Just How Much Faster Is An Un-Restricted E Bike Than A Road Bike?

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it's fair to say e-bikes had a bad rep for being slow and heavy and uh one more came to a grandpa that wants to strap it to their moto but that was true maybe five years ago but if you look around at local bike shops well things have changed and then if we look at this for an example i mean look at e-bikes now that being said though hank well pesky laws and regulations they've got in the way of an e-bike's true potential limiting their maximum speed out on the roads and as a result we don't really know what this thing is capable of yeah but what if we took it from the grass put it on the track de-restricted it made it illegal then can we find out what the e-bike is really capable of ah yeah when it comes to the restrictions for the uk and the european market it's restricted to 25 kilometers per hour and then if you head overseas to the us it's restricted to 20 miles per hour but there is a class called class 3 e-bike category which takes up to 45 kilometers per hour before it gets limited which is why we've come to castle comb a closed circuit motor racing track here in the south west of england and well we have retweet well we tuned it okay okay we've tampered with it we've made it illegal and we have to stress this is illegal not only is it hard to de-restrict an e-bike well you just shouldn't do it let's just not try this at home which is why we've got hank who well he's an ex-professional cyclist and he's got quite a cavalier attitude to life he also crashes quite a bit without any kind of seeming injury to himself and he's going to test this bike push it so it's absolutely limit and see how fast it can go so you guys don't have to yeah and we won't mention the practice run connor had on this e-bike let's not talk about what happened in the car park hank i've got hold of a canyon grail on a gravel bike with a bosch motor in there now this has been taken straight from the supercharged world of e-mountain bikes they tend to have a smaller motor so you can ride within the restrictions with a lighter frame so you have just the right amount of power so you can sail up the climbs whereas this well this gives me 340 percent extra it's got 85 newton meters of torque and when psy wrote it last he said he could barely hold on to the handlebars and as i've just seen from connor well he can't either so it does have small arms doesn't he but what's your excuse then connor anyway we'll leave that one for another time hey yeah i was thinking of excuse couldn't find one but anyway what is going to be the difference between these two bikes because this is a race bikes my old bay it's got stratum etap on it 6.8 kilos and i'm going to be riding it hank you know i've got 350 watt ftp not bad not bad i'll have you know and we've also devised a simple set of tests to compare the two bikes as you're about to explain yeah we're going to start off with a standing start 50 meter sprint now not only is this to warm up your legs my my moto but also to find out just who's got the most torque yeah and after that 50 meter sprint we're going to go straight into our 500 meter flying sprint to find out who's got the best top speed and once we've done that we're going to end with the final showdown now in order to find out really who's the best we thought a race yeah a one lap race winner takes all and uh i'm gonna win this yes i haven't ridden this bike before i don't know what i can give it how much i can give it it's got off-road tires but yet i'm confident don't speed too soon hank i'm feeling competitive today i bet you are right should we roll up to the start line let's do it mate whoa so the horses are in the stable this is our first test the 50 meter standing start test now if i was going to put my money on anyone it would be on me i'm going to chuck it in turbo mode unleashing 85 newton meters of torque and that is on top of the talk i'm bringing it to the party you got no chance mate are you ready i think so right man on take it away three two one it looks like even though i didn't get clipped in properly a few setbacks i still absolutely annihilated you connor yeah i've got a hand it is with uh the acceleration of the light then it was unbelievable it is unbelievable 85 you need to talk and to be honest i reckon i've got that in my legs too anyway now it's the 500 meter test do you reckon you got me this is going to be interesting i think this one's going to be closer right i think i can do it all right let's take it let's take it to the start line okay okay right let's get up the speed gradually we'll ramp it up and then all out soon get to that max speed okay you ready yeah okay you ready three two one oh yes i know on e-bike and i've got an unrestricted motor but i'm still putting in some power and yes it's fair to say right i think i had you there you just disappeared off into the horizon to be honest what kind of speed were you hitting so i managed 48k an hour and we are on a bit of a slope uphill there to the line actually very gradual but still feed it so i hit 60 kilometers per hour in that 500 meter section pretty after that yeah that's pretty decent are you ready for the race the auto showdown can you win this one to take them all mate i think i'm gonna have to use a bit of nice bit of tactics so i'm going to get the best of you all right let's roll up to the final test will the e-bike have a clean sweep we just started to find out connor the ultimate showdown won that 2.9 kilometers out of that race all tactics come into play are you ready i am ready and i have got my tags sorted you're not getting this one easy hank right as soon as we hit the line it's full gas have you ridden the giro i i did i'm not telling you that once because i told you that all right he's got ahead of me already come put on empty dust now here comes the first decade oh god here's the finishing on the e-bike a corvette up ahead i've got enough time to relax get off go to the loo have a stretch i could probably even do i reckon 10 press-ups 100 sit-ups to squat thrusts ah if i can get on your wheel get a bit giraffe maybe i could stick with you but did you try to get on the wheel yeah i did not i hope two chances of getting real no shots and no shots i was trying to sit at like 55 sixth square hour really and that's on there that is on an off-road gravel bike it just shows how incredibly fast an unrestricted ebikes i have to say i really enjoyed making this film and i hope you guys have too what an incredible i'm amazed the results will speak for themselves don't they really yeah if we go into those results in more detail well hank won the 50 meter sprint why didn't he clip in i still beat you hank won the 500 meter flying sprint and hank won the race at the end of it all whoa three to zero thanks the undisputed winner thanks thanks connor yeah but i'm not too disappointed because this is an incredible piece of tech really and i think we've shown that today and i know we have de-restricted the bike so it could hit higher speeds but when you look at restricted bikes as well it just shows how useful they are in terms of really steep climbs carrying heavy loads and also going off-road where you have kind of loose gravel and you don't have as much grip on the road just you can power through those terrains and i guess you can access the more power with the different classes like the class 3 e-bike category where you can access more power but you have to remember that the unrestricted bikes or the bikes that aren't restricted until the higher speeds you actually have to like in switzerland have a license plate to be able to ride them so i guess that just shows but let us know in the comment section below what you thought of our tests i mean it was quite incredible i mean i'm still beaming from ear to ear i love doing all that yeah i know you did i know you did i just wish i'd at least beat you one little tears but there we go don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and connor and i i'm sure we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 962,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: derestricted, unrestricted, restriction, legal, illegal, illegal bike, turbo, motor, e bike, e-bike, electric, electric bike, electric bicycle, race, racing, laws, derestricted e bike, unrestricted e bike, electric motor, speed, fast, fastest, faster, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-feature, sca15, gc21s, ꗧ, r1, ꗶ, Ꮋ, Ղ, ཋ, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ළ, Բ, Հ, ፕ15, ズ, ዾ, ጞ, 4254
Id: cjcsla7U6GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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