Jura INVADES Konoha With Ten-Tails Entities! Naruto's Life Is In Danger - Boruto Chapter 8 SPOILERS

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so we finally have the early spoilers for chapter eight of boruto tuu Vortex and for the most part it shows hiari invading the village with Jura but it doesn't show the other shinus for some reason now that doesn't mean that they're not in the village but they're obviously not the focus of the chapter but the conversation between hiar and Jura is pretty comedic for the most part but you guys can tell me what you feel about it after we go through it now the pages have been colored and translated so that's off to those guys on Twitter so we have Jura saying look hiari it's an old bookstore Jura then says this is is fantastic for an unexpected encounter it looks promising then the Sasuke Shinju says are you here Uzumaki Naruto and Jura Shinju replies saying interesting I like the way he said it with a straight face so this seems to be more of a comedic conversation rather than Jura actually being serious here and while we knew from the prior chapter that Jura was interested in reading books this seems to be an obsession with gaining knowledge and it kind of goes back to Jan because we have multiple panels of Jan just reading books in the past so this does sub instantiate the theory of this being a copy of Jen then again what I think people seem to forget is that Jen is ishiki so the Gan we saw in the past reading books the one that spoke the one that had the mannerisms that is literally Shiki controlling him so when you see Jura exhibiting traits of Jen those are just traits of ishiki himself now I did find this interaction very interesting because the hidari Shinju doesn't seem to be interested in Naruto whatsoever now this really stems from what was revealed in chapter 5 which which is that they share an even deeper connection with the person they copied in that these new Shinju entities seem to possess an innate goal or instinct to consume that person Juro believes that this is a side effect of them evolving differently thus changing their instinctual drive and also that they should give into it which should in time reveal their targets this led to the female Shinju named Matsuri revealing that she has the urge to consume Kon hamaru who is the childhood friend of Moi the person she copied the B Shinju also revealed that his desire is to consume a the person who bug loved the most due to her charm ability similarly the Sasuke Shinju revealed that his desire is to consume sardaa the daughter of the person he cloned so what they all have in common is that they want to consume the person the cloned individual cared for the most this then leads us to Jura who mysteriously didn't have his counterpart revealed as yet and that was done for a reason you see how I came to the conclusion that he was a clone of kaaki and is Shiki which I discussed in a prior video was by using the same logic employed by the other entity the only difference is that we're somewhat working backwards because in chapter 5 it was revealed that his instinctual desire is to consume Naruto usumaki which simply means that the person he copied had to have had a deeper connection with Naruto as it was for the other Shinju now of course you could say a lot of people love Naruto so it doesn't really mean anything he could just be Naruto's number one fan for all we know which is true to some degree but that's when You' employ other attributes such as physical appearance which would then narr down to kawaki and Gan this is due to the fact that J 's body composition and his hairstyle seems to resemble there similar to how the other Shinu resemble their counterparts now some would mention Joon 616 who got bitten by one of the CLA Grimes mainly due to the fact that he has a hairstyle similar to Jura but the issue with that is that while he does have a similar hairstyle his body composition is totally different along with the fact that he doesn't have the ability to fly you see what some people missed in chapter 4 is that every Shinju displayed an ability the person they copied possessed for example hidari using Chidori and Matsuri using Earth release now the BG Shinju didn't display any unique abilities per se since BG didn't have any he simply use the same body modification technique the tent Tails has shown in the past which makes perfect sense now when it comes to Juro the only ability he displayed was the ability to fly which wasn't employed by the other Shinju now of course you could simply say that maybe they can fly but just decided not to but when you take into context the purpose of showing each of their unique abilities narratively speaking was the hint towards who got clothed it then makes more sense that this is just the ability he gained from the person he copied this then Narrows the field down to kawaki since he's the only person who looks similar to Jura whilst also possessing the ability to fly as seen in chapter 1 now this then leads us to the how how were they able to clone kawaki when he wasn't turned into a tree well this all goes back to why they turn into a tree and how the Shinju were formed you see we're going under the assumption that you have to be turned into a tree in order to become a Shinju or to be copied when that was never explicitly said what we do know is that that the chakra the clogs consumed by devouring humans was then used to create the Shinju this was of course hypothesized by a after listening to their conversation so what this implies is that act of turning into a tree isn't what's necessary what's needed is the consumption of chakra in fact it's also implied in the conversation with sardan joning 617 that the clams turning into a tree is actually a defect of them consuming chakra of non otsutsuki so this simply means that if a clme consumed the chakra of an utsuki wouldn't turn in into a failed Divine tree and it also wouldn't turn into a real Divine tree since they would need to consume the tsuzuki themselves for that to happen this then brings us back to chapter 2 when kaaki was attacked and held down by one of the CLA rmes which is likely when it absorbed some of his chakra using the renegon this was then sent back to the tentel which aided in the creation of Jura now B did hypothesize that they evolved due to ishiki chaker within code's clarmar which could be true now this doesn't discount the kaaki theory whatsoever since we know that they consumed chakra from other individuals as well well which aided in its Evolution though it does affect who was specifically responsible for the creation of Jura and kawaki makes most sense due to his love for Naruto now I could be wrong which will be fine but we'll see I do find it interesting that the Sasuke Shinju seems to have no interest in Naruto especially since he was Sasuke's closest connection well I guess you could say sarda and maybe Sakura I'm still not sure if Sasuke cares for Sakura more than Naruto to be honest but we'll see either way for him to not have any interest in Naruto whatsoever is quite interesting with said the full spoilers will be out on the 16th so that's in 2 days so I guess I'll see you guys then remember to drop a like And subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next one peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] you
Channel: Kidomaki
Views: 25,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto two blue vortex, boruto vs kawaki, boruto, boruto timeskip, boruto chapter 88, boruto chapter 88leaks, boruto spoilers, boruto manga, boruto manga leaks, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, boruto leaks reddit, boruto timeskip spoilers, boruto rasengan, boruto new rasengan, boruto rinnegan, Sasuke, Naruto, boruto time skip, boruto two blue vortex chapter 8, boruto vs mitsuki, Boruto Vs Sage Mitsuki, Jura vs kawaki, jura boruto two blue vortex
Id: 3S7KS0kx3ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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