July 4th: The Days of Lot

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good morning north lake glad to have you here on this july 4th glad to have another sunday we can worship the lord um first things first if we have any guests that are here first time in a long time our first time ever if you'll just slip up your hand we have some gift bags we want to give you there are cards on the outside if you'll just fill out that little visitor card and place it in the offering plate on the way out it'd be great we'd love to follow up with you after the service if you open up your bulletin got a couple of announcements real quick this sample ballot pastor daniel will talk to you about during the prayer time but just note that tomorrow july 5th church offices close and observance of july 4th holiday additionally we're still collecting school supplies for the west virginia mission trip that's happening in a couple weeks so pay attention to that note in there and if you want to help donate to the mission that we're going to carry out up in west virginia please take note of that and donate final thing for the kids there's a traveling day camp a thing that we're going to do from july 26 through the 29th we'll get more information out as we get closer to that date as we turn toward our time of worship i wanted to read a few verses from zephaniah chapter 3. sing aloud o daughter of zion shout o israel rejoice and exalt with all your heart o daughter of jerusalem the lord has taken away the judgments against you he has cleared away your enemies the king of israel the lord is in your midst you shall never again fear evil on that day it shall be said to jerusalem fear not o zion let not your hands grow weak the lord your god is in your midst a mighty one who will save he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you by his love he will exalt over you with loud singing let's pray father this morning as we come to worship you and lord you are the center of our attention lord we know that you also place your attention on us that even though we are just lowly men and women that you yet care for us and we're grateful for that love that you lavish on us god that you are attending to us and that you come and exist in our midst lord as the holy spirit indwells us as your people god we know that you are here present today lord i pray that you would give us that heart of devotion and worship to be more obedient from the very heart to the very tips of our fingers as we try to live and serve you with all that we have as we look forward to the day when you return and make all things new it's in christ's name that we pray amen amen well good morning as corbin was sharing uh from scripture i was just sitting and and thinking about the number of times that scripture says i don't have that number now but i'll get it uh trust me uh but how many times scripture uses the word rejoice uses the word shout and how we sometimes where we are today don't quite understand that word rejoice and shout for joy and so this morning i want to remind you that we serve a god who wants us to rejoice in him who wants us to shout the proclamation of his praise and his name to all the ends of the earth to the four corners of the earth and so this morning we're going to do that and just before we do uh we're gonna uh share i'm gonna share uh a little bit more scripture with you as we prepare our hearts to to worship uh the god of our fathers this morning in scripture i'm gonna start in deuteronomy and read a few verses from chapter 8 of deuteronomy it says be careful that you do not forget the lord your god by failing to keep his command the ordinances and statutes when you eat and are full and build beautiful houses to live in be careful that your heart doesn't become proud and you forget the lord your god who brought you out of the land of egypt you may say to yourself my power and my own ability have gained this wealth for me but remember that the lord your god gives you the power to gain wealth and in order to confirm his covenant he swore to your fathers as it is today for we ask the previous generation and pay attention to what their fathers discovered our days on earth are but a shadow will they not teach you and tell you and speak from their understanding does the papyrus grow where there is no marsh do the reeds flourish without water such is the destiny of all who forget god so therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of god so that he may exalt you in due time casting all your cares upon him because he cares from you from first peter this morning i want to remind you as we prepare to sing that we serve a mighty mighty god and as we've seen in the nation of israel many many times there's ebbs and there's flows nation of israel does well they get uh complacent where they are they end up not listening to the lord god uh and so because of that they end up doing what's right in their own eyes and when they end up doing what's right in their own eyes they end up failing miserably and then the cycle begins again they begin to cry out to the lord again the lord hears their earnest cry and rescues them and the people turn back and they shout for joy and proclaim and rejoice his name i want to encourage you not to quite fall into that trap but remember who the lord is and let's shout with victory and joy in his name this morning as we sing the god of our fathers won't you stand and let's worship together [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] these eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] and crazy [Music] [Applause] we serve almighty god the god of our forefathers here in this country recognized who the creator of the universe was and we serve that mighty god and so not only can we rejoice and shout for what he has done for us we can rejoice and shout because he is our refuge our fortress our strength and our salvation so let's sing about that this morning [Music] our god is the only righteous just ruling over us [Music] we will keep our eyes [Music] a sacred refugee your kingdom is unshakable with him [Music] our god is jealous [Music] forever he is [Music] a sacred refugee [Applause] your kingdom is unshakable with you forever we will [Music] he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty and i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom i trust the lord is my rock my fortress my deliverer my god is my rock in whom i take refuge he is my shield and the strength of my salvation my stronghold i call to the lord who is worthy of praise and i am saved he reached down from on high and took hold of me he drew me out of deep waters he is a shield for all who take refuge in him for who is our god beside the lord and who's our rock besides god a mighty fortress is our god a sacred refuge is your name your kingdom is uncheckable with you forever a mighty fortress is our god a sacred refuge is your name your kingdom is unshakable with you forever [Music] a mighty fortress is our god a mighty fortress is our god a mighty fortress is amen mighty fortress is our god you may be secret well good singing this morning so good to see you all here today if you have your bulletins please look at the back page and we'll look at our prayer list our verse today comes from isaiah 56 my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations and only those nations will prosper who do worship the lord in his house of prayer we start off today with some praises last week we had dave and megan bedell who joined our church and guess what they did have the baby this past week james robert bedell a new baby boy july second seven pounds six ounces and 20 inches tall so we praise the lord for them and also we had brenda chrisler join and also to add there dana and greg hornbeck said they're almost back to 100 after some surgery and illness so we praise the lord for that we continue to pray for those who the lord lays on our heart as our one to pray for and to seek to lead to faith in jesus christ we've had a busy week at the hospitals you look at our church family list there wayne johnson recovering from achilles tendon surgery i also had andy schneider and nancy skilling had procedures this past week and also one to add logan chester had a neck back injury at work this past week and it's going to be out for a few weeks so continue to pray for for him also under extended family and friends on the next to last line you see corey michaels that's foster jones's grandson had a successful liver transplant last week and of course there's a long recovery time with that so continue to pray for corey and for foster also under long-term uh care about the one two three fourth lying down you see judy ray going to be having a procedure on july the 8th so we want to be praying for her i want to pray for our missionaries who are serving around the world and since today is independence day we definitely want to be praying for our nation for revival and speaking of that i'm going to preach a sermon today on the state of our nation and some of it may not be suitable for children so i don't think it's going to be any more graphic than your average tv show that i'm going to be bringing up nevertheless though you know what your children know you know what you want to be shared with them so i just wanted to give you a heads up on that if you wanted them to go with brother corbin to children's church this morning whenever we release for that in just a few moments also you do see the deacon selection sample ballot in your bulletin this is the copy of the ballot that we will be sharing next sunday it will not say sample on the front of it then and you'll be asked to circle two names on there so we ask you we know you've already been praying about this so pray over this sample ballot as you take it home with you today and be prepared for our deacon nomination uh next sunday morning and let's go to the lord in prayer father we thank you for this day that you blessed us with uh lord we do thank you for being the god of our fathers uh who established this nation uh based upon your word and based upon uh your ways and lord in a lot of ways we have so slipped from that we do pray for revival in this land for this land has been so good to us and lord we do repent of the fact that we've in often cases we've taken the blessings and forgot to bless her and so lord we pray there would be a return a repentance and a return to worshiping you as a true and living god today even on this special day where we commemorate the birthday of this nation now lord i pray to be with those on our prayer list again we've had a very active prayer list this week with so many things going on in our church family and so lord we pray that you bless with a special portion of your grace for those who are suffering today lord bless us as we continue to worship you for you are worthy of our praise and we pray this in jesus name amen [Music] do [Music] do [Music] amy and uh his truth is marching on amen and god's word is truth so let's open there luke chapter 17 luke chapter 17 we'll take away from our matthew study for today since this is july the 4th the lord's been working this one in my soul for a few weeks now and so uh i think we need to say it luke chapter 17 beginning of verse 26 and as it was in the days of noah so it will be also in the days of the son of man they ate they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also as it was in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed on this july the 4th this 245th birthday of america i wish i could share the optimism of our former president ronald reagan who back in the 1970s and 80s often used the phrase shining city upon a hill to describe the united states of america of course he borrowed that phrase from john winthrop who was a 17th century puritan settler in massachusetts who borrowed it from jesus came from the bible matthew chapter 5 and verse 14. but both ronald reagan and john wenthrop they had a vision that america could be that example to the world of freedom and opportunity and blessing if we'd only keep god's commandments of holiness and goodness and righteousness but in recent years america has become less like that shining city on a hill and more like the book title from former supreme court nominee robert bork who wrote in 1996 that because of the liberalism which began to take the high ground in our country in the 1960s that america is more like a beast slouching toward gomorrah and here we are 2021 and just last month on june 1st our current president joe biden signed his 2021 proclamation of celebration for lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer pride month as it was in the days of a lot in luke chapter 17 and verse 28 through 30 jesus said the days of his second coming will be as it was in the days of lot verse 24 he says the second coming will be like lightning the son of man jesus christ the king of kings and lord of lords will suddenly appear verse 23 said don't be deceived by various antichrists who will spring up claiming to have all the answers to the world's problems asking you to come to their gatherings and buy their books and follow them on twitter and vote for them at the next election i added that part verse 34-36 talks about the second coming will happen suddenly like lightning the faithful church will be taken up or raptured in an instant two will be in bed one taken the other left two baking bread one taken the other left behind two will be working in the field one taking the other left behind then judgment day the day of the son of man will fall upon the whole earth as it did in the days of noah in the flood as it did in the days of lot and the fire since the first coming of christ we've been living in what prophets call what the bible calls the last days we've been living in what's called the age of grace the age the church age we've been living in the times called the times of gentiles which the bible says will last until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled it says in luke 21 24. and i believe that that time is drawing near when the times of the gentiles are about over and jesus is set to come back soon and i believe very soon and what will it be like well look back to verse 28 and 29 the second coming of christ will be as it was in the days of a lot well what were the days of a lot like well they were business as usual people forgot that they were made to serve the lord and they became preoccupied with their own selfish desires they had no time for god they were eating and drinking and marrying and remarrying and buying and selling and planting and building you know it's what we do making a living raising a family chasing the american dream that's what that's why a lot move decided to start with i don't know about the american dream but the same stuff you know that was what was driving it reason he moved down there in genesis chapter 13 you remember abraham and his nephew lot were herdsmen and they had too many cows and two little pasture so they agreed to separate and it said lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the plain of jordan that it was well watered it was a prosperous place and so he said look here uncle abraham why don't you take the rucked mountaintops and i'll take the prosperous plains of sodom again we tend to think a sin of sodom is homosexuality but that was not the primary sin in ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 49 it says behold this was the iniquity of sodom pride fullness of bread and the abundance of idleness was in her and then they became arrogant and committed abomination before the lord and he took them away lot's generation was rich they were proud they were selfish they were idle does that sound familiar it sounds like noah's generation it sounds like our generation they were too busy for god the only almighty was the almighty dollar everything else was relative they had no absolutes no right no wrong if it feels good do it and god made them prosper but instead of being thankful to god they became prideful and selfish and idle and sensual and immoral and corrupt and abominable then suddenly the day of judgment of almighty god came upon the cities of sodom and gomorrah when god's angelic demolition team showed up lot tried to become an evangelist all the homosexuals in the town came out to lot's house to abuse the two angels who had come to visit him and lot goes out there and calls these men wicked and then they insult lot accuse him of being an intolerant deplorable judgmental homophobe and then lot warned his sons and son-in-laws but they laughed at him to them lot was such a joke such a hypocrite since when did he fear god the only thing they'd ever seen lot fear before was money so lot wasn't having any luck getting anybody to follow him out of town except for his wife and two daughters finally talked him into leaving with him but you remember lot's wife she really didn't want to leave she just had to remodel the living room the paint had barely dried the curtains were brand new and there's a big sale at the gemara walmart tomorrow and so she wasn't ready to leave that's the danny jones amplified version of genesis chapter 18. but if you look back to verse 32 what did jesus say remember lot's wife if you never you're not you say i don't i'm not able to memorize long verses that one's not long remember lot's wife that's the verse for the day when you run to jesus don't look back luke 9 62 says no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of heaven you know many christians today are like lot's wife given the choice between the world now or heaven later they choose now but i wonder if people were still ridiculing lot when that first brimstone fell from heaven on the plains of solomon of sodom of course sodom was located near the dead sea and that land was pounded 1412 feet below sea level until this day it is still the lowest elevation on land in the entire earth what will it be like when christ returns it will be like it was in the days of noah it will be like it was in the days of lot it will be the way it is now according to genesis chapter 6 verse 4 there were giants in the land in those days mighty men famous men we live in days of pride now we live in the age of giants both men and women are renowned rich and famous we have athletic giants breaking all the ancient records for speed and strength happening right now in tokyo uh we're in the middle of the olympic trials going on toward the end of the month now we have business giants we have huge influential global corporations so large that they actually govern the government if you don't believe it check and see who pays your politicians to go up there and vote it's certainly not us no the the giant corporations are taking care of things medical giants we have open heart surgery now antibiotics and vaccines and genetic engineering and guess what they're working on transhumanism kind of a combination between biology and biological and digital and artificial intelligence all rolled into one that's the brave new world of humanity going into the future we have military giants able to quickly deploy large land sea and air forces anywhere in the world we have communications and media giants satellites and internet communication to connect people all the way around the world even this little church here in maryville georgia people listen to us on the other side of the globe is that a miracle or what is that amazing or what it's brought to us by giants we have transportation giants that can economically fly us around the world in a matter of hours and of course next they got their target set on space travel a couple of the richest billionaires in the work tree and there's now i guess are trying to set themselves up to see the first who can get out into space and return we live in the days of fullness of bread thanks to our industrial giants our supermarkets are full not only with quantity but also variety and quality we have the best diet in the history of the world i know a lot of people gripe about that processed food but there's something about that processed food that's allowing us to live to be nearly 100 years old which was not true just 50 years ago in the united states we're so full of bread that cdc warns that we have an obesity epidemic where we call a person under privilege if they don't have at least a three-bedroom house and two vehicles america's poor is more prosperous than sodom's rich we live in days of abundance of idleness we all love to sing that old donna summersong i work hard for my y'all want me to sing it i wear i work hard for my money so you better treat me right but in reality very few of us work as hard as our grandparents did thanks to our technological giants discovering electricity steel concrete power tools computers and air conditioning we work more efficient in better conditions fewer hours and more days off more idle time than any other generation in history and what do we do with that extra time do we spend more time serving the lord no we're just like the days of knowing lot we fill our days with pride fullness and idleness which has brought about arrogance in our pride we've decided that we no longer need god it brings about corruption from the white house to the church house everybody's scheming on how to get rich it brings about immorality to quote jesus we live in a wicked and adulterous generation since the sexual revolution of the 1960s premarital and extramarital sex have gone from being taboo to normal conversation it has resulted only 50 of our marriages ending in divorce an upward trend of people living together without being married one-third of our children being raised in single-parent homes and pornography being a multi-billion dollar industry and in june 2015 the us supreme court legalized same-sex marriage in the united states making what god calls abnormal normal what god calls lascivious legal and what god calls abominable acceptable i warned you back in 2015 about this slippery slope of immorality and of course everybody say here goes danny on the old slippery slope again but remember back in 2015 i warned you about the slippery slope of immorality i said this trend will not end with same-sex marriage this perversion will ultimately destroy the foundations of the united states of america just last month june 1st president joe biden signed his 2021 proclamation of lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer pride month in this proclamation the president calls on all of us to observe the valuable contributions of the lgbtqs and join in this is his terms now join in jubilant communal celebration of visibility whatever that is and personal celebrations of self-worth president biden goes ahead and boasts that nearly 14 of my 1500 agency appointees identify as lgbtq and i'm particularly honored by the service of transportation secretary pete buddha judge the first openly lgbtq person to serve in a presidential cabinet and assistant health secretary dr rachel levine the first openly transgender person to be confirmed by the senate my administration he goes on he said my administration has taken historic actions to finally deliver full equality for lgbtq families who serve in the armed forces and national security assignments overseas i call upon the people of the united states to recognize the achievements of the lgbt community to celebrate their diversity and to wave their rainbow flags of pride high speaking of flags the president ordered the state department to fly the rainbow flag at our embassies around the world then he ordered the department of defense to fly the pride flag on all military installations on the same flagpole with the stars and stripes but cnn on june 4th reported that the pentagon wasn't going to change their policy to allow the pride flag to be flown at military bases but dod was careful not to offend the lgbtqs with their decision so pentagon spokesman john kirby said while dod will not grant an exception to display the pride flag at military bases he carefully added that the decision does not in any way reflect on the respect and admiration we feel for all of our lgbtq personnel in and out of uniform he then added that secretary of defense lloyd austin will participate in pride month activities at the pentagon he encourages all commands to likewise find ways to recognize the service and contribution of the lgbtq's community in defense of this nation of course however that was not enough for our president so president biden tweets banning the lgbtq pride flag the very symbol of diversity and inclusion is undeniably wrong the pentagon should ensure it is authorized or as president i will so i guess we stay tuned and see how it works out between the president and the department of defense meanwhile back at the ranch while our commander-in-chief and our military is focused on the rainbow flag cnn reported on march 5th of this year that according to the u.s office of naval intelligence that communist china now has the largest navy in the world 360 ships at 60 more than united states also the daily mail reported on june 22 that the russian fleet was operating 35 miles off the coast of hawaii practicing sinking an american aircraft carrier and what did we do f-22 stealth fighters in pearl harbor were placed on standby for those of you that don't know military lingo standby means we did nothing i don't know if any of this causes you pause our leaders have our military playing gay games while our enemies are conducting war games america has opened up a pandora's box that destroys families and ultimately society you can go back in history as far as sodom and gomorrah no civilization has ever survived the normalization of homosexuality several years ago i was listening to christian psychologist dr james dobson who referred to the research of a british social anthropologist j.d unwin who taught at both oxford and cambridge universities in england and by the way he was not a christian but he wrote a book in 1934 called sex and culture where he revealed the findings of his seven-year study of 86 civilizations of people spanning 5000 years in human history and he noticed a pattern he said in the early days of a powerful nation families are protected premarital extramarital homosexual sects are forbidden by law all people's energies are directed towards surviving thriving as a nation individual freedoms are sacrificed for the good of the group everybody's working together bearing burdens fighting the battles doing whatever is necessary for the common good and all that combined energy results in strength success and the growth of a nation but little later on once peace is secured that nation tends to shift from crafts crisis management to being a stable safe and great nation those old habits of surviving and securing and saving and building gets old and tired and boring people want to relax and enjoy the fruits of those hard-fought battles so the older generation begets a younger generation that does not remember those formal struggles you also have parents who say i don't want my kids to have to struggle like i did and so they spoil their kids with the luxuries they never had when they were kids and the younger generation grows up and begin to question the rules and the prohibitions and they begin to demand more freedom as the old rock and roll song says they want to be young be foolish and be happy and express those repressed emotions the rights of the individual become more important than responsibility to the group pleasing ourself becomes more important than service which starts the decay the decline and ultimate destruction of the nation virtually every historical case legal open homosexuality is a conte is the canary in the coal mine it's a sign that societal decay is already underway and we're on the slippery slope to destruction professor unwin summarizes he said any human society is free to choose to either display great energy or to enjoy sexual freedom but the evidence is is it cannot do both for more than one generation he goes on to say that a society has about three generations after a sexual revolution before its collapse think about that three generations since a sexual revolution our sexual revolution began in the 1960s i was just a kid then and now i have children and i have grandchildren so what is that is that three generations again going back in history as far as sodom no civilization has ever survived the normalization of homosexuality but america like sodom has become so arrogant that we think that we can shake our babies fist toward god and go unpunished the late great evangelist billy graham on several occasions says if god doesn't soon bring judgment upon america he will have to go back and apologize to sodom and gomorrah and if i understand the bible correctly i don't believe god is going to be doing any apologizing while america prides itself on being an exceptional nation our exceptionalism does not exempt us from the commandments of god nor from the wages of sin our pride our fullness and our idols have brought about an arrogance and a corruption and an immorality and also violence from the abortion of our young to the euthanasia of our old and in the middle we're raising an undisciplined unrestrained and violent generation who will kill you for a drink or for drugs or for a gang initiation or for a video game or just for fun human life in these united states have become really cheap all you gotta do is watch the evening news watch the morning news see what the tally was from how many people they killed in atlanta georgia just last night add it all up and we're living in what jesus called a wicked and adulterous generation but if we go back to verses 27 to 28 where we started jesus didn't warn them of their wickedness he warned them of their worldliness their unbelief their indifference their business they ate they drank they bought they sold they married they remarried they planted they build they were busy so busy they didn't have time for god and so they became proud and full and idle which led to arrogance corruption immorality violence and wickedness and we're busy today probably some folks sitting and listening to me now saying well when's he gonna get done with this thing i've got things on my mind i've got stuff to do you know time is money i'm wasting both of them while i'm sitting here but the lord says in psalm 46 be still and know that i am god but we say i ain't got time to sit still i'm too busy i've got too many things to do but you know what according to the word of god when there is idolatry and immorality and corruption and violence in the land and the church is too busy to care then we don't need to be preaching real good feel good chicken soup for the soul sermons according to acts chapter 2 20 and verse 21 it says we need to be preaching repentance toward god and faith toward our lord jesus christ god's word tells us the most relevant topic that man needs to hear in these last days is the word of god from the prophet amos in the old testament who said thus saith the lord i've done everything i know to get you to repent and return to me but you will not therefore prepare to meet your god many of you may be thinking that uh i'm coming off the rails that maybe i'm getting a little too worked up over this thing but i want you to think back with me to the homosexual movement when it began in the 1970s for those who are old enough to do that if you remember it became the christian tolerant thing to say is i don't care what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom that's what i heard oh let's just leave that one along let's not talk about it i don't care what people do in the privacy of their own bedroom but what was private in 1970 has become public policy now in 2016 eric erickson the talk show hoax from wsb radio in atlanta wrote a book called you will be made to care where he highlights the legal cases like former atlanta fire chief calvin cochran who was dismissed in early 2015 by the city of atlanta because of a book he wrote for his church on the biblical view of sexuality adultery and homosexuality erickson also documents businesses like sweet cakes by melissa ralph's thriftway and memories pizza where they were all punished by the government and in the courts for disagreeing with the lgbtq agenda now following a year of coveted lockdowns it should be obvious to us that cases like were documented in ericsson's book could easily double in size because this past year we've all been made to care whether you wanted to go what the government said or not you were made to care which goes to prove that they have the power to do that and who's going to stand up then we are facing a future where you will be made to care and more than that your children are going to be made to care your children will be made to take lgbtq sex education classes at school and at work your children will be made to go to the library maybe and listen to a drag queen read some perverted book for them um just go online do a little search that's happening in school systems all over the country your children will be made to take genetically modifying injections whether you want them to or not your children may be encouraged to have transgender mutilation surgery without parental consent and once these globalist bankers and businessmen have figured out how to do digital currency which is what they're working on now then according to revelation 13 you'll be made to submit to a globalist government system you'll worship this new one-world order or else you will not be able to buy or sell or travel or attend school or go to work or attend a ball game or a concert so yes your crazy preacher keeps talking about the slippery slope there is brothers and sisters a slippery slope and when you go down it you're going to end up in a place that you don't want to be so what do you do with this what do you do when you're living in the days of lot well the bible says if you're a christian if you're a follower of jesus christ if you're a godly person then you must be holy and to be holy means you must live a separate life you must separate yourself from the wickedness that surrounds us second corinthians 6 14 says do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness what communion has light with darkness what accord has christ with the devil what part has a believer with an unbeliever what agreement has a temple of god with idols you're the temple of the living god and god has said i will dwell among them and walk among them and i will be their god and they will be my people therefore come out from among them and be ye separate says the lord revelation chapter 18 goes on it says come out of the great cities of that superpower that's code named babylon and again we're not sure whether america is the babylon from revelation or if america will be destroyed disappeared by then in some other country will be the final babylon that we read about in revelation but either way it says come out of her lest you share in her sins unless you receive of her plagues even in the days of lot way back in genesis chapter 19 the angels come and they said a lot whoever you have in this city take them out of this place get out of this large luxurious easy living city that has changed from being a shiny city set on the hill and it becomes cities of moral darkness the angels told lot said take your family and get out of here of course lot asked where can i go come on angel i can't come off the grid i don't know how to live out in the sticks i don't know how to live out in the country what about zore can i go to zoro's or is a hebrew word it means small yeah you've got sodom gomorrah but zord it's small it's not bad like sodom it's not bad like gomorrah and so the angel said okay you can go to zord but guess what when the fire began to fall turns out zoro was a little too big for him too and the bible says he packed it up and he headed for the hills and he learned how to live off the land when the world has grown as wicked as the days of noah in the days of lot christians need to separate themselves you got to get yourself away from the wrath of god that's sure to come and even if you can't bug out physically you may say well now danny that ship's done sailed i'm i don't have enough money and i don't have enough strength i can't go from where i'm at i've got to do what i got to do you know still if you can't go physically the bible says that you need to be prepared to separate yourself spiritually and mentally and morally and socially we get an example of that in the old testament some folks that literally lived in babylon daniel shadrach meshach and abednego they were forced by their circumstance in other words they couldn't leave they were forced by their circumstances to live in babylon but while their body was in babylon their heart was always in heaven and see that's where the separation comes in where is your heart today are you rolling along with the world you going with the flow or is your body down here in the united states of america but your heart is home your heart is in the kingdom of heaven you know i think that's going to be your homework assignment you know i never do give you a homework assignment i think we'll give you a homework assignment as we go for this fourth of july holiday here's a homework assignment i'm going to ask you to pray and think and meditate about the following question how can i live a holy separated dedicated life for the lord when i'm submerged in a culture that is so similar to the days of lot think about that answer that how do you live a separated life when we're living in the culture that we're living in right now yes folks i know i can read minds i know i sound like a fanatic today but so did noah and so did lot in their generation i believe that one day soon and very soon without notice the lord is going to say genesis 6 3 my spirit will not strive with this forever i am not going to put up with what's going on in this country forever my spirit will not strive with mankind forever and he'll tell his angels time's up they've had enough preaching they've had enough warning those are going to change those who are going to change have already done it the ones who are not are still here and suddenly judgment day will arrive for america if america's judgment should come today or better yet if jesus christ should come today the question is are you ready would you be more like noah but the lord come and find you saved faithfully working on that ark trying to take your family earnestly warning your neighbors and anybody else to listen to you that they need to separate themselves and save themselves from the wrath of god that's coming if you're like noah then keep on being faithful or if he were to come today would you be more like lot you yourself are saved but you're such a joke of a christian and nobody takes you seriously if you're like lot then you need to quit playing church you need to rededicate your life to the purposes of the lord or maybe you'd be more like lot's wife you're so attached to the world that if jesus were to come today you'd rather stay than go if you're like lot's wife you need to be saved won't you trust the lord jesus today and don't look back or maybe you'll be like the busy people of noah and lot's generation too busy living in a moment too busy to look for serve the lord once you wake up and realize for all of us it's later than we think behold the holy spirit will not strive with mankind forever that's why the bible tells us behold now is the accepted time today is a day of salvation are you ready if the lord should come in judgment today let's go to the lord in prayer father we thank you for your word and for your warning nobody wants to preach sermons like this we all want to preach real good feel good sermons that encourage people but lord we realize that things are out of control and if we don't think they're out of control then we're not paying attention we're not really listening to the news we're just letting the news buzz past us but things are things are rapidly becoming way past the days of noah way past the days of lot lord help us to get serious about making sure that we're prepared to go and making sure that those around us are also prepared to go and if they choose not to go it won't be because somebody from the lord didn't share with them lord help us to be faithful as we do live in the midst of a wicked and adulterous generation and we pray this in jesus name amen now is our time of invitation our altar is open if you want to come and pray if you've never trusted jesus christ your savior that's your first order of business i'd be left to talk to you about that i'll be standing out front and share with you if you'll just come forward maybe you've already prayed and asked jesus christ to come and be your savior lord but you've never made a public profession of faith never been baptized and joined a bible preaching bible believing church won't you do that today if you hadn't done it when are you going to do it jesus says you know if you're ashamed of me in the midst of this weakened adulterous generation i'll be ashamed of you on judgment day so don't be ashamed of the lord come forward saying i am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ maybe unsaved baptized in your church membership is somewhere else but you've been coming to this church you feel like the lord is leading you to join our church won't you do that today come here and find your place of service for the lord here maybe the lord's got a call on your life well don't put it off it's late you need to get going with it answer yes to the lord today maybe there's something else going on in your life that's what this alters for come and pray and know we got praying people here that will be standing and praying for you and asking the lord to answer according to his good will and purpose let's listen to the voice the holy spirit during this holy time as we stand together and sing our hymn of invitation won't you come [Music] just as i am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou best me come to the o land of god i [Music] just as i am [Music] of one dark flood to thee whose [Music] i come [Music] conflict many are down with his fears god i come i come just as i am [Music] healing of the mind [Music] i come just as i am thou will receive will dwell [Music] because thy promise i believe [Music] so happy fourth of july um do have me pray for revival in our land i would really love to be able to do it july the 4th where we can get up here and sing yummy yankee doodle dandy you know what to be really excited about but folks the direction this nation is going uh we need to be repenting if my people not if the government be if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face let's do that this week okay thank you for being here today pray god bless you as you uh we're with your family during this holiday and uh we'll see you again next time okay brother terry you want to dismiss us let's all pray together father we're we're privileged to be called together today in the name of jesus christ and to worship our creator and our savior today thank you lord for our salvation and for the goodness that comes from the righteousness that comes from knowing you and trusting you and following you today lord we've we've heard a very visual sermon on what america is like around us today and we know this we see it we see it on our televisions and we see it in our in our news lord we pray in the name of jesus god that you'll protect uh those that are innocent lord and that you would uh we're trusting you lord to do great and mighty things were where we cannot lord your word says that what's impossible with man is possible with god so lord we pray you do a mighty thing god to our to our nation to bring us back and turn people back to you and god protect our belief the believers lord the lord jesus christ use our witness so that others may know and come to a saving knowledge of of god lord our creator and our savior jesus christ lord help us to worship you in spirit and truth and our witness to be used among men and women to be closer to you and lord i know we also know that in the days of lot that you came back and rescued lot and lord we know you can come back and rescue us the final words and and the word that you've given us to study lord uh jesus said surely i am coming quickly and we pray lord even so come quickly and and uh renew your people lord the righteousness that you've uh and and entrusted us to have lord blessed lord are we lord to be in the family of god today now let us walk among others with the love of jesus christ and uh may his word be lifted up we pray in jesus name amen you
Channel: Northlake Baptist Church
Views: 3,866
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: gMR7XHaS7pI
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Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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