jumbuck mini spit a bit of a review

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this is tracy from team cow as you may have gathered we enjoy cooking creating new recipes and trying out new ideas i love cooking outside and regularly use the camp oven this was a minus two plus two briquette tester the idea here is to measure the width of the camp oven in inches and for every inch you use a briquette for the lid you add two extra briquettes and the base take away two briquettes so this is a 11 inch lid so i used 13 briquettes on the top and nine on the bottom as you can see it worked a tree then earlier this year i started stalking the bunnings 85 jumbuck society on facebook go on have a look at the page it was not long before i took greg to bunnings not that he needs any encouragement to go to bunnings anyway i need someone to push the trolley i purchased the jumbuck chimney and the coconut heat beads i have the electric version there's a battery one and i have not tried that but there's certainly plenty of great reviews about the battery version did not take greg long to set up the jumbuck and we were ready to go i found the heat beads burnt hot and quickly so then i tried a mixture of heat beads and coconut lump charcoal i've now settled with just the lump charcoal and i'm happy with this i purchased a couple of cake racks from a garage sale 50 cents each what a bargain and they certainly make a difference in the base of the jumbuck and gets the air flowing however i take the racks out when i use the basket and i'll talk about the basket a little later we have at least one roaster wheat with the jumba mainly rolled pork this pork's pretty cheap at the moment done a large rump whole chicken and two chickens at once done lamb with the chickens and the rump i usually use a dry rub rub it in leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours or at least a couple hours before i put on to spin sunday night is our spin night and spin see i've got the lingo now the basket i stalked the facebook page about the baskets and went off to the local barbecue galore store well i sent greg apparently none in wa and none are on the online store eventually greg found some online however the postage was just as much as the basket and that's across to wa nevertheless we purchase the basket the jumbot gets so much more use with the basket so we've had marinated drumsticks beef ribs and the all-time favorite pork belly again i use a dry rub with the drumsticks and the ribs and on the underside of the pork belly with the basket we found we use the jumbuck at least twice a week verdict we love the basket cleaner it's easy with the rod a bit of hot soapy water and run the scour up and down a couple of times the spiky things that hold the meat on go straight into the dishwasher the basket i soak in hot soapy water while we ate and then into the dishwasher the ash in the jumbo i don't empty it very often because it does help prevent the base rusting i guess i'd empty the ash probably about once every five six weeks and that goes straight into the garden um yeah empty it before i i light up a new one so we've got cold coals into the garden or cold ash into the garden so what can i say we enjoy spinning love sitting outside watching the spin and having a couple of ales and the dogs don't mind it too
Channel: The Adventures of Team COW
Views: 8,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $85, spit roast, Team COW, Adventures of team COW, jumbuck rondo, SPIN
Id: edkPcrXS0bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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