Jump Street Podcast Episode 157 With Julien Cudot

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] n hey guys welcome holy [ __ ] sorry about that [ __ ] it's too early to be that loud sorry sorry sorry I got to put my inside voice on welcome thank you for joining us this is episode one 157 for Jump Street Live episode this is our third time doing this at winter Clash right is this our third probably yeah sound sounds bad right I'll take so thank you very much for joining you guys excited for this podcast today Make Some Noise We got Julian Kau come on up hello everyone can we believe we went five years without having you on the show yet like the most one of the best skaters out nowadays so thank you for coming on the show thank you for doing this with us you're welcome thank you for having me I guess winter clut is a good opportunity for that yeah I mean start off we're here at winter clut with everybody You've Won numerous times already um this is no new feat for you how's it feel being back again here in 2024 yeah of course does it uh like are you excited about it what's what's going on are you trying to win today or tomorrow or what uh basically every comp I Hunter I I I try to win so yeah I'm kind of used of the pressure the pressure is always there even it's a small big comp I always have pressure but I I I noticed in the last years that the more important comp is to me the more stress I got like right right before so obviously winter Clash is is one of them so I guess I'm inan for for right tomorrow we we talked about it a little bit yesterday during the movie time but you you competed with Brian Aragon here a long time ago not at this one it was in Germany I think yeah in yeah so what what was that experience like one of your earliest uh winter Clash experiences and a lot of the time people first heard you and first recognized you uh coming to prominence what was that experience like yeah that that's one of the craziest and most spontaneous experience as well and everybody asked me about this all the time and and it's like I have no words for that because I was so so young and it was like so so unexpected and spontaneous at the same time that it was it just happened and when I think about it I'm like what what the [ __ ] and it was my first comp entering as a as a pro because as I yesterday I turned Pro like the year before in ASA winning the amateur world championship and then I think the first comp I went to was Winter Clash so I had to scare it as a as a pro you know and then I end up battling with Brian that was like what the [ __ ] and he he he wasn't he still my favorite scer of all time so that was even an extra crazy crazy thing but what is funny is like this year at winter Clash it was I think first time people was seeing n Johnson as well he was as small as me like we were both really really small how old were you at that time I think I was not that young like I think I was 17 or something like that but I was really I was looking younger than than 16 or wait you looked like you were like 13 yeah 14 okay I was 14 because I turned Pro 13 years old 2006 and that was 2007 yeah I was 14 and I think it's the same same age and yeah we we both kind of show up this the same time at winter clash it's pretty funny it's crazy to think about that you were 14 then I think because of that you've been in the in the eye of skating for so long that it seems like you're older but you just been going at it for so long since you were young and I feel like that uh event with Brian Aragon kind of set your trajectory up for how you were to skate contest in the future did that give you that experience give you more confidence going forward and to win other competitions in the future yeah exactly like it's it start like this so you got to stay like this on the minimum if not getting better so yeah that was that was my expectations was forever this level and I experiened to to to battle against this level so that was the best way to to go on this to go on this level and it's what I'm still trying to do I we just had like a quick conversation before we started you were telling me I find it hard to believe that it's hard for you to skate in front of crowds like this but you're known for skating in all these massive contests even like feasts winter clashes you know all those things but you're telling me when you skate a street or by yourself you're actually shy in front of a lot or like overwhelmed by all these people how do you challenge that from skating personally by yourself and skating in contest like this are you talking more about like like the crowd like people watching or like skating with a crowded skat Park like winter clash with a lot of people skating the same time like CU it's two different things like the people who watch like skating in front of people watching you or just like skating in a cowed skate park what what you what you're asking for yeah I'm just saying we were talking about I found that hard to believe that you don't like skating in front of crowds or with a lot of people I love it but it's it caus me a lot of stress like I I was saying before like every com I get stress and one reason of the stress is like getting in front of of everybody yeah so but it is what it takes to to do comps and I'm a competitor and I and I love it so I just go I just go through it yeah that's I I I could see that a lot of people get stressed when it comes to skating events sometimes they don't do it but it seems like you rise to the occasion with that and sometimes the stress can help do you find the stress is helpful when you're skating the competitions I I think so because cuz I I have done pretty good on competition so far until now and I have stress all the time so I guess it's a it's a good thing and it's a common thing to to say that like if you don't have stress it's like maybe you don't care enough so I mean I wish I I had no stress but it is the way it is and it works so I'll stick with stress for now it would it would be weird but wait sorry I I have some friends who are some good competitors and they they told me that they don't stress at all so it's not necessarily like a necess a necessary thing to to do good because I know some who at least they tell me they don't have stress and they still do good often I guess it depends on the person and you see like different competitors in different fields act differently and uh some people the stress helps some people go in completely relaxed I can't understand going and relaxed that's kind of that's kind of crazy to me but we talked about yesterday how uh you really love Street skating as well but I think you're known for you know being so successful in competing like we were just talking about um did you find like you had to separate that like you had to prove like I need to make Street parts and I have to Define myself as a street skater or is that something that just came naturally I needed to prove since since I discover street but I needed to prove it to myself because I remember I my maybe the First Street video I saw was kudat but at this time I was still beginning so I I didn't really pay attention to that I was really like newcomer and then I started getting better at skate park and then I discover straight jacket and that's when I was like that's what I want to do so since this day I it was like the most important thing to me the most important doesn't mean the thing I do the most because I always say skat Park is fun is comps it's like shows stuff like that mostly fun but street is like um it's about being proud of what I of what I do you know like I'm always 10 times more proud when I do a street trick that I wanted to do before than a skate park trick like it's it's so much harder for me because I don't come from it so I I get a it took me took me a lot of time to know to learn how to save to get used to it when I don't Street skate for even three months and I go back to it I'm like [ __ ] I need to do all of this again you know and I have some friends Street skater they canot Street for six month they come back it's the same that is what it is for me at skat Park I can I cannot skate skate park for six months I come back and I can throw a double back flip I'm I still know where I am stuff like that because I've been doing this all my life with without skates Street skating if I if I don't do it like um not every day but you know a lot I I kind of lost it so yeah that's that's the thing for me that's really interesting to hear because watching your street Parts you look very comfortable out there um especially like there's a lot of like big rails in your parts huge Kink rails and that's something like super high level you have to be comfortable to do but it makes sense they're my favorites big ra like that but I took tons of tries like really a lot of tries like I I take my time I I mean I guess we we have to getting older as well to find other solution other process to to get there because obviously we cannot do like such a big fall and do it again and again so we get it sometime take more time but sometime it's like overusing the body so it's hurting you in another way so it's I'm always trying to find the balance and find new solution new process to to get where I want to get do you prefer like filming an epic Street part or would you rather like win a massive contest like this or feast or something like that no Christian epic Street part for sure yeah it's it's nothing to compare or to be honest do you have like a favorite trick that you've done over the years I know you did that massive Kink rail in South America that that stands out to me as one of the most epic tricks that you've done there's there anything personally for you that you've done that stands in your mind no nothing come to my mind ex except this this rail I don't have a favorite one so I was keep thinking to the same one because to be fair I think it's just the the biggest I've done in terms of dangerousness and I was technicity because you get a balance and the rail was kind of strange material and size so yeah that would that would be the biggest the Alo to on the Big King ra we saw yesterday in the preview genis I love that one and I did some pretty good one in the USA between uh FM Invitational and carrier open and I and I film those one but it's going to it's for a street project that's going to take me years to realize if I if I even when go through it so I I I can't tell the tricks right now it's wow it's going to take years to make yeah I have a big project I want to make and it would be like a big worldwide Street section with a lot of iconic spot and and big spot from all around the world and I'm focusing on USA now so that that's what I I took the opportunity last year to um to stay in between the two comps to to start filming in California on my own and with the people I meet around there and see that was a couple things I was going to want to ask you about because you've done so many projects recently but you just mentioned the USA and uh we saw your part yesterday with simatics and that you were skating in Texas what's your experience been skating in the US skating in Texas skating with those people and the whole simatics experience every time I stay there for skating I'm like this is where I should have have born you know because it's it's the [ __ ] like you you go out every day and streets some perfect spot I mean that's my experience at least and that that's all I've been dreaming like all my kid life and even all my teenager and even my young men life you know and when I when I took this opportunity those last two three years to go there once a year stay around three weeks two weeks and have fun get try to be you know a local in like taking a nice R and go be being able to go Street skate three four times a week and that was that was the [ __ ] that was living the dream yeah that was what I expected you know even even better so yeah I I'm definitely going to keep on doing these those years and maybe at some point maybe I would try to stay one year or some [ __ ] like this we would see did you have goals growing up when you were first skating like you became pro at Eisenberg when you were 13 when you knew that there was like some momentum building up did you have goals that you've already achieved are exceeded at this point or more on Horizon yeah not really I was just doing C mostly so it was like this comp after comp then I started have opportunity to travel thanks to my parents and thanks to some people who was taking taking care of me um at the skate park I I start so yeah it was just going back to back without questioning myself so much it was just what I love to do and what I would do every day uh then I start to pay attention to streets so that's what I wanted to do and then my indoor skate park closed so that's where my level um went really up like I learned all my B my buz is there and I was good at spinning and stuff like that but that was only ramps and then we were just going there to have fun every day and we were not improving at all like when you get even the best kit Park of the world in your place at the end you just go and hang around and [ __ ] around you you don't improve anymore so this is uh this closed but I was still into skating so we started to go some different skate park more Street type started to go some Street skating as well my friends where was I was skating with were more Street skaters and they were older than I so they were had already better abilities to go on Street Rail and stuff like that so yeah that's how I my My Level increased a lot and I started to do different stuff and kind apply my abilities of skat park on the street and blah blah blah and then and then the goal started to to create by thems and it was mostly about like big section I'd like to make big tricks big spot I'd like to skate but it was only dreaming it was only dream because then I I turned up being a a teenager starting to drink so I kind of G not give up on this project but I was just not doing them at all it was just in some part of my head but I was just partying still skating some comb stuff like that and then I I quit drinking a few years ago and then it all those dreams came back and I was okay um I'm in shape now so let's go for it and I just started like this I didn't know I didn't know you quit drinking but it makes sense when you watch the your skating because you're insanely productive and sometimes when people are partying a lot and then they cut that out you see such a high like their skating change in so many different ways like Sean Kelo he hasn't drank for like two years and you could you could see he's just putting out like a ton of [ __ ] but um yeah you're back to what you love like instantly like this [ __ ] can make you forget the the really rare thing you you love in life life and that was the case for me like the only care I ever care about the only thing I ever care about was inline skating and I was forgetting about it and same for family and stuff like that so yeah when you stop the the sh the [ __ ] you just you just back at at you at yourself and you do it at your best that's awesome man um and yeah you were talking about how you were like able to be successful both in the coms and in the street about productivity you've put out so many different projects over the past two years you went to Brazil to do a project you went to I think somewhere else in South America fil the big project was Mexico in Mexico in Brazil I did a small street video but I was end of the they lost my luggage in Mexico I filmed it for one month in a row in Mexico and they lost my luggage Landing to to to Brazil so I was I was kind of [ __ ] up arriving in Brazil but I I still made a little a little Street section with Carlos pianosi like a Shar section it was some I was going to say what so what's the process for you to make a project like this because obviously you travel do you work with the same filmer are you working with other filmers like how do you begin to take on a project like this all of these project we're talking about they're all about opportunities and people um face um how do you say like idea from somebody you know I met or a friend I get and we just do something aard can I say that by azard you know like Mexico I it was not my plan my friend lives there and he say wait while you visit um South America you should go to Mexico even if it's North America and we I would like to film a documentary about you and skaing I was like okay it's in some part of my head I will see and then it turns out that after the world championship in Argentina my friend Fritz from carrier skat shop and sematics uh tell me he wants to do a comps in Dallas and he want to make me come over there so I was like okay let's do this like this I will be close to Mexico and then I can visit my friend then I call my friend okay I'd be in Mexico if you sit down for this and I go I went there it was his project I was agree with it and I told him yeah you're going to f whatever you want and if you get enough good good for you you can you can do it and what happened is when I start do one cool Street tricks then I'm like okay I want to make a big street section so that's what happened he start filming lifestyle interview blah blah blah and then I start to have two or one very cool Street Clips I was happy about and then I was like okay I want to give myself 100% to have a a street section at the end of this project I'd be proud of and Geneva is kind of the same it was randomly Street Station with uh with Diego and our friend was filming us and they was like oh we got some cool [ __ ] we should do something out of it oh yeah let's have the interview stuff let's have this but uh yeah so all of this project were like only mostly spontaneous and around my travels and I don't know a bits of the the time but um the other one uh uh I was talking about you know the USA one I started to do I had another one I want to do in in Paris those one are are big the main one that come on from me and that's something I'm only starting right now and it's a it's a big process I I think it's so interesting that you say those are spontaneous because they look like they're a lot of work goes into it obviously you've traveled overseas for it but it's just so funny to hear that you make it spontaneous and you get a couple of tricks and one thing leads to another and then you feel like you have to film this whole part they've all come out like incredible and you've done so much over the past couple of years it's just been you've been so busy yeah is is there other places in the world that you want to film sections at you did a lot of South America Europe USA other places that you want to go to that you haven't been to yet actually I can't think about other places because every place I go I'm like I need to go back I need to go back skate this I need to go back just enjoy this place because I love it and yeah for the the worldwide Street section I was talking about for now I'm just focusing on the spot I know I want to skate like the iconic spot of you say stuff like that but I'd like to you know if I if if I wanted to make sense and real for for real be a a worldwide Street section I would need to go at least on different continents do you say it like that like this yeah continents yeah like like South Africa Asia of course so yeah I'm I'm from now focusing on the spot I know like from USA in Europe like the iconic spot I know from there and then I would start to reach out for people like hey do you know do you know iconic spot over there do you know big spot there I'm I'm trying to you know to go through this project so you know yesterday we did the movie premieres and one of them was the Mesmer New York City premiere and you were saying that it was so cool seeing the city that we grew up in with all these other people in it and like I'm while you're saying this I'm thinking about if you came to New York like how crazy it would be to see you destroy all the New York City spots have you considered going to a place like New York like all those iconic spots and everything of course I I don't have um some particular iconic spot that I want to do a tricks I have in mind but I get some spots that I want to skate for this video in New York and I was thinking at the spot you you tried and Jeff tried nobody did that right that's what I was thinking of as soon as the first spot that came to mind please please end it that would be so nice wait you would do it you do can do it I've never been up there but it looks so high it looks like you you got to jump over rail to make it to ra and I don't like this kind of stuff I don't think I got it but I mean this part has been killed Chris farmer did 360 St on the classic curving right I cannot do better than that and I I don't think I can do this way but if I go to New York to skate some iconic spot I I go have a look we got to go have a look I feel like if anyone could do it it's you it's like the height of the ceiling it's crazy um I feel like I got to ask this question because you're one of the best if not like arguably the best skater around these days and it seems that you don't have a skate sponsor which is so hard to believe is that by choice that you still ride Solomons is that by choice do you did no one ever there's no opportunity ever come up is like can you touch on that yeah yeah for sure it's it's not a I mean it's not a choice because to be honest no Brands came to me and like propose me something for since I've been skating Salomon you know I have some friend who works with Raz and stuff like that so I'm talking with them sometimes and they say yeah we would like to have the on team but we cannot pay for now stuff like this so so yeah then I'm I don't pay interest to that anymore I'm like okay I understand but that that's that's not that's not good for me so the choice is to that I just don't want to make what I do now on my skates for a brand without getting pay like a a decent am so that would be the choice but it's not even a question because nobody ask ask me for now maybe they know I've been saying this maybe too much and people know so they don't even ask I don't know no one has money that's the problem I know so I'm not complaining I'm not asking I I was going to say um you know was there ever a point where a lot of people like it's the dream to make skating work as a job or to make money and you've been successful at some points in skating has it ever been something you've been able to do full-time yeah it is at the moment I mean it was almost all my life because I had a chance to live at a family house in in Paris so I never had to pay a rent so it was most of the time that helps that helps a bit that helps a lot especially in Paris I would not live in in Paris other otherwise but I I moved I moved off like a few a few weeks ago because my brother went back and then I I just left him my my space and went to South for France leave with a friend so those last year has been pretty successful that I managed to live only with the competition shows and the little contracts I had with some with sponsor um closy sponsor stuff like that and little video projects I made um on VOD as well uh before that I was teaching I was teaching um skating skating class and before that I was just a a teenager kid going going away from home doing some coms coming back spending all my money coming home because no money more that I'm talking about it in in F Moon so that was the lifestyle like just I Get Money I go I go away I I skate I I drink I have no money I come back home hey Dad I'm here again and and yeah then I I stopped alcohol um I broke my knee because when I stopped alcohol I was feeling like so powerful straight away but I was just in my mind my body was not ready and I broke my knee at the winter clash in 2019 I was so juic like I was I was feeling like a kid again you know after 10 years being skaing and drinking so not not at the same motivation at all and I arrived at winter clash with this motivation and I that's when I started to skate salomo so I was it was even I was even lighter you know I was feeling the the yeah the feelings from from from before so I I went too fast I went too fast and I broke my knee during the the final on the first minute and after that during my Rehabilitation I I went through a um teaching teaching skating diploma because I didn't want like when I come back to skating I have pressure that I need to win comps to to to earn money you know I wanted to be able to teach skating like chill and earn money this way and in that way I can make a comeback on competition in a in a in a chill way like okay I'm just going to give it a go see how it is I don't need to to do good I just you don't have to worry about uh like paying the bills or something like that yeah exactly so that's what I did for two years I I teaching skating like four days a week and coming back to to skating basically skate park competition second and then Street and it went very well for the last two years so then I decided to to stop teaching for the time I can afford it so that's what I'm doing now for two years and it works okay for now so yeah I try to do it um until until I can't anymore and then when I need more money i' be back to teaching probably or I don't know company doing some some stuff in skating with see I you know it's uh I think a lot of people wonder is it possible to have a job just in skating and it it is possible but it usually looks like that you know people are trying to skate they're trying to skate competitions when they can they put on vods when they can but they're also teaching when they can they're doing shows so that's like a whole area that's opening up and that's what it usually looks like if someone's making a life out of skating what's your experience with the shows how is that how has that been what does that look like I think I started with shows even maybe even before competitions because um as I was saying I started in the biggest skate park of Europe back back in the days like almost 20 years ago it was called roller Park Avenue maybe you heard about about it it was in Rolling the the video game and it was a ver over there and so when I start some friends of tyris was was over there and they started to help me and friends and they started to coach us for ver only for ver so I was taking ver lessons from from the beginning and then we started doing shows with them and I mean with tyris team and yeah that's how I enter in the in the shows area uh I did shows for all this area time um from 2004 to 200 S something like that then SK Park on only on only on vert with with those guys and imagine learning vert with Ty Chris yeah he was there often on the not on the trainings or whatever but on the shows it was often there and then this this went down for a little bit and then I think I started to do some shows randomly for this and this I remember I've been some doing some virtuos for dis on Paris but it was with the with those guys as well and then I did some show with fees and they make me travel a lot for that like in L and yeah and yeah and then here and there and those last year I did some show with nro circus and c and that that was quite a good accomplishment as a as a showman I didn't know you did Nitro Circus how was that experience I almost didn't know as well it was so so random and spontaneous like it was not on purpose first time was in uh in Paris I uh I as I asked Chris like I saw you're coming to Paris can I come to try the try the ramp so finally he managed to make me come in stri the rim so I tried Chris Hy yeah okay I tried that he told me no I tried that he he told me no he told me no too first but then I say I say I the first time I say okay and he gave me three places to come see the show with my family so it was nice from him I was like thank you man we we came see the show and then they came back to Paris a few years after so then I asked again and he answers no it's not possible I was kind of Beast so for once I I didn't answer and then I saw one week before they in London and some random guy on skates use used the ramp and I know he's a friend of a scooter rider so I'm like okay if he can of course Chris can make me and he's like he's here for for a long time now he's he's important to the Nitro team so they got to listen to him so I I send him another message and I say hey Chris I'm sorry to BR again but hey uh I'm Julian Kudo you know me I've been doing coms all over the world around you and Paris is where I live I know I can come try the Run please let me in and he say yeah you're right come so I I come in he he F me he helped me he teach me how to do it and that was amazing I was so Juiced and then he was uh it was um it was um he was leading me to the entrance to get some um some tickets to come back see the show and then we cross with the team manager uh chafi was turning team manager at this time but he was not yet the official team manager so we crossing the team manager at the time and the guy say hey where you where you going you you don't want to do the show I was like yeah Chris look at me too I was like you want to do the show I like yes okay show in one hour I was like wow what the [ __ ] so that's what how it happened it went well so that they asked me to come back the day after I came back the day after to try the bigger the bigger room because there's two kind of room they're both huge but there is one who is even even more huge so the first day I didn't try the more huge ones so I take part in the show only on the normal one and they say tomorrow you come you take you try both ramp and then you do all the show so that's what I did it went well during the training and during the during the show I I almost [ __ ] up the world show like we were doing a train and I was first of it doing a back flip drop and then going on the jump with all the Nitro team following me and all sports so you all sports Ryan Williams in my bag the the the the LED scooter Legend but you say you start from the platform to backflip in and drop in yeah like a like you skate forward to backflip yeah yeah like a video game I think that's why they asked me to do the show and you're the first one to of the train I I think yeah yeah I was the first I think um I thought you asked if I was the first to drop back yeah I think yes and I was the first of the train and yeah the ramp is so big that you got to focus on it like centimeters after centimeters but it's so well done that you you forget that you're going so fast and that's what that's what happened because I did it the day before and it was okay and so I was I was like okay I focus on my back flip then I focus on the jump to do a nice looking double back flip but my mistake was to not focusing on the on the end of the of the runup so I go I do a back flip everything's all right and then I I don't really look and and focus on the on the runup I just focus on the jump and then when I arrive down my leg cannot hle the pressure because I I was not focusing on it and not expecting it so my leg start to to go like this I I I managed to balance and stay on my feet but then the jump is coming so I lose my balance again and there's Ryan Williams like and all the teams with BMX in my back and so I lose my balance again going up the the launch box uh the yeah the jump and then I I finally collapse and I do a split on the on the jump yeah my balls always almost touch touch it and then I go front flip but and I fall in the hole yeah and I fall in the hole and everybody goes over me it was it was crazy I tore musles but I was okay you tore something yeah I tore muscle from here so I was out for for three months but it was it was not so bad for I mean they put the guy who only has one day experience going first in the train that's pretty nuts they're they're pretty crazy I I figur it out those last like I I was kind of wondering after I saw the first show like how crazy they are because they do some crazy [ __ ] like in their show they show some some right in the show in front of everybody they show on the screen some video of one of the team member getting tegic in a live show that happened you know one year ago so okay look this guy he tried this for world first two years ago and if he broke his back and now he's going to be the first one to do a back a Tetra pic back flip on the bike and the guy just come in with a bike and the [ __ ] you know installation for for for Tetra pic people on the on the fmx and he does it and he does a back flip with the with with the like it's like it's mental I'm not saying it's good but it was just like wow that's that's a lot that's crazy and I'm I'm sure I was just thinking about it before you had the before you had the gig you were doing the backflip off the platform into the before I had what before they gave you the job before they hired you to do the shows you were doing the backflip off of the platform into the thing I I did it in the training I yeah so they were definitely like okay we have to hire you you're doing crazy I think that's why I think that's why they ask yeah because I I know they were pretty uh surprised about me doing this and they're they're not surprised so often how how was it working with all the other sports like there skateboarders scooters BMX I think in there in Nitro Circus did they all welcome you in they're like oh yeah we need this guy this is awesome yeah they're they're all beasts or to be honest they're all so cool some are like you know looking not not party like drinking but like looking like body guy like hey you know so I don't know how you say that ex Extravert yeah yeah and some are more calm but they're when you cross some eyes of anyone they're all like nice you know like nice looking like a good good good attitude like welcoming you making you feel comfortable whatever is their personality you know like it's there was it was very they was very good surrounded for for that and they and they tell you what to do you know like uh I I I ask you know I'm not afraid to ask when I don't know so I was like yeah how fast I'm going to go how fast I should drop in and and then you know even if they're doing different like scat Bings they they they know so they're yeah they they're making you they're making you feel good they show you they help you so yeah that's good that's cool it goes to show you to that persistence is key it's important to be persistent it took three messages to happy but you you you finally broke in I I should have tried more than once yeah of course um that kind of reminds me of something else about talking about gear like your skates and stuff because I know you ride freestyle and I don't picture anybody riding a mega ramp freestyle how and especially with the tricks that you do in skating in contests like this how do you get away with riding freestyle when most people would want as much as many wheels as possible to get as fast as they can go I think T was getting freestyle on vers at some point maybe not freestyle but onti rocker you know I think he was I'm I'm not sure but I think it was I think he's not anymore but I I don't think you're taking way so much more speed with that I think it's just a different way of of skating like more comfortable maybe easier to turn around Feeling Just softer feeling better but um I've tried it like I I haven't tried it a long time because I'm I'm not patient if I don't like it straight away I'm not going to go for it so I'm I'm not very well placed to talk about it but from what I witnessed I didn't feel like I was going faster I just felt that it was way different so I got it why where people love it but but I I don't I'm not sure it's about speed and also I'm from the old school old school old school wave which is old school way for for me I mean it may be not for everybody but when I grew up uh I was watching like Stefan alfano and Roman Goodner and those guy were just about their legs and their and their wheel you know like they were they were running on the skate park and Tak taking their speed Whatever Whatever It Takes whatever the ground it is they never change their wheels they never care about this they don't know how to change Wheels EV some I I I sometimes I count as well and I think that's how I just um bu buil myself and learn how to use the ramp at the at the most advantages and go through the thr ride and sometime you you don't need that much speed like when I sometimes I saw on the on the skate park people's going to run their ass off to get to the most the highest obstacle but it's not the way if you just go with the the amount you need like which sometimes it's less but you just use the ramp to to the maximum you know it's just about using the ramp to the maximum and throwing your body at the at the right time and it's it's even way more safe that that's what I learned recently I mean that's what I've been learning all my life but that's what I put war on war on recently like now I I know what it is yeah it makes sense um it's crazy that you were doing vert shows too not a lot of people do all three have like the vert the skate park skills and the street skills to have all three is like a rare thing if you look for it do you still train on the vert do you still get on a vert ramp and are do you still feel comfortable on a vert ramp uh I only train vert when I know I'm I'm am going to have a show in ver so there's no ver there's no ver where I live there's almost no ver anywhere and yeah it's a Pity but it's kind of of dead while I I don't understand why because it's it's the most impressive you know I mean at least for for people who doesn't know about skating is the is the most impressive discipline not only of inline skating but of only extreme sport like if you put skateboarders briics on a they they do well it's impressive but they're really limit limited you know like the the it didn't went really better since maybe 10 years and SK in scating was just increasing on the on the ver like the the yauto the the Brazilian Marco desti and stuff like that I I I don't know how it could to took off from from mix games it was a the the best show of everything was happening there I think no I agree and it's it's funny because we're at a point because blading really hasn't been in the X Games for a while that vert almost feels like it's like a lost art like not so many people are doing it as they were back in the day obviously there's still the yasat toos out there and people that cross over but is it I was wondering it's something you feel like it's important right do what skating vert like or like vert being a part of rollerblading as I said before it's never a plan or a goal to me it's just like how it went it's just how it went so I'm so happy it went that way because afterwards I think it's it helps to be consistency on every type of thing to be able to skate everything so I'm I'm sure it helped me uh but I mean it it was not a goal it was just like where I started you know and I'm proud of it so I keep it with I I keep it with me and take this opportunity to do it again whenever I can so it's not often but every time there's a ver [ __ ] I'm going to go on the ver skate with the ver riders for a bit because it's some crazy s some some crazy feelings uh I'm a ver skater as well so I I want to I want to enjoy with with them for a little bit as well but it's it's something ver I I often ask myself what is most difficult between Street skating and and ver skating and I can't find an answer because if you talk about the balance I I would say invert because invert any mistake is going to cost you because you're always three m above the coping you know on street of course when you do the biggest T you've ever done it's more dangerous than doing a air but most of the time you just going to skate some Ledges and stuff like that so in this way in term of balance I would say I would say ver is the is the hardest it's it takes so much time to get used to it and like when I started when I was taking lense of ver my my coach on ver was telling me all the erors you do on vert the flips the spinning you do on ver don't do them on a quarter pipe you know like it was not telling me to not skate park but he was telling me when you skate a skate park or mini ramp grinds just do grinds fun box but don't do airs on a normal quarter pipe because when you would go back to V you can have this reflex and you will die so it was like don't mess with it just just separate it you know it makes sense because it's completely different aing on a bird and airing on a quarter pipe uh speaking of all the projects you done have you ever thought about like throwing a curve ball out there making a vert project or vert section ever that would be pretty interesting I'm I'm dreaming about SK I'm daydreaming about skaing all the time so I've had some ideas like this but it's not yet a a proper project that I want to make um in one of the biggest project I like to make the biggest video I'd like to make I I think I'm going to include some mega ramp so it's not the ver but you know after the mega ram comes the the mega ver the the mega ver I I think it would include one or two I mean a session on on this probably i' I'd like to because it's so it's so impressive you have access to a ramp like that no I'm thinking Woodward is but I think we won't have access anymore because the taking of SK inline scating is no such a thing in Woodward anymore like not official you could do like weekend visits I think apparently we're trying to do that I think so I I've been visiting last year after Bal thanks to Jimmy H but how from what I from what I saw even with with his relationship with the people out there it looks to be more and more sketchy with inline skers yeah um how do you train your tricks because you have the most extensive flip vocabulary I think I've ever seen I don't even know half the tricks you do honestly you just spinning in everything um do you have like a resip pet or a foam pit by you that you practice these or you just send it at contests no I I've learned I've learned them through my world carer you know so I I never throw a new one like this wood uh even the first time I went for back flip as a kid there was a mattress on the fun box and I I was lucky there was a mattress because I land on my neck and when I want to do some resy stuff or learn some new tricks which is not that often because I I need to go to Adrenaline Alle in England that's what I did the last five years maybe once a year some something things like that but now they started to breed some around friends there's antona who started to do some good stuff in in software friends with nice R ramp and stuff like that but it's it's nice to try it's nice to train on this but it's it's always different and everybody thinks I'm I'm so good with spinning and stuff like that but I can't do nine and stuff like that because I go too much upside down so I when I get an opportunity of doing rzy I'm I'm trying hard to get back those tricks that I was doing like 20 years ago but since then I I went too much upside down that now I can't do I I can do nine from the ground or from uh from a bank but I can't do nine on a on a ver on on a quarter pipe once you do that extra spin you just start going upside down naturally yeah when I when I throw it more than a 540 540 is all right but if I go 720 I I go like [ __ ] Bel heal upside down and it's I hate that it's just the body's natural reaction to doing flat spins and back flips for so long yeah I think so you know what I heard I heard something I don't know if it was a legend or some [ __ ] but when I was doing those ver do V show all the time with the tyr team back in the day they were they were saying that tyris was doing so much MC twist MC twist is like a front flip 180 on on the ver he was doing it so much that at some point he couldn't do a air anymore he was going for air and he was doing a Mac twist I I don't know if it's a legend or not but it it kind of makes sense because I I I never been there but I I kind of guess the feeling of it no I think it makes sense especially if you're doing if you're doing nothing to m it's not like a seven to a crcw you know I mean it's it's something Chris Edwards told us on the show too he was like M mck twists are super easy which is kind of makes sense but also for people who don't skate vert like us I feel like it doesn't make sense so that's probably what Ty Chris had like he got so used to doing this trick that was second nature that he forgot how to like erir guess you know it's not a tricks like you like you like you do part to part you just some I was doing M tricks Forever Without knowing how my body was spinning you know it's just a trick you do spontaneously like you just throw it and it and you go back on your on your feet but for a long time I was always trying to to see the spinning in my head like spin by spin you know second after second but I I couldn't visualize it so that's the kind of of thing you you do like you know like a reflex so yeah that makes sense it's funny that you said um the we were talking about the mega ramp and you're talking about going out to Woodward East you don't have any mega ramps out here you can try because it's funny to think that the first time you're trying to skate a mega ramp is at the Nitro Circus was that your first experience or have you skated a mega ramp before that I I think I skated only the mini Mega from woodw East before nro circus and nro circus is nothing to compare because mini Mega is not even about the size because I think the the the huge one in Wood West like that chrisa made this this crazy edit on is like 10 times bigger Bigg than the one in in W East yeah but it's still the same kind of ramp like like the bigger stuff they do for e games and stuff like that it's huge but the ramp is not really um a quarter it's like almost a bank you know it doesn't push you really it's super mellow yeah it's super mellow and it's it's strange it's it's very good but it's nothing to compare nro circus it's like a proper front box quar pipe but Three Times Higher and with you know the the distance is you you know so this is what I I love the most about n this ramp is unbelievable like you you go so high you go so far the feeling like when I did it for the first time it was I think it was maybe the first time I had this uh this feeling while skating like this new feeling I mean I was like you know like like stupid like the feeling you you don't discover so many time in your life you know like this first time feeling and I had this I was like what the [ __ ] and then I realized it was because it was combining my my two patients patient which is like skating and cliff diving I was it was a mix of both of it because I was on my skate obviously doing a ramp so it's the skate it's the skating part and just throwing this but then in the air it was all about cliff diving because it's so much time in the air that I was like I was not throwing the spin I was just going and then okay I go oh hey I'm here okay I go for another one so that's the thing I do in in cliff diving one more one more we still have time yeah that's what you do in CLI diving you know you just spot you just spot The Landing you go pretty slow and then you spot it again so you you control and reduce or accelerate and that was that was it on the nroy it's so big so in the beginning it's really scary because we're not use of Landing from that high and that far but once you started to be able to handle those those dose pressure then it's it's amazing because it's really well made as I was saying you you don't really realiz you're going so fast prop props to Havey who did it like fakey I've been scaling the Nitro two times now the last time was a I did a second show in Los Angeles during my last trip and I'm always thinking about this when I'm on this Trum like I'm I'm pretty good at fakey I mean I would not I would not think about it for now I don't understand man no it's it's I'm sorry it's crazy it's crazy to think about skating that ramp because there's doesn't seem like much to test you know there's no test it's not it's just a hole like you said I like I like that reference it's just a hole between like where you launch there's a couple of mattress if you go that in a far if you make it there's a mattress no I mean on under yeah there's a mattress right before like if you don't make it from close you land on the mattress but if you don't make it at all there's no mattress so you got to so you got to get to the mattress yeah exactly I saw a clip of a skateboarder going like speed wobbles down it and went off to the side and landed flat bottom from like 20 ft in the air something took some nearly ones yeah that's that's wild yeah I remember this one um do we think we need a uh talk to yo-yo about getting a mega ramp at at winter Clash that's the hell of an organization but yeah I think it would make a nice show yeah no it's it's funny like I can relate to what you're talking about because I've only skated the what the small one at Woodward East yeah and I I couldn't 360 it because I like okay let's do it 360 and you're just like oh [ __ ] I still have time so you just keep going to back I thought you skated the big one at Woodward West no no I didn't skate that you just went there I just went there yeah I didn't have the heart to do it that was like my dream to skate the one at Woodward West I always wanted to send it the mini one at Woodward East it's like fun yeah and it's like makes you like it gets you thirsty to skate the real one you know that's why I wanted to skate the Nitro Circus I think the one from wud West is like more dangerous than not dangerous because it looks really well made but more impressive and more and harder to skate I I have some good some friends that are good skate park skaters and they didn't even went through it front side like no they thought it's huge it's [ __ ] huge it's so much different doing a trick at that speed yeah you know what I mean when you're just like skating r or whatever you're just like casual speed but when you're going bombing down a mountain or down a huge start ramp and then you have to do a trick at that super exactly at this speed and this High we're not wearing skis we wearing [ __ ] shoes it's that's the that's the difference it's kind of C it's like sneakers with wheels pretty much yeah yeah yeah shout out to the fast shoes great video but wow that was a good video but um we're we're getting down to uh the end of the podcast now do you have any goals in the future of like where you would like to see skating go your own skating go or skating as a whole as um only the the project I'm I'm been dreaming for years now which is mostly Street section once in Paris one world wide one so yeah there's I have a lot a lot in mind I know I'm probably not going to go through all of this but I have so much that if I go even half of it I I'd be happy and yeah my goal is just to to stay healthy and long enough healthy enough and long enough to to achieve some part of it and that I think that's all about my goals then I I'm also a poker player so I'd like to to win some proper big tournaments and stuff like that but right now I don't I I'm the priority is skating you're a poker player yeah oh [ __ ] you could do that and skate I you too I I I do too but it's it's I got beat up too hard it's hard I went to play in a Commerce Casino in LA and my friend told me he he ran into you at some point over there I think was it Brandon yeah and G no way yeah cool you guys have Casino buddy next next time you come out we'll go play yeah for sure man I'll be back I'll be back between uh between FM Invitational and car open probably for blading cup I'd be around oh cool we definitely do that yeah I didn't even know but from what I heard like La is even better known for Po and Vegas it's crazy in Commerce casin know I didn't know that that's so cool I didn't know that um oh um cliff jumping I didn't know that that was a hobby of yours so do you have like locations and how did you get into that I I get into that like randomly when I was a kid my my cin who is the same age as me was already doing ski with his father who was an Old Pro skier Al skier free free ride free ride skier so my cousin was already into it and yeah I was hanging with them every summer so my parents were letting me hanging with him and his father because they knew his father can handle it and he was knowing what he was doing so we were pretty free you know so we were like going going crazy jumping from trampoline to to swimming pool from the rocks from the from the cliff on the Sea on the seaside because all my family live in south of France so every summer we were were out there and that that's how I that's how I I started to go upside down basically and yeah I just I just love it and keep did it like growing up and yeah that that's just a passion I'm I'm far from being PR and that's I know like I I won't go more than like 18 MERS or 20 M I don't know how many feet would be but it's like 60 feet it's pretty high yeah it's it's pretty high but that's what you can I I think that's what you can unone in like in a if you're not a pro you can this because you you can fall Bad from this yeah you get hurt you can get hurt but you you probably won't die but if you go higher and you're not a pro in this it's kind of like putting your life on the on the spot so I'm just taking it easy because Yeah the more I grew up the more I I I don't want to risk anything more than skating you know I'm already risking a lot when skating all the time that I don't want to lose time and getting hurt like by skiing or by doing whatever else so skating is the priority and we just the priority get here we're going to take it easy and just only do 20 M that's it we're going to be calm about it exactly only 20 M 20 mive I'm like looking at the window now at like what that would be it's like the top of these buildings um Julian this has been awesome thank you so much for coming on the show is there anything you want to say shout out anything before we get going here uh the only thing comes to my mind is my Pro wheel is going to be out and I think you can already check it out at the sematic booth so if you enjoy the part and enjoy the the brands or one of this Discover it you're welcome I'll be over there with the guys hanging out if you want to talk or whatever and yeah thank you everyone for for coming I appreciate that thank thank you guys for having me guys let's give up for juliean cadel thank [Music] you
Channel: Jump Street Podcast
Views: 3,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jump street podcast, podcast, inline, skating, rollerblading, aggressive, blading, austin paz, billy o'neill
Id: HbQxmNJwzhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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