Junkyard hunt... look what we found for the 1933 Plymouth 😅👏

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all righty welcome back we're in the woods we're at a you know a local junk spot or honey hole and uh what we're looking for is a rear end and uh we're going to cut it out right in for front of your very eyes but uh this is this the one right here Nate yeah that's the one there yep it's a that's 8.8 with 411 py in it boy I'll tell you a little bit of work to get it out that's for sure I see what you mean by a different yolk yeah y but that's okay we can convert that over with the E I'm just going to take a walk around take a look and see what's in here just because it's my first time what do you think of these newer ones you like these newer Broncos or the the Bronco twos are a pretty sweet rig in in their day they're still pretty I seen one on uh some people are desirable with them Kajiji and uh it was a fair price and they said it wasn't rotten either and I should have went and looked at it but I didn't anything I can do here to get this help cut cut off we got uh I get these four bolts out of this and then we can take the reip just Zip Zip where the reip the reip is there and there be battery that battery didn't get as much juice as this one but it'll still do the [Applause] [Music] job do you want me to cut those by the new bolts can yeah get ready cut them off oh grab the hammer Jee what a noise that thing makes eh little bit of pressure on him right [Applause] so this rear end uh has probably got four it's got four LS in it four l in it 32 spline axles so what would would make jolene's the Flathead feel like it's got a lot a lot of power at the first and then like Nathan said once you put the bigger wheels on it would take the the ratio down again so it probably will be a good rear end for that can you get out them yeah I can I'm just I'm going to see if I get a I don't want to go too fast Nate I got you don't want to go too fast no I don't want to go too fast here Chanel I'll give you the better battery that's working fine good man okay yeah it's working good working good man um are we going to be able to get them front it's actually nice how it's set up L Diablo and if you can might as well cut that there right off too if you get that got nice speed to it there's one get out of your way see if that's you all good yep FYI for your information this is not mine this is Nathan's I don't own anything battery first time for everything I can't believe them spring nice now just a second here Chad I'm going to see if I can get this SP here the rest way nice little Bronco shell down here down there a little bit be cool to make something out of it what's that now look at them plastic door handles on that car they still good and they're stuck on is that bad you head Chrome on then I want to [Music] know okay Chad you get that that's not going to fall on me is it let's uh it's not going to no it won't sitting on that it's sitting on that it won't fall stop it you getting that yeah it's just kind of hanging on there kind of probably jamming up what do you think of that hammer now that's a weapon yes it is so if these your shocks we got the one more emergency brake cable and then the flex line we can chop off hard to believe that's taking that off is it more one reminds me of working at pearls back in the late '90s dog Things N used to work at a junkyard I would say that probably some of the smartest people in carage would work at a junkyard cuz they get to see uh what works and what doesn't and if you mess some stuff up it's okay so you got that one some stuff up it's okay there if you want to cut this last one we'll swing do we want to cut oh is there one more to cut one more to cut on the side I didn't even see it okay no that's good good good now I just got two bolts here and if you cut that flex line that Flex Line's garbage so if you just cut that there off and these right here oh you got that there oh you get your bolt and then I'll go for it if I get these two bolts out here then we FES getting you sweetheart any flies getting you it's actually not too big is that really so we're there we go that's going to be out or pry out yeah we PR what one you want to cut off here see just uh just snip that old flex line cut that off and maybe that she we ain't going for abs so we're going to be good not going ABS no that bracket just pull right off and easier probably pull that bracket off yeah just rip it off there then yeah I can't believe them spring bolts come out that there is connected to the rear end is it not just uh here a second get a let's just got a little there there we go it's done that's done and that wire is done off no y just pull it down there it is okay now I'll get you to pull this here out that's off that's off let they're around there should go around get it round enough that we get both of these here round we should be golden almost watch yourself I hit in The Shins a second I want to grab that last you're going to go for it anyways or you want to pull that off watch let her come down and we'll roll it out it'll come down not bad jamming that tire a little bit there sh that I can give you hand there get it away from that there a little bit did Jam that tire up too did yeah will that roll over there here just gra this want to grab [Music] that jammed in here too Chad should be better if we come up by straighten Road let it off or let some power off it it's coming um it's come there I get something in there pull that can you I can get something in there to pull bar or something oh you you get her there we go roll her back that way again won't do that will it roll it back that way again there go yeah this thing is rolled over real good there's no way it can roll back cuz it's past Center the old vehicle she rusty old H scaly scaly clean her up wow that's 8.8 so it's are we going to try just lift that up and put down AR we let to move some stuff here we'll probably Flip It Up flip it on slide it in Imagine okay flip flop and way we go the vehicle's over centered and it's against an old Volkswagen it's over centered fair enough there's no way it can come back yeah so there's no I'm probably not going to try to pick that up myself well that didn't go too bad that went excellent these four bolts here we going to screw back that went excellent in that I'll put them in here for now there's a washing right behind this car you bet you I think there is how did we do that without using a mini grinder we had it ain't figured that part out yet just can't believe some of them bolts come out all right Chad even brought gloves even brought gloves didn't he I did a little bit scaly but that ain't too bad would have liked it up here she could have found all the ticks yeah easy to get brakes for that's one good thing and the brakes might be decent in it let's just turn one so it's here and then we'll stand it up and roll flip it on here just roll this way a little further just grab by the bottom of the tire flip her up okay just spin this the other way are you all ready with the bang that on there like that that's fine ready yeah part it is hey you got the whole thing want give me half it I'll jump up there and pull here go go ahead push your head you want got it that there Tire the fifth one two one more Yep there we go mint I did have to hit my my private section on the tailgate and uh that just shows you you're still lo I got pains in my stomach right at the present moment oh did you a little bit I don't feel like eating anything oh what yeah I banged it on the tailgate I want to do that no and then it probably be yeah this here's a little busted reaction remember that yeah lot one two just have to come up a little bit come back again great not we you want to keep coming keep coming downar that off you tear off don't worry about that too much there we go that was up more one two hold keep it coming let her go yep wow that's a monster think your old fly head will turn it you think the fly head will turn it so you measured from there I right to there 50 and a half that's to your back plates yeah that you said 50 that's perfect absolutely perfect perfect oh look oh yeah right through there right so we're 50 perfect couldn't ask any better could not ask better good we'll just leave that there we're going to end having to strip it down tear all the stuff off it Y and uh we'll get it sand blasted cleaned up but all the all the mounts got to come off it yep all the plates and uh we'll go from there you'll want them wheels back no do my mind I think you do yeah huh the spring mat yeah cut them there off yeah we'll just cut them all off won't be too bad it's not as bad as like the one in a Crown Vic that I put in my truck yeah they have all kinds of brackets on them I spent hours cutting them off it does take hours to cut that stuff off yeah but basically what we're going to do is we're going to come back on this we got our our uh bolts come in and uh we're going to go back on it on the steering here well you want me the recap okay the recap on the steering is is that we tried the steering box on it did not fit with the header on uh the Flathead so what we did is we took the header off we got the steering box put in the place that we want it we figured out how we're going to mount it to the mount that was sent with the steering box it's from a build that obviously didn't get used we're going to mount this to the chassis but we needed the bolts the right length and the right size um before we weld it on the reason being is we're going to weld the bolts in the plate itself and then we're going to weld the plate to the side of the car and then um you'll be able to bolt your steering box on good he did get us that's how we're going to do it uh seems like a fairly good thing to do we got grade eight bolts so nothing will get sheared off so we're going to drop them in [Applause] there just double check on basically we're just going to see if the length is right and what I mean by the length you watch he actually drilled out the steering box the threads to uh make it be able to mount the way we want to make it Mount and that's it right there that'll do o that one there isn't going to work getting that on that how let's weld a nut on this side then weld a nut on that one and then we screw that in see that was threaded so that how are we going to screw that in yeah can you H never thought about that one did we n on can the can the get a nut on that one then On's there we can get a nut on no problem just going to figure out we're going n on that one hm dang dang it dang it dang it dang it we didn't look at that close enough did we and and the reason being is because it wasn't in front of her face it was tucked down in the front yeah you know we didn't quite notice that okay what are we going to do there we going to do there what are we going to do there anyways cuz there's not even enough room just left the th could you get we jump the gun on that one we jumped the gun on that one yeah well basically I don't feel so bad about it I mean it's a mistake obviously but when the thing is down inside there you couldn't see the front one you know what I mean but that one's that one's fine that one's fine I wonder if we I wonder if we slid it slid it come up a little higher well just if we cut the opening open so you could put it in from the side and go in you know what I mean yeah we could do that then it would go that way then that would be tighten it be tighten it back on inside the frame put that back on there that was down in there if we had drilled a hole this is what we what this is what we were first thinking thinking if we welded all the the bolts in on the back side and and put it flush to the frame and then we' have no we just put the steering box on and I see that basically I don't like that either see what's going on you you don't know if you get the steering box off without the engine being you know what I mean that would be nice to know also yeah upside down here there we go just try it on here see if we can't there's lots yeah there's lots enough room for that that's fine to do what we going to do there that was down in a little further but okay which one is the one that's screwing us up is it the B the bottom one down in front is it not yeah that you can't see yeah you can't see we can thread that we could thread it or Notch it like you said and put a hole in the frame and go through it to get it just have to thread that back out tap that one back out and then draw a hole in the frame and come from the inside the bolt that way M yep but there's no way of getting a bolt in there and tighten that up like there's no can't turn nothing on this side I wonder can can we take chisel some of that away here can we chisel some of that away I don't know you know what I mean so you could put get a nut in there and turn that or bolt and turn that it there so you wouldn't want to Chisel it out and then have a hole no don't know how thick it is you could grind a little bit grind a little bit there but you have to have enough to turn the bolt turn the nut in there it wouldn't be much so we could take a nut put a nut on there and grind one side of the nut a little bit we don't really want to but what's the issue what the let's put that up again what's what's the issue what's the issue here it is and we can't Bol it in just all am my bags we got an issue see you got to be able to turn the nut cuz here we're going to be turning the nut here right yeah so the only way there's no we're not going to be turning from the back side so we'd have to have a whole nut to turn to tighten it just a minute now can no can't just thinking here for a second what if I it's not going to turn here hm is there enough room down in there we could probably get this here trimmed enough to set set a nut in there but we'd have to turn the bolt in from the other side or rethread it and then you'd have to come through the frame to tighten it so it's like that and that's and and the reason reason being we missed is cuz the one we're talking about is right down underneath yeah you know what I mean yeah we can look at it close enough well uh right there yeah we'd have to cut just a minute now why why listen why why does it have to be why just a minute pull that back out again if you will please let's let's do this let's put a smaller bolt in it put a smaller one in it have that for we don't have those two there are going to keep it where it's going to be why can't we put a smaller bow in so it work and just bring that out some you know what I mean so if you Notch that we'll put we'll do the exact same thing we'll do the exact same thing and just put a smaller Bol in like maybe we can bring it out this way some and I can a second cut the ear off there how you know just a minute I get a smaller boat here something like this Nathan that that would be something like that okay it's going to be that one something like that and we can grind one side of the head off and do it that way with one of those I mean I see what you're saying the smaller head on it yeah small on it so you'd have to put your put your I don't know put a washer half a washer in there or you would never go down through like yeah think for that could be opened up a little bit so this can make let the bolt go over a little bit cuz we're a this way right now yeah because of the head if we chis knock some of this out then we can maybe bring it in like like that you could you you could Notch Notch that up a little bit like Notch it so it had two you can yeah you can cut a slit that so we can we can slide that in then go down through yeah we can do that yeah once see that was it has to be longer than that obviously yeah and um once it's you really can't even get a washer on that can you no like it's not it does look like it can you look at it can you see if it could go over like I suppose it's lined up perfectly but we could take a little bit out of it you could change up that dowel change this here up here and set cut that off move that out some move the hole out some and move this hole out some just move it out some yeah that's what you g to do yeah yep that's what you got to do so if you want to do the if you want to do that I'll do this and we're going we're going in the same place we're just coming straight out are we not come straight out so that yeah and it doesn't have to be a whole lot does it could enough to swing that knot all we do is just have enough to swing that knot then we'll have there look there's how much so really see that so you still have all that you can still all right you do that you still have all that meat there see this see this look I get quite a bit of room on that smaller bolt I can get it HED up on one side I'll just I'll I'll do mine you do yours if you want to so do you want to try to use that smaller Bol or just want a diger I don't bring that up and use the big one same as you're going to do weld it on the back and then have this nut just spin that nut on there like that yeah well then that's well that's that's not going to work though is it if I bring that through so the n not work anymore is it or why could you why can't we just bust all the you never turn it on see we can we can egg this whole loot so it comes down here further and then you can take your bolt here and move that what about what about a smaller nut on that if we weld that in there a smaller one just a minute oh weld will this would this not turn on that Nate but not no turn that well you have to set this up in here and line it up with your bolts yeah line this back up with your bolts how do it go it go that way does it your bolts this is the one you want right there is that the one you can't turn on still yeah got them yep that one there put that other big one see see that other big one for a second we making this shoot again can you get a little nut on that man are we just fighting that just straighten that out a little bit you get a nut on that couldn't you uh just barely we drove the hole it bigger why we just knock that a little bit off that right there and we' probably get it just if that's what you want to do yeah I can take a I can take a little bit over here I can take a little bit over there and then we'll we'll weld one of these in gradate on one of them you happy with that it's kind of a a thing that was overlooked for a second but in all honesty um I think it would be nice to be able to just pick your steering box up and slide it on put some nuts on it's hard easiest way yeah it's easiest way so you're going to knock that out a little bit or just knock I'm just knocking right down in here you don't need me to do anything then huh yeah like we're going to use that we need to find another one of those you need to find a bolt that's a little longer than what you got there yeah great 81 prably would be be great got that flying f one [Music] again is that how you feel take that off the [Music] [Music] a ah oh look what I found I found no no hard get in there is it that's not how to get that is it what's that now that's the same bracket isn't it it looks sameet you got looks to be the same thing I forgot that I got this with the car yeah let me see that didn't hurt that none no no not at all not go is that one take this out where's the where's the shaft on that right there and then it gives you is that one a little bit smaller than this one it is like it doesn't it it gets room for all the bolts if you know or a lot more room for bolts and stuff does same width but same this pit arm fit in I don't know we got too many hand we enough hands for everything we got going on [Music] here I forgot that I had that I walked in and seen it yeah that got Masters on this one here don't have a master should manage it there going right way yeah that's the right oneide down that fits the patina and that's smaller and that's smaller all right that one's all you do is take a little paint off her she brand new still got a little shaving on her but that's not hurting that on is it no that didn't Hur that huh it be fine I'm I'm might as well save that we can rethread that too I don't have to rethread it that don't matter to me cuz it always can Bol on with right but that there let's pull that bolt out and see if it's /16 it is same want pull that bolt out we'll just drill the holes and then we'll put it through that one put that one on I forgot that was in there that come with the car take NE it he was in there on the floor smaller too which is better yeah bracket's same I know what I'm going to do though that bracket is necessary so I'm going to trace it and I'm going to keep it for the next one going to get a piece of Steel trace it out and make another one for that bracket just so I have it that was a no other reason than that what do we got here for suppose I could trace it on a piece of paper and then I'll always have it that's what I'll do just put on a piece of paper let's go to the 3D printer yeah I walked over there for bolts and found a steering box so you want to do the same thing what's that now so there is lots of room on these ones there's lots of room to get a nut on them ones we'll just drill them out and do the exact same thing yeah cuz there's lots of room it's got a lot more room that's what I'm saying like I looked at that and it's got way more room than that one way more room okay but this wasn't is new that's all right how much oh yeah okay okay he say let's make a new piece and let's do the whole thing it's going to go like this I I want this racket because I want it all I want it this is an expensive 3D printer and uh I see quite a few places are getting them quite a few guys are getting them 3D printers and using them I where's the there we go that might be better I Want It All I Want It Now 3D print so what happens is this is a new steering box a had on shelf just walking by and and picked it up and said wow there's steering box for it never was thinking that we had a steering box with it when we loaded the car I threw the steering box over over there and uh now we need we need a another replacement for that so we're going to use this one put that one on because it's going to fit easier and uh yeah we still probably going to have to do the exact same thing we drill that one we can still put a nut on that that'll accept the nut now hey Nate yeah or or yeah or the smaller Bolt yeah that ws up now I or you can Notch it or you can but at least at least I'll have another one of those also I have whatever is um for the little tiny shims we have I had a little piece of pipe here that I was the exact same thing and I just have to cut them to length and then I'll have my bracket again I'm just going to get a pair of scissors and do this we'll cut this out I have my bracket again sometimes it goes like that sometimes it goes oh is this the other shim out here you were looking for maybe is there a shim out there is that there what you was looking for that's the bad boy so there's another shim that we had I'll cut that in half and make a couple more and then I'll have all the stuff that I need and then we can go back to the pl original plan that we had and everything will be hunky dory did you see my uh my 3D nice nice nice huh nice I did the same thing on a shock bracket the other day yeah and then buddy cut it in the plasma cutter sweet in the plasma table my plasma table is right here oh here we go again some of the stuff that you can buy that someone has already figured out like this stuff someone has already figured out the brackets and all that stuff and some of the stuff like this is an aftermarket one that we bought um why not grab some of the patterns like I'm doing grab some of the patterns so you know what you have to do to make it work why not I it basically is just a piece of paper and your dirty fingers and your Dirty Fingers Nathan has to go through that drilling thing again which is not probably fun but that's what I meant to get I was going to get you that I'm going to give you one of the Makita inch electric wrist Busters I got home I drill this right out wrist Busters you I got three of them and they all kinds of power more than you can hold and I'm thinking with something like this uh table would knock a bunch of them out in a hurry imagine once you got into the computer but I got a couple holes I got heard to cut hold get something to punch it to I have something that size I just hit it on a piece of wood and cut it going to leave that b oh s do you know right off hand where the razor blad section razor blades are that you know where the razor blades are I have no idea huh little tin yeah square one no idea he us were the right all the packages look the same as them screw bolts in there okay the packages look the same as the screw bolts every time you look in there yeah I I haven't found them yet I've looked in there three four times for them I've never found them yet I think maybe we better find new place find a new place for them so I know where they're [Music] at let's get a PE was my old cousin Tony was in Friday after left was he he was I haven't seen him yet I lived with him for a little while when I was in Alberta did you I went and got a job with him that's when I first went to Alberta I lived with him and uh I haven't seen him in a few years now I remember him as as a can Vilan you know he was always around canning him is he probably went to school with you didn't he yeah he probably was he'd be about the same age he might be a little bit older than you he's older than I am or I'm hoping he is what's that you missed it Joe sorry what was it uh just the drill took the vice and the steering box and everything for a little ride that's all it's all right it's all right sometimes yeah things go wonky donkey this is p just be capped with the this box come on I need you to go in there just that one more and we would have had the same probably the same problem with the steering box that we have now if we were building another hot rod probably not sure I'm going to take and put um EXC me got a couple pieces here exact same size in the hole cut a couple more of those just to have them going to replace what I took and the reason I'm going to replace what I took because Nathan's busy right in the present moment doing what he's doing I might as well get back what we took apart do this Tony's got one of my old Mustangs Alber that he drag he was telling me that he had one of your car I was surprised that he said that yeah he got one of my old Mustangs yeah he said he's got uh what's he got in it now like he's running big Stroker motor I think so drag racing it I never I never knew he was into the cars like that that car had when I bought it only had 140k and I strapped a supercharger on it and I blew two transmissions and one motor in about 3 months Alberta it was great fun been making pretty good money it was yeah it was drank a lot of beer too back then now you know it's funny how much money a person does spend on themselves eating and drinking like yeah like you said like it's quite a bit of I feel bad for messing you know that steering box up but I think we would have had the issue anyways Would we not Nate well we we that didn't hurt none we would have just change something yeah that didn't hurt that none it's still usable no imagine I'm just thinking where it's ground that didn't hurt that none no that there's not ground in there far enough to hurt it no I could retap them too for the next size bolt and you can still bolt it through I get a tap and I set if we wanted to tap it still retap the other drop Direction with it you watch this I'm going to make it look like it's never been touched brand used brand newed brand newed never been touched nothing wrong with a little brand used this one here you would never know that anybody did anything to that you like that trim these bolts off that nice oh nice you would even know anybody done anything to that trim these dis box here's a little bit thinner on our bolts in last one let's put it back on the shelf for the next one I think I bought this for the Merc or U the cab over oh right yeah that's why I think I bought it I thought I bought it for that I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure now I need a flapper wheel yeah this Nathan's putting it back together and I'm and I'm trying to fix it one more there we'll straighten that out and then we'll we'll be back in business back in business not bad Tred the back of ears so if I would have known or I would have probably looked around a little bit more we could have taken a bracket off of this one and made a bracket for that one but now I'm going to make sure that we have a bracket for this one [Music] get that kind of parallel here we go parallel twist a little bit there take that I'm going to are hot they are hot that down there fairly you want me to hold that Nate I'm just kind of look at that arm to see how straight you can get that so it doesn't I like that i' like to be honest with you the arm yeah is okay I'd rather have this so it hits all on the on the front you know what I mean like it has to be you got to keep that so it's going back on an angle to that can do you want me to start marking the holes or what how about right what's that look like right there we're touching how's the angle look that was good that's fine that's good is that that'll be Tipp that's good let's do it yeah right there is pretty pretty good actually what we're going to do is we're going to have to find the heads of the bolts that are going through and we're going to have to open the open it up there so they can we can shove those through can can you feel oh yeah getting kind of closer you might have to reach around I don't want to reach around but you almost can reach around I moved I know um can we get in there at all like can you get in there at all he said not really here can you put your hand here and hold that that I got the bottom hand if you remember the right hand is right okay so we're just going to cut a little hole in the chassis we're going to slide this bracket over flush that there is going to be welded to this and this is going inside the frame so basically all you're going to see is the bracket on the out side like a stud yeah so you're just going to see a bracket on the frame okay so that there if you can get in there sweetheart that back you can see how we have to cut yeah now we we could lift that motor right back out now and then we can weld that plate in real nice and stuff now that you kind of know let's do it just Notch that did we I wonder if we should just Mark the holes well we already know where the holes are so that's where it's going to go yeah like we'll just put her up there again and get it angled back looking good we know it's not going to hit the FR hit the motor so we'll just go with it so if you're watching Eli you were probably screaming that I give you a steering box I give you a steering box I just found it much shorter did you throw over when we bought the car the steering box was inside right yeah yeah I just remember that he's probably saying I give you a steering box what are you doing is it going to go underneath there this time uh I don't think did we frighten out again yeah we do here I'll get this side I wonder if it'll Jack it all up can you get underneath the underneath yeah then you won't be able to get in will you see what happens I think we'll be in close enough see what happens you get in just a little bit more I think little bit more there we go that's all we need now that's all I don't know if you noticed or not but that frame come up I acted on one side and that frame come up straight that says quite a bit for that chassis does it not it Nate huh yeah yeah oh yeah well I mean for Jack that up for that side to come up yeah he's not even listening to me he's he's motivated to get the motor and my slide over there I had to let that down that bolt started come through ah gotcha got to be careful on that go for it yeah we have a pin there and uh basically that was going going through it could have pulled through in the end but Nathan caught it so that's a good thing I can let this down no do my mind now that's the thing how many how many times do you take something in and out in and out in and out you know what I mean well we didn't have the stuff to do that the first time we did not if we would have had this stop then we would have well that's what I'm saying like if if you can if you can cheat at any point in time and grab a a measurement or a point of contact sometimes it's good or it's good whenever you can do that you know if you can get ahead of the game and uh do that trying to hold on to this if you know what I'm saying for me to jack up this side of the chassis and for that notot to twist over and lay over and to jack up straight really says that it's good tight and right tight and right so there's our places that we're going to knock out do we want to knock it out with the plasma cutter yeah that'd be good yeah you got it right there don't you pair of glasses oh yeah look at that we need that air I got to let go of this bracket I've got to let go [Music] you want to cut it you want me to cut it you care I can cut it if you want or you can you handed me the glasses you want to do it go for it you got the glasses you got them so if you want a pair of bad Chad sunglasses like Nathan's wearing just go to the page go to the thing can you not oh they're not available they're they're that oh they're only on they're rare they're rare take and we use them for plastic C but okay whatever yeah good enough great be nice if we turned on though come on thanks man you can't make that thing work don't work that way cut it i' say almost there and then we'll die grind it to make it nice beat that up yep so if if the steering box that we're putting on if this one here we're putting on is too what can I say is too floppy or that sort of thing we got a new one that we can put on right so if you come back to the pit and you say I don't like the way this thing's steering you know what is that sure looks like crap NE let's see that box I got the die grind your Hammer right there if you want any of it you see how that's going there we go awesome so now if you tack if you weld them I'd weld them on this side y y and then that that'll fit right in right there so and then we'll weld that bracket in all the way around where it's supposed to be and that fits on there nice beautiful yeah that looks pretty good yeah that looks good awesome then we can unbold it you can w we can weld it nice and solid and if you want probably put a little fish plate in there because see when we well I think there's we'll weld it in and then we'll see how much area that we're going to get we might have to add some metal to it yeah we might have to fish plate that this top right here'll fish plate that right there and then I've seen uh there was a car here I seen I don't know where I seen it but you were talking about fish fish plates they call them fish plates or whatever they call them I don't know what you call them when you when you weld something together then you cap it is that called a fish plate I can't remember the name well whatever it is Buddy anyways like say if you got piece like this and then you cap over top of it I seen you did your rear end that way when you did your rear end you put a piece over top of it anyways buddy drew a fish and then and welded it all in so it looked like a they called it a fish plate so he drew it and made it look like a fish cut it like a fish right I guess I wasn't thinking there for a minute um welder where you at now buddy we mle weld that on weld them on the backside do you want that you you might stay with it okay you're you're the man on that you might stay with it over here already that you might stay with it and um what I might do is I might roll that rear end over and get it sand blasted oh yeah well I mean it needs to be done I mean I I could wait but there's there's no time like today it's supposed to be hot what nice day you don't want to get caught in the rain after sand blocking I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to go get the truck we just pull maybe even leave the trailer right there ain't going to hurt nothing that not going to hurt nothing is it baby glasses over here did you ever check to make sure that was charging did we no we never I did not I've never we just turn it on and if it works we we use it if it don't well hold day I'm going to get that over there nice A little cart I pick that up with where's our C at we hot [Music] why that helmet not going dark so we're still still haven't got the radiator off chassis still sitting over there everything's going good [Music] just it's not there right now [Music] [Music] where's that block at four-wheel drive tires on it what's that we need the forklift with four-wheel drive tires on it that's what we need I know forklift sitting over there and we should have took it off over there off the truck we had the trailer in the way sort of you know what I mean I just want to where did I put the wooden block at that does the trailer trailer it's over here there that helmet works better maybe that's why the other helmet was flashing quite bad maybe that's what doug was having couldn't see you said [Music] [Music] nice and strong they ain't going to go nowhere so helmet looks way better now that just to tapack that in there need hand ched just Aller old buddy just try to see if I can get this up on there and get myself I know you're RI you're B and you got the stuff but sometimes you might still need a hand all right if you want to push back on that I got her now I got her you got her think I got her you get the Rocks till I hit the Rocks till you hit the rocks yeah it was good to be help nice little push oh hey now you're in sandbox right up right there we go good try not to get too much sand down here we can push it you want to roll right off I'll roll right off I can yeah good cover if I get the cover real hard or not but we'll hit her where she hits her and she'll be what she be I guess Li her where she's oh I think it's all good it's all good it's all good let May scrape it a little bit and see what goes on we're always doing stuff to get you out of breath eh cardio I need more cardio do you I'll get you to run down the store no I'll make it in the driveway if I make it half hour don't be just let me roll down have a nap or rest don't tell nobody no I won't tell nobody
Channel: Bad Chad
Views: 53,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, car restoration rust repair, car restoration, automobile, automotive, automotive engineering, auto, used cars, autos, mechanic, vehicle, automotive news, auto shop, car news, automotive industry, rust repair, antique car, hot rods, old car, parts, auto repair, cars, automobile repair shops, metal working, metal fabrication, bad chad, bad chad customs, 1933 plymouth, junkyard, rear end, ford rear end, 411 gears, torque, steering
Id: n0YjhCzM-CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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