just lucas things
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Channel: haechanzone
Views: 684,139
Rating: 4.9943633 out of 5
Keywords: wayv, wayv moments, wayv funny moments, wayv being, wayv struggling, ten, lucas, yangyang, hendery, kun, winwin, xiaojun, 威神V, WeiShen V, wayv turn back time mv, wayv reaction, nct, nct 127, nct 127 funny moments, nct 127 being, nct 127 reaction, nct 127 edit, nct moments, nct being, nct reaction, nct dream, 엔시티, 엔시티 127, kpop funny moments, wayv awaken the world, wayv turn back time, lucas funny moments, lucas being, wayv lucas, nct lucas, just lucas things, just wayv things
Id: U1RhH847XE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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