Jun. 6, 1999 | David Wilkerson | The Indwelling Power of the Holy Spirit

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welcome especially to our guests visitors we trust the Lord's presence has touched you this evening by the worship and praise and now prayerfully by his word we had turned to Ezekiel 18 please ezekiel the eighteenth chapter please pray for our team spread all over the world we have many a number of teams going to Macedonia past a car to release Saturday to go there for a week also we pray for him and those that will be with him teams going into Russia please pray for these teams also praise the Lord Ezekiel 18 chapter my message tonight the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit Ezekiel 18 now you won't understand this message until we get a little further into it where we're going but you will see it unfold as we go the 18th chapter beginning at verse 30 Ezekiel 18 verse beginning of verse 30 therefore I will judge you O house of Israel this is Ezekiel speaking through the power of the Lord everyone according to his ways saith the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruin cast away from you all your transgressions whereby you have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why will you die o house of Israel for I have no pleasure in the death of him that daya saith the Lord God wherefore turn yourselves turn yourselves and live ye heavenly father take us into your word we're not looking for some exotic theology we want the simple truth O God of what you have revealed in your that which has revealed belongs to us and Lord we claim it on the authority of the Holy Spirit and the power of God's Word your promises that all of these things belong to us and they have to do with our living and overcoming life God bring forth truth tonight that will open our eyes and our understanding that you have not sent us out into the world powerless but you have given us the Holy Spirit to empower us over sin and hell and death in the grave Lord anoint me let the power of the Holy Ghost demonstration of the Holy Spirit come upon me and let this word go deep into our hearts transforming changing and encouraging lifting our spirits we pray in Jesus name a man then dwelling power of the Holy Spirit now think the apology kill the Prophet is deeply grieved at what he sees in the house of God among the children of Israel is grieved at the compromise and the backsliding he sees about what we see in our land today he sees sin as it has never been as ripe he's seen compromise on all sides he sees a backslidden church and he comes to the church with this message repent turn yourselves from all your transgressions so iniquity shall not be a ruin cast away from you all your transgressions and make you a new heart and make you a new spirit turn yourselves and live now that's a powerful convicting message isn't it it sounds so much like the preaching I did for many many years turn yourself around now Ezekiel was one of those many Old Testament prophets that had not only been touched by the Holy Spirit but it had he'd had the privilege of entering into the blessing of the New Covenant even in the time of the Old Covenant because the Spirit of God not only touched some of these men but he indwelt them he lived in them in fact this is the case with the prophet Ezekiel chapter 2 tootz he said and the spirit enter in to me when he speak to me so we know this man isn't dwelt you had the Holy Spirit so certainly he has in himself as Abraham did who saw the time of Christ all the Old Testament prophets who were touched David included they had that inner indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and they were able to have that inner strength to fight sin and resist temptation but not so with the congregation that he preached to he's saying to sin bound people of Israel why don't you just stop what you're doing what's your problem simply lay it down turn make yourselves change get yourself a new heart just say no to your besetting sins he says that three to three times turn yourselves around get yourself a new heart you need a new motive a ting spirit get one get a new motivating spirit this man who was in dwell with the Holy Spirit could not understand because he's no no probably not living in their realm but he can't understand or comprehend why they simply are not convicted by his strong word why they won't heed his powerful warnings and just simply say no to their sins and turn around now I I know you will admit you have to admit God told him to preach that message this was inspired by God God told him to but he did that for a purpose to set that high standard to show them that they could reach it they needed a new covenant they needed something beyond anything they could reach in the realm of the flesh and folks I preached that kind of gospel for years I stood in the pulpit I so grieved that the sins of the nation I so grieved at the compromise in the church I still do I looked into my own heart I was not satisfied well with the what I believe should be total absolute victory that there were times that I was being tripped up by the enemy it can be covetousness and could be pride it can be ambition so many things that we hate in our and and so I I would stand in the pulpit and say why will you why are you gonna let this sit and ruin you you know God hates it get mad at the devil get mad at he'll get mad at your sin and say that's enough and walk away that's good breaching innit huh I listen to some of my old tapes and I said oh wow folks I don't reject the simp a single message I preached because there's there is there is a lot of good in that kind of preaching because I brought to the P I preached law so strong that people realize they could never live it and we're driven to the cross and say mercy I have one of those marriages drove people to the cross I can't live - Dave Wilkerson standards neither did I Ziqi was asking the people to do something was humanly impossible to do no way under any circumstances under their limited fleshly power are they going to be able to get themselves a new heart a new spirit and just turn away from their sins and their idolatry he's saying lay your idols now quit your adultery just walk away from it just say no to your sin turn around oh that folks that's being preached from pulpits all over the world some called it legalism call it what you want but they could no more treat themselves a new spirit new heart then they could raise the dead absolutely impossible see that's the problem with the Old Covenant the old problem the demand for total obedience is there but the power is not there to fulfill it that's why God had to make a new covenant a new agreement with mankind and I'm certain that there were some in Israel that heard Ezekiel preached because they had a heart for God there there was a holy remnant all through this time and I'm sure they hear they heard this powerful convicting preaching of Ezekiel this is true holiness preaching of the time and they said all Ezekiel that's what we want that's what I've always wanted I don't what my sin I hated the thing that I despised I do anything I don't want to do I don't have the power to do and and I want that but I keep failing I don't have the power Ezekiel I want to do exactly what you're preaching but I don't have the power in me just when I think I have the victory I fall down again well now if we're helpless in our flesh and breaking the power and Dominion of sin where is the power in these last days under the new covenant is a day of grace God's demand of obedience is just as strong as it was under the Old Covenant in the Old Testament God doesn't wink at sin never has and never will God demands absolute total perfect obedience to his word he does so under the new covenant he still calls for a new heart and a new spirit no exact you'll had to bend one of the most discouraged preachers in the Old Testament when Israel's most discouraged prophets by what he saw because they were trusting in their own righteousness God told him he said they're trusting in their own righteousness while they're still living in their sins he said they're trusting in their own strength and here's exactly what God said to him about his people that he'd been preached he says see could they hear your words but they'll not do them for with their mouth they show much love but their heart goes after their covetousness they they hear you but they'll not obey you see the church of his time was in total disarray the Shepherd's were all out for themselves they were cheating the people living off the fat while the people were starving the sheep were scattered over all the hills and he's Iike said there's no Shepherds we'll need to go out and find them he said they are wounded and there's nobody to heal their wounds the Shepherds are all out looking for themselves they're all out trying to make it big they're all trying they're all looking for success they're all looking for wealth they've forgotten the sheep folks that is what I hear from people all over this nation and around the world shepherd the sheep were scattered all over the hills and Anna's ekeus said the Shepherd's aren't even going after them they're taking care of their own needs first and in that dark dark hour what appeared to be hopelessness God shared a great secret of his heart with his prophet you know one of my favorite texts and it's one the Lord gave me when he first called me to preach and said one day he'd fulfil it in my life and it's it's been my heart cry ever since I was just a young man when I first started to preach saw him 25:14 the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will show them his covenant I've quoted that almost every day of my life and in in the past number of years the Lord has seen fit to start opening and fulfilling this promise made to me many many years ago and here's a man who fears God and God has began to open his eyes he's beginning to show him the Covenant and suddenly the word of the Lord came to him and be he began preaching a message that must have both thrilled and dumbfounded him I mean he couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth the Lord was going to take him out of the Old Covenant time and give him vision of what was going to happen in the time of that coming Messiah and once you go with me now skip over to zekiel 36 and I'm sure that he couldn't believe what he was preaching what was coming out of his mouth he just told his people he'd just been preaching I mean up and down the land quit you're sitting what's your problem turn around get a new heart their new spirit God suddenly comes upon him by his spirit and I don't believe he believed what was coming out his mouth look at it and verse 25 beginning to read when it sprinkle clean water upon you this is this new message ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you you've just been telling you cleanse yourself clean yourself up a new heart also will I give you a new spirit will I put within you he just told him go get a new heart go get a new spirit I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh I will give you a heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and ye shall keep my judgments and do them everything he'd been commanding them to do God comes along and says by my spirit I'll know it he shall dwell in the land that I gave to your father's you shall be my people not be your God I will also save you from all your uncleanness and I will call for the corn and increase it late no famine upon you I'll stop right there look this way please I'm sure after he preached this he went to God and said God wait a minute am i hearing you right that you're going to take matters in your own hands and by your spirits you're going to do for these people what I've been asking them to do and they can't do you mean to tell me you're going to put a new heart in these people you're gonna put your spirit in them and you're going to clean them up and by grace and mercy alone you're going to cause them to incline their heart to obey everything God commands in the book an unbelievable message it was too good to believe it was always too good to believe he's not preaching God by his Spirit because I'm gonna put my spirit in these people and I am going to cause them to obey me I am going to cause the Holy Spirit to fulfill in them every command I've ever made of them every demand that I've made I'm going to empower them to do it because I know they will never do it they have don't have the power they know that now they've come to the end of themselves and I'm sure the prophet Isaiah can this really be true God you're gonna put your spirit in them and cause them to obey you you're going to save them for all their uncleanness by mercy alone and immediately almost immediately the Holy Spirit takes him on a trip in the spirit he takes him out in the spirit and a vision and takes him to the valley jaw bones turned it chapter 37 you can see the valid jaw bones like you've never seen it in your life my friends I want you to know he wasn't talking about Israel naturally Israel not at all there's absolute proof of this all of the things that we're going to see now have never fulfilled the nancial in Israel all the things that you see in here now have to do with the time when David David had long been dead the kid the giant-slayer this David is Jesus Christ he's talking about Isaiah or the prophet Ezekiel knew in his heart he was seeing another time he was seeing the time of the Messiah he was seeing the time of the fulfillment of a new covenant all right first one the hand of the Lord was upon me is he God's going to give him an illustrated sermon now what he been preaching he's going to just illustrate it to him hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones full of bones the bones were dry very dry is that the church you go to the event meant him there there and an open valve there very dry and the Lord speaks to him and he sat in the middle adversities in the middle this is just dry briefs blown boats everywhere north east south and west and the nice thing can these bones live can these bones live in the Nira gotten saved it zekiel this is your congregation you've been preaching to this is Israel go ahead kill those bones to get up and walk go ahead and tell them walk out of the grace that's what you've been preaching that's your congregation why don't y'all get up walk why don't you get some skin on your bones you dead in trespasses and sin your sin killed you get up walk mm-hmm you know you said those bones can't move there's no life and he said you've been preaching the bones I preached a lot of bones in my lifetime trying to get them get up and walk a holy life I would scream whoa holy why will you let your sin ruin you why you letting your sin destroy you why are you laying in your grave because I'm dead I don't have any power I don't have any strength I don't have any life if they can talk that's what they'd have to say God changed Ezekiel's message now what we're about to see in here is a new work of the Holy Spirit that's going to open up his eyes and I hope it opens up your eyes I know that's been opening up my eyes in a special way he's saying to Ezekiel the only way these bones can walk is if my spirit enters into them and my spirit does the work it's the only way it's that simple folks this is not complicated it's not complicated at all he said here's what I want you to preach cz kiyul he said behold I will cause breath spirit to enter into you and you shall live now he's preaching to dead bones but the Bible's these bones were able to hear God says he can make the dead to hear he can make the dead to hear very clearly because he said all ye bones hear the word of the Lord they're dead but God's got God's have got America he can make the dead to hear you were dead when you heard it you were dead in trespasses and sins when you heard it he's preaching these bones behold I will create I will cause breath and the word is spirit there in Hebrew to enter into you and you shall live I'll put sinews upon you and I'll bring up flesh upon you and I'll cover you with skin now put breath or spirit in you and ye shall live you shall know that I am the Lord and all of a sudden he's standing there and boy what a noise what a shaking boom neck bone hip bone connected to the other bones and the [Music] you know the song what a shaking what a noise sounds like a great revival doesn't it lot of shakin goin on folks I'm not puttin it down because this is the work of God God is creating vessels to hold his spirit these are vessels he's creating vessels but he you see what Ezekiel is preaching here is perfect new covenant gospel it's it's the in a nutshell he's preaching it he said all your dead men just hear it now the only way you're gonna live the only way you're gonna get victory over the very thing that killed and destroyed you in the first place is that my spirit comes in and takes total dominion so that you can live and never die again this is the key the heart of the Covenant the Spirit of God will do what the flesh has never been able to accomplish by indwelling us the power of the indwelling Holy Ghost are you beginning to get a little bit of it that you need to Holy Ghost to live in you and abide in you well there's much more to it than that though Ezekiel's puzzled he sees all of these beautiful mannequins laying on dead I mean they look like mannequins there they are they've got flesh they've got color in their cheeks probably to get eyes they gotta hear everything they look good but devisor said there was no life in them there's no life in them at all they're still dead what's the point of this what is God saying to Ezekiel and what is he saying to the church what is the point of this whole thing none of this is here just to tell you a story about dry bones and somebody could invent a song about it no no it's about learning how to enjoy the blessings of the New Covenant now I want you to know that these prepared vessels though they were dead they were under covenant the Lord had already made the promise he said you drive bones hear the word of the Lord I am going to come and put my spirit upon you and you are going to live no condition whatsoever upon these people he said I am going to come and this is the New Covenant God says I'm going to come and pour out my spirit I'll put my fear in you I'm going to cost you to walk in the ways of the Lord I am going to create in you and do spirit and a new heart I'm going to lead you I'm going to guide you I'm going to cause you to know the Heavenly Father you're going to bypass your teachers because are you going to know intimacy with me I'm gonna be mercy when you're sent I'm gonna be a God to you this that's what he's saying to these bones he's preaching the New Covenant and he knows it now prove that to you in just a moment he absolutely knew that he was preaching to another generation he's singing another generation he's seen the time of the Messiah no see they heard the Covenant but they were not yet in the enjoyment and the blessing of the Covenant now there are many of you that have heard us preach about the New Covenant it sounds almost too good to be true you can sit down with people that you can explain if you if you see it even in part and it sounds so wonderful they said well how do I get into it how can I obtain it huh how can I reach that I want that so bad now look they are prepared vessels they're laying on the ground they're lifeless but they're under the Covenant they've heard the covenant promise that promise was I'll put my spirit in you shall live they had heard it preached the promise had been given to them but they still can not they still have not entered into it you can be under covenant and not even know it you can be under the new covenant and not enjoy it the Holy Spirit is coming tonight he'll keep coming and coming to this pulpit until you understand it and enjoy the blessing and the favor of it it is one truth that but forever set you free from guilt and fear and condemnation where you can walk in victory come hell or high water whatever may come against you you will be in the Covenant that you will know that you're secure in Christ and you're going to need that in the days ahead but you said then people say well how do I get into this covenant how how do I enter the covenant how can I enjoy this new covenant there is something we've got to do listen to what is commanded of Ezekiel then he said unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy verse nine prophesy to who the word prophesy there's preach he said preached to the wind who is the wind the Holy Ghost preached to the Holy Ghost prophesy son of man prophesy Son of Man and say to the Holy Ghost of the wind thus saith the Lord caught hold the Holy Ghost to the Covenant Salam's the Holy Ghost to the Covenant no wait a minute does that sound a little blatant to you you know my Bible says come boldly to the throne of grace that you receive mercy and grace come bring forth your strong reasons a Holy Ghost loves to be challenged by the Covenant prophesied of the wind prophet saw was so mad and say to the wind thus saith the Lord God come from the four winds all breath all Holy Ghost and breathe upon these slain that they may live so I prophesied he's commanded and the breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceeding great army he stands before him now a great army alive and breathing the Holy Ghost is in his place the Holy Ghost has taken possession and now they stand an extreme exceeding strong army before Ezekiel he sees them they're ready for battle what happened how did they get the Holy Ghost how did they enter into the Covenant they're in the Covenant now they're in their strength how did they have it why did the spirit answer their call what's the secret that the Holy Ghost is unveiling to the prophet and to us here you see Jesus said your heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask but there's a way to ask it was not simply Holy Ghost come and fill us not at all it was told the Prophet you say to the wind and you say to the spirit mute preach through the spirit thus saith the Lord you hold the Holy Ghost to the oath that the father made the Holy Ghost cannot do anything in you any more than Christ could do anything where there was unbelief he can't do it where there's unbelief and you Holy Ghost can be in you and do absolutely nothing in the way of deliverance if there's unbelief o over the years I have ministered to so many multitudes including pastors godly people who love the Lord with all of their heart who weep and cry over a failure in their life whether it was pride a covetousness fear of man lust adultery whatever it may be something that had their heart and they cried for weeks some of them live for years under the bondage spirit-filled yes spirit filled talking in tongues people who for years carried the battle and said and as well as said look I know that Holy Ghost abide in me but I have not been able to see the release of power if the Holy Ghost is in me where is the power why do I not see the piece of it you say that he is the power he can embolden me and I'm full of the Holy Ghost where is the power why isn't it coming out if there's an intensity against sin in your life if there's an intensity in you to walk o holy and pure life if there's an intensity in you against your besetting sin and you say god I hate this sin and I want victory and there's an intensity in you to believe that the Holy Ghost is is going to do it is fulfilled then the holy god himself is calling upon easy could the Prophet he says I am Telling You I am Telling You to preach to the Holy Ghost to come and do what he's called to do [Applause] you take the Holy Ghost to the out because the Holy Ghost was one of the makers of the Covenant he wants you to pray the Covenant in other words pray it and believe it with everything in your heart it's it's not just say well just you're just coming very meekly a Holy Ghost coming and and possessed me know he said you prophesied to the wind you prophesy to the spirit and you preached to the spirits all spirit of living God an oath was made to me from the foundation of the world that you would come and enter my heart a promise is made that you cannot break because you can't apply Holy Ghost you said you would cause me to walk in the spirit you would cost me to walk in holiness Kalinka I hold another covenant [Applause] I had to come to that place in my life where I said oh god I'm going to take you at your word and I challenge you Holy Ghost because I love you respectfully with everything in my heart and with a heart full of love and humility to you Holy Ghost you have been ordered that is your oath the oath of Almighty God and I commit my soul to it live or die [Applause] now when the enemy comes in like a flood and some old sin tries to enter in some spirit of college isn't there anything else or pride or lust or anything else I pray the Covenant now say Holy Ghost this is your promise I've committed myself to it when I stand on the judgment day before my Savior I am going to be able to say to adjust God I believe the Holy Ghost I held him to the Covenant this is his result [Applause] I've committed my eternal soul to the Covenant he made my good cannot lie I don't know how he plans to do it I don't know how but I know he made an oath he swore and God said I cannot lie I will put my spirit in you and I will cause you to walk in the Lord's ways I'll cause you to do it [Applause] [Music] I don't have to study for ten years about the fear of God I don't have to beg and plead I go to the Covenant because God said I'll send the Holy Spirit in you and I the Holy Ghost will put my fear in your heart I don't have to figure it out glory be to God he sent me free oh he sent me free he broke the bonds of prison for me hallelujah new Testament said if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the flesh you shall live if he through the spirit through committing your eternal destiny in the hands of the Covenant of the Holy Ghost if you were committed he said you will live he's speaking to people who are humanly alive but they didn't really live because of their sin in your life you really don't live he said you're dead while you still live because sin is death he said if you'll commit that to the Holy Ghost if you through the Holy Ghost will allow him the more to file that sin you're going to know what life is all about you're gonna know what life is hallelujah now let me you say well bill Wilkerson that all sounds so good but are you sure Ezekiel is not talking to me you sure got in talking about Israel in the flesh because look down here let's see verse 14 and I should put my spirit in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land then you should know that I have the Lord has spoken and performed it saith the Lord you say doesnot nailed down that that's the natural Jew natural Israel not for your life not not one iota no way every prophet knew what Isaiah knew that the land was something spiritual and the word here in the Hebrew by the word is a place of solid ground I'll bring you to a place of firmness an unshakeable place that's what it means any I'm gonna bring you to a firm place I'm gonna bring you to a place where your faith is founded where nothing can shake you and that's what the Covenant does for us I'm reading to you from Ezekiel 62 for now so no more be called forsaken neither shall thy land anymore be called desolate but thou shalt be called hepzibah and thy land shall be called Beulah for the Lord delighteth in thee and the land shall be married Beulah here means a wife whose husband is her master he that's the land I'm gonna bring into Beulah I'm gonna bring you into a firm place and that firm place where your unshakable is when you're under the full control of the master tomb you're married that's Christ and you can't bring yourself under Master you can't do it the Holy Ghost and I'm going to enter into you and I'm going to bring you under master I'm gonna bring you to Beulah there's a song in Beulah land sweet Beulah land well you're all too young to him you don't know that further proof and David my servant shall be king over them verse 24 they shall all have one Shepherd my servant David shall be their Prince for ever you know King David of Israel was dead at the time this is the seed of David this is the last David this is Jesus Christ and all of this happening here in Ezekiel 37 happens at the time with this Prince is the ruling and supreme and there's one Shepherd over them and that's Christ folks this is our time Ezekiel seeding face it face it deal with it I dealt with it I am so totally convinced and by the way there's not one of a single prophecy that's ever been fulfilled to natural Israel yet not one of them nothing you find in this 37th chapter or the 36th chapter has ever been fulfilled to natural Israel zaraba bull has had just a tiny taste of it but that was all they have never had a prince forever they have never had one Shepherd over them it's never happened no folks I'm not preaching replacement theology you know how how deeply I love and appreciate Israel that's why we started a church there that's why we find ants and that's why we send missionaries because we love Israel hallelujah give me five more minutes listen Saints this gets so good not because I'm preaching because Ezekiel is preaching it but I want you to go to Ezekiel 34 so we can do a little more shouting chapter 34 now folks again the if you just read this chapter this is the time when King David that one great Shepherd is ruling this is the time of Messiah the last days this is the day in which we're living now this is the New Covenant times and this is what God told he's eager to preach and this is what I want you to hear I want you to start verse 22 with me therefore will I save my flock and they shall no more be a prey now I'll judge between cattle and cattle God says you're never going to again be a victim of the devil not after I send a Holy Ghost on you not when I give you the fullness of the Holy Ghost and you lay claim and you start you you start laying the Holy Ghost you start telling the Holy Ghost by covenant by the oath of Almighty God he said I'm gonna save my flock they'll no more be a prey and I'll judge between cattle cattle I'll set up one Shepherd over them and he shall feed them even my servant who David shall feed them and he shall be their Shepherd now what happens when Christ reigns on the throne our day through the Covenant because Christ is the fulfillment of the Covenant he was the seal of the covenant and I the Lord will be their God my servant David a prince among them I have the Lord has spoken it and I will make with them a covenant of peace you know what a covenant peace is when all the evil beasts have gone and you're dwelling safely in the wielders you're able to sleep in the woods anywhere else they're no more ghosts the ghosts are all gone all the past memories that tried to haunt you and the devil tries to bring up you see before the in the Covenant the devil can scare you almost any go boo and you'd run you wouldn't even go near the wood you can go anywhere now under the New Covenant hallelujah Lord said I the Holy Ghost to me in you you can sleep in any woods anywhere I'm gonna give you a covenant of peace folks when you rest in the work of the Holy Ghost the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost and where you say Holy Ghost I completely commit my eternal soul my destiny into this covenant and you'd fully believe him you release the power because he can't do anything where there's unbelief and the only thing that holds us back from ending the covenant is unbelief we can't believe that he could do such a wonderful thing because we have been taught and we have lived for so long in this idea that I have to help the Holy Ghost and folks I would tell you something you can focus so much on the victory of the Cross now listen closely that we freq now that's wonderful that's that's the heart of the gospel but if you forget the continuing work of the Holy Ghost in us you've only preached half the gospel there has to be that that focus also on the work of the Holy Spirit in completing the work that Christ finished in us till it becomes a practical thing it's not just the gospel we preach but in our lives it's a practical thing worked out by the Holy Ghost then dwelling Holy Ghost and there's there's million not nearly enough preaching in these last days about the work and the ministry of the holy spirit that makes the victory of the Cross a total victory hallelujah well look let's go on the stand when we read the rest of it if you will please verse 26 and I will make them and the place is round about my heel a blessing I will cause the shower to come down in his season there's some be showers of blessings we tasted some of them tonight the showers of blessing that's that's just the Holy Ghost coming upon us corporately as he is taking control individually the tree of the field shall yield her fruit the earth shall yield her increase they shall be safe in their land what's land that's butyl land that's they shall be safe under the mastery of Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost they shall know that I am the Lord when when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them out of the hand of those that serve themselves of them those are those old habits the demon powers and the lies of the devil that have kept you and and and you were a prey to this and you were tossed to and fro God said that's all over and he who did it who did it I have broken the bonds of thee and I have delivered them out of the hand to those that serve themselves of them they shall no more be a prey to the heathen neither shall the beasts of the land the beasts the land and the Bible represent demon powers neither shall the beasts of the field devour them for they shall dwell safely and none shall make them afraid for I will raise up for them a plant of renown that is Christ and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land folks he's going to satisfy your hungry soul he's in need to bear the shame of the heathen anymore thus shall they know that I the Lord their God and with them and that they even the house of Israel that's the spiritual house of Israel or my people saith the Lord you're my flock the flock of my pasture are men and I am your God saith the Lord God I am your God I will keep covenant with you raise your hands and just thank God for his covenant of peace that he has made with you he's made with me Father we thank you for the covenant of peace we thank you for the holy ghost that you have sent we thank you for the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost in us Oh Holy Ghost what a power you are and we challenge the Covenant by faith we come boldly to the throne of grace heaven allows violence and violent take it by force hallelujah hallelujah glory to God Oh blessed be the name of the Lord folks the battles been won ok lujah battles been won [Applause] please don't judge the Covenant promises by your own experiences you say all brother looks and I've tried and failed I have done everything I know to release the power of the Holy Ghost well you don't release the power of the Holy Ghost you just trust the Holy Ghost you trust your life in the hands of the Holy Ghost and then when the enemy comes in like a flood when that lust or whatever it is comes toward you you you call upon him but you call upon him with all authority standing on the Covenant promises of God and God will not fail you God has not failed me he's not failed any of your pastors he's not gonna fail you he's going to deliver you that's his promise now folks if that's not true then this whole thing would be a lie which is impossible for God cannot tell a lie hallelujah when I trust the covenant I've come to this Lord I'm gonna I've told the holding us I trust you you have got to come according to what God says you have been ordered you have been commanded you are under oath when you enter into my body and you take possession you are under oath to do for me what you promised and what is promised in the Covenant by the father it's there and Lord because I believed it and because I've committed my eternal soul and destiny to it I'm gonna be able to stand if you're just God I'm gonna be able to stand before you and I'm saying what you see father it's what the Holy Ghost has brought me to because I have trusted in his work that's a place of security folks that you know you can stand before the judgment seat of Christ knowing that you have fully committed your life your future your habits your sense everything into the hands of the Holy Ghost hallelujah folks it's time to just quit talking about the Holy Ghost and singing about the Holy Ghost let's get him loose let's loose him by the Covenant hallelujah Oh father your word thrills our heart your word builds faith but oh god don't let us just hear it and then go out and forget what we saw and heard Holy Spirit I'll call you and hold you to the Covenant I know that's what you want me to do you're looking for that kind of violent faith you're looking for that kind of commitment and when you see that when I call you will come Lord cause this people that hear me tonight and all who hear this on tape or video wherever it may be I pray oh god that they pray this covenant to pass in their lives they pray the understanding of it and enter in now by faith no other way but by faith hallelujah and Lord they don't even have to work it up just pray it I hold you Holy Ghost to the Covenant I hold you to the oath God why would you give us an oath in a covenant less you wanted us to hold you to it hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to God I've come my people to give you peace [Music] peace beyond human understanding peace beyond anything you have known or experienced but it can come only to you as you rest in my word I've honored my word far above my name I have given you my word and I will give you the very spirit that was in Christ who is the very Spirit of Christ the Son of the Living God who shall lead you and guide you and hold you in the stormy days ahead and he will come and cause you to walk in the ways of the Father and he will hold you to the Father so that you will not forsake the father he will hold himself to you and he will hold you to himself and he will not fail to do what the word has said will be accomplished stand by faith speak the word of faith come as the widow with great in portunity and said I will not let go I will stand on this word hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus we will stand on the word of God [Music] first I don't have a single word about this all to call all I'm going to do we're gonna sing a song and that's not to create some kind of psychological mood it's just I'm just going to say this to you if the word touched you and there's some reason for you to come down it may be you don't know Jesus maybe you don't know the Lord you haven't been saved and you say this is all new to me but I my heart's been stirred once you get up up in the balcony come down this either end and come down any aisle and meet me here and I'll pray with you all those who are here backslidden all of those here fighting and a losing battle against some overwhelming sin you say I want to enter this covenant by faith if God's speaking to you and you need to come down this aisle and you feel say brother whoops and pray for me God will tell me what to pray but I don't know who you are and I don't know why you need to come but I'm just going to turn it over the Holy Ghost and let him do what anyone if you feel that you need to get up here get something right with God you get out of your seat and let's just do it upstairs the Holy Ghost does move you move when the spirit moves you and you obey Him he's right here now to deliver you and set you free he wants you to walk out of here as free as you've ever been in your life never to return to your bondage again he wants to break every chain that binds you he wants to set you free in other words he wants you to leave this house rejoicing tonight he wants you to lay hold of the Covenant by faith he wants all unbelief out of your system folks all unbelief has to go hallelujah Holy Spirit come and make yourself manifest oh hope it's good Holy Spirit we call upon you Holy Spirit lift your hands everybody came for just lift your hand call on the Lord right now just tuck he knows what you need he knows exactly so Holy Ghost come and touch me right now if you need forgiveness ask Lord forgive me cleanse me forgive me Jesus touched my life Lord we take authority over every habit every sin through the pile of the Holy Ghost Holy Spirit by oath now we commit you to this we're committed Lord to the oath the promises of God you will break every chain break every habit cast out every lust you will do what we cannot do do it for us father in Jesus name give him thanks right now just give the Holy Ghost thanks lord I give you thanks I give you praise we give you praise we give you thanks we give you thanks O Lord Holy Spirit ask you to remove unbelief I ask you to put your fear in the hearts of those who come hungry to you I ask you Holy Spirit now upon the power and authority of the word of God's covenant and everlasting covenant and oath of Almighty God who cannot lie that you will come now and cause our hearts to turn to you caused us to turn from our iniquities God put in new heart in us put your spirit in us Phyllis mightily with your Holy Ghost Oh God send the Holy Spirit in power we prophesied to the winds come all wind of God come and breathe in us called breath of the Living God break every habit break every lust Oh God you will put your fear in our hearts you will keep us from falling Lord we come to your grace your mercy into your covenant hallelujah God who cannot lie God who cannot lie bless it Holy Ghost Holy Spirit Oh Holy Ghost come on down Holy Ghost to come on down come on down Holy Ghost come on down come on down upon us Holy Ghost Phyllis Michael II with your spirit in your power hallelujah he wants to fill you right now with his spirit if you just let him the Holy Ghost is moving on some of you let him move upon you right now Holy Ghost move upon me Holy Ghost touched me let the Holy Ghost touch you right now lady meant possession hallelujah Holy Spirit take possession build your habitation here in our own hearts thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 87,513
Rating: 4.8791113 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, Sermon, Times Square Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2012
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