Jungle Bunch ๐ŸŒ‹ The Great Evil Itch ๐Ÿฆนโ€โ™‚๏ธ FOR KIDS | WOW CLUB

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you see son a real Predator is at one with the night darkness is our Ally Mr Maurice can Miguel have scary story tonight huh yes Miguel but you know we're tigers and don't know what it means to be scared hanging around under my tree again I'll tell you some scary stories Miguel the planet is getting warmer the ice cap is melting on both poles the sea levels arising every day pretty soon we'll be surrounding my large fish all right Gilbert just relax Miguel Bob is going to tell us a scary story go ahead Bob the story of the Teran it was a year ago on a night with a full moon like this one the jungle was silent and dark sorry sometimes I'm a little disoriented in the dark I didn't scare you I hope scared who us you can't be serious Patricia scary stories can wait the jungle bunch to the rescue good Mission open hello my friends what brings you here tonight a terrible catastrophe has struck our village help us great tiger Warrior please mama Dango tell them what's happening to us it's no use eten they're just strangers how could they possibly understand the curse that has struck us did you say something about a curse a curse that's ridiculous that's the first time we've heard that one I told you they would never believe us but I'm will willing to try H strangers I sense that some of you are skeptical about magic but I'm about to tell you a terrible story the story of a village the story of the great evil itch once upon a time we lived happily protected by our sacred tree sometimes the fruit from the sacred tree would fall on us and this annoyed many those disrespectful fools decided to cut down the sacred tree I did try to warn them but they didn't listen and now that the sacred tree is not there to protect us anymore the curse has struck our village one by one our families and our friends have been contaminated by the great evil well there you go Miguel there's your scary story a SA a tree a curse H that's ridiculous the only ridiculous thing around here is you and your disbelief uh your noise making thing is a little annoying you think it could move it out of the way a little oh please you have to come help us okay okay don't worry we'll take care of your great evil itch Mr Maurice can Miguel thump the big evil itch Sure Thing Miguel you can thump it all you want come on guys let's go mam you can walk next to me perhaps you can share more scary stories I love to get goosebumps well this was quite a hike hello there good fellow you haven't seen a great evil itch around scratch me scratch me itches he he has the evil whoever touches him will get it immediately It's My Brother Hubert I can't leave him like this I have to go and scratch him no stranger it's too late he's already gone me I have an idea yes Gilbert this way quick hey leave my son alone Scrat me scratch me Miguel block the entrance now what this is my house we'll be safe here they won't get in uh it's a little dark in here how about we turn on a light wake up in there huh drop that you ignoramus those are the last fruit from the sacred tree that I was able to save from destruction sorry but when Miguel is stressed Miguel needs to eat huh you're right we are tigers and tigers are not afraid me out it's scary the whole village has gone berserk without the protective power of our sacred tree we're at the mercy of the curse of the great evil itch H your sacred tree was nothing more than a common guava tree and your great evil itch is certainly not a curse but it look at little tiger little tiger is squirming around little tiger has got sness and edes Junior no not you I can't believe no great tiger Warrior it's too late he touched a contaminated one earlier he must be sent outside with the other victims of the curse if we are to survive absolutely not Junior stays with us until we found a cure right guys mhm uh mace I have to say she's not totally wrong I don't see why be quiet you B impressive junior he has touched a contaminated one he is lost as well get out now he must go am I screaming scratch me scratch me now Look thanks to Junior I can now show you the great evil itch live and end person it's lights my friends given the state of these poor villagers the itching from these bites seems unbearable the victim looks for someone to scratch him or her and the light waits to jump on the new prank good going son nasty creature you know how to get rid of it no idea but if I take it home with us to try and identify the species then I might be able to find a solution although we might never make it and we'll never return scratch you sorry but I couldn't find any other ammo thanks anyway nonbeliever hey look he seems to feel better it's the power of the Sacred tree nonsense it's all very rational H I know the scent of the guaba that has to be it it's what makes the lice leave and the pulp on the fruit calms down the itching that's the solution ignorant one you don't understand anything you deserve that Migel not one scary story a tiger is never afraid not working Mr Maurice Mig not want evil Miguel scared the fruit from the tree would fall on them of course that's it on the head you have to aim at the head Maurice that's where the light start from good going Patricio I ow it's a and my dear nephew maybe it was a good idea to ask strangers to come and help us now we just have to replant the sacred tree ignorant ones and that is how our terrifying Adventure ended gee that story is much more terrifying than the Terran nud that's for sure I finished my research and your Tad poll is nothing compared to pediculus verus roros this is the most intelligent species of life it can contaminate an entire region in a few days Miguel sorry Miguel too afraid of evil l what
Channel: WOW Club
Views: 32,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow club, wow, club, kids, kids series, super heroes, heroes, adventures, mysteries, series for kids, kids club, videos for kids, children, for kids, Animation for Kids, Cartoon for kids, videos kids, funny video kids, compilation, The jungle Bunch, Jungle, Animals, adventures in the jungle, cartoons, adventures for kids, The jungle, toddlers, Deep Into The Chasm, The Boulder Of Fear, The Bloody Berry, Jungle Bunch, Maurice, Tiger, adventure, animals, cartoon, elephant, jungle, monkey, tiger
Id: Ndxy661BoZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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