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hi everyone welcome to my channel and welcome to my new vlog so i am here and as you can see who is lingering behind me i've got abby bolton from tick-tock eventing here because if you saw my last vlog you would have seen cockadoodledo that i came up here for a little trip to not only see abby but do something very very exciting yesterday well we had a lot of fun yesterday didn't we we had a play i had to sit on benjamin here's abby's five songs it's been around burley just on and go oh he's actually standing that's because i'm such a good horse woman [Music] nice yeah he is in the chat that's right like you know imagine having to do sitting shot to that and i was allowed to sit on that i mean i wouldn't say i did that well but it was it was really nice and he was a very good boy he looked after me my favorite thing that he did we were trotting along and abby said lucy if you want to stop just say whoa and i went okay whoa and he stopped dead and i was like whoa okay that really does work i guess that's handy when you're going around burly and you need him to come back or is that a different vibe oh no because when he's like galloping around you know it's fine and it's just literally those split seconds because it helps in a combination yeah okay why is he just gallops off i know maybe i need to teach lara that anyway we digress today is a new day and this morning we've been very busy because well i mean look at our faces we don't normally look like this when we're on the yacht and that's because behind us we've got two greats but well one very special person and her her right hand man we've got tasara from tesara broad photography who's come to give us a little photo shoot today we're going to have some pictures together and um the giveaway will have already gone live but the photos are for these lovely shoelace and also so we can just have some pictures together that was actually the real excuse yeah let's have some team photos so yeah sorry to start anyway we're going to crack on because tesara has arrived and um i think we're ready shooting yeah we need to get going so harry here just kindly agreed to beat my model for the day and hang on let me i haven't actually introduced you to sorry that's common here she is lovely to sarah who's come very last minute i have to say and um i was gonna come and take some photos of the wonderful probably mainly the horses realistically because they're looking very smart are you looking very smart harry very smart think about julie yeah pip you look very very nice i have to say yeah right where should we go first [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little snackaroo whilst abby's having some individuals would be nice speakers being very eager indeed she's like i'm an inventor not a bit of behind the scenes here as well there's an app with horse noises that you can play oh and look that works so i've just finished on pip and she's gone in to be tacked up by my mum so it is now lucy's turn over here and she sits on the little tree stump like little name so now we've done the first in-hand ones with the horses we're gonna do i can't get them all in shots we're gonna do a bit of a whippet party and try and get as many whippets in uh one shot as we can which is quite good but fidget's not too sure about the situation she's like oh i don't know who figures even though figs are half sister so do you know you're getting me very dirty let's have a pan wrappers because i got the treats look right so we've got fig fidgets so this is what good friends do they clean each other's boots and i say each other because i will clean abby's after she's done mine i will i will um but we have changed outfits now so we've just done the pictures with the dogs which was quite difficult because how many rippers three four five four four with it four whippets it's quite hard to control um but we managed it in the end and then we've had a change now so we're still wearing the fairfax favorite charlotte chile and then we've got the toggy bass layer on and britches and i've got affy in this exact same outfit so there you go looking good um thanks so you you're doing a really good job though i think you're probably about about done the best at last minute cleaning yeah same okay your turn we're heading to the arena and um i'm going to have a sit on the lovely harry abby's very kindly let me have a go which is nice i won't be jumping these fences look how big they are that's from when uh abby jumped then yesterday so yeah we won't be doing that harry don't worry um so yeah we're gonna get some nice ridden shots of us and the delays gonna it's quite a nice it's a nice snuggy autumnal warm jelly for a nice mild day so it's gonna be quite warm pep squeak pipsqueak how old is she again nine and she's beautiful look at her right i guess i better stop faffing and get on you shouldn't i hey i might take my phone hold that okay and i guarantee i'll forget it [Music] got no mane to hold on oh okay [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hey [Music] okay so i've just had a jump on harry which was very kind of abby to let me have a jump on him but it's a bit more difficult whoa okay i just missed that damn how is feeling a bit spicy today um and abby's just now going to give him a jump to show me how he can actually jump so i jumped some pity little centipede seven seats 70 centimeters things which is fine here she comes lovely [Music] this is [Music] which is [Music] [Music] and that is a wrap for our photo shoot i'm so excited to see what wonderful photos sarah has captured hopefully you'll see a nice sweaty heart yeah okay hopefully not the ones will be wobbling off the side of harry i'll be quite selective but yeah i know we'll see thank you so much to sarah everyone if you want to go and check out sarah's work her instagram i've put it i'll put it in the comment section bio description below whatever it is and uh yeah go give her a follow give it a like and uh if you're in the what area do you cover staffordshire but i can cover all areas with just um within reason probably not but yeah staffordshire mainly well thank you very much nice to meet you so it's time to go now uh we've got a three hour journey back in a bit so i'll see you on the other side but thank you so much to abby and lucy for having me literally had the best time too much [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] but i don't have to be just [Applause] [Music] but i don't have to [Music] [Applause] [Music] but i don't know how to be just [Music] do you know [Music] friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] here
Channel: Footluce Eventing
Views: 8,655
Rating: 4.9933333 out of 5
Id: 3c4uxdPCqpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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