JUST Got A NEW 2020 Chevy Duramax: The Ugly That You Need To See! (Test Drive & Walk Around Review)

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Hi. I'm Wade from Thoroughbred Diesel and today  we're going to be showing you a 2020 Chevrolet   3500 HD with L5P Duramax. This is a work truck package, 3500 single-wheel.  And we're going to show you the entire truck,   obviously, but super, super nice truck. I think that one of the biggest shake-ups for   this truck has been the front end. I think that  when we first started seeing some of the prototype   pictures of this truck when it came out, you had a  lot of very, very strong opinions on this truck. A   lot of people hated it. A lot of people loved  the front end of this truck. It's different.   It really is different. The size of the grill  on these new trucks is a lot to do with the   functionality of the vehicle of the Duramax truck  and just the cooling capabilities of the vehicle.   And we'll talk about that in our walkthrough.  So whether you like it, whether you hate it,   it has to do with function as well. And then I think the second thing that people   really were very strongly opinionated about on  these trucks were the tow mirrors or the mirrors   that are on these trucks at 2500 and the 3500  HDs. We'll get to those when we go through the   body. But yeah, as far as a vehicle goes, this  is a model year shakeup for Chevrolet and GMC.   Yeah. So let's just go ahead and get started. We're going to start with talking about engine on   these trucks. Now, this truck is still equipped  with the L5P Duramax. Not a whole lot... Well,   really not very many changes at all to this  engine platform. We're going to link you in   this video to our other L5P video with a dyno  run on it. We're not going to dyno run this truck   today because we really don't have any changes in  horsepower. This truck at 2020 is 445 horsepower,   910 foot-pounds of torque. So  it is a very stout motor.   Biggest change for engine compartment was the  front cooling fan. The front cooling fan is much,   much larger, almost two and a half times larger  for the cooling fan on this truck. That is going   to have to do with the increased towing capability  of the 2020 Chevrolets. The 2020 Chevrolets,   just depending on what your model is, if you were  to buy two-wheel drive, long bed, standard cab,   dually truck, the towing capability of that  truck on fifth wheel would be 35,500 pounds   equipped. Now I think that the most common truck  out there set up is crew cab short bed. So on a   crew cab short bed Chevrolet, max towing at the  fifth wheel is 21 3, 21,300 pounds. The overall   combined on the crew cab short bed is 29 7.  So it's definitely a large combined number.   I think that dually two-wheel drive was 43 5 was  the combined on that. Now, that's the combined,   that's not your trailering. But your fifth  wheel trailering, just depending on what   you got on the truck, was 35 5. They have  really up the towing on these vehicles.   They have worked towards making sure that  the motor was able to stay cool for that by   increasing that fan size. That has a much  bigger fan on the front of these trucks   so it's going to be well equipped. The horsepower  is there to be able to tow these as well.   Now, one of the other biggest changes to be able  to handle those types of towing load is if we   do go to a 10-speed Allison on this truck,  10-speed transmission. So we'll talk about that   once we get there as well. So that pretty well  covers. This is still DENSO fuel system. This   is DENSO HP4, DENSO injectors on his truck.  No changes on that. As the 2020 goes, still   working in that DENSO fuel system. So that's  going to be engine, just L5P stuff. Again,   no big changes there. So there we go. Let's go ahead and talk about exterior. I want   to talk about exterior because it's really, really  what this truck platform is leaning on. Some of   the sizes that you're going to in the 2020: this  truck is longer, it's taller, the bed is bigger.   It's just a bigger overall truck. Bigger  in every way. Interior size is bigger.   I mean, you can look at the truck. Even the front  profile of the truck is kind of a precursor to...   Well, it's going to be one of the first Chevrolets  that in stock format was stock wheels and tires   you dang near have to pull yourself into.  So we were going to show you that, too.   All right. So, on exterior, you've got a  little bit bigger scoop on the hood bringing   air into the engine, which is nice for the ram-air  system. I'm going to call it a ram-air system,   but it's a charge air system bringing air in  through the hood, into this scoop right here,   and directly into the air intake box for the  motor. That's a little bit larger than the   previous year models. We talked about the  grill. Not going to stay on the grill.   There's changes in the lights, just depending  on what package that you have. There's some of   these that have the led strips and satellites  when you get into the higher-end packages.   The tow mirrors, of course, that's  another point of contention for people,   but I'm going to let Adam kind of look at those  right there for you. To me, they're really not   that gaudy, I guess, is what we talk about. But what Chevrolet is calling the Durabed.   The Durabed is the biggest change exterior to the  2020 model truck, and I really think Chevrolet   hit a home run with this. I truly, truly feel  like Chevrolet hit a home run with this bed.   This Durabed has got these steps sides for your  toolbox right here. So you can get up, get into   the bed of the truck very easily, or a toolbox  if you have it. Move that for you, Adam. Then you   have the steps on the back of the truck to get  into the bed. If you just need to step up over   on this side or step on your tailgate, it's right  there for you. This bed, a standard short bed used   to be 6'6". Chevrolet has got this now at 6'9",  so it's a three-inch longer bed on this truck.   It's got the assist tailgate push button. You  hit it and it comes down. That's a really,   really nice feature. But I'm going to let Adam  kind of bring the camera around because I want   you to see the bed on this truck. Not only is  this three inches longer, I think it's two or   three inches wider overall width on the bed. It  is much, much wider. I don't know that that really   translate on camera. I hope that you can see that,  but it is a very, very wide bed and it's deep. The   bed is deep as well. This is an increased payload  on the truck. I think the payload on this truck   combined is, this is just truck now, I think  it's 12 1. Is that right? So on the short bed,   it's 12 1. So your whatever vehicle weight is  8,000 plus dang near two tons of gear that you can   haul. Just watch those numbers. Don't quote me  on that. Each different platform is different.   Tons of hooking points inside of the bed here. And  just depending on how you had the truck set up,   you can have the trailering package in there. This  is set up for the fifth wheel on the puck system,   and then it's got the gooseneck ball  in it as well. That's all in packages   that you pick. But yeah, the bed is super, super  big. Really, really do like it. And the steps,   super, super functional. While we're talking about this on   exterior, as far as functionality of this truck  goes, in this model year, Chevrolet has really,   really started leaning on kind of work trucks.  They've come out with a 4500 or 55 and a 6500,   what I call a deuce and a half, setups. So there  really, really seems like the drive now is to   try to get Chevrolet kind of back into that work  truck genre. I don't know how else to say it.   Because if you really think about Chevrolet,  Chevrolet go into independent front suspension in   '88 model year. I think that's  right. And I think that for   a lot of Chevrolet guys, when you went away  from a solid front axle, I don't know that   the whole idea of Chevrolet being a work truck  left with that. But I think a lot of guys do it.   I have the ability to talk about that. Even though  I own a Dodge, I'll also own a Duramax myself.   I'm a Chevrolet guy. I grew up in a Chevrolet  home. My dad was Chevrolet through and through,   GM through and through. And that's part of it. If  you're a Chevrolet guy, I know that in '88 when   they took the solid front axle out from underneath  the three-quarter-ton trucks, it was like,   "Oh gosh." You kind of go into a bar fight and  you just got to defend your drunk buddy.   But one thing I want to talk about on body. One  thing Chevrolet finally did, they finally, finally   did this, boys, is you don't have to put your DEF  in underneath the hood anymore. They finally moved   it back here with the fill-up cap just like the  good Lord intended it. It's finally back there   so thank you to Chevrolet. Thank you whoever the  engineer was that sat in that board meeting and   said, "Why in the hell are we putting the DEF  fill underneath of the hoods? This is stupid."   Thank you to that guy, whoever he is and wherever  he lives. So yeah, that's exterior for you.   So the Durabed is main is the main focal point of  it. It's larger. The truck is bigger. Oh, Adam,   we're going to talk about the size difference.  The truck overall is longer. The truck overall   is wider. The bed is bigger. Let's show you the  tallness of this truck. Adam's going to come   with me and talk about it. I'm 5'10". I don't  think I've ever been in a stock size Chevrolet   that I didn't just wind up climbing in. I  noticed this in this truck. I literally grabbed   the handle and pulled myself into it, which that  was a nice feature. But you can definitely see   that the truck is overall taller. Next up, we're going to be talking   about drivetrain. We want to run  through driveline on this 2020   Chevrolet truck. They've done quite a few changes  on driveline here that are pretty significant   and want to want to note them here. So again,  remember the theme is Chevrolet is increasing   towing capacity quite a bit on these trucks,  and maybe going towards more of a heavier duty   theme to these trucks with the 45, 55, 6500. So I  won't talk about that. So on the ton Chevrolets,   the 3500 HDs, you're getting a American Axle  rear end, again. Rear diff is still American   Axle. But on the tons, you do have a 12-inch  ring gear instead of the normal 11 and a half.   Then moving forward, the prop shaft or the  driveshaft. These rear driveshafts are much larger   on these trucks, larger, beefier driveshaft. You  can see the after-treatment system is pretty well   the same. DPF back there. And then all of the  other components. See, I don't know why I mixed   that up. Catalytic converters all still the same.  Still got the cat that's on the back of the turbo.   You have no real changes that I'm aware of  on transfer case. And you're still torsion   key system because it still is independent front  suspension. However, on this front driveshaft,   you have a beefier driveshaft on this side as  well. And then you have the 10-speed Allison.   I'm a little bit confused about this. One of  the selling points that I noticed on the 2020   was the upgrade to PTO on these trucks. So you  chassis upfitters, if you've got a guy that's   wanting to do dump bed or something or needing  a PTO, then it's capable on this truck. However,   this new Allison, this 10-speed Allison, does not  have the PTO covers like the old Allison 1000 5   and 6-speeds did. So more to come on that. I'll  have to do a little bit more studying on that.   Again, American Axle front differential for you  four-wheel drive guys. But they have beefed up out   output shafts, CV axle rods so they're much, much  beefier. Still got the junkie tie rods up here   on the Chevrolet. They just won't get away from  that crap. They're awful, but they're good because   they're one of the first upgrades that you need  to do on your truck is getting those upgraded. And   then again, beefier rods. But yeah, everything  pretty well the same as far as that goes.   The L5Ps, I don't think we've ever shown that, but  a little bit smaller on the oil filter on these   trucks. And then you've got this line that you had  to contend with. I don't like that. That's kind   of an awkward place for that. That could have  been down the frame a little bit farther. But   other than that, one thing they did get  rid of on the L5Ps, obviously, they got rid   of the junky concaves on the oil pan. That's  gone so now you can get all your old truck. So   beefier frame as well because  these trucks are longer and wider,   like we talked about. So this is a new part  number on the frame, but it looks good. I mean,   it's definitely coated again, like the  older styles were. It's a nice product.   We're going to go ahead and cover interior on this  truck. Now, this is a work truck package on this   2020 so there's not a ton of different features  on interior to talk about. We've already talked   about the truck overall just being larger.  The rear seat, there is an additional three   inches of legroom on the rear side there. I  think Adam's getting ready to come off the   camera and kind of come back around so you can  see it. This truck was on loan or from one of our   customers. Brought it over today so we had to take  all of his things out, but this is quite a bit   larger on the crew cab side of this. That  much more legroom and quite a bit nicer.   There are really not a lot of bells and whistles  on the back there that we need to feature because,   again, it's a work truck package. But one thing  I do want to say about the work truck package   is really being able to scale these interiors  down. The interiors, as technology increases,   everything increases, and you're more and more  living by your phone, navigation, and things like   that, these interiors on these trucks are adapting  to that. This work truck interior, I was really   impressed with this. This is a very, very simple  interior. We're probably going to go around to   the driver's side and show that cockpit. But the  work truck interior I thought was very simple.   This interior is bigger. But the dashboard to me,  and I may be completely wrong here, just seems a   little higher as far as line of sight goes. So  it just feels like the whole cabin is kind of   deeper. But this is passenger side of the truck.  Obviously, you can see the controls are pretty   basic on this package. I think this is going to  be true. Chevrolet offers I think seven or eight   different packages that they offer. So you've got  tons and tons of different choices that you can go   with here for your interior package. So don't let  this work truck fool you here. You can totally get   it as high-end as you want to. I think there's an  eight-inch screen nav system that you've got.   I like the new gauge set up on the new  Chevrolet's. They don't feel as cheap to   me. That's been another complaint that I've had  about Chevrolet here lately in the last few years,   the interiors felt cheap. They don't feel cheap  to me anymore in the last couple of models so   kudos to them for that. One thing that we  saw on this truck, or one thing that came   out in the 2020 model year, is Chevrolet is  going to be offering these trucks with the   automatic four-wheel drive. So you can set it  to auto, road conditions will dictate whether   the truck is in four-wheel drive or not. One thing we really like about this truck,   and this is in other model years, you hit the  cargo lights on these trucks and you're getting a   side mirror light. That's really, really nice for  being able to back up a trailer. I know it doesn't   look like much, but you can see how much light  is shining back there. You talk about something   that's nice for backing a trailer or something  in a barn at night, really, really nice.   I was surprised at one of the features on  this interior, and this may not be the same   on all of the Chevrolets or whatnot. But the  flip-down console on this, I know it has the   cup holders already in it and whatnot, but it  doesn't fold up. There's no place for you to store   all your goodies in there. So that was a little  bit strange to me. That may change in different   packages. Comment on the video here if it  does. Yeah. But again, work truck interior.   Really nice. It's clean. It's simple. I think  the lines are better in it. It doesn't feel   cheap. The seat quality seems to be very, very  good. They're rigid. I mean, they're not just   crazy plush seats, but the interior is nice. It's  clean. All the lines are there so it looks good.   All right. Adam and I are going to jump in.  We're going to take you on a ride-along.   In our ride-along here, Adam and I, we're  actually going to bring you an addendum to   the interior because we found a couple of things  on this truck that we just... I mean, I'm going   to be honest with you. I'm going to start with the  bad before I go to the good here, because I really   think it's worth noting two things on this truck  interior wise that I hate. I mean, I absolutely   cannot stand it already is the positioning of the  tow/haul button. The tow/haul button on this truck   is this little round knob right here. And when you  engage tow/haul, you get a little indicator that   comes up on the screen. It's going to be different  for different trim levels, I understand that. But   that is the tow/haul button. That's stupid.  Whoever the engineer was that came into the   board meeting that talked them into moving the  DEF back to the fuel door was not the engineer   that did the tow/haul button. And if you are,  shame on you, shame on you. That's awful.   Manual shift. I don't like the manual shift  functionality in this truck because it's a little   bit confusing only because of one letter. If  you look at the register here, you have L, okay.   So on your manual shift, you can hit plus or  minus it. Doesn't automatically do it. That's   all right. That's fine. You have to throw it  down into L. Which when you first look at that,   you're like, "Do I throw this in low?" Well, L  is now you have an indicator over here so you can   change through the gears. That's nice. The  functionalities there. But for a guy that just   jumps into the seat of the truck, I don't know  about that. But those are two things that just   jumped out to me as just bad. They could have been  done so much differently and so much easier for   your driver, your pilot, for understanding. Now, I'm going to give you a little bit more on   interior stuff that we like. On this work truck  package, I really, really like the ease of the   functionality of the air conditioner. You have  on and off for the fan. You have the temperature   blend there. That's really, really nice. It's not  in the navigation system and you have to hunt for   that. Obviously, after you've driven a new truck  a couple hours, you're used to it. It's okay.   But the functionality is still here. When  I want to turn the heat up, I can turn the   daggone heat up. When I want to turn the heat  off, I can turn it off, up, all the things   AC. I like that. I like that really well. All right, now let's talk about the ride-along,   and really, what we're focusing on here is the  10-speed Allison. The first thing that I'm going   to tell you is now that this is the third truck  that I've driven that is a 10-speed truck, I like   this. I really do. I think Allison's done a good  job with this transmission. You really honestly   to goodness don't know there's that many gears.  I think the shift strategy in this truck in stock   form is frigging amazing. I mean, it's really,  really nice. The shift strategy is perfect. I'm   driving down the road right now. We're running  60 miles an hour. I want to hit manual shift   just to see what gear I'm in. Seventh. I mean, I'm  in seventh so I've got three more gears to run out   when I get out on the interstate that I'm really  going to be able to climb through. I'm going to be   able to save on fuel economy. I'm going to  be able to get the RPMs down on this truck.   That should be really, really nice. The exhaust brake functionality I think   is in a good place. You got a switch down here to  turn your exhaust brake on. The capability of the   exhaust brake function with tow/haul is really,  really nice. Chevrolet's had that for a while.   They do just a super good job with that. I mean,  radio's good. You turn the radio on, there's the   power button. You turn the volume up then you  change it to a different station. I mean, it's   pretty easy to be able to get through that. So that's it. As far as overall on the truck,   we like the 2020 Chevrolet. This is a nice  truck. There's been a few little quirky things,   but it's been like every new truck that  we've driven. There's some stuff you like,   some stuff you don't like. A lot of it's due to  personal preference. I'm probably different than   what 90% of the people will be. There'll be  plenty of people jump down in comments going,   "Daggone. Wait, I love where the new tow/haul  button, blah, blah, blah," but I'm not a fan.   But big fan of the truck. I think Chevrolet's  getting it together. I liked the direction.   I may be totally wrong on all this. I just feel  like Chevrolet has got an initiative that they're   trying to get back into or be able to feature  their trucks as work trucks for the working man,   for fleets and things of that nature. Just  an industrial truck, for lack of a better   word. I like that direction that they're  going so we'll definitely be watching.   Yeah, that's it. Big shout out to Mr. Howard  for bringing the truck up today for us to drive   through. Really, really nice vehicle. We really do  appreciate it. So thank you, guys, for watching.   If you're thinking about buying a new 2020  Chevrolet, thumbs up from Thoroughbred.
Channel: Thoroughbred Diesel
Views: 69,065
Rating: 4.8586574 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 chevy duramax, brand new duramax, new duramax, 2020 duramax, 2020 gm duramax, 2020 duramax review, 2020 duramax l5p, 2020 l5p duramax, 2020 chevy duramax review, new duramax diesel, 2020 duramax test, 2020 chevy duramax test drive, 2020 duramax test drive, duramax, 2020 chevy, 2020 duramax 3500, chevy duramax, chevy diesel, 2020 silverado hd, 2020 chevy silverado, 2020 chevy silverado hd, duramax truck, 2020 silverado, Chevy silverado, Thoroughbred diesel
Id: weFS0KFoqC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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