Junji Ito Tours A Real Haunted House ( The Winchester Mystery House )

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The scariest thing in that house is Junji Ito's mind.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/mastermidget23 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Time to ruin everyone’s fun!

That house isn’t haunted. While legend has it Sarah Winchester built that maze house to trap the spirits of the people killed by her family’s guns the truth is that she was just obscenely wealthy and fancied herself an architect. She would literally just build things in a certain way just to see how they looked. If she didn’t like how a project was turning out she would abandon it and never finish it. That’s why there are crooked staircases and doors leading nowhere. Long after she died, people forgot she was “crazy rich” and not just “crazy crazy” and that’s where the ghost stories started.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/SlightlySychotic 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/LazyOort 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I havent seen the video but I already know hes gonna be disappointed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SignalWeakening 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
Junji Ito is considered one of the modern horror manga legends. Born 1963, he has worked over 30 years creating many horror mangas that gives us, the readers, the heebie-jeebies.   He has created many classic hits like Tomie,  a story but an immortal girl who looks real good  Uzumaki, spirals gone wild and Gyo, what-ifs zombie fishes had robo legs?   So now you're at the Winchester house are you excited to take a tour to take a look inside of the actual house?  Yeah the outside is a nice garden it's like bright lights, you know in the movie it's all grey it's all dark.   There's no Helen Mirren, we're not Helen Mirren. It's just the roof, that's it. Wow And, as you can see the staircase, leads to nowhere. Alight So they call this staircase The Goofy's, because it's a bunch of stairs for no reason. Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester born: 1839 she was the widow of William Winchester the second head of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. During her life she had two major tragedies: she lost her daughter when she was only six weeks old and 15 years later her husband passed away from tuberculosis. Legends say she visited a psychic who told her that she lost her family due to angry ghosts that were killed by the Winchester rifle. The psychic also told her to build a house and never stop building and so she built. Creating a house with a 160 rooms 10,000 windows 2,000 doors and so, so much more. So here we are, right here at one of the bedrooms but this is the main bedroom that Sarah Winchester passed away. First question is what scares you personally? So the other question I have is a personal question from me. I want to know what inspired you for certain bits like Spirals in Uzumaki, how did you get that idea? Snail people where did you get the inspiration for people turning into snails? So you don't personally like or dislike snails you just saw the image it was like, "Oh yeah, snails.  "Make them turn to snails." Oh, I feel that. It's like SQUISH and your like "Ah no! the the... snail!" Robot zombie fishes in Gyo. What's the inspiration for that? Oh wow! Secret room So here we are right now in one of the rooms and it's actually a, supposedly, a Japanese-themed room. And now this was back in 1910/1920ish so I guess it looks pseudo-Chinese Japanese crossover mixed together. Oh Wow, you can take it for home, yeah. Who knows, who knows. Our tour guy is giving us the sourest of looks. He's like, "ugh you can't do that." So, speaking of haunted houses how do you feel about haunted houses? Do you like 'em? Do you think they're real or you know...eh? If you have a saw ghost would you befriend a ghost, or would you try to exorcise the ghost? I don't speak Japanese, but I know exactly what this means. I'm like "Yep." If I saw a ghost I would be like "Please!" So hopefully we'll see some are Winchester ghosts. Ghosts if you're hearing this it's popping. Just a message to the ghost. Safety first So fun fact about this place is it's for the maids and all the maids at that time were about 5 foot 2. And since I'm not 5 foot 2 have to wear this helmet and crouch. Wow And here we have a place that's called the Witch's Hat, I believe, because it's got a nice little cone shape. Ito-Sensei, do you like witches? They're cool scary, yeah. Your work in Junji Ito Collections the anime, did you have any big roles in it or was it a kind of a hands-off approach? Is it the same for the live-action movies that was made? How did you feel when you saw animated old new collection stories animated? You put your feet right there and you talk your voice echoes but only for you. Hello, oh my- Whoa, WHOA! Hello, AH! No, no echo. Echo, ahhh. "Echo, ahhhh", that's the review. That the Junji Ito review right there. Watch your head. So here we are we're about to enter the basement and I was told that we might be able to see one of the most common ghosts: The Wool Barrel Ghost He wheres an overall, pushes a wheelbarrow that's where the name comes from pretty obvious. But yeah, let's go ahead inside and get some cool basement breeze. Got my helmet on, safety first. Ito-Sensei, please. Hello~ How is it so far? You getting scary, getting spooked? Let's go inside deeper. Follow me. What gets you in the mood to start creating? I want to know if I inspired you, will I be in the manga? Yes! Supposedly, a lot of people see the wheelbarrow ghost. Right now- oh thank you for the light. Ghost? Hello? All right, so here we are still in the basement. This is the boiler room right here where you know just throw some wood you know get some nice hotness around. A real quick question, Ito-Sensei, so a lot of people have misconceptions I feel like about horror writers, and horror Mangakas are there like creepy how they're like you know have, like, a horror sense but you seem like it just like a chill dude is there any fun misconceptions people have about you? So the typewriter like TICK TICK TICK CLICK yeah like a scary old writer, yeah yeah. Works in a normal office setting and nice lighting. You got like a bunk bed set happening. You got the top bed? Yeah? You always hit your head?! You need a helmet! Can we get the Winchester helment? Let's move on! So here we are at the ballroom and I got told  there's this special little door right here and it leads, oh Ito-Sensei, would you like to do open door? Do the honors. Another Door! Ito-Sensei would you like to open the other door? And there's a safe with obviously a door. Ito-Sensei would you like to okay the safe? Then there's another safe inside the safe. Could you? Okay And that is it that's all I want to show you. Ito-Sensei opening four doors in a row. So here we are at the ballroom not technically really a ballroom. I heard that this is more a music room hence the big organ and the curved wall to let the sound do that good echoing, ya'know. So Ito-Sensei, I heard that you're not much of a dancer is that true? Would you like to learn a dance move? So we got an easy one you know you can just do The Whip You go like this... and then you, "Yaa" Yaa Yeah, there we go. So we go Whip then you do another Whip. Yaa You go Nae Nae. You just go back like this. Yep Right! You see this? Ah, love it, I love it. Ito- Sensei, do you listen to music when you make your mangas? So Bee Gees you like to listen to "Staying Alive" as your characters are dying? That's a Bee Gees joke right there. And yeah we're about to say farewell would you like to do a last a little whip before we a little dance before we go say farewell? Ya'know just a little, Yaa! Yaa, yeah! Killing it! Let's go to the gift shop and you get some gifts as well before we leave, so follow me. Alright, I got everything. Do you need anything Ito-Sensei? Goodbye forever, Tim. That's- that's all everybody, uh thanks for coming. Winchester Mystery House with uh... Jun-Junji Ito? Buh-bye, now! Just let you all know that they do tours so come on down to Winchester Mystery House in San Jose
Channel: Crunchyroll
Views: 535,697
Rating: 4.9823446 out of 5
Keywords: crunchyroll, anime, crunchy roll, tim lyu, anime history, history, explainer, explained, Junji Ito, Junji Ito Tours A Real Haunted House, interview, horror, horror writer, manga, horror manga, winchester, Winchester mystery house, winchester house, uzumaki, junji ito collection, toonami, uzumaki junji ito anime, tomie, gyo, long dream, comic, junji ito interview, whip and nae nae, horror mangaka, scary stories with junji ito, junji ito anime, haunted house, haunted houses, ghosts, 伊藤 潤二
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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