I Tried Solving the IMPOSSIBLE Riddle

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Kord strap up we're doing call-ins okay the rules for today's call-ins you're not allowed to trauma dump on me today but you can come with a question or you can come with an opinion or you can come with a topic of discussion but you're not allowed to trauma dump on it's showtime let's get Wick in here uh okay what up Wick up mate how are you Gangsta I'm doing all right how are you how are you to doing this fun thing I'm doing great I'm doing great I got my two riddles that I always keep prepared oh yeah I got the I got one one really quick riddle and then one super long ass riddle that you guys can do if you want to do a super long ass riddle or third option um we can karaoke a song together but if you karaoke it ruins it ruins one of the riddles so ooh the short one or the long one I mean you can do both you can do the short one and then if you decide want keep going what would the karaoke ruin though well I can't I can't say that cuz then you would know then give us the riddles in my opinion okay the long riddle is like long though like so the way the way it works is it's it's called the lateral thinking puzzle and you can't look at chat if you want to do this cuz they will spoil it immediately so you can't look at chat but the way it works is I give you guys this riddle and then you guys ask me yes or no questions until you get to the answer okay sure uh have any of you guys heard of the albatross soup puzzle no no okay we're good to we're good to go okay okay here it is a man gets off of a boat he walks into a restaurant and orders Albatross soup he takes one sip pulls out a gun and shoots himself to death why did he kill himself uh what does the man do like occation that's not a yes or no question oh it's only yes or no question sorry I was laning um was was The Zo bad or what what the hell no no this sou was fine was he a sailor no he walks to a restaurant orders the albatross soup he gets off of a boat walks into a restaurant orders Albatross soup takes one sip pulls out a gun and shoots himself to death uh was he is he a fisherman no was he piloting the boat nope catch off the boat was it a like a fair or something like that kind of yes can you give us like the slightest of hints or do you not want hits n uh yeah go n do you want a hint um sure we can get a hand okay um so you both already know that he wasn't a pilot yes right uh let's what's like the what's like a baby hint let's just see say he wasn't the happiest man as he entered the restaurant and obviously he wasn't the happiest man as he left the restaurant cuz he [ __ ] shot himself in the head like give you anything is his wife cheating him no all right does he have a wife yes is his wife an albatross no no both know what an albatross is though right it's a big bird SE it's like a ug seagull kind of bird it has to be something about the soup because why the [ __ ] would you make albatra soup I've never heard of that [ __ ] before that's true is the man suicidal already no thees on to something does the man like Albatross soup uh no it's not wholly relevant but no let's just say he doesn't ask me what his favorite [ __ ] fortnite skin is man ask me anything just give me but that's not a yes or no question well give me a yes or no question I'll answer it did he arrive alone uh no did he arrive with someone he knows oh that's a good question did he arrive with his wife no did he arrive with his brother or sister or uncle or mother no none of those did he arrive with a friend uh kind of sure I'll give you yes wait was he friends with the seagull no okay well just imagine uh the scenes so he arrived with a friend um I'll just cut a little bit he arrived with people he knew but I'll give you acquaintance he knew them okay did the person here right with do something bad to him like um prior kind of yeah uh did that incident have anything to do with him killing himself yes ah so now we just need to figure out what the [ __ ] he did which incident can you fill me in cuz I was laning well so we so he arrived with like someone he knows yeah to the restaurant right and they prior had like some incident where that person did something bad to the man who killed himself and that is why he killed himself or it had something to do with it at least was the soup poisoned no is The Soup part of the reason he killed himself at all yes did this acquaintance make the soup uh no was there a game of Truth or Dare involved no there is no truth believe it or not no was there any kind of game involved that led to the man killing himself no there was no game or gameing did the man see his acquaintance before he killed himself like right before um recently yeah but it it's not it's not wholly relevant the fact that he saw his a quaintance or not but yeah let's just say yes cuz he gets off the boat right he gets off the boat he goes to the the restaurant so the acquaintance was with him on the boat is there an event between the boat and the restaurant that happens that we are not aware of between the boat and the restaurant yes um I'll give you guys a little hint you need to go further back between than the boat and the restaurant you need to go before the boat okay let me just address something in the chat I could tell them that what you guys are saying but that's not in the prompt I could just give them the cut scene right I could give them the shortcut but I think these two grown men are smart enough to do it they're still stuck on it in five [ __ ] minutes I'll tell them about it but I think they can figure it out man was him being on the boat work related or not no is he on vacation yep is it a cruise yes oh did the man go on vacation with the acquaintance yes okay is huge Nord is he having an affair with the acquaintance is the acquaintance a man uh it's not wholly relevant but let's just say yeah all right sure did he meet the acquaintance through work uh no is he a family friend uh not it's not really relevant okay um he arrived on a boat got off went to a restaurant ordered Alat took one Sip and killed himself is it uh is it relevant that he took one sip yep oh right otherwise you would have mention it I guess did you take a sip of the soup yeah you did take a sip of the soup well well cuz you just said one sip right it could have been okay yeah he takes a sip of a [ __ ] cherry Coca-Cola no he takes a sip of well maybe he took a sip of a freaking glass and that's the yeah no he took a sip of the albatross soup that is the Sip that he took okay that is the Sip that he's like okay is it a work vacation no not really relevant but no okay no no just a vacation of some sort does he want no go for it does he want to be on vacation with the aqus okay that's my that was my question uh man I feel like I'm [ __ ] you guys a little bit but if I reveal this it's like slightly telling um yes at at the time yes yes I I need to clear something up that could very well speed this up but I I'm worried that I steered you guys wrong a little bit so he was on a vacation crues thing yeah that that boat is separate than the boat that he came on which we was also established was a different boat did the first original uh cruise boat sink and then he came on a raft um yes to the first part no to the second part so so he was the was the original was the man the acquaintance that he comes with to the restaurant on the boat that sank with him yes yep what was he the captain the acquaintance uh no not it's not fly relevant he could be like it's not wait wait wait okay so did F did someone this man who killed himself did someone he knows die on the first boat on the first B I mean I'm sure there was people he knew not no not this not the sink [Music] no this acquaintance is beating nord's ass yeah he is yeah mine too does the sinking have anything to do with the reason he killed himself yeah like V in in a in a roundabout way yeah what are you laughing at it feels so [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah me too I'm not gonna lie um is the reason why the ship sank relevant to the story no or how it sank at all nope so it just sinks mhm yep that's awesome and does he go to the restaurant by raft no so it's a different boat that he gets to the restaurant on uhuh is it a life boat like a life saving boat yep yep wait he arrived on a life boat yeah oh I kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] he arrived on like a boat that like saved him but it wasn't like a boat from the cruise ship does that make sense yeah like so he was stranded at Sea and the boat picked him up no huh there there there was a word you used in there that's not correct so he was is the word stranded no that that one's fine is the wait the boat their boat didn't pick him up no that that one's also okay is it at C yes that's not correct wait was he on a this was he in like a Robinson crw uh situation with the aquadance like was he stranded on an island yes he was stranded on an island yes okay we're getting somewhere n okay and I assume he was stranded on the island with the acquaintance yep was it just them two nope ooh hang on was it more was it less than 10 people on the island yeah it's not like wholly holy relevant but let's just say yes wait so okay he was on a stranded Island so he must have been like if that guy is an acquaintance of his this then he must have have other people he knew there right like he acquainted with other people did anything happen to someone he knew on that island yes did anyone that he knew died on that island yep did the acquaintance have anything to do with that no did he have anything to do with it no unable when the Lifeboat or the yeah I guess the Lifeboat picks him and his acquaintance up are there others on that boat yeah are there people that have killed others on the boat wait no did they eat Albatross on the island no no never mind it could have been like a trauma thing were there ALU crosses on that island yes who did he knew that albatross in the zp what okay you're you're GNA have to put that in English did he just say did he know yeah he ordered it yeah but did he know the albatross in the soup like did he know it from the island um elaborate like be more specific like was it a pet or something you know like uh no no no that that guy Tom Hanks was friends with a no it wasn't a Wilson situation it wasn't a it wasn't a Wilson situation okay so there's people that do the AL do the Albatros ey on the island have anything to do with the albatross in the soup oh okay one more time do the albatross ey have any uh Al ey yeah do the Albatros eye on the island have anything to do with the albatross and the soup uh no they have anything to do with him killing himself yes does this man hate seagulls no all right that's is there any connection between the murders and Albatross well there's no murder really he just said there was no oh but people die but it's not a murder yep do the albatrosses have anything to do with the killings no do the people die of natural causes yes well yes are the natural causes like hunger yep does he have Survivor SK uh sort of but that's not why he kills himself like kind of so there's people on that island that die of hunger but he doesn't did he eat a peoples does he eat anybody yes yep he eats people did he eat the acquaint acquaint whatever you go and Cho does his acquaintance also eat anybody or just him yep his acquaintance also does he kill himself in front of his acquaintance while he's there um I I think the idea is that the the coins just also got off on the island and just [ __ ] off somewhere else it was him on his own went to the restaurant okay like that's not really relevant like the acquaintance once they're on the off the island the acquaintance or like once they're on the Homeland acquaintance is gone like it does it's not relevant okay so he goes to the restaurant solo mhm you guys are doing really well you're close okay you're doing really well well what the [ __ ] does this have to do with a [ __ ] soup though yeah I'm very confused but the soup is relevant he said yeah it is relevant yeah of course the soup is relevant I guess the the reason that the acquaintance is relevant is only because of the fact that they were both in the islands maybe is the cannibalism relevant to the reason why he kills himself at all yes yes yes yes does he noce restur no it's irrelevant could be could be Mickey D went to restaurant well maybe he ate like the chef's daughter or something oh that would have been a good one right uh so we I think we're close with the cannibalism Nord yeah but wouldn't that be enough to kill yourself honestly what the [ __ ] does that have to do with the soup though what does that have to do with soup do the cannibal does the cannibalism have anything to do with the soup yep does the does the soup remind him of the island yep does the soup taste like people uh no no no no okay did he eat people recently before he came into the restaurant yes did he have some people stuck in his teeth or something no does he eat anybody after he saved no Paul is good less your has destroyed was he required to eat someone to survive yes was there an argument over who who is going to be eaten nope was he recommended the restaurant no imagine someone someone gives the recommendation and he eats them I don't know man what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do we connect the disgusting albatra zo to our peoples does this soup have any kind of connection with him uh like in a nostalgic way at all is this like a last meal sort of scenario those oh man like that's a it it triggers a memory that's the best like you're it's like a very okay weird way of describing it but I'll just give you it triggers a memory did he know so he didn't know that he was going to kill himself before he went in there oh that's a good question he did know or he didn't know he didn't know okay didn't so what is it that the albatross soup does wait so uh did one of the people he ate have albatra soup no okay maybe it was like you know someone ate Albatross soup he ate them and then was it is his first time eating Albatross soup yes what the [ __ ] does he order the soup as part of a promise that he makes to somebody that he ate no did someone he ate have an albatross to two did somebody one more time somebody he ate have an ALR tattoo tattoo [Laughter] no this8 look like anr wait wait does the albatross have a connection to the person that he ate yes was it their favorite animal teamy did they have a pet nope were they a their no was it their nickname Noe was it did it have anything to do with their job or occupation nope were they an albatross that he ate no no an albatross man yeah oh you guys are so close what could that connection be between a man and an albatross Nord I don't know but it's probably a beautiful connection connection through man and nature that so that man didn't have a pet no no pet and it didn't have anything to do with us occupation did it have anything to do with him eating an albatross well did okay I asked for Albatross soup did he eat an albatross at all no person okay let let me just make this very clear when he ate the albatross soup that was the first time he ever had Albatross right did an albatross partake in the eating of a person nope all right is there an event on the island that causes him to order the albatross soup yes wait a minute is he told by somebody to do it no does he find an item that tells him to do it for example like a treasure like something is he inspired by something he sees to go get Albatros suit Oh by something he sees by another person yeah like or he sees an alatrust do something or he finds a car no no no is it by something he eats yes yes oh so he's inspired by something he eats on the island but it's people we already settled this yes but what if he also ate something else it's lateral thinking but does he is it the people that Inspire him to order the albatross yep that he ate yeah we we know this already n I'm killing myself um [ __ ] if I can give like a somewhat minor hint that it can maybe clear a lot of things up okay go all right okay you keep saying people at8 let's change it to person oh did this person know the restaurant no I mean irrelevant but let's just say no irrelevant you're H irrelevant Source irrelevant do does him and his friend eat the same person yep and does his friend have anything to do with the albatross soup or is that just something that has come up to that guy specifically did they the entire person it's like kind of irrelevant it's likeis s your question rephrase it one more time does the other person care about Albatross soup not in the way that he does not even close in the way he does so he must have does does it have to do with the taste of the person at all yes yes so the Taste of the person reminds him of Albatross soup no cuz he didn't have Albatross soup before so it would be the other way around I guess so does he figure that that the taste of the person would be similar to Albatross soup uh no h I know I'm eating a person right now here's a weird thought maybe this is kind of like Albatross soup did does he does he enjoy the taste of the person um kind of irrelevant okay not in a court of law does he feel bad about eating the person is it eating a yes yes yes okay okay so he ate a person inspired him to go get Albatross soup he ate it with his acquaintance he feels bad about eating the person he takes a sip of the TR sou he blows um and he blows his brain inside because it reminds me of it reminds him of that person I guess or the incident yeah you're you're very very very close you're just assuming something I would I'm gonna give chat what they want stop focusing on the acquaintance a little bit no okay never mind okay you want to know about the aquaintance he makes around 6300 a year before after that is uh before unfortunately so he feels bad about eating the person right and it's eating away at him so honestly he's also a proper dick move eating someone if I'm I'd do it to be honest I wouldn't probably wouldn't eat d l you're good for years [ __ ] uh [ __ ] so the person he he eight has something to do with Albatross soup but yes okay did he cook Albatross soup nope did he cook any soup nope did he cook anything no did the person eat anything the person yeah like the person that died and and he's eating him now no does the person have a connection to albatross's that he ate not in the way that I think you're thinking also it's Alat trai is the person's name Albert No in fact I would goes to far to say it might be Alberta so woman woman yep and her name is actually Alberta and that's relevant the story her name is not [ __ ] Alberta but the fact that she is a is a woman is relevant to the story oh is this a dirty riddle yeah they have sex at the end he after he eats her or before the eating is what a dirty dog F he eats a woman why the [ __ ] does that matter hello I don't know what is he does he have feelings for her yes yes yes did he nickname her an elatos wait did do they develop feelings for each other after the the like during their stay on the island or they they already knew each other yep is this like a significant other like a partner a wife or a girlfriend yes is it his wife yep so he eats his own wife on the island yep based and it's killing him inside what would that have to do with albat I mean honestly I would [ __ ] kill myself in that instance already like why why do you even need the soup does she like soup um no let's just say that she doesn't it's not relevant at all all right see my my concern now is you guys are so close now I'm questioning myself and like did I say something that [ __ ] you guys over are we hyper fixating on the fact that it's a woman or his partner No in fact I wish you guys fixated on it like 20 minutes ago but the wife part isn't relevant okay well to the version I know it is relevant yeah yeah actually we did ask about the family but that was for the Lifeboat we should have asked it again for the cruise like we asked if he knew any family oh yeah yeah true yeah okay here's what I'll say you guys are assuming something about what happened on the island you're just assuming it you didn't you didn't ask it you're just assuming it whether he ate her what's the question there does he eat his wife yes [ __ ] what we assuming so what what are we assuming about it um is the Assumption related to his feelings no it's the Assumption well no no it's not second something happens on the island that we're assuming what are we assuming Nord we're assuming that well he ate his wife yep I mean he's stranded okay so Cru ship sinks yep he ends up on the island yep she dies of starvation yep he eats her to survive they get yes they get picked up by some ship of some sort they end up on another Island he goes into a restaurant orders alvr soup takes one sip shoots himself because he ate his wife or it reminds him of eating his wife's yep does the fact that he takes one sip is that relevant at all yep are the of and she ate nothing prior no how long did they survive on the island for before they started starving well that's not a yes or no question oh that is it's not it's not fully relevant let's just say weak but it it's not fully relevant okay okay okay that that is not a answer no question I forgot oh what the [ __ ] are we assuming Z I don't know I mean so him eating her inspires him to eat Albatross soup somehow yep yep yep but she didn't need anything so she didn't have Albatross so it's not like and she didn't have an ALR pet or anything so I don't know what the [ __ ] is the connection and her nickname is not an albatross or anything she probably she also doesn't look like an albat no no I just watched s get ganked by a level one I yeah [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know man um who the [ __ ] made up this lateral thinking exercise where you have an extra step after him eating his wife what John John lateral I don't know was his wife a a human uh-huh no she was a chimpanzee no she was a human [ __ ] um did he love his wife very much yep yep absolutely oh and I think I might asked this already but was there any food on the island before she died of starvation like was there a period where there there was never food in the first place to begin no nope was there any kind of thing that they could have like fished around the island for for fish let me okay I'll give you another hint there was albatrosses on the island there was Albatross on the island yeah we knew that though yeah we did know that but the fact that he's emphasizing it means it's very relevant did they try to eat Albatross on the island yep and did they succeed no oh that could be big Nord yes did he take a sip of something on the island no the ELO po I mean I mean he technically I guess yes but not okay chill chill um did she have soup on the cruise no man get get off the cruise stay stay on the island hell no all right what you what do you want to know about the cruise there was like a 20 20 foot slide right uh so they try to eat Albatross but they are unsuccessful in doing so is this relevant is this very relevant to the story on OFA wow very does he eat the albatross soup as a like a remembrance to the attempt of eating albatross in order to like you know what I'm saying yeah yes depending on your on your on your definition of remembrance like a tribute no not like a tribute eny was he the cause that they could not or yeah was he the reason that they could not catch any Albatross no no okay are they is he upset at albatross's for the loss of his wife no no no no Noz maybe he's like one last Revenge you know [ __ ] [ __ ] this burden particular were they close to catching an albatross yeah let's just say yes it's not like incredible let's just say yes all right did he take a sip of something on the island he did take a sip of something on the island all right you said it wasn't relevant though right he it's relevant what he took a sip of on the island is relevant oh does what he took a sip of on the island have anything to do with his wife yes is it a part of her yes enemy has is it her blood no is it her milk no what the [ __ ] could he possibly be taking a sip out of her blood or her milk I mean I have one last guess but I'm not going to say it what is it why man no man you know what it is I my braid is Friday at 5: in the morning and nothing comes to mind no that's fine it's not relevant I'll I'll give you I'll give you the shortcut that one isn't relevant nor do you take a h with water she it's part of her body Nord oh yes yes what the [ __ ] do you S I don't know it's not her blood is it one of her bodily fluids no okay what my vision okay maybe I'm confusing you guys so you're going to S with the wife I guess yes yes what oh my God he's taking a sip of his wife okay wait did he cook her into a soup no no we're close did someone else cooker into a super yes yes yes wait a minute wait why did I just assume that he was eating her raw what but what does that do with anything so someone cooks her into a soup yes does that person have anything to do with that restaurant no cuz he doesn't know the restaurant he's walking into was it the acquaintance sure someone that wasn't the main guy what he didn't did he know that he was eating his wife no oh wait a minute come on Nord spit it out go man go okay so the reason he kills himself I don't knowes wait he he he finds out at the restaurant that he he was eating his wife or no oh wait wait wait wait wait they okay someone said that it was albatra soup he has one sip of albatro soup and he realizes he ate his wife yes wait wait wait wait wait say say it again say it again so someone on the island Cooks his cooks her into a soup and they pass it off as Albatross soup right so he just eats it he goes to the restaurant he eats albat soup and he realizes that it tastes exactly like his wife no he realized that was not Albatross soup on the island that was his wife yeah because it tastes just like it no cuz he didn't know it was his wife that was in the soup yes but then he realizes when it tastes like her at the restaurant s you can stop pretending pretending what he realizes when they don't taste the same cuz he's like wait a minute oh like this does not taste like Nord got it Nord got it I Nord got it I'll explain okay okay he was a guy he had a wife he went on vacation with with his beautiful wife the love of his life the cruise ship sinks him and some other survivors are stranded on an island yeah starvation hits mhm right the wife dies first the guy the the main dude goes looking for food he sees albatrosses but he can't catch one yeah he comes back the rest of the acquaintances are like hey bro we CAU an albatross here's some su he eats it but in the back of his mind he's like where's my wife what if I'm eating my wife he gets off the the ferry that saves him he goes into the restaurant he goes I need to I need to try Albatross soup I need to know if I ate my wife it tastes different so he kills so he knows it's not Albatross so he kills himself oh that was a good one that was [ __ ] hard man that one yeah I still feel like a [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] hope you guys enjoyed I hope it wasn't too a no I actually really had fun yeah I I enjoyed that yeah that was a good time thanks Wick thanks man all right there's like a uh a five minute little like uh animation thing of that's pretty neat that's like about the it's like it's it kind of like animates the whole story you can watch it in Q if you if you give a [ __ ] I can send if you have any more of those you should pop in sometime hell yeah any more lateral fig puzz yeah pretty I like the rid The Riddler but the Riddler less of an Insel hopefully well you know H well you know but yeah fun bro I started getting chills when we were getting close I'm not going to [Laughter] lie this is no no I feel like that's normal like I got very emotionally attached to that story right I felt like a detective like I thought we actually solved it every time he said oh you're so close I feel like a little dog or something I was like hell yeah please give me a treat thanks for watching before we get to the clips remember to leave a like drop a comment and subscribe to the sano's YouTube channel remember if you want to submit clips for the next one check out sanche stream clip your favorite moment and then either DM me on Twitter or shoot an email to sanov Clips gmail.com today's Clips were submitted by Sigma 333 e patch and oshiri pen pen that was actually sick Bro who got drag we did we did no valerant that was ass holy [ __ ] yeah you okay wow amazing crowd today har has nine tails I have three legs bro I can just only imagine what you look like typing that I can't lie you have you have to have the biggest soy face ever typing that God I'm getting sick just thinking about your face man just the biggest soy smirk [Music] ever [Music] [Music] d
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 54,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanchovies, yassuo, moe, twitch, league of legends, LoL, league, tft, irelia, challenger, Funny, best irelia na, best irelia plays, best irelia player, best top laner, top lane, twitch rivals, loltyler1, tyler1, 100T, irelia guide, pentakill, imaqtpie, nightblue3, gosu, trick2g, tfblade, boxbox, camille montage, best camille na, camille, shiphtur, pokimane, best irelia, support, builds, meta, broken, funny, highlights, montage, ratirl, rat, viktor, egirl, faker, problem, drama, cringe, girl, mid, lane, valorant, bet, challenge
Id: KMA6OtfnKwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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