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hi everyone welcome to my channel and welcome to this week's vlog this week i've come on a little adventure a little road trip i've come a few hours up the road um i wonder if you can guess where i am with this very big hint behind me a bit of a bit of a clue anyway i'm going to uh i can see the person in question hiding behind she's been very busy sweeping the yard and making it all tidy maybe i'll i'll wait a minute till i introduce you so who have i come to see today she's an old friend of mine i've known her since i met her at burleigh one year anyway i'm gonna pan around and oh little peak meet abby fulton of tick-tock eventing so i've come to see abby today because one we haven't seen each other for two years two years so which is disgraceful abby is literally my number one no abby's my number one coach um from afar because whenever i have a problem or if i'm at an event i'll give abby a copy abby help me i'm like i need some words of confidence and you know inspirational motivation anyway abby's the one because abby fun fact rode were you the youngest person to ride a birdie ever no not ever i was the youngest person too that was that was nearly my fun time so close the years that i did it 2015 and 16 i was the youngest person to complete and how old are you 21 and 22 so 21 years old going around a five star absolutely terrifying i can barely get around to one it's not about that today abby is really really kindly letting me get an insight of what it's like around her wonderful five-year-old five-star yard also also going to introduce me to some of her horses and one or two you may recognize but anyway should we go for y'all now let's do it she's cleaned up for me especially so it'd be rude not to so we have recently had new stables look at this oh so we used to have like breeze block stables beforehand until uh certain benjamin decided to rub his bow on it and who's benjamin benjamin is the main man old man five stars the five souls he rubbed his bum so much on one of the walls it was pretty much going like this trying to fix them but we've decided to stuff it we're having a new stable feed room tell you what let's put the lights on turn the lights [Music] [Music] hoarder i'm also a bit hotter she likes buckets and containers yeah anything is empty yeah still here yeah just on the top shelf when it's empty it kind of makes its way up and we like to hoard things because we now have some space and we also hoard loads of rugs we have got the rugs we're currently kind of maybe using every single day hunger hey yeah hung up hunger hung up hung up yeah they're a little bit smaller but we still we've always liked big stables oh paddy don't look so grumpy decided that some of them are quite grumpy when they have their feed so it's easier to have like a block petition here and then they can see each other very good both these deliveries and then gino who recognizes this horse guy who knows who this is as i said some of you might recognize this horse here and he will actually feature in another vlog of mine i'll be going to national racehorse week where i'll be visiting where gino was trained because once upon a time three years ago i got gino off the track to train as the next racer so i thought you know what i want this horse to go and live his best life reach his full potential with someone way more experienced than me don't bite me hence why i yeah he's come to abby's we know who this is akina zed also known as pit squeak who i've said if benjamin's king of the art then she's queen she's got one heck of a jump on her that's all i can say so this was the falling box hence why it's massive um but we've just had this little project layer of mine it's um which is my little project that i bought admittedly last year and i just haven't had the time but i've got the time now so abby is now taking lilly is that her name like lily with an e um across the way which is the technical term number two yard number two so we got a sneak peek of that lead the way lily let's go so we're going over to yard number two and just bumped into the lovely lucy yay lucy bolton who is abby's number one woman yeah yeah and you can see she's carrying look look at what lucy's carrying here literally doing all the work what have you done today abby it looks like you've been doing some grooming yeah so oh my gosh and also i haven't actually said yeah guys see this little doggie here who's sniffing figgy's bum that's her mummy yay it's your mummy we've got a bit of a family reunion we've got tiggy and then we've got obviously fig and then we've got fidget who's fig's half sister and then we've got dino who haven't seen yet because well is in season and uh we don't want them cafforting together it's playing this is the footage that everyone wants to see oh my gosh this is so adorable you're me [Music] 21 years old it's a very family affair here isn't oh and we'll meet billy in a second and i like billy i wonder why i like billy billy's got big easy mommy so we've turned leli out and now there's a surprise stables which wasn't here last time i came they've literally suddenly popped up and they're all in here let's have a look see who's in here then who have we got hello harry this is billy oh billy this is the one that we had from nutty easy massive he's huge he's about 16. three 17 hands may be great a little bit more than that gosh and look at you bye this is the big guy here he is benjamin oh it's like oh gosh this is tungsten tik tok or ben this is the burly horse he's now 19. he does not act or feel like no still very much spritely chat but we'll be getting in a jump yeah we've got joseph who is our two-year-old mm-hmm who mum bought in when he was a fold didn't you he's five bizarre exclusive so same dad as charlie this is beanie who was born last year she's only [Music] you like the camera [Music] oh yeah that's you that's you you've got another baby though haven't you that you're hiding a tiny beanie baby yeah she's got very long legs will we see the tiny baby [Music] i think i found it now we've had the epic yard tour abby is bringing in someone very special behind me it's ben and abby's going to have a sit and show me some of his moves and then she's told me to get my hat because i might be having a sit on him as well which is very exciting because obviously he's a five-star horse he's been around burley it's not every day you get to ride a five-star horse so absolutely yeah so so excited and hope i don't fall off or embarrass myself so he was uh brought over from germany as a two-year-old to show jumping yard they went training somewhere and they jumped down like a treble few fences he had every single one down i said like okay he's not gonna be a show jumper maybe [Music] [Applause] so abby is just working ben in as we speak having little trot this how you normally work him in abby just a bit of trot she's winging it she wings it he's apparently he's too old to be told what to do and i kind of get that because lara's quite the same she's like let me do what i do i do me mum anyway i've also just got to i'm poo girl now so i'm going to go pick up this place i'll lift you up just let me know when she gets tough do you feel the way i do my baby do you see me like i see you i'm a lady i love you abby's just informed me that i will be sitting on him before she jumps in because otherwise i'll be probably off into the next universe so very good idea abby thank you just on and go oh he's actually standing that's because i'm such a good horse woman [Music] ever all right go ahead squeeze i feel like a novice oh god i'm gonna walk into the polls you just have to touch the raid he's there hello from onboard benjamin benjamin button going for a little ride i've got on this horse and immediately he's like the bend is incredible he just does what you want it's so nice should we have it well not as much as laura oh look at me you're gonna have to give me a lesson abby what does my position look like oh thank you tutti okay oh no good boy he's got such a he like fires you out of the saddle doesn't he no we're not jumping don't worry not yeah i'm out of breath i'm just scared no i'm not cat i didn't i didn't ask for that but okay oh god he's like see you later i'm off seas yep he obviously wanted just to get on with it it's like what are you doing up there if i put this when i show people this gopro footage they'll be like why is his head so high in the air well like because i can't ride him good boy it's all right it's okay oh oh my god he's like okay oh what a good boy [Music] nice now i can tell you now that you're on him that i can't remember the last person anyone that i think mum was the last person that sat on him that wasn't me really yeah no i think i've obviously i ride him i've done for 10 years is there a reason that no one else writes it i just don't let them spencer's ridden him jeanette break well's ridden him because she rode him when i did my back quite similar [Laughter] ah he looks very springy yeah he is in the chart that's why like you know imagine having to do sitting shot to that that's my issue when i show this game because he's a llama [Music] literally he can just say whoa and he'll drop [Laughter] oh my god i have just had a sit on the lovely band who looked after me very well even though i was really bad i'm gonna say that i haven't ridden properly for over a month so i'm gonna use that as my excuse but also it's that feeling when you get on someone else's horse i mean normally when you get on someone else's horse but let alone a five-star horse and you think uh i'd want to get this wrong so yeah now i'm gonna watch how to do it properly and abby is flying around the corner now [Music] [Music] that was impressive and you're such a good boy you're so good oh a bit warm benjamin yeah this fluffy coat that he's got oh no that was so great to watch ben the athlete in action it just shows that good horse and rider partnership can do so yeah and he does love his job he really loves his job as easy to easy to see that and that's where the show jumper obviously is in him oh so i've just about recovered from my very exhilarating ride on ben and watching abby do the same and we're sitting out here on this glorious evening wrapped up in our coats because i want to tell you about a really exciting giveaway yay that i'm collaborating with abby on two of our favorite brands to give you guys the chance to win well two epic prizes so the first one is see if you can see that abby's going to give you now an exclusive run-through so both of us are very lucky to be supported by volta design and abby here is so wonderfully demonstrating what you guys could win so firstly you have this white voltaire design cap lovely dressage subtle pad dressage saddle pad look at that oh what's on your lanyard aside from the lanyard aside from the voltaire lanyard itself oh your nails look good oh thank you voltaire design socks love that and a key ring as well that is the first prize that you can win in our bundle now the second brand i'm not sure if you'll be able to um to guess what it is you ready for this if i haven't told you the brand is if you haven't guessed fairfax and favor abby has been a supported rider for many years i have a slightly different involvement with brand but i'll let you guys work that one out and down to dan it's another box oh wow look at this you get a lovely gift wrapped anonymous parcel but this guys is how your prize will come in the signature fair facts and favor wrapping who's that on the cover of the catalogue it's big that's you look it's you i'm sorry willa you're in the christmas video though look here we go right should we go inside let's see what the box has inside can we go out the way please i think it's really interesting oh [Music] look at this this is the brand new for autumn winter 21 charlotte gele now they did this last year in jacket form and now they've done it in ajilei and i believe you can take the hood off it's really nice and padded it's got fleecy lining do you know what i'm just going to put on and show you actually oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right so i better actually explain how you enter the giveaway the giveaway is going to be run over on my instagram page footloose venting i'll put it there for you a winner will be picked at random in a week's time so you don't have long so there we have it that concludes day one of my two day trip to tick-tock eventing but day two hmm what does day two have in store something big is happening tomorrow absolutely massive if you want to find out what is happening tomorrow make sure you are subscribed to my channel even turn on the little notification belt so you don't miss out the news and trust me you really really really really really don't want to miss this but until then i'm going to say goodbye from me goodbye from abby farewell and if you like this vlog give it a like leave me a comment maybe take a guess at what the news is what could the news be what could we be doing tomorrow um but yeah until then i'll see you see you guys very soon bye say bye bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Footluce Eventing
Views: 14,741
Rating: 4.9815879 out of 5
Id: I2gN7mJ5oFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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