Everything Wrong With Why Did I Say Okie Dokie? In 11 Minutes Or Less

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[Music] names on the walls cliche also the fact that that text interacts with the environment via shadows and ambient occlusion insinuates that the text is actually a decoration inside of stupendium's room maybe he's a big examination fan and keeps the xamination presents text handy just in case they ever need to record a music video there [Music] the top left is overexposed there's no way that hat fits on his head he would look utterly ridiculous wearing that [Music] empty picture frame same for the stupendium logo i guess he just keeps it around when he needs to make a video [Music] why is the computer on nay why is the game even loaded up he just got home is he that addicted to the point where he never closes the game there's some weird flickering happening on certain parts of the menu screen [Music] i'll walk to school with my best friend she's late again the walking without any music is pretty awkward wait a second that walk cycle looks oddly familiar [Music] this run looks familiar too are you just grabbing these out of the recycle bin zam [Music] that flyer she's holding has the exact same image on the back but flipped guessing that's for all those backwards readers out there stupendium's tie isn't even connected to his neck it's kind of just floating there looks like stupendium and the kid from turn it up have the same hairstylist was it you it was you wasn't it there's a floating invisible plane not even sure how that happens also this neighborhood looks a bit empty also also the clouds are too realistic for this style no fan of literature then why are you carrying a book and a pen on you what person who's not a fan of literature carries around literature supplies wow litterer hey careful kiddo your head's about to fall off hey they promised cupcakes so it's a chance that i'll take pork or just girls await me okay i think that i'll stay throughout the video these doors sometimes have glass and other times they don't what's up with that also the color scheme of the building blends too much with the characters i know these colors are the way they are for accuracy but for visual reasons a slight hue shift on the walls could have really helped the characters stand out more so wait did she just need to crawl on the floor super fast to get to the back of the other girls i would love to have seen that yuri's hair clips through her hands [Music] sweet and cute yuri is deep and brooding monica's brains and beauty noisy reflections on the glass more hair clipping pull it together yuri there are solid colored cubes just sitting on the wall there's a festival he's planning i swear i won't leave him hanging so many clubs i guess it's just the five of us sayori's bow clips through her outfit also the outside is a void scene wait do i see [Music] us yuri's shirt cuffs aren't extruded while everyone else's are everyone's legs are clipping through their chairs in this shot cool effect and all but who's flipping the pages natsuki's hair thingy is not pixel perfect i can handle half a pixel but one fourth is just too far [Music] wait a second weren't there shelves in that back closet just a second ago the papers in the back should not emit ambient occlusion because it makes them look more like parts of the wall rather than a flat sheet wait wait wait wasn't there an arm pulling on him just a second ago and how did he teleport from the front of the room to the back also his book is back in his hands again [Music] over-exposed wall again that festival poster on the wall changed since we last saw it did they just swap it out samination totally didn't just forget to swap out the placeholder poster before the rendering [Music] they look so sad and lonely the camera on his feet is too fast and unnecessary they look sad and lonely for the most part but i have no idea what's going on with natsuki's face this does not look sad or lonely the blender void is clearly visible here wait do you guys see that too i just want to bleed this hairless members only why did i say okay okay moving an inch she's either super focused or the animators forgot she existed yuri's eyes change position during the scene switch yep we've gone full matrix oh boy we're getting a mix of pigman rap turn it up and now the matrix i don't know whether to sin or just be confused yes sin [Music] his head is so close to falling off his [Music] a guy with body friends i actually feel bad for the stupendium removing us in since i've gotten a club about time that was a pretty big transition it could have used some more clever [Music] anticipation [Music] looks like he's looking at a picture of cowhide if you're going to focus on what the contents of the book are you should probably actually make it something relevant or accurate wait shouldn't stupendium be concerned about how monica just broke into his room monica's hair clips through her hand i'll come along with just one day but just you try to get away three gorgeous girls beg you to stay the contrast increases a few frames before the camera switches [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait the shelves still aren't there were they seriously there for just that one shot earlier yep she's fine nothing wrong at all just too much caffeine and stiff hair syndrome it's almost festival time could say we're turning it fine the test may seem that calendar is empty just like the black blender void outside the window more hair clipping you know what five cents for all the hair clipping in this video [Music] the mouth glitch happens all throughout this video adding another 5 cents for that [Music] sookie disappeared and yuri switched positions lighting changes midway through the shot this whole sequence has really strong denoising they look so sad and lonely wait a minute what happened to the other like 50 of these chairs stupendium's arm snaps when he grabs her hand this frame exists stupendium is floating in mid-air and there appears to be a lot of wind yet his coattails aren't even moving at all or even hanging down this tree clips through the house that's going to cause some damage flex seal back at school again my only friend monica's my everything my beginning and my end his mouth is low poly need some chapstick wait a second when there are the girls the lighting flickers and becomes dimmer [Music] missing faces on the wall the glow cuts off on sayori's mouth monica sees right through me monica stupendium should be moving on the monitor wait why is there a monitor at all when monica was just talking to a human shouldn't it transition from a person to a monitor the camera is zooming up on the computer while the footage on the computer zooms up as well i thought this was 3d for a second i'm not an ugly guy but i can't understand why she'd be so utterly in love she'd leave a the facial animation is really well done here once and off who keeps a ladder inside their bedroom monica's obsession is ominous to be honest concocting demonic saunas pretty sure that's supposed to be dot c-h-r not dot c-h-a-r it's impossible for stupendium's eyes to reflect monica if the monitor was showing a blue wallpaper i guess you can say she has a crush on him no no come on [Music] he literally pulled out a harmonica out of nowhere what is he thinking a self-aware ai is trying to kill me but at least i've got my trusty harmonica where did the spotlight come from if stupendium was a disney princess i'd let it slide but [Music] of this soon yes she controls the universe looks like it's just a two of us wind coming from space enough said clear texture split in the sky her hair forgets to be dynamic in the scene just the two of us in this classroom in the sky crimes and passions are just fine when enacted the background is so obviously a png there is zero movement and it doesn't even track with the camera [Music] wait this animation takes place in 2015 the game isn't even that old can you drag any slower oh how convenient also his coattail clips through his leg [Music] monica is all-powerful and yet can't even fling a block close to his direction i guess getting god mode doesn't include good aim [Music] okay missed opportunity for the mouse to click quit or credits also you can see monica's body through her mouth in conclusion this video was great the animation was consistent and entertaining the use of different sets keep it interesting and the climax was intense and rewarding to watch the only things holding this video back were some reagan glitches and dull lighting which thankfully had little impact overall but everything else was really well done [Music] oh no no not you two i don't believe this max did you teach him puppy eyes you
Channel: Animation Sins
Views: 2,128,920
Rating: 4.4016504 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft parody, minecraft songs, minecraft animation, funny, funny moments, animation, cinema sins, fnaf music video, fnaf music, fnaf, fnaf minecraft, why did I say okie doki, doki doki, doki doki literature club, doki doki song, zamination
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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