Junk Journal Word Tag Embellishments. Craft with me/ Use your stash.

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everyone how's everyone doing welcome to my channel my name is Tina so today I'm doing another craft with me use your stash video and this past week and a half I've been so sick I couldn't craft anything and I was dying to craft so while I was sitting on the couch I made some of these our Dean decorate all of them because I just I just made the backgrounds and I have these little clips here that you can hang them in your junk journal you can hang them on any type of journal actually like if you have a vintage planner or you can send them in happy mail they make such a cute embellishments and they are so easy to make so I thought I'd come on here to share with you guys and you can put these together with any types of scraps that you have and you can come up with something cute like that so I'm gonna go over the stuff that I use but again use your stash use whatever you have I have a bunch of things here that I collected like I have okay so I have some tissue paper leftover Manila I stamped some on this page here so you can do that I even cut sometimes the stamped images I have tickets here I have some fabric doilies these are the note cards yeah so just go over even like scribbled stuff fake money so you get the idea I got napkins I love using napkins and then I have some vintage paper here and just regular scraps like I said I have all this and I'm dumping them so I'm gonna put this aside so I have all this scrap and then somebody gifted me these tags and I really didn't know what to do with them cuz they're round and yeah so until the other day I just did some collaging on it and I thought they were cute for this size I used a one and a half punch inch punch and I just punched out I love using the manila folder for a core backing because they're sturdy but you can definitely do them with just book pages and then these this size is I had gotten this a long time ago when I started crafting from thrift shop so it's kind of like a square doesn't say the size yeah so I did the squares with this I have this die in my stash I die cut this little tag I think like 2030 times and then I stamped some words on it but you don't have to do this you can take a word word search I always go for these and as you can see I cut the words and I just back them up on the scrap of papers that I have like like these and then I cut them and distress them and then you have words and you can get a lot of words out of here so I had that in my stash I had stamped these little stamps on this fabric and just cut it around with my zigzag scissors and I have um I have some trim I have a bunch of napkins somewhere I'm losing things I have some cheesecloth that I had stained and a bunch of napkins here and I loved collaging napkins and also some stamps so totally up to you use whatever you have in your stash so I did some of the stamps on that fabric also I like when I'm sitting down I like to take my tea or coffee dye paper and I put my stamps on it and while watching TV I just fussy cut around it and then I can have you know not all of them are fussy cut but you get the idea and I also do that with words like I said we are gonna make some of these today together I'm gonna put these aside so as I said I love using the Manila paper so what I like to do is just cut off these ends that have no writing and you can totally use these for words by the way you don't have to dump them and so I'm trying to get kind of like similar size to my manila folder I just cut pieces of it so it's easier for me to handle so I'm gonna take one of these and I'm just gonna place it like that I'm not doing anything to it anything special I'm gonna take my punch and I'm just gonna punch out a couple of these and if you back it up it cuts easier because the dictionary paper is so thin that okay so I have the round ones now I'm gonna take another piece of my folder here I'm gonna put that design and do the same for the square punch and I'm not being precise or anything okay so I have these and I'm gonna glue these down so I'm just gonna let this dry I'm gonna do one of the round ones so that's how easy this this part is so I'm gonna continue doing that in a minute I'm also gonna take one of these and I'm gonna keep the part that has like the we I don't know what you call this reinforcer no I'm not sure what you call it I'm gonna work on this side so um these papers that I have left over I can use it and I'm not looking for perfection I'm just gonna do a collage here I'm also gonna bring in my paper that I have like I said just is what you have and I'm gonna let this dry and then I'll cut around it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so these are dry so I'm just gonna take my scissors which I had here a minute ago and I'm just gonna cut it out it I think for me this was the hardest part because and so I'm going to do the same here you the fun begins from here also you can [Music] take paints and cut like a little bit of paint you can take just sew and I don't mind me I like using my finger and just white out some of the areas what you're doing is bringing some of the pictures to the back by doing that and again you don't have to be precise about it just like that you don't have to have this if you don't have it don't I have some paints here and let me see and I'm just randomly putting dry brushing it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna take where is my hole I'm just making sure that I am NOT I'm gonna work the right side and let me just put these down like that not that it matters too much I'm gonna take some of my decoupage glue not much I'm gonna put it this side that I want you can you can do whatever you want with that it's totally up to you and as you can see I'm not measuring anything or not being precise and then what I like to do is just go and cut the sides so you have this picture now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna let these dry and then I'll come back and we'll embellish them so they're all dried well we're gonna decorate them even further you can leave them like this they're fine you can just put a word and you're done I'm just gonna let a couple more decoration [Music] [Music] so I'm going to cut all the extras [Music] I'm gonna ink all the corners I mean all the sides and using cocoa I like the dark brown so I'm gonna take my this is oh gosh quarter I think a hole puncher actually for these ones I'm gonna use this size again I don't know what size is this and I'm just going to eyeball it and for this one I'm gonna take the smaller and I'm gonna do right like that on the one side you can do it in the middle too if you want I just like doing it on the side okay so I have these what do you call these like a safety pin but so I'm gonna use that I'm gonna layer it I have like I said I took a piece of this fabric and just cut zigzag strips and I put some of the steps just stamp it up that's all this is so I'm gonna take one of these take a bigger one I also have this ribbon that I like and I'm gonna cut some of the butterflies and just use what you have [Music] those too I have this ribbon let me just distress just gonna put a dab of glue I will take my stamped fabrics I'm gonna take one of these I'm gonna hope that wears my whole wrong way okay just like that and now I'm gonna look for a word like I said you can cut words from anywhere I'm just gonna stick that down like so and yeah so it's totally up to you how you decorate it have a button here and then we're gonna put that right there okay so we have one done [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so this is what it looks like as I said you can decorate it the way you want so this is what mine looks like I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give me thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe until next time have a are some day you guys bye
Channel: Tina Kazarian
Views: 6,642
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, embellishments, junk journal ideas, junk journal embellishments, embellishments for junk journals, junk journals, junk journal tutorial, junk journal junkies, journal embellishments, junk journal tags, junk journal tutorial for beginners, diy junk journal embellishments, junk journal clip embellishments, junk journal embellishment, junk journal embellishments youtube, vintage junk journal embellishments, vintage tags
Id: fKmjENdLMWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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