July Garden Tour | Backyard Garden Space

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foreign [Music] hey y'all welcome back it is July I thought I'd do a July tour I didn't do a June tour and I know what's going to happen here in Texas you don't get but a short window June is my favorite favorite time and I didn't do a June tour but in the spirit of Independence Day a little red white and blue I was inspired to share with you did I just run y'all I do that all the time okay that was so corny wasn't even trying to do that but that's what I do let's talk about it let's take a tour let's get started as you can see it is full guys it is so full I didn't do a June tour but it's July 1st so you know we're pretty close going into July I thought I better capture some of the blooms before they're all gone but my goodness it is so full out here we've had more rain than normal for June and even in May and I've been really excited about that and grateful um because I didn't have to water as much and that's really wonderful but on the flip side I have a lot of pruning to do I have a lot of things to cut back that I have not cut back yet and my goodness look at these um I don't want to call them volunteer they just reseed it from last year the zinnias I would say they are about five feet tall right now five feet tall and in this bed here I'll just start with this bed it is kind of my throw it in there and let's see what happens bad one of those I have three pots in here you can't even see them anymore so this particular pot um just has some extras in it like some big leaf begonias and some coleus that I had left over probably from a 24 pack or something like that and they were tiny I threw them in there and now they are huge and it's so much stuff in here that I can no longer see what's going on eventually I will weed this bed out and get rid of some things for example there is another volunteer tree that's coming up that is a crepe myrtle I really hope it's red because I want to dig that out and I am going to transplant it and pull that out and put it into the front if it is red this is what we get oh is that not the most beautiful red balloon let me get close I am in love with this red crepe myrtle I planted these many years ago they were two small red crepe myrtles and they never ever took off and when I say many years ago I want to say at this point it's been at least eight or nine years and up until about two years ago they just started taking off like crazy I've pruned them a couple of times taken out some branches but they flop over quite a bit now I don't remember the variety of this particular crepe myrtle let me step back and the reason I'm sharing the Flop comment is because some crepe myrtles can be shrubs some can be trees some can grow 20 30 feet tall always make sure you know what type of crepe myrtle you are planting but and where you plant it so I'm going to take out more branches and tie it up so it doesn't flop over into the actual pathway I can't even get by without having to put my hand and move it out of the way now so the other thing you know I've talked about Purple Heart quite a bit some people call it purple queen and here's another variety I'm not sure what the name of this is years ago I'm I kid you not I probably picked off about a handful and brought them home and transplanted them I got them for my sister's house I kind of regret doing it so much because the fullness of it is real it puts off beautiful beautiful pink flowers early in the morning they're starting to close up now uh let's see if I can get a little closer they open up more than that typically I noticed that this variety this variety is a lot more green if anyone knows what this is I'm sure it's just a species another variety of the Purple Heart it does have more of a green and bluish tone to it the more shade it gets the more it stays that greenish color versus the Purple Heart that obviously has a much deeper purple color now if you put these in the shade they also will take on a little bit more of a bluish greenish tone but not as deep as this all right let me also turn a little bit to the left so we can get in here and see some of these pretty pink blooms this is the rock Rose The Rock Rose is native to Texas it is extremely drought tolerant I'm in at Zone 8A this is your first time visiting my channel welcome glad to have you guys I am sharing with you one of my like lovable plants I don't know what they call this plant it's really wild it's really wild but I like it because I'm very you know um rustic I like native plants I like things that just kind of grow on its own uh but I have cut this back a couple of times it was spilling over into the pathway quite a bit you see where this one is right in the middle the entire shrub was like that up until about a week or two ago I had to cut it back just to get the lawnmower through here but this shrub is semi-evergreen it loses most of its leaves but not quite all of them in the winter I bought this as a small quartz size at Lowe's on their clearance rack for two dollars and I put it in late in the fall one year and I would say by the following year it was half the size it grows really fast and it does have more blooms than this typically I think they're kind of um going away at this moment I'm going to get in there you can see it was full of blank blooms just a couple of weeks ago but it does Bloom throughout the entire summer so those will come right back I do not deadhead it I let it do its thing and I cut it back when I want to as you can see it has um leaves coming in on new branches but it also grows on old wood you can see a little bit right there so be careful in how you prune it back I don't prune it back to the ground I just prune it to shape it up but it does grow on old and new leaves uh branches I should say now here we go the monster this is the Turks cap it's in its full Glory right now guys so I've been talking about this a little bit coming into the summer um it does get cut back to the ground every single fall and if I don't cut it back it just looks like some sticks poking up out of the ground it loses all of its leaves it is completely deciduous and it does come back with a vengeance though this big boy a big girl I'm sorry I named her Aunt Mary my bad um oh wait this is on Bessie y'all I name most of my plants sometimes I get them a little confused because you know oh age Aunt Bessie what's up Auntie okay so check it out look how beautiful and dainty I think I'm gonna try to get in there real slow so you can see that little petal it's called a Turks cap and uh um it is extremely drought tolerant if you're in a place where you just have difficulty growing something this can take sun and part sun a little bit of shade it's very tough I will say it does better in full sun but it still blooms in the shade as well which is kind of unusual most sun-loving plants do better with blooms in the Sun um but it's a favorite but I am going to cut that back some too because one of my sprinkler heads is back there and not only that I also try to keep my red tip patina tree uh free at the bottom it doesn't like to be crowded too much um I want to if as you can see I need to come in and cut some of these branches off I keep the branches cut off the bottom so I can tree form it and that's what we get and I'll show you in a moment one that I just planted last year this one started at the base of the ground way down there as a little shrub and just start taking off the branches at the bottom and then this is what you get okay so let me keep moving on I have lots of coleus and things that are now getting hidden because the Turks cap is so large I need to come and cut back some things some things are allowed it to cover to give it protection from the Sun um elephant ears are coming through the Mystic spiers Blue Salvia is this is the first time it's starting to look a little spent you know a lot of the flowers are going away but man this thing was a prolific Bloomer prolific Bloomer let me spit that out it's early in the morning I tell you it has bloomed from the day I planted it early to mid-march all the way now through July and it still has blooms on it I haven't deadheaded them at all they've been doing magnificent I absolutely love them and so let me keep going I have three sets of Turks cap I'm going to now you'll notice this one is a lot smaller it's a few years younger but that's not why it's so much smaller I actually have a landscape fabric this is the only area in my entire Garden that I have landscape fabric right here and this is when I first started I put it down and because that fabric is there I think it stops it from spreading as much and popping up into different locations now I do notice some spread here it may be that some fabric has you know it has come through in some locations I have been saying for weeks that I'm going to cut this back but in this area here this is exactly where I'm going to come through and cut all that off it's just getting way too too much to come over the pathway notice how some of them are standing straight up the fence is giving it a little bit of like a I don't want to say what's the word what's the word trellis like effect allowing it to go up it gets to be this fence is six feet tall so right now that's at about five feet probably Okay so some things are looking pretty good better than others oh let me go back I never put mulch in this area well let me rephrase that I do put mulch in this area I never got around to putting mulch in this area and I kind of regret it I still need to do it because mulch is not just for the Aesthetics but also to help the moisture stay in the ground as well so these flowers are doing pretty good but look at the difference in size and this one and that one let's see if I can get them both in the camera huge difference from there all the way down the pathway they are so much more full absolutely beautiful and the reason for that is it's getting more protection from this tree now this is more of a sun coleus however it still is much happier with a little bit of afternoon protection so the few up here in this area do not get that same protection so they are a lot more smaller but they're doing okay they just don't have this huge fullness beautiful effect like these and for those of you that didn't know coleus does Bloom some people don't like the little bloomstocks that come off the top I actually kind of do they don't bother me this one has a little purple flowers um not as visible today oh wait here's one this one here looks a little woolly look how much is coming off of that so you can come through if you don't like that look and just snip those off not a big deal won't hurt the plant okay so some things that you saw earlier if you follow my videos since March and April um especially the one I think I called it gyms in my garden most of the gems you can no longer see like this little lady here who's hiding um you can't see everything at all I have these little fake mushrooms and some of them are hidden now as well I forgot I planted a climbing rose and I did it when um the turf cap had not taken over right here so I see that it's suffering a little bit I need to come through and spray it I'm going to pull some things around it so it can make sure it's getting plenty of air flow and sunlight so I just kind of walked through an area that I'm not happy with but let me come back it's a hot mess this is a new Hot Mess zone so you got to show the good and the bad um these are things that I just haven't taken very much care of in the last week or two to be honest because we just immediately went into triple digits and I don't do well in triple digits this pot is not on a drip those are some xenias that came up on their own not too worried about those I'll cut those back but one of the things that I started to do is put some I think this is a munsted red maybe Stone crop I started adding Stone crop back here in this area because it didn't get as much irrigation and that way if I leave it be it'll be fine but I did notice something the other day two things popped up that I haven't been having this looks like maybe a Virginia creeper I could be wrong I think it is if someone has this growing in their garden please let me know I don't want that growing in my fence and turning my fence up Virginia creeper can be a bit aggressive I believe I've never it's not something you see in our stores here it's interesting so how that showed up that is definitely poison ivy I've never had Poison Ivy in my garden so I need to kill that off and I haven't cut down this Cottonwood yet but it is coming down I have some new tools in the mail on the way so I am taking that Cottonwood out I do not want that root system let me slow down I don't want that Roof System coming through my garden so this volunteer tree I'm going to leave I want it for privacy in that tree way down there is at least 40 plus feet tall I'm going to need that privacy in my garden so I'm going to leave it but look here look at here I tell you the crepe myrtles went crazy this year and when I say crazy I mean in a good way I have never seen so many blooms and low hanging branches on these crepe myrtles and they are a bit spent now most of the blooms are are gone I'll see if I can find a picture that I can pop up because man when I tell you it was so many blooms beautiful but I need to cut a lot of these branches back the ones that are dangling in the pathway they are extremely messy my pillows are just really jacked up there um but they they are beautiful and I do love them a lot but it's time to cut back some things I can't even get through and if you look down this flower bed here you can see all the little let's see all the little white stuff that now looks beige but it was completely white it looked like snow and then when the rain in the sprinkler system hits it it just turns to this kind of a beige you know powdery looking substance on the ground and I I'm gonna definitely come through and clean those up but my white vinca they're doing pretty good this isn't an area that is I would say part sun one thing about vinca it is a Workhorse in my garden if you're in Texas Dallas area zone 8A vinca for me is just one of those flowers whatever color you like I happen to love white um dates for me do so well in sun part sun part shade obviously the more blooms the better they they are drought tolerant they still need a drink though don't get me wrong because I have a few that I lost where the sprinkler is not getting to them so I planted this Carolina Jasmine uh oh wait wait wait wait wait that's not a Carolina Jasmine this is a star jasmine I prefer the term star jasmine and so it was planted this spring uh with the intention to grow it up this new little thin pergola that I put up and I see the Vine that's taking off it's doing its own thing it's going but obviously I don't want this to grow into my tree this one so you know I'll pay attention to that and I will cut back some branches I left those branches for right now just because I wanted that whole look of a secret garden and let me see if I can back up this is from the back side of it and if I go to the front let me pop through here and give a different look from a different angle okay so I'll turn around so you can see what I mean it's like a little secret room back there and I love that so now if I'm in this area and if I want to walk in there I have to go underneath the trees and there it is and look at the branches I love multi-branch trees they are so beautiful oh I just love that so that is the look that I was going for to be able to walk underneath these trees and another reason why I never cut these trees so we got one and there's two and then over there there's a third one lay on the other side but I left them Wild and didn't not cut them back I did not um do the crate murder thing because I wanted them to Branch together to form a canopy that you could walk under so that was the goal okay so when oh oh let me go back one more time because one of the videos that I did earlier when it was much cooler was putting down these bricks I these stones and then creating the Garden Room there's a video that's called I built a garden room I believe thank you guys for all the love and support on that video this is that room that we built a couple of months ago and so look at the trees now that are over it and it's been working out fine I don't have any remember I did half of the ground with landscape fabric and then another half I just left and just put the Rocks right on the ground and I did that because I wanted to be able to maybe plant something in the ground around the rocks and that is what we have so I did some begonias and a couple of hostas and then just put the pot there and I did the same thing on this side so but if you can recall the grass there was no grass and I wanted to build a grass pathway that would go back there to the secret room after I put the brick edging down so the brick edging is hanging in there really great I'm very happy with it it's um I got a little grass growing inside the pink Ravel there but it's I don't have any fabric there I don't think in that area and that's okay what I usually do is I try to stay on top of it because if you don't you will regret it so I try to come through and pull it out and it's just like that you're done if you do that on a regular basis it really helps but if you if I skip a week or two of Maintenance I'm in trouble I'm in trouble but remember I put grass seed down because all the grass was gone here grass seed works it really does I say that because some folks including myself at one point you know I I didn't put any seed down I didn't do anything and I just thought oh I don't have grass I can't afford to replace the whole lawn don't start with replacing the entire lawn just start with some grass seed it really does help and they have grass seed for both shade and sun and this is Bermuda grass that I have back here and I'm starting to get some yellow spots which we're going to see more and more of as August approaches I never got this area to fill in completely but it's still a lot more grass than it was there was nothing here almost but I am under a shade tree and Bermuda needs that full sun it prefers full sun if I had St August back here it would do okay under the tree but the Saint Aug would not do okay up there in the full sun okay so let's keep moving so remember I showed you the red tempatinia tree well this is how it started a small little tree like that or a bush or a shrub like that so I'm gonna let that sit there for a year this is actually one that I replaced I think there was a video last August where I replaced five Arbor body trees that I had back here uh they just couldn't handle the Texas sun and heat they they fried so I I came through and put the red tips in here instead all of them made it except for one I had to replace this one I think early spring but it's a good size it's looking healthy and uh I have Japanese boxwoods in here as well that have not been trimmed I am waiting on some new trimming tools and I'm going to come through and start trimming up some things but this red tip was planted uh look how tall this one is getting so I will be able to take those lower branches off soon and start to train this one to go up and it will become a tree all right so all these branches that are dangling are gorgeous but they're coming off because I can't even get through here now without bending over and the flowers are just so messy so everything is looking pretty healthy as far as the planters that I made not long ago remember where we saw one of the Planters at Home Depot that had three plants in it it was a hundred dollars uh not so I just I have the same thing and they don't look you know fabulous in this moment but I'm okay with it for free by digging up things that I already had in my garden and just putting them in the actual Planters now some of the flowers are are a bit spent right now um I can tell this was more of a as I don't want to call it a spring plant it was it's a summer plant but it was happier in cooler temperatures if I can just keep it alive then things will look amazing in the fall so right now my goal in July and August is just really keeping things alive um I'm I don't want to say I'm struggling with the new grass that I put in the doggy Zone this is St Augustine but you can see some brown spots in here and one of the problems is that my sprinklers are getting this really good maybe a little too good so it stays very damp no sun is getting to this very little Sun I should say and so I am seeing some bare spots or some brown spots that are coming through um but I got to pay close attention to that because I absolutely love my St Aug in the front and back and this is my dog's area and it doesn't help that my dog is out here this is her poop area Okay so that also will cause the brown spots as well so I'm going to stay on top of that um I always struggle with this plant's name I I don't know why it is I know the plant but every time I want to say it I can't say it so I'm gonna put it on the screen because right now I'm just brain dead um it is absolutely a gorgeous plant I planted this and it's starting to take off but most likely I won't get flowers until next year and it does recede heavily so I have a few that are popping up and I'm going to need to transplant those because this is a very large plant one here is enough when it takes off it will grow to be about seven to eight feet tall in some cases at least mine in the past have been puts out huge beautiful flowers and so I'm going to be moving those around I'm letting them stay there for right now because I don't they're not going to take off this year they'll be next year plants and I have a lot also up there in the section where I had the red crepe myrtle trees they came back they receded I need to move them around so um I recently did a video on the Boston Ivy also called Grape Ivy it is beautiful on the pergola right now you can see the runners from it let me go down that are coming from this is where it was planted and then it goes all the way here and it goes up I have two one on each post and this is what we get I'm in love with this look it is so beautiful just sitting back here with this mystical feeling I absolutely love this Vine so the tendrils are holding on really tight to the pergola I don't have to tie it up when I first started training it up the Vine I think I put one tie right there and it took off and does its own thing it grows on old and new wood I do not cut it back I let it do its thing this if you're concerned about is so easy I just haven't done it and I don't know that I want to do it just come in pull it up snip snip it's done very easy to pull up but it's also a great ground cover if you have a need for ground cover I don't think I would plant that on the side of my house where it would get into my gutters that's the only thing so I'm okay with it on this pergola man when I tell you these take off and pop up everywhere they pop up everywhere so I I came through and pulled up about 20 this morning when they're tiny so that they don't develop and grow into larger ones I don't mind them popping up in some places they're very pretty uh that's a just a butterfly weed and let's see this was an orange tree that never produced any oranges um you know it gets pretty I think the first year I bought it we had the worst freeze on record I was shocked that it came back I have some Jalapenos in there coming through I forgot about y'all what's up what's up and uh yeah so that's pretty that's some purple Lantana some more zinnias just all kinds of stuff in there um okay so I oh let me show you how this side of the garden is not doing so hot because it doesn't get the best water um so I have some purple loropetalin that I planted in the spring that is not a happy looking shrub not at all it does not look that great to me and it's not that full and it's not dead it's okay but it's just not doing its best and if I take you on the opposite side I planted the same exact thing as a border where it gets more sun and a lot more water it looks amazing it's still doing great so I am going to be working on my Irrigation in that area better and I don't did hit um the flowers on this side I let them do their thing they've been doing pretty good I have some more munsted red um Stone crop that I popped there I do that in areas where I just don't get enough water oh wait here's another Grapevine but we have a friend let's see if we can get up there I don't know if you can see hey birdie okay um see I'm assuming has been there for about two weeks now I'm hoping we're gonna see some babies I hope so that would be pretty awesome I can't see her from this side either yep so we'll keep an eye out for that so I lit a bunch of um um fire I can't spit the word out because it just the mosquitoes have gotten kind of bad back here oh my goodness y'all let me talk about the sunshine look restroom oh look at this monster that's trying to take over my garden it's huge and I actually cut it back um two months ago I took off about a foot and a half off the top maybe two in some areas and then because it's like almost touching I I cleaned it up and it was squared off I don't like the formal look but at least not here in my back Garden I love the formal look I just don't like it in my back and so I was trying to just at least keep it neat but man the umbrella over there is a nine foot umbrella okay so this section right here I don't know why this rub takes off more look how tall those little Peaks are so I need to come through and cut these off and by the way there's one View and I'm so sorry I don't remember your name off top of my head but you wrote to me about the sunshine you saw my video one of my very first videos from last year um talking about how the shrub grew oh my gosh five feet in two years well apparently you wanted Sunshine ligustrum and it made you go out and buy um I can't remember how many you said but quite a few and you were going to use them to go between your house and the neighbor's house which I think is an awesome idea and I think I'm going to possibly do the same thing so I'm going to be cutting these back again but here's what I'm going to do I plan on oh wait let me go over here because I have them on this side too they're so wild I can't even get around here to get my water and some things are on that side so I thought you know what it's time I'm going to cut these underneath I'm gonna undercut them and tree form them so I'm stepping back those are huge they started as those are three plants by the way that started as a quart size plants very small and I left them lying on the ground they sat there through the winter I never planted them they sat there all the summer through the winter I didn't water them and they were complete sticks when I put them in the ground within one season they were half the size the next year they were this size this is only a three year shrub okay so three shrubs but I was playing around because I couldn't get back here the other day and I started taking branches off the bottom in a place where it would be inconspicuous and maybe if I messed up no one would know but I'm feeling it I'm going to make these trees I'm going to start with just this area first to see if I like this look that way I can under plant it gives me more real estate more landscape to play with if I take the shrubs off the Bottom clean them up and then put something pretty underneath there some darker colors against that would be really nice so if I like it I'm planning on doing the same thing down here what do you guys think should I should I not do you like the full look or should I put these into tree form I think I asked that question last year but I really wasn't ready to do that just yet but this thing is so huge that is overtaking the seating area that I've already cut back a couple of times so I if I tree form them and let them tall as they want then maybe I don't care so much but let me come around this side and you can see from this direction starting right here I can't walk through here without being touched by the shrub on both sides so definitely need to cut back um the Wisteria is doing pretty well I wasn't expecting new blooms on this again so quickly I have them in the spring and then the late spring but I looked up today and saw oh look we got new balloons I love those I wasn't expecting that so thank you for coming all right so we've made our way back here oh here goes one of the the jump Planters but look at look at that beautiful red hey Lily that's coming through I forgot I had those you know that's a shame when you have stuff just popping up you just don't even remember your hat oh that's so cute I like that um oh hey what's up y'all this is uh my contorted filibert tree contorted filibert look at those branches how Wiggly they are it is three seasons old um grows really slow if you're familiar with the Filbert's nut that's exactly what this tree is I don't know that it will actually fruit and produce the nuts um I don't think it will but it sure is a cute little twisted treat so we are back to where we were and I'm gonna wrap this oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me go back over here two things so I also planted a second Wisteria that was here um 18 inches tall three months ago looky here looking here okay this is not the invasive uh Wisteria this is a native Wisteria look at that so this one doesn't have any blooms on it I'll pop the name up on the screen for you and but I was what caught my eye was this is one of my favorite volunteer trees with the beautiful purple blooms I love that purple so this one popped up and I started taking out the lower branches and three-formed it and that's what we get now one thing I wanted to mention that I'm really sad about um I had four pink crepe myrtle trees named them after for my four brothers and they're only maybe four or five years old they're pretty young normally I cut all of the suckers off the lower branches and I keep those off keep those off um this tree is the only one this year that came back that branched out but the others died uh well I don't want to say they died because if they were dead they wouldn't be putting these shoots off but the main cane the main branch it died and I don't know why so I started cutting it down because I have lights around it but that's why it looks so extra out here with all the wild branches because I'm trying to decide what do I want to do with this do I want to let it start to grow back um I I wanted to train these to be single Trump and not multi-trunk and so it only had one branch maybe that's where I went wrong I don't know but um yeah so all four of them are looking like this with the center trunk here's probably a better example this middle trunk there all dead all dead but it does have the suckers that are coming up that are starting to turn into uh branches again this is a pretty thick one so I'm going to let that Branch out and then go in and clean up the others I have to determine which one is going to be the main branch so we can try this tree again it's very pretty I like the pink when I bought it I thought it was going to be the darker darker pink that is my favorite one along with the red but I'm cool with this pink Okay so I am going to stop right there guys thank you so much for your support if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting on come back check out my channel again for upcoming videos we have some fun stuff planned for the summer thank you
Channel: PlantingLifeMatters
Views: 13,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4th of July dining table, Outdoor dining, Garden dining, Backyard oasis, Backyard garden, DIY landscape, Garden tour, 2023 garden tour, July garden, Sunshine ligustrum, Crêpe myrtles, White crêpe myrtle, Pink crêpe myrtle, Purple crêpe myrtle, Red crêpe myrtle, Garden dog area, Rockrose, Contorted Filbert Nut Tree, Coleus, Begonias, Hostas, Boston ivy, Grape ivy, Pergola vines, Fast growing vines, Stonecrop, Red tip Photinia, Summer garden
Id: DpjsQH83ZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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