Did Kawaki Give Delta His Karma Seal During Boruto's Time Skip?

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your discount again go to gf.com or use my affiliate link and use my promo code K in order to get your discount thank you again to GFI for partnering with me on today's video yo what's going on everybody it's your boy Naruto explain here bringing you guys another Bard to two blue Vortex discussion today I want to go over something interesting from the leaks we got from the upcoming Manga chapter which might be something that's given us an answer to a major plot point that was left un addressed on part one of bort a story and it's one that I raised a few months ago wondering if and when the story story would address it soon which is the question of whether or not kawaki gave Delta his K seal like the and aor to narut next Generations was setting up in today's video I wanted to go over not only why I think it's finally been done but also what the implications of kawaki having done this means for the story as a whole as a reminder the chapter comes out officially tomorrow or so make sure to read it on viz media's Shonen Jump app for free or sh's Manga Plus app for free to support the official release because it takes two to three minutes to do and you'll help out ekimoto and his team of assistants without having to spend anything except for your time the chapter review should be out tomorrow or no later than the 21st I check with the editor who's been doing the bard of tuue Vortex reviews and he's currently cooking things up more than likely the review drops tomorrow but the review is being worked on so jumping into today's topic I do think we have an appear to justify saying that kawaki gave Delta his Kaa seal during that three-year time skip the reason why I say that is there's enough here at the end of Bor toar Next Generation we learned from a model the whole reason he was gaslighting kawaki into despair after ishiki died and Naruto lost Kama was because aato had already implanted the K still into kawaki's body when he restored the ninj tech arm using kawaki's own DNA so when he did this it was as simple as reconstructing Karma so that it could be tucked away like say a malicious virus hidden in an email attachment in the case of kawaki clicking on that attach ATT M was done by him falling into despair at the sight of momoshiki attempting to kill Naruto because Naruto refused to fight back against momiki while he was controlling boro's body a model revealed that the whole reason behind this was because he had secretly added the genetic data of his dead daughter into kawaki's Karma with the hopes that kawaki would transplant Karma onto the genetic clone of Amato's daughter the cyborg Rec call Delta in the hopes that when the Kil extracts into Delta's body it results in aab Soul being in replacement of Delta's Soul because that was the drawback of the cloning Delta genetically was a copy of his daughter she looked like his daughter she sounded like his daughter she had his daughter's memories but at the end of the day she wasn't his daughter because her personality was different because her soul was different that's why aot was so desperate before omnipotence was cast it to has Shikamaru spare kawaki because konaha was going to kill him because they were all under the impression that Naruto and hinat were killed that's why even after omnipotence was cast it and a model knew the truth he kept it all to himself because he still needed kwalk he said as much to the class rep when he told her that he figured out the truth and he made those calculated decisions because his loyalty isn't to a hok it isn't to a village it's to himself and most importantly it's to his daughter when we got into board to two blue Vortex the biggest question on my mind right away was if we're being distracted with all this code Invasion stuff and the Shinju attacking and the fate of Sasuke what happened to Sasuke then I kept asking what was the story hoping to accomplish by hiding a MTO and Delta from the narator because it rre us setting up a swerve fast forward we saw a MTO and now we're seeing Delta and it's because we saw Delta that my radar has gone off and jumped to the conclusion she has the coma now allow me to explain when we see her with kawaki she's shown flying after him which normally that wouldn't be a big deal and if you're saying hey that's not a big deal at first glance I'd say yeah my knee-jerk reaction I had a similar stance but then when I got the entire chapter in the form of the Ross SC I noticed something that was not by mistake which is yes Delta was flying and that was the problem Delta can fly we saw her flying to konaha when she fought Naruto we saw her flying when she destroyed boros Susi worshipping Church however it's because of how she was flying that was the issue Delta like kawaki and the other cars iners or cyborgs who had their entire body Modified by ninj Tech Delta in particular can change the structure of her legs and use chakra to create those propulsion blast that serve as basically miniature rockets that allow to fly or hover or fly at high speeds each time we' seen her use flight it's been via that method however one time in the chapter she didn't do that and she didn't do it the second time she flew either she was flying on her own un assistance and that's the issue that's not something Delta should be able to do I only mentioned this in passing in the spoiler recap video because I figured hey igimo and his assistants maybe they didn't catch the air it's happened before there were times where we saw Naruto borto forget to have whiskers in the magazine and it was corrected in the physical mango volume that you purchased back when Naruto's manga was weekly mino's face was accidentally drawn on the Hokage Monument during the time he shouldn't have been Hokage and Kakashi's showing gun was drawn on the wrong eye or at times it wasn't drawn at all each time it was corrected in the physical volume however this is different one panel that's an oversight multiple panels showing her flying with no rocket propulsion that is far from mistake it is intentional sure there have been hidden Jutsu in places like the stone village where Shinobi have existed and they passed down the ability to use flight to either children or to their students but there's no real reason to assume that this what happened with Delta that she suddenly became interested in learn Ninjutsu like that because it goes against the very thing that Boro has been establishing in terms of symbolism and lore science versus the way the shobi car and the car enters they repres isn't what happens when you lean too heavily into that entire aspect of science the only car iners who Ed Ninjutsu also happen to be former shobi who got their bodies Modified by a model with the notable exception being kashin Koji but kashin Koji was the clone of jiah happened to be a Shinobi so it still fits especially given the fact that what we're seeing with cloning is that things like njut and Etc or inherited memories it fits I don't see a scenario where Delta someone who already has a short tension span and an even shorter temper suddenly finds the patience to learn Ninjutsu it is 99% likely it didn't happen I only say 99% because there's always that 1% chance that the one thing you think will not happen will actually happen the only thing that explains her flying in this manner is if kawaki bestowed upon her the karma seal just as kawaki promised the mod he would do which would explain why the first time we see Delta in part two of the story she's positioned right next to kawaki it's meant to plant a subtle subconscious reminder of what was at stake at the end of part one with Delta's character one of the powers that Suki have it is flight and Delta was not only flying but she was flying at a speed comparable to kawaki and I don't think that's was my mistake either that's a pretty strong indicator that she has the K Ste because that's the only thing explains her flying away in that manner that she did as quickly as she did without the use of any type of ninja Tech even being remotely hinted at even if we assume that a model continue to remodel her body to be more energy efficient to use less chakras she's not using Ninjutsu so it stand the reason that she would have to still use ninj Tech to fly and again there are no remote hints that she's using ninj Tech here because a model's ninj Tech is nanotechnology and when it gets used the body reconstruct into those wonky wooden appendages that we see people like Delta and kawaki and cold use I said it at the end of Bon NS next Generations and I'm going to double down on it now that K seal that aato is so desperate to have kawaki implants onto Delta's body it is a massive checkos gun the same way that naut and chains manga and makima was before naut they were check off guns we don't know when it's going to be fired off but when it does eventually get to that point where it's shot it's going to have major ramifications on the story itself if kawaki did indeed implant the chil in the Delta consider that check off's gun to be getting loaded up with bullets and when it gets fired off it's going to shake up the story just as the story built up over the last 22 chapters of Boro nut Next Generation the concept of ADA being a Czech off gun hidden behind all these misdirections that you saw with the code threat and all these red herrings and hidden behind all the melow drama between borto and kawaki when the story finally decided to far out that Czech off gun known as a what happened she suddenly became desperate enough that she threw away all logic to help kawaki and his itions were at an all-time high and it resulted in her having the omnipotence shinjitu cast it and lo and behold the very thing I spent that last two years when those chapters came out telling people who are complaining that hey the story is moving too slow I don't like that it's going this slow nothing happened I kept saying this is taking the search of Tsunade Arc if you go back and reread everything you can see what this is building towards it's going to be slow and manga format as you follow it but it'll Breeze by quickly in the anime when it's animated and I kept stressing over and over again when it comes to manga this is not like completed anime where you can binge watch it and get the whole story in one day you're going to wait weeks and in some cases months and years depending on the format because this isn't a microwavable story it's a fet Manan it takes time to cook in the oven I set with complete confidence with my chest out the effects of this stretch of material is going to set the groundwork for the next chunk of the story just as the search sady literally lay the groundwork for the next 30 volumes of Naruto's Story the next 300 chapters well look at what happened we're still running off the gas of a being foreshadowed as someone who we couldn't let get close to cloudwalk and eventually we saw her using omnipotence and this K SE for Delta if it ain't a checkos gun then it is a timer waiting to go off and just as we are continuing to eat off of that omnipotence plot twist Delta with the K seal whenever that reveal happens it's going to set in stage some bigger things and that's going to be a bigger problem for the story that I do believe could serve the same purpose that Sasuke did when he attacked the five KAG Summit it set the stage for the final third Act of Naruto's manga which I'll go into further detail after the chapter review drops in another video but in the mean time click here to watch my solo leveling video on every Korean srank [Music] Hunter [Music] oh
Channel: Naruto Explained
Views: 40,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boruto, naruto explained, boruto manga spoilers, boruto two blue vortex, Boruto spoilers, boruto two blue vortex spoilers, kawaki, boruto manga, boruto two blue vortex chapter 8, boruto two blue vortex chapter 8 spoilers, boruto spoilers, jura and hidari konoha, jura and hidari bookstore, himawari jinchuriki, kawaki vs jura, kawaki vs jura and hidari, does delta have karma, does delta have a karma seal, kawaki gives delta karma, boruto ending, naruto vs delta, amado daughter
Id: NBckagooT6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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