Jumbotron Solo Tutorial | UPDATED 2020

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what is up everybody so today we are going through our second video of the new updated quest solo tutorials so today we are going through jumbotron so this is going to be a long video we're going to be stopping a lot we're going to be talking saying where is the best place to be what enemies to and not kill at certain times so it's probably going to be a very long video so i have time stamps down below so you can jump straight ahead to whichever level it is you're having issues with and you don't have to listen to me yammer for like an hour or so so you found the video useful if you found it helpful if you found it interesting if you just found it please leave a like below leave me a comment i love comments i'm trying to get better at replying to as many as i possibly can let me know what you guys think and if you're new to the channel make sure to leave a sub i think that covers everything i'm going to get you back into pov and we're gonna go ahead and get started there's gonna be one long uncut unedited video except for maybe this part because this was a long intro i'm winded and i don't want to do it again so let's go pov all right so a lot of you guys know that you can hack in shotguns we're not going to do that because i want to show you guys that you can do this without hacking in anything and there's a chance it's probably going to get fixed at some point so we're going to go with what's in armory we're going to start with a couple of these bad boys here and let's get started let's do this [Music] all right so starting out i'm actually just gonna use one so once you start moving forward about right up here you're gonna get three flyers spawn and they're gonna be pretty much all between these posts here so just be ready for them use these to cover and that'll work out really well just kind of hide over here stick your head out take a few shots all right so you'll get three more once you scoot up a little bit here and they're gonna be pretty random and it can be in the center over to the side and i think over here a little bit um and they always shoot for your head the projectiles are pretty fast but as long as you're strafing left to right you're gonna be pretty safe so we're gonna scoot up here so we got two here and one over there see as long as you're strafing they really can't hit you just gotta be careful to not strafe into one bullet while you're trying to dodge another okay so once you do that you're gonna have three more on the back side over there and they will shoot three shots and then they're gonna take us a breath so you can hide wait till they're done with their shots then stick your head out and take them out all right scooting up you're gonna get two right up here and that's going to happen when you cross about right there so we're going to do that and we're going to take these guys out all right then you're going to have four more right up here i like to use this little post here just shoot randomly blindly around the corner once you start seeing some wings you can know where to aim a little bit better and they will push each other they will start trying to push each other around the corner normally you're hiding here they'll start shooting before they can actually see you and you're usually pretty good but the bots behind them will start pushing them out and they will be able to see you and do damage and this is the only quest where if you solo it and don't die a single time you will still not get s-rank you do have to kill kill you have to hit some of these tournament terminals i can't really speak right now you will have to break terminals to get s so if you're soloing it you want s break those all right second one hallway of death scoot up a little bit you're going to get a couple runners not a huge deal they're pretty slow just let them shoot walk to the side easy all right scooting up you're gonna get a couple more walkers on the back side easy and then when you screw up a little bit more you're going to get a couple flyers over here and some more walkers back here so again just strafing left slowly it's usually the best way to dodge it there's not a whole lot going on here not too difficult so once you cross about right here you're going to get some mice come out of this vent over here so you might want to hop up on some of these boxes so they can't get you you come out spawn them you hop up here now if you let them actually do get credits okay i think they just fixed that so i didn't think you got credits if they killed themselves all right so you're gonna get flyer here and two there once you take out two of those you're gonna get a few more and then you're gonna get some my spots back there i found the best thing to do and that's gonna happen when you need to cross there or across there so i found the best thing to do is run over here grab the shoddy and then just let them come to you so you can grab the shoddy hi don't let them see you because if they see you they're going to stop and start shooting just let them get nice and close and usually you can kill them all pretty well before the my spots get here so those my spots spawn way back there at that vent and they'll work their way up here so coming in over here once you scoot into the room a little bit you're gonna get a couple flyers i believe there's four of them i like to go right start over here just hit these guys and just continue to move there's five of them just just don't stop that's the main thing as long as you're going left or right that's usually what's gonna happen is they're gonna miss you so and then just take them out now once you take out this guy here you're gonna get a couple runners and you're gonna get a couple my spots so they can spawn back here but they can spawn over there and then you will always get that guy there with those my spots so you want to hop up on some boxes so they don't get you once they kill themselves you're going to get a bunch more of these runners they can be here or there and then a bunch more my spots again just stand up on a crate and they will usually kill themselves pretty easy this is where we load up with two shadows all right it's always pretty straightforward you're gonna have some runners over here runners over there i just kind of stay back and do a little side step and take them out once you take out this wave down here you're going to get two more waves up at the top that last wave they can spawn up there and down here too so don't let them sneak up on you all right this room this is a fun room everybody loves this room right so spawn in you're going to get a couple runners all around the backside do not go past about these terminals right there because you will spawn a wave behind you and you definitely don't want to do that so i'll take all these out once you take out the last one you're going to get two flyers and three more runners so take them out and go for the flyers first their projectiles move much faster so they're my main concern now once you've done that and you cross right about here you're gonna get three flyers and a bot back there and a button that cove so be ready for them scoot up flyers out quick and then knock out these two bots get you some credits because you want the s rank i'm not really too worried about it because i have everything but this room this one's a fun one so you don't want to pass right between these two posts here because you will spawn a huge wave behind you if you're speed running the best thing to do is to probably run up ahead spawn it come back here and start working on these guys all these guys work their way to you but if you're doing this for the first time the best thing to probably do is to just chill right behind this glass you can see everything that's coming your way and you can take some shots at them even one shotgun's best once you kill all them you're going to get a couple of flyers and some more runners and you have a couple grenades there if things get too bad you can pop a grenade and take out a lot of them i thought that grenade came flying at me so after that wave you'll get your first wave of mice and then you get a second wave with some pliers so trying to take out the mice as quickly as possible before the flyers can work their way around and then just chill let them come to you you can see them but they can't see you unless you're on quest if you're on quest you can put a camera in this material here so that you can see through and see what's going on all right final wave of flyers just take them out as they come don't let them get all bunched up on you all right so now we just have this last wave behind us so as we scoot up past about here you'll hear him spawn cover anywhere you can and you may have seen that i just got hit if you kill them after they shoot their predict i'll let you if you kill them before it hits you it won't do any damage to you so you're good all right this one's pretty straightforward not a whole lot going on in here start out with these guys don't let them shoot you obviously once you come up in here you're gonna get some my spots be ready for them don't let them sneak up on you [Music] once you kill this guy you're gonna get some runners in that cove that cove and that cove the only two that are every single time that are consistent are the two that spawn back here these will always be here the rest of them can spawn here or they can spawn over there now once you take these guys out you're gonna get some flyers all over the place their spawns are up here and over here and again that's a dynamic spawn you don't know what's going to spawn where and then you're also going to get two ground bots in here so what i like to do is when i take this guy out work my way in here and you're gonna take these guys out as they're spawning so that you have all this area over here you can also hide back here let everything come through here and just kind of poke your heads out poke your guns out that's a good way to go about it too if you're super super scared there's a spot right over here which i found not too long ago which is pretty awesome you just hop right back here and i mean like nothing can get you it's amazing so you can like take him out and then just hide and let everything come to you and they can't get to you because this barrier right here so you just kind of like stick your gun out and just shoot there's a lot going on over there if you're really really nervous this is a decent place to be that i found and just kind of blindly shoot out there then you can kind of look over here make sure everything's good there's nothing out there before you hop out again if you quest you'll probably have to put a camera there once you take out those two waves you got two more of these elite bots so let's go take care of them just keep moving all right so take out this guy get our last two waves of flyers again they're gonna be there and they're gonna be there so you're gonna want to be ready as soon as you kill him to duck into cover again i'm kind of used to it so i'm gonna just kill him and then get ready to stray and you will have one more elite over there as well once you take out two you get the last wave of flyers and again as long as you're just moving constantly it's really hard for them to hit you what you don't want to do is if you have bots in front of you and you have bots to the side you know you don't want to move this way because these blocks can hit you you don't want to move that way because those bots can hit you so you have to move at a diagonal you just have to assess your situation every time and see where they're at to figure out which way you need to be strafing but again it's pretty straightforward pretty easy just believe in yourself all right now boarding now we're boarding sector 17. so this one's a real fun one too prepared for takeoff three two so everything in here is pretty much on a timer there's a few that aren't um once this thing runs out you're gonna get three flyers right there and you're gonna get two ways of running bots over there followed by three flyers over here i mean probably the best place to be is just right here the only thing that you really have to worry about is you will have some my spots right here that you have to be very aware of these guys are going to come this way they can't hit you so just like like we've been oh hey they're actually coming this way what did that okay that's new actually now they can come over this way that actually might make this easier to be honest so just let them work their way over poke your head out take a few shots then once you do that you're gonna get these ground bots over here again they're slow they're stupid you can come out take a few shots what you don't want to do is take out every bot from the second wave because once you take out the second wave you're going to get the three flyers over here that you're really going to want to be ready for and as soon as the flyer spawn you're going to get my spot spawning so so you might want to just be ready to take them out and immediately start shooting flyers get a couple shots in hide get this guy before the my spots go up here now once these my spots are dead that's when you're gonna get a wave you're gonna get like four of my spots right here so you can just kind of stand back take them out as they head this way they are really bad about getting stuck over there it looks like we lost a few take out those and then we're going to get another wave of bots and when those are gone we're going to get some runners on the other end over there and then that will lead us to our final wave which is going to give us flyers all over the place and some runners so i come out here you're gonna want to get this one guy who lands on this island because he can't get to you take out these and then let this last spot just come to you come over here get ready for the last wave and then take this guy out you're gonna have some runners head this way i have to see if these flyers on the other end can make their way down here because they haven't been able to before but then those other ones did they sure do okay so everything is going to be working its way our way now normally they would get stuck out here so this one's new to me so we'll uh we'll work with what we have they're gonna start working their way just kind of take random shots out there in the general direction that they'll be coming in and you can usually find them all the robotic noises stopped i hear one way off in the distance you might be able to poke your head out real quick make sure be ready to duck back in i think we just got the two over there they probably got stuck so you work your way through here take a shot hide wait till they're done with their shots pop out and there you go now we get to where we see elites [Music] so i always grab a rail gun in there because we're going to start seeing elites here and there's another railgun there if you forget this is the only gun that will stun an elite so i highly recommend using it shoddys are good double shotties are powerful but you won't be able to stun the elites and it makes them very very difficult so moving forward you got all these guys this one's always you know this one's easy straight forward two barrels kill bots that guy's always just slightly out of range come over here i waited too long these guys have made their way around so there should be one more down there there he is get this so we don't hit that barrel because we're going to need that barrel all right so here's where it's going to get fun once you start down this ramp here there's a line about right excuse you about right there i don't know how well my laser pointer comes through and that's going to spawn three bots behind you if you go just a little bit further like three feet you're gonna spawn flyers down there so you have to inch your way down to these guys spawn and once they spawn there they go come back up here and get them all right and then they didn't spawn and then you're going to work your way down there you're going to get a bunch of flyers all over the place there's really no easy easy way to do this except for maybe running all the way back up here and doing the kind of pop your shot out like we've been doing um the best thing that i have found to do is to just run through well not really run through but run up let them spawn hit that barrel go back and forth do the strafe do the maneuvers you know them i missed a reload and you will get some of these guys right here spawning in and you don't want to go too far because you're going to get more flyers and more ground bots so you got ground bots in there and ground bots down there you can't hide behind this post this one's not really too bad to hide behind and just kind of you know lean out either side and take shots moving up a little bit further is going to get you three flyers over here and then a bunch of groundbots over here i like to run over here and hide [Music] that actually got a little bit more hectic than i thought it was going to be usually isn't that bad um you can always just kind of come over here and do the strafe tactic it's not too hard and then here's where we're going to see our first elite bots we're going to get two elite ground bots over here and over here once you screwed up in that general area these are a lot of fun so my recommendation is for the first set since you have two elites in your loan i like to use the barrel and then take out the second one with my railgun from a distance so i let these guys spawn hit them then i get one shot in on him and kind of start falling back a little bit and this was where we get the rail gun out because it's going to be your lifeline so the elite bots as well they shoot three rounds in succession the best way is to get at a you know about 15 feet ish from them and then you're on the ground they shoot you jump over it they shoot the second shot in the air so you go under it and then you jump over the third shot all right this room is pretty fun i'm gonna go in we're gonna get two more elites right over there so what you can do is use these barrels for them and that's probably gonna be the best because they're just they're really hard to take out but what you can do is just take them out with the railgun from way back here find you some good cover don't let them get to you and then the smaller bots that come after them will tend to get stuck on these doors right here so they're pretty easy the flyers anyway the groundbots just go right under so if you're a little more aggressive what i like to do when i'm speed running is just run up to this guy here and use this post as cover from that guy but then you got to be ready because everything's going to spawn all around you so you got to start hitting them before long before they hit the ground so back behind these high beams all this area right here is really good just kind of snipe them out just don't let them hit you just kind of strafe back and forth take this guy out once you take him out everything else is going to spawn so that would be a good time just go ahead and hit that barrel see what you can get take all that out probably got a few things in there okay there's still a flyer in there you can always see where the flowers are they get that string up in the air so you can kind of see where he's coming in at all right looks like we're just missing one or two all right and you hear the sound go off there's some more barrels right there so that one's pretty good dude all in all this one's not too too difficult it's a good good intro into elites this this level here the next two is where it's gonna get rough i really really hope i don't 1040. i've been 1040 in jumbotron so much recently if i 1040 i'm gonna cut it i don't care we're going to come back and i'll just start fresh from here all right so we're going to see our first elite flyers here and again this thing this is what you want you can dual wield them if you're good i'm not really good dual willing these so i don't once you start down here you're going to get those flying elites you may have to duck behind cover so i like to keep some shotties all over the place just in case and we'll go ahead and spawn them i think you have to go all the way to the bottom yeah light it up fall back get a shot before they hit the ground then just strafe aim for the screen does super damage man all right two more elites they're the priority oh my gosh you know or not so they're always going to aim for the last place that they saw your head so if you go behind a wall and you have to come out from that same position do a duck or something so if i go back behind this wall and my head is here this is where they're always going to be aiming so if you duck they'll be shooting over your head that's not to say that they're not 100 accurate they can be a little bit lower so if you're gonna duck and you have to go out duck far make sure you're way under that all right this next wave is one of the hardest ones for me but i found the easiest way to do it at least for me it's a little bit risky so once you start down these ramps once you scoot up to like about these barriers here you're gonna spawn the first wave once you hit the ramps you'll spawn the second wave so what i like to do is to just run down there spawn both ways real fast hop my way back here use this barrel to kill everything if i fail doing that i retreat back to there and use this thing so that's what i'm going to do that's what i'm going to attempt so see if we can do that just run up you're gonna start spawning stuff you're gonna freak out you're gonna run away you're gonna duck make sure nothing gets to you let them all get near that barrel boom see how quick that was we took out three elites and like four normal ground bots one shot but you do have this guy over here and then you got these in the cove over here so don't forget about them all right moving down you're going to get two flowers over there an elite up on that uh crate and then another bot over there so i can scoot down take that one out take those two out hide from this one once you take him out you're going to get an elite ground bot down there so you're going to want to kind of be on that one might be a good idea to just kind of fall back a little bit let this guy do his thing he is stuck in that crate so he's left us in an awkward situation see if he can find his way out he's gonna make me get him well all right anyway you're gonna get an elite over here with a ground bot and two more ground bots and once you take all of them out you're going to get some mice bombs behind you so what i like to do take this guy out let the groundbots come to me and get ready for the mice because it might be a good time to start falling back a little bit take them out because once you take these out you're going to get another elite right there can you take out these here all right easy peasy now we have two elites not elites what are these called i forget what they're called the big guys we're gonna take these guys out again really fun because once you take out the last one over here you're going to be getting um an elite ground bot and two regular ground bots and then you're gonna be getting two flyers over there so it might not be a bad idea to fall back a little bit let the elite bot work its way over here just a little bit and use that barrel all while dodging these guys that is too much for you it's getting too risky always feel free to fall back to the start of this level it's a great place to be you have tons of room get out your railgun take them out point our finger of death we got this guy stuck on a crate got two of them stuck on a crate so we're just gonna there we go now we gotta take out is this guy and we're done that's it this one is a little bit of rough this one is very nerve-racking just take your time if you're ever worried about it go all the way back to the beginning just fall back they're they're really slow if you fall back here you know just take pop shots as you're running back you can do it you got this i have faith in you because now we're going to the hardest level so this one's loads of fun everybody loves this level so for this one barrels which they're not in my vision there they are those are your lifeline on this one so starting out you're going to have two elites i just get out this guy right here i have my shoddy ready and just do my strafe maneuver take it out before it hits the ground obviously the better shot you are the better luck you're gonna have because if you can hit them in the screen they're one shots okay so now what i do is i like to run up because once you pass about right here you're going to start spawning another wave back there and i use this back barrel over here to take care of most of that so i'll run over here let these guys spawn use that barrel to take out most of it then i fall back go for the elites just dodge these guys all the while just moving back and forth left and right okay once you take out that wave you can get three more flyers after you take out these three flyers you're gonna get a couple more elite ground bots so you may want to wait until those mice are gone take this guy out hit that barrel see if you get any of them use that barrel to take out what you can the elites are the biggest concerns so anytime you can use barrels to get rid of them use them all right so that's the that's the last of that until we cross a little line up here so once you cross about the end of this wall you're gonna get some more my spots over there and you're gonna get some flyers they can spawn over here or they can spawn over there and you're gonna get one of the uh the big dumb trash can bots so my spots are my main concern oh we spawned fred anywhere in this area you're going to spawn bread so let's take out the trash can all right so now it gets really scary so my strategy if you've watched a lot of my streams you know my strategy is to usually just run to that back room over there and that's my safest spot um and that's a really good way to do it if you're gonna go that way hit the one barrel over here then let everything come to you i don't know what that is that's also very good if you're nervous about doing that just start the spawn have everything come back here just be ready for it it's pretty straightforward you got this so we're gonna come up we're going to spawn them hit that barrel take out a few and then we're just going to let them come back to us just stand right here at this corner as soon as you start seeing little robot wings come around unload on them thing you have to really be worried about are my spots just be listening for them see got some coming those are your concern they're a lot faster than the other ones so they usually get here long before they do so more my spots this index makes it sound like they're right behind me almost just make sure you're constantly reloading the shotgun i like to reload after every shot cause i'm weird like that just make sure you don't run out because if you get a mouse spot on you and you're not getting a bullet out you're screwed all right we got a couple of my spots that are stuck i like to get stuck on these stairs over here there it is all right so we'll leave it in there for a second because i'm pretty sure he doesn't spawn a wave yeah he doesn't okay so once you're done with that wave you have to move into the room to spawn and you have to get pretty far into it so it's hard to run in and then back your way out especially because we still have a wave of my spots that are going to spawn right here so if you haven't already now is where i would run to the other side of this room and just get ready for them so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna run in i'm just gonna run over here and hide let everything come to us use these barrels no my spots can get you up here but again there's going to be a lot of flyers and they will start pushing each other out of the way to get to you so they can push themselves around this corner and it can get really really scary all right then we got these two once you take out the second one you're gonna get a couple of round bots over there so just be ready to uh hit that explosive barrel right there and you got that explosive barrel there if you haven't used it already take this guy out and we're done now jumbotron gemotron is the hardest boss to solo no doubt so i like to have at least one shotgun my railgun and the smg i go to this back corner to start this is my safe spot right back here so jumbo you do not want to take out any more than one screen at a time unless you are speed running you take out one screen and then you take out the enemies so let's see i think it's eight eight and a half two three four five now it's almost six cool clips to take out a screen because you're gonna need that information once we go over to the other side take it all out long before it gets here first wave isn't so bad because it's just brown bots that are the like the regular ground bots and the the regular flyers second wave we're gonna get elites so they got our second screen now we got some flyers some elites i like to just start tearing into him he is not stopping at all flyers are really really bad so i like to take them out as quickly as i can and then you can use the rail gun to do some extra damage to the elites again the elites are what you really really want to avoid so here's where it gets really really scary we're gonna have to move so jumbotron is the only enemy who will lead you so if you're walking he's going to be shooting in front of you so that you walk into his shot so you have to be ready to duck and dive i like to walk and when you start shooting i'll stop and start slowly ducking and we have to get to that other corner so you really don't want to be doing jumbotron while you're doing all the other bots because these other bots will not lead you and he will so you really just have nowhere to go so we're going to work our way that general direction walk and duck is so scary man all right here's where it's going to get really bad we need to get behind those boxes so you can scoot out a little bit his gun can't hit you right here you can't take him out from here i mean you can try if you kept both of the screens fast enough you can take him out before but once you get one of these screens down elites spawn all over here so what i like to do is wait till he's in uh in between shots and we're going to hop right behind these crates this is nerve wracking man not gonna lie because if you miss it he will hit you so we're gonna duck down one clip into each that's two clips three clips four three clips four clips all right so we got one more clip and then half a clip all right so now we're going to start wanting to take a few out on each screen just like that make sure he's dead before anything hits the ground and see i didn't hit a lot of the terminals still got a rank but we have a new new quest gear so it's all right anyways guys that's the solo tutorial it's updated 2020. it's uh made for walking this quest is way easier and walk so if you've watched my old jumbotron tutorial it's way harder on teleport this is like easy mode compared to teleport but still in my opinion this is probably the hardest one to solo so you can do it i have faith in you you will do it appreciate you guys for watching again if you found it helpful if you found it enjoyable make sure to leave a like comment down below let me know what you thought i'm going to try my best to respond to as many comments as i can and if you're new make sure to subscribe i'll see you guys in the next video y'all take care [Music] you
Channel: Boethiah
Views: 200,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boe, Boethiah, RecRoom, Rec, Room, vr, Game, Gaming, Video, Retro, Virtual, Reality, Oculus, Rift, Htc, Vive, PSVR, Funny, Family, Friendly, Index, Knuckles, Quest, vrtual, Steam, Steam VR, realty, Hilarious, Cinimatic, Neat, Cool
Id: 09EuOhcQKHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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