JUNKYARD SIMULATOR - Launch Day Livestream!!

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all right i think we're live oh i'm gonna get started here in a few moments i gotta make sure no no no i'm gonna play a little bit of junkyard simulator which actually just launched today i did a video on it and actually um kind of got a little sidetracked with one of the quest guidances so thought i would come back and give it another shot um let's see wait where's the lot okay there we go see we've got zero hero hello anthony krukowski shawn eberly hey sean matthew 132 and flying saucer oh and also ben jones just said hello waff or wof gamers says what's up oh see here kind of get my desktop over here situated and we we will get started let's see i had to like restart my mac the other day so all my windows are gone and you guys know me i never come prepared okay here we go except i did reboot this time and everything is good why is it saying okay i don't know all right that is it we are gonna get started so guys and gals welcome to junkyard simulator i am bradham73 if you want to know more about this game it just launched today it is available um the link to the steam page is down in the video description i think it's pc only right now no idea whether or not it's coming to console i don't play consoles so don't don't really care uh pierre mortensen says hello brad and douglas evans says hi brad and hi everyone hello and welcome aboard uh we're going to start a new game and kind of see where things go loading game level oh gosh if that's not a free font off the internet i don't know what it is [Music] oh my head that's how you end up drinking with bob where am i this dump again the protagonist wakes up in an employee container after a something um i could use the hair of the dog but where i will find the the dog hair thing again yeah so we um wake up in this um trash heap here oh that scared the crap out of me oh johnny johnny you've been boozing again yes teaches on buddy you finally got yourself up quite a party last night i am not you remember anything no your first task will be to find some necessary tools start with your junk man interface junk man interface is it this see like this is what i'm talking about when i was talking about the um in my first episode like it doesn't say what your junk junk man interface is but um down at the lower left it does say junkie quest quest one find the maps so the minimap is located by the gaming machine so i guess that's just what i'm gonna follow so i guess this is the mini map huh okay johnny you still need a large map to plan your escapades better that is true um and then let's see we got this message down here press t to open the [Music] tutorial the map interface will help you navigate around the game area press tab to turn on the map okay oh wait wasn't that just open i don't know oh gosh the frame rate was really good until i came out here okay so we're going in this direction you can see this large arrow right here around the um at the lower right around the minimap that's going to point us in the direction we need to go so there is the large map this is what the large map looks like apparently and we are down here [Music] head to the computer you know where it is [Music] the large map will give you detailed information about the game area you'll be able to get a better lay of the land and plan your routes efficiently left mouse button lets you move around the map while scroll zooms in you can retrieve the large map by clicking m okay and i guess we just are supposed to come up here to to to the tutorial will help you i was just being silly the tutorial will help you understand the game world i doubt it by clicking the categories on the left select the game topic okay so pretty much like every other tutorial on that facebook we want to leave you stranded when you don't know how to use some of the tools machines or other fun mechanisms keep checking back whenever you feel lost to go to the tutorial press t or find it in the pause menu no need to be shy and we've been meaning to clean up the yard for a long time but i just never got around to her today it's your turn uh if you want there's quite a lot of room in your backpack and that way you won't have to carry each item in your hand don't laze around ah get to work so right now i think we have like four slots in our backpack and we can pick this up [Music] with the backpack you can move items from one place to another more efficiently and store things that you think are valuable when the card is overloaded you can use the additional space of the backpack you can open the backpack by pressing b well that's what we already did so we'll press b we only have four slots so it's not like you can carry tons of stuff [Music] and we just leveled up uh army mike says good evening how you doing mike i haven't seen you around in a while of course i haven't been live streaming too much let's see cooler117 says i hope this game comes out for ps4 or ps5 probably not ps4 maybe ps5 but like i said i haven't heard anything regarding a um release date okay why can't i not move v oh yeah i had my backpack open all right so now it says locate the mini crusher and i think the mistake that i made is in the last game somehow i got like a marker put on here and and i ended up going way over here to the conveyor belt so actually the the crusher is right here down here so anyway we're going to kind of follow the big arrow there that surrounds our mini map here's the small crusher what do you think johnny you like your new toy not so much um activate the loading panel which is right here and move the vehicle to engine removal station boom uh see army mike says okay i had the local swat team in my neighborhood last oh week not good hopefully they weren't coming for you okay unhook the engine from the crane oh oh [Music] and return the vehicle to the parking lot okay pressure so i don't think i got much farther than this in my original video on this game um kind of felt like a failure there oh my gosh [Music] okay so then then you just hit tab and then you hit r you can actually do this crushing process manually i mean i guess if you really want to you can i just thought automatic's going to do it faster than i can manually so i'll just leave it to that whoop whoop been waiting half my 12 hour night shift for you to get on well awesome welcome aboard andy okay so oh gosh oh wait boom [Music] so basically anything we put in there is like money i guess not really money but it's like here i'll show you you see the text flashing next to your doe i'll give you a hint it's in the top left corner complete the order by turning on your tablet and to turn on our tablet we hit one and then we hit the tab key for the open market so everything that's highlighted here in yellow are things that we have that we can actually sell so we'll go and sell it all right no dumb melee hey melissa uh let's see how are you uh the gaming ham says hi from the uk hello there um let's see nope three houses down for me it was the max oh gosh that's not good jeez all right locate the upgrade station uh it's over here change the color over your vehicle or purchase an upgrade upgrade your car and upgrade your character skills um let's see wait what are we supposed to do buy a tow truck upgrade okay [Music] so i guess this is our tow truck so i don't really care about changing the color we get the free upgrade there which allows us to carry two cars and then i'm going to see let's see we've ranked up a little bit i'm going to go ahead and choose the raw material raw material exchange rate this increases the exchange rate by 10 percent i guess that means that it's increasing how much money we're going to get paid by 10 percent i think we can even upgrade it another because we've got three skill points let's see yeah this skill requires 5 000 so let's do this one so that we'll get even more money uh next time we need to resell so yeah how am i i am doing good okay quest number three reset our return the cartsy location so oh we hit the r key and then we just click on the cart and then hit r again i guess and it pops back here and then we hit b to open it up and now we can actually transfer items from our backpack into our cart which is how you use that next we have to locate if i'm going to give you a piece try to stick to the beaten paths roads and alleyways remember about signposts this will help you find out where you are and where you're going okay how are you melee uh see gamingham says i am a foundation amateur radio operator as well as a gaming streamer um actually i used to i never did get my ham license back in the day they actually required morse code you actually had to learn morse code and i tried learning it i learned some like i know how to do sos but i am horrible at you know reading the the code and everything um and so i just kind of gave up on it but they used to have this thing called ham vention up in dayton ohio when i was a kid my dad used to oh this was one of the wrecks we were supposed to find uh but my dad and i used to go up to ham vention every summer at the dayton herrera arena and i think actually hera arena got destroyed by like a tornado some years back i can't remember exactly when that was but it was kind of like end of an era i went to a concert or something at harrah arena once too and i cannot for the life of me remember what in the world it was but um yeah we we used to go up there for the ham radio operator mainly because you could get really good deals on pc parts up there back in the you know back in the late 80s and 90s and just it was awesome [Music] and you could find tons of bootleg software all right so let's go get this uh let's see locate the next locate and load the next wreck so you just come up to the car you click the left mouse button and as long as you're within this circle you can boom load it up on your i've been guiding you through all these jobs but you can always make a detour when you see something interesting along the way oh you mean like this pile search to scrap what is this electric high electric box um yeah let's take that and electric box those we might actually have see ventilation something or other and then nothing and then this this uh area will actually respawn after i don't know 30 minutes or something like that if you actually listen to hear kind of like that heartbeat sound that's basically the clock counting down though i don't see where it's counting well anyway trust me it does trust me i'm a youtuber hey kevin i don't i can't remember if i said hi to you already kevin but hello yeah they don't do morse code anymore um for the ham radio operator so you can just like go and you used to be able to just go to radio shack fill out the little card and boom bang bada bang boo boo but i'm just not into it anymore like i i kind of was i did have a fleeting interest in it when i was you know a kid a teenager but yeah not so much anymore all right let's bam get out of here say say john says yo and michael iverson hey it just spawned again it just found gay and so we we gotta park in this little green box here or green area and then yep there's our tow truck so we'll transfer both of the cars to the unloading station but this one's got an engine so i'm gonna rip the engine out of this one like we did before and then we can actually just hit e to put it in our backpack and when we can actually restore it later and we'll see how that's done in just a little bit so we'll move that back uh we just got a new subscriber smack det a you just subscribed thank you so much all right on to the crusher oh oh oh i wonder i don't think you can actually put two cars in here at a time i think didn't we try that before or did i try that in my first episode of whatever [Music] i just subbed to you when watching your gold rush series oh well thank you so much kevin says nope just got here all right so now we get to pick this up again [Music] huh this looks like a nice car to be crushing but what is this like an old style dodge charger back when they looked cool like one of the problems that i have with like the new chargers and the new mustangs and the new camaros is they all freaking look the same to me people are gonna be like no no now you just wait a second brad they do not look but i'm telling you guys that i think they look the same all right let's automate this again i'm sorry from pronouncing your name wrong um ibrahim says good morning well good morning to you derek blackwell says seems like a cool game don't know if it is or not it's a i very really know how to describe it [Music] boom all right so we'll just uh pull this in here press one and sell raw materials on the scrap market oh i've unlocked a new challenge so let's go ahead and sell all this we've got 10 grand already wait where did the challenge go did i not get the challenge that was kind of pointless anyway take the engine for the rent okay so now yeah we come over here and we get to take this engine oh only four items can be in the backpack okay we'll just carry it up here then haggy says uh yep you're right awesome uh see andy says completely agree american cars in the 1960s were mental and so much better to look at than the euro cars well not yeah not only like then the european cars but um i don't know they were just like kind of works of art back then you can always turn on the radio to make this or any other activity more pleasant to do that press oh yeah we're not going to turn on the radio because i don't want to get copyright strikes um so we are going to renovate this engine and uh so we're going to scrub it with the brush first what's weird is while you're crouched you can't move okay that should be good enough for that side 75 percent this part not really so detailed and we're at 96 percent so i'm missing something so let's hit the h button and see what we're missing oh right there all right so next we can go we have to go to the sandblasting tool we're going to be doing a lot of this in a few minutes now if you want to you can really oh i forgot i can't move you can really get into every single little nook and cranny if you want but you really just have to hit all of these spots so if you go boop boop something like this like that um let's see do we get them all nope [Music] so now you can see everything's perfectly clean so you don't have to be super detailed and waste like tons of money or tons of money tons of time on um getting all the little nooks and whatnot same with painting just give it a quick once over and boom there we go so now we can actually sell this to the market uh we're gonna hit tab oh my gosh um this is how much we're gonna they're gonna pay the old price was 740 and the bonus so we have a 703 profit i guess actually it's all profit since we just found it um so now we have to renovate two items so uh we're probably gonna do more we can actually renovate this bad boy um let's uh whoop why can't i move oh cause i get no ah ah bring an item that hat what bring press l yeah find an item bring an item that has renovation in the name oh this is just scrap oh man oh everything else has renovation in the name so this is 339 dollars so again we can see where all the different spots are just kind of stand back do a quick once over on all the sides and you're gonna get everything usually [Music] okay now with the sandblaster it is a little bit easier to tell like where all your well or how complete you know your sandblasting is got that done uh peyton short thank you so much for subscribing welcome aboard then finally last but not least is the paint i have no idea what i'm painting here [Music] and uh we'll answer him sixteen hundred dollars four hundred and eighty percent profit yes please we just leveled up again and next we've got this uh oh we've got this engine block and we can do this one too it's telling us to go to the car but let's just uh renovate all our stuff first all you really have to do is just hold down the mouse bam and go like i just kind of rub that circle even with this just kind of rub the circle around all of the surface see how there's like that circle right there just kind of try to coat cover everything really quick and you're gonna get pretty much everything that you have to get straight down over there boom see how easy that is and you it's kind of the same with the paint stand back do one side boom there's another 1400 bucks and then do i have anything else that's scrap and then what the heck is this thing oh what is this thing what [Music] what why is it not letting me do this one [Music] hmm i might have to come back to that one all right let's continue on with the junkie quest so let's open this car hood begin inspection left mouse button number of elements disassemble what so it goes from like 192 to number of elements disassembling i don't know i think this basically makes the car more difficult to disassemble i don't know ricky reasks ricky reacts asks car mechanic simulator no this is junkyard simulator uh let's see so dismantle a scrap type car part dismantle a renovation type car part uh [Music] i think the oh the engine is renovation type okay so we've got to take all these little things off man this thing is seen better days boom pause inspection and take the piece from the stand [Music] move piece to the renovate okay uh-oh i think i broke the game um so um [Music] this is not good this is beyond my ability yeah it's not okay wait how do i get an item oh i see i seriously do think i broke the game see this um no no oh wait how do i sell hahaha [Music] um what do we do um maybe i how did our truck get up here maybe i just need to run away run away cloth not brush oh michael iverson says cloth not cloth not brush everybody's screaming try the cloth brad for the love of god try the the cloth is working okay my neighbors are like what in the world is brad doing up there see that's why i got that's why i have you guys around [Music] oh thank god thank you michael oh thank you for the hearts melee okay again we got oh too far back just gonna go this melee went to the store and looked at computers and she found a computer and you know what she asked the salesperson can it play star citizen oh gosh wait ventilation oh i see what whoa 13 000 wait how do i get out of here no i don't want to sell i guess i have to sell it to you i didn't even get to repaint it i just sandblasted it wait aunt what did andy say that he got timed out oh ha yeah be careful with like really long repeating uh phrases there nightbot will time you out uh so we okay now thank you so much michael that really saved us there oh feet boom there we go time to pick up the brush going to brush everything with my brush if you don't like it i don't know what to tell you what to do [Music] gonna brush off my engine for you should try to hit those high notes oh yeah oh yeah we got a donation let's see here see if it pops up mr death us welcome aboard anthony krakowski five dollar donation thank you so much anthony if you would like to contribute towards the october donation you can click the link down in the video description um i don't know yeah or in the chat channel your name up on the leaderboard uh oh there's the last one so now it's time for some sandblasting [Music] i'm going a little bit way too detailed into this but it is kind of it is kind of um satisfying to do all of the sandblasting and everything and making everything look nice and shiny so if you want to take your time on it you definitely can but it does take a lot of time to do it [Music] okay now we get to paint the engine and again just kind of knock it out really quick boom that's it so now we get to um place it back on the stand and now let's see disassembly open the trunk door and start the search so now we get to go into the trunk we're going to turn on the flashlight here so we got some cardboard oh look an antique vase worth 2 000 something a carjack and i guess not much else all right quit that oh and we're gonna go ahead and oh wait all pro processes must be okay cardboard is worth a whopping dollar here um wait what am i doing wrong here do i have to get every here's the back seat there's nothing else in here so i guess i'll just start disassembling everything because all the stuff in here is all scrap oh gosh some of these things are kind of hard to see in here okay the heck let's get back up to the front here no so there's basically like the front of the light the bolt or you know the reflector and then the rear part of the light oh okay so the front of the car is gone so let's see back window cooking with jay says love your channel and fairly new well welcome aboard thank you so much what i'm gonna take all the suspension stuff out aha no i can't oh wait okay i can't take those out yet i will take these little brackets out get rid of all these seats i love how there's like what was that like the ignition or something oh oh yeah we can take the uh take all this stuff off oh there we go so like if you if you try to remove something like let's say we try to remove this door it's see how the it highlights the window in orange that means we have to take the window off first then we can take the door off and thank you so much to smart home for subscribing uh and i think i missed peyton short who also subscribed 21 minutes ago [Music] um anthony says good night good night anthony there's also these little pieces oh see nothing we also have the sun shades yep i love how you have to unbolt the tire in order to take the rubber off the rim um this game is definitely a lot more simplistic than [Music] a car mechanic simulator and yes even the little keyhole there okay now we've got oh fuel drain um oh piece right there that oh looks like there's a brace up there and boom hey what is this thing doesn't really tell you what the parts are oh disassembly 98 what am i missing oh i remember whoops wait how do i go back into disassembly mode it's like you have to cl okay it's like i have to click on that there are two speakers one there and one there okay so it still says 99 percent oh this tube i thought i got okay so now we're at 100 so unfortunately we don't get to like clean off like i was really hoping that i'd be able to like spray this off or even to brush it off but no you can't do anything with that at least not yet in the game maybe later on um but we get to do all this we have to renovate all these doors okay next is the sandblaster [Music] [Music] and last but not least the paint boom done good as new not sure if you're not sure what to take apart use your eye key well there's the h which gives you the hint but um i haven't tried the ikey [Music] so and paint i think this game for those with this game might be an ocd person's dream like trying to you know get all the paint absolutely perfect [Music] foreign [Music] it's got straight stripes to you makes it go 100 miles an hour faster in the straight away boom and let's see what else do i have oh i've got the trunk and then the front and rear bumpers and you got to go through the same stuff with this [Music] i missed a spot okay [Music] [Music] and onto painting okay up under the spoiler there or actually that's a wing well it's not even a wing i guess if it'd be a spoiler or a i want that anyway it's a trunk hood that's what it is is this game like that tank game you know what i never played that tank game um though i do know i guess it's like tank mechanic simulator i don't know i never played that one so i couldn't tell you i have that tank game but i just have never they sent me a key for it i've never used it the ends [Music] i guess we're just spraying it with chrome just like i've been playing it for 47 years i think it's tank mechanic simulator i think that's what it is farming simulator 22 can't wait yeah i'm pretty looking forward to it late late september is going to be crazy because we've got farming simulator coming out and the uh intergalactic aerospace expo in star citizen which i think is actually this the exact same week so yeah it's going to be kind of nuts so i'm really hoping i get a copy of farming sim early [Music] i'm thinking giants will hopefully send me one we'll see if they do i will be as appreciative as always [Music] oh now we gotta paint so this is the last piece wow that's it went to 81 that fast boom now why is the search only at 60 oh look at this an antique silver bracelet boom we got a ruby holy cow do you see how much that was and a gold bar i bet there's more underneath the seat here because i i love how there's just like random gold bars you know hanging out in the wait um no disassembly is complete there's one more item in here for us to find see how it says search 90 percent ah the screwdriver boom okay go to the computer and buy new parts so we just go to the computer hit i can't even do anything on this screen other than e to exit [Music] left click to buy new parts and magically the car is instantly done just like it happens in real life uh go to the car and transfer the vehicle to the hangar so i guess this is transfer transferring the car uh let's see months to go whoop whoop yeah about a month and a half i think it comes out november or yeah november 22nd if i'm if i remember correctly quest number five renovation watch the vehicles a lenger so how are we supposed to watch them just like you just look at them or do we have to look at all of them ooh the look at the graphics are really stuttery oh gosh find rex restore collect you can find hidden wrecks by searching junkyards found and restored wrecks can be collected or sold number one remove objects blocking the wreck number two transport wreck to the workshop and restore it number three have your vehicles restored in the scrap collectors workshop or number four add restored rex to your collection at the hanger okay okay that was my voice that wasn't like the end game voice that was all me um all right talk to rob where is rob it's getting it's getting dark and scale hi rob rob the blob thanks i knew i could count on you look up small map in your junkyard interface to check the locations for this job you've done it before you can do it now johnny right so we have a new job i guess i guess it's over here it's like it won't let you put a marker down if you're so close to the uh area go to the designated place scan the area scan area with middle mouse button [Music] scrap fever collects 27 000 [Music] time to put your new skills to the test go out there and make some money deliver found items to the scrap market find wrecked cars and search the trunk search scrap heaps scrap market scrap market where is the scrap market anyway um if you get bored you can try playing our okay find a wrecked car and take it in all right so this is just kind of telling us what to do where is the scrap market workshop and renovation zone crusher search area search area grandmother's pawn shop motel area scrap oh so the scrap market is way over there so can i pick this up and like oh i got two bucks for that what's this thing handrail well that's for way what's this plastic paper or plastic small radio oh that's scrap i want to say this is plastic wait it's not really this is definitely plastic okay so i think we've got a dumpster over here don't we okay that doesn't do anything that's 27 000 we're going to be doing wait do we just have to get up to 27 000 or do we literally have to oh my gosh [Music] so i guess this is where we're going to put all of our stuff in this cart oh i think there's a i want to get all these crushed cars back here a tank gearbox right wow um a painting scrap an old desk lamp okay so see i would love to pick up all this stuff money money money it's gonna say there's another one over here all right so if we go to fast travel [Music] workshop small crusher all right scrap metal market let's go over there and see what happens um ackman tune for life says hey bro been subscribed for about five months now been watching the gold rush series at the moment and i love it up to the 2020 episode 8. i love your channel i'm from newcastle england keep up the good work well thank you very much um andy devlin says standby i'm being attacked by a moth all right so add to stop wait what you must be wondering what this whole scrap market thing is about i do the scrap market is where you can sell raw materials at different prices depending on the exchange rate keep an eye on exchange rates and sell your junk at the highest price [Music] oh that oh that's just scrap oh man i was hoping to [Music] okay interaction sending the cage the cage has been sent to a shoot only when closed to send items to warehouse place them inside the cage obtaining items item storage tablet with scrap okay okay so that stuff's in there if i say oh do i have to close it and then add it to after sending raw materials to the scrap market you can wait until they reach a favorable exchange rate do yourself a favor and don't sell anything for cheap take it as a piece of advice from an old friend [Music] uh where did all of our stuff go oh okay so that some of this stuff is just not i mean it's like we're nickel and diming ourselves here oh we're right over here okay so we're at the other end of this bridge like hardly anything there i want to come and get this car [Music] all right so there's the workshop let's go back here i'm back andy won moth zero nice uh andy says sure most games on steam you can get on playstation and xbox can't you i would say the majority of them probably not i would say most games on steam are pc only but there are quite a few that are both but i would say there's probably more that are pc only i want to get the dukes of hazard car i want that for myself can i get this car oh i can [Music] gonna get that vehicle nope that one no but see i can get this one and there's one of these right here i'm gonna guess that the paintings are probably something that we would sell at the see phone will inform you which raw material i don't know something about something about raw materials uh scott moffitt says what's up brad how are you i am doing pretty good thank you so much for asking i don't really care about the painting [Music] i don't care about the painting ooh two times stock market is that right now or is that in the future is that in 19 but we get double the price for iron in 19 minutes maybe or is it for the next 19 minutes see that's like you just don't know double um let's go back to let's go back to well i want to see if i can transfer off area unavailable for vehicle but i want a duke's a hazard car kind it's kind of duke's a hazard it doesn't have the the rebel flag the confederate flag on the top oh well i guess it'll go to the crusher oh broken car with engine did they ever do anything different with gold rush nope i mean they they do the little um leaderboard thing every quarter every three months but i literally have no interest in that i'm probably going to be done with gold rush i don't you know they playway hasn't said anything to wait why can't i oh there we go yeah they they haven't said whether or not they're working on a gold rush too they're just like if we have something to announce we'll announce it when we have when we're ready that's kind of like all they really tell me even though i'm probably one of the biggest gold rush players on youtube may not be the biggest but i know i'm up there am i excited for winner heck no did they uh see a beast boy says i have to go to bed in a minute uh-oh tonight didn't even finish the scrapping process oh fart on a hamburger i was supposed to do this wasn't i yes i was oh there we go [Music] so guys and gowns um be sure to smack the like button right now if you like if you're liking this game so far we got 49 likes everybody if you haven't hit the like button but you like the game hit the like button let's see uh let's see how many likes we can get [Music] okay um all right so we got nineteen thousand dollars um we got five times iron right there oh we might hit 27 000 here of course we might not yep boom 27 000. locate the fast travel board all right you've unlocked a new challenge let's see what this challenge is like spike we're up to 59 come on we got 108 people watching we should have 108 likes we're up to 60 likes come on guys knock down all the objects toss the ball into the marked containers complete all stages time is not calculated in your score johnny are you i didn't even know my name was johnny manny mirror's brave what oh come on [Music] is that it um oh cool oh okay so maybe we should go for the top one that's a tough one boom [Music] get off of there wait what oh there's more over here nice of them to tell us oh my gosh [Music] all right so we got 700 bucks that ain't too bad there's not even a thousand watching but it would be a good challenge i wish there was a thousand people watching that would be awesome uh okay let's look around okay what there's something i have to do over here um remove engines from wrecked cars we can accept that hmm okay come back later or she's like come over later brad in 73. i'm like no stay away okay i'm just looking for like a bear or something big to like murder me here in the middle of the night not in real just in the game because i don't want to you know oh oh what could this be out here [Music] oh there's an arrow pointing to nothing okay i think this is this hanger that i'm supposed to this is more of a barn not a hanger a hanger is like you know for airplanes on the ball on the ball throw the number of throws you have left is at the top right oh i did not know that and now i do know that wait when you search a car and there's lots of scrap use your cart and your backpack then head to the scrap market well there wasn't nothing in that car huh [Music] new orders available okay [Music] come on now see i can't even do anything with this oh what's this girl over here she's like i gotta go to the bathroom no i don't i can't make it alone okay if you want to earn some money i will be happy to share my profit uh what if she go out and just find stuff for you maybe maybe that's what she does oh let's see brad i've been a been watching your gold rush you said your mom wasn't well she's okay um yes thank you for asking um she's actually doing pretty good um she's on kind of like a newer medication that's i guess at this point it's been out for about four years um when she was first diagnosed last year it had been out for about three it had been on the market for about three years i think since sometime in 2017 and um and she's been doing really well she's going to all of her doctors appointments and um she's got one tomorrow and so she's doing pretty good leading an active life and you know uh trying to enjoy you know the time she i mean she's 80 or 77 so or no 78 i think so um but yeah i want her to be around i want her to be 90 i want to be 95. so um it's just uh it's scary but you know it is what it is all right let's go [Music] i guess let's go try to find a car that we can renovate or restore or whatever zolinks what's all this okay here's a car that we can scrap there's another one we can scrap hi are you looking for treasure who's not my grandma's running the pawn shop near the motel i'm buying gemstones sculptures and necklaces find items in the marked area a table grinder an angle grinder and a cordless drill no worries wait f where's the marked area hi no worries wait what is it axe screwdriver flashlight table grinder and cordless is this there's a flashlight there no worries find items in the marked areas hi yeah yeah yeah yeah stop following me around you creeper you're making me nervous where's this marked area that everyone is talking about chunky challenges now this map does not correspond whatsoever with there's a okay there's a table grinder cordless drill a drum extension cord oh come on a sound amplifier do we have to get one of those no worries see there's a flashlight but i don't think that's really where we're supposed to be looking i think we're supposed to be looking out here somewhere the blue area night folks oh michael's going it's on the map there's a blue area on the map so this blue area i'm assuming that's the pickup truck there these are all the cargo trucks and carts but there's nothing else on this map unless it's on the mini map oh they're on the mini map boy am i a charred okay so there's that piece thank you so much okay angle grinder cordless drill and [Music] now i just need an axe no worries now where i'm wearing up and there's the x [Music] hey there junk man whoa he should he should have done a dab he should be like doing the dab move but all right so i think we want to make a left here i want to go to the pawn shop and sell that those like really nice things that i got oh gosh where would i be without you guys in the chat helping me out thank you so much um junkyard area where the heck am i what huh what i can't it's my backpack oh my backpack's full um [Music] okay renovation renovation and renovation six thousand dollars holy cow workshop pawn shop camp [Music] rocky man wait rocky men oh thank you so much for subscribing subscribe workshop and pawn shop should i drive my truck back through here [Music] i kind of feel like i can drive my truck back through here oh i thought that was gonna be a searchable pile boy was i wrong pawn shot good thing there's no other cars i can just kind of go and do whatever i want okay what do we got here okay so i think the pawn shop is at the motel okay i have no idea what this place is supposed to be grandmother's pawn shop i wonder what's back that way fluttershy hey how you doing i'm gonna go back this direction you think this game could become a series it seems like it has it's got maybe some potential but oh man i don't know hey i don't think your grandma uh i don't think i picked that up you can only pick up four items where's me maul memo fire can you look through okay whoa money oh this game's kind of like search for treasure simulator you can actually we can renovate coffee tables and chairs come on so some money up there wait can we seriously go into each one of these oh wow um where the heck oh okay here's the here's like one of those cars we can restore you already have this sell it to another collector sell it to collect an oh are you kidding me okay so there's that one where was the other i thought i saw i don't want to come all the way back over here let's get i guess i'll just grab these two cars if i can what that car's covered up already um that was quick all right there's our cars um yes i have record restored the car in the shop so that's all done wait can i fast travel with the truck like if i just fast travel back we'll [Music] i think we have to go this way [Music] okay there's the crusher area it says the crusher is this way [Music] what the heck is that collected wrecks uh what in the world is that [Music] what in the world is this that's like a massive crusher look at this oh we have to unlock this oh where in the world am i oh i see i gotta go way over here oh no i just don't want to see that there's all kinds of junk back here okay i think i know where this is up here so we're gonna head on up there surrender the all the what um is this game new is this game new no this game just came out today there's been a demo out actually there's been a few different versions of the demo out for oh several months i think there we go but no it just did come out today uh i've got the link to the steam page down in the video description all right so let's see what we've got here oh no engines and either one of these what did i never oh my gosh wof gamer says wait what says do you remember me i no i don't remember you [Music] do you remember me [Music] well that that has 1990s like written all over it ackman tuned for life says would love to visit america such a great country any place you suggest brad or beast boy stay away from like california and new york every play everything else is nice and that's not to say everything in california in new york is bad it's just like new york city and like l.a and san francisco it's just absolute the cities are just so massive that it's it's so expensive i mean even hotels are ridiculous tommy pickles says this game is offensive to a man who owns a junkyard like myself i will agree but be careful with the all caps because nightbot might time you out just just so you know and it's i have no control over nightbot what nightbot does okay so we can go back in here sell all this stuff i think i'll go up to my hangar and i'm going to try to sell that one car you want want to go to yellowstone and go swimming yeah don't go to don't go to yellowstone well you go to yellowstone don't go swimming unless you want to be charged with a federal crime and die at the same time um florida yeah florida's pretty cool especially if you like spaceships and stuff let's go ahead and sell this mechanic is now blocks great so we can't even do that huh let's see here [Music] increase yeah [Music] increases money by recycling paper plastic or waste paper [Applause] [Music] anything that's going to bring us more money definitely [Music] two level two one skill point wait what is this increase scanning oh area of scanning epic you can renovate five items once over 15 minutes he couldn't before [Music] and we'll move a little faster i noticed no discernible difference in my running speed at all just curious oh see here brad i was on one of your first for yours i doubt that because i've never seen you before uh abandoned factory campground large scrap yard bob's area pawn shop oh that's the pawn shop let's go there what is that is that rain outside or what's going on outside it actually rained earlier tonight like two hours ago because i took the garbage out and my what my my whatsapp i don't have whatsapp uh my um weather app came up and was like yo dawg oh don't tell me i can't go to the pawn shop talk to the old lady talking to her today so i seriously i ser si ciliously can't talk to her what in the world it's a beaver i don't i i want to keep this stuff like i don't want to get rid of it oh i can't move that oh well um oh quick go to locate okay so we have to find a large scrap wait where's the fast travel [Music] large scrap yard i'm gonna guess this is it let's go there yeah tommy pickles yeah washington dc like if you stay to like the the national mall and then if you drive out to washington dulles and go to the the udvar hazy museum if you like airplanes they have like a real space shuttle there they have an sr-71 there they've got the enola gay there which dropped the nuclear bomb on japan or the first atomic bomb um it's a really cool museum to visit uh where am i oh here we go wait [Music] i love how we get the engine startup sound and then nothing i i just kidding i don't love that at all hmm so now we have to go around we have to look for cars that are covered oh there's one crap that's the same one see i don't think that one has an engine see that's the one we've already done so that's not going to help us huh dude that car's got an engine good night good night have a good night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs buy oh can we fit through here oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh i don't like the uh the camera controls very much they feel like they're backwards or something [Music] watch out bartholomew actually i don't know that's his name could not could be might not be no worries oh if i were you i would worry no worries no i'm not looking for your treasures go away [Music] you son of a gun thank you okay so we're oh here we go oh gosh oh come on so we have to find what a hydrant what uh oh no i'm stuck oh no i'm not uh what just happened oh here we go all right oh my god oh my gosh oh so that's what it looks like oh look at these look at these terrible look at these textures i mean come on that's like 1995 stuff that's like that's embarrassing uh let's see let's look detail 100 percent unlimited mouse sensitivity um everything set to epic approve changes yes and nothing happens where's the other see there's like a blow right here maybe yep can i get through here i can so i think i need two more oh now i just need an axe and a hammer there's another car with an engine there i'm gonna go towards this flashing arrow right here that's blue yeah right there yeah there we go boom and we'll come back and get that car how about that um the legend of yeet says i have no idea what you're talking about it looks like it was hdi quality texture yeah that's yeah no worries wow it's like the worst i can't even say it's a dance move it's so bad old shock absorber oh i was gonna do [Music] let's take all this stuff out [Music] okay we'll take that vehicle that's scrap i kind of feel like taking that though here so it's like go to location locate large scrapyard isn't that what i'm in or is there an even larger large scrap yard junkyard area entry one entry two okay so there's the crush this this whole map does not compute in my brain okay this kind of does over here but not really something's out there i don't know what what i do actually like about oh no oh that this is wait i think this is where i was when i did my episode the other day and i'm not going to be able to drive through there no i have to like unlock that or something oh no oh no [Music] uh seems to be very few cars you can pick up to renovate um i've only found one so far i though i know i've seen a few others i just can't remember where they are what pc to buy is like asking what car to buy there are lots of different things to consider but the best you can afford oh wait a second the pawn shop's not open yet oh there's a car i can see that's the same model as the car that i not allowed to see i can't sell the one that i have so all i'm doing is just scrapping the ones that i can find so i'm gonna assume that sometime down the road why is it pointing that thing off in that direction like it's junkyard i'm just gonna drive down this road we're gonna see where this gets us probably nowhere random 73 i tried to eat healthy but a chocolate bar looks at me and snickers yes i know i know the feeling um let's see jordan taylor says yo love the work man keep it up i had to start streaming again oh i i had have to start okay i'm confused now uh see i don't think you can sell your car until after quest 10. well that's no good wait i want to get out of here i want to okay go to large scrap yard quest 7 fast travel that's what i did crusher area factory [Music] well you know what if i drive back here there's gonna be there should be a there should be something where i can fast travel uh legend of eat says the map is yes it is it's kind of ridiculously confusing actually and i love how the well no i don't love it but i think it's kind of hilarious how the truck doesn't make any sounds is this up here see that's a car i can scrap oh [Music] okay we're just going to go back to the small crusher we're up to we're up to 116 viewers awesome guys and gals do not do not under any circumstances forget to hit that like button also if you want to support the channel be sure to load up those super chats and paypal donations the link is in the down in the video description uh it is also in the chat occasionally uh alrighty then let's see how to do this okay you're gonna come out here stop and then we're gonna do this whole thing again both cars with engines [Applause] well what's this got a starter in there too okay this is all scrap okay this is i want to like restore one of my i i want to there we go i want to restore a geek's a hazard car all right so i'm gonna put both of those there's a battery and a starter so oh i can't move that back over okay okay i guess you only got one shot at that taking out the scrap pieces on a scale of 1 to 10 what would you rate this game probably like a 5. a six maybe even a four like i'm trying i'm really trying to like this game and try you know trying to um give it a fair shot so i did actually go back and play it today because i don't feel that i did the game you know i think i kind of did a disservice by my initial video because i i literally had no clue as to what i was doing and all kinds of people were like oh my god you did it wrong and so i'm like what did i do wrong so i kind of went back and decided to play the you know the intro tutorial and i'm just kind of on the fence about whether or not i actually can recommend this game in good conscience but it's i think it's only like 15 bucks or something some i haven't even looked up the price of it on actually i don't know yeah i guess it'll show somebody uh somebody do me the favor of going to steam and looking up the price because i don't know what it is you know what i need to do actually i need to [Music] we need to go to the [Music] i need to get all the scrap [Music] so i'm just gonna go over there [Music] [Music] bear with me here okay [Music] so i want to just take out everything that's scrap anything that's renovation i want to keep and let's go ahead and move our cart here there we go okay [Music] okay so now i want to go to the workshop so let's teleport over there uh mr desa says 15.29 so i mean for 15 bucks it's not that it's it's a decent game for 15 bucks and it's probably worth about that um all right so we're gonna get all of our [Music] oh we've got like engines that we need to renovate this is like a new engine it is of the type i have not seen before aha [Music] okay [Music] [Music] at first i thought these were like they're like okay just let's just not even i don't even want to comment on that guy uh okay now we have to use the paper or the towel and cloth [Music] sandblaster [Music] oh there's like a whole base on it i was thinking that that was like a like a little pallet board like it was before oops okay let's sell that it sounds like that got that from wiping a real window they could have [Music] well they really need to make it so that you can so you can walk while you're uh squatted because that's kind of silly [Music] hello [Music] all right so nothing else i guess i should be copying the or not copying uh let's see so we got two more got two more engines to do [Music] [Music] do [Music] okay sell that one [Music] why do i keep doing that oh yeah i know why because this game's got terrible controls uh hey brad you ever try satisfactory yes factor yeah actually both of them [Music] i've played the factorio i'm not a huge fan of um it's okay but i i kind of get to the point where it's just like you wanna you wanna like gouge out your eyes and rip off your ears because it you know the complexity of everything is is almost overwhelming and i know that that appeals to people but i i gotta be honest i ain't got enough minutes in my life left to like have fun doing that [Music] okay now satisfactory on the other hand is incredibly well done and i highly recommend it um i've played it a lot um i wish i had it on steam just to see like how many hours i have into the game um but i have the epic games version from along you know when it first came out and i'm just kind of holding off on playing it again until they get their whole dedicated server thing going and it's like taking years and years so once they do that i'll probably get a dedicated server and play with a limited group of people but yeah i really do enjoy that game i highly recommend go to lar okay workshop small crusher the crusher scrap metal market pawn shop large scrap yard in abandoned yeah so large scrap yard mr gaming tamalan says hi hello what is my favorite game um probably st like right now and probably for the past several years it's been star citizen um it's pr star citizen's probably going to be in the top three of my all like all-time favorites of every you know for years what the heck why is it why is it still pointing way over here [Music] to like bob's area go to location large scrap yard but the quest guidance is pointing me in this direction isn't it let's try and go on to bob's area the another thing the loading times on this game are atrocious they're like almost worse than star citizen and star citizen is an alpha and hasn't even been optimized and you only get one loading period and that's when you first load into the game you don't get loading times like every time you move around the game like in like you do here i just want to go to this marker see how it's pointing me in this direction i wanna i gotta go there to see like where i need to be because that's the that's the location for the fast travel i guess uh otherwise i don't know you have approximately five hours for the rift breaker to release i don't know what that is okay so we're going over here the riff breaker sounds like an rpg or something yellow arrow is showing you which way to look for ain't it yeah that's what i was saying so that's why i'm going in that direction i'm just checking this out okay okay so we're right back up here it's pointing us in this direction oh my god if i have to seriously you guys okay this time we'll go to the large scrap yard because that's where the quest guidance took me this is this is why i'm giving the game like a four or a five now i don't know if this game is supposed to be early access but honestly to any people out there that actually own a junkyard i think this game is a slap in the face to those people because i don't think that this okay junk it's go to location and it's still giving me the same quest guidance as before do i have to go there on foot maybe that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna run over go here on foot go in through there what does this say container and there is a container i don't know there's something up there refried noodle says it is early access okay well that answers that question then we've got a long way to go i think i mean i have never in my entire life seen a scrap yard that looks like this it's just silly exit it's not funny oh it's funny this what's not funny is this game so this is this is called the warehouse i guess so i can't even open that can i go in here nope i don't even know if i'm supposed to unlock the conveyor belt that's how confusing this game is see i like to get the um any of the items that we have to quit fast travel it's telling us we have to fast travel in the quest the quest marker was on no that's not one okay hmm like i kind of i kind of feel like okay this is an early access game and i've progressed as far as i can in the early access quest chain and we're not going to be able to get any further uh and i'm just like looking around for like a fast travel board i'm not seeing one these orange markers should be well those are garages so that's where the the fast travel so the heck zoom in it's not see it's not even like letting me zoom in and out this is how terrible this game is see it's not i can't zoom in it's trust me i am using my scroll wheel right now and it is not doing anything no but yeah i can't even scroll there see i thought maybe if i did the uh you know junkyard entry second location or something then maybe it would take me to the right spot the legend of eat says this is super annoying yes i wholeheartedly agree we hit 101 likes uh actually we've hit 102 so thank you guys and gals for hitting that like button take the pickup truck see we already came down here but like i am trying to figure out where this second entrance is for the junkyard what's this over here scrap heat so this is the scrap heave oh that now see this says junkyard area up here junk man's orders see here's one of these cars that we can renovate but guess what oh i can't even click on it anymore delete left mouse button okay okay this one's like bugged out or something where did my quest guidance get sit down be quiet all right soldier what okay this is really weird oh okay yeah see it's the same car that we've had before same car ooh the old toilet seat the old never mind don't know me wait what did she say y'all know me come on y'all don't know me y'all don't know me maybe that's what she's saying i don't know the heck was that this is a front left faint fender and it's supposed to be a painting right okay there's some stuff back in here oh for the love of everything that's holy come on oh i can't go one okay you know like i'm not stupid am i like i'm not you know like you guys are seeing what i'm seeing and [Music] [Music] because i feel really dumb playing this game when it's not working correctly but then i'm like what am i missing that is keeping it okay what's in here where's my freaking truck see they have like these big icons but they should have those types of icons on the quest guidance for the quest and i can't walk up here are you kidding me oh my gosh there is my truck what the okay i've gone to both entrances i love how there's like this you see the effect coming off the back of the truck it's like i'm in a time warp or something [Music] okay i am gonna go here oh shoot i should have just gone to i don't know i don't know guys hello mr 74 what what this game makes total sense i know actually kevin and i um we were playing around in star citizen last night on the ptu and i love love love the new update see like here um all right i'm gonna see if is anything scrap scrap [Music] okay so we can't go there small crusher scrap metal what if i just go back no see it's not i can see on the little mini map on the lower right you can see the little orange bubble and it is telling me to go here [Music] so i'm assuming that it wants me to fast travel to the large scrap yard which is here now the abandoned factory i think is down here and why why is the freaking oh my gosh you guys well i don't understand why the zoom's not working on the anymore like i can't zoom into this map your destiny oh this is my destiny oh my gosh [Music] workshop so this is the workshop okay so it's definitely large scrap yard underneath here select that yes gonna do it again go right on the road you think i should drive there on the road but see the the um quest guidance is literally telling me to go right to that fast travel map ignore the map and do what the quest says but the quest is the ques when you look at the little mini radar that's pointing me to the like that location see it's still see how it's pointing over here see how there's like that little arrow on the top of the mini map at the lower right that's pointing me in the direction of that quest so if i go here it's pointing in this direction which is like down here at the workshop which is where that map is and even [Music] i mean there's i don't think there's any triggers if we drive this way like if we come up here you guys see anything on the mini map there's nothing on the minimap there's just nothing there so [Music] i'm gonna just go i feel like going to like every place think on the map the yellow arrow is just telling you which way you're pointing ain't it no no it is not it says take your tow truck well let's see what it says we took the trow truck anyway so yeah this this is the tow truck right here um so so okay if you look at the mini map you can see i'm clearly pointing to the top of the screen or or you know map north i guess you can see that the large arrow or the kind of the v-shaped arrow is to my left so even if i completely ignore which way i'm going and just move to the left towards that arrow which i'm gonna do and you can clearly see in the little tiny dot in the center there it is telling me to go this way i just ran into a tree and you can see see the little bubble see that little orange thing right there it's telling me see now i have e and that's it right there and i mean huh [Music] what was that [Music] was this part of this challenge thing i don't want to do that [Music] yeah yeah what is this fart on a hamburger come on how can i help you there's something that's probably for the pawn shop here's let's see what i'm gonna do let me save the game i'm gonna quit back to the main menu then i'm gonna load the game and then maybe just maybe whatever what whatever was causing a problem will uh be fixed uh think you've done the fast travel part now you have to find it because it says two of ten no the no like right there where it says go to location that's that's actually the the part two of the ten things so um and we've been to that location i don't know how many times but the quest guidance is literally telling you see the v-shaped arrow right there on the top right it is telling us to go right here to the fast travel [Music] so and it again it says go to location large scrap yard so which one says large scrap yard large scrap yard so it's like scrapyard is two words maybe that's maybe that's what's uh holding this back there an abandoned factory so if i go to large scrap yard boom this is where you find the trucker take the take a tow truck with you this is just this is not this right here the choose your destination this is not part of the quest guidance so again is there a mission reset option i don't think so i almost feel like going on to the playway discord because i think this game is distributed by playway if i'm not mistaken and looking at the junkyard simulator group there and being like guys wwth and again i'm just looking at these these random quests here [Music] like i just want to try to go to every location and see if maybe that triggers it that's what i'm going to do i'm gonna go to every location do you have to do the junkyard game in the building you have to do the junkyard game in the building i not for this quest okay so what is this so 60 000 stationary press okay we get a oh there's a fast travel board here it's a scrap metal market i do need to go there because i need to sell some scrap excuse me albright says love the videos thank you so much [Music] see there's this see that's just all that is that see listen [Music] hey [Music] okay pawn shop i think we already uh camera if we see maybe you have to be in the tow truck for it well you can't use the fast travel map if you're in the tow truck why is it always an e to activate well i think e is just the key that you would use to activate the or like to enter the uh the map there i like how you can just summon vehicles on command for a reason yeah i know what you mean wait where am i so that's where the pawn shop is so what is down okay so this is the campground no the beaver's still there see the bracelets gone there [Music] i'm sorry this is i'm sure this is probably just as frustrating for you guys it is as it is for me because this is just ridiculous i wonder let's see while this is loading bear with me here i just want to see if there's any oh there we go oh my gosh play ways discord is insane junkyard simulator there we go so okay so we are on junkie quest seven oh you got to be joking me um let's see i'm going to bring up my photoshop here can you do a different quest i mean you can do like i'm trying to advance the story so i can expand out into um everything else and it's just not i'll see here all right so i just posted something into their discord so maybe just maybe we might get somewhere so where are we now where are where am i now did i go to bob's place or something good location large scrap yard see this is very scrapyard like as well i love how there's just like stacks of cash in these drawers flashlight i don't need a flashlight a flashlight what cordless screwdriver it looks like uh jason keckler just posted says i'm stuck on the same exact mission so that is not a good um that's not a good sign uh con kanzi joanie or cons joni says hey brad get her done well that's what we're trying to do i promise let's go get the pickup truck i'm gonna no no replies to it yet hello grimlock and don't worry about nightbot that's just the uh general announcement it is a bot people people don't seem to understand that that the nightbots a bot sometimes oh gosh huh yeah see i got these this these pawn shop items and i can't do anything with them until i can unlock the pawn shop i can't unlock the pawn shop until i progress in the the quest and there is no way you can't pay me [Music] start this game over raj is see what is this huh um [Music] okay do i want to drive this around nice deuce and a half man i just they need to up they need to update this game so that the textures don't look like they're literally from like 1992 now maybe 2002. like some of them look like not so bad well when you get up close they really of course i'm spoiled by star citizen if you guys have ever played star citizen and you look i mean it's like you can zoom in to the uh what the heck kitty you can zoom into textures in star citizen and they hold up extremely well it's it's i've never seen a game with better textures than star citizen it's just it's just amazing okay let's see still nobody come on guys hey brad bit off topic here do you like football uh you call it soccer oh my team just became no i'm not a big fan of like european football or soccer but let's see but my team became the richest team in the world newcastle united well that's good stacks of cash this is like the nicest surface i've seen so far in this game i don't feel like everything is a gigantic pigsty now i just love how like hey let's move let's move all of our kitchen shell or kitchen counters into this weird oh and there's like 81 just sitting on the counter there or sitting on the shelf there like like let's just move everything and put like cash in for everyone to find this game makes no sense scrap market and bob's house so every place is the same hmm come on somebody come on anyone why does this guy look like he's gonna throw down that's quite funny he looks like he's gonna throw down with like a rattlesnake or something he's all like come get some so where is bob's house that i'm supposed to like teleport right next to bob what's weird my my stepfather's name was bob he actually died 15 years ago today on on friday october the 15th or 13th i think it was 2006. very suddenly and very very shocking died right in front of my mom just lights out just like that i can't even imagine just horrible to even think of um well okay so it says bob is this way bob's howl then it says bob's house is this way it says bob is this way so this must be bob's house oh this freaking game i swear swear to me like this is exactly why i don't want to play this game again the pickup truck pawn shop scrap heap crusher [Music] um and no clue as to where bob's house actually is nice let's see hill he'll look okay so it says bob is this way and it says bob is this way so does it mean that this is bob's place in here bob is over here maybe probably not oops oh no oh great what did i just do okay there's the scrap piece here great i just dropped that oh there it is cute i don't even know if it's worth hanging on to this little thing because it's only worth like 600 bucks this is worth way more whoops a drum player oh i mean i'm just trying to find bob now okay nobody's replying on the playway um discord so i i think i'm gonna unfortunately call it a night because we can't progress any further um i don't know if i've run into a bug i mean i don't know i don't know if this is you know we've gone as far as we can go in the uh in the thing like i i want to give it one more college try the olden collagen tried let's see if see where's the uh quick travel board see this is where we travel to but where the heck is bob's house see this is bob but it doesn't really mean it doesn't mean anything unless it's like up here but i am convinced that the quest is a quick travel quest because it literally says quest seven fast travel go to location large scrapyard that me that leads me to believe that i'm supposed to come over here to a fast travel board scroll down find the large scrap yard click on it and then click ok does that not make sense to you guys flying saucer hey how you doing got past step two now stuck on step six of so jason how did you get past step two what did you do enlighten me please because i have no idea fast travel to the large scrap yard and drove the tow truck in to the yard well see i did that before and it didn't work like like half okay so we're here okay so here here's the this is the tow truck right hold on a sec that's the box truck yeah that's a tow truck so this is this is the tow truck literally the tow truck so i'm guessing that you drove did you drive this way if it triggers this time i'm gonna have a i'm gonna have a sea cow so is this the place i'm supposed to be driving my tow truck to they need a green parking marker for specific locals or locales yes i would agree so this is a warehouse like where in did you just drive through the front gate and it just work wait didn't i come over here before and wasn't this building closed or i'm thinking of a different building i wanna go up the ramp it's like a treasure chest gilded chest well i'm gonna we'll have to come back at another time to do this mine triggered in this area you're in now okay see i think like i'm like i'm going around to the other side of the junkyard now these gates are literally the dumbest play mechanic i recall in recent years junkyards are not going to have this yeah i think we're just going to the other the other side of the junkyard wait what did what did that sign say better freaking say large junkyard warehouse belt and departure yeah this is where the the nazi guy or i don't know what the heck that guy's supposed to be if he's supposed to be german like like a japanese world war ii soldier i it's kind of hard to tell kind of looks like a mix of both of them uh intersection scrap market factory this says it doesn't say scrap yard it says scrap heat because i mean we we came here before and actually got you know we bought cars i wonder if the gates are to let things load i mean maybe but i mean my pc's got plenty around my graphics card is probably more than sufficient as well i don't think i've been down this road oh yeah i have i've been over here yeah so i can't go any further this way i mean not there's nothing there's no indicators or anything like that i have watched two videos it passes second it looks like they traveled to bob's there yeah i just we've already done that yeah but it's not everyone's i doubt the dev is triple a and may not be well yeah that's i mean that's all it's playaway so i mean it's probably like a small development team but yeah this is to release a game that's this bad i don't know what do you what do you do i'm gonna call it a night uh but i definitely appreciate everybody who's hung out with me uh for this last hour as we tried to figure out what's going on i'm just taking another one last look over at the playway discord and no replies at all so um i don't know this is not a this is not a game that i would recommend so if you bought the game already all i can say is you know i can i hope it is definitely my hope that they improve and fix these problems um but you know again like like i was just starting to like whoa what was that what was that did you hear that what was that it was like dirty was that one of those challenge things again okay i have no clue what that was maybe no it's not discord but um yeah i you know at this point in the early access i just cannot um you know as much as i want to be upbeat about game stuff i just can't recommend it based on this um you know my initial impressions i think have been uh confirmed uh i you know again i don't know what i'm doing wrong it's literally telling me to go to this other fast travel point uh if we go back here we can clearly see that um that arrow on the mini map that always is supposed to point you in the direction of your of the next quest trigger um we can walk up to the uh the the map we can clearly see it's pointing to the fast travel map um [Music] let's see here it passes right when they fast travel they fast travel to where you are now yeah so you know right up here again we can see the little orange dot we can see on our mini-map see how the large the v-shaped arrow on the mini-map down at the bottom right it continuously points and it's d it's gone it's gone now right it is gone [Music] i love how there's like an e there now i'm going to try it one last time either way i'm going to say good night um if you've enjoyed hanging out uh once again if you're just joining us and have not done so please hit the like button helps me out tremendously you have no idea if you're watching this after the fact leave a comment let me know what you think about of the game down in the comments section if you want more information i do have a link to the steam page for junkyard simulator it's in the video you know down in the links section if you want to contribute uh might be too late for super chats but i do have a paypal link down in the video description and all donations are greatly appreciated um yeah it's still has not progressed so junkyard simulator i kind of feel like it's junk four out of ten until they fix these kind of problems the graphics are okay well it's like it's like you look at a scene like this and you're like oh this looks really nice and then you turn around and then you see you know textures that are absolute crap i mean these are some of the worst textures i've seen and then you like you know you come down and you look at the the the textures on the flowers and they look okay i mean they look passable you know from a distance everything looks all right but boy when you walk up to something it really breaks down and i'm playing it on the bet you know the highest graphics setting that this game will um you know will uh hit so i don't know there's there's there's something here i'm not sure what it is i'm ho you know i i hope that you know i i would say scrap this game and start out with you know restart the game with something a little bit more realistic this to me this doesn't feel like a real place whatsoever the map doesn't make sense it's confusing there's just you know if you look at the map there's just a bunch of squiggly ro actually those are the railroad tracks those aren't even roads you've got this road that squiggles around you got this road over here that squiggles around for some reason my zoom has stopped working uh in the game there's another road up here that just squiggles around it's just the map doesn't make sense i don't think it's based on any type of real place yeah i just don't know i don't recommend it at least not at this time again it's october 13th 2021 but i don't know i might shelve this game and and come back and look at it you know six months from now and and see uh where things change and unfortunately after playing tonight i've kind of felt like i was starting to get somewhere only to be you know only to run into this wall where we can't progress on the main quest line so if we can't do that then you know it is what it is but guys and gals thank you so much for joining me i really appreciate it uh i am bratton73 everybody have a great night and i will see you next time bye for now you
Channel: BradM73
Views: 6,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradm73, livestream, noob, newbie, getting started, first impressions, mechanics, cars, #CMS2021, 2021, car mechanic simulator 2021, simulation, racing, indie, indi, PlayWay, Red Dot Games, markiplier, Fortnite, Joe Rogan, minecraft, mrbeast
Id: UuuB0iiVNzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 43sec (13363 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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