Coaching Tiger, Hidden Giraffe Part 1 | Jungle Bunch | 30' Compilation | Cartoon For Kids

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hi we're the jungle Bunch if you have a problem pull this handle it signals us and we arrive in the Flink of an [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] eye [Music] I can't see with these glasses from Gilbert that's normal Bob those are made for watching the eclipse what are you cooking there Al wow a big mashed caterpillar that looks tasty where'd you find it here in the clearing I can't wait these here are eclipse glasses do not be afraid the sun disappears during an eclipse but that's completely normal okay don't Don't Panic the sun will come back after hey tars here do you think we're wild animals we're hamsters we don't worship the sun we worship the sacred caterpillar khma sh don't say her name she's so sacred that you're not allowed to say her name only we're allowed to say her name you can't see her so beat it don't even think about it all right then the eclipse is about to begin I'm the only one who can see her and right now I'll see her where is khma where is our sacred caterpillar go find [Music] out you to have you seen kma a sacred caterpillar a sacred caterpillar did you see a sacred caterpillar uh no I don't think so what's her name again Kar don't say her name or you'll feel the wrath of her tribe oh this is an issue [Music] I think the show's about to start guys Miguel happy Miguel like eclipse the yin and the Yang mom you all right you don't want to watch the Eclipse it's more than an eclipse it's a sign the yin and the Yang in the sky it means that pong to is coming for you Maurice what is she talking about and who is this pong to pong to is one of the oldest Kung Fu masters of the Jungle it is said that he's the greatest Kung Fu Warrior all right but what does any of this have to do with the eclipse we're going to tell you a story pong to lived in the freezing Wilderness of the north isolated from everyone he dedicated his life life to Kung Fu after many years of solitude he came to the jungle and chose a young fighter to train huh this fighter was Natasha this giraffe he seems lovely teaching a gym class for young people is really nice don't you think no Ponto is not nice he is Harsh extremely harsh because he wants to train The Ultimate Fighter the one who will be able to defeat him and take his place in a fight to the death that's why he trained you just for you to replace him yes but I refused to abide by his rules I thought that the purpose of kung fu was Justice keep keep it up don't let the rock win this fight master I don't want to live out here away from the jungle I'm a warrior now I want to be useful and help others your training is not complete you will only become the ultimate fighter if you fight me and you win Natasha are you afraid to face me no but I don't want to be like you I want to become a vigilante if you think that this is your destiny then you should go back to the Jungle but one day I will find you Natasha when you have a child I will come for him and I'll make him The Ultimate Fighter he'll have no choice either he'll follow me or will face me in a death match I will return When the ying and the Yang are visible in the sky I Won't Let You PTO the hin and the Yang in the sky the eclipse this means PTO is coming to the Jungle to search for bananas or a fight oh boy pay more attention and both of you PTO is coming from AAS how come you never told me this I wanted to protect you when I came back to the Jungle I met Tony Goliath and Rick and founded the Champs with them and then soon you arrived I never wanted you to learn Kung Fu and risk your life I thought that if you didn't learn Kung Fu pong to wouldn't be interested in you I didn't know that when I had taught you Kung Fu I was unintentionally putting you at his Mercy and that's how the Champs managed to beat the bad guys but this time it was a close call tell another story Uncle Tony Tony don't tell those vigilante stories to Maurice you're putting very dangerous thoughts in his head come on little ones give us your snacks come on hurry up theves they're going to f you yeah Maurice you okay those bad guys they better not come back because next time I won't hold back bring on the snack you still don't get it that'll teach a lesson this time Maurice I'll take care of them they won't come back no it's all right I can take care of it especially if you teach me Kung Fu Uncle Tony tell me Maurice why do you want to learn how to fight well well because it's cool that's not the answer I expected from you still you need help I will teach you Kung Fu Maurice but don't say anything to your mother she doesn't want you to become a Warrior when you grow up okay promise I won't tell my mom great your training begins [Music] now come on Uncle Tony I'm ready to learn all right then your training will begin with that faster morce pH all right can we fight now next part of your training sweeping the floor put some effort into it [Music] Maurice Uncle Tony weren't you supposed to teach me to fight do you have the answer to the question no not yet then continue with the back rub well I didn't think Kung Fu was like [Music] this so now we're even are you okay Maurice yes I'm all right it's nice of you to try to help us Maurice yeah uh even though it's useless and they still steal our snacks we know you mean well at least we're friends my very first friends hi kids time to give us your snacks Oh no you're not going to steal from us every day leave my friends alone hey come on guys let's go so Maurice why do you want to learn Kung Fu to help others H very good kung fu is not a weapon it's a martial art that feeds on your generosity and your bravery if you fight for others or if you fight for love you'll be a great warrior now don't forget your promise not a word to your mother pass the salt please of course here you go great thanks you all right Maurice you like it yes very much look out huh I knew it that's a Kung Fu technique Tony you and I need to talk uh Natasha then told me about pong toe this pong toe what does he want with Maurice he wants to take him far from here to the north to train him to become the ultimate fighter Maurice will be separated from his friends his family and after years of training he will have to face pong to until only one is Left Alive huh leaving the jungle is out of the question I won't abandon Junior either if pong to is looking for a fight then we'll fight yes we thump pong to with Mr Maurice you don't get it pong to is The Ultimate Fighter the strongest Warrior the jungle has ever known and he's never been defeated could we hide Maurice and wait for the old Master to go away no no we're going to thump Ponto instead we could make a machine to defend ourselves but it would be better if we could uh thump ppump thank you guys but we'll handle it ourselves if you don't mind mom do you think we could find a way to defeat him or change his mind ask Master Hector he is wise and knows Ponto they talk Kung Fu together he will advise you meanwhile Tony Goliath and I will look for Ponto and try to buy some time all right be careful let's go we're going to meet Master Hector at the Thunder Temple guys so you haven't seen khma our sacred caterpillar yet her tracks lead here are you lying to us uh nope let me think for a second uh ah the caterpillar I remember I think she went that way this is a real issue oh kma [Laughter] geta keeping the cooker isn't a good idea Al the sacred caterpillar is in there if we give you the cooker will you leave us alone even if we give it to them they'll shoot at us we shouldn't waste a good dish look it's our only chance hey what hurry run they show up they jump on our back and they don't even say hello where are your [Music] manners get Marice how long have you known Hector we go way back back to when I left Mom and Tony in order to become a great Vig vilante I had just taken in junior who was a very small tiger I was trying to fight for justice but I was a showoff back then you see kiddo when you're the great warrior tiger you have to command respect and show others that you're the leader be careful young tiger uh Grandpa you're not seeing things clearly so let me explain I'm the great warrior tiger a Kung Fu Master so you should be careful be before becoming a master young tiger you need to learn humility what do you know about Kung Fu Anyway come at me young tiger I'll defend myself with this blade of grass h two seconds Junior Daddy's going to teach crazy grandpa lesson be right [Music] back no stop it no I'm sorry good you've learned something today but there's still a long way to go before you can truly Master Kung Fu wait a minute are you telling me that you're a Kung Fu Master call me master Hector please Master Hector you have to teach me make me your student you want to learn kungu yes uh uh well as long as I don't have to clean because Uncle Tony already made me do that all right young Tiger but this will be hard very hard [Music] cut down this tree young tiger yeah no problem do you have an ax cut it down with your hands all right now then here we go bring this rock to the end of the clearing young tiger it seems heavy but I know that trick you need to bend at the knees like this to avoid hurting your back and but without the hands I wonder if I'd rather clean for Uncle Tony climb to the top of that Cliff young tiger no hands or no feet without hands I knew it and without [Music] feet why is it that no one ever fights in kung fu training kung fu is not all about violence young tiger it's about self-control come on get back to your training this tree won't cut itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] down well uh we're not there [Music] yet lauis this is coral he's also one of my students what what hello he's not Warrior material why are you wasting your time with a loser like him I'll smash you whenever I want tiger pH beware I've defeated tougher adversaries Coral Maurice your training will end with the final test a duel between you two will take place tomorrow at the top of the mountain when the sun will be at its Zenith but be cautious if either of you is late you'll be deemed as the loser on the spot you should just give up now little tiger we'll see [Music] Coro I'm on time what are you out of breath huh huh uh we should go don't you think you're trying to avoid the fight little tiger you're afraid well goodbye oh no wait for me here kiddo hang on kiddo I'll rescue you don't be afraid I'm here Master Hector I'm proud of you young tiger in choosing to help others instead of caring about your personal success you found the way of Justice my eyes haven't seen anything for a long time but I could see you were meant to be a hero okay great but I'm not sure we're going to get through this oh don't worry the flames and the costume were really just a setup the truth is it's just a minor fire that's all a minor fire in the woods oh are there trees didn't see them all right if you'll follow me master we can still Escape well to be honest I threw my back out when I put the diaper on so I can't walk right now of course oh no no way and there we got past that and now we just need to climb this Cliff use your head young tiger ow ow ow we need to hurry up never mind go for it [Music] that feels better well done young tiger you've saved us now then let's put out the fire and meet cororo at the top of the mountain [Music] huh too late t you're late so I've won the duel oh yes who's the winner it's Coro yes who found his in path it's Coral yes Coral you've indeed won the duel but the final test wasn't actually the duel what Maurice is the one who made the most of my teachings by letting his generosity and his sense of sacrifice speak today he's the one who has found his Inner Path that's crazy look at him he can barely stand he's no match for me I'm the strongest and I'll prove it come fight young tiger come on please all right all right I Surrender don't get me wrong young tiger you were lucky this time that's all and that is how Master Hector taught me [Music] humility that's a lot of stairs Master Hector something crazy is happening there's been an eclipse and pong toe is coming I know huh uh you already know how can he know that if he's been living all alone at the top of his Mountain plus he's blind young tarer you want to know how I know things without using my eyes I have good hearing on top of my Mountain I just need to hear the murmur of the Jungle to know all of its Secrets uh so you want us to believe that you can hear what's happening in the jungle from here here that's impossible my mother thinks you can help us she said you can give me advice about pong to you think I can defeat him you will not defeat pong to a fight against him would destroy you Mr Maurice strongest one if Mr Maurice not beat BTO nobody beat BTO Master Hector there must be some way to defeat him he must have a weakness a very long time ago when he and I were training together he left the secret of his strength hidden in The Well of Truth only he who is deemed worthy to become the ultimate fighter will find where the secret is hidden follow me okay more stairs wait for us here we won't be long this way Bob a dead end what do we do don't come closer that's right Al keep it [Music] [Music] up oh this is a really [Music] Sho Miguel very worried what Mr Maurice do if Mr Maurice not beat me Pong to fighting might not be the only solution perhaps we could trick Ponto into leaving Maurice alone once and for all good idea Gilbert but what we need to know how to find punto well hecta said you could listen to the rumble of the Jungle let's give it a try Gilbert you said that it was impossible there isn't any harm in [Music] trying a long time ago pong toe proclaimed that he would only be defeated by the one person who would unite the yin and yang his secret May lie here in the well of truth and how does it work do we ask our question and wait I don't know I never linger in The Well of Truth my old bones can't stand the humidity well maybe we just need to ask yooo Mr well do you know how to unite the yin and the Yang we want to defeat pong to [Music] shush Junior Daddy's trying to speak to the magic well Mr well Yoo did you understand my question Bob we need to get out of here [Music] yeah actually we must want to stick around a bit longer Cyclone [Music] hoof Bob we can't stay here yeah the Cyclone hoof that's him that's pong to what's that noise that's pong to's Cyclone hoof the most powerful technique I got this don't confront him or you'll perish you're right right Junior sorry Master a warrior tiger never gives [Music] up Natasha you know why I'm here yes master Ponto and you won't change your mind you know that I won't you should try and buy us some time I have a plan give me a little more time Master to say goodbye to my little tiger then I'll bring him to you 1 hour then you'll have to bring him to me the mouth of the flame breather mouth of the flame breather mouth of the flame breather hey Gilbert I heard mouth of the flame breather but where is that yeah well that didn't really help so this not mouth of flame breather well done Miguel hey jungle Bunch where are they are you still mad at us back away those who have dared to attack tell himo will die oh hey Alan Bob hi guys Maurice good timing what did you do to get them so upset just a little recipe for mashed caterpillar now calm down hamsters caterpillars are soft rubbery and ugly anyway you can't eat that did you say ugly he disrespected CA you asked for it do Mas caterpillars move ow Bob [Music] no they are the chosen ones the chosen ones wait the chosen ones who chose who anyway I have to go and find a giraffe hey we saw a giraffe it went that way but it didn't look very friendly okay thanks have a good trip there's the notorious punto he's ginormous well we need a plan to get rid of them Miguel no give bananas to PTO stop with your bananas that's ridiculous maybe not [Music] Gilbert hey PTO do you want the Great Tiger Warrior here you are we don't want him anymore Mr Maurice in the bag not bag of bananas sh Miguel Master Ponto you want my son there take him I don't want him he's naughty but you'll need to wait till you're home to open the bag oh great that's Goliath's idea right yes why yes Goliath I very good idea thank you Miguel what did you put in your bag enough I will not be made a fool of oh no do you have a plan B don't D that had to hurt are you okay Miguel Miguel see Banana's flying I was expecting this everyone's here and started without us I'm going to set an example for my son who is learning the Kung Fu code of honor and I'll be worthy of Uncle Tony and master Hector's techniques I'll fight you alone Master pong to you came for me right no what do you mean no I'm Natasha's son the Great Tiger Warrior you just said it your son has learned Kung Fu too today my Last Descendant isn't morice it's Junior the only potential Ultimate Fighter who must make a choice between following me and learning or fighting is him whoa whoa whoa that's impossible there's no way Junior will fight you but son he's the greatest Kung Fu Master you'll risk your life Junior wait listen to me yes you're right son I can't make the decision for you you are the Kung Fu Heir show them you're worthy my little tiger you chose to confront me little tiger prepare to endure the wrath of [Music] Ponto how can he defeat him it's impossible Master Hector said that the new Ultimate Fighter will unite the yin and the Yang the yin and yang represent good and evil light and darkness strength and wisdom water and fire no wo hey the yin and the Yang unite and you are truly impressive but this is not over Cyclone hoof what yay yeah Junior oh Junior we're so proud of you look at how our little Junior has grown little tiger super strong Junior well done Junior this was a fight to the death not only did you defeat me but you spared my life you deserve your title of Ultimate Fighter Junior one day you will pass on this title to someone who deserves it safe journey little tiger now that Junior is The Ultimate Fighter let's hope he won't get a big head and speaking of big heads Al Bob what are you doing here sh you can't say their names the sacred butterfly kma has chosen them that butterfly Kina what did I do
Channel: The Jungle Bunch - To the Rescue
Views: 110,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dibujos Animados, Episodios Completos, Hector, Junior, La Pandilla, La Pandilla de la Selva, Master's power, Maurice, Maurice pingüino, Miguel, Selva, Well of Truth, adventura, animales, animales animados, deathMaurice, dibujos por los ninos, eclipse, fight, humilityPong To, jungle bunch, kung fu master, la panda, la panda de la selva, mono, naturaleza, ninos, training
Id: cKihhl7XAw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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