Jury finds man guilty of killing girlfriend, whose body was found along Alameda shoreline

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Court denied that appeal, allowing the suits to move forward. The Pleasanton man accused of killing, dismembering and dumping the body of his girlfriend near an Alameda shoreline last year, is now facing life in prison. Today, a jury found Joseph Roberts guilty of that gruesome murder of Rachel Buckner. NBC bears Velena Jones spoke to the victim's family after that verdict was read. The trauma is still with me, but today I can breathe a little bit easier on the steps of an Alameda County courthouse surrounded by family. As Jameelah Buckner is reacting to the guilty verdict in the murder of her daughter, 27 year old Rachel Elizabeth Amani Buckner. Her justice has been served and we can now feel, we won't have, the trauma that I and my family has faced for the last four years. Today, a jury found Rachel's fiance, 42 year old Joseph Roberts, guilty of second degree murder. Da Pamela Price explains DNA evidence helps secure the guilty verdict. We have every optimistic hope that the court will oppose the maximum sentence, in order to address the horrific crime that was visited upon this family and upon our community. Rachel's body was found dismembered and wrapped in plastic near the bay farm shoreline in Alameda. Rachel Howard, graduate and recent law school graduate, met Roberts when they were both students at Golden Gate University Law School. Family and friends say there were years of warning signs about Roberts and blame Pleasanton police for not doing more sooner. What you didn't hear is that 17 times the police came out and did barely anything. This is an injustice that should never have happened because if they looked in the records, they would have seen that Joseph Roberts came and beat the hell out of me and my mother for. And so he's a dangerous man. He was a dangerous man even before she first called. Roberts faces a sentence of 15 years to life in prison, while Rachel's family waits for him to be sentenced next month. They're advocating for better protection for domestic violence survivors. If you don't see a scar, that doesn't mean it's not there. If the person says they don't want to leave, it doesn't mean they're not shouldn't leave. Do your job. We need
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 4,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alameda, alameda county, pamela price, crime
Id: _nK8I53rFh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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