Jump Street Podcast Episode 159 Dre Powell

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[Music] yo what up everybody Welcome to Jump Street podcast we're back baby we're back what is up episode 159 we are back it's been a little bit of a break since everything but but we're back in Action uh it's been a busy month doing a little bit of traveling a little bit of work with everyone but here we are back good back in the saddle hell yeah how you doing Billy how's everything been it's been a bit we caught up in New York before a few weeks ago was awesome yeah it's been good it's like it was a busy month for me so I went back to New York quick um it was like my wedding anniversary it was my wife's birthday so it's just like you know busy and also Ley was in town with his girlfriend fi so we were hosting for a while and had to get some stuff done but it's all behind us now but it was a it was a good month and it was all good uh quickly before I get into the Spiel and everything just a quick update on the Metro card classic I know a lot of people have been asking me about dates it's been um I'm going to make an official announcement coming this Friday but we were projecting a date on the 22nd to the 24th of August it's looking like we might push it back to October we're trying to find a date around then because we've just had some problems with this City and locking down the location in the space so I'm going to leave an official announcement on Friday but there's just a quick update on that for everyone who's been asking um with that I'm going to jump right into our quick Spiel if you don't already please follow us on all of our social media platforms we have a Facebook we have an Instagram you can follow us we have a YouTube page if you like what you're hearing please hit the sub subscribe button and the notification Bell leave a comment share really helps you have an iTunes you can give us a festar rating you can give us a review we also have a patreon you can be a patreon for as little as $3 a month you have access to our guests and questions before anybody else you have access to exclusive content we have little segments coming in and out every now and then we do section commentary we do trick tips we do inside outs things like that and you are automatically registered in a drawing which we're about to do every month to win something for free from our online store so we're about to do that but that is what it takes if you want to be patreon $3 a month starting at $3 a month there's different starting at $3 a month starting at if if you really love the show you know give it $4 if you really love the show and you feel give five 10 50 who knows depends how much money you're making depend how much money in the bank but let me give a shout out to our new patrons this week we have Mike French Megan Peterson Joy boy Tito David Lee and Cornelius Parkin thank you all for giving me names that I either know or can't pronounce I really I really appreciate that Austin really likes that I do I enjoy that I get a kick out of it but let's do our monthly giveaway like Billy said every month we have everyone's name in our patreon in a drawing where we at there we are we got the wheel here spin everyone's name and you get to win one of whatever you want from our online store so for this month we have our patreon winner is we need a drum roll juw system another name Austin can pronounce this is this is going this is this is going to be a good episode I can feel it already we're going really well but congrats Drew system uh we'll reach out to you to see what you want from our online store um and we have a WTF this week as usual brought To Us by patreon supporter our new patreon supporter Mike French featuring V cuon on Instagram with the first ever that I've seen PUD slide on a kink rail have you seen a PUD slide on a kink rail before Billy no yeah so uh it was clean as hell too like didn't even budge I remember when I first saw a fastl on a kink rail I think it was Alex Brasco uh fast lighting the Kink rail like KFC 3 or something and now here we are decades later and someone finally has PSID at Kink rail so there's only one one more step to take now Street bring it to the street bring it to the street that's it but I mean look look at that that's that's crazy and and that kid uh van kovon I think it might be but he like a very interesting skater super good and I think he's like in non Moscow Russia like somewhere a little bit out there and just skates like the unique spots unique stuff so check him out follow him if you don't already amazing awesome yeah he kills it big shout out to you Ben cofton if we're pronouncing your name correct but is that it for the the intro Billy I think that's good right I think so I'm actually really excited to Well normally I'm usually excited to have our guests on but very excited to have this guest on he's a very old friend of mine I met him in it must have been 2000 or 2000 1999 2000 2001 around there perhaps before some of our listeners were born maybe I don't know but it's been a long time I've known this guy I've seen him go through lots of different phases in skating and he's always been there the whole time and I'm really excited to get up with him today so if do you mind bringing him in our guy yeah let's give it up for everyone give it up for Mr Dre Powell yeah what up bro we gotta get cheers we gotta get the che good brother chilling man oh my God I gotta say I love you got the section on in the background dude that's fire that's I was like I'm in The Green Room let me what I going put on for the The Green Room we'll do a guessing game people people in the chat got to guess what video he's watching in the background so we can't say it yet don't give it away we'll see how good the the the knowledge is in the chat yeah oh that fakey s just gave it away that style what's up thank you for coming on the show though this is awesome people like I was telling you before people are so hyped that uh we're having you on so people are [ __ ] excited man man it's a pleasure to be on I've watched the you guys' Channel grow and the platform grow and it's very very awesome I'm happy for you guys for sure oh yeah uh well thank thanks for taking the time uh to come on you know we've known each other for a long time personally it's actually coming up on I think we met when we were around 16 and you know it's coming up on like almost we're right around the corner from like 25 years and knowing each other just showing my age real quick and not to put your age out there like that but we've known each other very long time um so you know I've known you from pretty early but not from like the very beginning of of your skating so uh for those who don't know you not just your skating but like a little bit of an introduction like where you're from and maybe maybe from there how you were first introduced to skating um yeah so I grew up in North Carolina um Charlotte to be specific um probably I think I started skating wow [ __ ] was a while ago now it's like I want to say like 95 99 96 you know kind of like the classic era um by CH by a chance uh my uncle came in from Europe and he had a a friend's uh son with him and they were just visiting for the summer and he wanted to get some roller blades so we have went and I had already known about rollerblading and like you know like hockey street hockey and stuff like that but um I think that I went into the skate shop with him in Santa Monica and I saw Majestic TW and then that got me really got me into wanting to skate so and then uh yeah so I I couldn't get the Majestic 12s that time but I got like some cheap skates and then went back to Charlotte I just started skating in Charlotte and ran into my whole little crew of kids that I grew up skating with down there yeah yeah that's um I mean for me I remember the first thing I saw of you uh was elements 2 which which I think I don't know was it Dave Temple Joe nain I'm not I'm not sure exactly who made it but it was like the introductory section of like during the time this is when VHS came out and you were looking forward to like every VHS that came out and every everyone was important especially during that era it was each one was a step forward in the pr progression especially the elements video elements one was a huge Banger and elements two is also a huge Banger for those who uh started maybe after that maybe go back and check that out on YouTube it's a really good watch but Dre comes in the first section uh to the beat nuts and it shares a section with Dominic seona and I think that's kind of like the first time time that both uh that skating saw not only you but also Dominic sigona and it was just like very it was a very stylish thing because like it wasn't like even huge on like this difference in spots a lot of it was on like this one rail looked like you filmed it in like three days but um it was just like super Progressive and very stylish and it it brought it up forward and I just remember how much of an impact that had what how did you get that opportunity to be in that video and how was that whole process especially being someone from the east coast and working with someone like Dave Temple um well I didn't really know Dave Temple like that I mainly worked with um with uh with nain nain had FL flew into uh into Atlanta and and my sister nzim was living in Atlanta and I would go down there and visit a lot and I had met Kevin dling and Walt and all the guys at competitions before and then I had uh when we went to Woodward together probably around that same time you know like f probably like we were like 13 or 14 so I had made a friendship with them so I was just in Atlanta you know by luck of the draw and uh Na was coming down there and he got a couple clips of us while we were there I think that's how it went down and ding was there and I can't remember if we submitted any footage or anything like that but I just know nain came for like the weekend and we had got everything done in like a couple days and then the rest is history that's what's up yeah um I also because like that kind of ties in into like you being like when you first came out you sagona Shane scow like all these guys uh were like the hot new prospects like coming after like that first generation of people like Arlo And you know Brook Howard Smith Brian Smith so I feel like you guys were that next Staple in that thing and the first ones kind of trailblazing that um you were also in the deli bread issue like I think it's I was called class of two whatever it was called class of 2000 or the or the new school isue where it's basically like all like the future prospects without like you know using the name and they picked like 16 people um you know Bashi was in there Mike French Mike French was in there as we we talked about on the last episode but you were also in that mix was it howerin Dustin was in there right too right h i I'm hollerin I'm actually don't think Hollin was in there was in there I don't think Dustin was in there it was it was like Walt Dominic Shane scow you in Ito no I wasn't in that no Vinnie Vinnie was Vinnie Vinnie yeah yeah I mean that was that was like a super cool thing to see so you you were like at this time like what was your where was your mindset at because I know you were rapping at that time as well you've been rapping as long as I've known you and you skating as long as I've known you so like at this time you know you're like one of the hottest prospects in skating you're pushing you're you're trying to so what's the mindset like and and what was everything like with all these opportunities so those opportunities were really awesome to like get to get those type of opportunities you know and it just like everything seemed like it was autopilot like I was going to have to do pretty much anything which it was kind of like that for a little while you know like I just got to skate and just get paid to skate and just like do whatever the hell I wanted you know but the game was still really small you know that at that point in time compared to like what like you know the other action sports like skateboarding and stuff like that but yeah it was rad man I had a [ __ ] great time dude like yeah honestly like just being able to be in those magaz I think we had we had it kind of good too because we had like people that were really serious about the the photography aspect of it too like we had like Bren Hill who's like a skateboard photographer who shot for box and then we had like West driver and we had like all these guys like you know James Rey showed up at my house when I was like 14 like knew who I was or like 15 was like Hey You Dre Powell want to come film with you so I always had a lot of media guys around me that were already pushing you know so it was like I was really lucky then Kenny you know what I mean too so yeah a lot of opportunities I felt like just were just kind of just already like they were already inherent you know what I mean yeah that that's a super solid base of of people to have and I I remember like a lot of those guys that you're talking about um like I had a lot of people that were working for box and stuff so like you know Kenny for sure helped a lot and so but um James reky was a big big help too you know what I mean getting it out there and stuff like that but the skating but like from the picture side of things I think whoever shot class 2000 was already in there it must it was either West West driver or it was Braden nil and like that's how I was like real connected to daily bread into them you know what I mean Tom it was sick I got to make a correction though it wasn't daily bread that thing it was box magazine right okay so shout out Shawn Michaelson thanks for fixing that it's crazy like the era back then because at that time it was different than today where if you your scene didn't have a a filmer or a photographer you were nobody like cuz Charlotte is like it's it's a pretty major city but it's not like New York or LA or something like that and it seemed like so hard for you to get out there but James Ry he made some of the best videos ever I think he was one of the best uh skate filmers or editor I think in my opinion ever um for sure and to have a photographer and stuff to get you in magazines when magazines were an actual thing at the time like exactly all pieces fell into place for you it seems yeah exactly I just was had to be aware of them and just like you know put the work in you know I knew that like if I put the work in I was going to get what I whatever you know opportunities I could get out of the situation because it was right there you know what I mean but um it was a great time and James Ry I think James had a connection to Drew backrack as well so like when James moved to Charlotte he was already had a understanding of kind of like how to set up a company like it was like he was really well just structured he was really fun to work with to always pick me up in the big ass truck riding around in the truck you know what I mean like wild no that's sick the obviously like James and Drew went on to do life plus so like that that connection went on to like be fruitful and make something really special for skating also I can't forget about Jamal superheroes of the underworld if if you if you've seen superheroes of the underworld that is like a hell of a movie it's like such a Vibe movie like Southern yeah what was that experience like that was dope because it wasn't that the time when you came to my house didn't you come to my house yeah yeah when I was like or something I stayed with you for a while yeah it was a rad ass time I mean J was crazy as all hell so it was just fun when you have like people around you that are down to skate like whenever go out in the middle of [ __ ] night and at that point in time too like we would just go out and skate a lot you know what I mean so it was just like you know nobody was like getting into trouble or anything like that so it's just a real fun feeling to be able to just kind of like go out with your friends no matter what time it is and have like [ __ ] generators or go skating wherever you know [ __ ] party if you want to but the skating side of things was really like kind of what was driving that whole time I don't know you remember right that's pretty much what we did we just like smoked a bunch of weed and went skating yeah and yeah yeah that's true that is true um but uh on that mind game [ __ ] I think too because you know like when England video came out and when mind game came out I think it kind of changed the way everybody looked at everything at the way that we all looked at skating for me at least for sure and we were already kind of just skating a lot like with the mindset of just like being like this kind of like shamanistic like monk kind of like lifestyle where you just very uh stoic lifestyle where you go skate and come back and you edit you go skate you know what I mean just rinse recycle repeat you know yeah no it's it's like it's like full skate life especially at that time and especially you being like one of like you know the like like I said Trailblazers stuff that era than the one who's pushing like you know you look at second regime for example and they had it was like the first kind of real true skater owned brand or brand that was being pushed like that Josh Petty uh Louis Zamora and uh what it was Josh Louie and Randy right and then their first am team was Dre and Dominic first two we McLoud on there too I think yeah like Ian McLoud got on there but I think like the first two was you and Dominic if I'm not mistaken I really hope I'm right about this yeah they they had the ad [ __ ] your Pros our AMS are better sick sick I completely forgot about that yeah that was a dope that was a dope ad and yeah like and also you were like part of like the early generation like some would say like the Golden Era of razors you know I remember even seeing like uh during the ego times like you and Mur and Aragon like out in France like I was like actually on the team as Anam at the time and you guys are Pros like out like in a France and doing everything with the artism shoots and it just seemed like things were going in like such a cool uh Direction and and everything like that yeah absolutely yeah that's why kind of what I was saying about it feeling like it was on autopilot because you know it felt like all these opportunities and stuff like that were kind of just naturally happening organically you know before all of the you know pay to plays and you know I feel like it feel like it's always been about like who you know but you know it feels like now a lot more like doing it for the Instagram and the views you know then it was like more organic but that that trip to France was incredible though I mean like artism I wonder what's up with those guys they had like like a showroom in Paris and they were doing custom clothes and then they had the rollerblades that were in there and then they had like really high-end fashion and then they had their clothes and they were really just doing it at a high level with the uh with crazy roller with the magazine tied into that so it was just like they were adding a lot of culture and a lot of different texture to to like their their uh you know expression of what you know rollerblading or inline skating freestyle inline skating grassic skating could be you know in within a scene you know what I'm saying so and it just being a microcosm of you know of sport and action sport so you know it was definitely a really really fascinating time but it I mean I wasn't like I didn't have a manager then or anything like that so I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing but but that that that it's funny that you mentioned that about how artism because I agree with you that like artism brought like a a different texture into like the fabric of skating and what it could be by like kind of bringing that fashion element into it I feel like that's always been a big part of uh your appeal and uh what people what draws people to you as a skater not only like your talent of skating in the tricks but just like the whole picture of you like you kind of bring this like your fashion element to it that's very your style you bring like this like hip-hop element with it that's like part of like your music and everything like that um yeah could you expand on like how that's been like a part of who you are as a skater yeah no I've always just like wanted to just like kind of you know have an aesthetic that was pleasing to myself you know and then but I've always kind of been like followed like fashion and you know my mom and my sister have always been like really stylish people and so my grandmother made like suits back in the day she would made King sier dresses in Brooklyn and like she used to make me like a Batman she made me a Batman costume when I was a little kid and I was running around the Batman cost you know what I mean like [ __ ] thought I was dark night dude so it's like [ __ ] kind of continued I think going into skating like the gears gotten sicker you know and then I've always wanted to kind of like have a lot of like sauce when I skate I used to say think to myself I don't know if I even said this I I probably told this to some friends but I was like I can't even skate good if I don't look good or if I don't feel good you know what I mean I would always but you know it is what it is when you're a little kid you fall you [ __ ] your clothes up and stuff like that you're like oh [ __ ] I got to you know go back home or whatever change up you don't have enough clothes to wear and stuff like that you know so your mom's like why are you skating in your nice clothes I want to look good [ __ ] $300 you know like you're [ __ ] crazy I remember you guys too like coming up to New York you guys had the crazy Aus on yeah that's what I was thinking of when you said the jeans I talking about visu Calvin always had a fresh pair on they were always fresh Calvin and R would skate in like expensive jeans and visus and [ __ ] yeah I was I was never dude I used to get like 10 bucks an hour or something like I wasn't getting a visus like I was doing like yeah me too I still yeah D that [ __ ] was crazy like the the the outfit game in New York was insane I think that too so that influen on me I had like a lot of New York going on but that's why I I felt like you were always like kind of melded in especially at that time with the New York scene but you also have like California in your like history and family right like my mom is from Brook was from Brooklyn and my dad is from South Central and then my mom moved from Brooklyn and came here to La met my dad here and then my dad joined the army and then that's how I ended back up on the East Coast you know what I mean wow so I had a lot of all my family is still here I have a lot of family my dad's side is here and then my mom's side family is like Florida and you know New York still so I had a lot of influence I think from both sides I remember going to like New York and wanting to be like dressed like New York you know and then going to Cali and then seeing the cholos with the [ __ ] high socks and the [ __ ] yeah I go home and I'm wearing the Cali [ __ ] with like even I went back every summer I would come back home from visiting my dad um and I would have a different kind of style would be a little bit different and then like I went back one time with the air walks I'm surprised you were never like part of like be unique and everything at the time I'm surprised you were never like part of be unique at the time I feel like Billy said you meshed him really well with like I wanted to be beique was this was the [ __ ] D I feel like that was like a missed opportunity right there I mean I was though I mean I was getting like you guys hook me up with shoes and stuff like that like every time I go to New York because you guys both brote for be unique right yeah yeah I think I think it's it's it's weird to say now but looking back it's kind of like uh because beique both wanted like Mike and and Dre but you know beique a lot of people don't know is kind of like uh amateure company at the time and these guys were like bigger Pros it was hard to get the bigger uh people on beique to later it was very like New York based but you know after it started kind of getting a little uh you know momentum I think Dre and people like Frankie like and Aron Dominic and everyone like yeah they started getting down with be unique regardless I feel like Dre was like unofficially part of it as well you remember when the fortune cookies came out and you guys had all the dip going on yeah and remember that time like I got to go on the um ball for real tour with Courtney and Chris and you guys that was epic dude like we did that remember we did the Madison Square Garden show that one day yeah that's what I mean like you you were like pretty much on yeah yeah that was ridiculous so it was like supposed to we supposed to be you know I me autopilot I don't know what happened you know but it is what it is with business you know and skating like that but I going back to like you guys' question about fashion for sure I've always been mindful of that and then like the ninja stuff and then like you know as you go down the rabbit hole and you keep [ __ ] up clothes and stuff I started to kind of want to design stuff you know so I was like designing stuff um and then like you know now in film school you know you start taking like film classes and you start understanding Vaudeville and like the way [ __ ] looks on camera you know and like yeah so it starts getting interesting that that that's so sick that's another element that I can see you definitely like because it's a visual element of like how things look and um I we I I definitely want to get ask you about everything with school but I just want to like stay on this for a minute but uh it's interesting that you say your dad's from South Central your mom's from Brooklyn because that makes like and having both those experiences because that like speaks to like your style I think that's very individual um and and how that comes across but um so so in this time uh you you ended up eventually getting like your Pro Skate from razors and you ended up moving to the the ra razer's Mansion um that's a whole another world and section I feel like of of when blading was getting to a weird Point did you see like a an End Road there did you see like okay we're really doing it we're living in a mansion now what was that point like um that point was like it was a kind of a weird point because were we were definitely like kind of starting to like get to the end come to the end of the road but we still were like pretty hopeful as to what could happen out of out of that situation and it was still a good you know experience I think to say the least um because we got to you know reach an apex like in our skating Evolution and you know to the point where we got to live for free for a couple years at a nice house and skate and get the hell out of the hood get the hell out of our neighborhoods you know so it was it was definitely interesting time you know yeah I mean I mean there's no question that skating was a vehicle for right most people and it seems like that's the case with you I mean as as I personally know you I know that is the case for you been able to take you all over the world you know and it's been able to take you here there everywhere and back to California and then end up in a mansion and a wild ride it was a ride dude it was a big sacrifice I think too because also I mean you know financially we weren't getting paid as much as we probably should have or doing as much as we I think we could have like as far as like you know coming up with more ideas for the company and which way it to go but yeah we did get a good a good time and and a good experience out of it but you know like I was not on the East Coast I'm from the East Co my family is from the East Coast you know so it's like you're putting in a lot of work into building something you know especially when you you know you're on a different Coast from where you're from it's hard work man you know it's like almost like training we const we have to stay ready all the time you know so you go and waking up and going to skate every day kind of it could take the fun out of it you know what I mean when you're like getting paid to do it telling you what to do and [ __ ] was gets weird you know you you said well you said about like before like [ __ ] went down I guess or like skating started taking a a downfall besides pay cuts happening I guess maybe less travel did you see anything with your own eyes that you were like oh [ __ ] skating is like going down now like were you going to events and there like you notice less people like do someone did you see anything else besides your sponsors telling you that sales were down or something like that that skating was kind of like going down a little bit at that time I don't know I don't think I could like really ever get caught up in like the it's going down you know cuz I would always like for me like if I was like on a sales trip or skating in front of somebody no matter what I was going through you know at once I got to the point if I felt like I was a real consumate professional I wouldn't try to like let that affect anybody else's day you know what I'm saying if my day is [ __ ] up because me [ __ ] your day up you know what I'm saying a lot of people get [ __ ] power or get like any type of Ren now and they like try to act like you know like they're above you or anything like that so when I would come into situations like I would I never felt like it was going down I feel like you know people be like oh sales are down d d but I I never was really you know checking the books and stuff like that like oh our sales going on yeah I feel like I feel like that's something that's really uh like a staple for who you are like you have like a spirit that doesn't worry about some things and just stays focused on your thing as like long as I've known you it's almost like I feel like you've been able like you and mura were able to connect on like some of these like deeper levels like anime stuff like mental Focus like higher Spirit energy kind of things but I feel like that's translated like into your skating your music and it shows like in your in your approach to like how you look at things right what started that was it just like literally Dragon Ball Z type stuff that one thing led to the other or what man I don't know I was always into martial arts I think I've always been into like watching martial arts movies and stuff and like you know like U I think it was like Karate Kid maybe even too like just [ __ ] Daniel son you know when he's like [ __ ] meditating and stuff I've always been into it yeah having Infinity it's in our also in our culture you know like my mother was uh was Puerto Rican you know but that's her she we refer to ourselves as afro Latino so she had a lot of influence from Africa through my grandmother and then you know my father's side saying multi-racial Native American so it's like just within our culture to be somewhat Warrior I think like Warriors and be like really spiritual and stuff like that so when thec stuff came into play I think I was already kind of taking martial arts at a very young AG I took I was taking Teo and I started taking Gung Fu uh and I started studying taichi and then taichi was kind of what also kind of started helping me evolve more through meditation and stuff like that so I always want to incorporate that in anything that I was doing you know so skating you know people like you remember we were doing the mushroom blading stuff like you know so that was kind of like what was happening like mushroom Bing was going on had like Jo do dis gave I had a group of people around me too that were kind of pushing the envelope too so it's it's been rad dude yeah that's one thing I loved about your skating also too and like we mentioned before after this uh podcast we're going to do a patreon video with Dre where we watch some of his old sections and I was watching a few of them and like you really did have that kind of mushroom style blading way earlier on than most people did especially most like pros during like the hammer era too um and before you mentioned brain F gone too how that changed you I don't know if that affected it as well but you were doing a lot of really different [ __ ] like weird spinny CES thingies steroides like incorporating all this different [ __ ] that almost nobody else was doing at that time this line right here you know when Dustin did the line down the street you know what I'm saying yeah it was kind of the aesthetic where I was coming at from you know I mean and also like to skate like you know to stunt skate it [ __ ] hurts when you fall you know what I mean you gotta like factor that in and I think as the as the cameras have gotten better the skating has been able to get more technical which obviously you can still do like big stunts and stuff but like it looks just as rad to do something quick-footed and you know real slick or real creative like yugan I love yugan skating um so yeah like it's been interesting you know but now it's like kind of I don't know if it's looked down upon to do stunt tricks but you know either way it's like does you can't skate forever like that you know you can skate Forever by being and mushroom blading you know yeah definitely but but and and I think like a lot of people don't know that you were kind of like like Austin points out you were like one of the early introducers of that stuff and it was like highlighted in your section which I thought was done really well in vg9 by Dave Payne uh where he kind of split like at the time a lot of skaters were um kind of one-dimensional it was or it was a time when skaters were beginning to break out of a one-dimensional approach where maybe it was like a lot of rail skating at the time or maybe it was like a lot of switch or whatever but the same dress but um you had like a three-part thing in your vg9 section what the first part was called the ntroduction which is like you know very like the style of sliding around smooth things cool looking stuff not doing huge Hammers and then it went I forgot the second part and then the the third part was the onslaught which is just the Hammers but just to have that breakdown open like that and it also had you wrapping in that and I think like that was I don't know it was such a wellone section getting to know somebody a lot of the time when you're trying to watch watch a section you and it's someone you like you want to get like to have an idea of who they are you want to like get a feel and I I feel like you and Dave really did a good job of like getting to know you through that part um I think James made that didn't James Ry make that edit oh I think James might have made that right guess but it wasn't it was in VG it was in VG no but like yeah crazy that's how much love too like Dave Payne has D for everybody like Dave Payne such a special person he still is a special person um and so yeah he gave James opportunity to like submit that section and yeah maybe maybe Dave did do something to it but from what I remember yeah James did all all of that all of the editing or whatever but yeah I mean James showed up at my house dude like Billy you remember like the back door the the yeah oh yeah the back gate of your house yeah the back gate dude like back yeah yeah came in through the back gate off of gr gram Street off of Sugar Creek we ran off Sugar Creek but like yeah there's like that back street and James comes up and like hey are you Dre pal knocked on my door and I was like who the [ __ ] is this kid and he was like oh I G to go film and skate with you so it was just like a dream opportunity and James like you know his family was well was well to do so it was like different you know she just shows up at your house and got a and riding in Yukon it's like let's go skate and like so we pretty much could do whatever we wanted at that point you know what I mean yeah no I love that I love uh what you guys were able to do together and it was it was to the point where actually it was so early on to what is called mushroom blading at the time it wasn't called mushroom blading actually when people would do spinning cess slides I would hear people sometimes sometime no some kind times in a kind way and sometimes in a in a critical way they'd be like oh that's a ATL sliding or they call it because it was so tied into like you and Walt like bg9 like you know specifically like doing uh cess slides down the street on the floor on like a sidewalk like you know what I mean I feel like that was the first time that was filmed and put in a video um just for that but wal man Walt was insane like people don't understand like how good was like in the first competition I think I entered at skates and bruises as a kid that's probably like 12 years old Walt was like 14 and he had won the advanced division so that was like Walt was on my radar at such a very young age you know what I mean I was like this kid is incredible and then as we got older became friends and I met him at Woodward they was still getting better and better and then so by the time I got cool enough to go skate with them you know what I mean like you know you gota kind of like get cool to skate with Walton them at that point in time you you would what were such a a cool combo because you're you guys complimented each other I feel like in New York City there were a lot of good skaters but at at that at that time specifically and of course now murder you know but there was a lot of styles that were very um kind of in the New York bubble and I feel like you and Walt had like very different approaches to skating which is what made it uh you guys compliment each other so well W man sheesh yeah it definitely was crazy and you know like so because it Walt it was Walt Gary carway Kurt Newman Kevin dling right uh and obviously there was a bunch more the racer twins like Atlanta had such a solid crew of skaters you know what I mean Doug art you feel me so I just was and I would live close enough to go to them like a lot so and my sister lived there so it was only like three hours away you know so I got like you know had the opportunity to skate with Walt and Walt took a liying to me so it was like we [ __ ] just would go skate dude and I just like that fool would just rip [ __ ] up dude think one time we drove we drove to uh Nashville me wall was like Kurt uh I think yeah maybe how I mean maybe uh ding was with us but yeah dude and so Walt kind of just started showing me how to just do that [ __ ] and he Walt's a dog dude like people don't get it like he has like a toughness to him you know what I'm saying yeah like really like just ready to go dude like just turns you into a beast when you get to go skate with another person like that that skates like that you know what I mean yeah dude he he was like a little angry dude so motivated and he just like but but he he he turned that anger into energy and and so you'd Shout ATL has always been like the Hub uh you know shout out Kevin dling shout out team hate but even from like you know Frankie losavio Andy Cruz Tom Heiser um Jason I can't think of his name right now but um that that whole crew and then on to you guys and then even like I know Chris zinc was in the Carolinas but like that whole crew down there and just it's always been such like a powerful scene with like great filmers and photographers and jro obviously and all these people um I had I had Kevin wack I had like Joe doson I had like a really good crew of people Karan high tower Don Chase Chris zinc we had a solid crew dude we had Tyron Allen Kirk shout out Tac um and I'm in my whole crew you know I had a lot of friends to back me up you know and skating so it was just like always just lit dude Jeremiah Jeremiah Reed the reads so we were always really clicked up uh Dustin eaten titty boy uh a lot of people dude that were roll titty boy dad was a beautiful Bobby Eaton from the W WCW Wrestling sick I had just random people like that like that full rollerbladed dude no ATL crew had such a I just remember going down there when I was like just actually spending some time down there when I was 18 and just such a cool wide crew with so many different skaters and so much talent then Doug and them like it was weird too because like Doug art like Doug was all the way out in alfaretta and then Kevin's all the way in SN sville and like where who the [ __ ] lives in snail you know what I mean it just sounds far I don't even know where it is but it sounds parents like Kevin's parents they had lived on the house boat so they would just like leave Kevin at the house so he was 16 yeah he was 16 and he had his own house like in the middle of like this like you know suburb of Atlanta it was yeah and everybody loved that and everybody loved him you know he was like [ __ ] celebrity like his high school so we would go down there and it just would be so much fun Mike m Mullen was around like [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] was so much fun skating with everybody uh trying to think of who else that was down there dude oh oh David seore I remember like when we when we skated David the first time David yeah and seiser has just had been on to do such crazy [ __ ] he's such a great skater and I remember but he had that same energy when he was a little kid you know bless you thank you but no but like obviously Julian too and um but yeah sorry Austin but I but I just want to say and I'm curious to see um because I know sometimes Todd and from mushroom blading will watch this podcast and I wonder what you guys think in the podcast um everyone who's who's listening right now but do you think Dre and Waltz were some of the early developers of what is now mushroom blading I think mushroom blading began in Atlanta I think that's where yeah it's true foundation was I don't think that's really uh too debated honestly but maybe it is they say it too say that it came from Atlanta Prett much I mean I ate mushrooms too so it wasn't like we're not just calling a mushroom in order to you actually you actually had the real thing but we're talking about like different generations and [ __ ] and like when mantre first started popping up I remember like people would call him like you're like Prodigy it was like Dre's Prodigy was mantre um what was it like when you first started skating with mantre and like how you saw something in him maybe or like helped him develop as a skater yeah MRE is incredible dude like you know I I you know when people say Proto I mean I like to I think this like because I didn't really teach him stuff that he didn't know you know what I'm saying he already knew how to do all that [ __ ] you know what I mean it's not like I taught I mean I just skated with him but yeah this flattering with somebody says somebody's your Protege etc etc Macho is a great kid so but Kenny I think Kenny Owens shout out say word um Kenny was had already I think skated with him before and so Kenny was like oh yeah that's my boy I skated with that fool before and I was like oh that's tight I was like that's fo he's good he was skating Majestic 12 at the Rams all in Sugar crate um in Plaza like which is like super hood ass area and uh and his dad was like and Jeff was over was in over in the corner I was like yo you g need to let your son come skate with us we're gonna go pick him up and come skate I was already sponsored I'm all like marketing and [ __ ] already you know what I'm saying you need to go SK with him you know what I'm saying you need to like let him skate with us dude he's he's gonna be [ __ ] good dude like really good and Kenny was like oh yeah he can skateboard too I was like what and I was like all right well let's started sking with montre so Kenny I think started picking him up I didn't even have a car you know I was just not even driving I just was like everybody would come and pick me up um so yeah so we started helping him with this [ __ ] but I thought that he already had it you know and he just took it to the next level every day every we would skate like you know often like probably at least a couple times a week and we be like uh I remember when we started when he started getting to the point where like I was telling Shima about him you know he would skate he would be I would be like picking him up be like hey make sure you're your workouts done working out with the workout vest and [ __ ] you know what I mean so we were definitely training like you know but one day he came to the skate park and just like started like he did like hurricane tops so hurricane everything hurricane on the right side down that little drop off rail at the blue ramps and I was yeah I was like you're ready dude and sure enough everything just fell into place for him you know what I mean and he just but he put in the hard work to make sure that you know when the opportunity presented itself he was ready you know so definitely I remember we went down uh with Sean and Colin we took a trip down to Atlanta and we stopped at Charlotte on the way and it was like maybe montre had been skating two years or something like that and you were like dude this like we we stopped to see you and you were like dude this guy mantre is something else we just skated some curve ledge like just like under some trees in a park on a corner somewhere and he was just doing everything just Alles just sliding around like true top Souls sliding into to other things it was like impossible stuff back then you just knew back then that he was really going to go somewhere I think it was like the same with Julian like when we first saw Julian skating at like the xgame skate park and in the Gwynette mall or whatever or or in that mall over there and you just like saw him the first couple years you're like this something's different about this guy he's gonna go somewhere everything comes to them easy like you know what I mean not easy but I'm saying like like as far as tricks wise like you know it seems like the work that somebody else would have to put in to do these tricks like their body just naturally can just boom land it every single [ __ ] time you know what I mean super clean got a good personality everybody's crazy about him like those are the type of people that like you know you could tell from a jump you know what I'm saying as long as they don't get caught up you know yeah yes Mt and M was just cool as [ __ ] man like swear to God and then he took to heart a lot of the stuff that I was talking about with like brain fear gone [ __ ] and like you know Tak it to the next level I remember there was a time where like you know it was like hard for me and him to even skate like together cuz he was was doing his own thing and I was already older than him you know so I was like had a girlfriend a real serious girlfriend I wasn't skating that much with him but I was happy because him and my him and Kenny kept skating in like say word 3 say word 4 which I don't even think say word 4 ever came out uh I think Kenny has it but he I don't know if he released it like that but um yeah so yeah awesome no I I feel like what you're describing is something like I'm pretty familiar with when you're at like different hunger levels like on your way up when like you're pushing really hard you're just like let's SK every day let's Skate every day and then like you also get to a point there's another point when on your path to being a pro where you're with your peers and trying to do something but there's also like some period after that where like you said it something changes when uh like maybe you're getting paid for it and there's like an obligation and you're not on the push forward anymore and you're maybe uh for lack of a better word maybe like not as hungry to to push forward more just like of a maintain thing um but just like obviously that's going to happen naturally between you and mant because the difference in a and the difference some points where you got in your skating but um it's good to see I think genuinely like you must have been stoked to see like someone else from Charlotte like carrying the torch holding it down like in a way that was so done so well absolutely man I mean like they also like montre montre always been really like industrious so like he always had like jobs and stuff so like when he got his first he got his apartment before me so he's always been good bu he was just on his [ __ ] dude I remember like he was like working at Olive Garden he would come home have a big stack you know what I mean like we be like chaos click too so like me him and iy Shout Out hung so we had like a crew like and so we are like you know I would see a lot of time I would spend a lot of time with them you know but AR was always really good at saving his money and and you know getting his [ __ ] jumping like so when they did Rad Street like they moved like he he had like a whole street in in um Plaza Midwood him and like a bunch of skateboarders a bunch of BMXers and a bunch of musicians and they they lived in the [ __ ] hood dude and so even at that time dude I would like go to montt's house and like like I I still have my mom's house but I would go there to hang out and party and just crash on montre couch you know what I mean I downs and [ __ ] too so montre has held me down like for real for real so I love him him and Phil gripper shout out Phil gripper shout out Bart so we had like a really I love the way that they like made themselves a part of our scene too you know it was rad man Mt you remember like mtra rapped with me on that one song yeah mtra like can spit too so dude Ma's got All Around Talent he's super talented guy like all you guys and you shout out Phil as well um and I know we've been bounced around a bit but since you brought up music and we bounced around from like all the skating from Atlanta everything to the we touched on like the razor Mansion but to go back to the razor Mansion real quick and to go on about your point about rapping and I feel like after the razor house where you say things were kind of slowing down with skating and feel like it was like on a bit of the decline from uh where your Peak was as a pro at that point I feel like at that point that's when you started pursuing music more strongly is that safe to say yeah I would say so um I mean it was just like the music stuff was always there but I think kind of going back to technology like the fact that like we had been you know I was there right when YouTube you know when the YouTube kind of thing started taking off you know so it was like I was told Andy like hey they got YouTube now like you should send me on these trips I should always have a camera with me you know and be able to like interview people so like those first like razor newses those were like a lot of those ones were kind of my idea as like you know an executive producer I wrote those episodes right as a writer I wrote the episodes Andy sent me as another executive producer right so you know I was like the director and kind of like an art director for that so Andy sent me to these places and so we were already ahead of the of of the curve as far as like knowing how to use editing software and like knowing how to do audio and then I was making beats a lot too so like um so it was just kind of a natural progression you know what I mean and then Andy wasn't willing to kind of like do what I felt like he needed to do to propel razors in know in into that you know bigger you know category of like you know Revenue but you know he wanted to do what he wanted to do and I can't tell somebody what to do with their money you know what I mean so um I can just make recommendations like hey you know this is where fashion and and stuff is going you know because like think about it like I was around you guys too um when you were over at The Loft you know yeah so seeing what's been going on with the Styles and everything too so you know um I just felt like I wasn't gonna probably make any more money you know doing that just but it wasn't really tripping on me rapping and all that [ __ ] too that was just kind of like a bonus so like I just you know was rapping a lot but we just had cameras I think that was really the reason why because I always was rapping and stuff like that once we had the cameras and we were able to kind of like shoot a skate section we were like oh let's trying to do some music video stuff and then we did that you know and then it just kind of one thing led to another you know yeah I I I think there there are times like when you put so much and I know i' I've experienced it when you put so much of your time into trying to make one thing specific very Niche thing happen uh in this case rollerblading but I think it applies to like several different fields that maybe at the end of that Journey you could be a bit disoriented and like you don't know like where to go what's next um you want to like pursue other things I know for sure like I was uh in a band playing like for a few years and and pushing and going in that direction by myself to try to explore because when you spend so much time on one thing trying to make it happen and you succeed in that I feel like you want to address the other things that you didn't put as much time into and um so what was that was it like a tough transition or was it like a a fun was it an adventurous transition when uh like things started slowing down with skating or was it like hectic like how was everything after that when skating for me like when the money started running out like I was kind of like you know always prepared kind of for that because it was never really that much money to begin with I think the thing that I most was to travel you know being able to go exactly places and stuff like that but um yeah I just had to kind of like figure out what I wanted to do luckily for me I've always been able to kind of like look around the room and see who's who's doing what you know so I was like oh I'm gonna do film I'm gonna do real estate so I started doing film and doing real estate and just did anything until I got to where I needed to be in order to sustain myself you know still skated a little bit and you know Andy took care of me for a while so I was able to you know save money and do what I needed to do handle a lot of [ __ ] there's a lot of opportunities I missed but you know I was able to kind of learn from those mistakes as far as like you know spending so much time like you said doing one thing and not financially like diversifying your uh portfolio as they say you know you don't want to just like do one thing and not be investing in real estate and not be developing other skilled Trad that you can make money off of you know what I mean because it's like one thing then what the [ __ ] else there's like a lot of people that come to La even I came to LA with the mindset like like oh I G to figure it out you know when I get there with the intent of like being entertainment and so but I was able to like have family here I could stay I stay at my dad's house for a while while I was getting on my feet so for me I had a little bit of an advantage than a lot of people that because when you come here the odds are stacked against you you know definitely for sure dude so yeah I mean I just you know just being around other successful people and kind of watching them and just learning from a lot of mistakes dud like honestly like spent and wasted a lot of money Wast a lot of time but I knew one thing like I real estate and film was like something that I was always passionate about too so I was like you know I have to be doing that well I can't skate all the time you know I get bored if I do one thing anyways for too long you know I have to do multiple things you know one time you know and and you and you find yourself still to be that way like you need to like you you need several things to keep I I I personally feel as as I as I get a little older that like I'm like less that way but that's cool that you still have that gu you you minimize your life your lifestyle I know the Pomodoro Technique have you ever heard of that before Pomo make a sauce no what's the technique yes in in essence yes so you just you you take what you work like remember how you I don't know if you've ever heard me say this but you work like 10 hours a day right 12 hours a day and every hour you spend 45 minutes doing that one task but you and then you take 15 minute breaks and then you go on to the next task you know you do that you do that for the whole day through your whole work day but you can write a list you know and you can start just checking off things from the list like the more that you keep doing that you look up at your list and everything on your list is done you know just because you've actually been like systematically going down Tak steps yeah taking the steps you know like my mom say Don't eat an elephant in one bite you know that's it yeah I like that I honestly that that that that approach functions for me really well as well sorry no it was sick that you actually skated to your own music so many times in so many sections like I guess people done it here and there I know Frankie's done it too maybe Julian I'm if I'm not mistaken but like you you like took it like like I feel like you took it to another level with your sections did you when you skate and you know you're filming for a video do you like make a song around the section that you're going to skate for like does that work coincide with each other how does one feed off the other like how does that work no not necessarily you know I think like it just depends on what I was doing at that moment time at that moment in time yeah for sure I was like oh I'm gonna [ __ ] use my own music and with the skate section um but like now you know it's more of like I just like listening to Dope music so like a lot of times you'll hear like like weird rock [ __ ] experimental [ __ ] if I do an edit you'll hear like a lot of rap [ __ ] you know what I mean like extreme aggressive rap or just some smooth stuff I just I want it to be kind of like thought provoking I'm always like curating music in my own mind you know or like if I'm driving down the street and I'm listening to like SoundCloud or something I'm always like you know trying to find some new song or something to sample you know I love sampling like stuff like you know M DeMarco or something like that you know I'll sample something like that uh remember when you were living downtown too fish like Ariel pink and all those guys are running around like weird [ __ ] you know so you know Sean with Sean Cullen shout out Sean Cullen I don't know where the F [ __ ] he's at D that feel was crazy yeah so he actually I I actually spoke to him not too long ago he's in uh he's in Portland and he's like oh dude come up to mortland [Laughter] so that's very you know how he would be um but yeah I was gonna I was gonna say that too about your music I remember like in downtown you were you were kind of getting out there with the music a bit and like originally you had like a very what I think used to be called traditional rap now kids call it like boom bap style like from when I knew you when we were young like which is like kind of reflected in your vg9 section and and and things like that but uh how is that Journey been on the the kind of changing your approach to music while having like these kind of older School Roots yeah well so like I had just like been around a lot of musicians and stuff and like even just hanging out with you guys you know like Mort mortland and everybody that was running through that that's his new name um and you know like even you going back to the The Growlers and stuff like when you were over there I like that whole situation of like growing up around those type of people remember because melenia was dating was it she she was that's that's Sergio's uh baby cousin right Melisa yeah Mia yeah yeah I knew them from a from a kid you know so it was just like all the weird synchronicities that we were running into like you know for sure and then I met little peep too so I think when I met peep was doing real estate and um and I met him and Tracy through a mutual friend and they signed a lease so that also had a big huge effect on like what I was doing with my music too especially because Peep had a big influence on me he was such a great person and R little peep um so you know like just a lot of [ __ ] was going on you know like at that time so I always will incorporate all styles and and even in like with my music I always wanted to kind of be more of like a lead Zeppelin you know I always wanted every song to kind of change to be a different type song you know what I mean so and then now like I know like a lot of people like go through a lot of real [ __ ] they'll use music to tell those type of stories and stuff and so you know there's nothing wrong with types of different styles as long as it's like art you know you're not like being super like racist or something like that you know what I mean which you can't really tell art what to do but you know what I mean yeah it's it's funny you mentioned Led Zeppelin I feel like when a lot of people talking about like rap stuff they're not like mentioning these things but my theory would be that you get a lot of these your eclectic style of music because basic skate videos yeah that's true like I think that too like vg6 like really like had a lot of like atmosphere was in there that's the first time I ever heard you know that huge impact yeah on me like you know listen like Dave Payne man shout out Dave Payne DJ Payne he like had so much good music in those skate videos and every all of the skate videos Brandon AGR RP and gry I remember that was the first time I ever heard Placebo for that one um happy section that gravity song I love that song you know I still listen to placeo today like riding around the car sometimes and like so skate videos Man are just crazy like how would they affect you like that you know totally like how how those songs like especially like for me it was the same first time here in like uh atmosphere was like vg10 um and I was just like you guys were bumping the sword and [ __ ] like pentagram like guess first time with you no exactly like this so it's like this whole but like yeah like the um people don't really understand like how important it was to have like Dave pay be the guy that made the vgs cuz like blading could have been like way less cool but the fact that he was the one like who had like this his finger on the pulse of a bunch of different like underground and lesser known uh artists at the at the time was yeah just really important for like I think the developmental uh nature of like the individuals who were participating in skating who were like involved because it gave them like a richer pallet of Music um on their tray yeah absolutely dude I remember like hanging out with pain dude like when I got to that point because like yeah right around that time I think when everything start happen with um second regime like I got lucky enough to like be on the west coast because like I said I was going to my dad's house every summer once my dad got out of prison you know what I mean like and I was able to he was able to I was able to like be around his ass you know started going and hanging out with him you know what I mean so but uh Louie because my Grandma had already moved back to the East Coast with my mom from LA because that was another thing like Grandma Anna and my mom left New York Grandma Anna moved over here and Grandma Anna stayed out here so that was who I would originally and visit in the summertime like I'm talking about young like four five six you know way before skating so then when I got older my dad started coming around I was able to stay out here and then so like Louis and Randy and then would always bring me back up and here up up and down you know so if I flew out I think I flew out two or three times um and Dave Payne I got to hang out with Payne dude and Payne was like listening to [ __ ] music DJing and he had this dope ass bong and he was just like smoking out the bong dude and like we were I was young you know what I mean so it was fire like we were just making dope ass music Just The Vibes you know what I mean sick yeah it was sick Bro I remember just like I remember first time I met uh Dominic was like through was through like another friend named Ben that moved to he moved to Orange County like literally right down the street from Dominic from El medino High School think the school that had the red Ledges that Dominic used tocate yeah they they did like that line with everyone doing like one trick in it like yeah I love like the whole YouTube like this little short it's like the short culture you know what I'm talking about like how everybody Clips much as you love to hit it right but yeah like there was a clip two days ago or yesterday Dominic does like half C machio back that that spot we went to skate there and Dominic was just there when I was like 14 wow I didn't know him dude and he was just doing like [ __ ] like true top Souls like God you know what I mean I'm like who the [ __ ] is this kid yeah it's so random dude you know what I mean that is so especially when you were 14 like true top souls are a very new thing when he was getting documented doing them oh and I'm tell he was doing them like full speed like at a level like that old usds with the juice plate the 50-50 juice plate like it was ridiculous so with some like UFO pants maybe Big Sean pants you know and so like it was crazy D and then like I remember when I got that phone call like I got the phone call from Josh Petty right when I was 16 and so my mom's like yeah this guy Josh just called and and I was like Josh who it's like I think I got home from school in the afternoon I'm like Josh who and she was like Josh Petty and I was like Josh Petty just called me she's like yeah Josh just called you I was like what give me the phone D I called him I called him back this like called my house phone D I called him back and he was like yo we want to put you on and that was right after the um after a future roller Bing too because nain had went home and then he had just you know was like oh I skated with Walt and Dre I think and Walt got on want to say Walt got on Senate or Walt got on something and I got on a second machine there was like both of us got drafted in essence you know what I mean to whatever team gonna go to at that point in time so yeah it's been a crazy story bro crazy Journey you know what I mean that is wild and and I I think yeah it's wild especially at that time to have Josh Petty call you I think a lot of people just because I don't think the YouTube format really uh is able to portray like the impact that his skating had at that time or I don't think a lot of his work is on YouTube but he was like a he was a huge deal like around the vg7 time he was like probably the guy you know he skated to um what Daytona 5000 was it just Daya yeah but um yeah so so so to get a call I couldn't imagine getting a call like that from Josh but I remember getting a call from uh I think it was Tom Heiser when I was first trying to get on when I was first like getting called for roll bade and I was like whoa and all due all due respect to Tom but he wasn't like the hot [ __ ] back then but he was still like super known but like uh Josh Petty was like the hot [ __ ] kind of skater along with like Zamora and like these py was like our first Rodney Mullen right like he was like he was like the first rollerblader to kind of be really really hip-hop that was like really [ __ ] cascap ass he's goodl looking like I'd say he was like a Chad musish Chad I see DL as more of a Rodney Mullen but Chad Muska the hip-hop one right yeah yeah yeah Chad mus that's the one I'm they had the puffy ass shoes and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah that's funny that's funny to make that reference too because Josh also had a section and what do you believe and that was also like a three-part section kind of like how Dre you did in vg9 was a three-part section like different themes for each one yeah I mean that was definitely like all James on that and you know James drew that picture of me where my eyes are closed and then my eyes open it's like yeah the head was ahead of the game dude and like you know shout out to his parents Mr Mrs Mr and Mrs redsky they were so sweet to us and like they had a nice ass house so we could go over there and like the fridge is filled to the brim the house is humongous yeah like like James is editing in like his own Suite of the house like it was different you know what I mean so it was like you know James really could put in his all into that type of [ __ ] at that moment in time so it was very fascinating how that all like just happened like that but um yeah man I mean art is going to you know always shine through I think at the end of the day and like I'm so glad that everybody's like you know recognized our skating what we brought to the um to the scene in North Carolina and you know in Atlanta and stuff like that [ __ ] was super dope I used to hate it though when people be like oh you from Atlanta be like no I'm from North Carolina yeah I thought you were from Atlanta too I definitely like you were very closely associated with Atlanta um I think it the first distinction came when there was the battle mik Cruz the the Carolinas had its own thing I was like okay that's different than I think everyone was putting to the Atlanta bracket will Gordon Tim Taylor you know everyone was like that's just Atlanta yeah Charles dun oh my God Robbie Thompson like I was in a cabin with Rob Thompson when I was 12 years old yo it was just a kind of a weird start to the story but wait did you go do you went to wward as a camper yes dude oh I didn't know you went as a camper yeah like I was like 11 and I went two years dude so I went 11 and 12 right oh tell tell us about that it's got to be interesting and so Rob Thompson D it was so crazy and so aggressive this kid was like head butting holes in the wall bro in our cabin and we covered it up with old daily Brad like like [ __ ] pictures dude so we That's how little kids we tried to patch the holes with pictures bro we got so much trouble dude everybody had to do trash Dy it was [ __ ] awesome dude who did you go to Woodward with and like who was like some of the visiting pros at the time that you were like oh [ __ ] this person's at Woodward cuz that's what it was about back in the day in the 90s I met everybody dude like everybody like those those years dude anybody that was like I think that got on you know dun I think I met him like 12 I was like 12 he they were like all 14 maybe because dun I think is two years older than me right so I think I'm I'm 40 now I turned 40 like last December so getting up there um so dungle was like two years older than me I think so dun was there with Robbie with probably you know the whole crew dude the whole Montgomery monsters Shout Out Montgomery monsters Mark sin uh everybody uh so but I remember like them having the the potential to be like you know super super good so it was just super crazy like how like dunkl and like dunkl was way better than everybody like fakey 720s Ford 720s uh oh oh Chris fleiner you remember Chris Fleer oh yeah oh my God dude him and uh Frank Stoner dude oh my God bro as a little kid I remember seeing them skate like this [ __ ] was [ __ ] I remember brasal that uh by the time I turned 14 or 15 I think maybe 16 we went for skate park challenge do you remember that no I don't know what that is skateboard challenge was like the year right before we were all about to turn like where where me Frankie uh brasca that whole era was getting ready to turn pro it was like right when uh Jeff uh Jeff Fredericks remember when Jeff Fredericks was blowing up that year I think it was like 2000 maybe yeah yeah like that whole dude everybody went to New York I mean everybody from New York and from up North came to uh to Woodward for the skate park Challenge and battled it out but I just remember like um roscow and Frankie battling dude like roscow was skating k2s you remember that he was skating k2s dude that was that was the first the first thing I saw him was like a mini profile in BG 16 yeah like he I mean the first and he was skating in k2s he's [ __ ] ridiculous he was so good dude wait what was the skate park challenge then what what you guys like battled it out for what it was like you guys were trying to be Pro or yeah yeah I think it was there was some like it must have been like some sort of ASA qualifier you know because everybody was trying to turn pro to get to ASA you know right yeah and Brasco and but I remember like Frankie was already like I had already skated with Frankie in regionals before so i' had already seen how good think he was I was like oh bro this fool is out of control you know I wasn't that good to me personally I I just didn't I couldn't skate park like those fools could you know what I mean like the skate park so [ __ ] good but I remember Brosco and that fool battled it out in the in the lot eight or was what was the big one lot eight right uh the indoor one was lot eight yeah the big the big one up on the hill right it's lot eight yeah yeah yeah it's the lot eight dude I remember they went at it dude and just I was just so blown away by like how good Brasa was and how good Frankie was was like but yeah it was a cool time man for sure and we got to St stay there for free first time I was like I think I got paid to go to Woodward that time it was badass dude I was like yes the time was Full Circle you paid to go there now you get paid to go there it came around seriously dude like my mom spent her hard ass earn hard you know earn money to send my dumb ass to Woodward for the summer you know at least like for a little bit did you guys get to go you got get to go as kids right not as aamp no you know my my like my mom really didn't support my blading till like way later like but um I was I was also a bad kid and I don't know if she knew that like if baiting blading like made it worse or better at the time so I don't think she knew to support it or not also she was like a single mom for a while so it was like as you know it's like but I could she she she I I KN I knew not to ask because even asking for a pair of blades was like no so he just like well I can't you know so yeah did anybody from New York go to Woodward I feel like I don't know anybody who of course like John otiz was well I John otiz was but he was there yeah as a camper I'm saying like I'm sure dude I'm sure anybody who everyone was like damn that shit's way too expensive I me was cheap imagine so imagine my mom sent me to you know I me crazy dude it's [ __ ] that you appreciate now that you didn't really think about um back then oh yeah was like thousand it was like a$ thousand dollar is in the 90s or some [ __ ] yeah I remember being like I remember like 850 or something like that the first year I looked but I remember I looked re like a few years ago for like I guess scooter and skateboarding it's like almost four grand I think a week it's in it's like 35 or 3600 or something like that it's it's insane that that makes sense to adjust for inflation but that that is wild but for one week that's insane that's I mean it's probably the equivalent back then so I understand that why our parents weren't like no you ain't going to Woodward I ain't spending that money like I'll be honest 4K is a lot but they do do a lot for the kids there I mean they can also go to hell because they don't really do blading so I don't really care but I think like 2500 even though it's really tough still like is like 2K would be nice but I think 25 is reasonable 4K is wild they should let us set the price yeah but okay there's a there's a couple of things Okay so we've been going through a lot so far there's a couple things more things I want to go through I know there's a couple more things you want to go through but in in I think about 15 20 minutes maybe we should get into some of these guest questions and then we should get into the um the section commentary and go over some of your old sections for those who aren't this I said I like this view too because like this one before like if I talk it'll like only show my face you know what I mean yeah this is better this is better I can see talking okay nice you know is when you're talking and you can't see anybody else but you're talking so you forget your points yeah yeah yeah like forgetting what the [ __ ] I'm saying and [ __ ] talk to the mirror yeah commun communication is very visual I know what you mean I'm with you um but there there's a couple things I want to talk about more before we get to the questions I'm sure uh I would assume Austin there are some patreon questions and then if we can we can uh we will try to do our best to get to uh whatever live questions we may have we have 161 people in the chat which is pretty well and obviously if you want to do a patreon um a um Super Chat question you are welcome to we always split our P our super chats with our guest um so and it would obviously expedite your question so before I get and yeah if you're watching still give it a like um but couple more things I wanted to ask about um so we talked about uh Aragon and Dre and Mike briefly but I just want to come back to it for a second I feel like you guys kind of had like a dream teish thing happening at the time and there were so many good elements you know you had uh murder with the fast feet Aragon with the spins to grind and you were just like this classic like un undeniable like untraceable style that is like so very much your own that you brought like your own like you know I think about like the big green Kink R and ego and like Aragon doing his tricks and Mike doing his and you coming in doing like you're just like stamping it with like your Dre thing so what was that like being with those guys on tour and what was that Dynamic do you guys feed off each other a lot how did that go that was [ __ ] incredible I mean like that was probably yeah just really really fun time Aragon is just such a classy person and murder is just so crazy you know what I mean like he's very disciplined too in his own right like murder is like on he can just turn and like switch on and off really quickly you know what I mean so like you could go skate and then just be super chill too so it was just great being around other people that were really about that [ __ ] Aragon took it probably the most serious as far as like he was working out a lot and stuff like that and I always remember like kind of regretting not taking it more serious honestly with like as Brian because I relied a lot more off of my natural Talent you know I mean I didn't like hit the gym and [ __ ] like that I was just like I would do little push-ups but like Aragon was on a workout plan you know what I'm saying like he's so serious wasn't drinking like nothing before party like no partying before anys and I'm like [ __ ] I can't sleep I'm like I gotta go out and get a drink you know what I mean like [ __ ] here but it [ __ ] was awesome man I mean murder killed it but yeah Aragon I mean you like another one of those kids where it all comes natural to him and very easily you know what I mean so well maybe it appears to be like that that it comes easy to him you know he did put in a lot of work to be ready like you know his body is super fit because you take damage when you're doing those big tricks like that you know like and you're being traveling you know you're in a cold environment you're in Europe and know you're far away from home dude you know like you get you break something you have to go to the hospital and like shit's a mess so it's like skating at a high level but not getting hurt you know what I mean is the key you know it's like I could go there and do a hurricane topso but that might be the only trick that I'll get for the whole [ __ ] tour you know what I mean if I [ __ ] up I fall twist my ankle land on some [ __ ] I gotta go get stitches you know what I mean like all this [ __ ] like you know it sucks so yeah it's a gift in a curse you know especially when you get good at it and you want to skate at your highest level every stop tour stop you go to every video which like [ __ ] I if I get hurt here then I can't go to this competition so it's like kind of it gets kind of weird but yeah no I had a blast man Aragon so [ __ ] good murder was so good and murder was signing you know like in the evening like when murder wasn't skating he was doing 3D so it's kind of and then you know he gave me a computer one time he was like here just make some beats on he gave me a Macbook every time I'd be around he would be on his computer editing he' was like here take the Mac go make some music so you know it was always just super dope hanging out with them then we started going on to a horn you remember when when Stephan was yeah in the we like you got stuck in Europe or something and we gave you you rode with us remember I do remember that I do remember that yeah yeah at the airport I I got stuck at the airport yeah that was the dopest trip we were all crammed in the back of the [ __ ] that was so sick yeah I found you at the airport and I was like dude can I get a ride with you guys to winter class that was a while ago yeah we drove we were [ __ ] in Europe like it was crazy we drove what airport were we I do not know somewhere in Germany yeah somewhere in Germany we went all the way to Amsterdam right and then we went all the way back to it was incredible dude it was like one of the best trips ever so those trips were crazy I mean horns rolling like the best flips I've ever SP you know we could drink beer everywhere like you're in Europe like oh man dude it's crazy so yeah like right now me and my boy Tac like we we getting ready to launch like a you know another brand extension of kind of like some of the art stuff I was doing it's like a little prototype shirt but okay I was yeah this is just prototype stuff like I didn't really like the silk screen stuff like but it did kind of it come out out but either way like so me and T have been working on that so you know it's like right when I was like getting ready to kind of just like put out some film stuff that I've been working on one of my friends that that taught me that I could make money off skating so that was a thing too like Tyrone Allen KK and and Kev wack were like the two first people of color that I remember seeing that were roller buts which helped me out too you because back in the day like if you skated or if you were at the skate park people that were black would be like oh you're a white boy you know try to take your black card you know what I mean like I was already lightskinned as a mug so it's like I hell you know I wasn't white enough weren black enough you know what I mean so it's like once you go to skate parking people oh you're [ __ ] white boy now you know so then you see like people that are color skating you're like okay this is dope I could be of color and actually be here there's other people that are like you know with the shits as far as that goes and so Tac hit me up and he was like yo I want to start something new with you and so I've just had another dream opportunity kind of fall into my lap you know what I'm saying so it's just like just when you're like oh I'm not SK I'm not gonna do skating thing anymore like that like try to you know come at it with from like making any type of money off skating nothing my boy like Let's do let's do a run a wheel let's do something you know so you get turned Pro again just when I think I'm out they call me back in you know what I mean that's it man Pacino they can't get rid of you um so we all want you Dre yeah let's I mean like we got a couple things but uh let's go into that a bit let's talk about this project because I I I didn't even know you had a project going yes so this project was kind of something that uh I was working on by myself I was just like doing a lot of stuff because I had been in film school so I've been writing and I've been I wrote like six or seven different scripts one of which was like a superhero kind of like story and so I was working on that I wrote just finished that so I'm in the process process of selling that um or you know developing it if we get the right you know type of funding but um so I was focusing because I knew that roller betting could only pay so much so I was like if I'm going to get money and help roller Bing I need to go get money from outside of roller Bing and then dump it back in roll you know and then and you know and obviously having good examples like people like you and like what's happening with montre and his company and stuff like that you know now we're starting to see like these dope ass in independent companies that are you know either subsidiaries or you know business owners that are actual skaters that are making product now you know what I mean so I think it's starting to get really really dope we've always had John thank God you know as a good example and a role model to people that want to be a part of rabing you know so um this project was like going to be a documentary mockumentary so I was going to be like telling the story of like how I pretty much started coming up with the aesthetic of Dre Powell as like a character you know what I mean in general and then also transitioning into doing these two new characters that were going to be like you know characters that I that I curated so I did an art show for it so I so it was like the first art show I did during the pandemic so I like wrote the whole thing and uh had a bunch of different other artists come in interview them started packaging the product it was you know still with with Julie but I wanted to just kind of make my first like book you know because I had already done music I had already done music done butc videos I was like okay let's do a music skape video that has a book attached to it so it's like a full 360 you know what I mean so I have something like for a coffee table book you know so we started making a bunch of stuff so when Tac called me and was like oh let's do this let's do a Wheel company or something together let's do skates let's do something [ __ ] I got money saved up let's do something I was like all right um I got these shirts and like all the stuff that I've been working on he's like oh okay send me some stuff and he's like oh those are interesting so that was where it was kind of born and then you know with the name scroll it was pretty much like Tac made a a mixtape back in the day and he sampled ninja scroll the old anime movie you ever seen ninja scroll before you haven't seen it wow go watch it tonight [ __ ] it's pretty easy watch it's [ __ ] anime movie but it's like manga the classic manga and so it's kind of like more grimy it's not like all like like Naruto kind of like cheesy like Dragon Ball it's like more realistic yeah I I I never went too deep into the anime I went to like YuYu Haka show but I never went further than that you know but there's so there's different styles right of anime right so there's like G chibi right which is like the little kids one where it's like has the big eyes and big face then there's like the ones that are uh uh what is it Shonen Shonen Jump which is like for high school kids you know like with the whole high school kids theme but then like go like hardcore you know what I mean so like you see BL all right I'm gonna go check that out tonight what's it called it's called ninja scroll ninja scroll okay yeah so so we took that name so because Tech made the mixtape and I was like it had an effect on me so when because when he went to the Air Force you he went to the Air Force for nine years you know and I was like I'm never GNA see my friend again like Tex gone you know like there's no soon as you meet like one of your new best friends and then they just leave they leave give you gave me like the because I I liked roller bra but I didn't know I could make money off roller bra and I didn't know there was an industry and Tac was sponsored by scribe so he was older than us he came from Minneapolis so he just gave me the opportunity to do the joint and like I was just like you know let's do this and do this aesthetic so we're gonna have a couple other Riders it'll be a classic kind of situation you know like you know I wasn't trying to recreate the wheel but obviously like there's so much that we can do to help roller Bing right now you know like just whether it's organizing competitions giving kids a way to get out of the hood you know what I mean like that's really all my too there's a skatepark in Watts you know this right yeah so the skatepark in Watts like I'm pretty sure that the homie does clinics there uh South Central uh blade Club South Central blade club right yo yosan yeah yeah yeah I have been I've been talking with him on the internet so I want to do some more community outreach stuff like that too you know yeah he's a good guy to do it with yeah so so this this this whole like scroll project was just kind of like another way that we could just you know use what we've gained all the knowledge we gained from skating and then put it back into you know something that's tangible or something that we can make and also I need like product like I need wheels and stuff like that too so my boy gave me opportunity my dad used be like oh Dre you know you can't skate through life boy my D talk [ __ ] like you know oh you can't skate through life and I'm like and now he you know he passed away and I'm like getting I'm like yeah now look at me pop you know what I'm saying still skating you know [ __ ] 40 years old Still Still skating bro it's cool man I remember I seeing like all the OG's coming back into the sport too which is like made me so happy too you know to see everybody like starting to skate a lot more like you know shout out to French Brothers they've been putting in work shout out uh La RJ you know uh with the one trick a day and like you know everybody's that's been coming out to all those events uh shout out nickel and dime skate shop so important all that stuff is so important yeah we got in intuition skate shop is down the freaking street from my house it's like right on 30th street over here in Santa Monica it's in 33rd Street and so there's a lot of like people that are pushing the envelope you know and I think just the more events we got the uh La blade Honeys you know what I'm talking about the LA skate Honeys I haven't seen that one yet no I mean I know there's a lot of uh like there's a huge scene of girls out here skating but I haven't I didn't see the title right so I think it's it's I think it's La skate honey they're gonna kill me for getting this wrong but yeah it's the home girls you know what I mean but either way like they've been throwing some dope parties and stuff and like everybody just goes and skates so you have like a lot of people that just don't have any conception of what skating is they just want to go out and skate and like they're oh [ __ ] can jump downstairs that's [ __ ] dope oh you're Dre po oh that's even Doper you know what I mean like so it's a huge Market of [ __ ] skaters I think right now in LA and like in just the world that are just kind of passive skaters you know what I mean to capitalize off just even that you know what I mean like come oh boy I want to buy some wheels so and now you know with you guys having the shop I mean you guys having Mesmer like even just helping other brands get seen by other you know by by other eyes like I've been talking about getting a skate shop forever too you know what I mean So eventually I think having you know our little company is is like a stepping stone to all those things like you guys can have a Jump Street shop and it would and it would bang you know yeah we have one go there we just did a free giveaway let's open up Santa Monica beginning of the show oh a brick and mortar a brick and morck and mor yeah brick and mor brick and Morty yeah if you guys had a brick brick and Morty you know what saying brick and Morty brick and Morty um I I don't know if Austin Austin you got a couple I got I got one I want to go ahead but ahead yeah there there's one that I'm like really it keeps getting like more and more even I see it on the live chat too and I just found this out about you more recently Dre that that um when we posted about this a lot of people were like I remember meeting Dre as a kid he always showed me mad love I remember even Dave mamar from Wheel scene recently said to he remembers anytime you guys were on tour in Europe you were always the last one out in the parking lot talking to all the kids giving the Mad props hanging out with everybody making all the kids so happy and I'm so curious if was that was like a subconscious thing that you were doing were you doing that to purposely show kids that like you could be like a role model or a good person like passing it down to another generation because when you were doing it I doubt you realize that 20 years later you know kids that are adults now always remember that you were like the guy that stayed after the tours and hung out with them and showed them mad love like what was that to you how important is that because dope ass people did that to me like Marco hin did that to me you know what I mean like uh remember hanging out with Marco H like for the [ __ ] whole damn weekend when I was a kid you know that same trip when I met when I met uh Dominic I was like 13 or I was like 14 or 15 I think can't even remember how old I think I was like 14 and so we had went to the beach to go watch NIS I think it was n Huntington Beach and that I met Marco Marco just kind of just like oh this fo is [ __ ] lit like you can come with me we just kicked it with Marco ins that weekend you know what I mean so I remember stuff like that happened you know um yes I that's kind of always been me though too like my family has always just been really like warm you know invited welcoming personality you know and it's like I don't want to be on the bus all alone all bored you know and then like a lot of times too like you're at demos with a lot of the cck kids like they're just like you know they're just there with their parents and stuff like that too so you you got to be kind of like say something positive and stuff like that as you get older you start like being aware of that too like you know like you're smoking and stuff like you want to like make sure the parents don't see you smoking and stuff you want to be a bad role model cuz you know that [ __ ] could leave a bad taste in somebody's mouth for real yeah little kids too like I know if somebody would have been a dick to me i' been like [ __ ] you you know what I mean like as I got older you know for sure because like I don't know I was just kind of like that so I remember like that [ __ ] with Marco will probably be the biggest I remember like time when that really stood out I remember ezek Anderson was my counselor at Woodward um and Jason Marshall was my counselor too so they were super humble guys you know what I mean so they were just super dope and like I remember just them that time being like you know being something that stood out to me I would always want to just treat people like how I would want to be treated I think more so than anything you know yeah I think that that's a good thing to bring up awesome because I I have always noticed that about you Jo you've always been like such a warm person like and open and like friendly toward everyone and you know when people had questions or even on tours like when people come up and young kids want to talk to you you always made the time and you know just like treated people with respect and you know I think that's there's there there's a deeper thing to that like I think it it goes to like how you were raised I think it's like goes to like kind of what where you're from like where you see people like and um like so C because I I've always seen that in you and I've always like respected mom too you remember my mom was like that too she was very she was she was really like just straight up like old school Puerto Rican but she had a lot of like new age uality kind of like you know R well so she was always just like yo make sure that you show everybody respect and you know what I mean you walk in the room you command respect but you also give respect to everybody you know I mean don't don't look down your nose on nobody you know exactly it was always like treat treat treat the janitor and the CEO the same you know right that could be God in Disguise you know I believe in that [ __ ] like angels and [ __ ] can be in Disguise you know so you never know who the [ __ ] watching you you know what I mean the homeless dude the homeless dude is really could be really like on some Angel [ __ ] you don't know it it's just in disguised you know so and also and also at the end of it man like uh you know you know uh a gesture like that goes a long way you know and you and you never know how like much of an impact that's going to have and clearly absolutely has had an impact on people who have like spoken about it today and um I I I could speak about it for me um like I remember when I was looking up to some Pro skaters when I was young coming up skating and blad weren't really nice to me or couldn't give me the time versus the ones who did and just how how much of an impact that gave me how much that encouraged me so I think it's like important to to pay it forward and yeah I feel like you've always had that absolutely and I like that's another reason why I'm proud of like you and Austin because you guys are always real as [ __ ] and I feel like you always had a great mind uh head on your shoulders you know Billy and so yeah like so it's good to see you like like eating off this sh if anybody could have made this happen like with Jump Street you and Austin were ones that could that you know had to do it bro and it's like that's it's no wonder why you guys are having the success that you're having because you guys are [ __ ] that's who you guys are you know what I'm saying so it's like I think that goes into anything that you do and art like you know if you can fake it you know what I'm saying it'll work for a little while but like if it's like really you people are gonna feel it you know what I'm saying like just like you hear when you hear a song and you're like oh this song kind of sucks it's like everything is good on it like the [ __ ] music the way they recorded it everything is good but it just doesn't feel real like you know what I'm saying might be like about some [ __ ] that they don't really live but you can feel it when somebody ain't really lived it you know what I'm saying thank you about that Dre and that was like a huge thing a huge motivating part at least on my side of things why we did the podcast in the first place that you get to see skaters in videos and magazines and whatever TV at the time but you don't really get to know like the person themselves too much and this gives people a platform to like appreciate who the people that they've been idolizing their whole lives have been especially because a lot of us are now upper 30s or 40 even now like we look back on 20 whatever years ago you know maybe watching your section in you know vg9 or whatever you know and it's like wow this is the guy that you know we've been looking up to for all these years he's [ __ ] awesome now you know yeah I love that [ __ ] that's another thing like I remember when YouTube first came out right and so I remember when the internet first came out like murder like Mike murder Johnson messaged me when I was like 13 years old or maybe it was like are you Dre Powell The Matrix I swear dude [ __ ] like how do you get my aim [ __ ] I didn't even give you my aim you know follow the White Rabbit yeah so like I the aesthetic like I be ride around in the car and I would listen to my music even like my own music and go skate and stuff so just making skate sections and coming home and watching your footage like that's what we we love to do you know so it's like as the game has gotten more Progressive it's only getting funner cameras are getting better like nobody gives a [ __ ] really about skinny anymore like that you remember like in the like late 90s and early 2000s people were like chasing you down and tackling you and all that stuff like if if you go skating you know when we're younger it was like just aggressive like now you might get arrested but you're not running you know we're older you know what I mean we're like okay here skating okay get the [ __ ] out of here you know what I'm saying different level of like intensity you know what I'm saying now so sure glad I'm still here man we lost some good skaters you know um you know Edwin from hell like a lot of other [ __ ] dope ass skaters um Brian Bell you know what I mean a lot of dope ass people I feel like they should still be here like helping you know do [ __ ] in the game so you it's up to all of us to take it to the next level you know and I'm glad you guys like it in providing a platform for everybody to come and talk and like to be themselves that that's important you know yeah it's just honestly I think it's just yeah I appreciate that it's just like good to be in contact and like have you know access to get to like talk with everyone and share that so um thank I watch a lot of podcast I watch a lot of podcasts like I love watching the boxing ones like I love watching Joe Ro you watch do you watch hot boxing with Mike Tyson yeah I love Mike Tyson's hot boxing think it's amazing like how the how everything has changed you know like just the internet and it's just such a streamlined way of entertainment and media so it's dope to see you guys taking it Taking that to the next level and it's this is such a cool slick little like little setup y'all got too so I'm like mad my camera's not as good as y'all oh yeah thank you bro you got the skate on in the background you know I was thinking about putting you on the spot but I think I think I'll Skip and we should just go straight to questions for for patreon what do you think said yeah whatever whatever youall want to do cool I I think we should we we got um we're probably gonna have some questions and then maybe some in the audience and then that'll be that'll be that'll be probably two hours so and then we'll have to do the so I think it's cool yeah let's jump into we have a patreon questions if you are a member of our patreon you get uh Time ahead of our podcast to ask our guest questions that we do on the show uh we'll get to a few of them right now before we do the live Super Chat ones but first one from Smiley Mosley who says Carolina's represent what are some of your favorite hidden what are some of your favorite Hidden Gem skate spots in the Carolinas I know storm Thurman Ledges is probably number one wow those are good ones D the jump Thurman that's in uh in South Carolina I think right smiley shout out Smiley too man that's the humie too smiley rips it um I think did Smiley answer can I see I don't know if I can see the chat no no this is from patreon he asked this the other day oh okay so yeah um probably yeah St Thurman is one of them I believe it's in South Carolina that's we just got really really really good skate spots too like in Charlotte like and in Atlanta um because of the way that the hills are like Rolling Hills you know you get like this really sweet geography you know the parks are really beautiful and like you know you have a lot of really cool skate spots so the that Kmart was probably one of the best rails that we ever had the Kmart rails that were like oh yeah I love that rail dude remember the hose dude yes so sick what was Kmart rails the red rail that was like in a lot of Dre's early stuff it was mellow down like some big stairs and it was just superheroes all the stuff I got to keep an eye out now bro it was probably about like a knee high it should have been at least like a 20 stair but it was like over maybe like 11 stairs so the stairs were like each like probably 3 feet stairs so they were like long stairs yeah and it was mellow dude and like and then there was a fence on one side like Tim Taylor I think did like some stuff like grind grind over and then jumped over the fence it was just a perfect spot we [ __ ] the grass and everything up there dude like so bad like I can't believe they like they just let us skate it like it was just in this weird Sweet Spot too where it was like on public kind of sidewalk going from into the Kmart parking lot and so we just skated that and like nobody gave a [ __ ] um until they did and they start tripping but selectron rails remember selectron fish they were like those weird they were also like college no they were like mellow um they were mellow like handicap Bank rails there was no stairs there were just one mellow one and then that goes down like kind of like probably like I don't know like 60° angle and then there was another one that was like there was concussion rails I remember those that's why I got a concussion there as a little kid I know I know yeah that's like I had got my first concussion there dude and like you know that also like comes into play dude right like you know you falling and being able to power power through those injuries you know some people quit when they get hurt really bad they don't come back from it yeah but cussion rails absolutely that was a great spot um and we skated those up until that building I don't even know if it's still there Panther Ledges in front of the Panther Stadium [ __ ] hell that was place was incredible UNC Charlotte was out of control obviously yeah without a doubt yeah UNC 12 St at UNC Charlotte the 12 stair what was like 12 stair was epic yeah a playground dude like a skate Paro the campus the center that Bridge Center like [ __ ] Val structure in the middle of it you know what I'm talking about that giant [ __ ] you jumped you jumped in you skated in the second regime video you jumped into it and out of it it had like a dish in it right yeah me me and uh me and platform Dominic skated you and Dominic skated it yeah definitely one of my favorites but that CES pad that everybody's always like is that thing still there where is that thing still at UNC Charlotte the CES slide pad that you and Dominic skated yeah yeah it's still there Dam that's it that's an epic spot I'm going back I'm going back next um month to go film like so Tac wants me to fly in and I'm going to go work on some scroll stuff so I don't know if we're going to shoot a team video what we're going to do but I you know like film some skating we got some skating coming out yeah I mean I skate I skate like at least once or twice a week um I've been skating a lot more with my boy Kelly linen and they got the crew called lunch crew so I've been skating with lunch crew so they skate like around 12 which is like lunch crew you know what I'm saying so like you got uh who who's all been who's all been going uh Chavo Chavo yeah Chavo has been showing up the other homie Max yeah Max Mike yeah so Kelly linen Mike it's like a little crew it's hard it was like hard to find people that you know skate in Santa Monica like like that you know because I live like in a really random spot in Santa Monica you know so it's just like everybody else I think lives further away but yeah I skate so I've been filming like I don't know I've try to feed my Graham my other Graham is EA Sun so on EA Sun you know there's been a lot of videos and I'll just go out and just kick it you know what I mean but obviously I don't want to like get hurt and not be able to drive home and then I was like working on my car I [ __ ] my car up so I couldn't drive over the last little bit but yeah so T was like I want to F you back do some traditional stuff just straight up having a filmer on you like because I've been filming all my own [ __ ] you know so he's like I'm Gonna Fly you in we're gonna get like get two cameras what Rey supposed to edit some stuff and I think me and Phil out some [ __ ] yeah so it's great like still being able to have opportunity to skate like you know what I mean so yeah Dam can't wait for that [ __ ] we got we got a bunch of let's do a bunch of these more uh patreon questions in the live chat questions while we have you here um tree Rudolph asked if you had to choose a blader to be reincar ated as who would it be tree with the questions if I had a play that I could be reincarnated and come back who would it be [ __ ] man I don't know bro probably like bladimer or fineberg or something like that or Petty I would say you know good choices yeah maybe Louis Louis a more BG bg10 or bg8 what was it you know like yeah section was 14 yeah pg1 14 Louis I mean Louis Mora now is still like up there he's he's still [ __ ] his skating is the same it's so [ __ ] good still Julio I mean he's the Timeless Timeless Wonder Julio right yeah for real good the first magazine I ever bought was John Julio doing a rocket fish R and said the uh m the m the Messiah of Street skating on it you remember that one is in oh the Messiah of Street skating I love the language they used in the mid90s it was so sick like everything had to be like so big like so sick I'm GNA get to the last patreon question I'm we'll go to the live chat um if we kind of spoke about this but you have anything else to add I guess you could let it go but Matt Matt bednerick asks vg9 will always stick out as a core memory time incap there was a great shot of you rolling through four colors in the intro that works so well with the music Do you happen to have any interesting stories from back in those days so we kind of talked about the vg9 stuff but was there anything else you wanted to add to that vg9 let me think of some more interesting stories from that time I would have to think about it but yeah um bg9 was that [ __ ] was crazy just the whole like fact of that rzky just showed up in my house and I didn't know who who he was but I didn't remember talking to him he just like knocked on the glass maybe we talked on AIM boom boom boom bo boom what's up EJ pal I'm G came I'm here to come film you no no he wasn't like that he was definitely like super super confident it wasn't like he was scared or anything like that but he was definitely like very strange like having some white dude knocking on your back door you know what I mean like in the hood you know and like that was my dog and like yeah so that was probably the just craziest thing you know that like once you start skating and start devoting yourself to that you know or something that you're passionate about like other people will start you know conspiring with you to make you you know better and get better and [ __ ] like that too so I think that was dope because without without Rey I would have never probably gotten that 19 that 19 Section you know to with you you know so that's what yeah for sure that's dope meeting J James Ry for sure was probably the dopest time like one of the best stories because like we think about it like we were little kids dude and but I was like already party like smoking weed you know what I mean like going crazy so I like a lot of stuff I don't remember but I remember like going to uh Virginia Beach and kicking it with Chris John you remember Chris John by any chance yeah Chris yeah Chris John from back in the day from Virginia Beach so I remember going there and just like Chris John was so dope dude I remember just going and kicking it with that fool oh and also also I think how can I forget pj9 days uh remember when rki took us up to New York uh you remember that first trip when I went up to met you guys as kids you remember Billy yeah that was like around that time too you know what I mean like vg9 days like you know like leading up to that at least I feel like you know because rzki was picking us up and taking us everywhere you know so vg9 that's why like that [ __ ] was so I think that was definitely one of my best but also vg9 too another thing that stands out was that I made a list and I wonder I wonder where this list is but I made a list of tricks and every trick on that list I I did everyone you know wasn't nothing like first of all I love that approach it's such like a certain era of an approach like you make a list of the chicks you want to do on a piece of paper and you to it off so SI it was so dope like you know I had like because Tom Heiser also would be like telling me stuff too because as another thing Tom you know was one of the ones that kind of like mentored me as a kid and Tom was like without without a shop sponsor at that point in time you couldn't get a boot sponsor you know so you had to have a skate shop sponsor in order to get a boot sponsor so I spent a lot of time with Tom and so Tom would be like that too like for the skap stuff that we were doing and for anything that we do with physics he was like yo have that list done you know what I mean so then that way it's just [ __ ] easy you know and so yeah like I said nothing was too crazy it's like looking back on it like I'm like damn I'm glad I didn't get hurt because some of those tricks are like [ __ ] crazy you know like true topsale on um or actually I don't know if that was in my vg9 section but yeah like the death rail even just like skating the the death rail we used to call that the death like the weird drop black rail that I front Tor I think in bg9 oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah with yeah I think there was like it's it I can't remember if it had a kink at the end or not but I know that it was like yeah we're about we're about to watch it in the uh in the in the patreon thought we'll watch that afterwards all right all right okay so I I see a couple of questions here we're going to take two of them I just thought I am going to put you on the spot because I want to bring it up so I'm going to go back to that and then we going to do shout outs so just a couple more we'll let you go but real quick um the first question that I got that I think is where is it I just had it set up and it moved because the oh yeah it was in a conversation I'm sorry okay Chris Chris Crowder says question for Dre how much does hip hop influence your skating always been a fan of your style PS would you like to be a judge at Crowder power next year yeah shout out Chris Crowder and all his the success with everything that he's doing I was supposed to go to Crowder powder Crowder power competition last year I know will wanted me to go out there and it just didn't work out I think I was still in school or whatever the case may be um yeah Chris we just gotta like plan it out because like I've been just almost finishing this associates degree so I could have made it out there actually but yeah for sure let me know I'm definitely pull out I want to skate um and judge I don't know if I can do both I just I just want like oh yeah no shout out Chris Crowder but what was the question again Chris what was it again uh just how much it had to influence hip-hop and your skating I kind of think we went through it on the podcast as well but like yeah if you want to go to the yeah Hip Hop for sure dude like Outcast man come on now yeah Outcast and like you know like it's weird too because like some people might not consider Southern rap hip-hop right but like our [ __ ] that's definitely hip-hop I mean you got you got heard I mean you know likein hiop rapper [ __ ] like they don't think like Southern [ __ ] you know what I mean like would be like point in time I remember like kind of Northerners like that didn't know about like eightball and MJG or the country [ __ ] like people like that could really rap from down there you know that were you know necessarily street but Outcast I thought was kind of like that Fusion you know of the future and the past with the south I mean we had wuang too um so yeah it's had a huge influence on my skating for sure music uh and just all around every style of music you know has had a big influence of hip-hop for sure because the break dancing I think too now with the Olympics you know you heard break dancing is gonna be in the Olympics did you hear about that yeah I heard about I didn't know that yeah dude so I was telling somebody earlier yes dude so I'm like dude roller Bing has got to get in the Olympics like we have like what four years until like what the Olympics will be when's this coming up like the end this year when is it again what they look it up I have no idea uh I think isn't it is it is it this year 2024 Am I Wrong 20 26 I don't know I I don't want to act like I follow the Olympics I remember 1990 1996 had Olympics right I got Kelly looking it up I got Kelly looking up it's gonna be this year okay and then and then in four more years then the Olympics is gonna happen in La so BR we could get in the Olympics right everybody we can get in there tough I I would love to see that I feel like fortnite might make it in there before us but I would love to see it yeah break that I wouldn't doubt it bro pogo sticking to some [ __ ] but uh Hey listen pogo sticking should go though but but not before us go any any sport can go yeah any sport can go you but you have to have like uh I think you have to sign up for it to be a federation and so you have to have representatives in every every already already already working on that we're already working on that already working on that that's some new thing we're working on working but we'll get into that in a bit quick we'll take this one last question and then and then I'll put you on the last couple um got Jane says who's your new your favorite newer blader or favorite blader still shredding the game now also are you planning to make it to any future first Sundays um yeah I want to I'll start with the first question or the first Sunday because first uh so yeah first Sunday um I I got to see dude I got to do a couple I got to do a repair to my car right now I was working on it yesterday so it just depends on if I can drive there because I don't like taking my girls car all the time like to drive the first Sunday because rard does I'm normally like not that close to my house so I'll have to drive like at least like 10 miles or so to get certain places both ways but yeah no definitely for Sunday I I want to go to all of them I know like some of them are kind of far and I only have although I only have one class this semester it's uh it's marine biology so it's and it's a lab class so it's like [ __ ] got to do a l yeah like this weekend I'm going to uh you don't you don't look you don't look like a guy who would be taking a marine biology class I gotta be honest but I know you as a super smart guy so like I I just find it funny to try to picture you in a a marine biology class dude it's dope I mean if you think about it it's swimming and it's with animals you know so it's like makes animals and like hands on with really weird animals dude like but obviously like um like we're going tide pooling this weekend in um moral Bay so it's gonna be sick if anybody wants to go that's dope Mor Bay yeah so the whole class so we're g be like walking around like checking out all the different animals and then we have to write like a little paper about it it's super easy that's dope though yeah yeah yeah so but it is timec consuming so the first Sunday [ __ ] like I don't know if I'm gonna make it like this I gotta just check because first Sunday's coming up I know that's probably why he's asking and then what was the second question um it was do you have it's one of the two Do you have a favorite newer blader or a favorite blader who's still around still I like uh I like Jay Yun I like a lot of the Korean kids um that are coming up they're [ __ ] dope as [ __ ] I like um uh obviously I like diaki diao just crazy flips and stuff I like yugan which yugan is not really necessarily the most newest but he's [ __ ] raw dude and I skated against yugan before in a competition in Germany in the rain this [ __ ] did inpin front torque to topso in down a rail in the rain on some slippery floor [ __ ] I was like dude forget this kid is so yeah and like now that his shit's getting like to where it's getting like I'm super stoked on his kid because it just like makes me just do be weirder too you know Mt so sick um who else is sick I mean there's just a lot of good skating right now dude I don't know um um um um what's the kid's name John John forever obviously I was like John John stopped skating for a while I think it's was good because everybody goes through that dude like I've went through that too especially when you're famous they as they say for something like you don't even understand at a young age it's like makes it weird you're like oh is this all I am you know to be or not to be that is a question I just only this one thing that people can just like look at for [ __ ] entertainment you know it can make kind of get weird you know so I'm glad that John skating and came back to skating hard you know again um who else is ripping right now dud Kelly lyen I just gave my boy Kelly ly shout out him one of my favorite new guys is coming up uh uh let try to think who's been ripping it dude I don't know throw some names out there and I'll tell you if I like them no I mean I mean I think I think you covered a good amount of ground there um John [ __ ] shout out to [ __ ] shout out to Blake all all my Carolina boys Zack Savage shout out Zack Savage yeah sick one all right I think that's fair um couple of things one we're going to do shout outs but before we do I'm going to put you on the spot I'm sorry I'm going to do it as a friend but I have to ask go ahead okay can can we talk about the face tattoos I'm sorry is that like uh like what like when did we decide this I'm sorry so so my home girl passed away I think right uh well no first I got the empathy test no take the back first I got the little peep heart on my face that was when peep died so and it's funny and it's a funny kind of joke at the end of this so beside the the tattoos on the face right so I had the broken heart then when PE di because that [ __ ] [ __ ] crushed me dog it's like when you see your first like he was at my tenant dude landlord it was his landlord bro or the the property manager right and so to see somebody that like was [ __ ] sleeping on the floor struggling and then blow up you know like that as hard as he did and be asol yeah peep yeah he was in that building right that we lived at people would be over there they all be over there yeah at some one point in time and then he was at um I was his landlord at 443 but yes they would be in that building yeah that smok saac his producer in cortex lived in uh that one unit downstairs on the first floor you know what I'm talking about where uh yeah yeah Mike Cortez you know Mikey Cortez yeah yeah that's Mikey Mikey's place yeah so Mikey's place we yon us and all them from the black hearts uh so yeah so that building too you remember that building was crazy like we had Vince Klein lived upstairs like that was wow like from [ __ ] uh Vince Klein world champion Surfer that building had Lamborghini outside with graffiti all over the Lamborghini remember Lamborghini outside with no top on it and there just The Growlers live there at the they were they suble to us we we were subleasing from The Growers right right right and so like that time too like you guys were taking care of me dude like I was spinning all my money to like just barely like flip I was like paying my rent money and like you know we didn't make that much money from Andy you know so like you know paying the rent one place like that you know didn't have that much money to do everything but yeah no I mean it's been crazy bro it's been a it's been a it's been a journey is it is it is it is was it too much I just feel like as a friend I wanted to ask you about that and I didn't mean to put you on the spot all and then so I got so the Halo so the Halo that was when my home girl passed away so I got the Versace Halo that's when I became Versace Halo then the empathy also too like empathy I got that one second I would say that was that's from the four pillars of empathy in film so in film right and I kind of like my [ __ ] are not gang tattoos like all my [ __ ] are are like more spiritual tattoos you know like more like like Indian tattoos right in essence like um so uh empathy is from the four pillars of empathy in film right to create the suspension of disbelief we use admiration recognition acknowledgement and pity right and pity is the strongest one you know so the four pillars that's how we get people to sit in the in the seat you know what I mean writing script and stuff so that's why I got the empathy because it had a really profound effect on me you know then one of my boys like oh I'm empathy 2.0 ever since I got the empathy where is it be like I'm take I'm getting empy tattoos you know what I'm saying so it's just like then like Mort mortland mortland would be like oh just get more tattoos to get more tattoos and you just get famous BR my in my head too like yeah we were doing real estate and we're blasted and doing real estate you know I me no that that that's that's what I mean you're kind you're kind of in fields where I feel like you you might be like I know you long enough to know uh that you know how who you are and your spirit and everything like that and I think it's always an important lesson to like not judge a book by its cover but I think like when you're working in like a field like real estate or something like like you said you're in a marine marine biology class you're doing these things that maybe it might be I don't know like some people might have some certain ideas like it's it's good that you're clarifying yeah yeah and then if you're like walking around like especially like in my neighborhood like I live in a pretty rich neighborhood so it's like I'm walking around and like people are like uh you know get scared yeah you're in Santa Monica dude Santa Monica is rich as as hell yeah yeah I'll just be super nice to people like just talk to people you know if he like shy and like weird and [ __ ] especially with like tats and stuff like that people be like what this up to you know especially in La you know what I mean there's a lot of gangs in La so especially with the gang stuff you know but like the citizen they're like oh this [ __ ] is not gang man this is a weird ass artist you know just try to be weird so then people like well bother me you know but I think eventually I'll [ __ ] take all this [ __ ] off and go on some corporate [ __ ] I mean it's not that expensive to to do or you could just be corporate just like that and just be the new age corporate true true I think just for my own you know I might take them all off eventually like I did a movie recently one of my classmates casted me in this movie it's coming out um it's called uh it's called the I I don't even remember the [ __ ] name of it but it's about South Central and it's about like [ __ ] some crazy like rapper and I play this rapper in it but anyways the the airbrush artist was there she airbrushed my whole [ __ ] face I was like yeah take off my um tattoos on looks like she took off all my tattoos I was like [ __ ] I'm going to get my [ __ ] taken off I like a [ __ ] again [ __ ] out of here I mean I love [ __ ] just because it was a journey you know like no totally it speaks to part of your life but yeah absolutely and like the characters too I was playing like I was doing like I was making this character for my mockumentary documentary so it was like I had to have all the tattoos to kind of match the aesthetic of of the character that I was doing you know what I mean so and then flow my mom's name was Flo so that's how the Flow State stuff started kind of happening you know what I mean and then like through meditation to you know who cares what you look like you know but the face that thing that's funny that was a great question yeah I just wanted to ask like I felt like it's like not talking about the elephant in the room if we're like trying to get to know who you are and like the things we've been through you know I don't like I said I don't I don't want to put you on the spot or anything like that but I feel like no I'm always we love talking about crazy [ __ ] you know it is one of those things I mean this is the the the legendary this is a meander right here so I didn't know like my friend gave me the Versace Halo well she passed away but she gave me a pair of versace's shoes one time and she was balling and so her name was Emily pageant and so when Emily gave me the shoes I was like oh that was probably like one of the sweetest things anybody had ever done for me like just giving me a [ __ ] dope ass pair of shoes like [ __ ] sick so when she passed away and we would always be kicking it I mean her her boyfriend are really close and we'd always just have dop parties there so when she passed away I was just like super sad and I got the tattoo and so that [ __ ] just strengthens you like when you have like different tattoos different Spirit armor [ __ ] that happens to you you know you go through certain yeah you through it like that's you know resolve you know what I mean and I remember somebody recently this here's the joke somebody's like oh uh you only got death and stuff tattooed on your face and I was like I was like no no it's not even about that it's about like you know I mean this is armor like that is protecting me through that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so it's the same way like Native Americans and know the South South Pacific Islanders you know how they have the different tattoos and stuff like that that's all it is you know I love that I'm very I'm very happy that I asked um but I think we've it's two hours we've questioned you a lot I know you have to leave at one and we still have to get these quick things in so I'm going to end this podcast really quick uh me and Austin are going to do that but before we do I just want to say thank you very much for taking the time to do this thanks for being very open umre we're gonna tag Dre's uh we have the wrong tag for you his other Instagram is ISA that's good but you also Isa son that we could check out yeah I got two of them that one's probably has more followers on it but I was changing the name a lot just to [ __ ] with people just to [ __ ] [ __ ] with the aesthetic before I knew I can make a bunch of different names you know what I'm saying I was like just you know and that one already had a bunch of like [ __ ] numbers on it so it's like I didn't pay for any my followers you know like there's people who pay for all that type of stuff so you know just kind of like nating like you know social media and then also like branding and brand extensions and stuff so yeah that one works for now because that'll get some more I'll get more followers on that page you know and if you 704 and you see uh the other my other Pages tagged you're more than welcome to follow them all the people that are watching Etc if you don't already follow but make sure you like And subscribe follow uh Jump Street and Shout Out Austin P for sure dude thank you and again I just I just want to finish by saying uh yeah thank you so much for taking the time man thanks for being honest you know since I've known you uh you've had this this great spirit and like this great Cadence and uh great approach to life and always like very honest and confident and secure in who you are and like been giving energy and it's great to see that like almost 25 years later I still the same uh energy and spirit and nothing's faded and you're still a very strong spirited person so I just want to say thank you for taking the time to come on uh for me you've always been someone that I found inspiration in and it's sick to see you're still like staying on the true path of the artist and staying true to yourself as a person so huge shout out for that but before we completely let you go do you have any last shout outs or things you want to say yeah I want to say uh shout out everybody to all my friends and family I want to say shout out to God you know God first shout out oh yeah Damon Franklin G1 charotte Damon shout out Santa Monica College and the CMD Department everybody over here my boy Mario Franco um Julian Torin Professor Shaw all of my professors Professor leash uh Professor bisi everybody in the film and media Department want to say shout out to Jump Street podcast shout out to Billy shout out to Austin shout out to raisers uh shout out to USD everybody shout out to uh make yeah big shout out to montre congratulations on the new Pro Skate if you need some skates go get some of those go get the new montree Geminis or go get some Frankies or go get some Mesmer of course you I need a pair of alsoo I'm over here but yeah shout out to all my friends and family like I said and uh yeah shout out to my wife e shout out to my daughters shout out to uh everybody bro and just you know I be on the lookout for the new projects coming out soon so thank you for spending time uh whoever's I don't know how many listeners followers we here but thank you guys God bless you yes sir yeah we got like 180 people in here right now this is awesome shout out to every all the listeners and followers for sure Dre the man thank you so much for coming on this lived up to the expectations and the hype that everyone in the comments has said before we started um don't go anywhere Dre we're going to do this patreon video everyone else thank you for watching don't forget like what Dre said like And subscribe and if you're a patreon member stay tuned we're going to have a session commentary with Dre going up in the next few days but other than that we'll see you next week we got another episode on Wednesday coming up and we'll see you then peace well that's not it well it's okay oh it's me bye everybody like And subscribe
Channel: Jump Street Podcast
Views: 5,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jump, street, podcast, Austin, Paz, billy, O’Neill, skating, skate, skates, blading, rollerblade, rollerblading, inline, aggressive, Nyc, new, York, city, los, Angeles, la, cali, California, media, x-games, extreme, sport, sports, usd, razors, them, Valo, seba, roces, park, vert, nyc, parkour, bladie, bladies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 10sec (7450 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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