Drinking wine found on the side of the road

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i remember it had a cork i've got a few spots for wine one two three no um golden top maybe here it is it's been here for a couple of years i was out running day one day mitch and i found this bottle of wine in amongst roadside rubbish and i go through most roadside rubbish if i'm on foot and i was shocked when i found a bottle of wine and i thought i'm going to take that home so i ran home with it for i don't know five k's or something chugging away with this bottle of wine i thought i'm going to make a film junk wine i'm going to sit around i'm going to drink it and make a film out of it a comment came through on youtube by a bloke that said bro you're a good storyteller why don't you sit in the middle of a field and film it and i would watch it i thought gee that's quite a compliment so i'm putting these two ideas together and here i am the next layer is what do i talk about tell stories for the next two hours or however long it takes me to drink that or do i get some help so i put it out there on insta 400 odd questions came back and i've compiled them here and i'm going to answer them not all of them but a lot of them whilst drinking this wine that i found on the side of the road boom i've been convinced ever since i found this that this would be vinegar but it might not be this might be i might be wasting a very good bottle of 20 year old wine on myself in the paddock strike me pink it's bloody drinkable right question one let's crack on eh how do you balance enjoying your adventures and travels in the moment while still remembering you have to film and capture it all the beauty of having a film with you or or filming your experience is that you can you can continue to unpack it based on that footage for years and you know what too it's a third dimension because i can then see me in this place rather than just through my eyeballs that's pretty remarkable it's kind of a godly thing having a camera on you when you then get to be behind the camera and watch what you did have you always been a storyteller or is it something you've worked hard on over time and with your films i always thought that great films were spectacular footage and spectacular stories and it's taken me a long time to realize that you know what the everyday stuff you might be able to turn into something that is not not always extraordinary but really palatable as a story and interesting junk paddle is a good example of a story that took time to emerge and sort of surprised me i originally thought it was a story about making a junk-made paddle then a story about using that junk mate paddle on a river but you know what it was always about wood and resources and trees so the story is not always obvious because it wasn't to me until making the film at the end of it oh bing it's about wood i finished my first glass of junk wine and i'm feeling good ah this question's about the subtext of the storyline in in um the human being hands down the human being is the hardest film that me and mitch have ever made mitch is behind the camera right now the story wasn't lineal it wasn't going from a to b to c it wasn't like my typical journeys where i just picked myself up against a distance or a particular place or a time all i did was eat beans so it had to be a story about the internal adventure that's still a hard story to tell right because it's it's invisible in some ways food makes me peppy and creative and more emotive more energized healthy and eating beans only makes me healthy in one particular way but deadens everything else i do know it's not off so the cork hasn't made it go bad it's very clarity you know it's pretty dark but so it should be it's 20 years old i'm doing i'm doing well i'm only on page 2 of 30 but i'm on i'm on glass two of maybe seven so i've gotta answer my questions a bit quicker bo what's your favorite adventuring hat i've got some footage i can show you right now of a film that's about to be released that talks exactly to this where the old school hat with like birken wheels kind of like this one i love this one too but it's going to be windy the forest gump style hat trouble is people throw things at you when you wear this so i'm going to wear my winterized hat with a band love it i didn't i forgot this to take to africa and i genuinely was mourning it for a day or two well i got to januszberg and i'm unpacking my stuff thinking my hat's in here somewhere and it didn't turn up man that was a trip of hut failures i'll tell you what africa and i've lost my hat my precious favorite hat hand stitched for me why running button-down shirts like this one well because they're cheap i get them from op shops and they've got the perfect ability to be chest bare or you know one button or three buttons they're cotton they're nice and cool i can roll the arms up i've got a collar what's not to like i only pay a buck for them right so if i get nipple chaff i could just cut the nipple section out things are slowing up in the old bow brain are you happy that's a big question are you happy oh super happy i'm in a massive purple patch hard work has a lot to do with it um fulfilled relationships has a lot to do with it do your little your intro and i suppose making something that has uh some sort of impact for other humans which is in in my case now storytelling it has been education and guiding and whatnot but now it's been good storyteller that sort of gives back when you're alone on journeys do you have your own two-way conversations a bit like this putting my head in a cupboard all day sweating like a pig although i don't know if pigs sweat this much it's a big sweat i talk to myself a lot out there i think it's healthy if you didn't you go a bit bonkers you build a lot of stuff in your shed bow uh but did you build the shed yep i've built everything here all modified it severely to the point of it being basically new from second-hand stuff there's a building at the top of the hill um that's the next film in a few weeks time is there a film you've put a whole bunch of energy into and never released it we're in sydney and i thought mitch let's go and um shoot a film bondi my whole shtick in life is about being sun smart because in australia the biggest thing that's going to kill you is the sun i notice it doesn't have a sun smart sign general warning should be the the biggest danger here is the sun so we're in bondi and i think i'm going to go out and i'm going to be the sort of sun smart um advisor for bondi and it's basically like painting your face like you would paint a house like why would i want to ruin this you know i don't want to i don't want to be any older i don't want to look like leather good shade guys i kind of missed the mark but 407 questions came through by this morning and this is one of my favorite when did you last see jane ingram um and that's a reference to my childhood crush i had a crush on jane ingram when i was making this she was hot i have not seen jane ingram since year 9 which makes it 26 years jane ingram if you're out there beauisms at on instagram beaumont's youtube or call helen and you can have a chat do you have a vision for society and the environment that's probably too big a question to ask and answer you know halfway through a bottle of wine i found on the side of the road but let's let's have a crack anyway uh [Applause] i think we need to use more no that's that's come out the wrong way we need to use less shoot something about your axemanship journey you know it's been kind of a side story for me for a few years and i'm not a good axeman cheese i'm i'm hopeless compared to the pros um but i like doing it and it feels fantastic i've never really done something like that before in anaerobic sport yeah that film's coming up how do you filter out bad ideas you kind of know you know when you're on to something that's a good idea you you don't quite know if it's going to be a brilliant idea or or just a film i never knew a mile an hour was going to be such a uh such a crowd pleaser it was a bit of an off-the-cuff idea that came from a moment that was very genuine i was sitting inside wanting to be outside and i thought why don't i run around the block and that one lap around the block ended up being why don't i run a marathon around the block and and then whilst i'm doing that do all the things that i want to be doing when i was writing my phd so it was a very genuine idea and it ends up being translated as a very genuine film and people like it what adventure would you take your daughter on in the future well i have lots of plans for may but it depends on one helen and two you what you think you want to do in the future that's wine love bit strong i think i want to take you on a big river journey and pad you out with lots of floating devices so that if you go overboard you'll just bob to the surface what do you reckon you actually look pissed well it's because i i think i probably am how do you define your wealth or worth so life's pretty good i i've been unemployed now for 10 months so wealth wealth is about now productivity and output and creativity wealth and worth is time and being happy with how you split your time for the first two years i lived here i just i came out here with the hoe and got rid of all the weeds manually for months i'd just come out and do like you know a 10 meter square section each night that was that was good work which animal would you be i would be a donkey i think donkeys are very hardy they don't complain much they don't seem to when they've got something to say you hear it do you think more clearly while out running no i just think differently if i go and sit underneath a tree for 10 minutes doing nothing i would probably be thinking i should be running whereas when i'm running i would never be thinking i should be sitting underneath the tree and that's most of a bottle of wine talking but that's about as deeply philosophical as i think i can get about running what is it like in your classroom i don't know john i've never been a student in my classroom wouldn't have a clue i like to have an open dialogue with students in the classroom i'm never ever as superior in the classroom an inch and a half there you go that's it that's it that's it there's the bottle of wine done if you could recommend one of your trips adventures experiences to followers what would it be and why no i cannot give you that nick um the world is incompletely and utterly contextual to where uh geez next question is um a good indicator of how much uh wine i've drunk next question i can't answer this question cleanly i no i can't answer your question really at all because i'm almost reluctant to finish this wine because i'm pissed i'm kind of enjoying it don't get me wrong i'm kind of enjoying this prevailing of sitting in the field for the experiment of drinking a bottle of wine found on the side of the road while answering questions in the middle of the paddock i think i'm all right i drank the wine on monday it's now friday silage has been cut my beard's got a little bit longer i had a hangover for a day and a half genuinely and life moves pretty fast for the next 14 months you are going to get 14 films on youtube uh there's going to be the two commutes they're released really shortly uh junk cabin a couple of other junk projects i've got a project with may lined up i've got a run a walk and four river descents that are fairly unusual they're coming out next year it's all pretty exciting and i think that's that's pretty much it [Music]
Channel: Beau Miles
Views: 738,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beau Miles, Adventure, Q&A, Questions, Answers
Id: vDBOtFgaYhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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