name of Jesus this is in like documents they don't want you to mention Jesus some of them won't come near you if you have a cross on and for some reason they don't like ammonia either I guess it's like it's kind of funny cuz of the sulfur that Sodom and Gomorrah encountered is a is a is type of ammonia Amon doing this so that I can get into the word of God and show you that the narrative you've been fed is false and that what the word of God says is true but I have to tell you all this information because it's going to present it to you to show you that we're being invaded and that we need to come into an agreement with them because we cannot fight them because what I have what the people I have talked to if I've mentioned their names some of them have disappeared appeared but some of them developed weapons they were developing weapons because they were trying to stop these things from coming into our airspace and they couldn't stop them and the person that I know was very high ranked in the Air Force he said we had developed weapons that were so fast off off of an F-15 that he said but when we would go to push our thumb to push the the button to release the missile or the L it was a laser but I can't say that but he said as soon as their thumb would go to press it the object would slide out of range when they would turn the radar it would slide out of the Radar's range exactly and sit right on the border of it and then he' move it again they move the airplane and move the it would keep sliding to outside the Missile Range outside of the radar range or it would slide so the missile would never hit it was intuitive so how how is that that has to be paranormal Supernatural not you know but it's highly technical too so that's why even now in Congress you hear these guys with like with Chris and Chris doesn't know those individuals uh personally but he knows of them and they're of good report but they said the same thing in an interview you ought to look up these guys see they said when there when they were given instructions to to go report to a certain coordinate it was given like by the ship at the last minute and as the guy went to tell the pilots to report to these coordinates the craft that they were chasing slid right 60 Mi away to that point before he could even say it the thing was waiting for them and this is all you can watch these videos so it's just not Hardware there's something else going on and all the intelligence agents that are here are getting nervous so I'll just stop you know but the bottom line is this as Christians we operate at a higher level but we need to understand and this is what the message is this morning is that we don't need to be jamming each other we we need to be jamming the enemy and we Jam the enemy automatically when we just go ahead and let God synchronize our hearts our spirit with his spirit and then our soul explodes with that power of Revelation and understanding and love and love causes things to lose its grip on people and that's what I saw I saw this at work all the time as soon as I would approach certain people they would get very uptight and nervous and they would start insulting and saying things to reject me I I they I had said a word yet and the more I would talk they're like they would they were trying to get me away from them by doing in saying things and what I saw after years is that I started to see as I just stayed in there with the person said well how's your daughter you know you know is she is she still in dance school and all a sudden you see her the the the person soften and then all a sudden you're talking to her now or him and their face changes and they let down and they said you know I said well you know do you do you need anything I mean CU I know somebody has a dance school or whatever and um you know I just want you to know I pray for you all the time I just don't I don't fly with you I don't see you and all of a sudden she starts crying and I saw a demon just slide right off of her because of the love it couldn't keep its grip anymore it I literally saw was like got oily and the demons like mad and then I started realizing this happening all the time with people they you're you're disarming them the demon can't function and it loses a grip so it has to leave and then it'll come back but if you get them saved and then you educate them in this disciple them then they know how to resist that thing does everybody understand that I just summed up the whole church assignment for for this for the next thousand years you know or the Thousand we we are in now is that the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal but they're Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and it says taking into captivity every thought it doesn't say uh wrestling with a demon in the aisle it says taking into captivity every thought so that's the mental realm but you're thinking that you're like doing some kind of spiritual warfare and that's what we talk about spiritual warfare but in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 if you really read that Paul is is reflecting back on Galatians where it talks about the the the the the fruit of the flesh the manifestations of the flesh which is one of them's witchcraft I thought that was spiritual do you get you see where I'm going do you or know please nod your head okay witchcraft is a work of the flesh okay a work of the flesh means that there's a manifestation if there's no manifestation is it a work of the flesh no it's just a thought and you can take that captive so what we need to be taught about is is that we cannot allow the thought to become part of us to where it starts to manifest how it starts to manifest is you consider the thought and your brain once you consider it everybody if you've ever listened to me this whole weekend listen right now I'm trying to save your life here if you consider that thought if you think you're ugly if you think somebody's talking about you or somebody's against you and you consider that I guarantee you your mind does not have a a yes or a no designation it just thinks everything is correct because you thought it and if you agree with it in your soul it will start making it come to pass so if you if you if you see something scary and you you you let your mind go it starts producing chemicals it first it's electrical signal that goes to all of your glands to produce chemicals to dump it into your body to make that a reality so it's longer no longer imagination so if you see an image and you image it it causes your brain to say okay this is what he wants but it's not what you want you've been hijacked I want this preached this morning all over the world because this is the Warfare is is what about just no what about just hitting your jamming pod and turning on the signal and just jamming the enemy well how you do that is you walk in love every morning when I wake up I tell the Lord I'm not going to be right today but you are and um I'm I'm I'm open I'm going to stay alive today this is what I'm finding out in aviation humble Pilots stay alive longer yes that's right right right I me you think about it I I I'm getting my rating to fly fly by myself but why would I want to do that when I have the best instructors in the world I'm always learning from them that's right and I asked one of them he's like the top he says every flight Kevin I still learned something he's he's getting an award with the FAA the the rght brothers award 50 years of Aviation is the guy that got me my ratings Lou gave me my first rating in the Phenom and then Sven and Cal and everybody else helped too as well but Lou is the one that said if you give me your yes I will make you a captain it'll only take 200 hours I go only 200 hours he said I'll do it if if it's your it's going to cost you everything you have every not MoneyWise but yeah I did but you know um time commitment he said if you just stay close to me and you do everything I tell you he said you'll be a captain and so I did everything he told me to do I studied all the time and when I went to school they said I was the lowest Captain ever the lowest Time Captain ever now there were Southwest Airlines Pilots that had retired in my class that failed but it was because I studied and I had Lou and he gave me all the answers I only studied the answers thousands of them wow that's right so can you draw what I'm trying to say this is the message to the church this morning is is that what the Holy Spirit wants to do for every one of us he wants to just give us the answers a straight path he wants us to to jam the enemy he doesn't want us to consider anything that he says but we're really need to not allow our emotions to be tapped into by thoughts so that our brain produces a signal and then you start to feel these things before you know it you're mad at somebody and they haven't done anything wrong yet and I mean I've had it happen I've had it happen so many times especially at work I was flying with somebody I go what is with you man and they're like I don't know I'm just mad at you and I'm like why are you mad at me I'm not even married to you and this is what she said well I had a dream last night and I had a dream last night and you said something to me and I'm mad at you and I'm like okay that's not the Kevin that's here can you believe that yes you many times that has that ever happened to you where you've like asked somebody like what's going on with you and then they think about they're like well I had a bad dream and I'm like and you were in it and you you ate my sprinkle donut that you the only sprinkle donut left you know in the box or whatever it changed their whole mindset over something that just okay do you understand that yes you laugh at that but that's exactly what happens to you all the time all right 15es minutes let's see here okay Ephesians chapter 1 I'm going to start with uh chap with verse three you you don't have to look it up just listen very carefully okay I'm going to read it really slow so you can get it and and remember that this is God's perfect plan for you and um you you know I would rather be corrected than be encouraged to stay where I'm at and I feel like that's what happens with messages a lot of times is we we get prophecies we get you know hands laid on us we need we get these messages you know that are preached and they're just feel-good messages and they they they help you for the moment but it does not the the the the the degree and the level of warfare these days you need to be fortified with the word of God in a higher manner you need to be able to operate and say no I'm going to live and not die you in other words you don't agree with the narrative I've had pain come in my body like it was like my kidney or you know that kind of thing like or a heart thing I oh no and it just goes away I mean just as fast as it came it went away I'm like interesting it's like uh I feel like stuff happens in your body and in your mind to see if you'll buy into it no I'm not saying if you're losing a quart of blood an hour you know you should go to the you know that that's that's not what I'm talking about and you know like Chris Chris says like if if we lose an engine below a couple thousand feet you know if there's no if there's no airfi we're just going to put it in you know on a road or in a grass and there's no time for a relight or anything like that we're just we're going to put it in we're going to you know and we talk about this stuff but you can't make something happen that's not there you know not what I'm saying is is that it everything is preventative and um what I found out when I got my Airline transport uh certificate which is the highest thing you can get I found out that every accident 98% of every accident is prevented in the briefing room before the flight 2 hours before takeoff 98% so what about you you can prevent most 98% in prayer on your knees before right you know something else is interesting there there's you know all these arguments this is just a side Journey there's a lot of arguments about the Trinity about tongues or no tongues to tithe not to tithe you know eternal security pre poost mid you know there's all these things in a thousand years from now none of that's going to matter but you know what's interesting is one of them is drinking you know now you talk to people that got delivered like my wife got delivered from alcohol I mean there's no alcohol within like 10 miles of our house let alone be in our house and there's a good reason for that but thank God I just I that's just it's not one of my things you know anyway but you know what's interesting is is they told us in our course that I had to take with the government they said if you drink a beer you are illegal if you get if you get tested while you're flying within 3 hours you are illegal you're going to jail 3 hours if you drink a beer now it has like I mean there's more there's more alcohol in rubbing alcohol than there is in a beer but it's interesting that you they will arrest you and take you away if you get on an airplane to take people with take people somewhere within 3 hours just a beer it's it's an illegal amount in your blood does everybody understand that okay so you're not allowed to fly I'm not allowed to fly you on an airplane for 3 hours but I'm allowed to drink and get in the pulpit and preach a message to you do you trust somebody to preach the right message if they've been drinking okay you won't trust them to fly you I mean the government won't but you can get in a Pulpit after a beer I'm only making a point I'm not trying to cause World War II here what I'm trying to show you is is that Satan is using a lot of things against each other when logic even when when even my company even when the FAA is smarter do you do you really trust yourself do you trust others that are not at their best so just eat mushrooms from the forest you know no I'm just kidding it's hilarious well God made them God made marijuana yeah he made poison ivy so why don't you smoke that you know [Applause] roll it up man roll it up okay every spiritual blessing every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly realm in the Heavenly Realms that's where where everything's going on that's the real world has already been lavished thrown poured out on us as a love gift it's a love gift that's right everything that we need has been pull from the Heavenly realm has already been poured out upon us so why are you trying to be better why are you trying to be good why you trying to why are you trying to get God to do something for you that you've all he's already done okay see the manifestation of it will cause you to walk right you know I won't have to say don't do this and that's my favorite thing is when I I don't have to tell tell people hey there's a boundary here the spirit has these boundaries but you can tell by the intensity of the spirit in a person's life on because you'll they'll they'll discern the boundaries you don't do certain things you don't say certain things it's a the spirit doesn't allow you to cross these lines as you walk with him you don't infringe upon other people you don't do certain things because there's weak Faith out there whatever happened to what Paul said if someone in weaken faith says that meat has coties in it cuz it was offered to a demon he says you who are in in in great faith has to pull that meat off it doesn't bother you he said it's been set apart by prayer and the word but because of that person's weak Faith you pull the meat and you go to Chick-fil-A and you get chicken but in Corinth all that all that meat was sacrificed all those animals were sacrificed to pagan gods and then it was half price at the market so most of the Christians could afford that but he's saying if somebody weaken faith says that has coties in it it has demons in it it was offered to a demon that's where their faith is they don't understand that you can lay hands on it and it's set apart for God okay so love does that for the weak in faith he said this been lavished on us a gift of love by our wonderful Heavenly Father the father of our Lord Jesus Christ so here's another one Paul says that Jesus has a father he says it's the the heavenly father the father of our Lord Jesus Christ okay so who who who's inside of you Holy Spirit right okay do the math father son Holy Spirit no more arguments about the Trinity Paul says that God himself is Jesus's father put that in your pipe and smoke it all right so because he sees us wrapped up in Christ this is why we celebrate him with all our hearts now listen to this he chose us not you us poor sorry you're not as important as you thought he chose us all of us to be his very own by joining to himself even as he laid the foundation of the universe so he already has joined us to himself before he laid the foundations of the world and I know this when I was on the other side because I'm as close to God as I'm ever going to get I'm not trying to get closer to God I'm trying to get like him I'm trying to be like him but I'm not getting any closer I can't handle it now and and when this day comes where you can't handle him and Cathy's seen this happen in our house God God hit me both of us were on the floor I said Lord I said Lord you're too much but don't stop and the power of God was so strong and we're we're like I can't take it anymore but don't stop the power of God was so strong we're on the floor No cameras no offering plates nothing man even the Cockroaches left and and we're laying on the ground and we're like it was too much I couldn't take it anymore but I said but don't stop it's it hurts so good you know the power of God but your flesh can only take so much of that but I will know it in your life when I start to see you at that line where you're riding the wave of Lord no more but please don't stop because at that point that is when we realize that he chose us before the foundations of the universe and that we're in him and he's in us there is nothing closer because of his great love he ordained us so you're ordained that we would be seen would be seen as holy so he sees us as holy in his eyes with unstained innocence that is the truth right now so if you feel anything else it's absolutely not true thus the Demonic thus the jamming devices so you know the little Grays you know you got to realize those things are worker bees the little demons they're worker bees you want to go after the big things but you want to do it together as a body of Christ you want to be sent to take them out amen amen okay verse 5 and six says for it was always his perfect plan to adopt us as his Delightful Children as his Delightful Children so we're adopted and we're delightful you got to tell yourself that and tell God that but this through the union of Jesus Christ the anointed one so he's the anointed one you're not and so that his tremendous love Cascades over us would glorify his grace for the same love he has for his beloved one Jesus he has for us and this unfolding plan brings him great pleasure see the unfolding plan brings him great pleasure because he already did this is this too much you know if your brain isn't clicking right now and frying I haven't done done my job because the the reason I preach and I preach sometimes longer is I have to hear the sizzling of your brain I really do I have to get you past the limitations that have been placed on you by your crazy relatives and your crazy friends and your crazy churches that you've gone to not every church is crazy not every pastor's crazy but the bottom line is is that we have accepted the fact that we don't meet the requirements that God has and that is absolutely right but Jesus has that's right so it's better to turn yourself in and stay humble and stay in his grace and allow that anointing to propel you his anointing and I'm I'm sorry to say that you have already been anointed and set apart all of us have but I'm not waiting for a mantle to come on me to minister I'm not waiting for the anointing to come on me to minister because if we're sent and we have the anointed one within us then he is doing the ministry through us that's what Paul said he said it's as though Jesus has hijacked my body and is doing his ministry through me that's what Paul said and he was a super apostle so think about the foundation of the universe being laid and think about the fact before God did that he had your name he had your book and he had already placed you in his plan and he's unfolding that plan now already had you on the adoption list already sees you as holy and accepted in him this is how you're going to unleash and unat yourself from the from these these entities you know like right now as I said I was looking I was looking at this this man right here and I saw those you know these you've seen these reptilian type of of entities I've seen them they were in art art in the ancient Samaria they the anoi I just saw one hit the table in hell and he said we just lost them we just lost we just lost them CU if the body of Christ starts to see that this was already laid and that I'm not I'm not going to like rest on my own Laurels my own anointing my own my own understanding I'm not going to I don't I don't sit and stare at my books I don't stare at my driveway I don't stare at The Hanger I stare at my wife but I don't stare at things because those things can be taken away tomorrow but the one thing that can't be taken away is what I just read you it can never be taken away it's already established okay well I'll finish with this Kathy and I were we lived in Desert Ridge don't go up to our house the guy will be upset but I was in the backyard it was 10:00 a.m. reading my Bible sitting on a chair and you know at this time of year until that time there's usually a thin layer of haze about 17 16 17,000 ft that's over the city you know it just burns off nothing lives past 10:00 in the morning you know and and everything alive goes inside you know that's why I love going out shopping and going places you know you have the whole city to yourself you know I remember thinking it was a typo at midnight I was coming back from the gym and it said 112 I forgot it was 122 was a high you know that day so anyway I heard there's this uh departure that we fly out of Sky Harbor and you take off to the East and then you have to turn and you're a you're climbing the whole way and depending upon the performance of your aircraft our aircraft for Southwest you were you know with the with a this the older airplanes which was like it was a 737 designated about a 200 um that performance was you only get to 15 or 16,000 ft by the time you came over our house cuz you went out towards Superstition and turned and then you did the the departure the needles five departure you just went up and that airplane particular airplane doesn't climb as as fast they called it a herbosa surus but um I heard that you know I can tell that it was a 200 cuz it's loud it's really loud and it's it's a different type of engine it doesn't have a high bypass and all that stuff but anyway um it was a Delta airplane but it was a 200 73700 and I saw that and so I knew you know that they were at about 280 knots and they're at at about 16,000 ft you know just because we do that every day on our way to Las Vegas you know from Phoenix and that's usually my first leg when I on my schedule and um I went back to to to looking at my Bible and I noticed I thought there was something bright behind the airplane and and so I looked up again and there's this large metal ball it was about the same size as the airplane like the airplane could fit inside of it almost perfectly but it was it was a very shiny round metal ball and it was glowing and I don't know if any of you have ever lit off magnesium but if you like magnesium it has like a a bright oh my God you can hardly look at but they use that in chaff and FL flares and stuff like that and we used to do that in in um in a in a science lab and stuff like that I used to put it under the teacher seat and stuff light it no like don't but um I looked up again and this thing is like energized you know it's metal but it's like huge but you know at 280 M an hour you know a round ball is just doesn't farewell because you have a what they call a bow wake you got the air coming and hitting this blunt object and it's got to go somewhere so it hits and then it spreads around tries to go around it but it's really not a really good thing you know if you should see what happens in a in a in a wind tunnel and so it's a cannonball type thing well with a cannonball you're going to hear a lot of cracking because with the air it hits it it's a bow wake it goes out and then it tries to form back see so air in a flow it wants to come back and join if it's separated that's why Wing has an up upper and a lower but the air has to come back and meet and it's speeding up or slowing down according to the way the way the shape of the wing is but this isn't a science class but the bottom line was this is that I'm thinking what I'm seeing is not really is not really possible so are you ready it it was trailing behind the airplane about a separation uh that would be a a little too close but not not bad 10 miles so the only thing was as it went over I could see that there was a field that was coaching the air ahead of it and telling it was coming so it was splitting the air around it before the object got to it it had a feeli and I said you know what we need that for our airplane because there would be no drag I mean it would cost us nothing so the air was being told and it was splitting ahead of it with some sort of field and then which is all possible but they don't want to tell you that so that when it got to the back it's got to come back or it's going to crack and it's going to have this drag it's going to be terrible cuz it separates and it wants to roll and it's really bad for fuel and everything and stability of the of that of that form so what was happening was there was a field that was coaching the air and slowing it down and bringing it back together and was forming like a Comet Tail way back past the object but the object's going almost was 280 knot so it's 300 M hour it did a right angle turn right right above me when I went like this I said you foul Ling Devils Kathy am I making this up no if I had a mic I'd say she say no but my arm came up and out of my mouth I didn't think it I didn't say it the spirit said it through me you foul Lon devils and it did a right angle turn at 300 miles an hour and then stopped and I said go in the name of Jesus it disappears w okay but it's still there because I can see the field the field around it is cloaking it so that that the object doesn't appear my eyes don't receive any light from it so there's no reflection just look this all up because your eye actually has to have a return it that's why with you ever try to take a picture of the stealth fighter when it comes by your camera won't focus on it because it shoots a light out and then it gathers what returns to it and then it forms so it's the same thing with your is that too much okay so I put my arm down and it reappears again I said go in the name of Jesus and it went ploop and it was gone okay that that's that's kind that's fine Kevin that'll get you on sidroth but here's the thing here's the thing I went on the the reporting agencies and other people on the 51 had seen it as well there was no 101 at the or I mean the 202 303 404 whatever it is now you guys but we had 101 across the top there uh Desert Ridge but it wasn't there yet it was it was some dirt road with cows on it but other people saw it now I actually have a film of the same thing I saw some that somebody took of it I have a film of it so in other words it wasn't just Kevin in prayer it wasn't just something for Supernatural it was Hardware that other people saw that don't have spiritual perception possibly okay so why would a metal object obey the name of Jesus you got it okay so why is it that you've heard and I know these people I know people they have had guns drawn on them I've they've they've been shot at the bullet hits right here and goes to the ground they have the bullet the bullet stopped right here and fell to the ground if I named who it was you'd know who it is they're still alive how do you explain that so there is a power that's greater than than than the physic physical Hardware World okay but if these entities are intertwined with this type of thing then that would be the purest deception wouldn't it if we were trying to figure out is this science or is this spiritual what what if we just don't understand the crossover Jesus does he walk through walls after eating Angels would draw swords and 185,000 Assyrian soldiers died with one upset angel that had a flaming Vis invisible sword right Peter's in shackles Angel comes in Click he's not in shackles anymore what kind of key is that okay so I'm telling you this I'm going to the airport now but I want to leave you with this is you got to stay in the spirit about things you got to stay in the word about things you cannot like let people drag you into the science of it I'm only doing this to show you just a small portion of the process to speed it up for you that you don't need to to get involved with all the technical stuff because the bottom line is is that God is a spirit and those who worship Him worship Him in spirit and truth if you want to be promoted the fastest way is down amen that's right that's right stop Imaging yourself as being in a position of leadership start Imaging yourself as seated with him amen and and in that process of that image that image is is that he gave you that place you don't deserve it and but that is full Authority so by the spirit because spirit said this is there's a lot of things that as of a minute ago had access to your home and they no longer have access to your home right so you we we put the blood on your boundaries of your property we put the blood on the boundaries of your of your uh of of your automobiles bicycles whatever your children the blood of Jesus it's the blood of Jesus that's what these entities understand they understand the name of Jesus as I just taught you metal objects responded but it was what was in them stop worrying about and trying to figure these things out because it's just going to get more prevalent anyway the best thing you can do is what I did but add a laugh to it when you see a UFO just start laughing and tell them that's all you have that's it I don't need one of those things I'm serious serous think about it we put Wings on all the Angels they don't need wings I don't need a craft I I don't so these entities are out they've been shut out they don't have a physical body they they want you to do things so they can feel pleasure they want you to sin they want you to do things so that they can feel they want to they want to get in you and then get you to do things they're rebellious so if you start being rebellious towards Authority you can feel you can feel that that's that's a problem you see you can change this nation and the government not leave your house there are people that are assigned to do that in this day but we should be giving them prayer support so let's do it let's do it and and then I let's get out of here you know we we'll come back amen let's stand all right hey thanks for joining me this was fun amen all right now when when we pray it literally shakes the spirit real when we all agree right now and we pray literally stuff is being shaken and you want to take all the fear that Satan has put on your life all the pain and you want to put it back on him you want him to feel pain you want him to feel fear you see they're projecting on you but they're the ones that fill fear I mean their future is really really bad ours is really good by the name of Jesus I break the power of Satan over you right now I break the power of any entity that's working against any of you right now especially those who I see that you got they got claws in your mind I break that power that mental ability you you you have meltdowns in the name of Jesus I break the power of that right now I break the power of every lying devil I silence you in the name of Jesus I break your power by the blood of Jesus Christ father we serve you we humble ourselves before you we will serve no other gods we will not give attention to these entities in any way through media through Hardware any kind of aircraft any kind of Technology Lord we give you the attention we worship you we will not allow these entities to draw attention to themselves and we will not allow anybody in the body of Christ to draw attention to themselves Lord Lord we will will worship you and bring glory to you and the power of the Lord is resting on you right now do you feel it do you feel that that is the power of the coming age it's talked about in Hebrews the powers of the coming age you're feeling right now you are in Dominion all right so let's just say it Joshua 24:15 as for me and my house say it as for me and my house we're going to serve the Lord hallelujah I love you all
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 266,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 35sec (5075 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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