Just Happened! Elon Musk LEAKED BIG Rival Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2 - Atlas Gen 2 Boston Dynamic

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Boston Dynamics officially unveiled Atlas Gen 2 immediately after discontinuing gen one with no more hydraulic drive system this new humanoid robot will overhaul both its design and operation to directly compete with Optimus Tesla following the failure of gen 1 Atlas Gen 2 may be commercially at a shocking price the race for humanoid robots intensifies with both Gen 2 contenders so who's going to change the robotic game as predicted by many Boston Dynamics decision to cancel the Atlas robot likely meant that they were preparing to release a superior replacement and just one day after announcing the cessation of Atlas robot development Boston Dynamics immediately declared that they were about to unveil a completely different generation of humanoid robots still under the old name Atlas how is the design of Atlas Gen 2 keeping up with Optimus if the Tesla bot Gen 2 undergo significant improvements in appearance and materials enhancing its refinement compared to the previous generation that Atlas has completely ditched its old design to debut the form of a more refined humanoid robot the new version of the robot's almost unrecognizable as it didn't inherit any features of the old one Gen 2 shed its bulky body curved legs and armored shell there's no exposed cables anywhere on the new Sleek mechanical frame similar to bipedal robots like Tesla's Optimus the new Atlas Now features longer limbs a straighter back and a separate head that can rotate when needed the biggest highlight here is that the face includes a built-in ring light when alas stands up right it does so when facing the camera now its head rotates around 180° before its body follows suit it stands still for a moment giving the camera a clear first look at its head a ring light forming the circumference of a perfect circle the head of Atlas Gen 2 is one of the design elements that Boston Dynamics shared that they were quite concerned about while every other robot's got a human-like head shape the robot's head resembles a makeup mirror indeed Boston Dynamics wanted to stand out to create a friendly and approachable feel for anyone seeing it this unique head provides a pout for the screen of course there are sensors embedded within it but the shape also serves to signify friendliness this will be crucial for interacting with these in the future and that's exactly what the CEO of the company shared compared to the previous generation Alice Gen 2 looks extremely modern this time Boston Dynamics has taken a futuristic Direction with this new design learning from Tesla at first glance the appearance of robots may seem unimportant but for us especially as they start showing up in households we think that Boston also considers this because at least no one would dare to buy a robot with a threatening appearance that might scare children how did Atlas Gen 2 change its operating way to compete with Optimus Boston Dynamics seems to have devoted considerable time to researching and developing Atlas Gen 2 before deciding to terminate the previous one this is most evident through the transition to a fully electric robot design like Tesla's Optimus rather than using hydraulic fluid in the drive system like before now the new race truly begins because both of these robots primarily operate on the batteries provided by the manufacturer speaking of auson Dynamics previous robot everything's different now the previous version of Atlas did use electricity but also relied on hydraulic fluid as you can clearly see in the videos Boston Dynamics puts out the hydraulic drive system brought many benefits to atlas's robot including a strong force easy control high efficiency and Agility however the drawbacks outweigh the benefit significantly especially the most obvious ones like noise fluid leakage complexity cost and high adaptability you can see the scenes of these robots emitting smoke when they fall which is quite dangerous Boston Dynamics made efforts to address these drawbacks but was unsuccessful more accurately from the outset the hydraulic drive system was a Mis up because no customer appreciates a robot that's both loud and dangerous looking at Optimus Tesla made a significant decision by not adopting a hydraulic drive system like Atlas did even when they were just stepping into robot manufacturing Optimus operates entirely on electricity powered primarily by 2.3 KW battery pack Tesla introduced in comparison to the general landscape this battery pack size is quite large because other robots on the market typically have battery packs below 1 kilow hour you know Tesla has an advantage over other robot manufacturers because they excel in Battery Technology and have abundant resources on average a 2.3 kwh battery pack can allow the Optimus robot to operate continuously for at least 8 hours on a single charge it's really good to see Boston Dynamics transitioning from from hydraulic or spark driven robots to the entirely electric powered version of Atlas like Optimus this new robot operates entirely on electricity which is truly fantastic the all electric Atlas robot will be significantly stronger boasting a broader range of motion than its previous hydraulic counterpart the New Vision will build on older Atlas robots capabilities of lifting and maneuvering a wide variety of heavy irregular objects We are continuing to build on those existing capabilities and are exploring several new gripper variations toet need a diverse set of expected manipulation needs in customer environments the company revealed what new tech does Atlas Gen 2 used to compete with Tesla bot in the early days of optimus's public appearance when Tesla robot seemed like just a person weing a t-shirt the CEO spoke of a system that could do it all your Optimist could work all day in a factory do grocery shopping cook dinner for you it seemed like another Elon exaggeration but what Optimus is showing now is proven its potential to some extent the Tesla bot has been quite well-rounded in all aspects and what Tesla's focusing on now is just how to upgrade and maximize the utility that Optimus can provide as for Atlas although it's only been unveiled for a few days and both and Dynamics has not yet disclosed the tasks and jobs this robot can do some integrated Technologies can demonstrate its potential to compete heavily with Tesla's robot according to what Boston Dynamics shared the old version of Atlas was already capable of lifting and controlling various heavy objects irregular objects and they are continuing to develop Atlas gen based on those existing capabilities even checking out some new gripper variants to meet diverse expected operational needs and customer environments according to official information from Boston Dynamics the new version of Atlas is integrated with new machine learning and AI tools such as reinforcement learning or Machine Vision to move flexibly in the context of various variables of everyday life in contrast to Tesla's approach of basing Optimus on the essence of human beings Boston robotics has chosen a completely different direction robotics believes that limiting Atlas Gen 2 according to human body standards is dull instead they believe in optimizing the functionality and performance of The Machine by creating motions and parts unlike those of humans one clear evidence of this perspective is Boston's choice to use only three fingers on Atlas Gen 2 instead of four or five while many might argue that the flexibility and diversity of four to five fingers would be the better choice the company CEO noted that there's a lot of complexity in our hand and when we Face the world with sensors we got to prepare for reliability and robustness therefore Boston Dynamics designed the atlas robot with fewer than five fingers as a way to control their complexity if Optimus Tesla integrates up to eight cameras in multiple sensors Atlas Gen 2 is not far behind the way we understand it it's equipped with various types of sensors including cameras lar and force sensors that allow the robot to perceive its surroundings in more detail and accurately this allows the robot to do complex tasks like grasping objects moving in tight spaces and avoiding obstacles with Atlas Gen 2 reducing the robot's turning radius is significantly also in cramped spaces remember these machines are designed to be solutions for existing industrial environments meaning they're designed to be integrated into current workflows in existing spaces the ability to move more flexibly may ultimately be the differenc maker between working within an environment and having to reconfigure why is movement speed such a big obstacle in robot racing in its YouTube introduction video Atlas Gen 2 starts off in a prone position on the floor before bending its legs backwards in an unusual manner then puts force on its hip joints which can rotate fully to stand up it then demonstrates some pretty impressive movements this time Optimus seems to lag behind when it comes to movement speed compared to atas Gen 2 it's a fact we have to acknowledge when it comes to Optimus agility and speed of movement are not at strong points with a speed of only6 m per second or 1.34 mph Optimus is still in the process of development to improve although it has been improved by Tesla's Engineers by an additional 60% compared to its first movement capabilities however compared to similar competitors Optimus still can achieve the flexibility and impressive speed expected on the contrary Atlas used to be one of the fastest humanoid robots on the market before and when compared to Optimus the disparities get even more apparent in the old Atlas version with a speed of up to 5 half miles hour and the ability to perform incredibly agile runs jumps and even flips it showcased some remarkable agility how however from a safety and balance perspective the way the first generation Atlas moved was perceived by many is quite clumsy and prone to Falls therefore with its new version Boston Dynamics has managed to make its robot move more slowly seeming more stable the manufacturer has not yet disclosed the Pacific speed for Gen 2 but it's easy to see that it still inherits some of the nimbleness of its predecessor even when it moves it can rotate and pivot like a bzar hybrid of a cab and a contortionist overall despite being newly manufactured the new generation still retains the strength of very fast speed although its steps may still remind one of the confidence bordering on the brashness of the spot dog robot the new generation of Atlas is more agile than before even designed by Boston Dynamics to perform Feats that are impossible for humans we built a set of custom high-powered and very flexible actuators at most joints CEO of Boston Dynamics Robert pler shared about the new generation Atlas robot that's a huge range of motion that really packs the power of an elite athlete into this tiny package and we've used that package all over the robot electric humanoid robots like Atlas will begin working in Hyandai factories next year but the price has not been disclosed by Boston Dynamics it'll become Boston dynamics's third commercial robot following the spot dog and stretch robot specialized in box handling how will Optimus and Atlas Gen 2 be commercialized while old Atlas was not commercialized for many reasons this time Boston officially announced that it would sell its new generation humanoid robot Boston Dynamics will work closely with various customers most notably Hyandai the Korean Automotive Giants next generation of Automotive manufacturing capabilities will serve as a testing ground for new Atlas applications this is the first look at a real product but certainly not the last the company emphasized similar to our stretch roll out we'll be partnering with a small group of innovative customers beginning with hyai to test and iterate Atlas applications over the next few years it's surprising that the new Atlas will be tested with a small group of customers in the next few years starting with Hyandai this is pretty rapid progress for a new robot however we still think it'll come with a fairly high price tag not much different than the old Atlas information about the selling price of the previous version of the atlas robot manufactured by Boston Dynamics caused shock when leaked reaching up to $150,000 that's an impressive figure evidence of the advancement and complexity in humanoid robot manufacturing technology like Atlas however this is just the first step Boston Dynamics continues to improve Atlas aiming to provide even Superior capabilities striving for higher perfection in motion and information processing and this will certainly lead to a higher price for the new version the price increase may stem from various sources one Parts development of new technologies from eliminating old production lines to creating new more advanced manufacturing parts to fit the upgraded Atlas this requires significant time and resources from scientists and Engineers Atlas also uses higher quality components not only to increase Precision but to enhance performance contributing to increased manufacture ufacturing costs the assembly process of Atlas also requires meticulous and high expertise further contributing production costs but despite the potential price increase the progress and scalability of Atlas Gen 2 will make every dollar spin on it worthwhile meanwhile Elon has confirmed at least twice that its price will be around $20,000 or even lower the first time at the AI day 2022 event where he said it it is expected to cost much less than a car just bring it directly to the right here uh I would say probably less than $20,000 would be my guess and most recently as Tesla is expanding its advertising campaign for their robot ahead of its launch Elon Musk continues to share on X that complexity per unit mass is much higher with humanoid robots but I still think it ends up costing less than half a car therefore with two instances hinting at optimus's Price dropping solo there's no reason for Tesla to release a robot at an excessively high price point that would turn customers away from some perspectives we can believe that Tesla's mastered cost control at present which is why musk can confidently make such statements considering that Tesla's most popular car currently the model y has a starting price of $43,900 to $25,000 for Optimus above all Boston Dynamics complete overhaul of their humanoid robots operation is commendable indeed the transition from hydraulic to electric motors is no small fee and has significant implications in terms of cost design requirements and performance even Boston Dynamics acknowledges that hydraulic Transmissions are outdated while Hydraulics rely on fluid and pistons to operate and move Machinery electric motors rely on electrical energy to rotate and move components directly electric motors tend to be cheaper quieter lighter and less complex than hydraulic systems but they may also wear out faster and be more susceptible to damage while not providing the same loadbearing capacity or durability as before this could be both an advantage and disadvantage for both Optimus and Atlas Gen 2 robots faced with the debut of Atlas gen 2's futuristic designs there have been debates over whether Boston Dynamics is trying to create a Terminator rather than a Tesla this may be just a Gest as many witness the significant changes brought about by a Boston Dynamics design overall in reality the essence of robots is not inherently frightening it only becomes truly concerning when combined with those who seek to turn almost every new scientific breakthrough into a weapon and the potential of AI in the world of humanoid robots the race between Rivals like Optimus and Atlas Gen 2 is becoming fiercer than ever each of these robots has its own strengths and limitations and the decision to choose between them is by no means easy for Tesla's Optimus Gen 2 the goal is to create an affordable product that's easily accessible to the general consumer this would make it a more attractive Choice than Atlas especially in various applications integration with other Tesla products like electric cars and smart home systems also provides clear functional convenience benefits for us users Additionally the humanoid design of Optimus Gen 2 makes it easier to access and interact with humans however Optimus Gen 2 is not without its drawbacks with a relatively new company like Tesla in the robotics field lack of experience may affect reliability and performance of the product furthermore it's still in the development phase and not yet proven in real world applications meanwhile Boston Dynamics Atlas has built a solid reputation in the robotics field with nearly 30 years of experience in developing Advanced robots Atlas is Flagship product its performance has been proven through the execution of complex tasks in real world environments and its reliability is high thanks to high quality materials and thorough testing processes however Atlas is not without its drawbacks such as its high cost and complex design making maintenance and repairs more challenging additionally its design is not optimized for integration with other products limiting its flexibility in this race each option comes with its own pros and cons and the ultimate decision depends on the specific needs and requirements for users and businesses so what do you think about Boston Dynamics remake of Atlas robot and what do you expect from Optimus in the upcoming improvements we appreciate your contributions we hope you will have the most relaxing feelings after watching this video if you did please hit the like button and join the Tesla carw family by subscribing to our Channel and don't miss out on any of our awesome videos by hitting the Bell icon we value your feedback and your time thanks so much for watching and we'll see you soon until then stay safe and have fun [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: Tesla Car world, 888999, 888999 tesla, 888999 evs, Just Happened, Just Happened! Elon Musk LEAKED BIG Rival Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2 - Atlas Gen 2 Boston Dynamic, Elon Musk LEAKED, Elon Musk LEAKED BIG Rival Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2, Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2, Atlas Gen 2 Boston Dynamic, tesla bot, Tesla bot gen 2, Tesla optimus gen 2, tesla optimus, optimus tesla robot, elon musk robots, optimus robot, tesla bot price, optimus tesla, Boston Dynamics, Atlas Gen 2, Atlas
Id: f6NrYHpChfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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