JUNGLE CRUISE'S WILD SECRET | 4 Historic Disneyland Oddities

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friends did you know that somewhere around in here in the hub is where the first baby ever was born inside of Disneyland did you know there was a time that an alligator got loose inside the rivers of the Jungle Cruise and came after the cast members trying to put the boat back on the track and today we're going to explore who exactly owns Tom Sawyer Island am I standing in Disneyland am I standing in California or am I standing in the sovereign state of Missouri 24 years later why 2 may seem like a big joke to all of us that were old enough to live it but Disney had a major battle with Y2K to ensure that every guest would be okay during the computer apocalypse friends just when you think you know everything there is to know about Disneyland here I come with the Disneyland oddi series sharing with you some of the more offbeat some of the more odd stories in Disneyland's rich rich history just when you felt like you've heard it all there's always room for a new Disneyland audity to blow your mind about the long long crazy history that is Disneyland let's get started with episode two of Disneyland Oddities I'm bricky and I cannot wait to share with you some of the craziest stories you've ever heard about Disneyland Tom Sawyer Island wouldn't open up with Disneyland in 1955 it would open up a year later in 1956 and along with it would bring a grand opening ceremony that would then create one of the greatest Disneyland urban legends ever is Tom Sawyer Island a part of the great state of Missouri Walt's original ideas for naming the island would be Mickey Mouse Island or possibly Treasure Island But ultimately at the end of the day he decided to go with Tom Sawyer Island which is how the great state of Missouri gets involved in trying to take ownership of Tom Sawyer Island here in Anaheim California inside of Disneyland this is one that keeps coming up time and time again as many people say I'm pretty sure that Tom sorer island is part of the state of Missouri Tom soer Island being near and dear to Walt Disney as this would be the only attraction that Walt would pretty much design himself so therefore Walt wanted to make a big deal about its grand opening in 1956 as this would be the new offering for the second year of Disneyland to celebrate the opening of the new attraction Disneyland had catfish flown in from Missouri and folks were encouraged to have a fish dinner over at the old plantation house which would sit about right here on the edge of the rivers of America but to further sell the idea of Tom Sor Island they had two children visit Disneyland from Mark Twain's hometown of Hannibal Missouri the kids were playing the role of Tom himself and Becky Thatcher and it seems that the two kids that would come from Missouri to Disneyland would bring along with them a gift from the governor of Missouri Phil Donnelly sent a letter over to the then governor of California Goodwin Knight declaring that this island were to become property of the state of Missouri how the locals say it the letter asked to take appr appropriate action with Will of cause the tomser island in Disneyland California to be deed to the sovereign state of Missouri the only true and rightful possessor of any and all Tom Sora islands in the world so that is where the urban legend comes from but that's not where it stops because many people took that liter Al that they were asking for Tom Sawyer iseland to become a part of the state of Missouri however a dedicated fan who had a burning quest to know is this Missouri is this California is this Disneyland did lots of research wrote a letter to the state of Missouri asking for an audit of all actions that the governor had taken in the year of 56 57 and 1958 looking to see indeed was there any paperwork sh that through the state legislator that the governor had annexed Tom Sawyer Island into the sovereign state of Missouri and to come to find out the only thing that they could find during that time period that the governor had declared was a Tom Sawyer week so indeed this is part of Disneyland is part of California but only mouri in the heart of the sovereign state of Missouri that would birth Mark Twain one of the the greatest American authors and minds of all time therefore proving that there is no paperwork that it was just a joke that this would become a part of Missouri and you know is the world round or is the world flat perspective is everything but for our second odity we will go from the First full year of Disneyland to 3 years before the new Millennial would strike as Y2K would put fear in Disneyland Executives if you happen to be younger than the age of 24 this next one might not mean a lot to you but believe it or not at the turn of the New Millennium going from 1999 into the year 2000 there was a huge concern about Y2K essentially there had become this idea that nobody had thought to write the computer programming to roll over from 19 to 2000 which created Mass hysteria what would happen when the computer apocalypse would strike at the stroke of midnight and Disneyland simply being Disneyland decided that they could not take the risk for the computer apocalypse to make anything go wrong on any of their properties Disney was worried about this like every other major corporation but knowing that if the computer apocalypse known as Y2K would strike a Disney park and anything would go wrong that would probably be one of the greatest examples that the media would latch on to see it even broke the Disney Magic and there is a bizarre Obsession when things go insanely wrong at the theme parks because many people people believe that this is a place of escapism so Disney wanted to make sure that for all the people that wanted to celebrate the new Millennial out of Disney park they'd be able to do so with safety which is exactly where our second Disneyland odity takes place Disney went hard I mean hard getting prepared for Y2K making sure to not wait till the last minute Disney got started preparing for Y2K 3 years earlier where Disney would launch a extensive research work with tons of outside companies and try to test run test predict every possible outcome of how all of their computers ticking over to the year 2000 could possibly affect the guest experiences on all of their properties but to be sure nothing would go wrong over this course of 3 years Disney would invest millions of dollars in making sure their guest would be safe on every single Disney property around the globe but at the stroke of Midnight at the end of 1999 when a new millennium would come into all of our Lives Disney would roll through it with extreme safety all of their time and research and development millions of dollars had proven that they had weathered the storm and everybody was safe they wanted to celebrate a new millennium inside of a Disney Resort however they spent a lot of time and effort to ensure the safety and security for all of their guests and to make sure Disney would not be one of the examples of Y 2K going to ride but uh truth be known I don't know that it really went bad for anybody it seems that Y2K was one of the greatest urban legends of the end of the 20th century hey friends if you'd like to help support the channel make sure you click subscribe and the best way to help me keep creating three videos a week is to support the channel by grabbing our Walt 1901 hoodie available in the link below now let's get back to the rest of our Disneyland Oddities episode 2 friends I'm sure by now you've heard the story that Walt Disney always envisioned that his jungle Crews would be full of real live breathing animals but once it was explained to him that live animals will be probably napping not active inconsistent and cost a lot of extra money Walt was like maybe we don't do the live animals but I'm sure as you know by now if Walt Disney was anything Walt Disney was very very persistent and decided that if he couldn't have his attraction full of live animals he wanted at least one section that would have something that was living breathing showing people the jungle experience he wanted to promise them so the compromise was out front of the Jungle Cruise close to where you would get on to the attraction Walt had an alligator pen put in so yes technically there was a time when there were live animals at the jungle cruise but let me explain this Disneyland odity because uh as all of these stories it didn't go according to plan so they would rent the alligators from a local establishment called the bua alligator farm that was uh not too far away from where Nots Berry Farm was at and Walt arranged for these alligators to live in a pin right at the edge of the attraction so as people were waiting in line they would see real animals which then would possibly convince them that all of the animals inside were real as well three foot long alligators were placed in a pen right out in the front of the Jungle Crews but as guests would wait in line they started to realize that people's kids were not only throwing in popcorn at the alligators but also there was a souvenir cart out front that sold small rubber animals to get people jacked up on being on their adventure and come to find out the kids were throwing alligators at the alligators so the folks that were responsible for the alligator's well-being started to notice that they would have kernels stuck in their teeth and also little pieces of rubber that would get in between their teeth notched into their gums where the alligators had rubber alligators stuck inside their mouth you you can't make up to stuff on the Disney Oddities video series like these stories are so wild and in another strange Twist of events the alligators made hissing noises hissing noises because I'm guessing they were pissed people thought that the hissing noises were because they were robotic and that that was pre-programmed in there and then when people would see the sign real alligators they started to believe that the alligators inside the attraction were the real one so even Walt going out of his way to create this experience uh kind of backfired and did the exact opposite of what he intended but one could say at least people thought there were some real animals in the attraction so maybe Walt succeeded after all at the end of the day alligators going to do what alligator is going to do and they were able to escape from these small pins and when they escaped guess where the first place they went was yep you guessed it the first place they would escape to would be the rivers of the jungle Cruise therefore out of the pen free at last God Almighty free at last and this created a couple of problems Disney would have to shut the attraction down bring the alligator trainer back who would make a weird hissing noise that convinced the alligators that he was their mother and then they would swim back to him he would catch them and then they'd be alligator free again and then the other problem this would create is divers have to occasionally get inside the rivers of the Jungle Cruise when the boats back in the day would get off the track they would have to Dive In The Water Place the boats back on the track so the ride could be operational the divers wanted nothing to do was swimming through the river when they thought that there could also be alligators in there coming after them which has got to be a big difference between Orlando and Anaheim because people in Orlando be like I'm not afraid to swim in the water with an alligator now wrong species but it is believed that somewhere in this area is where the pin would be at and that would make sense because if the pin was right here the line is right there and access to the water is directly behind me so little Disneyland odity shout out please do not feed the crocodiles other little rubber crocodiles or popcorn tired of having to shut the attraction down because of alligator evacuations and also worried that the alligators were going to choke to death on all the things that kids were throwing at them the alligators were returned to the alligator farm and alligators and real living animals inside of the Jungle Cruise were a thing of the past but it was a thing for a while which is such a great Disneyland odity cuz I've often heard the story Walt wanted real live animals in there and I never knew that Walt's dream of real animals came true our final Disneyland odity and episode 2 takes us back to the Fourth of July weekend 1979 where the saledo family wanted to celebrate the 4th of July weekend at their favorite place Disneyland but something a little bit unpredictable happened to this couple it seems that when Eli and Rosa were riding on the submarines I don't know if it was the pressure of the water or her being 9 months pregnant that made her feel like uh-oh I think I'm starting to go into labor so once they got off of the submarines they decided to start heading over to the first aid center on the edge of Main Street beat USA it seems Rosa thought that she had a couple more days until the couple's child was on the way but it looked like this kid really wanted to go to Disneyland so the Disney ride operators called ahead letting first aid know that there was a pregnant woman on her way and the Disneyland first aid has nurses there on duty to help guests with whatever comes up they had also called an ambulance but the walk from the subs to the hub was a little bit too much for Rosa Rosa said as she walked across Main Street she started to fill three big pains and then knew what was getting ready to happen it seems that Rosa was able to get to a nearby bench not being able to make the complete Journey where somewhere behind me Rosa was met by two nurses from first aid were able to meet up and help her go into labor and have her baby somewhere in the hub area not exactly sure but I would love to know where that exact bench is at and by the way bench being my favorite ride can't think of a better way to come into the this world and it would be somewhere in this area where little baby Teresa was born 6 lb 10 oz the first baby ever born inside of Disneyland but Teresa wouldn't be the last but baby Teresa did start an urban legend of what some mothers to be would anticipate would happen if their baby was born inside of Disneyland let's break apart the myth if your baby's born here does it get an annual pass for life of course baby Teresa and her mother Rosa were taken to a nearby hospital where on July 6 just 2 days later baby Teresa was visited by Mickey Donald and Goofy and presented with an unbelievable gift the gift was a birth certificate for being born inside of Disneyland and it was labeled Disneyland birth certificate number one as Teresa was the first baby ever born inside of Disneyland and like a traditional birth certificate it had all of her Vital Information on the interior of the birth certificate but then the outer border was ornated with Disney characters all around it giving this child truly a special birth certificate Keepsake no good deed goes undone and this birth certificate started a rumor that if you had a baby inside of Disneyland that child would be granted a lifetime access to the park which is absolutely positively not true now for baby Teresa being the first one here who knows but for anybody else absolutely not and Disney would work for years to make sure that people didn't think that this urban legend was true trying strongly to discourage anybody from deciding I want to have my baby at Disneyland but one woman that decided that that rumor was indeed fact and wanted to roll the dice had her husband run into first aid which is directly behind me and the husband declared frantically my wife is in the bathroom she will not leave she's getting ready to go into labor and the husband even ratted her out was like she's doing this because she thinks that the baby's going to get a lifetime pass to Disneyland so then cast members went and met with the woman in the restroom and begged her not to have the baby in the bathroom at Disneyland assuring her zero reward for such a risky birth they were able to convince her to come to her senses and then she would get on an ambulance and have the baby at a nearby hospital however just 5 years after baby Teresa was born in the park later on in 1984 expecting mother Margarita grandos thought I can wait it out I can do this however sorry for laughing this is too funny however while Margarita waited with the couple's two young sons while her husband Road Space Mountain she could tell that nature was taking its course and had to come over to the first aid center and when her husband got off of Space Mountain he was no longer a father of two he was a father of three Margarita gave birth to another baby girl inside the first a center where three Disneyland nurses assisted her in her birth as of date there are four babies to be known to be born on Disneyland property in 2002 a baby was born in the back offices of Main Street USA where a mother went into labor and then in 2012 a baby would be born born at the Toy Story parking lot bus stop oh Toy Story bus stop baby so close so close to being born inside of Disneyland but interestingly all four babies born inside Disneyland and in Walt's personal life are all girls meaning that the Disney namesake is pretty good at bringing more women into the world oh I just had the realization that baby Teresa is 45 years old now hey happy birthday baby Teresa this summer hope you have a good one there there you go friends four Disneyland odity stories from inside of Disneyland just the kind of crazy things that happen in the living breathing city that is Disneyland if you enjoyed today's episode make sure you check out episode one where I show you where the Disneyland audio animatronic graveyard lies thank you so much for watching I appreciate you and I appreciate your time hope you felt like today's video was worth it
Channel: Hey Brickey!
Views: 46,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyland, disneyland secrets, disneyland history, disney secrets, vintage disneyland, oddities, theme park, disneyland hidden secrets, hidden secrets disneyland, secrets at disneyland, dark disney secrets, theme park secrets, hidden secrets at disneyland, disneyland california, alligator disneyland, jungle cruise, history, Tom Sawyer Island, Missouri, Urban Legend, Disney Urban Legend, Baby Born In Disneyland, Disneyland Y2K, Brickey, Hey Brickey, Brickey Disneyland
Id: pxRwc6WSNWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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