Follow the Path 🌱 The Garden of Joyce Hannaford 🌱 Talk & Tour with Garden Gate

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[Music] hey everybody i'm here today with joyce hannaford in her beautiful garden in massachusetts and this is such an interesting garden because there are so many paths that wind around the whole garden and every time you turn you just see something beaut something different and beautiful and colorful and interesting and i can't wait for joyce to uh to walk us around and show us but first of all maybe you could tell us a little bit about how the garden started and how long you've been here well we've been here 22 years so it started technically about 21 years ago and i grew up with gardens my parents were gardeners i've always gardened and the potential was here so we started knocking down trees and planting trees plant and then planting and then a few trees died and we had to replant and then we put in well a well for our own irrigation which is fortunate since we're on a water band now and it just kept going and now we're fully planted even though i still bring home a few more flowers there's always there's always some place there's always room for a few more so that's right well let's look there we are yeah so let's go into the garden and take a look let's go for a walk [Music] so here we are coming up the path by the garage and i love this path it's uh this brick it the way it curves a little serpentine shape it's really nice to make your eye wander and wonder what is around the corner you really do you really do so did you plan these from the very beginning or did they sort of come to you after you'd had some of the garden in it this path came after we had this first room back here a friend suggested who was helping me design the garden suggested it's more exciting to have you know the curves and right and so forth leading to the first patio oh right around the corner here this seemed to be the natural spot to do the water feature we wanted a little goldfish pond that's very sweet do you hear the water from in the house oh absolutely oh sure it's wonderful allows us to sleep that's a good way to go and and you know the birds love it they come and they bathe here and they drink and yeah oh good and then it opens up into this patio opens up into this patio and then one more step we go to this is the cocktail patio then we have the dining patio let's go take a look [Music] so here we are on the cocktail patio this is really beautiful all the textures in this kind of shady little secluded nicely secluded it is i love it very very zen it is very zen isn't it very designed the textures with the um epimediums and the ferns and all the different plants here and of course the the kanakawa which i love it it's my favorite can you tell yeah it's it's it's a great theme through the whole garden in these shady spots it really brightens it up nicely so tell me about the the tree stumps here so we planted these original to the property in 2000 there were originally five heritage birch we cut out two immediately and two years ago because we had no sky left we cut them down and made pot features yeah i mean it's a great way to get some color in here i needed the color and my shade garden is now more of a sun garden to but it's adapted the epimediums struggled initially but they look pretty they seem to be fine yeah they do and i think that's an interesting point that you know sometimes you think of trees as permanent structures but sometimes trees just need to go for and it was a hard decision but right right once we made the decision it's like you were really glad we were ready to do it and it is very we've never looked back when you put so many years into it exactly it's hard to let go and we had the screen that we wanted why we took these down yeah because other channels this used to be when we put this all in we were in a fishbowl here really total fishbowl and there's so many trees now now and so much shade this is great well so now we're headed up into the dining patio is that right dining patio the way these drape over there with the uh water feature this water feature is really really unique i've never seen it it was designed just for this space oh wow um more than likely they haven't built another one it was it was a fun project and it's uh it's really really nice we watch especially the cardinals will sit up on the lip and then they'll come down and literally take a bath it has that little water it has just the right amount of fall and the depth up there is just and there's a little float valve in there so we have makeup water going in there whenever it's necessary oh that makes sense no when it gets windy the water really surges out and this all gets wet then it automatically turns on and fills it up again oh that's smart and the trees behind it are just silver japanese white pine has a nice almost a blue blue stone feel to it it does they fit it fits just perfectly i would like to dine out here sometimes this seems like a good spot to be there you go i can go cook right now [Music] so now let's um head out of the dining patio okay and uh go out into this lawn area this is your big lawn area this is the biggest biggest lawn that we have yeah and um it's a pretty bench up here with this uh beautiful container in the middle of the lawn and your shed over here we built this shed actually oh okay charlie i and i did with a friend of ours and it has a a real shake roof oh because we built it to match this house okay because we can't match our house and that had a shake roof years ago so we did the real initial shake roof and this is closer to their house than exactly everybody thinks it belongs to them and they also think this land belongs to them because it's kind of in their front yard right this is a this is really uh charming with the uh begonias in the window box yes and those will get huge they will go up to the middle of the window are they dragon wings yes yeah yeah and then all these uh different textures and colors going on in here i love your the glass bottle so far it's a cold whiskey or wine wine cask actually really interesting poking up out of the ferns and it's really pretty and then your stones you have several stone lots of sculpture sculptures so we have a really good friend who's just as this is his hobby and so he designs them and then my husband drills them so he drills through yes and just puts up a pipe a lead pipe wow in it because they don't balance very well when they're this guy's even leaning a little bit they look like they defy gravity yes they certainly and their stones you've collected yes all over on travel all over things that have meaning to you that's really really nice so so this is one of the many shade gardens very pretty um i love these tri-colors the tri-color beach i think are probably my favorite tree in the yard they are really beautiful and they they're nice because they're they have this size and structure to them but they don't just block everything off right they're very open and lacy yeah i like that and next to it is a fringe tree that just finished blooming to the left so over here yeah a couple of weeks ago this was all purple and white in this area that's beautiful but then the hydrangea will pick up its color in probably another couple of weeks so always something going on always something blooming right color color color yes more color is better yeah [Music] so now we're coming around these grass paths which continue that the twists and turns i love it and you can just see there's just something different and exciting just see a little bit of it make sure you want to keep going and see what's around the corner yeah definitely so um and then so over here this goes back down to the the newer patio we'll see that in a minute i suppose right yes yes we'll get there and then up here i love the um the red um arch the arch it's so fun we just had this restored it's this winter so now or this past winter so now we can leave it out all year it's so it's just i love that pop of color yes the red and the way it contrasts with all your other fun colors that you have around it and when these day lilies are blooming and the lilies and and with the delphiniums it's just it's just really fun and it it tells it definitely tells you a gardener lives here right yes [Music] absolutely so now we can wind around back to your newest project okay maybe it's not your newest one of your newer projects the newest stone sculpture oh the stone sculpture one of my favorite we'll go look at that yes and these aurelias that you have spotted throughout uh between the aurelias and the hakona khloas it's just these nice contrasts of chartreuse everywhere gets away from the all green yeah it's so easy to plant everything just all green it just it's amazing what what a pop that really adds adds to um the color palette oh this is your latest project the latest stone sculpture that i love it my husband just finished making it's a good spot for it stone was a birthday gift from from my friend who helps design them oh nice so that's really nice that was a good good spot for that it is a good spot for this because of all the sort of the entrance you know as you come in right into the right into this part of the garden that hits you it's nice [Music] so you have an interesting story about this stone up here yes i do so my best friend passed away of ovarian cancer 15 years ago and on our last trip together we found this rock in my hometown of new hampshire and so she loved coming into the garden this way so we took the stones that we collected and after she passed away made this walkway and i had this engraved that's really nice so we call it susan's way that's really nice and it and it uh it's nice because there are so many different ways to experience the garden and you can walk the paths one direction exactly and then walk the paths another direction and it seems like it's always different completely different place well this seems like a place i could come over and over and uh enjoy it please too we're only a plane ride away thanks for having us [Music] hi i'm jack from garden gate magazine i hope you enjoyed our video be sure to check out our youtube channel and press the bell to get notified each time we upload a new video you'll get content with useful gardening tips design ideas and how-to help for all levels of gardeners i especially enjoy the garden tours and talks with fellow gardeners across the country be sure to follow us on all of our social platforms you can see the list below thanks for watching
Channel: Garden Gate Magazine
Views: 70,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardens, garden, flowers, blooms, landscape, plants, nature, paths, garden walk, garden tour, backyard
Id: KwFTOedN1fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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